ioe iS SRO AORAP RIOT Sita AE Yq THR OR AWA TIMER, Tosnden, Jeneeny 28, 1944 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants Building Tredee_ ROOF! ki ang Tan Sh Renal iM rooting | FIRST AND SECOND mentor Memnicer serrnters, " King Street Bast, 7297232, Sales and Service Repairs to aluminum wine dows and door inserts == | Saar tae Sea LS See SON ral Electric CUSTOM KITCHEN on display Wayne A Appliances a 723.141) day service -= ot your frames into our factor NASH ALUMINUM 95 ATHOL ST. EAST TELEPHONE 728-1633 YOUR LAWN MOWER Have your Lown Mower, Outboard MORTGAGE | LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7% No bonus alttera! HaNe, Mira, terel, 652 Riven DRESIMAKING --- re tes te aoe wee eoektail, suits, coats. All kinds of alterations end fur boar i Fit 'right quer "BASSETT BLOCK, SUITE 2 PHONE 728-3112 ae Gardening and lies Sor woe Bad ace 'walidine esas Catt Pate Sate ot Gihaes WILD BIRD FEEDS Wild Bird Mixture Wild Bird Feeders Suntiower Seed Millets Small Cut Greina WATER SOFT SALT g rystal Ne, 2 Selt Rox Brand Pellet Commen Fine Sate COOPER SMITH | 16 CELINA ST, 723-2312 UMPIRES, BOVENVA and HILUMAN, Sercitary, seveters, MA Kine. Sires! BR, Bevehen, GC) We Ne tote, LAS: Ottice: mere. PAN, GRID, MAMA NWA and other Rave E ANS RORALE Space 3 ters, ™ Ki Street Gant, . Dial 2 3. MA, Green, Pde; Terence V. Rely OA, BCL, NAY, TA, Sean SE ARVEY CARE ARGENT Baw, pons eS Rave King Seat Bante Wanane, pa | Trades Rew RYERSS modeling. ec La aioe WAR Tan, RAD Balled, now. Oshawa Snapping Contre, 4) tiny A ae = SNe REN, BEA, Ooche SeSchess ge kn, Rridaye, tan te Gays, Masonic Teme, 7202253. Tee eatnates. GURNE SENOOL Nhe ae Jaan ona baton Les ant enalen, coating, "2722 oS Som WACAON ANG ee Le See S ae one TRAINS, See *=NO! NO! NO! NO! NEVER borrow Hoewe @ trigenet® tf you're "e litte short till @ & reer | oneamen page J ane =! Rin HOME IMPROVEMENTS Stee ae electrical Prumding, oa modelling stores, offices, ond Derren, recreation -- roars, basements woterproofed. All work eet oF enail Ne Ss us "728260 \MPROVEMENTS PHONE 728.731) 10 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Crescent FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED ee Troetor, Tiller, or now, Ports ond bi a , Teco ---- tratton, inten, Mote Mowers, biehe "| -- Png Any moke serv. free pick Dial 728- S991 'ce No charge for valuations =~ Mortgages and Agreements anes for second mortgages, Fost service, . FL SWARTZ 26Ya King St. East wa, Ontario 723-4697 725-4633, 0, OLAN 74 BARRIE AVENUE wel GLASS AND SCREEN Surveyors su") NEED MONEY? lDONRVAN, AND FLENICHMAWN, Surve ee Soe RU r Ate Tat oF io sees qyte WEVER CATON diiketantaaen" | Qnvarte Land | prints, wv Ontarte Treat le RR "AND TROLL TO REFINANCE YOUR MORTGAGE? TO REMODEL YOUR HOME? TO BUY A COTTAGE OR CAR? TO REPAY HIGH COST LOANS | Let's anes, a ee tion, your financing Ast Our 10 of 1S Year long: term 2nd mort with low interest and small repayments od prove much easier for "CORONATION INVESTMENT CO. iTo. @ Canadien Public Company in Oshawa ree cal! SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, 360 King St. West 723.2268 (after hours, 728.3376) | | 2nd Mortgages Up To $10,000 Available To Homeowners INTEREST RATES FROM 1%: TO 134% PER MONTH 12% TO 18% PER AN. NUM). | Pass), [TV--Redio Repairs LAKE VISTA TV Towers, Aerial Serv lee and television repairs, an, | Murray Avenue Teleprone 728) TV, Padlo, Car radios, en Elec tronies, 157 Eliott, 7239702, Free TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Service Calls $2.50 9 am--9 p.m, Daily New 21" Picture Tubes As Low As $19 66 All Work Guaranteed Dominion Television 1206 DUNDAS ST, 6. WHITBY 668.597) TV TOWERS i ANE Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION BOND ST. E. OSHAWA 728-5143 GEORGE WILSON T.V. SPECIAL $42.50 up' 22.50 up i NO BONUSES NO HIDDEN CHARGES NO BROKERAGE FEES PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET THE REALTY DIVISION OF SUPERIOR DISCOUNT LIMITED 725-6541 17 Simcoe St. N 23 Superior Otticen in Onverio Wi Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Valuations Arranged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND PISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND Member Ontarne Mortgage Broker's Assmcietion SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED oo Simeoe St. North OQnhewe, Ontorio-----725.3568 Musical Services SANG. ceeds ine. one, Grane eran art. ep, pre ig Rag Rig ory SUPPLY LIMITED Towers Roat Antennas Rotor Lead installed $10. Leod Ww re installed . 8.50 New ol! channel heed 12.50 Guy wires instelled 9.80 For Fast Service Call Oshawa 728-3334 Whitby 668- 8344 TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit yout budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV 728-8180 HOME RE-MODELLING ak ee gSSS = oO) A . Mortgage Loan or or ce Agree British & American Construction Ltd. er 723-32 u Garda of Thoma ..ccsaseansscans 3 oe ga 3 Seana seeees ge See CARCRNATIONS AND CORRECT B30 AM Dey of Pubicatan REGULATIONS nr bag CLASSHMD DSPLA loaner mactare ------e "wa Well Drilling --Digging Al gy wg hes RP erewn Be Wins WELL. DISSING. wy monch roe Specie 'Dox 32 Woon, or we W. | Gq oy 'and Son Expenenced pointer end de. eoreters in ell branches of ¥ he WAAAN KROONTIE, well Giceine, COPpTeMer Werk, CRanget and Geaper- Mm. 4 Perk Rowe Som, PRE poredred, yenonths of, Telephone alex DaDOIDs, a Wp PEKINGESE puppies, |QUARANTEED REPAIRS to ~~ as Trompe Actoracy gubraneed. Wnay, BRB BOSS Ontere Lanai de=--=Pets & Livestock OPE, jSurveyors, 11) Elgin Street Eaat, PronelcGe FERRIER twire),, » three POR SALE German ea, |16--Female Help Wanted b emp tetals k wh or Part "Vie. apply Campbell, Genosha Hotel, diack and tan, male, $@ = 'eat offer. bodes TIME cashier, 2 pm, "e ve | Telephone 725-8003. charming pele) English breeding, Reasonanle, Register ed, Dial Whithy 668-9923, GERMAN bacon a tong «haired, = fe Lange fenton, Yrree years old, excel ra Gog. 860, ®, telephone ine noe 'S--Farmer's Column WATER FOR SALE" -- "100 Gations, BF! eS Telephone |= -R PARNERR Need "Vives? Call" mein") ye heasn oF evenings after 6 NENG CASH on the apel, Highest fer dead and crippled prone collect, Harapten will Fur Farm, Licence 043 Vad BALES of hay for sate, ae 'pale, Call Marnpton 2eh2378 WAY wanted State quality and quantity | erees: and price | delivered, Ben Corson Pico ering Telephone, 8420917 va Na per Vi--Articles For Rent TQMAIRS, card and banquet tadies, church aire runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Siracee Street North, WHEEL CHAIRS, hexpital dems, walkers, reducing machines, SICK ToOrR Supplies. Ala Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 721254 Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls Coffee Urns. Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra SARGEANT'S RENTALS 725-3338 12--Articles Wanted OLO ANTIQUE Ci Weantet, wren, Teeprene 725-418). NURSERY chest 7 Grawer 9 He ret tr Ter, Fh Goad condition. Cal 7) WANTED Round dining room tape. wah centre pedestal Tyee fee. TH geod condition. Call PIAA she oe SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Wents Cars + Wreckire Parts for sole, alse strap iron and metals; etc, bought Open Seturdey e!! dey, Phone 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. | 13--Business Opportunities BUSY RESTAVRANT, 39 Siveee Srreet Saw, fer arke, Tereprone Jee Cyr TRAD) i EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE evoliabdle for Brick and Stone Sidings, now belrg mone fectured in Coneda, Excep- poe Fe to bull basiness LEMEX ST CORRORATION, 390 Lemoyne Street, Montreel, |, Quedec 14--Employment Wanted Mahone a <somntgate wre Revowen, DES AHDA DN. wn Prk UP ant en" Quality and. RR service Teepmane eevee "PAN BAY RORTERY" qoviifies Gay CAS, 2 AMD. % SRW HM, Si Sree erm, 7a bebe PART TOME office work oF home typing. Terepnrone T2R-a5ks, WOTHER Wil MPs Preacher chieren, None % Friday, m Wer oun bene) Sd VeD Tereprore 23-1833. aby WaNrs day Chen, roning, Cheer, TehebR worker Tererences yuRpiRS, Pave Terapranre ow imps, ARR i} the trede. Interior end ex Pere. 693 Wilson N. RR. 2 728-6815 DODD ond SOUTER PAINTING ANO DECORATING CONTRACTORS Pont: HUQIND, Gupren Bun wren Mote 10? BYRON ST. S. NTRY (ONE PATIENCER wormed ter He ; DAYS > Sarees MH Mem eae src. Leas = NIGHTS 725. Pade jp Be Peper. For fortver eeiais, GAGA TO Tank, Geeiiemin whe Sew vm (WRK dem Kile Gr Coren Sree Frigay evening Pra wih $09 HP? 1--Women's Column _ PERDANENTS on upecel. Pag Ses, Be Pre Avene, PSUS, 2--Personal VOU Dace 2 Gna pede, Sox 3S, nae. S or eH oe . ee am. Mare NMurdult wil be in Qurawe, Feb. 3rd, ath ond St. Prone Genovhe Hotel @A hese dates fer enpoint- omen ELECTROLYSIS 723-464 \ LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Specidiat mm germent eee. toms, etc. invite mending, Hess Sherarinns. 10 PRINCE ST. 728-5311 YORK PLUMBING AND HEATING Spee ae Mm rePe@is 328 SIMCOE SOUTH 728-173) | Alnor Hours Pickering 839.1536 Rug-Upholstery Service CHESTERPIELDS reughaered and a Free eatinae. See aur ya me, % PRIN & = 'i See ome > es, dk ¥ Depart and em, ane aek. Exaern 'i eAMNND, TEAYTPD. BW Prey ore. nes So Conere Sores ar Free WT iD ETD ~ COCKER SPAN puppRs, par Ron "Sars rel k RTI ™ . Terpere ayax é i ory seer®, Whee Wen aAeey Bers ne lwih, Low giz. eas, Ye Sam Eo. Nae a RUMRy UUM SWE SAW Tenlincn Rack Tey, wae. _ MURA, gRedim. Pat ap, very. afer DRI, SHC TrEMa. OUI wae Mr Va? Coprepiae SHR. Cah TRAD GR REGRTERED Darcrund more, yal Qasr yerenadia Tee Riedell "woe foe PUPPIES, mar WHE White or a! Sree Ean Ss. Farias, Se. Dick Vatk. Appy RR Bgyn WONPATORE peeve, whi. ROI Mere th Regier; ee RA FR Maca Sew. Fee weeks DIN, TRU, sited | 16--Female Help Wented | CAPABLE wore YOURE WORRAR For OURO Phane Reanim. Rererences, Reeaen 4 and 8 BIN. Boemmanvine G23.) SS RELIABLE WOMAN fo live ih ord apy! oa) Toree 3 BABY SVTER For are Ge Bnd wore mere Gehies, while Weher Works, Pvesey Baan apply Oixe AERO, Advertsing Agency Requires 2) te 35 yeors of age to ee am Cheats with Ravens vq Troteriol. Must be free | % weve Southern Onteria, Car i exsertiol, No experence METS RATY, For rrervew write Photo Ads Agemty Posto' office Box 11, Whitby, Ont . CLERK TYPIST Required for Permanent position 3 yeors Good Apphicamrs with 2 te AUPE INTE salon. AR preteried eeaplyee bene irs APPLY TO MR. FORSTER Industrial Acceptance Corp. Ltd. 728-1636 eland Ball) Limeral time petgg Rigg Also cannier for part tee Soe Campbell, Genosha Hotel, RELIABLE woman fe snare New home are for three children ne par +f work, Lots of free tme off, in the Town of Wildy, Write Box 528, Oshawa) Times, COUNTER WOMEN required, full "are parhtime, @ay and nieht work, Apply MeMurray's 0B ta cate Simcoe North and] | Tavaten REOPRRVAALE 'girl Yo live ly and 'Wook after two children, Light housekeeping jquties, Telephone 728-0483, aeegge wal w= For Specialty children's | Wear age about 3. Ex NARS Yong Ages, Ounews | Shopping Centre, r/PREE room te matore active lady AY) Telephone Hampton! Ded-2d44 OF after 4 p.m. 7299685, rate gota 'TYPIST, rust be exper » ermal office, Whitby area, Reny jsrating age, qualifications, salary and number te: Box 6G, Osnawe' Times RURAL $, Avon € otters: Bogs earning opportunity fer! Wh your Own community.) aN wae oe or write PO Box! $7d, Ovnawea. . RESPONSIBLE seventeen « FROATR > WOMAN te look Poorework, Most live m, gM person TASH. BOOKKEEPER | Pull set of books, Some typing. ELEKTRIKORDS And Harness Ltd. Ajax, Ontario For interview appointment Phone Ajax 942-4910 BOOKKEEPER SALESLADY Experienced bookkeeper and typist with soles experience preferadly in home furnish- WS, Qdod wages, Permonent position, References neces sory. Application by apport "725-6559 Rutherford's Furniture iS6 Sirpcoe Strect South "EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER Te tke complete chorge of wall set of books, Five day week Apply monager SHELL HANDY ANDY) ONE STOP AUTO | SERVICE CENTRE | Cor, King end Stevenson Ra. | PHONE 728-9421 17--Meale Help Wanted | BARBER WANTED pe Port taidhanid Py Alert': Barver Terepnane WHitay Laan ACCOUNTANT | Between the ages of 21.30, Tiree to five yeors_borking experience © rust © commensurate with exper jertve ord education, Apply in own hondwriting te GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA 32 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA Simpsons-Sears ""pemevel of superfuoa bes YOUNG WOMAN) Have Openings For | Sales Representatives In Oshawa | EARNINGS UNLIMITED | For ombitus energetic soles- mar 7 sell plumbing ond 'reatina, parsers ~~ and windows will be FACTORY 3 TRANICD. Salesman required % sell Raemitere, Carpeting oad sew- WM Machines. REQUIREMENTS: ~-Sotling Experience ---Noot Appearance --Unee To Succeed ~--Sense of Responsibility --Serviceadie Car BENEFITS Profit sharing end other employee benefits Gon s@lory while trong followed by Generous Com: THSSOM OH SRW Apply in writing giving & | details oF ; Lo Mr, R. J. Buchanan 43 Simcoe St. N, Oshawa, Ont. 17--Male Help Wanted Apaly Mic ualed, Stetton 'eas, erin, Meat mpg bh WANTED Immediately, | men! MAN WANTEO to. work | ory) _ Apply in 's Meat Mar: ha 2 King no street East, Oshawa; Om 18--Male or Female - Help Wanted seen -- Muah be rela, Fellable, feat and | eres! tn employ: - Would be De willing to 'eth rial Haurant, " jas West eAvnnoyrer afer after 3 p.m, col st 23--Wanted To Rent One. OR TWOBEDROOM « wanted, Park Road South yy. ere See ae a 6.9%) 24--Houses For Rent ating or sunaave.. abstainer, Write Box CHER -- Must have, ful rowieae "ot days, fo meng sowing an and 20--Room and Board ROOM AND BARB on Simcoe »/dbus route, suitable share, Telephone UPHOLSTERER PART-TIME Must be able to cut ond sew, For further information call tr, Carl Koppen Harwood Custom Upholstery AJAX 942-1500 MACHINIST For tool and die maker, For @ growing company in the electronics Industry, APPLY MR, LEE HART CROVEN LTD. 500 Beech St, Whitby -- 668-3325 | STORE MANAGER | Man 30 to 40 years of age, Sales experience preferred, Record ond Stereo Sets, Salary and Commission, Incentive arrangement ambitious mon Telephone 728-5341 | or Call Mr, Kelly L. Toronto AM 7-194) | GRAPHIC ARTS | Due to further expansion, Vea- | eancies exist for High School graduates to learn printing on for oF oe, we apprenticeship basis, Pleasant ome for) working conditions, Teehni- eal training = facilities, AN company benefits ond prom: ising future, PHONE 723-2233. for appointment, ~ 3 Ambitious Men experience selling brushes, --- voecums, Previous books, ete Highest weekly, if reliable, we will train you for Branch Office Monager. Write stating qualifications Classified Box 537 Oshawa Times Oshawa, Ontario Attention: Mr, Douglass commissions paid Young Men 20 - 26 Universal of Coneda hor en opening for en aggressive en Vek anaes mronager, This posi sixty five pa ag S800) solory @ week, to stort ond we troin you fully. 1 selected, you should hove erode 10 oF better, neat ap- peorence ond pleasing per- sonolity, We supply trensportetion. Work is steady ond duties degin immediately, For full details phone: 728-744) Tues, 5:30 P.M, ~ 9:30 A.M, | Wed, 9:00 A.M. ~ 2:00 P.M, WANTED ist Class Model Makers or | Pattern Makers with model experience Top rotes ond benefits, Write INDUSTRIAL MODELS P.O BOX 236 SAND, P.O. WINDSOR. ONT. 18--Male or Female Help Wanted ADDRESSOGRAPH OPERATOR Mart be Experienced. Salary Renge $3,354.00 t $3,733.00. To operate Addressograph ond Graphornype machines end be able t set up me- chines ond attachments. Mast de fully qualified typist. Applications received until 3:00 pm. Fedrucry 3rd, 1964 Personnel Deportment, City Hall, Oshawa, Onrora. coe Sire!) for working girls to, 9277, NICE ni country home, elty cone venience; two" bathbe age two-car aeeene, on main sonal tomy Lease $135 mantiy a TO gg PR pac! 5 .) 1» POP atte ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, home cooking, lunches packet desir ed, comfortable accommodations, -- cen/ Men 'ral, Dial 660-5442, SoARG AND ROOM for Youna man, to} furnished, clean, oe rer ror room, two minute from te tou ii 725-8400, Whitey = song e- cy eid Roveaete| Papreelge ling. tor oak ae ir pow il ge household duties, Cen trally Vacated, Write Box 529, Ly Classified Advertising wouse, | ue on Ve bath, large penn jarage, newly 'ia Peprvery 1 between 6&7 p.m, reveal Lene toe home, furnished or ee % Hels '802 tor Philip "Morreye ROOM and board comtortabie cari Wonton hee near yng Prone collects). 839-3997 = three-room Al de Md a) NEWCASTLE -- "room and board, sult. wr people, three meals dally or mnehes packed, Parking, $15. week each, Neweestie 9a?-a875, SPACE FOR RENT, rear of be ag entrance, Suitable for ete, heated, Port Perry vicinity, witty 668-876), FOR RENT -- olfice apace with working 'area, Suitable for small business, 47 square feet, Telephone 7258245, WILE PINTS" basement. New commer| cial wane 483 ag Road Rie |Accommodate beaut parlor, shop. Ample parking Veargeant', 795.9398 Store at 23 Prince St. approximately 1500 sq, ft, will decorate to. suit, $70.00 PER MONTH Call OX 4.2945 Toronto after 5:00 p.m. 23--Wanted To Rent ELDERLY LADY wourd Tike Yo ren rent clean, dright furnished light Nousekeep- ie room or apartment on main floor, FRD-RGND OF PRB-C7SS. SINGLE LADY requires two unturnished wiring. S$ pm, NOP, elephone Monday vo © Friday, Me lene WANTED -- One or two-bedroom apa rent tor Keune with onal BOD. Telephone TRANSFERRED fo Gehawa, | need mediately @ home for my family, tout) ang persons, fiveroom house preferred, Wit pe consider five-room apartment hag ine full particulars such as size, price in_ first letter, claaities 'pox $3), Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, THREE-ROOM --_ unturnisnea West and Stevenson North, After 4 pm, telephone | VRB-2S2, WANTED -- tive oF tere | une, Wer mediately, Oshawa, = ~ threeroom "tornished ape' bevy Tse 22--Offices, Stores, Storage : 1 Wee FURNISHED apariment wanted, vicinity Park Road North, King nd ss) Wnty or _. (EUOWW STREET EAST, BF -- formihed tor 5 iingsgate cent, Alax, se hear" ts 7 "plant, central, ment apartment, ree quiet home, Sult_one or two business beanie. 'apartment In new apartment + ROOM barbers! bduliding Includes fr Beauty| and crepes. Also man =o s children, Neiiasicin cae aang an voli i med 4 possession, ir irmenedial ES ply a Wayne Sireet ee eee: nee oe ONE-BEDROOM apartment turnished suitable for one oir Telephone 728-5339. 728-5339, roar | MALAGA ROAD, three-room 1 apartment in apartment building. Couple preferred, javaliable March 3, Rent 875, monthly, ve 3 720-589, deca ael Gttecmmennard TWO-ROOM "fornlahed apart ment, Well heated, private entrance, near South GM, middle-aged couple preferred. Telephone Bass 12 noon call ae one AND + : new bullding, all lates! wuppiva. 8105-81 Ne monte. TR S44, APARTMENT with retrigerater, and drapes included, Please call mY 26--Rooms For Rent SINGLE room for gentleman, central, ob ey [SHINOT, 3 Nassav Street, Tr FURNISHED Treurekvepine, tor lady, Clone to hospital. and Norm OM. Refrigerator, sink and ¢ > TRS-OSTP ot bath. Near how omg Adsteiner, Tele between 6) > TRBORB, n,FURNISHED peoeen. , ll lady, Ap Ply 265 Albert Streets 728-571), ROOMS POR RENT, 8, & Queen' Monty, $10, week awe Lid, 67 Simese clean home, five baal ps After 1} Bm. apply Celina Street, rt | PORTA Heman, privity eyes. Clove Wo downtown, Cali etter @ Pm. FIVE ROOM | HOUSE OR APARTMENT | Urgently Required By February 30th. By mon, wife, 2 school oge boys, Phone 723-3474 Mr, D. Tomchick Evenings after 6 Call Genosha Hotel 723-4641 -- Room 616 i, furnished housekeeping Team. I | . Central, Suit one gentleman, [Phone 723-9225. ATTRACTIVELY _ FURNISHED ROOMS Availadle in private home, Call between 5 ond 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. N, 728-8671 27--Reo! Estate For Sale LOTS, "ons . iol, " on Xap tek, Two wen [Concennton Yoo x 3a Tek bg Oshawa § beeen ged furni quiet home, loners ee Big. savings wargnenn 1) , ne constrocted uncer tre 'Keoranet Joseph Coiec Opes kde) ongelow of Sine hans Chose to schools, bus ane, shopping, Low payment @ Ma Sein. un 'price St Phone 725906, OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS Ry ALICE BROOKS Crochet one of the new fabu- Nous furry hats -- choose one or \two color combination, | Amazing! Crochet a "far" nat, Use wool and mohair; Nerush for tarry ook, Pattern 449: directions for 2 hats, to {ft all headsizes, | THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) / iter this patiern (@o stamps.) lplease) to Alice Brooks, care of) The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft! Dept., Oshawa, Ontaric Ontario) (Re jresidents add Ic sales tax, Print) plainty. PATTERN NUMBER | iNAME, ADDRESS 2 HANDICRAFT HITS in jar dig, dig, new 1964 jeream Catalog, oat now! S$ toys, fashions, crewelwork, heirlooms, gifts, bazaar hits -- everything t crochet, knit, sow, iweave, embroider, quill, smock. | Be rich now. PRINTED py Si ay 4-WAY BASIC By AN ! Slick, quicktesew sheath PLUS 3 jackets. give you change-adout pred day- after @ay. App --checks, ak fnner dik Got, Misses' lswen '"¥ RW, ety 18, ». Yard- ages im pattern. FIFTY CENTS (0c.) in coins Stamps, please) for this patiorn, Ontario residents add 2c, sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, INAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order te ANNE ADAMS, joare of The Oshawa GET _A PATTERN LY FREE? I's simple -- onder jour Spring - Summer Catalog fmcluding FREE COUPON te ipet any one of 250 ersten Seen. So. today.