Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Jan 1964, p. 13

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CITY AND DISTRICT LETTERS PATENT arrieg the in- formation that letters patent of in ration have been issued if ited bana d eerse m: awa an Allen Hin Limited, of Picker: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT Jesus' words, 'Ye shail know the truth, and the truth shall wy, bie free," was the theme at Christian Science church ser- vices on Sunday. The Bible Les- son on "Truth" included these related readings from. the de nomination's textbook: "The eternal Truth destroys what mortals seem to have learned from error, and man's real ex- istence as a child of God comes to light," TO MEET LEADERS JERUSALEM (Reuters) -- Is- raelli Foreign Minister Mrs, Golda Meir will leave for Eu- rope eatly next week for talks with French and Italian lead- ers, it was announced night. PUFF ADDER BITES Z00 DIRECTOR ot Afri puff 200 director as he was about ical condition Sunday, The . adder, Nh i eee oe to a. Lag ag try wes taken Sunday ae (AP Wirephoto) Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings Net : Stock Sales High Low a.m, Chg Stock Sales High 035 4) =t_ | QN Gas Gw 240 415 $564 56M SOM MH) OR ig Ba #7 I _ KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS INDUCT 17 NEW MEMBERS members west, Oshawa, on Sunday. The Church Sunday morning, ald Blaind, Belleville and Ed- J. Shortall and G. E, Prout. prospective members attend. Shown left to right are: mund Squissato, Whitby. re pl =" Rene b saree ed mass and Holy Corporate Michael Malary, A. Richard, Middle row: William Rick ¥% : Carrot, James Gorman, Bruno Konel, C. A, Harper, Communion with the Knights George Silewski, membership man, Felix Le Blane, Whitby; Ronald Snea. of Columbus at St. Gregory's chairman; F, P, Darby, Don- John Collins, I, B. Wallace, J. OBITUARIES Trudy, both at home, He also leaves his mother, Mrs, W., Hutchings, Parry Sound, a bro- ther, William, of Toronto, and three sisters, Mrs, J, Thompson, of Capreol, Mrs, R, Barks, of Parry Sound, and Mrs, H, Chai oa of Niagara Falls, He aa Rev. A. Bagsik, Interment was eieseee rr Tate Or ae kta The funeral service was held a os 'eas' ot 4. & N Ps Podge sins the Polonia Soccer Club, were ag oe Egg Brrr afters! John Balko, Helmha Jeckel, Joe noon, Rev. J, Smith, minister Offvroonauer John Pawelek, Kas- St. Mark's Church, conducted}; ir Ra 'ski a Frank Krae- the service, Interment was in|!™t wens an Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin, |2°WSk!. JOHANNA MARIA PITTENS DRAKE'S LOG Cadets Enjoy Eventful Week Whitby, occurred at the Hospi- tal for Sick Children, Toronto, Saturday, Jan, 25, after a short illness, Born in Collingwood, Johanna was the daughter of Martinus and Johanna Pittens, She at- tended St, Theresa's Separate School and was a member of the St. John the Evangelist proud to say that the turnout Roman Catholic Church, was good and so was the dress, Johanna leaves her parents; so if you can keep this up then four sisters, Rica, Mary, Doro- we are assured of reaching a thy and Dianna, and three position high on the list of Corps brothers, Willy, John and Tony, in Ontario, Who knows, perh: She was predeceased by one this is our year to cm sister, Maria, the trophy as the best corps, Johanna is at the W, C. Town) Then Friday night a number of Funeral Chapel, Whitby. Re- Cadets. and officers were swim: quiem Mass will be sung at 2 ming in the Boy's Club f Congratulations to our officers swim race(?), Sub, Lt. O'Flynn! Well lads, the band is in good shape and the guard rehearsals on Sunday afternoons show a lot of promise, The guard under PO Vermuelen looks pretty good, but there are still a number of V cies that have to be filled vee jin the guard by those people! + {not associated with the band, | {One other point that should + }be mentioned is that the little of attendance in uniform is still 'jrequired and if you come on board late or not in uniform 3 rm oe expect the Royal Treat: me Stock Sates High Low a.m, Oshawa, at a meeting held at the K of C Hail, Bond street CAPSULE NEWS Cloudy Weather Hampers Search stration was against the high cos of living. TORONTO 11:00 A.M, STOCKS f Stock Exchange--Jan, 97 Quotations in cents uniess marked §, B--Odd lot, Xefixedividend, xr--Ex- rights, xweEhewarrants, Net 1) from previous board-lot clos! INDUSTRIALS : Vet Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Abitibl 25 813% 1 Wh apores 7? $122 12 1 Alta Dis w «000 8480 Alte Gas Oss 8 Alg Cen 100 $29 oP Aig Cen w 100 975 975 97S 160 _ $594 59% 067 $30% 30% 2 84 41 0 S47 474 VSO 82a, 29% se 6 280 be 2 467 966V0 66¥8 t Ale A) 225 sl6ua 16% i sy Sa i] ? a Se Ve yy : 'on ' FUNERAL OF STANLEY STRZELCZCYK High requiem mass was sung in St, Hedwig's Roman Catholic Church, Saturday, Jan, 25, at 9.30 a.m., for Stanley Strzel- czyck, who died in Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital Thursday, Jan, 23, in his 44th year, Rev, Andrew Walczak cele- brated the mass, assisted by F = s ! He Sgeeses ae #°3 =2 z. Fe + ++ +1411 s # F # ast "gts Z | =z 7 ALBERT E, BROWN The death of Albert E. Brown, Varcoe's road north, occurred at the Oshawa General Hospital Saturday, Jan, 25 after a short serious illness, A gon of the late Mr, and Mrs, Archibald Brown, he was born Mar, 6, 1886, in Bristol, Eng. Mr, Brown, a resident of Canada most of his life, lived in Parry Sound for a time before coming to Oshawa 42 years ago, He ran a cleaning contractor business in Oshawa for % years, retiring in 1955, Mr, Brown was a member of College Park Seventh-Day Adventist Church and a former member of the Independent Order of Foresters, He was predeceased by his wife, the former Emmeline Masterson, Sept, 19, 1939. Mr. Brown is survived by two daughters, Mrs, Perey Sweet (Ruby), of Columbus, and Mrs. Helen Corby, of Oshawa, and two sons, Albert, of Whitby, and Archie, of Oshawa, There are eight grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren, The memorial service will be held at the Armstrong Funeral Chapel, Tuesday, Jan, 28, at 2 p.m, Pastor E. E, Duncan, of College Park Church, will con- duct the service, Interment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. MRS, MARY ANNA CLARKE The death of Mrs, Mary Anna Clarke, 1111 Green street, Whitby, occurred at the Osh- awa General Hospital, Friday, Jan, %, after a short illness, She was 85, Born in Thornford, Dorset, Eng., she was the former Mary Anna Brister, In 1902, she mar- ried William Walter Clarke, in England, and came to Toronto! pesy and Canada in 1914. Mrs, Clarke); had been a resident of Whitby since 1055, : She was a member of Alli 3 Saints Anglican Church, Whitby, and the Daughters of England and Grace Darling Lodge, To- Tonto, Mrs, Clarke is survived by a son, William George, of Whitby. There is one grandchild and three great-grandchildren, The funeral service was held in the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, at 2 p.m. this after. noon, Rev, S. Armstrong, rec- tor of All Saints Church, con. ducted the service, Interment was in Pine Hill Cemetery, Toronto, ae Bet z52sP otoeySetEge F stssge¥sd. Teves - rs pore z Sa585sse3 383 Ss eggs 8s Ei Fe] eegzs o8 # (2 a et -Eony? +tiy 338 sssss See 5 = os32 s 2s 332 342 £3~28282232 2883 2Sos a wi 3 o #3 ES Ss z F eager 2 - TRENTON (CP) -- Overcast weather tee "te -- 4 shige Sh aise ate og u 3"s z 3 3@ $ : 8 Z $ 33 § geaigtt sf aBste: 3 a sxe 27352 i +14 ess 14451 NEHRU IS BETTER q|_NEW DELHI, India (Reuters) {Prime Minister Nehru has '"al- most fully recovered" from a recent attack of high blood pres- sure and weakness of the left side, an official spokesman said Saturday, He described as "absolutely baseless' a report that Nehru, 74, suffered a mild stroke six days ago. BREAKS CHILD'S LEGS CUYAHOGA FALLS, Ohio (AP) -- A 28-year-old Munroe Falls mother has pleaded guilty to breaking her eight-month-old daughter's legs while trying to Toriput a diaper on child, Mrs, Margaret P, Morrison, who is expecting a third child, pleaded guilty to child mistreat- ment charges in municipal court Saturday, She was re pa leased on $2,500 bail, "in all aspects of the af- BODY TO STAY of ent," The cur-} VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Vat- er of citizenship andjican source said Saturday tion told the Yorkinight that Pope Paul has de- Scarborough Liberal associa-jcided to keep Pope John H is nobody's intention|/XXIII's body permanently in a 4 Vatican grotto. The late pontiff had asked before his death seven months ago for eventual -jburial in the Sasilica of St. John Lateran in Rome, VOTE FOR ONE PARTY ACCRA, Ghana (Reuters) -- The first stage of a national referendum on making Ghana a one-party state .howed an over- whelming 457,292 "'yes" vote ig-| with only 1,775 against, the Ghana news agency reported ,|Sunday, The first stage, which started Friday and for which the voting was still subject to official confirmation, included the Accra district and parts of northern Ghana. BOAT RUN DOWN HAMMERFEST, Norway (AP) -- Fourteen men were feared lost Sunday from a Nor- wegian fishing boat which col- lided with an East German bulk carrier not far from the North Cape, The 8,600-ton Trattendorf reported Sunday morning that it had "run down" the fishing vessel Nysjoe of Tromsoe, a wooden vessel 77 feet long with a crew of l4, DEATH TOLL RISES SAIGON (AP)--The death toll 3. F 52332333 s. rs Zusese 593 otsys- - g22z02,2 Hestaiz? $28 520702 ,22¢,2227825t38z sgtags _ E232 2 zs eZ t+! 53 expected for today. Capt. Flewin, an army intelligence of- ficer, was flying a Cessna-182. CHOSEN PRESIDENT TORONTO (CP) -- Harold Beaument of Montreal was Saturday as president of +1 s BS _f sess g2 83s 338 338 Bes z = a2 = i 4 P 835 3 a S2nE #322 L iE Rs 3 FE 3859*-388Z2~ f=] =| ~"A zz 'i 33 ae Lit 22222 <3 £34" 5228 $454; i #3 2°3 L Bgegez~sigey=ghgtegia,osgt_ 55 Se 222 33 = Bg2ge3~e85ty=s3sée =2 a | i 2 3 Tala lals lala 4 22 zz: ss 28 23 32 x85 annual meeting vice-presi- 3 S3agsc08 + « 3 832282 Lt 4 zs" 32 33332 <2 g2z8abe5gu2-3 a = Ss Hl rs ys 338; 3 This last week has been a rather eventful one not only around the barracks, but out- side as well, Starting with last Sunday evening the Air types made the Corps pay for their hockey victory in the morning by winning the basketball game, Then Monday night some of} your officers acted as tempor. ary fathers for some of the Air Cadets whose Dads were work- ing, I understand that there was ow a sl the bd Temporary entombment will] (Air). bu ; wsbury be in 'Union Cemetery, Oshawa,|not have my Burberry with and permanent interment will/him! be in the St, John the Evange-| Tuesday night was the Asst. list Cemetery, Whitby, Area Officers visit and we are ~ -- = 2 2 os S 5 522855 ph ye bos LL s g2z2 g=8~x IE ég2 £4 rg g weed faits 2B g SeZu2suet 2 es + + iY c gze23eq%= % g eg3g%gc8? 533025, 38353 8338335 2 F 2 32 2: . F 3 z E sss fs 2 88233 ji p.m,, Tuesday, Jan, 28, in St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church, Whitby, by the Rev, L. J, Austen, LL 3828.52. see z 2f eSssEes28-s $4 2 7s 34, S823. s + = i =z s £532 7 pas = BeBe 2 a¥eSeseeezi=sagnesess Sgeegttecstdticds 3 g "3 L 93 rd eerie resi $4 295853 22398°3*322* $293°7% 22% 2* j L i i wat end ge aes ARES % je 8539%* i 5,084 509 8-25g Fates 3 4 + + io a 533 533 >32 if Seze 55 oF F 3 Fis 23 z F 8 2g288g%eg8 23 >P>>r>> i a i test 582,33998 ase 2tsecz * - 7° goeesssy Ze: gag > 'led i+ ss $235 egses 45 335 5 2 & 2 4 4 3°37 2273 ++ & rz 2 #1 2 i In conversation with the Sea Rangers, their appreciation night plans are well under way and from what I can gath- ro ay Cadets eit for a good night, But I would to assure "Hopalong™ that the girls of the he grid = og ne Crusader will not meet an UN-jmeans only to proceed with ted timely end nor, will they be UD/duty, whereas it was originally to their elbows in fud! 'True tola specific order not to short the traditions of the sentor serv-lcail but to carry on all Comven ice, the officers and rates willin. shin would stand ae ae more than do justice to thei stress of weather dictated other. EBENEZER E, HUTCHINGS and wieners! wise, Or that the Vict Lerd The death of Ebenezer Edwin Nelson's flagship is. stilt used (Bbb) Hutchings, 903 Bayview) ame ys , gu perhaps iffhy the RN. Courtnartials avenue, Whitby, 'occurred sud. a 4 they can't make it your uncle) osiea out on th hin's Soy es -- ue ~~ re- mit be fed to =* b ge Snr deck. Don't po os ene: su a heart attack, Saturday, | © r the er and son on alees These Jan, 25, He was in' his 43rd . the Sea ee year, 22g28e,8Zex, SEnsSy5 + | s 2 2=32"* z F ; i a "s | VANCOUVER (CP)--A stand- ing-room-only of some 5,000 took part Sunday in an interdenominational Roman Catholic . Protestant prayer ser- . The response impressed the Roman Catholic and Prot: pn clergy who conduc se) \ BIG EXERCISE SET WASHINGTON (AP) -- More than 10,000 army and air force men--incl Canadian forces --begin he in Alaska next wee! t first coldifrom South Viet Nam's cholera weather tes of the U.S. Army's|/enidemic has risen to 208, but -jofficials expressed confidence i i THE KEY . Foeves, Alaskan commander in chief, describes it as the largest joint U.S.-Cana- dian military exercise to be held in Alaska in terms of men involved. its spread has been slowed by Born in Parry Sound, he was epidemic. a countrywide inoculation pro- gram. More than 2,000 Vietna- .es¢ have been stricken in the a son of Julia and the late Wil- liam Hutchings, Mr. Hutchings was educated in the public and high schools of Depot Harbor, Tn 182, he married the former James Coedy, 11, son of WINS 14TH BADGE won 14 badges when he was and practice is at 1400 on afternoon meet the Sea Rangers! we still Tuesday night at the usual time and place! DID YOU KNOW THAT a tra-/ dition of the RN and the RCN is] Te The SALE LIST WITH PAUL RISTOW REFUSE COMMENT MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (AP)--Authorities have refused to comment on newspaper re- ports that an extreme rightist move to overthrow the govern- ment of Uruguay was smashed -|Friday before 'it could get un- ud-jder way, El Diario and the s mi-official El Plata said two retired army officers backed by "certain influential and 'ich Ph TOIT PPEDp persons" had planned to launch ~ CMMI the revolt, Utopia May Just Around The Corner acre THE CANADIAN | Who knows? Maybe thet home you've = | i S sess: RED CROSS SOCIETY shes oe mate , = 1 OSHAWA BRANCH iP incad & oe vee ode toes | TUESDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1964 ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM "Over A Querter Century of Service" ; 8 P. MM. = SCHOFIELD-AKER |< naga]| Speaker: MR. THOMAS BOUCKLEY sees Mian | PICTURES OF EARLY OSHAWA 10 years of age. His Scoutmas- ter is G. Shortt and his Pack Leader, Colin Brown, Oshawa Times Photo, ANNUAL MEETING Kathieeh Margaret Farrell, in Parry Sound. Mr, Hutchings came to Whitby 14 years ago where he had worked as sta- tionary engineer at Dunlop Can- ada Limited, He was an adher. ent of St, Mark's United Church. He is survived by his wife, a son, Michael and a daughter, that -- a a their pay on their cap 4 was originally done so that all could see the amount paid, and that Mr, and Mrs, E. W. Coedy, 117 Broadview avenue RR 3, Oshawa, is seen here with his Akela, Miss Marie Koster of the lith "B" Oshawa Wolf | Cub Pack. James, who is now a member of the 1th Oshawa | TROUD! [esmcoe Nor | TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY | RINDLESS 3 LEAN MINCED BRAISING (STEW) REALTOR a7 pt gge le 728-9474 "B" Boy Scout Troop, had WE Wt takes 47 feet to bring your car to @ stop when you're 'travel- fing at 20 miles on hour on dry HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S Om '313 ALBERT ST, 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS or obligation. BEEF piss] LOSLLLLUL EPO er arp eee en Lh? > 360 KING WEST

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