8 aaaapanae sees 84 es Ns AC RIG R G DELIVERY NOTICE Due to response expected to this sale, we cannot promise delivery of sale merchandise on our requiar schedule hut daliveriac will he meee as promptly as possible, Regular drug department orders will be delivered on our regular schedule. EATON'S OWN BRANDS EXCITING SAVINGS ids (OOM 725-7373 | EATON'S EGG CREME SHAMPOO Light ,fluffy textured lather helps banish loose dandruff, leaves hair soft and clean. family favourite, Reg. .60, sale 8-oz, bottle ....2.02 Reg, 1.00, sale 16-oz. bottle ......... .....c.... Reg. 1.98, sale 40-oz. bottle ..s.cnseerssstercrs | EATON'S HAIR SET SPRAY Delicately scented. Holds hair softly, neatly in place. Reg. .79, Sale 10-0z, cam. ..s se ccccceseeeeeenemnetee EATON'S COLD CREAM A deep cleansing, delicately scented cream for all types of skin. May be used Sale, 1414-ox, jar .. 148 also as an overnight cream. AT 2: Reg. .59 Sale, 734-oz. jar . . EATON'S BATH SALTS A long-lasting supply in large plastic bag to help soften and scent the bath water. Pine, Rose or lavender scents, Reg. .98 Sole, SB. beg ..cccccccecccescccess EATON'S Skin Balm the hands from EATON'S Roll-On Deodorant A freshly scented semi-li- quid in plestic container with swivel top thot rolls evenly. No spilling, non- sticky Reg. .75, Sele, 1)4-0n, bottle © . we EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 212 18 EATON'S Hand Lotion Creamy pink lotion, For re- lief of chapped honds ond rough skin me, Fos bottle 44 a, donk bottle 19 Sele, 40-en. torte 1,08 PHONE 725.7373 EATON"S "VITAMOR" TABLETS One of our most popular multiple vitamin preparations, One toblet per doy supplies you with 9 vitamins plus calcuum phosphate and Brewer's yeast, Reg. 2.98, Sale,100 in bottle .............. 2.38 E Reg. 5.89, Sale, 250 in bottle .............. 471 "VITAMIN SENIOR" EATON'S capsules for the "40 plus" age . group A formulation designed to supply |! vitamins with significant minerols and to aisist n- maintaining good health and appetite, Reg. 19.95, Sale, 500 in bottle ............ 15.96 : Reg. 11.95, Sale, 250 in bottle ...........55: B Reg. 5.49, Sale, 100 in bottle .............. EATON'S IRON AND LIVER CAPSULES with vitemin B compound Te help overcome iron deficiency, anemia; assist appetite, discourage tired feeling. Reg. 2.29, Sale, 100 in bottle . Reg. 4.95, Sele, 200 in bottle EATON'S MULTIPLE VITAMIN TABLETS Valuable source of essential vitamins. Reg. 7.50, Sale: 500 in bottle ........ ++... 5.98 Reg, 4.50, Sale: 250 in bottle ..... ....... Reg, 2.40, Sale: i EATON'S MALOUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES Each easy-to-take capsule contains 5,000 units of vitemin "A" and 1,000 units of vitamin "DO Reg. 2.95, Sale: 500 in bottle icteuiudsssees. Same Reg. 1.95, Sale: 250 in bottle ........... .. 1.56 Reg. .95, Sale: 100 in bottle EATON'S VITAMIN MINOR TABLETS Vitamins in pelotable form for tots to teenagers, May be chewed or dis- solved Reg. 5.49, Sale: 250 in bottle .............. 439 Reg. 2.95, Sale 100 in bottle ee EATON'S BREWERS YEAST TABLETS Reg. 1.00, Sale: 250 in bottle .. Reg. 1.79, Sale: 500 in bottle EATON'S COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES Plo 4 thay Reg. .98, Sole: 100 in pkg. ...... Reg. 1.75, Sale, 200 in pkg. . . caTons COUGH SYRUP Reg Reg. 1.59, Sole: 8-02. bottle EATON'S CALCIUM GLUCONATE end VITAMIN "D" TABLETS Reg. 1.25, Sele . 100 for .99 Reg. 2.75, Sale . 250 for 2.19 EATON"S BEEF, IRON AND WINE Reg, 1.39, Sele: 32-0x. bottle . EATON'S ANTISEPTIC MOUTH WASH Reg. 1.00, s Reg. 1.65, Sale: 32-02. bottle EATON'S SAFFLOWER OIL CAPSULES Reg. .49, Sale: 100 in bottle ...... "ae Reg. 3.49, Sole: 250 in bottle ..... 6... 6... Reg. 6.29, Sale: $00 in bottle ........ ..... 499 EATON'S NASAL SPRAY Reg. .89, Sale: 8 c.c. EATON'S HALIBUT PLUS CAPSULES Fach canw contains vitamins and with vitomin "B12" added Rep. 2.85, Sele: 250 in bettio ............ 228 Reg. 1.35, Sale: 100 in bottle .. ........... 1.08 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 212 PHONE 725.7373 PLEASE SEE BACK OF PAGE FOR OTHER EATON SPECIALS ; ~ NN Eaton's Improved EATON'S V & M Capsules Saccharin Tablets To help maintain good nut- A a aeeve sweetener to replace rition, Seme formula os Kee rain: "Vitamin Senior" 63 the lipotrepic factors, Sen n) Reg. 11.25, Sale, Satan 8.00 eat te 8 Rea. 4.98, Sele sae: 1200 te bette... 78 in bottle 3.98 he | | EATON'S EATON'S Antacid Vitamin and Digestive Tablets | Mineral Capsules Ry end end 'Semetion te a supplement telieve @ heavy teo full tein oa essential wrens 100 Tablets in bottle EATON'S Milk Of Magnesia Tablets - e Reg. .89, : Of Ascorbic Acid Vitemin "C™ substitute, 100 tablets. ee Reg. .53, Sele 100 in bottle AZ Be Rs He 127 Reg. 1.19 Sole, 95 sale, 1,000 in bettie t) 250 im bottle .. e A Somborne = 1G Eaton's Mineral Oil eg 1,03 Pine" Air Freshener Reg. 2.29 Helps to dispel stole Sele, 44 gallica 1 83 ond thats odours. y wep @ fresh scent to sickroom, ete, Choice Pine or Lilac Scents. Reg. .98, Sale 12-0. sprey conteiner 18 EATON'S EATON'S Health Tooth Paste Salts With -- anti-enzyme EATON'S ) Effervescent with mild lexetive ection I Reg. .39, Sele -. GATON'S MALL LEVEL, REPT. 212 EATON'S God Liver Oil Capsules A reliable source of vitemins *A" and "'D" for both edults and growing children, Reg. 1.79, Sele 200 in package 43 » 98, Sale 108 in package 78 EATON'S "900" CALORIE PLAN For those whe acious, Each can fot Fe @ blend oe tote, Vitamins minerals, 3 » Chocolate, Vanilla or Butterscotch, Se avin 1,88 re 2 renee 07 GATON'S A 3 A TABLETS BUFFERED wot tae vee... 1B Reg. 3: EATON'S AEROSOL SRA)