129------Automobites Per Sale 29--Automobiles For Sale 29--Automoblles For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sale 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuceday, Jonuery 28, 1964 IN MEMORIAM = z= 933 isz! Le 3 i 3225<) sf 23 Newmarket nr setures Jone 7 0 anual are and We. Joan' Be Mcdowell ot Hea 80, PENNEY -- Ray and tee (nee Lueyk) ere happy to announce the arrival of their @honen daughter Sandra Louise, tor Riv. Specter Shanva te Gr, w[deae tether BUSHEL. « wm dim and LilWan (ree Le pet lg Hah to announce the birth LY a ter, Wanonde Lovine dibs, RUTLEDGE ~ Rev, and Mra, Ralph Rut bag 2 (nee Seve | paerrenee . wrence) are pleated: birth a announce oar Dav Wealey, 8 ibs, oy erry. tae dayh at Rum. mh, YAYLOR -- Ron and Anne (nee Wilson) are pleased to te Sermon Oe Orie: Mae bon "Eraly Stuart Ne @ Ormawe (alg for Steven, Thanks to wa wuamuneaan WHITELEY -- Bod and J inee N) are bag te announce the arrival atihieen Pa 8 Ws, 10 oF, 8 tor Debbie, B. Doherty and wiltiem = Mr and Mire, Sinan ihaseas ea ental ct the arrival of ey ES "aie Mn" andl tt "% Ave, Jog Wright end Nr and Mra, Jack Norrts of Oshawa. CHRISTOPF -- In memory of a) dear Bevin van Whe peneeg away Jan vary 28, have er soul's 4 wm gereoenien re i Z Z : i i? iF ii i 2 s z z 2 i: £3 i $i i 33 H 33 z zz = i # ( z z Ze z i z H i 4. i i Es Z #38 a i at : =z i 7 3 fe z s ~ rrrres 2782 af io53; PELs ob 4°2222237° ; Ei 3 14 i z - + 5 Z = i 4398: i £ zt 27 278 now the nee vacant nt chaln, missed by wite and family, MAW -- In loving memory of a dear mother, vag Maw, pe gtd passed away January 28, 1960, Her ts a8 dear today As the hour she passed away, emembered by ton John, daughterin- Mi n\iaw Kay, WILBUR -- tn loving mrerrary. of and grandtather, arrison vueers who passed away Janvary 2), 1048, You're not forgotten, ig gad dear, j | nee, ways remembered by daughter Peggy and grandson Barry CARD OF THANKS HEASLIP -- | with to express my heartfelt thanks to my friends, neighbors, ree pvt Neasiip. We with to extend most in Toronto West mevey Sincere thanks and appreciation te our friends and neighdors for their many acts ot foral ang otver 'tributes, receved during berea in toss of 1963 Corvair MONZA COUPE Four speed,. high performance $9195 1962 Chevrolet 4. We MeVey and temity STREELCEYK -- The femily of the late Strzelezyk would | BELAIR FOUR DOOR One Owner $1875 1962 Chevrolet TWO DOOR SEDAN Attractive Honduras Maroon, $1795 (Continued from Page 15) Ht 8 fal ii iid Hf Hb int i at i i | i i ' ie z f lf % z ii Se Hi ad Sernery Gereeen, Coun wrt be onan al We church from 12 Hoon wat Here of r (Newfoundiand «papers pleare oy.) LOCKE'S FLORISTS | Funere! orrengements ond | floral requirements for all eccasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING [=* ENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728 6355 Canadion Draference for the simplicity and porklike beauty ot Memorial Gerdens hos now mode. them first choice tor Conedions. As pioneers im this trend Mount Lown respectfully suggests thet be- fore need orrongement of fomity estates on @ low cost MO Interest, perpetual cored for plen, is es logical os making o will Two new religion gorders the Good Shepherd ond Lost Supper, ore now under de- velopment, The first. public welotions, bSefore need or. rangements will be ot real savings to those porticipatir Please phone today 723-26 for courteous information on hese New gordens in Mount _ Lawn Kindness devond Price, vet, within reech of off GERROW FUNERAL HOME 390 RING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 Craerenier whe PRES oeay Denary a NOPNIAQ OaR ewer Meke away Yre Wwe 2 Sonrt Nols dee: An, SoPtriee, Jor =e Deer, Carole ang PR MEMORIALS MONUMENTS MARKERS Designed tor any need US2 Strrcoe Sr. S$. Oshewe > Fea ness | * Foes As new tres, WaT SUNBEAM Alpine, Bh000 alles, Axl condition, extras, tonneae cover, radio, WR VOLKSWAGEN deluxe with | WF CADILLAS convertible, redutt Trot JO and transmission, A Wh! 18) METEOR fF door, Senders, & evi. Telephone -- -- _ white oh THO Anion, $2800. cone THM, = ake eden ae c) iow rellenge, | cepa condition. 72/323 cid? IZ) a One owner car, Telephone Alex MMR after 4 am, we PONTE, | Standard -- transmission, orion, Good mechanically, no rust after seven TRIN. TH CORVAIN' Monte. @ speed trammir) WOR, PAGO, large engine, bucket seate, mene Twelve Trovsane miles, Like new, $170 SAW FOR price 729-9135. $ evenings tel j@er, New Pres, 9600. bm, TRO WA VOLRSWAGEN Geluxe Th" excellent! Senewen SW Prone after 3 p.m. 7 ees MERCURY hall ten frock, Wa god wraps, S9. Apply & Glynn Road, Alex detween 6 and 10 am. hog MERCURY tow frock, P ten wah ton Power winch, Good condition. Reason. jane Prone 608.2164 BUICK four Goor Rerdion, power Steering, power Orakes, loaded with lentes" Wm better than @ condition, jendies dust Hke @ new car, This car was! SORE, WR gel for only S805. No money Gown, WIR finance fe aul? pour Bedpet, Ar bly ge in eg Yb Brock Street North. a yer aerate Laorention, 18000 mites, Geture = egylprrent, perfect condition SIR or Rearest offer, Apply 23 Elgin Bast MRIS. Wa" CHEVROLET" Vislionaacen, 'cyphager, Perfect condition. Prone ' after 3 OM near t WS CHEVROLET 6- cylinger Slandare,/ Weed Pesk-Detion radio, Apply after £ 'clack, Bh Wilson Road South. aa CHEVROLET, foor door sation WARK, Bx CyHeder, In Pnmacelate cor GOA, A Very scarce madel, Priced right for GelkkK sale, Grip HS. As Hthe as HO Gown, Dalpnce to so your Seapel. at Nicole Fa Wendy, 1b Brock Breet Nort, --s al) et OLOSMOBILE eqoar & folly whe baw A) conaition, Reasenadte, See a YS Eastraven Street Ned PONTIAC Lacrention, twedoor, fee, Yore, automate, radia. rear 'speaker, a SRS Or Dest otter, 7d. Wt CHEVROLET, tee fone, Roordeer sorcyPager, standard transmission, sett Telephone Whitty 8882108 after & Ar. WEP FORD Galaxie, teodoor harden, Tes ane whRe Wh red interior, radi. white walls, nade with extras, Tha & @ BPOPRS SAS, Pow only HS. As Phe as 9 Gown Bra ferens fo se yee at Nicok, Whitap, ME Brock Street Nort, eee SN Wee PONTIA® caster Soom weed eat] YS Berea Sreet Wert, Wray SPOT CASH © PAID FOR Good cleen cors. Trade up a down. Liens noid off DODD MOTOR SALES 3.4 PARK Ru. SOUTH 23.943) VOLVO" SAL JARE and BLL § GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR ond AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Re. S _____Oabawe 728-092) BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS on RING ST, -- OSHAWA ust Best of Wilson Rood) 'Vibaase Res, 725-3574 1961 Pontiac SEDAN V-8 end custom redie. $1645 1961 Renault GORDINI SEDAN Used os second cor. $795 1960 Chevrolet IMPALA SEDAN Powerglide, radio and power steering $1695 1960 Ford TWO DOOR V-8, very shor. $1195 1960 Vauxhall! VICTOR SEDAN $495 1959 Chevrolet BISCAYNE Four door custom sedan. $1095 1957 Meteor Sedan Good body and good mechonical condition $395 30-BEST B Now is the TIME TO BUY. Over 100 GOOD USED CARS on the BIG LOT for YOUR PERSONAL SELECTION. You can BE SURE of a CHOICE and a PRICE TO SUIT your PERSONAL NEEDS. 'LEAP Right In And Get The Best Deal the YEAR Es Of 1963 Chevy I! SUPER SPORT HARDTOP Equipped with every conceiy- able extro, See # ond you will drive i, 1962 Chevrolet DELUXE TWO DOOR New Engine $1795 1962 Volkswagen . TWO DOOR New condition $945 1961 Cadillac FOUR DOOR Fully power equipped Cannot be told from new, $3195 1961 Corvair DELUXE SEDAN Automatic $1445 1960 Oldsmobile SUPER HARDTOP Power steering ond brokes, bwdramatic and radio. $1675 1960 Pontiac FOUR DOOR SEDAN Beoutiful Colonial Cream $1195 1960 Envo STATION WAGON Needs some work $395 1959 Plymouth FURY HARDTOP. JYS- 30 1963 Chevrolet BISCAYNE Powerglide ond radio, $2195 1962 Corvair Monza Four apeed high performance engine $1875 1962 Corvair SEDAN DELUXE MODEL | Custom Radio $1695 1961 Chevrolet FOUR DOOR SEDAN Very clean. 1964 Licence plotes $1575 1961 Vauxhall FOUR DOOR SEDAN One Owner $695 1960 Chevrolet STATION WAGON Horizon Blue and ivory $1545 1960 Ford Falcon TWO DOOR Exeetient family cor $995 1959 Chevrolet TWO-DOOR TWO-TONE Automatic and radio. $1195 1958 Oldsmobile SUPER SEDAN Power steering and brakes A 1 a a $995 1958 Austin SEDAN Real goo asportation $375 te tronsmission, Sx $895 1958 Pontiac STATION WAGON NSCON $1095 wine Friendly, Couretous Salesmen on the BIG LOT to serve you from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m, Monday through Fridays, Saturdays 9 a.m, until 6 pm Oneric Motor Sales Ltd. The Home Of The 3 WAY PURCHASE PLAN GUARANTEED WARRANTY AND O.K. USED CARS 140 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA TELEPHONE 725-6501 al Rosin gga Tatlan waaan. black, ga clock, Sg 668-4339, ton, Whitby ive) PONTIAC Laurention ddoor sedan, excellent condition, $2875, After 6 p.my 723-3246, jose CHEVROLET, @ condition, new ie », 8695, Zok- ier and Nick's Garage, 140 Simeoe South, a RT, She es we cab @ 959 GMC haltton BOX, elephone! i0it DODGE Fdoor , ation wae ake cenaliver: Reasonable hn Ve RB" four matic and radio. ideal tamily car, little aa $10 down, Te Sas reat ce to mult You. At gg po MA t Nicole In Whitby, 146 Brock Street iat ACN ae a HE Terms ms arranged, ls Dial 7251! iF CHEVROLET, four cylinder, custom rad tractive bive finieh, reliable transporte: ton eae Bim, 720-0858, ivr VROLEY station wagon, two . Speman, ra Mad Yn eos In Good con ano lon, T wir cuauesiey i cylinder, standard shift, bod coat, radio, electri 720-4949, ts ' excellent, new under: wipers, best offer id CHEVROLET, 4 Foor, Gel or, deluxe, meat ba Inder, fF ahift, cvatom whitewelis 1,000 a Line 720-5179, in CHEVROLET, y alandard trana|and mission, good mechan miealy,. now battery, 975, Tel Whitby 668-5). 198) FORD station wagon, -- passenger, | four-door, Car muat be seen and be driven! to be appreciated, Priced "rl sale, Onty $1,395, At Nicols Brock Street North, Whitby, ¢ iit" VOLKESWAGEN, 'deluxe, miles, radio, Excellent. condition, phone 728-1239 PRIVATE -- 196) Pontiac Parisienne, New car shape, Sdoor hardtop, écylin- der, radio, rear speaker, automatic, ete, $2,700, Call 720-64 Nags 'oLosMonILe -- be a to 15 Ari Evenings, ' METEOR V8, standard shill, "four bod new tires, Phone 7207146 after 6) Br yore BUICK stratgne a wick "ThiR, Good eoror, $75, Phone 720-8070, TEOR, 6 Linder, - tutomatic, Italy ceases Very seek cone ition, See Jat Tod Kingadate Drive, KELLY ~ DISNEY | USED CARS LTD, 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY ---- 668-589) Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quolity TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes, on Models) CALL 725-6553 14 "Aloer St. 1959 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF Six cylinder, four door, eute- matic, A g $995. nev \46 me Tele =Twmaculete, Must eclated, Daytime P6389, 1956 BUICK TWO DOOR HARDTOP Eight cylinder, cutomatic, radio, windshield washers, Excetient condition, Only $550. SOUTH END B.P. Service ce sate, bea BK SB0DRIEN HYOREY ~ as Wh .{terles, -- Kelvinator tyriew store Budget Pi ranger oe Cyprerirer ee nt $88, adding wv be t tor quick) Gast --_ Breet. sam Artalen For Sale oo a nwemel ben ' Bast, eee er or ances, Col imer, Hampton or ture with all channel Oshawa TV Supply L rst lbbons treet, 720-8100, SEWING ine Int sty mn -- oon bution ala ane bind mene ere By vee Write' Box hor'oene ti fn cin Baer appliances, Pretty's North eUeniture, wees South us miire. and ore ond New televisions, $198 cash at Honest San Discount lances, 424 King West, : i yg be 4 chairs, Sorte 'eon st ir) Hasthaven Street, PIANG, i Tih" bench, Good eondl- Non. ABBIY' 9 Jarvis 'street, vision, Thrifty lan, 725-4549, 32---~Articles For Sale Peri goaiion vue * hie er radio §. Phone 725-1546, cheat type Bev, call aeaai? S2--Articles For Sale skinned excellent! Ran AND Harris white rowetone i Pre ih Of condition, ly S23 "in Vtreet wt ae RANGES, two Generol 60,000 B,T.U, Complete Easy Washer Televisions--Hi-Fi's L.P. Records Slas AUTOMATIC WASHERS Brand new floor samples to cleor, GAS SPACE HEATER Stereos, Regular $5.98 WAYNE APPLIANCES 78 Simcoe Street North 29.95 and $65 3 $189 $50. with controls ond blower, $59 and Refrigerators hed to Clear Now $1 AD Deluxe Model with timer, Used, Good condition, Phone 723-1411 nal walle, Yuravolie| by i ere Sreeter drawer, 196 Colborne Street APARTMENT size Rburner range with ven control, $35, Good condition, Tele phone. after 6 pm, onsen. RANGHTTE, washing machine, bookease,| writing desk, china cabinet, and other housenold aces All in good condition Telephone 7202164 ORVER Taare, LX Working o 'order, $65, or best otter, ? TRON, CHESTERFIELD "thalr, wine, Prig- leaire retrigerator, aluminum truck bedy, used trailer, Scandalll ac cordien? Gibson quitar, Phone 725-0575. TELEVISION tower special, 408. struc ture, Including all channel antenna, in stalled and guaranteed io $8, Trie 10 years' enerenes: telephone 720-5) SUNWORTHY" wpa "a het «brie, Many patterns in ready pasted and regu: Buy one roll, get one free, ladoer Sons, 3 King Weat, Telephone levision, bel Moasr. ek pol 2 fel 087 9 brush floor mina | wee EHREWpiy_ ot tse ea ot A rowan rg, lone |e NSHRITSR Kitchen cabinet, table 725-8904. |months old, vieini 33--Market Basket Hy wr patatons ions, by 'the the Wb ai 34--Lost and Found en Pigeon, Elgin Street West, ary. 10, colar" alter, "wntte. tare As feathers on lege, breed Frill. Teter LOST: Child's Sliver charm. bracelet, vicinity #trent Street and Wooderest School, Sentimental Value, 728-820, COST Grey striped female "eat, V0 Verdun Road, Finder Please return to 10? Verdun Road, Child's Pet, Sadly missed, Reward offered, 720 '| GENYLEMANT rime pidsses, lost vicinity General Printers and Lovell THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA FENDER Sealed General C with | 7234 er Thuraday afternoon, LOSTY Lady's Elgin gold watch with gal strap, Sentimental valve, tn witty Celina and Bast, Telephone. 7 Coat ed "engagement ring, & farmende, ta Whitby Ae Telephone Plekering 942 FOUND: Hunting" Sen: Gurnee [ad by Sy Lg hairy sl and springs: Dodge ar sane Telephone Waite 83 RANGE, motlat electric, 30 Inch white heavy duty, ree good condition, $4, ephone 723-4! io monet aliroad S kV AK Fwith mars train, M4 » $68 oF for combina: Trawairan, a nadere, ray cashiers, a, dup: % Yee hundred new and 'vse. W We buy sell, rent, service Hamilton Office Equipment, 1a? Brock South, Whitey. AR. 'nut | leat te , wilt aye a ae i aren BAnY CARRIAGE Gearon, ahi rom Ton $20, or oo i size 12, a te TELEVISION n =e geod condi: cond! aacrne s Tange, large aire, Non, $25, Evenings dial & ACS rane wi | Apel. WONEST e Kw, v m4 oh Las Vacuum CEAWER rwperre, AT rakes, Free estima' arts, brushes, sag Overen seen Rentals, Wallace Vacuum Call anytime 720-057), WE buy, sell and "exchange vaed fret ture oF ery you have, The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671, 29---Automobiles For Sale 71 Blor St, East 725-7702 SEAWAY MOTORS teoult Sean wel Service, "'36--Legal Te| (IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO IN THE MATTER OF The Change of Name Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chap- ter '47, and amendments thereto, TAKE NOTICE tho: | Greation of of MICHAL re. UR of 249 _ ne ide Ave- nue prays in bang J of © Maiev ty SNOER ens the nome of his wite SOPHIA SZCZUR, to SOPHIA SAND. ER, and the nome of his in- fant son from JOHN AN. OREY SZCZUR to JOHN feo a will be is Honour ee Leena os Sa Court Judge's ing bers in the Court House in the Town of Whitby on Thursday, the 20th day of Februory, A.D. 1964, at the hour of 11.00 o'clock in the forenoon, ' lowe, AR lanuory, 4. MANNING F, SWARTZ end RONALD L. SWARTZ, Borristers ond Solicitors, SPECIAL FOR THE MONTH 1960 Vauxhall Victor Sedan FOR A TOTAL PRICE OF $1.00 SEE DETAILS BELOW With every purchese of @ new or used cer during the month of January you are entitled to a Lucky Draw Ticket on little 1960 VAUXHALL VICTOR , the fortunate winner wil Ibe able to hand over the keys of this cosy compact to his wife for her * For the price of $1.00, town™ shopping ond visiting Ronkine will make the oun e on et 9 PM GUARANTEED the perfect "second cor" 'around | this sharp | | Geo. 1964 ms Chief Constable RIDAY, JANUARY 31, ; 2644 King Street son Solicitors for the Ap i TENDERS be gy Srton will be rome. owners unt 4.00 P.M, February 14, 1964 for the construction of @ Motor a Simeoe Street, Oshawe t General Contractors may ob- Plans ond specifications are on display ot the Bullder's Exchange; Oshawa, Ont Lowest or ony tender not ne. eessarily accepted Tern ders, submitted In the enve- lope provided and plainly marked as to contents, will be received at the office of The City Clerk, Civie Ad- gag Building, Osh. Ontorlo, until 12:00 Orelock Noon €.8,T |Friday, February l4th, 1964 for the construction of the building and all appurten- ences to be known os the "Oshawa Cifle Auditorium" in complete eccordance with the specifications with this tender, Contract. Documenta, Specif- cations, Tender Envelope and Blank Form of Tender may be obtained from the office of Allward ond Gouinlock, Architects, 245 Davenport , Toronto 8, Ontario, The Tenderers for the work of the Mechanical, Electri. col and Structural Steel shall: submit tenders Separate sealed envelopes eds dressed to each General Con> weetor with the name of the ect, also the name end frogs of he btader coal bo Allward and Gouinlock 245 Davenport Road Toronto 5, Ontario, The General Contrectors shall pick up all bids addressed to them from the Offices of the Architect_ot 3:00 P.M, Owners ore Mr, G. E 227) end Mr. M_ Cronfield, Gibb Street, Oshawa, On FOR 30 DAYS We guorontee in writing thet this is @ banger ey A perfect Qute diate eround-town travel, If you' ter car on the finest selection of recondi Clearance second cor", now's the time to, move up PLUS the edded opportunity of in better thon excellent shape ready for imme. 've been dreaming about a bet- SAVE BIG DOLLARS tioned cars during our Jenuery winning @ VISIT US SOON! 200 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY 668-5893 30----Automobiles Wanted WA Avie Parts ond a ae ate Wrecker RE OSHA VTS Nelson Street, |g, Teteprene Tene e or wae TARESHORE Auto Wreckers Want Gara)" for wrecking, Highest prices pal'. MLA Wentworth Gast, ASU hegees retrigerator ee are) | cor ~$ ALL CASH $ } For clean cars or trucks we | s deol up o¢ down, Liens paid i NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST, NORTH Across from Royal Hote! Whitby 668-3331 What's | Ny Line? Bu end selling used fur ware end captenenn. For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 of call at the store 16% Bond W. jbulk seed which will be RP abroad. A&P PROMOTIONS ASKED TO BUY SEEDS VANCOUVER (CP) -- Mem- |bers of the Army, Navy and Air jForce veterans in Canada will |be asked if they can "spare the price of a beer" as part of the jorganization's "seeds Fagg friend. stip" ye joutlined to the British Colum: jbia command dy Dominion) President Jack Lundberg ot (Belleville, will help veterans in underprivileged countries, Money from the group's 100,000 members will be used to b The project, /-- W. 2. Crompton eee KOENT DAR ES ES SALAAM. Tangan lyika (Reuters)--Home Affaire Minister' Job Lusinde Monday signed an order banning the Ki newspapers and : Nation from Daily sale in . Ne reason was 145 CARS WANTED _ " Buying @ New Car? Sell your used cor to "Ted" Tetk "Cash™ to the Cor Dealer ond "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725.5574 '3t--Automobile Repeit | HOUSTON'S GARAGE _ and SERVICE STATION TEXACO PRODUCTS 6? KING ST. W, 723-7822 |32--Articles for Sale [RAVES ae T3? wp, per pale, with your trade Soertiman's Kye one Tok weet e 'peer Corners ta Witty, | oe | i sn deige Why SEWING 'machine, Singer, straignt Portada, private, $4 Ae lady's wom, car coat, she MM AS RE VI CHESTERFIELD ded, okt, Hew vahel Stery, S43. Tetephone Wahiey bndhonahall TW TOWERS -- Grecia BK toner 3 MEAT COUNTERS 10. Fe, Serviced Hill Meot Counter, A-1 condition. & ft _ Sherer serviced meet | i. Counter Scale Goad condition NYKSTRA'S VARIETY FOODS 7? RING W, BOWMANVILLE 623-354) tf You Want Quality Merchandise Excellent Low Prices Used Trade-Ins Come ond See ROGER APPLIANCES USS. Simcoe South Telephone 728-215! FRANK 8. KNAPTON | Frank H. Raapten of Isting- ton, Vice-President and Direc. ter of Sales for the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Lid, has been promoted to Vice-President in charge of @t stere operations in Metro. } pelitan Toreate and Eastern Ontario. Announcement of the appointment was made by Lawrence W. Beebe, ASP t FREDERICK ¢. President, following a & meeting of the Boand of Directors at which Chairman Lawence M. Cazayoux presided, Frederick Cc. Kennedy of Pointe Claire, Quebec, was Ramed company sales manager, Mr. Kaaptea Started with A&P as a store KENNEDY