Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Jan 1964, p. 8

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CONCENTRATION Gregory Edward, age two years, is helping his little bro- ther, Scott Terrance, cele- brate his first birthday today, They are the sons of Mr, and Mrs, Terrance Webster, Sim- coe street north, His grand- parents are Mr, and Mrs, George England and Mr, and Mrs, Edward Webster, ail of Oshawa, His great-grandpar- ents are Mr, James Webster and Mr, Thomas Anthony, both of Oshawa, and Mr, and Mrs. David Young, St. Catharines, Photo, Mrs, James McArthur, Hamilton Many Prizes Are Distributed At Church Society Card Party Friends and members of the + Daughters of Isabella enjoyed an evening of cards held on January 22 at St. Gregory's Auditorium, weeted at the Guests were door by Mrs. Gerry Forrestall, guests |2: Zecodne, Mrs, Ra: _ [Viola tenay, Mrs, Danford H, Lloyd, Mrs, Paul Wysotski, Mrs. Frank Flynn, Mrs, Anthony Meringer, Mrs, Henry J, Cai. dinal, Mr, John Drumm, Miss Dorothy McConnell, Mrs, Don- ald E, Woods, Mrs. Sylvia Spencer, Mrs, William A, ies ney, Mr, Steven Bonfordi, mond = Mantha, Mrs, Ivan Gilbert, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs. Daniel Longauer, Door prize winners were: lamp, Miss Mary ~--_ clock, Mrs, William J, Ryan; and percolator, Miss Cath- ba » etage which was flanked by oversize playing cards and snowmen. Stradeski, Miss Helen Kane, Mrs, Jan E. Cioski, Mrs, Ber- nard Holtforster, Mrs, Closs, Mrs, Charles J. Tanguay, aj street, is celebrating the day M Mrs. D. Driscoll, ay Linda Shine, Mrs, James A. Conlin, Mrs, L. V. Brennan. Mrs, Ed- ward J, Power, Mrs, Frederick Henderson, Mrs, Jerry Moun- toaster, Mrs, William 'A. Court: au Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Jenuary 25, 1964 The E, A, Lovell Home and School Association celebrated its 43rd birthday at its January meeting, The president, Mrs. Richard Lack welcomed those ent and introduced Mrs, muel Venn who has replaced Mrs, Lycett as secretary, Mrs, Thomas Tipton announced the results of the dollar drive, The room attendance prize was won by Miss Reynold's class, Mrs, Kenneth Pooler re- ported on the membership for this year, It was announced that the Ice Carnival would be held as soon as weather permits, The nominations committee for this year will be Mrs, Robert Smith, Mrs. Everett Graham, Mrs, Kenneth Pooler, Mrs, John Crook, and a_ representative from the staff of the school, A letter regarding the Oshawa and District Home and School Coun- Survey Shows Women Not Shy About Their Ages Who says women are shy|"es about their ages? At least two out of three Canadian women are not, When women were asked in an opinion survey for Telepoll, whether they would be willing to have birth dates shown on their government social insur- ance cards, 69.3 per cent said "yes" compared with 30.5 per cent who said "'no", These pro- portions were not so far re- moved from the men's replies - 4.6 per cent "'yes" and 25.2 per cent "no", The Telepoll program, shown on Sundays, on which subjects of national interest are discuss- ed is followed by an opinion poll conducted across the country on a scientific sampling basis. People were asked last week- } end (January 19) for their opin- 'iion of the government's pro- * |posal to issue numbers and cards to all workers in p ration for its national pe: plan. Replies showed that ma- jorities approved the proposal and also approved not only giv- ing the government detailed in- formation about themselves, but also having such information shown on their cards, SOCIAL NOTICE IT'S A GREAT DAY Ninety-one years old today, Mrs, F. W. Rundle, Nassau ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, David T. Ross, Whitby, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Esther Anne, to Benjamin Allan Ray- ner, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Rayner, Pickering. The mar. riag will take place on Friday, February 28, 1964, at 7.00 p.m, in St, John's Anglican Church, Port Whi quietly with members of her family who will be gathered around her at five o'clock when a trans-Atlantic -- call is expected fro gon and his family a England. ERNIE CAY'S HOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN 4 MONTHS 1 FREE DELIVERY "HE it's LUMBER, coll our NUMBER" | PHONE 725-1121 $3 ALBERT ST. LECOFF ' t. WHITE GRANULATED SUGAR: GRADE "A" FRESH E. A. Lovell H&S Observes Forty-Third Anniversary cil Award was: read, and a vote taken regarding the suggested amount to be donated toward this award yearly, This will act as a directive to the represen- tative who attends the meeting concerning this award. Miss BE. A, Found introduced the speaker, Mrs, Esther Tum- monds, a teacher of academic subjects in the Diversified Oc- cupational Classes at Me- Laughlin Collegiate and Voca- tional Institute, Mrs. . Tummonds described land filustrated the methods she uses in teaching remedial and improved reading, This consists of reading beyond the level of the primary grades. , Mention was made of the at- tacks made by the public on reading during the past few years, The speaker felt that reading ability is no worse now than previously, but that the jneed for reading well is jgreater, | Students are tested to find ithe level that they have reach- ed in reading, comprehension, brane rap and spelling, The ts of these tests determine the an at which the student should begin in remedial read- ing classes, and which area needs the most emphasis, Mate- rials used for testing were dis- played, Much of the material shown could be used and cor: rected by the pupil himself, | Mrs. Tummonds demonstrat- ed the use of films for controll- ed reading: These can be ob- tained for all levels from be- ginner on, and are used to train people to read more quickly, The desired speed is 500 to 800 words per minute in contrast to an average of 200 ot 300. Members of the audience were given an opportunity to test their skill at reading num- bers on one of these films. All present were intrigued by these methods of teaching, and enjoyed Mrs. Tummonds _re- freshingly humorous style, Mrs. | John Crook thanked the speak- ONler on behalf of the Associa- tion, Refreshments, including a birthday cake, were served by the Grade 7 mothers, MRS, 0. M. ALGER Active Resident To Be Honored On 90th Birthday will be receiving the congratula- tions of her friends and mem- bers of the family, on the cel- ebration of her 90th birthday. Coming to Oshawa in 1919, Mrs. Alger has been active in Simcoe Street United Church and.community life for the last 40 years, Her early days were spent on the farm near Wark- worth; her father, Samuel Black coming from Ballymena, Ireland to take up a homestead in Perry Township. After her marriage to Ora Malcolm Alger, who as a school teacher, afterwards became a newspaper editor; the family moved in 1900 to Embro (Ox- ford County) and later Tweed, There are three daughters in the Alger family -- Mrs, Lin- coln Elliott, 'Tweed; Mrs, Don- ald MacLachlan, Kettleby and Mrs. E, A,. Gurr, Bermuda, Two sons, Ewart and Stewart still live in Oshawa, In the younger generation, Mrs, Al- ger has 11 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren, One sis- ter, Mrs, C, Cryderman resides in Toronto, Although not too active the last year, Mrs, Alger still reads the daily newspaper and is in- terested in current affairs, On Sunday afternoon there will be a tion for the relatives and members of the tamil Tomorrow, Mrs, Agnes Alger| Hamilton, |~ UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES 8ST, GEORGE'S GUILD The Marty Parker Group held ites Janua meeting at the home of Mrs. F, G, Ongley, Adelaide avenue west. Mrs, 0 sale were arranged for April, Tickets were on sale for the Valentine bridge on February 6 in the parish hall, Mrs, Richard: son asked members to save lent for group funds and re led them they Guild meeting February 3. COLLEGE HILL H and 8 Fathers' night was held at the January meeting of the College Hill Home and School presiding, Mr, Arthur Gory _ in' ot Metro Divers School in Osh- awa, who gave an interesting were Lashes at the next|y tion with Mrs, Ronald Lenover pr twoduced Mr, Donald Cranfield, founder) iy) LODGES AND SOCIETIES VICTORIA LTB LODGE NO, 55 The regular meeting of Vic- toria Loyal True Blue Lodge No, 55 was held recently in_ the Orange Temple, Sister Mabel Blow presided, assisted by Dep- uty Mistress Sister Arbourne. Devotional exercises were per- formed by acting chaplain Sis- ter Alice Short after which everyone sang the ode, Sister Bleanor Mitchell was then in- stalled as chaplain for 1964 by District Deputy Grand Mistress Sister Elda Howard. Phylis} Friendship Unit of King Street and informative talk on skin diving poln the gers of using inferior eq ment, Movies of C,jaction and a Mienchya. shanked id on behalf of the Associa- ion, Mrs, Earl Adams gave a re- ing, It was decided that lege Hill representative should recommend to Home and School ep that the me sens uae part of the meeting, Mrs, _jtive 'members are Mrs, Harold Bell, past unit leader; Mrs, L/w! was read b and the m S. Myers, Mrs, Bell presided for the Mrs, John Tane, tation by Mrs. H. Wilton reported on home Fy hospital calls, and Mrs, M, R, Elliott gave the report on flowers and cards sent to sick members, Mrs, Lawrence Allen, the new president of King Street United Church Women, installed the executive for 1964, The execu: G, Glover, unit leader; Mrs, E,|it C, Wilson, secretary; Mrs, H, §, Myers, assistant secretary andi gu press representative; Mrs. Le-| Roy Kellar, treasurer; Mrs, Wil- based on the an- Lenover at E, A, Lovell School, January 28; the next meeting will be at the school, February 17, Room attendance was won by Mr, Howard Brown's Grade 7. Refreshments were served by room mothers Mrs, James Ross and Mrs, Jack Donnell with the assistance of the mothers of Mrs, Warren Wills' Grade 1 class, KING STREET UCW | (Friendship Unit) | The January meeting of the; United Church Women was held recently, and took the form of] a potluck supper, The theme of the devotional and! vrs, Harold Wright, social con- bur Rusnell, assistant treasurer; vener; Mrs, W. D, Lackie, flow: UAW AUXILIARY 27 The regular meeting of Auxt- liary 27 was held on Tuesday night. Committee reports were given and progress with the plans for the banquet was des- - cribed, St, Stephen's Church will be the caterers of a turkey sup- per, The deadline to obtain your banquet tickets is March 3, 1964, The education seminar is to be held February 1 and 2 and all sisters are encouraged to at- tend, There are a number of courses oe, * grcoton to everyone. an opportun- wish th the members if they h to take full advantage of 'Plans are in the alr about a: ue wien trip t a thine as; a o Channe sometime in April, The next meeting is February 4, er convener; Mrs, R. H. Davis sick and visiting convener. Group leaders are Mrs. R, L, ee Mrs, A, 8. Clark, Mrs, Douglas Lander and Mrs, Dun- can McMillan, The new unit leader, Mrs. L, G, Glover, presided for the 're- mainder of the meeting, Plans were made for the year's ac- -- and the members were minded of the church Congre- gotional Meeting January 28, the Gow Valentine Tea February 12, and the UCW meeting Feb- ruary 13, SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! ana ag CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 service under the leadership of Mrs. Harold Bell was "The Bond of Peace". The scripture Special committees then gave their reports, The birthday ban- quet is to be held March 20, a home bingo January 30, at Sis- ter Sophie Keliar's, Cedar street, Prizesof the evening were won by Sisters. Gladys Beavis and Eleanor Mitchell, Refreshments were served after which penny bingo was played, SIGHT CORRECTED Most children are born long- sighted, but by the time they start school their sight usually becomes normal. Volunteers Need Typewriters REGARDLESS OF AGE TO HELP MEMBERS Please Phone 728-9931 OF THE : | GUERNSEY GOLD 2% Costs 4c Less "At Your Store Or At Your Door" In Helf-Gallon Pure-Pac Throw-Away Cartons Be Satistied With Our complete line of SWEET FRESH PRODUCTS in DAIRY all package soles, DIAL 728-6241 MAPLE CLEANERS Pay Ly 44 ST. $ GsnAWa ee Ae end Delivery Tvour Family's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 WALLPAPER SALE 19 Bond West FAT' 723-4922 PRESTON'S LARGE EGGS ee ee JONTARIO FANCY GRADE COLD STORAGE 05: 'POWER Available MON., Jan, 27th, TUES., Jan, 28th POWER PERFECT GRAIN FED BEEF HAMBURG poTEAK » THE WEEK SPECIALS { 39' SAVE 8c vor, Ae SUNFORGETTABLE! | GIVE '64 A WARM AND WONDERFUL START, JET TCA FASTEST AND ONLY NON-STOP TORONTO TO FLORIDA Pack up all your cares and winter woes--then deposit them in the nearest snowbank. Just be sure to bring lots of summer clothes when you head South with the Sun (and TCA) away from the tortures of cold weather. This year, swap the season of snow and slush for a session of sun and fun on the golden sandy beaches of fabulous Florida--the land where ice comes ina cube and tall glass--not in a storm! So, keep a weather eye on the thermometer. When the temperature goes down, that's the time FLY CANADIAN --FLY TCA TRANS: "CANADA AIR LINES $134 for you to go up--and South--in a prea Tex DC-8 Jet. The flight is 9 mile-a-minute fast--just 2 hrs., 35 mins. from Toronto--and very relaxing. You simply sit there in comfort and get waited on by TCA's friendly Flight "plane lands smoothly in Attendants, until your the Sunny South! RATHER GO TO MIAMI? MAKE YOUR CONNEC- TIONS FROM TCA IN SUNNY TAMPA! IF YOU HAVE TO CHANGE PLANES, THIS IS THE WARM AND WEATHER-PROOF WAY TO DO IT! Ask your Travel Agent to make arrangements for your Holiday in the South... and for information about TCA's conven- dent Fly Now- Pay Later Plan. Choice of First and Economy accommodation on most flights. Or call TCA -- w Terento at 130 Bloor Street W. (&) AIR CANADA SR NC i a sea ota 2 cael, SOT i -- DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHIT BY--BROOKLIN WHITBY 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL -10.00 P.M. MACINTOSH oa APPLES 59" 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST I] MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE i 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 723-9441 PHONE 668-3304

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