|3 0 1, Pea Que's over with Bali Hi's jat two points each, Stanaing -- Perrys aeity Hi's 8 points, Sabers ; 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, January 23, 1964 OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS | nia Sheriffs 3, Town and Country 2.;L. Tabb 266, l, Raby 214, B. Rie ayy J with 1296, Class -- For the Guys: (333), George Taylor gle Select Sabins 888 THE SHARPSHOOTERS LEAGUE Points won this week: Rambiers 3, Alley Cats 1; Five Bees nore, Strikers 4; Lets 1, Easy Aces 3. Over 200 Games: Scores: A. Mitchell 828, R. Welsh}230, G. Glover 228, R, Traynor 243, | 819,. N. Olesuk 802, L. Virtue 745, G.|Gibson 208, D, Saunders 201, W. Weroski) Sweet 737, E. Jordan 723, J. Glover 708,|223, C, Lockhart 226, E, Dalcourt 284 and| R. Murray 708, 9. Lockey 702, A. Buller)R. VanMeer 210. 1698, D. Brown 696, J. Smith 693, W, Mae-| It's nice to see George Pappas back 'Over 700.-- For the Guys son 691, A.° Taylor 689, |. Estabrookjamong us again. Now that he has dis-|.y 792, Harold Ballem 791 (301), 203 and Sandra Labanovich 234, 211. |689%._D. Kellerhier, 687, R. Smithers 675,|carded his, sling and cast, he will NO) tro 739, Jim Hardie 731, Al Perry Lemon League: Janet Goguen 99, Janet). Rak 674, A. Parkin 671, T. Fraser 667,|\doubt be more carefy! talking back at Ron Guiltinan 717 and Aft Smart 1H. Hynth i" H, 1, H. k | home. Legere 87, 74 and Pauline Shaw 98, untley 665,"H, Cook 661, H. Tutak| jk SCONES cc "Avlomation -& Pol-| (334). 659, D. Tilk 657, K. Cobb 657, K,| TEA | For NEIGHBORHOOD LADIES 454, R. Collins 654, A, Neil 653;\ishers 0, Tankers 2, Rackers 2, Shiners 300), lations are in order this week | Hughes C twat -, &. Pucnas. & p. pa 4, Platers 0, Anodizers 2 and Mixers 2. or "Ia7 (331); je , J. Logemi , . LY bol with ie oh Ths time she tae CONGIE, Parson é4h 9. Trodko £45, S. Sacamak(TOWN AND COUNTRY LADIES' LGE,|, 241), That will be herd to beat! /645 Cs McKnight 643, J. Tate 642, D.| High Triples: D. Brabin 694 (298, 201);\Ba ext was, Edna Ward with 676 (259,|fodgson_ 638, R, Godfrey 638, W. Bawks/H. Eccles 663 (268 219); A. Hepburn 594 2)y and Myrtle Waite' with 650. (251,|625".S-.Stovin 634, H, McRoberts 624, R.|(219, 208); J. Shewring 590 (210, 201); J.| 220); D. Kelemen. 644 (256 255); Molly Martin 634 H, Veehof 631, J. Trott 630, Legere 587 (217); M, Stovin 578 (241);iman and Mavis Taylor at 220. DePratto 623 (224,. 223); Yvonne DuGuay enh tog Aa % ye yaa gress "i H, Tytak 575 (218, 200); 615 (254) Betty Pearse 615 (264)) Giad|K!ishenko 622, B, Gedge 622, V. Conlin 621, 544 (204); A. Hruska 618, §. Smith 617, J. Adair|Pratto 539 ea oe Nee Cee 2 6i6 W. Rutherford 613, H. Burke 613, "400" Scores: , |R. Wilson 610, W. Duffield 605, C. Root! ae aua arity' 233,100 T. Bulger 404, J. Kelghan 604, A.| High Singles: B. 'Yuill 216. 207; M.. Jones 226, E. Reading 227, Edna|borevsky 603, H. Price 603, J. Landrey| Lemon League: J. Mannings 94, L. Hall 29%, ®. Manning 222, E. Burrus 302,/600 T. Brown 600 and S. Hill 600. |Hubar 93 and S. Klem 73. D, Armatreng 202 end M. Callepriinos| ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE LGE. 0; Manile's 35), 68 Games: Lorne Pollace 810 (218,/Ants 12. Bracey's | YW , 307); Gert Markalous 690 (278, -236); Pearse's, 3, Ca j "\Diana Charuk 663 (248,. 202, 212); Herb ORANGE LEAGUE en With one week left in "this section,|Stewart 708 (224, 296); Shirley Stainton) High Triples -- Jack Goodman 737 (269, POINT OFFICE CEAGUB | the standings are as follows: Roesch's 27,,628 (258); Leo Bourdages 602 (307) and/257, 211), Alex Chambers 663 (206, 211, Team Standings -- Blowers on 23, Pearse's 19, Bracey's 18,,Lorne Curry 626 (200, 201, 225). 146), Sam Plume 623 (221, 231) and/jacks 16, Hot Stuff u Longtalis Ward's 18, DuGuay's 16, Manila's 16, De-| 200 Games: Marie Stewart 306, Dan|Sandy Ferguson 604 (239). Chumps 9 and Clowns Pratto's.13, Burrus' 6 and Reading's 4. |Charuk 208, Flo Strank 219, Ruth Solski) High Singles -- Bill Talbot 236, 230, 207, Bill Cook 209, 210, Bill Corbett 213,|Paul Herrington 234, Gus McAlpine 232,/R, Gay 666 (266, 233) LADIES'. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON | LEAGUE | Isabelle King 808 (338), George and Mavis Taylor putti arker 517 and G. Drinkle 510. ing |show with George's 871 and Mavis' the Smarts, Shirley and Art, with | Fleas 18, Bees and again came up with an doubt Is having the best y career. 22, Hornets 19, 3, DePratto's 1) Roesch's Burrus 3, Ward's impbell's 1, Edith McMahon 226, Sam' Stainton 208,|Diane Durgan 230, 218 Ron Miller 226,|(266, 210), L. Skuratow 608 (210, Bert Sutherland 218, 205, Ruth ParrottiGeorge MacBride 217, Bill Aylesworth|J, Wenham 602 (210, 272), \234, Ken Edwards 237, Ross Sutheriand|212, Gay McAlpine 207 and Otto Schlech- Over 200 J, Gibbs 2 |258, John Jukes 259, Hugh McMahon 237, \tor 207. Pherson 228 and ©, Skuratow 220. ivan Parrott 210 and Marion .Manning| Team standings -- Blow Hearts . Bea Mc-| 250 Lucky Strikes 14, Strike Outs 13, Flint-|Foley 77 and J. Gibbs 99 233,. Mazel]. rote! Points: Killerwatts | stones' 12, Try Hards 11, Alley Kats 11, - 00; rg. Vaughan (234, 211) Bthel Freeman (231) 608 and Grandy (200, 233) 608. 200: Hazel Bannon 272, 226, 621; Betty Protons 11, Hicks 3 te and Legal Lights spitting asiiys and Bail) jay Birds and! Pea Que's 5, Legal Lights 4 and Hicks 3. The high team triple was bowled Legal Lights 3623 and also the high sin- Lloyd 1 | 1 Ben Hogan Is : Ashamed Now b | | . 67) Of His Putts NEW YORK (AP) egan, once the most feare' egan, 355), Ron Swartz 839 (308), Sel Himes 84) (311), Ed Johnson 822 (331), Man- ning Swartz 819 (328). For the Dolls -- Lou Himes 801, -- Reg Hick-| H | Jom"/man in golf, says he's ashamed y the Dolis -- Janet Peel 787 (314, Shirley Smart 742 and: Mavis Tay- High Average Race -- For the Guy: still is Lloyd Sebins with 263, Harol | 4 lem 249, Sel Himes and Al Perry 245.back any more," the four-time |For the Dolls: Lou Himes 224, Janet Peel) 2m, Joan Rogers 22] with Marion Ding- M, Richardson! As predicted, Lou Himes 1s really mak-/"Ti, 1, Horne 542 (221); M. Deling her move and has taken over the); bl J (204); B. Lang 522 (214); M./high average in the Doils' section, It was|ing problems, annon 519 (251); A. Burrows 518, Ns! a big night for husbands and'\wives with on -\and not to be outsmarted it was ie| where it's going. Team Standings: Beetles 25, Spicers 's 742 and Art's 700... Lioyd ~ Sabin iy effets 888 and withou ear of hisimight hit one of them. Over 600. -- 1, Schram 742 (243, 316), $. Burgess 62! 206) and 7oo\to get out on a course now hbe- jcause of a bad case of putting |jitters. ; ie "That's all it is--the jerks, q/nerves. I can't bring the club National Open champion _ said as he relaxed in a hotel room day and discussed his putt- 3. I absolutely freeze over the 7m7iball. I have no conception I'm embar- sirassed about getting out there tlin front of a lot of people, I | "That's why I have no tour- pad|fament plans at the moment. 10,/The Masters? No, not even the Masters, The Open? Definitely, I won't play in the Open," Hogan was in New York to 36, M. Mac-jreceive the Gold Tee Award from the Metropolitan Golf es Teed bes hiss 17,|_ Lemon League -- Jan Terry 74 Fw niters Association at the group's annual dinner, He is be- Becies Pa rietelweaaop ens Lois Bur-| 12 Nuts' and Volts 10, VHF's 10, Hot Spitfires 10 and Pin Pickers 8. Gen 2217; Prue Whiltick 217, Vi. Taylor| shocks # Computers % Chergers.4 and) eee iaL 214, Madeline Morrison 213. Marg, Gil-|'°** . " 7 Points Taken -- Quality Fuels 3, Gen- osha 0; Acadian 2, Dairy Queen 1; Motor pin 208, Burtch ' 53 City 2, Homes by Harrison 1 and Gil- ' }lards 2, Westmount 1. V. Smith 723 (303, 263)7| "High Triples -- C. Winnacot 761 (301, 233, 227); .D. Moss 744 (242, 333, 169); |D. Solomon 726 (208, 296, 222); F. Hay-| ward 725 (280, 216, 229); L. Arp 682| Dragomatz' 688 (262, 205, 223); J. VANi (ogg, 173, 221); R, Smith 680 (188, 208, thy | Hilda} udrey Hodgson 207, 4, Vera Szikszay 203, PARTS AND SERVICE LEAGUE 600: K. Sanders 847 (279, 231, 331); Barling Wh, Olive Rove 202 and Ponalda| wercier #30 (320, 237, 281: J. Gow ea dboints: ves 3;| (202, 210, 242)s Lee ears cet Peas TE: Simkins. 716, (222, 291, 203); H. Brown Well Wishers 3; Drifters 1, Planters 3) am (Pared leas Pog bBo Dh, eg Crackerjacks 1, Lemons 3; Six Belles 1,/, °° 7 ' Cokes 3; Daffodils 0, Powder Puffs 4; Bobbys 1, Ota Wins 3. | SHERIFF'S LADIES' Dyk. 688 (241, 273); W. Mathews 648) "24), b. Skinner 670 (208, 251, 211); (240, 243); K. Mitton 646 (273, 222); E-|y Bell 655. (189, 268, 198); P.. Her- LEAGUE burner 213, A, Villa 208, G. Kurelo 207,/," nisnne 220, 262; W. Smith 210, 209; '|8° Taylor 223, D. Williams 227, C. Weeks 216, B. Gledhill 233, V. Claus 207, 8B.) Scott 20%, R, Dingman 219, J. 'Jeffer-| 221, G. Osborne 253, D. Chatterton! annies 12 and Hillbillies 11. 0 Leading our big scores this week was|w, Pottery 207, E. Turner 205, F. Pete J. Smith' 678 (308), D. Wickens 674 (227;|son 203 and E. Sweet 201. 21, 2167 .Y, Wetson 665 (313 M Ferguson 6 (251, 267). and M. Gilkes 614 NICKLE PLATE LEAGUE So (07,218). ~ Top bowler for the week is John Cat- 200 Scores: J. Jackson 258, R. Crawford|ton with a 799 triple, followed by R. Cole-|202 H. Canfield 209, aya adi nad anil 24, C, Gilbert 240, R, Canfield 233, B.| shaw with a 70) Phenny 205, J. Shere » FT Allen 230, J. Fulling 220, H gy 600 League: C. Albin 697, D. Wilson and D, Legere 2 718, M, Bawks 214, B. Watson 208, 687, K. Shobbrook 677, J. McGillvary 667, Holman '207 and C. James 20) R, Bailey 653, °G. Dawson '641, G. Mathieu GUYS AND DOLLS MAJOR Leading eur low scores for the second! 640, G. Pappas 632 and H. Comer 632, Perry's team was stopped by Sabins' week in @ row is M. Bawks 92, (shame) 200 League: C. Dove 220, 230, R. Balser|Sabers when Sabers came up with & on you)r M. Dafoe 79, you too, Marg.,/233, 203, G. Fitches 209, 210, M, Carl 216,|3 to 1 decision; Sally's over Jay Birds) i and J. Montgomery 70. | eae A little reminder to all. If you can't) Of aes make If,;phone Helen Garason at 5-305, Women until further notice. CATHOLIC LEAGUE prefer the non- breakable easy- " " took 4 points pouring Pur- and Teacher's Pests and "Hootenannies" split two points apiece. | Ladies' high single for the week was) rolled by Teresa Powers with a whopping 282, and ladies' high triple was also taken T with 645. Men's single was won by John H and men's high triple) went to Art Cardinal with 649. Over 200 bowlers were as follows: Art) Cardinal 250, 240, Dan Rukarvk 214, Fred) Watts 265,.Mar| Baker 225, Owen Baker 271, John A. Cardinal 2, 274, Ron Moran 225) Betty Sagriff 231, John Hroncich 279, Mary 'Giles 271, Wands Zieliski 210, Barry Leach 201, 200, John W. Cardinal 251, Joe Q'Maliey 216, Claire Henning 236, Teresa Powers 262, Father Darby 217, Marie Sandham 201, 209.) Mary Ekker 202 and Dave Wetmore 208.) Lemon Leaguers were as follows: Ron + "BlowStrikers"| 3 to Lambes Lemons 1; "Sham-| Pok container over old fash- rocks" took 4 to shut out "'Untouchables"') ioned bottles. Moran 95, Lenore Tessier 97, Bob Lambe 76, Fred Norrdman 9%, 92, Laura Cardin- a! 98 and Patsy Kelly 96, 72. UVAWA LEAGUE Group 1; Meads 4, Tumey's 0; Harry's 4, Tony's 0; Goch 3, Scugog 1; George's Tv 2, Oshawa TV 2. Group 2: Berg's 4, Durno's 0; Steven- sons 4, Lope! 2784 0; Home Appliances 3, City Barber 1; Acadian 2, Bolahood's 2. Group 3: Canadian Corps 3, Foley 1; Russ' 3, Al-'s Bi-Rite 1; Johansen's 3, Town and Country 1; Houdalile 3, Sher-) ifs 1. Group. Ti Mead's 10, Goch 10; Harry's 7, Seugog 7; Oshewe TV 4, George's TV 2 * Bolahood's 9; Stevenson's 9, Home Appliances 7; Berg's City Barber 4; Durno's 3, Local 2784 Group 3; Canadian Corps 9, Joh Houde! "AT THE STORE or AT YOUR DNOR", { DIAL 728-6241 Tdeal Dairy Limited QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS 4AWA ONTAR | 1 7: t ( D. . Hay- 2 | | 20 | Rundle 644 (209, 258); D. Clark 630 (226)\";. 434 (203, 197, 234); R, Richard 628] 238); F. Dwyer 624 (208 204, 212); K.| oie oan nee a ne ee a ca0l,. 259, | Next week Is the last night of the sec-/smith 619 (218, 252); D. Crandell. 615) 164); B. Fisher 610 (16%, 243, 198) and ton and.it is going to be a battle, Jet-|(263) and R. Piper 603 (211) J Gesu 607 (257, 162, 188) sons, wha took the first section have} 900: D, Barnes 254, A, Hircock 230, 229, "High Singles -- '4 McArdle 209, 242; 20 points, Astrapants also have 20, Ras-im. Malarz 230, A. Hartman 222, B.iy Bogaick 215, 21%; P. Cormier 206; cals 17, Globetrotters 16, then Hooten-| Murdock 218, P. Jarvis 216, €. Lymm! ," Valencourt 226, 231; M, Thomson 211, SEASONS TRAVEL SERVICE | 728-6201| ing honored along with Bob Morgan, Hollywood: stunt man Ben! who continued the game despite loss of a leg; the golfing Turn- esa family, and others. STILL LEAN Hogan now is Bl, but he is as lean and hard at 171 pounds as at the height of his remark- able career, : "I don't intend to play any more tournament golf until .I can get some semblance of putt- ing stroke back," the man they once called the Texas Hawk said, 'I don't know when that will be, if ever. "T can still play the game reasonably well from tee to green. I may have lost a little distance and some accuracy, but I would be willing to play in. any tournament if I could only putt... ." Hogan said he had tried every gimmick possible to cure the problem. He's putted left- handed, between his legs cro- quet style, and with a choke-up grip. He's listened to psychia- trists. and 1o quatks, But it's still no good. ROCKET WILL PLAY VANCOUVER (CP) -- Maur- ice (Rocket) Richard will lead a parade of former National) Hockey League stans who have| agreed to play in the biennial all-star game here Feb. 10. Red O'Quinn Sees 'Rifles' As Either-Or -- OTTAWA (CP) General manager Red O'Quinn of Ot- tawa Rough Riders believes the new United Football League en- try in Montreal will either "'go over real big or flop resound- ingly." O'Quinn said in an interview Army ski champtonships at St. Moritz, Switzerland, it was re- = a panennantinn Pe a = == - aah, teeth. tepsesenuns ue peed here, An aumseneermen: said 10 VAN DOOS WIN MONTREAL (CP) -- A four- First Battalion of Quebec's\by the Quebec Command Royal 22nd Regiment Wednes-|the Canadian skiers day won the giant slalom, first/seconds ahead of their closest of three events in the British|rivals. Their score-total of the three best individual times-- United League would place|was four minutes, 58.9 seconds. teams in other Canadian-cities,|Slalom and downhill events are at least not for some time. to be held next week. eeeeeeeee ee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ee the Quebec Rifles coached by Sam Etcheverry could capture the imagination of Montreal fans--like the New York Mets fans, "No one should laugh or sneer," said O'Quinn, "because that's what they did when the Mets opened for business. And everyone knows how many peo- ple came out to laugh and kept coming." O'Quinn said the extent that Canadian Football League clubs should co - operate with the United League probably would be a topic for discussion at the Canadian league's annual meet- ing in Edmonton. "TI don't think anybody is too worried about the develop- ment;"' he said. He also said he doubted if the NU-WAY RUG OSHAWA LTD. Upholstery Cleaning --- Home or Plant Authorized Filter Queen Seles & Service Genuine Hoover Sales, Service & Parts' Mothproofing end Deodorizing Machine Binding, Serging, Fringing Rug Dyeing OSHAWA'S ONLY RUG CLEANING PLANT Approved by the Notione| Institute of Rug , Cleaners VISITORS WELCOME Why Take Chances With Your Velucble Rugs and Upholstery - ii eeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeewea i ! a 's Hie 7, Russ's 6, Al's BI-Rite 6, AW GRAND 21 DAY EUROPEAN TOUR TOTAL COST © «ss we $693.40 DEPARTURE DATES JULY 13th JULY. 20th JULY 27th AUGUST 3rd ONLY LIMITED | SPACE pal goof si AVAILABLE 7 DON - W! | SAMPLE AIR FARES* TO EUROPE THIS SUMMER RETURN from MONTREAL RESERVE BRUSSELS COPENHAGEN (OSHAWA) A COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE--Poy Loter SHANNON $262.60 *Subject te Government Approvel - Total Tour Cost Includes: met, PARIS ROME VENICE FLORENCE LUCERNE BRUSSELS INSBRUCK MILAN LAUSANNE ASSISI COLOGNE RETURN AIR FARE * by JET HOTEL ACCOMMODATION ALL MEALS THROUGHOUT RESERVED SEATS IN PULLMAN MOTOR COACHES ALL SIGHT-SEEING TIPS AND TAXES BAGGAGE HANDLING THROUGHOUT COURIER SERVICE ++ ee fee tere Gre AMSTERDAM .... By AIR or SEA, Phone GUASGOW ices ciacrinctens xsecscacearens SH7090 21 DAYS PARIS 6.90 -WITHOUT OBLIGATION AND DUSSELDORF FOUR SEASON'S TRAVEL LONDON $299.50 Plons Available at Bonk Rate Interest (From Toronte add $40.00) T AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU . 7.90 FRANKFURT. ....-.2.:.2. 728-6201 werremev emer ene re THOR ee ele rowel ery LET TCA FLY YOU TO 21 HAPPY DAYS IN. BRITAIN OR EUROPE | "SAVE UP TO $208 STARTING APRIL 4st! ' Europe will soon be wearing its Springtime * best...and beginning in prit, c A's jet fares will be at their travelling best,..the lowest jet fares ever! Go family-visiting, history-hunting or pleasure-seeking in - Britain or Europe this year--it's never > been so easy or so economicalas TCAnow: makes it. Read how to make the most of : your new opportunities with TCA's 21-Day * Economy Excursion fares. To benefit fully, leave after April 1st, and be sure to check with your Travel Agent | or TCA office for the dates and periods throughout the year in which these new fares are-effective. (It's a simple factthat it would have cost you up to $208 extra to fly to-Europe during the same periods last year--on regular jet Economy fares in effect then.) You can enjoy up to 21 full days there~or stay as little as 14 days-- and still qualify for these big savings. That's all you have to do. Your Travel Agent has all-the details about the new fares-- including the news about Thrift Season Economy fares--for people who want to stay longer--(in effect for 411 weeks of the | year), Summer Season Economy fares F during the busiest travel periods--and for = businessmen and those who enjoy the ul- #, timate--new year-round savings of up to 4 $205 on TCA First Class services! So why & stay at home anymore? Put Europe in your <-- > { snapshot album this spring. Jet there-by #1 TCA (or to Britain by TCA or BOAC) while = the year is still young! e Here is the proof! All fares shown allow you @ full 21-day Jet Economy Excursion from Teronto pprony 339.50 All fares subject to government approval. Ask about TCA's Fly Now-Pay Later Plan: just 10% down on your fare and your. ex- enses, On an organized tour of Britain and urope. Up to 24 months to pay the balance. panir 386.90 ve 479.3 See your Trevel Agent or Contact T.C.A, 130 BLOOR ST, WEST, TORONTO NA 0 FLY CANADIAN-FLV } A , A TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES (@) AIR CANADA DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE - 300 DUNDAS ST, EAST, WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 723-9441,