THE OOHAWA TIMRS, Mondor, Jomvony 27, 1968 13 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 ~~ « 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY| Accountants Gardening and Supplies. ie TV--Radio Repairs I HAIRDRESSER aS eS = = | plore erat Res, 7237605, WILD BIRD nie and Henick Barristers, 31 King ¥ rienc a GREER Man or Woman Eisner Whitby, Ontario, relaphone FEEDS PRIVATE and corporation monies tor al a : , mortgages, mortgages '2 723-2265 SRTETTR,ORTRTTI Loa] Yd Bird Micra Seats acres, mmo TV TOWERS : Sain eaten Gahan Longe Vase ate cl NEED MONEY? | Cele hE ES |The Mayfair Salon = |BOLAHOOD- ALE, PRIBDLANDER AND oo Small Cut Grains Priced to suit your budget ti ; 27 ' and junior Licensed TO REFINANCE YOUR : , Celina Street Fsesonen ae coe row Eon] WATER SOFT | "Morrance 0°" | TERMS ARRANGED . TIGR | sncwa 728-0662 | oe BROTH ERS a ge i I 9 SALT To Buy AcorTAcEORCAN | OSHAWA TV ih at, \ ae | Rel atone -- BrLSON AND BURROWS: GHARTERNS : 1 20--Room and Board -- Mortgages -- poe eely AND A sg CHA Ly Crystal No. 2 Salt Let's discuss, without obli- SUPPLY LIMITED ot ea ITN . brnevas Ronald 'r.0, Wine 'Cai Sey ee Saas ane fo tneres "Remne' cooked meals : Call The Protons Edmond Burrows, ' © JAMES BROOKS, on term 2nd mortagge with low 728-8180 NEA\ ieee fue eon OH] COOPER SMITH | itera ond smal repoymene 8. PROSSER," Charfered co. ; your budget. Well Drilling--Digging re Telaphone tae'saa, 16 CELINA ST, CORONATION. © [in seinen tes wr" Words tot 'checta| ae eee ee] = 723-2312 INVESTMENT [ese © tn Barristers lnuvaction CO. LTD. |corraser wrk 'larau! ond ener |16--Bemole Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted ing. 468 Park Road joseph. MANOAN, GC, Barrister|MARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton,| @ Conadian Public Company RELIABLE woman to share new home|WANTED Immediately, first class bar. eter, Money Yo loan. Otfce, Ve KingiTap, RAD Ballet, Highland. Register in Oshawa oreo call 1--Women's Column --_[tnd care fer, three, callaren walle, Par-ber,. In Cones, 990 suerte names, ROOM. AND ROARD ov Simaoe and for three children waite par-jber, in Oshawa, $90 guaranteed. Pa East, Oshawa, 728-8232. now. Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-6122, SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD BERMANENTS on special, Page Hair|town of Whitby. Write Box 528, suitable for work! Fop0s AND . in ' c 9277, Be Ning red naa MA RARBG, Dura] 360 King St. Want" [rsaatr_™ Pmt Avene, Tsemon tne a, ENS We, SPL, ere ee I. Kindere 723-2265 (after hours, 728-3376) BABYSITTER required to look, after, two! ering. ete we Telephone 723-2201. Pre-School, Kinderdance. Fridays, Satur Parking. TW. GREER, GA, Barrhter, = Masonic Temple. 723-7253. 2--Personal children while mother works, LigMBARBER WANTED for Port Perry. Ap-| 720307 ply Thoma' Fete Not SGireel East, "720-4309,| BURNS SCHOOL of Dancing. Tap, ballet, Musicel Services IF YOU have @ drinking problem, write|579 Albert Street, ply Albert's Barber, Shap, Pert Perry. oom AND BOARD pone Mortgage funds avaliable, Tazz and baton, Knights of Columbus Hell| PIANO, ried, pipe and wlecironlc" ergan|@0x 32, Whitby, or call 648-2004 COUNTER WOMEN required, full and = home cooking, lunches packed If desir- aBIBSH cad GARTEDO. Darter. 728-7902. tuning and repair, instruments @>/RIDE wanted dally to Toronto, 6.30 to S|part-time, day and night - work. Apply/ YOUNG MAN required 20 to 25, chaut-jed, comfortable accommodations, cen ~ a ng el Monat sealable ft oe oy ae, "Mone are, uae praised. J. Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664, p.m. Telephone 668-5113 after 6.30 p.m. fovea gs ge Simeoe North and es rene eet ae te Inter-ltral, Dial 660-5442, Morigages, 20 Simeve Street Nocitlter now for lessons, Rental WANTED -- ride from Northwest] ou" ee Charles mTAcG Ibbon, C:/ accordions avellanie _~) beginners. Dial|P@inting and eer Whitby to Oshawa, rriving at @ or 8.30 POSITIONS await single end | min jcalls, 22----Offices, Stores, Storage | = nl Bestede,"@C) Norman "Hl asoe GENERAL painting, wand a.m. Telephone 648 eer Oe eee Es vate ener ; EXPERIENCED volt storter Real Estate| o ce nom RENT, rear of son. repairs. Furniture finishing old end Removal of cin oe hair, ence insures results, Our Canadian man |selesme 'ate entrance. Suitable for Beeuty ya rtgages 4 Frown lve. listings in Whitby ares, above) Separt . Soruer bt Steer ond hanaty me Mortge Kinson Ave e7meazae does - Wie Marie Murduff will be in oer pone etd approved by Dept. age mots = ¢0 not a apely * Winituy "ass -- Port Perry vicinity. Uc. The Commerical Bullding. r ve W rel Scott d So Oshawa, Feb. 3rd, 4th and |books, and save cconien, De 'and Night ia terest a er ng ever, 1200 8 668-8 ai Svallabie. SINS oF TSA. eden N A eae oft an in Sth. Phone Genosha Hotel {School Free folder, Write moe Manderhill Real Estate Ltd. FOR RENT -- close to eval Experienced pointers ond de- on these dates for eppoint- tems, 805 Beech, Street, toy, he Motors north plant. Telephone 723-4098, EREIOHTON, DRYNAN AND MURDOCH p men Servicers, Soletor, Notaries, Bank yn Bank ot Mortgage Loan | ceraters in all branches. of Rai ° RESPaCTAELS Girl fo live Ih end look|T Tegraphers: First pay "Bre men. OFFICE SPACE room - 2 bothroém te trode Interior ond ot | "ELECTROLYSIS -- [ete Macintyre tania ease ees] = FOR RENT -- | moves $20,90000 instead wc Ormen, GC, THEO] Private porty to invest in Ist | **riOr | 723-4641 i ante 7,|Caned paving GC, 723-4768) J.C. Victor] Gnd 2nd mortgages. Agree- 693 Wilson N, R.R. 2 - SALESLADY -- For Specialty Children's |course, "yee aw aay ts sonseuoinn Main Floor LISTINGS Scranoee"" "h Snente for sale, Mortgages 728-6815 LEN PULLAN Weterred, "Apel oma 'Agee, "Gshews cade machine end welt | JUST EAST OF SIMCOE Fae RT ee eine' Times| mortgage yo alleg gledly dis- DODD and SOUTER ENGLISH TAILOR tS Taman" To, Took" oor Bosch Ea cr omens Cat Contoct Bill Millar _| "MY KINGDOM FOR A HOUSE" King Siveet' Bast, mae, cussed. No fees, no walt! PAINTING AND DECORATING Specialist in garment altera- {2 children, & and 3 while mother works, | 668-4607, 725-1186 or 725-2587 Being King available for mortgages. diate service for qu alek CONTRACTORS tions, etc, Invisible mending, Live in or out, + 728-6844. WUMPHREYS, BOCHYN end WILLMAN.) results, Painting, Paperhanging, oS PRINCE 5 BABY SYTER tor ene Gihd, Sed some REAL ESTATE 23--Wanted To Rent Sect coke, Reo. Humphreys, OC) 725-2539 Gyptex, Full Wall Murals T. five-day: week, Apply 157V4 Ollve Avewe SALESMAN WANTED TWOSTOREY three or Spray Painting 72 | janted Oe 107 BYRON ST. s..W WHITBY 8-53 FREE room to mature active lady to cron comet Tomy tween | 728-4326, live In with elderly pensioner woman. Some experience required. Whitby eRa761, 7254404 NHA and other r 723-3211 668-5862 3--Pets & Livestock Sorat, time, oft, "Telephone. Hempton| x required. mortgage funds avallabie. . st 0 Niels 725-7426 eeanans xy | tao 2864 or after 4 pm, 723-3605, Dreier' potential for ©¢- lwaNTED by February 1. two or * eg MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONAL and ti AVON for tun and earnings. Aven gressive man, bedroom house. 728-2" ARTE, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, MORTGAGE Plumbing and Heating ee ley oie See oe male, 75. op sre Loe A yi yore mpg Uo sau helen oe ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies, | 942-3673, sell fine products, tui or part time, I's Apply Lamson Real Estate Limited | aon bright furnished Nght heveekeep m0. LOANS ieee Heating on H. Stark, LidelGOCKER SPANIEL puppies parti color, |Prowable | Wve P.0."Bax S12 Gahewe) ""sAembers of the O.D.R-EB. Ing foom oc apartment en mein for. 5 age Sa A a meth in Moneve for fist mortgages | =e Birest South. "SU" __[pureoreas. Excelen!"temporames 1ix| BOOKKERPER-TYPINT, mail bv Gtr 67 King Street Eost SP St TM, ott reer,| Interest at 7% ALL TYPES of Fenalne 'and Fremodelling.| 1739 lenced, esmal! gina orea. Reply Ask for Mr, Miller SINGLE LADY requires two unfurnished . pu. 2 Phones: MG . ee een ant cl RA ean i aaes er YOUNG MAN . [Reais cet UGE V. MACKAY, 8A, Barrister, Soll] No charge for volucti ~ ~ Broad, 114 Elgin East. " velo 3 King Stent Eats vazivr,| Mortogpes Grd Aareementa YORK PLUMBING | [Erneta "eesanobe" Repti STENOGRAPHER REQUIRED Res., 728-1285. M ys for second mortgag AND HEATING eg wae 7 yee aa aaler REQUIRED redes Fost § ializi qj si For Stock Room = | cane Jd = ME. SWARTZ 928 SIMCOE SOUTH Bred to ragtfred querer and sound.) SHORTHAND NECESSARY Full Compony messing, rece room. Pron estimates| 261% King St, East Won, 728-0767 PHONE hae nae jearenene , eee ee Gehena, tnberis 728-1731 thn fel For full porticulors eol! 723-2265 POX Te TERRIER (wire), purebred, three a > KA WeRk of pling rapa ng ee ee Atter Hours Pickering 839-1556 [meni olf. Telestone Alex vaca. 723-4630 ZELLER'S = Open daity 9 e.m. to 9 p.m. Fearon, PATONG aah NO and Temodel Rug-Upholetery Service _ Ieee Bik "Roe tt Et Downtown Store Steve Macko .. 728-5868 car a ta Telephone 723-4871 2nd Mortgages CHESTERFIALDS re-upholstered 89d) REGISTERED Deschund puppy, small BOOKKEEPER FIVE ROOM roving Beal og. 4 ae Free estimate. See our | ; a ' EC GMPERTRY, "CREPE yr. g10,000 _ [taris Zane SN sats Un ome Seema ator tpn. tsan| Ful wt of sks Some PPE | CPABHIC ARTS HOUSE Kitehen remodelling, calling, p To D CUSTOMCRAFT'S. Upholstering 1 Beis ELEKTRIKORDS ) ae Available To Homeowners |ment. experts in recover! part | Brooklin . ROOFING, concrete floors, flat rooting head resin f Due to further expansion. Ve- ur apecielty. New work end repelts.| INTEREST RATES FROM 1% [mate out tame ee ot 5 Farmer's Column And Harness Ltd concies exist for High Schoo! OR and small gb. and H. Rooting) tq 14% PER MONTH |cHmSTERFIELDS rebull, "recovered| WATER FOR SALE -- 1000 gallons, 3 Ajax, Ontario Greduates to learn printing on Seer ee' Sag] Nah TNS lea mms mane, nN | fer etciewensiniman | Sorento ban eset | ADARTMENT hoe Eames, : ._ Oshawa FARMERS Nea Tra? Col_ Sr j és working tons, Techni- 360 King St. W. Free Porking Gtaled, turnaces ecwumed. NO BONUSES 10 Bond West, Dial 7250311 a Phone Ajax 942-4910 ial teen See AD FOR ALL BUILDING reeds, cupboards, y Tir NO HIDDEN CHARGES CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs fe-/ 725-6511 or 4311 or evenings affer 6. TST, i See] Nomomsarres | Riera ie eens a ceatey Ser So? Male ae Wend Sc | a ere OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS og RH stone. ie we. ey WATENTS TY IT YOUR -- |itave TOUR saat C3 <7 Bin'Fur Farm, "Licmres wee. were UPHOLSTERER PHONE ~ red Brice Dect sitenaten tres, TESS. Cventnte Sabaden Romnety Urhentorn| 1200 BALES of hay, for pale, Se per PART-TIME 723-2233 we HOME THE REALTY DIVISION OF = [Limites. bale, Call Hampton 26 : -- - Jenuary 27th. PRINTED PATTERN IMPROVEMENTS | SIJPERI|OR _ [Setesand Service CATTLE Mt ee SS | Phone 728.3492 | ntry work ©} inds, Mr. Cori Koppen =, OSHAWA TIMES Germ wero al nde | cunt ume | GLASS AND SCREEN | | Dstered. sna Simpsons-Sears | OSHAWA TIM nd plumbing, re- , ; ling ore cttewcord | 17 Simece St. N. | Sey'sinie'c"Siny your | "ght Sy'ezthew | Custom Upholstery | Have Openings For | Ask for MISS RILEY recreation rooms, bi bd - ' r , 255 ior Offices In Ontario frames into our foctory. t | Avon guorerend, ove sn Bag pl gig NUM i a ' gs t shite ie die ee t or | --Art -- Coll cn ertiens. | Mortgage Money TELEPHONG 728-1633 ___'lasacrps-acycoa Gavan nies" MACHINIST ie MONTHLY -- 97 Necaae Sire 728-2061 Available Surveyors eisile runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 n Oshawa after 6 p.m. 723-9210, Simcoe Street North. | Cartoge Low Interest DONE VAN. AND FURISCHMANN, WHEEL 'CHAIRS. tespilel bets wears) For tool end de maker. For | EARNINGS UNLIMITED | Jouns MOVING AND CARTASE. Prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632, Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. | © growing company In the Por ervbiticun enakeatic salan: Sees assess") Volatns Amenond (Tun ANP Tugger" Coa Dishes - Cutlery = Glassen | "even Inst. a ee oF Dressmaking RESIDENTIAL Lana Punch Bowls APPLY heoting, aluminum oo ond EXPERIENCED eresimating, Gert ae CFFY £08) Dee Ot TV--Radio Repairs _ Coffee Urns MR. LEE HART will be FACTORY TRAINED. |fime"sor'phitip Murray. tng and alterations. Reasonable rates. SUMMER PROPERTIES CAKE VISTA TV Towers, Aaral_ Sere Silver Tea Service : Salesman weer ni Neate eet VACANT LAND and television repairs. 40 Philip Silver Candelabra CROVEN LTD feral age hen gion opi Leg Re gy i et Morrey Avene. flenone SARGEANT'S RENTALS eee Sewe e 8 . le ri fom ele | Mertgnge Beles Nexen | TV SERVICE 725-3338 500 Beech St, REQUIREMENTS: eer ae HAJDU'S DAY OR EVENING 12--Articles Wanted Whitby -- 668-3325 ay cee 25--Apartments US a J striae S MERLAND 728-5286 dLD ANTIQUE wanted, also old Uroe ToS ' todas weer Bridal formal iss ei E OSHAWA wunsey = ae Ratural fi as Tens of Respoebiy tented. A oo Singnvie Cre cocktail, suits, coots, All URITI S in good condition. Call 728-5640, 3 Ambitious Men eens sear i apatiaes kinds of alterations ond fu Cy ON c NE remodeling, Fit right Suse. LIMITED ELECTR ICS SHAW BENEFITS ene avetenie Fareny i teers on BASSETT BLOCK, SUITE 2 112 Simcoe St, North Service Calls AUTO WRECKING CO. | Previous experience selling Pam 720-3073. Wi Ca f Wrecking. books, brushes, PHONE 728-3112 Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 $2.50 win ge PA ay lg Mg east 9 am--9 pm Daily and metals, etc. bought. Hi sa ee Lm. i Classified Advertising Rates New 21" Picture Tubes Open Saturday all day. Phone ' on commissions paid € in| wri ing full Guha: wanarto cons 'gut touke route As Low As $19.66 | 725231189 BLOOR E. | it rtcte, we wit tron you Ors "of" exparione," ob, ' oun 3s ms a All Work Guaranteed 14--Employment Wanted Menoger. status. 3 consecutive dove 225 248 Dominion Television |STENGORAPME service" Reumes| Write stating quolificctions =| AAr RJ. Buchanan ' Tans ANNE ADAMS Count each word, initial, figure or obbreviation os one word. 1206 DUNDAS ST. E. | Classified Box 537 : orc. Sow coe or toe bec: tate Bp! White oso sstrtee BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 15c WHITBY 668.5971 Accuracy guaranteed. Whitby. Telephone Oshawa Times 43 Simcoe St. N. : Little girls have all the fun @very endeavour wilt be made to forword replies to box SS CETTE a : ROOM apartment = jon news in this Meier mcrae ute cee | 1 TOWERS RERELEE S| Oshawa, Ontario | OSoWO, Ont._ feiss A Se laaet prety wel shple pea Ha ge ay - po aa ag such replies, however coused A ng " PART-TIME office work or tome WING] Attention: Mr. Douglass wee wi _ le our = ma straightaway sewing with no IF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES. ntenna Repair oman mac waser am ' pir 'st Wayne' Street, Telephone. 725.990, nanan Ry wae chiens Ecch aden te pe ---- ae TRIO Tecpnone staan" T= sWWANTED ADDRESSOGRAPH |Sieaitt°on ott Tcentnc'rmne| Printed Pattern 4526: Chil- dise advertisements.) 16--Female Help Wanted dren's Sines 2, 4, 6, 8 Size 6 DEADLINES TELEVISION | sirennet wo ter poe Ns Ist Class OPERATOR 26--Roome For Rent ____|takes 2% yards Sinch fabric. 2 | ie IRs: 295 i gil 333 33° ; ff as? = ae I 283 2 <8 33 yo ai i ; | } i a x ba pat = Ty ai i bs i i nh z2 zt . $ g32 53 H Ps 93 4 ry H 3 i il if if af ; i : B ¢ if Fs >] wa > ow p oft ne tf fl él iJ #3 935 i ? ? = 26 3 & S, a a Se Fs 3 rf of crocheted WORD ADS eae 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA /Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel, squares, made one eat a time Conds of Thanks ... i 728-5143 /FULL Time Ceahier, 3 pm. to WT Bim. Model Makers Must be Expertenced en we ee bye to ANNE --_ -- work! With sportsweas, in Memoriums .. . . lapoly Mr. Campbell, P Se $3,354.00 to SINGLE room for gentlemen central, ep-jcare The Oshawa mes, |g: dresses, r. Campbell, Genesha or yes a steiner, 38. Nassau Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario, |direc CLASSIFIED Sate, siege ene 7 Day a Pabicaion GEORGE WILSON} Advertsing Agency | Pattern Makers se puet ie -- = a ST ~ uve' fel sk om|FIFTY CENTS I oot eaeee T.V. SPECIAL ; Requires with model experience Tom." Nem. including . Lest ond Found . ey <a | : FURNISHED bed. siffing room, Teay|Coins = ( 5 ) for; REGULATIONS Sua a YOUNG WOMAN} Top rotes ond benefits. and 'be able to wet up ma- breterred. clove 19 e noses private te lthis ce Onie cieime The Oshawe Times will not be responsible for errors, in odvertise- ¢ 21 to 35. yeors of age to Write chines end at ts, | Soa 2c. sales tax. Print plainly ments submitted otherwise thon in wnting, gt for more thon aah g papal yao ' call on clients with Advertis- Must be fully quelified typist. [SAFS, raorT fe two en, wing al NAME prota @. tig | Cote Loed iatelee * oso | ino materiel, Must be teeto | . INDUSTRIAL Applications received until [te share. Apply 574.Crerar Avenue, : ' - @ne incorrect insertion of anv odver } > gens All lige hac had a edvertiament mwhich | Keed Wire tretoled 1259 | travel Southern Ontorcs Cor | 5:00 p.m, ATTRACTIVELY free umes. The, Grows, Tine rare the vot te city atvrtang | 7 wes healed 930 | Scores Ne eowieee | MODELS 1964 : "FURNISHED ROOMS |,2 F080" Bow, in the cove of Gieplay edvertisements, The Times will not be For Fost Service Colt por Weervny wine P.O BOX 236 Dersonne! Deportment Avaliable in ezivete home. LY FREE? It's simple--order geet conan, The mubichers entenver te neredes of sew. | OSnaWA 728-3334 | Photo Ads Agency SAND. P.O. ciey Heit 82 PARK RD. N tly, f odvarteoment ; = : 'ostoffice Box Il, Oshawa, Ontor i ; be inaccuracies in ; apy form oe ances Game Whitby 668 8344 Whitby, Ont. WINDSOR. ONT. ws . 728-8671