OTTER LASTS LONGER MONTREAL (CP)--Otter ig | A social evening will be heid|the king of furs when it comes night of the Installation dinner|will leave the Legion Hall atywhenever possible and attend, lhere. '6.30 p.m, and NOT from the/the business of the auxiliary. j A cheque for 530 is to beibys terminal. sent to the Provincial Com- UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES RECOGNITION FOR Among the 67 paintings cho- sen by the Royal Academy of Canada for this year's exhi- bition at the National Gallery, Ottawa, is an abstract in oils, entitled 'Sound Vibrations" by Alexandra Luke who, 'in. pri- vate life is Mrs. C. Ewart HARMONY H - & The Harmony Home and School Association held its monthly meeting with Mrs. Roland Fleming presiding. Mrs. Ronald Murray read the treasurer's report and in the' absence of Mrs. Ted Malley the minutes were read by Mrs. Laurie French. Plans for a candy sale were discussed and the date set for Janury 31, The afternoon tea will be discussed later as it will be an Easter project. Teaspoons were purchased for the kitchen. Room prize was won by Mr. David Drain. Mr. Rupert Harrison set the skating carnival for Friday afternoon, if weater conditions are favorable. He mentioned that Miss Hughes is looking after the safety patrol, and is doing an excellent job. There have been two new teachers added to the school staff. Mrs. Samuel J. Black, Grade 2, and Mr. Ronald Lang has taken Mr. Elliott's position. Mrs. Laurie French introduc- ed Mr. Mervin Cairs who show- ed color slides of his trip to Florida, telling about the inter- special interest were the three OSHAWA ARTIST painting almost exclusively in | the abstract form Alexandra Luke's work has been recog- | PMA CLB | nized by many leading art | critics in the United States. | She has also produced fine water-colors and sculpture. | of Christas depicted in a shrine in Florida. Mrs, Roland Fleming esting places they had seen. Of; ing, followed by prayer. from Miss Hilda Thompson, Grande Ligne Mission, who gave out the several paits of mittens and baby jackets to The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal Mrs. Alvin Hatfield read two/Canadian Legion Branch 48, kes avuved te igre held its weekly mecting, Janu- ficer: the Reverend McPhee and fam- > ith the president, Mss.|of ily, formerly of Quebec, but re- Mrs cently moved to Stoney Creek, Mrs. Ontario. The other letter was member of the executive for 1964. her duties as Zone Commander she was at the Port Perry Auxiliary on the of the Year" to open the meet-, LEGION AUX. BRANCH 43 mand Bursary Fund. A party to be given by the Men's Branch will take place Satur- day, January 25. This is for s and executive of the for any members}week's meeting. committees, als o|knitting, embroidery and sew- ing to do, and all members were asked to help in this work. No organization can exist on McEvers presiding.|auxiliary Charles Lamb installed|helping on Robert Williams as aithose who helped at the Armis- tice banquet. Members who are. going to the Ice Follies, January 29, arée|social reminded, the chartered bus'members alone, come functions should needy - familis. The Circle is responsible for Mission Band supervision in the church for 1964, Mrs. Joyce said. The birthday meeting will be held in February at the home of Mrs. Lorne Craig. It was announced that the World Day of Prayer is to be held. February 14. The Circle was happy to receive a card and letter from Mrs. Frank McLellan from Hong Kong. In the mission highlights, Mrs, Donald Rice read the min- utes of the inaugural meeting of the Kate McLaurin Circle 3 held January 14, 1937. They had 16 ladies present. Mrs. Rice also mentioned that the Cana-) dian Baptist Work in Angola, | Africa, had been temporarily | suspended. Some of the Mis- dimensional pictures of the life|sionaries have returned to me homeland but some are stay- ing to give aid in the Congo. thanked Mr. Cairns for the en- jjoyable evening Mrs. Ronald Collins led in| the worship and read some| Refreshments were served by|poems suitable for the New] jthe mothers of Grade three. | The Pleasant Monday After-) noon Club held its weekly meet-| ing inthe Legion Hall with the) President, Mrs. George V. Lee, +Year. HORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS BIG ANNUAL SALE CONTINUES THIS WEEK Scripture readi was taken from Colossians 3:1-17. | The topic was given by Mrs. | Murray Eaton. It was entitled | "The Tide of Ongoing History," | taken from the book "Rising |Tides of India." She said that | e@ WATCHES e e DIAMONDS e @ SILVERWARE @ JEWELLERY The spring bazaar was dis- cussed and the date will be April 28 with Mrs. Norman McEvers and Mrs. Robert Wil- liams as conveners. Work for this will be siven out at next There witli: b will pay her. official visit on W February 11 and the Zone Com-!to durability, says J. L. Walk. mander, Mrs. Robert Williams, | 5.5 of Montreal, vi , February 18. The Zone Rally is\°f the National Federation of sented with a wedding and|The "social climbing" vogue for best wishes for a a Hagen a and leopard hed future were expressed. | FINAL em "all out of presiding. Favorite hmns were|in the last 30 years there have | sung and Mrs. Ramond Dilla-| been more changes in India| bough gave a reading. Best|than in several centuries previ- wishes for a happy holiday were ous. | extended to Mrs. Benjamin} Mrs. Lorne Craig's Group) Jacklin. She and her husband|served a dessert Junch at the} jleft on Tuesday for a twolsocial time which followed. jmonths holiday in Texas | j The 49th birthday of the PMA @ LUGGAGE @ RINGS @ GIFTWARE \Club will take place, Fore SOCIAL NOTICE = 20-50% OFF | At the conclusion of ting, | . | ; ' 4 refreshments were sebeed byl ENGAGEMENT at ENTIRE STOCK Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 iMrs. Benjamin Jacklin and| Mr, and Mrs. Russell Reid, | _|Mrs. William Reed. |Pickering Beach, wish to an-| 20 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE i i Inounce the engagement of their KATE McLAURIN MC daughter, Pauline Elizabeth, to| (First Baptist) Thor T. Nakonecznyi, son of Mr.| available the numbers will in-|enough persons interested in THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, January 23,1964 7 | YWCA Announces Programs, . Classes For Winter Season The YWCA programs and) There are classes in millinery, | classes planned for the winter weaving, painting and drawing, season have been designed to|and copper-tooling for those in- meet the more diversified inter-|clined toward creative work. | ests and needs of those taking In the recreational field there T 2 advantage of them. They rangejare keep-fit classes, badminton from recreational, educati L Jelub, curling club and ballroom | and creative to purely social. dancing from which to choose. | Swimming classes have been| Social activities include: the increased since there are now|Rendezvous Club and Club 199. classes for ladies Tuesday after-/The latter is a social club for at the Boys'|men and women over thirty that) well, - 5 vimeets every Friday night with; vy dipot and Gans hat: 'a different program planned for | day morning classes at the On-/each evening. : tario Ladies' College, Whitby.| . There is a beginners' class for| realize that|House for Teens, Teens Leader-| ship Training Classes, Y-Teens | Club and a monthly dance. ) College approximately For the teens there is Open thousand Oshawa girls and/bridge players and it is hoped women have learned to swim|an advanced bridge class will there. Now with extra facilities|begin in February if there are Mrs. Mabel Joyce presided at|and Mrs. Joseph Nakonecznyj, REMEMBER!---IT ONLY HAPPENS ONCE A YEAR! persian lamb crease substantially each year.|forming one. ; y the January meeting which was|Oshawa. The marriage is. to| held at the home of Mrs. Har-|take place Saturday, February| old Audley, Gladstone avenue.|22, 1964, in St. George's Ukrain- \She used the poem "'The Gate ian Catholic Church, Oshawa Dressmaking classes, both be-| Information about programs| ginners and advanced will con-|/and classes may be had by tele- ty) a : i gamers snd advanced will comand clases may be had by tle GENUINE REDUCTIONS of 20 to 60% on Furniture for Your Home | making will start in February|at the YWCA. She will be most! if a sufficient number shows in-|happy to answer any questions | MANY ONE OF A KIND SUITES BELOW COST a NO REFUNDS -- hie EXCHANGES -- ALL SALES FINAL! terest in this project. you may have. Reguraly $495.00 Exquisitely fashioned, black-dyed Persian Lamb Jackets of the finest quality. Self or mink-trimmed. I sincerely believe this is the greatest sale in our 24-year history, serving the people of Oshawa . . . whether your desire is a magnificent Italian Prov- incial bedroom suite for your master bedroom, OR a convertible sleep or lounge group for your Recreation room; from Sasement to attic RUTHER- FORD'S have the furnishings you need, at a fraction of the original cost! RUTHERFORD'S feature such famous Canadian Manufacturers as GIB- BARD -- ANDREW MALCOLM ~ VILAS -- KAUFMAN -- BRAEMORE -- SERTA -- SKLAR -- CLAIRTONE -- MARCONI -- McCLARY - KNECHTEL ~- HONDERICH -- ELMIRA -- LANE, etc. . . . Many one-of-a-kind suites are actually below cost - RUTHERFORD'S courteous trained staff will be glad to help you make a selection, and assure you of complete satisfac- tion, Patience And Guidance Can Develop Neatness If you saw a collection of reg-|him with faint lines the blocks ularly written papers by chil-|in which he could write the! dren from fourth to sixth grade|jnumbers; Show him how to! of almost any school, undoubt-| write these numbers so as to be edly among them would belin line up and down some papers untidy and not) If he writes some digits poorly| very legible. Usually the girls'|guide him at practice in -mak-| papers would be neater than the ing them better. As I recall my boys'. grade school experience, any | If you found among these pa-|page of number work of mine pers one by your son, you might/always looked untidy until one| be discouraged at its untidi-\day a teacher whom I admired! nees, Already his teacher may|paused to show me how to| have written or talked to you|write numbers more neatly. | of his poor handwriting. You; Let us hope your child does| may wish he had learned to|not have any written assign-| write better at school, _ |ments too great for him to be Yet you can do something |able to do neatly. If, after he| about it at home. _ |has prepared his written work| Induce this child to write|for school, and reasonable time, daily a few lines on lined pa-|is available, persuade, even re- per under a good model-line of|quire him, to do it again more script. Urge him to write slowly|neatly, if it is untidy and il-| and carefully. Make this a daily legible. practice, With constant vigilance and When he must prepare atiyour patient guidance, you' home written work for school, might thus help your: child to emphasize neatness. It might|improve in neatness and legibil-| help if you marked off withiity. The main problem is to in-| faint pencil - lines the margin | duce him to write slowly and limits. If he is doing number|carefully. He'll try to hurry, so work, you might mark off forislow him down other quality furs fine quality, neturel Res. Sele White Arctic Fox Stoles $250 If fine quotity, fully let-out . Dyed Kolinsky Jackets fine quality, dyed Beaver Coats fine quolity, natura! China Mink Coats fine quality, Hollander (dyed) Black Persian Lamb Coats fire quality, fuly let out < Natural Wild Mink Stoles fine quolity, notural Pastel Mink Stoles fine quality, neturel Emba--"'let-out" Autumn Haze Mink Stoles fine quolity, naturel EMBA Pastel Mink Jacket $495 295, $750 496, For your Convenience, BUDGET TERMS ARE AVAILABLE and RUTHERFORD'S finance their own credit So Shop RUTHERFORD'S Soon and Discover that "THERE IS A DIFFERENCE"! 3 HUGE DISPLAY FLOORS, AT 156 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, JUST BELOW MEMORIAL PARK, and 11- DECORATOR ROOMS IMMEDIATELY ACROSS THE STREET AT 149 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH. © FREE OFF STREET PARKING -- OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. ®@ $750 496, $750 495, » eg. : $495 205, $650 395, EASTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST SELECTION OF QUALITY FURNITURE $750 408, $800 875. FREE Finance that car...TV set...washer... oe any big buy with a low-cost st termPlan toan ROYAL BANK ¢ 154-156 SIMCOE 5. and many ether wonderful buys Budget Terms Easily Arranged MARTEN'S FURS 75 KING STREET EAST You ...WHERE YOU ALWAYS GET A "GOOD DEAL!" 725-6559 Opposite Hotel Genosha