Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Jan 1964, p. 14

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S14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Jenvery 25, 1964 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 ee e e * ° é 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondav to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 17----Male Help Wanted |23--Wanted To Rent 26---Rooms For Rent By R scoTr | samiToR for small church y bullsina ELDERLY LADY would tlke to rent Rooms FOR RENT, $3, $5, and 86 Z . BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | eee ey Se Sey ee eee Pose : } preemcae Poa = voune aan Fequired 0 to a8, chaut- aoe LADY requires two unturnished FURNISHED 'bed -- si shaun pra ae * feur's are Rellable Furniture Inter|nousekeeping 4 rot 96 King Street East. No telephone) jephone betwen 95 p.m.,/room, Telephone 728- EXPERIENCED sell Harter Real Estate), '#3 Se eee n north Bia oe i) WANTED -- _ two-bedroom minut jan leamen or Sales Ladies, over 4,000 ex Young" count ith small 'wavy./@wa Boulevard North, Telephone 723-71 isd AN OCTOPUS : 90 Accountants Gardening and Supplies Mortgages TV--Radio Repairs ibe clsive itings in wit oan above Telephon Tatephone von ruRwraneD eee aie ce tame ger ioe WILD BIRD Need A TV SERVICE Ann ay ane Keer ' veer, "ConieclGer 6 Gerry rt AM ie TRANSFERRED. ie tem oe imo. gsi t Complete Street West, 4 723-7608, on IN| Real Estate -- red. Will LARGE FRONT | bedroom, twin beds, DAY OR EVENING OPEN HS SHELL AND WeKLY ider fi apa A i two ladies or two gentlemen willing ee ae peuas, mio Sot : WANTED--Y ine fun particusare "auch location, sult two. Aen) ti Chote Aeonen: nee' Sree srephare | 728-5286 _ ral First s MONI. | size, price in. firs ass ox Rance street wir iby Onero -- wa FEEDS Mortgage Loan OSHAWA seat WAS HOLA YOR \ & rend _ Comme at fon xpress [nt Gon yh, i ce ig ATTRACTIVELY sonra SOE cM ast] Wild Bid Peder eal thd srarnenee, Aapere Aa BAT (MAS "mr the rae FURNISHED ROOMS pa Centre, Suite 288) Sunflower Seed ond 2nd mortgages. Agree ELECTRONICS xa Haag yg Aveilebl Alax ae FO 668-413 Millets nents for sale, Mortgages : ; Ne eae FIVE ROOM ave lable in eee es YALE, FPRIRDLANOER AND co,| Small Cut Grains Purchased. Low rates. Your (Well Drilling--Digging all between 5 and 7 p.m, gage problems gladly dis- , Beech HOUSE 82 PARK RD. N. ecountantsr Licensed Tru ssed. No fees, iti BL by f '}: ES RE GS Ea bs naan bs a ne WATER SOFT Immediate detion tor' quick Rett Hie Ws Wards 204 Chestnut f ACTUAL mt te ne ue im : 728-8671 agg AE galt na SALT 725-2539 WILLIAM "KROONTIE, wall aipnie' Ij Bovintn By Boston Nh Mab. OR 27--Real Estate For Sale SSO AND. DURROWS EMATTEDET| Orand Pellet or 723-3211 ing tat "Park Road "South, P0206 yoaene'st alll REAL ESTATE APARTMENT gy Mae "itan Scho) ares e EMON JUICE. Grae SSS aia" | Common Fine Soh 3 i--Women's Column Re pact | A aN SALESMAN WANTED |. Bn ul rc, low down eymen fe ical Servi *PLYING seat, "ena anes Sy Chartered | COOPER SMITH Musical Services PERMANENTE on special. Pape. ir Dancer . gan? ee cur hoes 'cksaiuhed seine x Urgently Required 004006. S. Br Myon Real Betehe Lids Sa: dressing, 996 Pine Avenue, MALAYA, Mg mln igh antes Rab elt tg oe a ADESIGN Xf0L | ecole potentiol for 9: : ACL = ss Ex srw! nr eee co. praised, J, Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664, ag " EXCESS. FLESH oF HIS FACE. gressive man, By: fomily of four Whitby. Telephone 668: 16 CELINA ST, Painting and Decorating = -- ee pr arereremrert LT ha tn a An Anite Gcarain heal Genin aia arriving in Oshawa | Giana" Members of the 0.D,R.E.B. Jonuary 27th, eerermceet Gt 723.2312 Sean ca eas eae SS py ali ema wit pet oa ay rh 0 bem . /14--Employment Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted Ask sg Me? Miller Poy Aer iy H © U S E Barristers Instruction kinson Ave, nee wes JouuPH Pp; WANGAW, GE, Uariliiet| WARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton! W. G, Scott and Son waren Oshawa see "ne oes bare Oshewers 00" guarentona," Pelé YOUNG | MAN OSHAWA, ONT, a Times. itor, to Joan. Office, 144 King! Tap, RAD Ballet, Highland, Regist Soiicitor, Money te teen og Tape RAD Ballet, Wianiand. Register) Experienced painters and de- [4m Telephone 668-4908, A WANTED holidays. Write Box 427 Oshaw: Ask for MISS RILEY F908 AND DONALD, Barristers end) ciiian MAB MARSH, D.E.A., Dancing! corators in all branches of Removal of superfluous | hair, UPHOLSTERER REQUIRED 9 gnc cine 5 ae Suichers., So, Kine ree! EAN! School, Ballet, Tap Acrobailc, Character, the trade, Interior and ex- Marie Murduff will be in POSITION WITH 'on dura PART-TIME For Stock. Room 24--lHouses For Rent eaten Ba warsintar,|9 Schoo! Kingorgance, my Satur; terior, Oshawa, Feb, 3rd, 4th and THO . '. . jarrister, | days. jasonic Temi Hy esceesiaatsecescaynainasanhinisesseedemeatienees- satan clad % x The Times 693 Wilson N, R.R. 2 5th, Phone Genosha Hotel LOCAL INDUSTRY hcasks dale cA en caw. Full Compony Benefits AVAILABLE MARCH J, In South Alax, KINGSMERE Solicitor, Notary, Suite 303, The ; . 728-4209, | BURNS SCHOOL of Dancing, Tap, ballet, fe on these dates for appoint- ' M . modern 3-bedroom split-level with car- Merigage funds ""Scumbus Hall 728-6815 ment 13 years supervisory exper- For further information call Apply in person et TE fireplace. Asking $125, Call GARDENS 'available, jazz and baton, Knights of ee mm mm | 728-7902, cages «7 See ey. ye : | ¢ P MASINBON one BASTEOO, Barristers: DODD and SOUTER ELECTROLYSIS ience in all phases of auto- Mr, Carl Koppen ; __ a aca BITE ealap agate oon Clients' funds available for/WILSON AND L@@ Music Store. Reals: PAINTING AND DECORATING aay te | motive interior trim manus Harwood ZELLER S tie, MONTHLY =u Navas Sirah mig pee yg SP an North,)ter now for accordion lessons, Rent . 4 4 ' Dial CONTRACTORS facture including Dielectrics, fer 6 723-9210, toves ond and f Edgar FF, Bastedo, QC; Norman WH. wean oe Painting, Paperhanging, a LEN PULLAN , ghee vie raleved Custom Upholstery " Downtown Store SPeORTORTTT Y for middle-aged couple decarated dom, rel -- Gyptex, Full Wall Murals or clerical position in reloted AJAX 942- 1500 to share two-storey home with widower! starting ot $1324 with Spra Pointing ENGLISH TAILOR industry. Male Age 47. | MECHANIC Ialy lester Box duties, Cem! NLHLA. financing. Directions a mes Classified Advertising. Depart-| King Street East to Mission TAMES A.M, DONALD, BA, LLB, "4 Barrister and Sollcltor and 'Notary Pub: E Z E METHOD Speciali | 'commer! Hat Ki 4b. ecialist in garment altera- ; ESE Ot die ae Th lle, The © cal Building, 286 King 8.5 tions, Kte, Invilible mendine, Phone Ajax 942-5905 a ory Catane, tan. Hae a seers - -- DRIVING SCHOOL NIGHTS 725- 7426 7, 3 trations. MACHINIST WANTED WHITBY, Centre Street, three-bedroom, follow the signs. 1 brick bungalow, newly di ted, fenced Newest Oshowo Branch Plumbing and Heating 0 SeunNce ST. 16--Female Help Wanted in yard. Range and dryer supplied. $115. PHONE 728-0881 |Teleonone no-sr, Merolg W Srks Ul TVRIOT fer afternomns. Apaiy in persey| For tool ond die maker. For | to operate garage |=" ==" GRANDVIEW ark, Lid 2 , x Plomaing, eat al ing, 285|3--Pets & Livestock Witheteae irene ve RA lst artnet ia tee 25--Apartments GARDENS "Mortgages om Sireet sou saat --|GERMAN Shepherd, registered, black|Mf Campbell, Genosha Hotel, ay. PORT PERRY -- 2bedroom apartment,| Featuring 1964 layout, elt -- ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, and tan, one year old, male, $75. Apply| FULL TIME cashier, 3 p.m. 7. 1) pm, STATHAM B A Children welcome. Private entrance, $50.) mew large spacious bunga- .| PRIVATE and corporation monies for alinew and used materials, Reasonable|20 Birch Street, Alax, Telephone Alaxifive-day week, Also cashier for part time. APPLY ores monthly, Telephone Brooklin 655-4659, lows, prices as low os $13,- mortgages; mortgages and agreement bs Hat ae free, Dial 723+1191,/ 942-3673. Bee Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel, MR. LEE HART AJAX i thenres epert mak: partly 500. ahonee $850 down. "Isale purchased. Creighton, Drynan and). °0'*) POODLES -- small, black miniature| RELIABLE woman to share new home ' Lorge garage, clean, bright |tumnished, Apply at 18 Billingsgate 'Cres.| Directions, south on Grand: r ng , wUMvme Ys BOvENYG ong WICtway Moreen Cue "Bary | YORK PLUMBING [gPas.cuast sam sett ann su, Toutes iy Stn Wel -CROVEN LTD, | od warm S24 deve weekly. [cet aie Se view to Olive Ave, Barristers, nelbor as a King Street mist AND SECOND. mortgages, Sale| AND HEATING 725-8294, town of Whitby, Write Box $28, Oshawa . APPLY IN. PERSON. Sullate Roeiees gal " pereeeat | | Re jumphreys, QC. " Gc) W. He tilimens LLBs|aoreements purchased and sold, Here! 'atinne ; COCKER SPANIEL puppies, part! color,|; sae io ive Waar hes child, Available February 2 Siticg ts VaS-1I7?, Residence --728-4926.|nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Specializing in repairs, HOUSEKEEPER to live in modern home 500 Beech St, --_--_--- ------|Bims mega. ry HILLSDALE INby 668-2761, 725-4604, NHA and oer] oi oe past, 729.7292, funds available, 2 MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD 728-1731 BEAUTIFUL baby "bodolen reeay tor BABYSITTER required Yo look affer fe Soe eS j MORTGAGE ¥ gles, ready forichildren while ther works, Light) ARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, i i ii Vacant March 1. Apply address above, | walkout basements on ravine i "s ian Sieh, "Residence, 'dial Aver How one Brow \e"Bin enh Aooty Mrs ltewats, ut, Cie in oF ei An ACCOUNTANT GROUND FLOOR -- threeroom untur-| lots, both featuring built in ish Broad, 114 Elgin East 'S79 Albert Street, selt-con' ovens atte, Pe ee LOANS |Rug-Upholstery Service PEK pupoles, < charming pore ne WOMEN required, full ald Ambitious ian town handy. to to everything. Sut maste plete, decorating dom ony. ey Og ae eg | English breedii Reasonable, Register-|part-time, day and night work, Apply Grade 12 jal, Offi Greer ano KELLY, Barrister, Solici- | Dp ist andere ing. pa ra essential, Office ex- [aged working couple with no children. ferme ates, Te King Street East, | Dial Moneys for first mortgages Itacuiyie. Free Seatimnate See our 'mariet_Olal_ Whitby 668-3923. swnrahtg! So iia otaauaimsidaiiioe med Wes Cn tency" vali perience desirable, Salary to | Available Feb, |. $62 monthly, Telephone rents starting at 31867 Interest at 7% jal. for recovering, Dalton Upnolster-/HORSE FOR SALE, 4 yeara old, color| reunton Road. ga op re bgdgaa tose be orronged. Phone Business [27 with one N.H.A. . 723-2278. Residence 2 "Phones: Greer, ter! Sas Se ibd QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, we BCL, Open Mortgages ing, 75 Charles Street 723-7212. black, Western broke, Quiet and sound,| POSITIONS awalt single and married $, s, veccums, ELGIN EAST, 164 -- bedsitting room Directions proceed on Ross- 5. ES ERS ca ae No bonus ART' Desert (ag neo quarter horse stal:| wane sonoe - gg Mio onex etc, Manager for appointment, and kitchen with refrigerstor eng stove land Rood east to wevuce V- bags NG BA, Barrister, Sol) No che for valuations cust ing ; jweeks' e-study, Our 50 years ex Z : Parking and washing tecliities, Telephone! turn south to models, Svellable ete kine aver' East. bet Pedra and Agreements pl ge _ hos hag M ereeeatt/ON® INTELLIGENT female Seman in ere per logge Reali ory feet Aa ae MEMORIAL a Par ren a purchased. mates, Dial 728-7271, gg ah A to gion Al of Education, Buy these selsteaching : NEAR NORTH OM pibnt, central, base. Res, 728-1 . ' ------nanniomenneneee |FOX TERRIER (wire), Ba hheoy three d e, Day and Night ) ment apartment, unfurnished, quiet Moneys for second mortgages. | CHESTERFIELDS re-built, re-covered| months old. Telephone Alax 942016, /DOOKS: and Save, expense, Day an Night It relioble, ont train you | HOSPITAL home, Suit one or two business people. ioe Manager. 20-5658, ss ; 4 months, t shots, regist 328 SIMCOE SOUTH purebreds Excalient | temperament, 735 Prone atter'6 pm Alex sai Whitby ee i 3325, JUNIOR King" STREET EAST, oe = Seiten : TERRACE - sa adern apartment, stove, retrio-| -T19 exciting new models with erator, weaning UP roca BE adults only. Building Trades _| Fost M " x ike new, Why pay more? Our rates are] puppies, mais, 84 Females, $4, black|tems, 0S Beech, Street, Whitby, Ont. or Telephone SWARTZ reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Mal sag white or ali black. Apply 128 Elgin| 668-4607, a Write stating quolificetions BOWMANVILLE THREE-BEDROOM apartment in new pe ei ia ten RO NEW Legg Ayia and repairs, re tt Upholstery Co. i, tresses re-built, Oshawa Upholstery Cou) ci i easy apartment building Includes new range, | RESPECTABLE girl to Wie in and modelling, rec. rooms. Free estimates. 26Ya ring St. East 10 Bond West, Dial 725-031), 728-3420, SESS oe : u housek if; os efrigerator and di Al ter, A. Woods, Oshawa, Ontario SuagTaRMiaLOl ona oe he re | RECITTERED "Baschund pupey, i, emnalllafter Me ceen ght housekeeping) §=--- Classified Box 537 -- | refrigerator end. drapes. Alse many. 9 YM N jendard type, tern sap Ne duties. Telephone 720-0660. hehe ee | A a TYPES of building repairs, roofing, chimneys, fireplaces, sidewa' ike new. Get the best for less | vi 4 Ika, stoops, 723-4 eee phone Bowmanville atter § p.m. 623-3430. Aven T LOWELL Avenue, three-room apartment, at Mode rn Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe: |RURAL von Oshawa Times Oe FGacaue hee ton te Gordon May, 728-0394. --|South, Call 728-6451, Free estimates. 5--_F Col offers excellent earning eppertunity : PLASTERING, Lp gs Ee WAVE YOUR chestertieid suite ce --Farmer's volumn vets Arig Ba RE ge on, nee ys Oshawa, Ontario ing new and old work man 2nd Mortgages rebuilt, Low price, Telephone 201) WATER FOR SALE -- 1000 gallons, $8) Due to further expansion Vo- Wt no answer, call 723-9258, 720-209. ing| delivered. Retard pail, (7% osnewe. sertians ' atest 26--Rooms For Rent Aa CARPENTRY, cabinets. erbarile Up To $10,000 Imited, PAS-IVN6. in. WEEKLY | tor wearing lovely cree Attention: Mr, Douglass | cancies exist for High School | Wan eLeAN Foor Ta privale hoine Real Estate og oe Mens. wee See graduates to learn printing on [Very central. Suit gentleman, Apply 102 wall and floor tiles..G. Leman, 7203896) 4 Sales and Service vailable To Homeowners mediate possession. Telephone 723-3657, igivi PaRMene Need y Pires? ~ Call "BIN" |Qverican Fashion Frocks fe friends, No Elgin Street East, r ¢ perience, mec:| apprenticeship basis, Pleasant seta ee) d po gt Mg] ver an reais INTEREST RATES FROM 1% (CUARANTERD, Tepes ea ear Bisel «some a Ls paral [scr orm Ameren eshin pane CAREER working conditions. Techni- |taO jsmele furmaned,Sedroams tn ort Limite poh Rod ee. sis TO 1%% PER MONTH [70-1702 tor dead and rippled tare stock Po SALESLADY -- For Specialty Children's OPPORTUNITY cal training facilities. AW or only, $8, weekly, Telephone YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY clearer. ars 12% : TO 15% PER AN- |"GLASS AND SCREEN |e" fur term, Uicenee. 245-C-4, bs ee et ngae Yeon Kees Oshawa FOR A company benefits ond prom- |iAR@E room turnished, hol water heal 728-6286 Sieg furnaces echumea: Fron Free' ev "A pet Repairs to aluminum win- [1000 BALES. of hay for sale, 48c "per| Shopping Centre, Young man with eredit ex- ising future, by ered Post inn, Highway 2, Whitby. tes. 723-2997. NO BONUSES dows and door inserts ----- 1 -- [dale Call Hampton 269-2578, --|RELIABLE mature "Women te Teak. after perience. PHONE pon ALL BUILDING cupboards.| NO HIDDEN CHARGES day service --- Bring your CATTLE [Lave Wn oe out, 728-4844, Credit experience in feed in- 723-2233 cermadaling, ee. Call bon ere Heme) NO BROKERAGE FEES NASH ALUMINUM -- (BABY SITTER for one "eR nd some care wereten but not es- {ob abpuinaed OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS MASONRY CONTRACTOR avaliable) PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR rouaanald Suet yeti Clive Avenue. sins works eat tee san capeld TELEPHONE 7a@cts3__| Arteries picked, no bleeding. FARE TSSrig mais save hay to| Agricultural bockoreund on |1@--Mele or Female THE REALTY DIVISION OF | For prompt service phone -- [hive in with elderly pensioner woman.) asset, Help Wanted | HOME Strveyors Oshawa 728-7601. Linerel ere, Ta | Applicants should have min- |GOok -- Must be rellobie, vest and] Sue a PRINTED PATTERN | Preaek oes! Satan DER CREE Ee a Mele ERAS aN 263-2264 or after 4 p.m. IMPROVEMENTS |DONGYAN\ AND FLEISCHMANN, W. W. SIMPSON -- Carpentry work of all kinds, S U P E R | 0 R print, Wh Ontarto Street, YasSei2. a R ris |STENOGRAPHER | tile flooring and painting, DISCOUNT LIMITED |W. RLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land| tit! | EOUIRED cal peace ate pent gyal -eg a 725-6541 igervevere: WY Gigi. Sree. Geet. Prana} 'WINTER | REQ Must! be cee ond: abe 10 ea WWTEREaTING INCOMES, sel) the games wom, | 17 Simcoe St. | ISHING _|_ SHORTHAND NECESSARY meet the public, Salary com: loesd Jite products Including "235 'omen. : : ICE F S | mensurate with qualifice- [tic hain: Commission 45 per hap coo! imum of Senior Matricule- ft gg Ma cd itive oty y weer, tion plus 3 or more years [mer be res ee . A party, Apply Coach House Restaurant, credit experience, 939 Dundas West, Whitby, or after $ pm. homes | basements woterproofed |__25 Superior Offices In Ontario TV--Radio Repairs PHONE tions, Write giving full por- | With $25.00, you get' your airrele. cose. All work guaranteed. |CAKE VISTA TV Towers, Aerial | AND POWER 723- 4630, teulars te Soday rial aie, Soecleis « premiums tomers. JITO, Dept Neo je tco Ba cremall. | Mortgage Money |itee atone twestae man"! TOBOGGANING | BOX 334 ae eee Menree Visit the famous Land 0' | BOOKKEEPER : OSHAWA TIMES | HAIRDRESSER 728-2061 } : is UARANTEED PANS cy 7 "rakes 8 Available radio, ios. Thompson Elec. yee Sreadlapeagdc ad Full set of books. Some typing. | troniea, 157 Eiiott, 7239792, Fred. i } Cartage | : wonderland, where you can | <a Low Interest (Service Calls | tsn'pictersi, Northen Pike | WANTED : Oshawa, Whitby, Reasonable rates. Fully, | | Perch and Ponfish from heat- | ELEKTRIKORDS Experienced equipped and insured. 728-366}. Valuations Arranged | ed. ice huts - commencing | } Dressmaking RESIDENTIAL rae ok m--9 p.m: Daily February ah, te season | And Harness Ltd. st Class Man or Woman SRPERIENCED dressmaking pant cor * Pi T opens on Lake Trout, Speck- ' ; EXPERIENCED, eressmating: "pent CITY AND DISTRICT - foal waa. o¢ Ajox, Ontarie Model Makers Apply in Person Mrs, Eldridge, 6? Montrave, 7254476. | VACANT LAND | seenaporter! Mose al For interview appointment. or s OREGSNARING -- Arreraions: rena All Work Guaranteed, | YeiNmay tour the bork coun. | Phone Ajax 942-4910 | 5.4, Mak The Mayfair Salon South, 725-8562. PTE op wo by | Dominion Television | try, oF skim over the great pees a atrern akers * > 1206 DUNDAS ST, E. 'at ice surtoces of lakes on vertsin enc i i ; HAJDU'S WHITBY 668-597) power toboggans. House | R Gi inci with model experience 27 Celina Street Tailoring and Dressmeking - keeping and lodge accommo. | equires cocktail, suits, coats. All i ANG servation ~ write: Mrs. J. M, kinds of alterations and fur' | SECURITIES . | Whitfield, cadens, Gand Oo | 2 to 35 years of age to | INDUSTRIAL |20--Room and Board remodeling. Fit right guar | LIMITED Antenna Repair Cokes Ti A T | call on clients with Advertis: | ROM AND BOAR semadeine | | | hokes Totat Aste, Tweed, .| {motes Mam be feet | (OT NS ORR ae ae BASSETT BLOCK, SUITE 2 | 112 Simcoe St. North TRIO aa } travel Southern Ontorio, Cor | MODELS ROOM AND BOARD tor tw D tor Two "gentlemen ; PHONE 728- 3112 | Oshawa, Ontorio--725-3568 | |11--Articles For Rent =| is_ essential, No experience P.O BOX 236 wilting to share, "home cpaked ments, pierre Rie sc ks J a | necessary, Telephone ; * | TELEVISION [Rates cre ea tangas tains sors Ros iptv. ovis ROOM ane board for_genionan "vane Classified Advertising Rates 1-171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA |Simcoe Street Nort, | SAND. P.O. ittings and North General Motors, Tele- 25 WORD MINIMUM | Better described otters get taster results, 728- 5143 = a, Weal ame Beams ed Photo as Daeenty WINDSOR, ONT. 'room and board | tor Gent wentiornen, single Cash Carge FR Boe a BE racket oo Whitby, Ont. - =I font 10 Nori OMG, Apply "Apply 386 King| ' ¢ commen do "end matty GEORGE WILSON, A GHD. | TEST] YOUNG MAN arts Says FOR BED 'N' BATH = Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation os one word. By ALICE BROOKS Wis esr enon mite mate foward wim vo tox | T.V. SPECIAL Sayre tate teres) | WANTED 7 i Create new color harmony in " mumbers to the advertisers a3 soon os possible, we accept no | ; Candelabra ering, 1 'Sireet . Tower $42.50 | | Im the 20 to 25 yeor age re, for | er ee eS Seenge arnaed te aren Gveugh Root Antinnes. 22.50 we | NT'S RENTALS Lg wes Bh Bagh bat | group for general clerical and | $h* Ri nconil _ ------ 'ACCESSORY MAGIC By ANNE ADAMS 4 17g gp ae - oe such replies, however caused | Bases Laae wekeiiee $10. | 725-3338 Telephone Whitby 66-870, order . desk type of duties Room bo ay Tg eertiomen,| ing bluebird linens, IF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES | Lead Wire Installed . 8.30 | F5=---- Wanted DITOR i | Se cee Sees Cenarnent, labren | Happiness Bluebirds -- em.) Protessiona! listings only, 3 Wwnes pe: month 8.50 | be allt bay ves Hh aot rticles W ti si A U | office pe sl "igre Room Ano ft BOARD fe tor gentleman, broider them on trousseau|, New fashion wizardry! Sew y wires insta' x pg ase antes: , ale old UNEMPLOYMENT cooking, lunches i louse, beret to match--dranta- ~ Each additional line per month 1.60 | shel ak comterteste Serenioraecttana, cen-jlinens, shower, hostess gifts.\¢ Not tor odvertisements,) | For Fast Service Call ---- INSURANCE COMMISSION ephone _ |Wral. Dial esa. |Pattern 7352: transfer 10 acti eat atone ee ee DEADLINES | Oshawa 728-3334 | AUTO WRECKING CO. PETERBOROUGH DISTRICT with customers, order process |22----Offices, Stores, , Storage 24x25 to 5xI1 inches, silk, pique, wool. RD AD eas 5 : P AUDIT OFFICE hse * WORD ADS p.m. Day Previous Wants Cars for Wrecking, | (Which includes the centres of, | Sind, expediting and pricing. [SPACE FOR RENT, rear of barbershop.' THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) Printed Pattern 4605: Blouse « Cards of Thai 6. 55%0s 5 p.m Day Previous | s | i o. A . | rv . S Gords of Thanks ..+++++++. 5 och Eee Drei Whitby 668- 8344 Pers forsale, ale scrap ren | Cabaura, Lindsay, Oshawa, ond | ABI, to reed Engineering Sen ses nos ealla Perry vicniy itor this pattern (no stamps,|i" Misses' Sines 10, 12, 1416 gs. Los FOUN as-tisnvass: 0:30 t P and metals, etc. bought. | \ Mar stems bS0'am, Oey ot Remen | dian Sealey eit dep. Posies $4920 - $5640 | Serscuae aet veneer ae FoR RENT -- Goran ce ie Genera Please) to Alice Brooks, care! FORTY CENTS (40e) in coins «CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 3 pm. Previous Day | 725-2311 | THE PRESENT VACANCY ISAT | .Yoncement: in our internal [motors north plant. Telephone 723-4098 ane. (of The Oshawa Times Needle-! CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS | --89 BLOOR E. 7 sales administration function | (no stamps, please) for this pat 8:30 A.M. Day of Publ COHAWA, ONTARIO | or as eventual member of | OFFICE SPACE _ [craft Dept. Oshawa, Ontario./tern, Ontario residents add 2¢ ot Economy and 14--Employment Wanted | For full porticulors as tore. | our 'Sales force. Remunero- | FOR RENT Ontario residents add 1c. salesjsales tax. Print plainly SIZE, REGULATIONS Deluxe STERGGRAPINE service -- Rerun! Guirenents, see Posters on | (ror: soley plus usual fringe ' |tax. Print plainly PATTERN/NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE &: The Oshawa Times will not be responsibie tor errors, in advertise. | saa auiver, Gosity' sea. tcl 'sarce| display et the Post Olfice | Serelits. Send us detele Main Floor 'NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS, NUMBER. S=\ments submitted otherwise thon in writing, mot for more than Priced to suit your budget Accuracy gueranteed. Whitby, Telephone) and office of the National " JUST EAST OF SIMCOE Send r ' yi » beyond 448-8003. ¢ ting. Y' | order te ANNE ADAMS, ' appr ectinn No Darah ieaniin of Oe abrerconer in Salon TERMS ARRANGED PETER PAN DAY NURS Employment: Service will S held etl cont } Contact Bill Miller 206 HANDICRAFT HITS ini care of The Oshawa Times, Pat: id "en -- ESTER PAN OAT RU ay all Application forms, available dential. No phone calls pleose. | 725-1186 or 725-2557 our big, big, new 1964 Needle-/tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario, » The Oshowo Times reserves the right to clossity advertising OSHAWA TV North, 728-2604. ee prec eager MANAGER AV jeraft Catalog, out now! See) DO YOU KNOW HOW TO pe "9 "7 3 we nee Caeasion. ate : | CART TING eftice | work or home typing.) Service Commission, 25 | SALES ADMINISTRATION '23--Wanted Te Rent toys, fashions, crewelwork,|GET A PATTERN ABSOLUTE: ae ddl ; lay cage soho imes will not be SUPPLY LIMITED |MOtier wil ming preschoal children St. Cloir Avenue East, Toron- ey tour bedroom |heirlooms, gifts, bazaar hits -- LY FREE? It's simple -- order paid repens - Googe shat in which the ectugt Monday to Friday, in ber own home| 0 7, Ontario, NOT LATER THE PEDLAR PEOPLE LTD. /neuse wentes by family with two chit! cae h our Spring-Summer Catalog in- > error The : ip cepcuns all adver- Telephone 725-1233 THAN JANUARY 31, 1964 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, ly yining = crochet, knit, cluding FREE COUPON to get aie Sees eee Be gssume fe Seely, St eevee 728-8180 DAILY care. tor children in my home) Competition Number 64-T. | WARTED by Ferner) ~ |sew, weave, embroider, quilt, any one of 250. design ideas, oe" or ---- {Telephone 720-4448. | 360 should be quoted. | OSHAWA, ONTARIO [bedroom navse. Telephone "Faawe smock, Seri 2c, right now. (Send 50c today, led trout, Rainbow trout and Professional. designer of SUMMERLAND 3 TV TOWERS | dation with meals available, YOUNG WOMAN | hes guron ---- Oshawa 728-0662 cure Iterations. Reasonatie rates, | SUMMER PROPERTIES | As a ve As $ ] 9 66 Brown trout. Tackle, bait and ladies wear. Bridal, formal, For further information or re-

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