THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 22,1964 25 TELEVISION LOG . %, \qeremen || CONTRACT BRIDGE IT WE SIMPLY REMOVE B. JAY BECKER CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamiiton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto 7 PUTTY AROUND \ | 4} "THE PANE ANDIN' WE) letop nee in Masters' WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffaio WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buttalo ; a p boa nevied Goveeey WKBW-TV Channel 7--Butfalo WROUC-TV Channel 8--Rochester : a " ' CFTO-TV Channel 9~Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie WEONESDAY Ev8. #100 A.M. 4100 P.M. 4--Captain Kangaroe~ ve 9 mela | Stet, vee ca \\--Family theatre MN--Captain Andy 7--Trailmaster Theatre 9--Cartoon Friends 63--Mr. Piper 2--Superman 4~--Popeye's Playhouse 4--Secret Storm %--The Early Show 2--Mike Douglas Show 2--Captain Bob 215 Am. 4:30 PLM. tay eens $ Miss Heten %-Yool Beer Sis 38 = 6--Fa' nNows ' we 9190 A.M. 4--Leave it To Beaver : ee oe R Woodpecker %--Playtime With Bobby! 3--Popeye 7--Jack LaLanne Show THURSDAY 6Vva. 6:00 P.M 5:00 P.M. 8 Rig 10:00 AM. Sh20986 'abe N---Eddie Allen Show Today, 1963 7--Girl Talk ; = R } ooh 8--Superman , i } ans / a : ' e / 3 ' a ld PM. ¢3-Natlonal Schools spewed -- " ; 'Our 1} : The bidding: $--Quir ' @-2-Say When &3--Razzie Dazzle ; oy Bouth We North . 4-Five O'clock Snow . - B 2* : 'est 6:30 PM, 10:30 A.M. 2--Huckleberry Hound ; | si ' ~~ ' We : \ Pass Pass Pass 11-0-83-2---News) Weather | !!>Super Bingo 5:30 P.M. ; ; Z AW . ee VED) j ry 3 se and. Sports a | j -- a= | j At (8 PAR : Family Theatre 9--Theatre #2--Word For Word 6--Music Hop 7--M-Squad 7--General Hospital 3-Yogi Bear i | d ; . 3 Govere Halle 6--Chez Helene 2--The Rifleman = ae | (2M =~ Y a ps. y Bee JAAD 4-1 Love Lucy . ) \ Sy her) Se Z ap? WZ Z BAW N Opening lead--three 6:45 PLM 6:00 P.M. I Z 4 \ es M--Family Theatre ie &-The Observer oo th a od : k a N/A NY Here is an odd h $2--Huntley Brinkley | %--Morning Magazine -- | 3~-Tombstone Territory 3 > : » a t " fined |tubber bridge game. It's 8-2--Concentrati 2--Today, 19 ; CS Ml a: \ \\ A 7:00 P.M. yoPrice is Right 6:15 P.M. | 2 ' \ z . t=] joften that a side will pass orig- $--Best of Groucho &--Lorett> Young 4--Headline News ; , \ / p WSS ANE Lins and then later make 7-6--News, Weather, 4--The McCoys 6:30 P.M. a h | 3 Se? | Sports 11:30 A.M. eg She Weather ay - 9 7 South . 4---Zane Grey Theatre |1!--Alber? J. Steed Show # a <I Zaps / | SS : ui dealt Scmnas cones" "seus nw "| Hat" | CROSSWORD MY Tg Up eA Ae (f08Ee by rtnary standards, 2--Death Valley Days Girl Talk - R--Family Theatre eee | ! : ihe lacked the values for an 7:30 P.M. 4-Pete and Gladys ¢2--Huntley Brinkley opening bid, since all he had %Dick Van Dyke 12:00 NOON 7:08 @.8h. aATET was 7 points in high cards. West #2--The Virginian 9--Noonday Report 9--Donna Reed ACROSS 2.Mr. Ladd : ogaaa nasal also passed and North, who Homie and Harriet | 82 Your First Ye dd ahaa 1. Auction agree ton AISTTIEEMMRIAICIE Et 6--Provincial Affairs ba 4--Ba! Masterson 6. Pats turned 2 OR e R 4--Hour Documentary G Pieces aisier | sopr. Kildare 9, Flower salt: Bib, fan EIRIAMRGIAL 10) 1 ikewise ed. 3--Phil Silvers Show 4_NFL Football | 2-Bishop Sheen 10. S-shaped 4. Put forth bee ae i East, not suspecting what 14S PLM. 12:15 P.M. | 10 P.M. moldings effort PIETEIRMMPIOUTIAITION CORRECTION! ] in store for him, opened the bid- o--Mr.. Fini 4-Speaker of the House | 9--The Outer Limits 12, Harangue gfe bay . oe mee aa LIGHT SPRINKLES! 4 ¥ ding with a heart, While it must ianled 12:30 P.M. iEanaia Comers a a or To Aan. FrIRIALTITAMAINI ok | Oe be granted that he had a clear. lants So, cu yr + choice of N--Michael Shayne eS PI SEIRIVIEMPIUINITISI $--My Favorite Martian | $5! Love Lucy Sah Precinct | 14. Play on country . DIEEMMEICIGSN the suit to bid was wrong. He should have bid a club, in line 7--Patty Duke | Consequences . words 8. Colonist #3--Red River Jamboree) 7_eather Knows Best ized ee 15. Music note 9, Leaps Keawtays Gree cue oe o starting ng suit be- 0:30 P.M. | 6---Movie Matinee N---OHA Junior "A" 17.Shoshonean 11, Large . 39. Sea eagle neath the singleton in 4-4-4.1 hands | 4-Search for Tomorrow scissors 41, Land South overcalled with two dia- \ te Zein WB = MICKEY MOUSE Le Indian prermer's | Daughter 12:45 P.M. oo Lee shoe | 28. Stiblum: 16, Consume 63--Perry Mason | 4--Guiding Light je LUsy | . 19. Change, as 4--Tell It to the Camera) J ivie 4--Rawhide | ae ten : one's hearts, North bid three dia- FoBen casey, Loyal" &3--The Serial 22, Music note monds, which East passed, and 4--The Beverly Hilibiities| S--Matinee | 7--My Three Sons 23. Cry of : Z -- / ; ea icssy South, recognizing that 5 pain wai was sure to have either a single- 4--The Dick Van Dyke 1:30 P.M. &--The Restless See 26, Killed oes Show Ni--Mid-day Matinee 4-Perry Mason 29. Invaders of West doubled and that became --O' Hi . 10:00 PLM. ee a 9:30 P.M. Spain the contract. There wasn't much Hockey 9--NHL Hockey 8--Death Valley Days 9:00 P.M. 8:30 P.M. iunartion 1:00 P.M. 'x0 teams cron panied men position monds and West raised to two N--Medic 8-2--Dr Kildare ata dance 0:30 P.M. 4Meet the Millers 9:00 P.M. } 6-3--Festival ~ ee see poy ig 24. Mood ton or a void in hearts, jumped 1--The P.M. Show ig . Breathed Ss Giavern Heot:-| teenie Dovock Paar 30. aay ee : Te pe Bae Page since South 'e4 Lhe 'Danny Kaye Show) 2--The Millionaire ae | 82, Brazilian : 2) wd We AeA! | RAPPORTE 40,000 LWWRes ET ¢ AVHRR [dummy and the only trick 10:30 P.M. 7-Day, In Court gaceian sual atin ' a | SAUVE LE CREDIT DELACOLONE! nie wd lost was to the ace of dia King , It would not have helped West --The Twilight Zone | 2 Let's Make A Deal | 7--Maverick 11:00 P.M. 20 PM. 34. Plague to lead a trump, since, in that sar declarer's fitth heart 3-2--News | ater Sports 9--All Star Theatre | 3Naked City 36. Depart &--Home Cooking 10:30 P.M. | 38. Employ W185 PAM 7--Day In Court $--Metro Final 63--Scarlett Hill Seer Viet Seat 40; Roxiat 6--Viewpoint 4--House Party 41, Rom. room aon 2--The Doctors 11:00 P.M, 3 . . | 11-9-8-/-6-4-3-2---News, a oe » baci casas At You! 11:30 P.M, $-2--Loretta Young | 1:15 P.M. W--Music 7--General Hospital | 9--Metro Final ' < 9--Pierre Berton Hour 6-3--Take Thirty | &Viewpoint Z 4 LES CANADIENS 8-2--Tonight Show 4--To Tell The Truth ae APRES UN BON HIVER Nous om cop Son a | : SERONS A TROIS-RINIERES DEMAIN." aren: oe 11--Randy Dandy E : THURSDAY 3 People in, Gente ov v 1:30 A.M 7--Queen For A Day %--Rocket Ship 63--Friendly Glant 6--Feature Showcase 4---Big Mac Show 4--Edge of Night 9--Plerre Berton Hour {|most they "GOODWILL" s<&. USED CARS » DEMONSTRATORS [=== All Priced At Reduced Clearout Discounts During Our Gigantic January Sale THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. | j77Bil 260-266 KING ST, WEST OSHAWA PHONE 723-4634 || Leaves Guests 20 43 READY MY LARIAT AND y 2 Uy Yy, Z Z BUFFALO (AP) -- » commerce YAITS Wi 7), G guests were forced wander : ' ' / night to leave a hotel darkened J i -- of an unpaid electrie ni, The displaced guests at the Touraine Motor Inn on Dela- ware Avenue, many of them permanent residents for a num- ber of years, went to other ho- tels in the neighborhood. A spoksman for the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation said the power was cut because the downtown hotel had not paid its December bill, refused to negotiate a contract reuiqred of all new commercial custom- YoU SHOULD SHE HIS PAPERS... 1 cee ' ~.HE PROBABLY WOULDNT ers and would not make a re- Does JUNIOR HAVE )\ Poly, We WAS A PEDIGREE THis LONG! | [coop Suna Me CANT SPEAK To EITHER OF US! quired $1,000 deposit. A PEDIGREE ? SALLY'S SALLIES Without Ri NOW THAT THE SKYLIGHTS OPEN, ALL 1 CAN AS THE TWO DEPUTIES STRIDE INTO THE JAIL, SUDDENLY* +> 1 ou ooms O' ME. AN' MAH CHILE -- SO AH LOVES HIM/? THE 1.ONE RANGER FPL PLAY THROUGH? YOUR WIFE HAVING MIN A HURRY? ws A BAB»...OR THAT... ----_ DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER 'YOU 'TAKE IT, UNDERSTAND, 9 BOC 2 sue tunes \| Gapnaey IM IDICULOU: PERLE WiEake POGS Dons wens )\ "p06 RESULTS COUNT! Mays MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Consult @ Member of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board TLL JUST Toes A BEST 20 CENTS I'VE | EELS IEE LE LEED LEN Ce SE eae | SKATE EXCHANGE NEW & USED Our Used Skates Hove Been Refinished, New tLeces and Sharpened. STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. 223 KING ST. W. 723-3224 JULIET JONES