Sentence 4 Youths . On 27 ee The Oshawa Times Four sleepy youths who ante of wilful Gamaging the roof of ed ey 2 . =, ST changes we ca day in Oshawa Micsintrete's Qourt to terme es ing from om months in the eS ai dailjand one year suspended sentence with probation, sa in court after in jail report, four charges of break, enler ae nen Wbbs, pasa-|and theft and waa given a one or an, maid Aa liyear Seroenees sentence with core talkin » The they} Tan Ayres MeNamee, 17, 166 a e not Reon able cy shes Oshawa bouelvard north th," ad: while in jal, -- tye, oetem of break, PREY ON CONSCIENCE {your's viupended "tonigner' with "Tt ean understand this, Per/ probation, haps it has preyed on their con:) Crown aiareey br Bruce ph ges ronete inte me : ag ine Bagh lag -_ & in," re Hees A Ton. Trewin' 1a, M4alwhen he. speake. agelast ome: Maason street, was sent to the alvetien Army House of Con-|/police tat Be aoe A heading for month for further/serious ¢ it he does not pithy ie admitted 14 charges| change bg sail of break, enter and theft, one] Mr, Affleck said Hobbs had b Bata of breaking) previous convictions and waa the and entering two charges|least worth of all the boya, Bridge Need 'sEVEN REPORTERS Is Stressed TEND MEETING A. child may drown it action! Man nepanten, Wann ae is not telen fs build a foot bridge across the Harmony faery at oe Oahate Board ot Creek at Harmony School, This was the warning issued ~ py Ame elbows by Dr, C, M, Biliott, auperinten: with six other reporters re: dent of public schools, at Mon presenting -- various news: Gy mgt a meeting of the Osh. papere and radio stations, : ; awa Board of Education, Rumors of internal mat is veal au Une, Morgere | Shaw, bo Bh te See eee ore a rman property com: mittee, told the board calls are one trustee were officially mie tear cals ae] Stagiec 'n, aa As TOP WINNING WEST HIGHLAND PUPPY ents who state their chil Ten{| Public Relations |C "Chairman At its annual dinner recent: Chall » oh have fation into the creck on] Lee Glover, The \ ne newt | ay whe ¢ Son West Wee rwer : yy ig "Trastet George | K Sen itt maceting i. v PM, ha land White Terrier Club hon West Highland pont formed the board that building] eur before the board went | Ored the Weatle puppy pictured Canada, The a ~ wn , the bridge, which would link into committee of the whole | above, by awarding its owt land's Bonanza of property to nondoard) Teearding the matter, era, Bae, cad re. Bad Fiena. ies" reper'. Pl get us in al . Trustee Glover anid after | 848, of Manderiey. Kennels, fF me He recom.) the m that the issue | Brooktin, with the Manderley times Best Puppy in Ter mended that the city solicitor! Was settled in committee. [== ae neler he comacted etore action Is) Mrobanty at anne at we | TOTALS $997,000 : taken, , THE OSHAWA JUNIOR past presidents, In the upper 195040; Bob Dewland 195@. 41; Fred Rall, 196263; Vie | Several trustees ed that) Next meeting, Chamber af Commerce, at its picture, from left, are Hay. 5? and Jerry Rutherford, 1857: Brookes, 100304 president; taken Lae Po -- rie _ oi 'a = ea ae Lcanc Hepet Central CI Addition cence Separate schoo ne-Man ===" Cla ified Contract Is A For One Year Music Supervisor | Art Show Rain Hats Less Cnr ings rat ene ea awarded board idee entlone for construction of the ad-jing low tenders: week: of beer made a... pee the & Seen Need [preter of ont ang ay -- dition to Oshawa Centres Cob treet Sad Wikiniog 'Snataction joven Bary wy and bietation, creak Osh t legiate Institute were awarded) C , With & Co gpd BSN I08, Wintneon Construction te een heir evuaie seperveeen [ee trnaanet Restnese en @ eumiis Monday afternoon dy the and 9302.40; Met « Ron 1 Peter has already be Paper bags may take the! The awa Board of Bducation, Sen. |Genatrestion BA: Inter. gun his job of attuning the ears | An imtevesting oneman art! chile Company Se on ae "Phis is the firet time in many Iwith a bid of erneane erty Construction of the children in the city's nine fe exhibii ilace at Of rain hats for ehikdrenlit has held a leence fom thei vears that a board of education! ir conditi separate schoais pe sr the "Nicklin Kane reheat Pa oe saieu Daan ot National Rev:its came within the rgial eBradsbury Consrecton, with alee Fenty "Co Mir, Kelly's defence of Arwick|,Mt. Hughes, whe has been in HR a, ; brary gallery. The artiat ie Jona Mean nal receive semeiteetars Breasts cca a uma Coot a eeneel rane bot SAS, ane lecirinl com lEimaied, ae war cee goin se outa ce, Saas a Ses Gala Ne come eee em ee haan Cheese Se at me eee oe mpait- Rt ar W, . \ ed driving, Arwick, 3 Grentel!|© hire, Brgland, as head of : , Ona, a member af the council, teldlten hast ieee. et wa x Drynan, following the meet! ge, ' |S 3 with costa/tRe Music department at the fe -- A native of B t, Malthe board. Monday night' that! (The estimated) oval the low tenders came , Sree tae ee eae ean eee MM ssa ete sae, erin cae arent On a ce a soem SS oe ae os Te*liraining at Alisager College, a fai % : lege in Budapest under Jeno Ko-/busy ange. purchased the A.B. F./SUCCESSFUL TENDERS antkek Gt ew Genes Ge A. a at oe eallege ef Liverpool es. hary, Following the Second ; ' Customs House Broker) The board ree the Ae Ay icommena that behind the wheel of alUniversity, Mr, Hughes is also World War, his weather: age-tirm from the Barton estate / commendations asset ivade which would on Stevenson road north.jan Associate of the Royal Col Mrs, Shaw said Constable Wil: [situatea at 8 xe atreet east chairman of the baiting 8 Nd contract af abouty », 20, The constable said thatiiege of Music in London, Ea: - biliama Tene, officer in charge agi une recently te firm has planning c committer, that €OR| the front of the vehicle was bad:| gland. ' ting to Canada in 1987, Mr, Drought the situation to/MOved to 20 Simcoe street aeuth, ; ===" Itaat application , During his time in Poigaton, Sekes lived im Windsor and of the safety coun) On Nov, 7, ---- Trpert Cur: ae aes te cover Mr. Weghes taught the first Sarnia, before moving to Stratjcil, A learned that ser. toms ' seheol brass band in the county, ford where he Row makes. Ais! re oom sur-lencer. tie name et which competed successfully could no/toms Brokers Limited, -jagainst adult bands, Mr, Hughes PETER HUGHES Mr, Seekea is married with program telada Castome regulations state or Is Increased himself can play 15 instruments, two children, aged three and it past ithat when eomsreny of 0 Gar jineluding the viola, clarinet, eight years, whom he brough 1) Yea! toms . House Brokerage firm my piane and brass instruments, jand married with two YOURE)to Oshawa when he visited the: "The safety council thoughtichanges, a new application fer) pat en 18 during een lwa | Mr, Hughes is 25 years old, cadres, His family is stayingicity Monday, He expects to ren{ the Deard might consider supa licence must be submitted to 7 Attendance Of) MR with a brother in Oakville, WANCliur te Oshawa from time tell The program when strks/the department of national rer tee Wikia mith at Monday/awarded to Aim, % that he} " bad vnted teed rand had two! [he looks for a Rome in OSANAIcime daring Rig exAibition, cone & MAGES sald Bire, Shaw jane, CUMS SCI. cea IRIMENUS meeting ot the Cedawaltinal approval of On his visits to the schools) tinuing his work in Statford vel added that safetyiwhich ia tara is and the eer but he had alse | 0 Request eon, Me Wee viRwing in Stay mat , : Board af Eitacation prescribed wpervisiOn ltween visi program "definitely The Canada Gazette, farther, Wat de t he sad Na, Hughes said'he received a -- increase resuked OM ay) es to education, and that "it Rrekere Liss) Tee Portrait, still life end land: Y Teapert pages Ba lenrelment of 31 pupils as com, proceed i . Ostatichuk said! Naren gg og eae Scape are Mr. Szekes' main We is Som oa thett Rees -- "*Taremedueatew, oa ere to 16 'removals Mr, Soni) te 'cout prescribed ville ter OW VOUTSES earinment:inciading texiboons, He ents CaS ER Bre iwhle performing this service" Hrentasharder: Terente feet be bas, treced We wtere:/oo completion date A would increase the and his next job is to organize!" Gang; Tre matter was referrd ivay Truck Tera, Town Re (abet ek. exsertere lon eatlar eller predeet, m subantt Sarnia and Toronto. The: eo attending sae" a progress Feport on the cur|a Pregressive Program Of MUSIC Hecent exhibition comprises S| Mhe_managemant committer. _ scarborough Terminal his December regart to, he to the Ung bis SECOND SECTION TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1964 PAGE: NINE program § courses was con |#irection, paintings, including. a Breakin jand Tereate international Alt ygant the attendance efficetiame peren Si ] B Pa ee Tre next six months will' bel tetera scene and scenes Walter Carsea. a ae [ue a |, RR PRS, available courses was discussedian experimental period, said) a win Park, Stratford a theeting of the mayor"s|Mr, Hughes, on . a re Gravelle, jodmeittee for the training of the! meen transferred te a Mr. Szekes? exhibition wilt re re| Ween secogned Ny * W's De aa was held last pes main at ae Sane eer lan oe teen feartment of Betacation, 3 Dri Hurt watil Feb. 22. w Maser on ver" to an* LT Ihe conducted 18? interviews Wednesday SSeS Beaten Up Glass Fitna Jovmereeceecans" In Accidents ton mares women's organs high wath Fea. 3 - the Oshawa we Fear ante accidents da Oshyaged t the extent Reyal Canadian Signals) Bat wit eheseat a concert of/S0R00!s and the National Bm) Excellent Play gtrate's Court ainarent pat une, Cae Lhe, coorte| Ad 4 OFON oy sere in the ai ater of training, informed the AR advance peek at the stagetre, Ras supplied this essential the charge t Rave Vocational eaters, The concert] committee present courses of it) Robert Duna, 4 2 Risin eng Ser "The Glass item. Das Bale Was FORA oy free as it is being sponser.(struction include welding, maistreet east, was in "satisfac erie", Oshawa Little Teeatre's) To look after properties, pro, they tee MEV Music: Council jchine shop practice, COMMETCAL OW condition today at Osh Stcend production ef the sea ducer Francem ix fartwaate ia py Be the backing of the To- = power sewing Machine OP! General Hospital with a am ae RS rate of Nectar maving veteran, Prep. Mistress m.... em) " ' Musicians' Association Excellent results were evident) fractured skutl after being beat on John Pesncam baa gathered A et phy BAY ge charges weal be aid MCVI Musié Council is a stt:|from the power sewing machineien and robbed in Trrente dur together a eawmnee ereW WHOSE! shows that Dorothy Ras worked Preston for offences be body of music stu course where seme students. the weekend, main aim has been te werk at on ties ia some 26 ~ @& t@ have conamaitted a tin Col|were already working, and the) "* -- Lapeane ren "oe oun cen el bene ae we at addi, Oshawa police visited Duna ia thn = pave srvenieene SACs 1815, You may even! SR Colmbia : | Or see Derethy ia ths production, all music activities im/tional- trainees. hospital where the beating story what he feels will Bring eat, daly we > i Ge then Mealiee errendine ant eeakd ha ate ta cameciet came to Reh fall, the mood of this play way ed wk no come On rach abi cece Of Oshawa's| courses, and a motion was pass:| Duma went to Toronto Satur To deisga the set they called' Ste MF yourselé, Tnusic lovers, The concert is thejed to ask the department fiday night and began drinking wen Marry Chapman aad DSi RAPED COSTUME CHANGES first in a series Which will './education for permission to start with mea and women he met TORS theatre experience, and Working with Wardrobe Mis: clude visits by the Royal Cana,jclasses in academic upgrading, tha taren unt Ow tan exciting set it is, Harey Wil pecs Force Overton em costumes Force Band, the Har-\merchandising and small ea[/* & Dar IK tO JArWis BNE WOH aing Re. acting AX SHAKE MMlare auch WeRAGHR ACTIVE mony Symphony of Toronte and ges with a lower wetmen stent streets aren ag ay age verve a on mamenere an Marten Fihat Joy et featprens worked s conductor /earelment ; He camaet remember y dy Tennessee Witla, : toma a yout ~ a -- Other matiers discussed by]peaphe were, or when he leftitiams, and Alan Heath had Pe alto Pesan pot Dating while bis fiend w ed that a large ax: the committee related ta the! the bar. He does remember draw on all bis agenulty to 804 pidge This lance Salt is rel delew It is expected t hand at 7.30) c2eCHOR Of applicants for traim./Tenting a room om Skater street lights positioned for the maxt quired partly became of Boe Comt was tet @ience will de on at the WS, etfect of local emplowment! When he awoke Sunday mera MAR effect. That is BY Minds changes that must be of Asshtamt Crewe pm Weceeetay (6 ~ aa me (conditions on training interesting Dunn found his face was Means the ead of TROND rected swiftly daring the produc. ATRIgh Hilvenan Sigal Band at ae eeac and display of work performed covered with bleed and his wat Now they must be manipulated yoy P Nn, Milan said the tae! 5 -- leader, Cate by the trainees let containing just over $20 was With precision and @& cue. JHA Business Manager "Ted" Fantold peice Wey were UYAAE 8) Saaway Tenens. Neotel drinks and refreshments gone. He returned to Oshawa at Sabyen and Bart Bailey Miron reports that. tickets forsee Mt a gil Was IR & ream) je Jaa, 38 and BW. The Mot idlibe PAIR REMANDED noon and decided to ignore his been querened with Unis PARON "Phe Glags Menagerie" are at a bear the Dalkiieg the ¢ 7 af i | 4435 ii # 3 ! 3 i i fi F thst "i dg i e | i . £4 38 . s C) i a A if y AHH sy fiaprhaest § ait! § , % i i 44 44 Z | : are being provided for the SIE) y.. Scarborough men were WOMRGS. PRCRARARA "Vi band! § ' fer the last tree Gerent Bourdaaes, #82 Reon Whe nave of et the aasecte nals band by the MCV remanded until Fe 3 in Osh Duna found that be was fait! ccouwweak, VREM paghes, Wah there ore pend eeeetirend seuth ond Pillip Gene las mothers awa Magistrate's Court, Mom Jand dizzy whea he got wp Mon availatic Sor temight and Wed l6 Nassau strees, The public will be admitted/day, on a charge of break, enter) day morning to go to work at) Ome of the special effects im pesday guilty ta charge _ RreRAKe: Ay ef charge im addition toand theft. The men were Wih/General Motors. It was thea be volves a photo of "Father. and The box office with be einen ing at BARR and Grieking Wadeg Santen Neer those man have ennate, tv ecely~ liam wets Birchmount =v) weat to hospital aad it was @\-\Jim Kramer, once agai airem ? pm. er ip Me fever alage Prey were fined ped QAO) seciation Mrs Runde wall ea ee ' fromjenue and Brian Pat O'Deneg covered be bad a fractured! putting Dis artistic talents at the the Lares Jan, 2% treagdlen Me Bast charge ana im charge @f Me Res MeVA Musie Council 'oue, 4 Jarwick road. talk. 'dinpenal ef Qapawa Little Thea Fea 1. Seok OF Che geomet, a 7 : i i i ; ! i i ik i | z if i 4 f ! { f Bf