26--Rooms For Rent 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale. 27--Real Estate for Sale 29--Automobiles For Sale : ¥ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 22, 1964 23 "te, laundry foci goin home Lsles| only, central. 728-6927. af unde tates seer" NORTH, large | buliding $63. a foot. TueTaOe, Kolin Peters. Realtor. -TWO single furnished bedrooms 1. vate home, suitable for Gatnce Sey + Workers only. $8 weekly. T 725-5794. #@ DREW STREET, two oon od rooms, * TV antenna. Couple preferred. , SINGLE ROOM for naa sie abstainer, * central. Apply 38 Nassau Street, _ 27--Real Estate For Sale $800. DOWN, two-bedroom, five - "north of oth nas. inns 'condition. Taxes only $163. For appoint- ment to Pal call George Koornneef, ; Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 'Rossland Rd. E. TAUNTON ROAD Call| two-storey panelied living room, forced air oi! heat, very clean. Ony Skinner, 726-4900 or tor, 728-7377. EAST, four-bedroom,|MAPLE GROVE on i al Three. VERY NICE three-bedroom brick with apartment and large lot, close bedroom with garage. Priced to sell. jonly $1, Give us an offer. a Blylev: for, | 623-: $1,500. DOWN, $95. monthly, nearly new three-bedroom brick bungalow, aluminum hend. Telephone 'with large dining room and BF Large lot, close to school. ») Reale $10,900. with $2,000. down. Doug Joseph Bosco, Real- and Gorevale, close to Simcoe, 2 new 'three bed- room bungalows, second three piece bath in base- ment, attached garage. storms and screens nort! 728-6605. i $500.00 LOT FOR SALE IN BROOKLIN to public, Separate and High Schools, 5 per cent NHA mortgage and good terms. with 2 acres, east-end; four miles to cen- APPROVED VLA three-bedroom home) 1955 BUICK, mechanically sat ee. shift, radio, $165.. Telephone 728- tre of Oshawa. 3168. Asking only $12,950. Sally Wallace egild lor Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 77. $1X-ROOM, one and one-half storey brick home with garage Fong paved drive, in PRIVATE, t close . schools, | P® hes, and bus. "Telephone. 725- , haps o new, In Whi schools it buses in immediate area. ion: sell, ine Phone 725-29 downpayment. 728-7162. Winter Works Bonus 1 Left $12,658 $390 DOWN 6 ROOM BUNGALOW $30, PER FT. TELEPHONE 725-6673 OPEN WEEK-ENDS 2 to.5 P.M. Call 725-8823 BUILDING LOTS HILLSDALE TERRACE residential, fully serviced lots available in the North Eost section. School ond bus serv- ice within the subdivision. List price ;$60.00 per foot. BALE ESTATES -- just lrrard Rd; North and close to school. Oshawo's ag subdivision offers Jots for restricted home bal ding. We offer a choice of lots on the Ravine and ap- proved for V.L.A. minimum 90 ft. frontage - prices start at $2700. Easy Terms Available - Call WILSON Realtor 725-6588 or your own Realtor SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 VERDUN RD. LOW COST, 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW. Very clean home, priced to sell at $8,- 400.00 with very reasonable terms. Located close to both separate and public schools. OWNER TRANSFERRED 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW located in east end, close to public school, seporate and High ano "1065 sa. ft." of living o Replacement cost $14, $00. 00, listed ot "$13,500.00, monthly poy- ments $97.00 principal, in- terest and toxes. NEW -- 4 BEDROOMS -- NEW $17,400.00 is the list price on this spanking brand new 7 room, 2 storey with car- port, Located in the North Raion oreo on a quiet street, to everything. Down pica J only $3600.00. off IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- NEW -- 6 room split level bung. with attached gorage. charming -- design, ment $4200.00. Bolance N. H.A. finonced. LISTINGS OUR SALES ARE RUNNING HIGH AND OUR LISTINGS ACTIVE MARKET. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR SMALL AND LARGE PROPERTIES. CALL US FOR ACTION. For full porticulors call 723-2265 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 725-0239 728-2870 723-2894 728-2233 723-1358 728-5868 725-3867 Reg. Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Charlie Chaytor 723-7996 360. King St. W. Free Parking WHITBY CLASSIFIED APARTMENT fo rent. Unfurnished, heat- ed, central. Two rooms, kitchen and Children Parking. 668-6414, SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service on calls. Wet og Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668- DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses alterations, slip covers, crapeat Fitting specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668- WANTED -- Houses for rent and for sale. ern: and Oshawa. Patrick G. McDaniel. 2 cl ET LAAT EAT SEEERERI FOR RENT -- four-room apartment in modern tri-plex, sundeck, washer, dryer facilities. Available February 1. $90. monthly. 668-4322, MODERN, weitcontaines 'apartment; liv-) ing room, , bath, kitchen, utility! room, 75 grote adults only. Call (668-2084. FOR SALE: Reconditioned TV's, $35 up; chrome table and chairs, fo and 7 piece sets; unpainted dressers and Ege Bhat trade good used furniture pot rie de Goold's gg eal 25 Dontes Street East, Whitby. 668-548 3 ROOMS, self-contained, heat, hot 7 heavy, duty wiring; sun porch. 668-4379 ATTENDANCE OFFICER Required by Whitby District High School Board For Whitby Town and Township Applications nae qualifi- cations ond sdlary expected to be received by Jonuary 31. Reply Mr W..B. Thomson, Sec. Post Office Box 86 Whitby, Ontario METCALF REALESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 COMMERCIAL NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE 233 feet of the best commer- cial frontage this city has to offer, situated on King Street W. directly across from and overlooking the lorgest retail operation in this district with the greatest capacity for parking. Are we selling the Shopping Centre? No! But we ore offering a large choice lot directly across the street. Call now for more details. ROSSLAND RD. WEST Three bedroom home with. large living room with fire- place, large dining room Fr kitchen. Situated on a corner lot, wel: Ae with private drive from side street. Asking $13,700. HARMONY HEIGHTS Only $13,700 for this lovely 5¥2 room rug brick bungalow on East Hoven Street. Fully decorated and in excellent condition. Best terms with cash to one N.H.A. mortgage. Plan to see this one today. TRI-PLEX 3 Self-contained apts. in- cludes stoves and fridges. Paved parking, Landscaped lot, building in excellent shope, Asking $25,000 with reasonable down payment. Coll office for more details. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Diol 728-4678 Dick' Borriage Bob Johnston Jack Osborne Ken Hoenn Joe Maga | GUIDE REALTY | 723-1121 | | | OWNER MUST SELL due to mediote doy and give us on offer FULL PRICE $4,800--4 room cottage, furnished including o 16 ft. plywood boat. On Pigeon River close to the Government Park ond new Trans-Canada Highway. KFITH PETERS 3 Left 14,190 REALTOR -- 728-7328 103 King St. East with garage 3 Left $13,540 $290 Down 6 ROOM BUNGALOW . |. $42,300 Full Price Deteched three bedroom brick bungalow, oil heat, private drive, storms and screens, full basement. $2500 DOWN To one N.H.A. Mortgage. After 6 p.m. Whitby 668-8087 $540 Down EXTRA LARGE 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW all homes are detached and the: balance is one 6% % ... N.H.A. mortgage. Included are storms and screens, 'col- ored fixtures, twin sinks, clay brick, fan, electric clocks, landscaped front and rear, sewers sidewalks and paved roads. Carries as low os $99 monthly, interest, principal 'and taxes if you qualify. Located in Whitby and shown by appointment only call Gerry Hill AM 7-9712 MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LIMITED EAST SIDE ida de 6 room new home, 3 rooms with separate 'ona room, otteched corport, clay brick, pierson type windows with storms and screens, 2 aluminum storm doors, cera- mic tile in. both, fon. and hood. Al this for $1,000 down with winter works bonus. $12,900--6 room brick bun- golow about 6 yeors old, hanover cupboords in kit- chen, aluminum storms and screens,' nicely landscaped with flagstone patio, 6% mortgage. $1000. cd DOWN---5 room home Oshawa, taxes $90.65. Full price $7000.00. , 728-7328. | a OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY 668-5853 EVENINGS THIS WEEK ANDREY MOORE - 668-4088 PAULINE HOBBS - 668- te NEW HOMES We have beautiful new homes being built in three convenient locations. NORTH RIDGES, (Sommerville at Orchard View) BRAEMORE GARDENS, (West off Stevenson's Rd. N. on Annapolis) GUELPH ST. (At Hoskin Ave.) 4 Bedroom split levels ond 2 storeys 5 Bedroom split levels. 3 Bedroom Bungalows 3 Bedroom split levels For further information call: Chorles Smith .. 728-8254 Loreen Kellett .. Sid Goodfelolw ... 723-7335 Phyllis Jubb ... John Kitchen . 723-3788 HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 9 BAGOT STREET 728-1679 723-3770 723-3240 COMMERCIAL LAND -- 7 ecres on Gorrard Rd. North with 300 apple trees ond storage shed. Builders terms. NORTH WEST $15,200--6 brick bu shoped living and dining room. Located close to bus, schools and shopping in. this popular area of Oshowa. NEW! TRADE!--2 _ storey brick ih North West. 4 bed- rooms, 2 bathrooms, built in buffet in dining room. 23 ft. living room hos notural stone fireplace. Double attached garage. Vacont. immediote er: Full price $23,- SOUTHMEAD--5 room brick NOW $499 DOWN You Save $500 With Winter Works Bonus 9 BUNGALOWS STARTED PRICED AT $12,950 PLUS WINTER WORKS BONUS SEE THEM TODAY TELEPHONE 725-1186 Harry Bates or Bill Millar W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. with paved drive. Lot 45 x 123 ft. completely fenced. Forced air oil heat- ing with low heating costs. In excellent condition and close to school, shopping and bus. Full price $13,500. PROMINENT COMMERCIAL LOCATION and ideal for any kind of business. Right on King St. neor 'the Shopping Centre. Lot 60 x 190 ft. with 9 room brick home. Let us discuss the. possibilities with you. 8 ROOM FAMILY HOME cen- tratly located: 4 bedrooms, 2 bothrooms, living room and den each have fireplaces, din- ing room with beamed ceiling. Potio. Lovely trees in back yord, This home is in a select ' location with mony fine homes it. DUPLEX ON MARY STREET: --7 room brick home. with 2 modem kitchens and seporate meters. Storms; for all win- dows. Full price $12,800. For full porticulers coll 723-1121 z Open doily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. MORE ond MORE Owners are listing with the FRIENDLY BUSY OFFICE ot the BUSY INTERSECTION GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St, §, a A REAL STEAL This three-bedroom brick {bungalow in north west Whitby, Oil Heating, Large landscaped lot, Garage, Fully Decorated, 5% N.H.A. Mortgage corries for '$82. 00 monthly, Principal, interest and taxes. Full Price $12,800.00. Call Audrey Moore 668-4088 for further information. LOVELY CORNER LOT % Room Ranch Bungalow, featuring Dining Room, Fireplace, 3 lorge bedrooms, Garage, Paved Drive, Built in Bookcase in Liv- ing Room, Close to all schools and shopping, Lerge Lot 84' by 145'. Call Pauline Hobbs, 728-5886 t LAVISH AND LOVELY : bedroom colonial bungalow with attached gerage. Built in 'ange and Oven, 5 pc. Ceramic Tile Bothroom with Tub En- pn Panelled Wall in Entrance Holl. Fully Decorated, Call Audrey Moore 668:4088 INCOME HOME South West Oshawa 7 room income home upstairs now rented for $55.00 monthly. Downstairs consists of Extra Large Kitchen lots of cupboards, Living Room, 2 bedrooms, Bathroom. For appointment to inspect this home call Pauline Hobbs 728-5886. FARM No. 7 Highway 100 ocre farm with 1% storey house, 2 Borns, 2 Car Garage, 72 acres workable, balance in Posture and Bush. Asking $8,000.00 Down Payment Vendor will take back a first mortgage for the bolonce on easy terms. For Further information coll Audrey Moore, 668-4088 i BEAUTIFUL SPLIT-LEVEL 3 bedroom . brick nicely decorated and well kept,, attractive kitchen with large eating areo, Low Down Payment to one N.H.A. 6% mortgage. Owner moving out of Town. This home must 'be seen to be oppreciated: ~ OLIVE HOWE, REALTOR 218 DUNDAS EAST, WHITBY PHONE 668-5853 EVENINGS CALL PAULINE HOBBS 728-5886], Oshawe AUDREY MOORE 668-4088 Whitby Rossland Road East and Goredale Close to Simcoe TWO NEW THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOWS Second three piece bath- room in basement. Attached garage. Reasonable down payment or cash or trade-in. Open week-ends 2-5 p.m. TELEPHONE 725-8823 RESALE BUNGALOWS PRICED FOR ACTION $11,500.00 with $1,000 down. $12,500.00 with $1,000 down. Brand new: homes also for $499.00 down. CENTRAL PARK TWO FIRE PLACES BUILT-IN RANGE This home has many extros. BEAUTIFUL. brand new home on large ravine lot, looking city, fireplace, electric heat, \plus many extras. Must sell Private. 723-2573. home, SPACIOUS SEVEN-ROOM |bathrooms, completely modernized. _Situ- ated on la fot. Central location. F ul price, $13, Write Post Office Box 428, Oshawa, Ontario. i. -- 4 fairly new tires. Very? 'an car. Must!?" be sold this week. $595. 32--Articles for Sole 32--Articles For Sete 1961 CORVAIR 700 sedan, good condition,| 400. T 623-2656. $y 1957 PONTIAC geno 6 Bes prce new paint job, water 'ator, SKATES -- Used, $1.97 pair with your trade-in. Sportsman's Corner, Whitby. One block west of Four Cérners, SKATES, Ait Be od used, ae 'and ex- ees, Craven Cycle, 204 Bond Sond east. mike's BA 'Sivis station, Raglan. Brook- lin 655-3528. 1962 GMC _ '2 ton truck, deluxe cab, low mileage. Reasonable. Telephone 723-1615. two] 1958 CHEVROLET five aa 2-door, ig inder, automatic, $99: To8-0082, 1962 CHEVROLET a 4-door hard- top, 8 cylinder, automatic, power and steering, Moo adr ee axie,| 5 IMMEDIAT! brick ranch bungalow, area. Douglas J. 723-4391. thr I, '900d. residential M, Bullled Realtor. TRADE YOUR OLDER home on new home being constructed, also earn $500. winter bonus. Choice of several locations, Act fast. Call now and ask for je | cond Martin, 728-9714, or 728-7377. Joseph Bosco, Realtor. ATTRACTIVE three-bedroom brick bun- condition 7 pm. cal 725-4275, 1963 FORD, two door, six phy 13,000, miles, $2,195. Smith yg King West, open évenings, 728-734' 1957 CHEVROLET ais wi fair condition, T: 723-9708. neg 1957 DODGE Regent sedan, automatic, | $450. oply Mr. Roche, 497 Albert Street. EWING ii|Inet_ style. This machine stitches, makes button BUYING or selling furniture or appli- TV TOWERS special, 40 ff. tower struc 'ture with all_channei antenna, installed $50. Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons: Street. 728-8180. S Tow|2nces. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or 263-2695, : TILT-TOP power saw, with sprayer, new, $10. Evenings 725-: What's My Line? Buying or pri | used 4 niture and appliances. your needs one, Valley Creek Furniture -- 728-4401 or call at the store * 16¥2. Bond W. : dese fi ancy} holes " Bh si hems. Take over payments of $7. month for 8 months or $55 cash. "Desier| sna Write Box 510, Oshawa Times. TELEVISION tower special, 40-ft. struc ture, including all channel antenna, in- staled and gyaranteed by experts with. 10 years' ae $50. Trio Television,| 728-3323. galow, Donovan High School area, large Hollywood kitchen, osorms and screens, $13,950. full price, low down payment. 1955 CHEV, sedan, standard, six eylinder,| radio, good condition throughout, no rust. $325 or offer. 728-0558, Immediate porte Call Mr. Gower, 728-6286. §. D. Hyman F Real Estate Ltd: 1% or 2 storey homes, also income property, central for genuine CASH buyer. Call Henry Stinson ot 723-1133, evenings 725-0243. CARL OLSEN, Realtor, 299 King St. West, Oshawa ROXBOROUGH AVE. Just listed a real good two storey 8 room brick home in this choice location, contains 4 rooms down ond 4 rooms two kitchens, hot water oil heating. Regsonable taxes and priced to sell at $12,- 700 with $2,500 down. Pos- session March Ist. To see call Henry Stinson ot 723-1133, evenings 725-0243. CARL OLSEN, REALTOR, 299 King St. West. 28--Real Estate Wanted Wolkout basement, Patio with Balcony, Electric heating, Two bathrooms, A. mortgage at 614% $2, 500° down, Hurry. Phone Bill Millar 725-1186 W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. FOR SALE 3% acre comer lot on Hwy. 47, about 4 miles from Ux- bridge. This is valuable pro- perty. Full price $3,000.00 for quick sole. 100 acres on highway. 'Doiry Form, milk contract, bulk tank, new milking machines - and units, com home with conveniences, large steel barn, woter bowls, steel ston- -- ample woter supply on pressure. Full price $25,- 900.00 with $8,900.00 down. 95 acres on Hwys. 7 and 12. Large brick house, 3 piece both, several barns, suitable mercial wiring and abundonce of woter on pressure. This property olso has a lorge brick restaurant. The asking price is only .o fraction of the price of the buildince on this pro- perty. Full price $28,000. Woodville, Grist Mill must be sold, fully equipped. The forming area adjocent to railway track. Full price $3,- 000.00. MARGARET BALLARD REALTOR : Phone Sunderland 303 Oshawe's Lorgest Firm BOLAHOOD BROTHERS -- Real Estate -- ~-- Insurance -- -- Mortgages -- Do As Others Call The Brothers "GIBBONS STREET" Estate Sale, near King, 7 room older home with gorage. Anxious to clear up estate, open to offers, contact the listing mon, Mr. "Bill" Hom- er ot 728-5123 or 728-2236 now. "SPECIAL $500. DOWN" , 3 room bungalow on % acre lot. Located just east of city limits. Priced to sell ot $5,500, with excellent terms. Ask for Mr. Yeo at 728- 5123 or 725-2217. "FRENCH STREET" Attractive 6 roomed 2 storey brick. Well kept home. Inspect this home and moke me on offer. Call Mr. Rankine at 728-5123. "BEAU VALLEY" Seven room split level home with garage, fireplace, two bathrooms ond den. Lorge nicely landscaped lot. Sub- | stantial down payment re- quired and one N.H.A. mort- gage for ag ay Call Mr. ance of Oshawa, 100 acri ,|1950 PLYMOUTH, BEAUTY SALON WANTED, fully equip- ped, main floor, Oshawa or vicinity, preferably a cash deal. Write full de- tails such as size, location and price in first letter, Oshawa Times, Box 515, Oshawa, Ontarto. FARM WANTED, within vlog dis- or more. Good house, brick or sone preferred, with three or four bedrooms. Telephone 728-4553. WANTED -- House , with double "garage, north of King Street and east of Simcoe. Apply in writing to Box 426, Oshawa Times. | WILL pay cash for an older home In or near Oshawa. State location and price. Confidential. Box 524 Oshawa Times. Classified, Oshawa, Ontario. 29---Automobiles For Sale MUST be sold immediately, 33--Market Basket ts el fo ead dressed, oven ready, S¥2 Ibs. UP, $2.50 each dell 525-8308 ivered. ee 34--Lost and Found No. R.G.W.3R_ left suite, id duty Moffat so eoidepot| , jat rai 'oldspot) |refrigra' suite, pe? ear. lg 3, Oshawa, Ron Greer, -- TV and record player, 7 1959 DODGE, four door, V-8, clean, Broce Smith Sports, 353 King Street open evenings, 728-7341. 1962 ENVOY clean, with best miles still to go. Private sale. Priced substantially below market, at only $1175. Financing available, 725-9854, evenings 1957 PONTIAC two-door sedan, six cylin- er automatic, $700. Telephone Alax 942- 4 McCLARY, Easy See machine, ex- West cellent condition, $85. reson 728-2402. ae toverenvy Colliers, plus 10 volume tion, ma very little. Save $60. 728-5888. 4 volumesy| rink, Junior Clasiene latest edi- Telephone} LOST -- Upper and lower sets false teeth. Reward. Telephone hd FOUND -- Pair of glasses, clear heavy a oi rim. Vicinity * gatos outdoor Telephone 728- ltost -- Lady's mat a 'blonde with brown spots) big | ini lost FILTER QUEEN vacuum cleaner, floor nage iy muskrat coat, Habe site 18 to! . Set of drapes. 728-1773. ees RECONDITIONED Televisions, $25 up. $1 or $8 monthly, ye VOLKSWAGEN de luxe, 12,000 miles, like new, radio, leather y, seat covers. $1450 full price or best offer. 723-3125. 1955 PONTIAC station wagon, 1955 inter- national Tandem, 1957 GMC tandem. Telephone 725-2156, = Pg et custom ladio belts. In excellent condition. pir oan A708 after § p.m. 1954 CHEVROLET, good condition, bon. tires and mechanically, All steel outs sunvisor, fits '5? Chevrolet or Pontiac. 728-3270, New cash at Honest Cal's Discount rae and 424 King West, 728-919 THREE plete 'eo suite, rt 5. fabled chair. Yai Si wriaee Toreed OF W000 BTU. , Uied only 3 seasons, $406, Prone 668-486: MUSICIAN'S | instruments, wore ae elec. Thursday. LOST -- Diamond (white ) ity Oshawa Scnerst teosine Fg: Me January 12. Reward, Whitby 668-3194, -- Se Black 'and ten heyed. Caner claim by describing an! |. Tele phone 728-3456, Iron ary. Bowmanville, | beak, r please Chiia's pet. ae? tric plano, Supro bessman amelie: Excellent A} 536 King Street Gast. 36--Legal FOR SALE -- 1986 Pontlac four-door sedan, six cylinder, ee shift, -- new tires, good good clean body, $650. Felephone. 7 mms phone 725 1959 PONTIAC convertible, Vi standard, floor shift, power equipped, offer. Must sell immediately. Call after 6 p.m. Whitby 668-6255. 1953 CHEVROLET coach, "mechanically perfect, fait body-and tires. New battery. Clean interior, $125. 668-5071, VOLVO. SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR : and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S, Oshawa 728-0921 30--Automobiles Wanted OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wreck: ing. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245, - LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want Cars for wrecking. Highest prices pald, 2% Wentworth East. 1181, 1955 CHEVROLET 6. cylind 4-door, push-button radio. Apply after § o'clock. 86 Wilson Road South. 47,000 original 1 mile- age, &cylinder standard shift, four-door, radio, all new tires, excellent interior, mechanically A-1, and otherwise. 1956 PONTIAC, 46,000 mileage, four-door sedan, 6 cylinder, standard shift, radio, new tires. Both cars must sell, Phone 728-7146. MERCURY _ haif-ton, custom 1959 GMC halt fon box, $30. Telephone! 728-4732. 1960 AUSTIN Healey 3000, convertible top, tonneau, wire wheels, disc brakes, over- drive, Pirelli snow tires, new plates, A-1 condition. Call Hampton, 263-2419 after 6. 1957 DODGE, dark green, custom radio, good condition. Must sell. $295, Private sale. Daytime only, 728-7552. W96Y PONTIAC Parisienne, 6 cylinder, bea style side long box, no rust. $725. $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars or tricks we deal up or down, Liens paid Ff NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST.. NORTH Across from Royal Hotel "Whitby 668-3331 ~100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Taik 'Cash' to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725.5574 31. ---Automobile Repair automatic, power brakes, custom radio, excellent condition. After 6 p.m. Dial 668-8346, 1952 CHEVROLET, radio, new plates, two extra snow tires $40. Phone 725-2856, 1960 PLYMOUTH, Rati door, six Sy two tone, $1,085. ith Sports, 353 King West, open rena 728-7341. 1958 FORD Falriane, V-8, automatic, $695. Smith Sports, 353 King West, open. evenings. 728-7341, 1955 CHEVROLET, standard; 1958 Pot- flac, automatic shift. For particulars, call Ha 263-2041. 1958 PLYMOUTH sedan, Will trade. for half-ton one-ton. 728-6436. standard, six. with long box or ~HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION TEXACO 1957 MG | @ 1888 | 0 excellent condition. Aiter 6) ter lformerly Avalon Dance Hall. FOR SALE: Singing canaries; Man's Bnd bicycle; also @ Pueuter H 8. F, RICH WreRss = = Tsk ba jes, _ Kelvinator vision, Thrifty Budget roan iat ag BUY and sell, good used furniture and appliances. One location only. Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, + HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appil- ances. Name brands at it discounts) sagbeta We carry Restonic and Bever- ized GE dealer. on 424 King Street West, our new NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF PEARL IRWIN, DECEASED persons hoving claims against the estote of PEARL |, late of the City of . a, in the | County of . , 728-9191. PERSIAN lamb coat, biack, , fength, ike eal Suits, coats, some, two Some new, hats. "ac. "sue 11 to 14, Teleohone 725-4359. PORTABLE dishwasher, 1963 ee beset new, *& price, $125. Telephone 728-09; FIRES, five Royal Masters, a Tike new, $125. it 6 cu, tf. apartment size, good condition, $30. Telephone 7-27 VACUUM CLEANER répoirs, all makes. Free estimates, parts, attachments, brushes, hoses. Guaranteed re-bulit ma- chines. Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Service. Call anytime 0591. PINAL clearance of 1963 model baby car- Ontario, d who died * 17th day of Dec- | meber, 1963, must file their cloims with the undersign- ed before the 3rd day of February, 1964. after which dote the osests of the Estate will be distributed, having _ nh sad only e. claims so fil. Dated this 15th day of Jon- ~ uary, 1964, THOMAS H. GREER, B.A,, 86 King Street, East, Oshawa, aoe ig Salie} (oF ren only riage Lioyd, Thistle, or: tie" wilson Furniture, Street. WE buy, sell and exchange u ture or anything you have. Trading Post to 446 Simcoe South, 723-1671 sev 20 Church used furnl- The City Street GOOD ¢ EER forced air gas unit. 115 to i, sr units. Telephone 668-3645 after 6 awa portable, electric standard Piaget heh tag new, ass, adding MARCONI, ai Tavlos used, cabinet model, $40. Telephone 723-3089. NOTICE ~ TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN - MICHAEL MEAGHER, di LEAVING TOWN -- MUST SELL -- Only 6 months. old. Chrome set --6 chairs. Rug 9 x 12 and mat, end and coffee tables, bedroom sui te, triple dresser; Refrigera- tor, bookcase. PRODUCTS 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 32---Articles for Sale ONE bps mala « gece posts, four-Inch fop. Dial Whitby 668-! AMPLIFIER, canier Bassman, model, perfect condition, $400. Apply King Street East. 'T 725-0641. 1963 523 1960 OLDSMOBILE, power ate MUST sell rap we sulte, six pone old, r 723-9817 after power brakes, radio. vate. Daytime 725-8161, Evenings 728-6359 1955 AUSTIN, four door, dandy second car, $250. Smith Sports, 353 King Street West, open evenings. 728-7341, 1963 CHEVROLET Impala 2-soor ,hard- top, radio, washers. Beautiful saddle tan, like new, + |Must sell. Will accept trade. 723-7970. 1963 CHEVROLET '4-ton truck, Fleet- 5 p.m. TV TOWERS -- Special, 40 ft. tower ture with all channel antenna, installed $50, Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons Street. 728-8180, TYPEWRITERS, hasta cashiers, dupll- cators, chequewriters, fre eprgg onbog three hundred rl and We buy, sell, rent, service. Hamilton Of Office Equip- ment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. 723-9817 If You Want lity Merchandise Excellent Services Low Prices New Appliances Used Trade-Ins Come and See ROGER APPLIANCES 155 Simcoe South All pernens having pe, ovaint estate of JOHN CAEL? MEAGHER, late of the City of Oshadwa, Gentle- man, deceased, who died on or obout the Ist day of Aug- ust, 1963, are hereby notified day January, 1964, full particue lars of their claims. Imme- diately ofter the said date - the assets of the deceased will * be distributed having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 10th day of January, 1964, : DOROTHY MARY MEAGHER and CANADA PERMANENT TRUST COMPANY, 253 Bay St., Toronto, Ontario, Executors, by RALPH §. JONES, their solicitors: herein. Telephone 728-2151 side, long box, 5,000 miles, crystal tur- quoise, like new. Best offer. 728-5179. 1960 VALIANT, four door wagon, owner, clean, $1,095. Smith Sports, King West, open evenings, 728-7341. 1962 CHEVROLET BelAlr, two -, door hardtop, excellent condition, radio, new yw wall tires. $2,200. Telephone Whitby 4080. one 353 ee METEOR sedan, excellent condi- tion, re-built motor, refinished body, radio, heater. Best offer. Apply 15 Mill Street. 1957 CHEVROLET, two tone, four-door, six-cylinder, standard transmission, $695. Telephone Whitby 668-2109 after 6 p.m. 1963 FALCON four door, loaded with extras, 1,400 miles, $2,195. Smith Sports, 353 King West, open evenings. 728-7341. 1960 CHEVROLET, '4 ton camper, $1,495. Smith Sports, 353 King Street West, open evenings. 728-7341. 1963 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, blue, excel- lent condition, both interior and exterior, attested by recent complete check by Volkswagen, i? ito. 14,000 miles. $1,525. After 5 p.m. 9096. 1956 AND 1952 Saemoie 88 sedan, ex- cellent condition, automatic, radio and white walls. $550 and $150. Telephone 728-0964, BUYING. OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 GENERAL REPAIRS : ALL "MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars TH AM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and Ki 723-4733 ond 723-7712 TILDEN Cruikshan inspect 728- soos - S28. 5123. | "JUST ON THE MARKET"! Lerge two "bedroom brick bungalow with dining pags is situated' on a ravine lot. Only, '$12,900. Gall Mr. Bill Johnston. at'°728-1066 or 728-5123 j | "$11,700 CASH, TALKS" | Lerge brick thrée bedroom home. Centroly 'located on Mary Street. Close to schools and downtown. Just listed, Call Mr. Bill Johnston at 728- 1066 or 728-5123 ' Balai Brothérs Limited 101} Simcoe Street iNorth Open Every Evening basement. This lovely lows | | and garage. Extra foom aes CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (AlliMakes and Models) CALL 725+6553 re A INGOE St KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Pdweys top auolity 2 SPOT CASH ; | PAID FOR Good clean cars Trade up | | DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 RANGES, two { \ Televisions--Hi-Fi's 78 Simcoe Street Nort General Electric, 24-inch, pushbutton ranges. AUTOMATIC WASHERS Brand new floor samples to clear. GAS SPACE HEATER 50;000 B.T.U., Complete with controls and blower. L.P. Records Slashed to Clear ' Stereos. Regular $5.98 WAYNE APPLIANCES $65 and $79 $189 $50 and Refrigerators Now $1.49 h Phone 723-1411 JANU TREMENDOU i January Clearout Smooth Top 6 Piece Din Table,' 4 Chai Unbelievable" "WILSON'S FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH STREET Sale Now COn- 2 piece Sofa Bed Suite | Chrome High Chai Spring Filled Mattresses from $14.88 2 Piece Chesterfield Set Frieze upholstery, foam cushions, moulded foam backs was $229. ee ee ey 100's of coils all sizes reguier $49.50 While They Last .. ARY S SAVINGS eas! OBR) wu ae $147.: Mattresses boos ae ts eee ette Suite rs, Buffet. f sue cul MRL: Try An Oshawa Times Want Ad Today