ZZ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wedneedey, Jenvery 22, 1964 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 ® | 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 17--Male Help Wanted ,17--Male Help Wanted |20--Room and Board CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS?' office re- waren ing ye hiias clase bar-|FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Apply 136 \ ' \ BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY 7 Geers ete a ; at BWA course. Britnell,, Moore a any, AND BOARD for two gentlemen ' ee ae , Heal "Sree ea ASSESSOR: Va fo share, heme coeked. meets. 130 King Street East, Oshawa, Telephone| 725-6451. Ms $80. A WEEK, Part-ti ies help} Applications will be received | Fi Bed h ( must have car. For phic wie. _ by the undersigned until Feb. bran mang Rein 4% en . , > mig |Phone 14, 1964, for the position of Accountants Gardening and Supplies Mortgages 4 TV--Radio Repairs , , positio ROOM and board close fo south General 1000. IN A MONTH Is not too much for) Assessor for the Township of Motors. Lunches packed. Shift workers SKAIPE,' LJ. cha accountant, 205|TREES REMOVED, trimmed, buliding) CITY TV. Towers, antennas, 511 Dean ; , i 4 yy ine man we want in the Oshawa area.| Dartington. . welcome, Telephone 723-1878 after 6 rai F iy lots cl Power Free esti- Avenue. Tel i f Over 40. Take short auto trips. Write . Ri anne won ian rina motes, Call ow aia 9421824; Oshawa Need A : ' B. Swallow, Pres., Southwestern) Applicants should state age, bese serve te shore, nanan ; . : / w. at age gp Mortgage Loan (GEORGE WILSON) SAS Merrulaee eos ee | eee are ae ee sis fesee eam aoa wihaKg WILD BIRD Private party to invest in Ist TV SPECIAL : Reh Sp oss eupected fe cive full Gene We lied hens for soba Veena eee 'ae =, EELIN: Municipal duties. German Seana Aberaintr preferred. Complete. book bookkeeping Service, 184" Bond REDS one ae ee ce $42.50 up R Sales ; W. E. Rundle, Cl Dial 668-2685. ent: sa' ortgages . - ' ' \ yom ule SF Sbisk ROOM AND BOARD Simcoe Street Siroet West 725007 Ree TZ ra wii Mixture parehabed, Cow rates. Your | "Roof Antennos .. 22.50 up Ames . PATS uci epresentative 'Township of Darlington, |bus route, suitable for working girls to RAYMOND B. PROSSER, Chartered Wild'Bird Feeders mortgage prabierrs gladly dis- Rotor Lead installed... $10. . = "Sales R tative to, sal Hampton, Ontario. share. Telephone 728-9277. Accountant, 906.\ Centre Street North, . "Telephone 668-5447. Seed cussed. No fees, no waiting. Leod Wire Installed . 8.50 wet > Millons" " lnannediete service for quick New cl channel lead 12.50 D = ay ; f 22----Offices, Stores, Storage YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND oe ut ins results. Guy wires installed .. 9.50 ~ psec 1 oh few in"Bankrtoy. King srt Eos East. WATER SOFT 725- 2539 Far Fost Service Call ones of machinery rs etek Centre of Oshawa HOPK' sirable. . : " ee Two offices, 4! 1 a hain a 'ro sire Eon SALT bal 723- 321 | Oshawa 728 3334 CAN FLIES CARRY Smal salary and commission, heoted. pvertine d hap 23100 "Gnawa Ontario. "725-0509. Whitby 668-8344 Aut oP oF HE TY : MORE THAN SHIRTY plus bonus to start. A national manufacturer re- or $60 each monthly, | rtered nt. Crystal No. 2 Salt MORTGAGE it vA C WLAND 6 COVERED wrt " DIFFERENT DISKASE. § Area to be covered - Oshowa quires a young man to learn 7 Sree bree san bate 4 Saws, Rar Brad P let Vea! A DENSE GROW{H oF TREES GERMS AND PARAS ISIC ; inside work in their direct Telephone 728-1658 Ontario, 73-121. Common Fine Salt "LOANS bes Drilling--Digging AND1S APPARENTLY ryctigRte ry ede bg a ge . a soles outlet. Excelent op- WILson AND BURROWS, CHARTERED) LARGER THAN THE BASES Se riace ne WAY Yes. Classified Box 430 portunity for future advance- |93_ Wanted To Rent Eun? by : : : King. Street East, i rt : (BISMARCK ARCHIPLLAGO) A ment. Experience in paint Pikeont 1 25, Wilson, CA; COOPER SMITH ponerse tor sian Meeinoges in azinch te, Ww Son, wit bo 2363 ©) Sang td Oshawa Times ond wallpaper an advantage |TWO-STOREY three or four bedroom Interest at 7% oD Y: , 4 G. Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-7554, n Mortgoges or 668-3809. O fe) + but not essential. Full fringe a wanted by family with two chi bseuina ree ss gceLINAST, | ene ee a sheen, Oma | ane eee so sige lg ste ° No charge for valuations i sas Park Reka bath 2 ? wa Times, |YOUNG COUPLE with one child re Nagy Bl gai Motaoe ond Aarenronis ng. a ar 14--Employment Wanted (16--Female Help Wanted _ AINTENANCE pale Advertising De- auires Sroom bungalow, by March 1 Barristers bs purchased. 1--Women 's olumn \ carer PAN DAY NURSERY qualified; WOMAN to livel n, and care for three M past bide _| reasonable Bg "Write Box mc tation, nealing smabagensbibeoinnneutniasiinaitainsneasiotnin jay care, 7 a.m. to 5.30 p.m, 581 Simcoe|school child hil thy k 1, Oshawa Moneys for second mortgages. | BeRMANENTS on special, Page Halr-|North, 720.2604 References. Phone after 5 p.m. 728-2510, Times of phone 'Toronto efter 3.30, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister Instruction Fast service dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Tel ot Bons . . lephone fan oe Solicitor, Money to loan. Office, 14¥a King WARTZ 536, RELIABLE LADY will give day care for|/MIDDLE-AGED woman wanted for light O O GC WANTED by February 1, two or Three- Piss Soe Eee eee a MET AMES) «254 King St East [5 sh este geen iangmee ne "ww ot"rhn) © FOREMAN YOUNG MEN Sarena" fata aan TODDS AND DONALD, Barristers and] now. Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-6122. BRAS 2--Personal In child care. Telephone 728-6860, (ale ERO ESN 20 85 |WANTED TO RENT: Warm, clean, com- Solicitors, etc., 67 King Street east ee EA, Dancing Oshawa, Ontario HOUSEKEEPER, 55, would like position.|AVON for tun and good earnings. Avon |fortable accommodations; preferably with Telephone 723-2201. School, Ballet, Tap Acrobatic, 'Character, 723-4697 Be BEd \wnitoy "or eal Iba oti write og to tg Ss ere adult etter representatives will fell you if's easy to A plont in Oshawa has an A Conadian compony open- | pepoeaseeene facilities in Whitby. Call BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Soli-| Pre-School, Kinderdance. Fridays, Satur |Box 333, ve or cal $25. weekly. Telephone Hampton 263-2788/sell 'fine products, full or part time, it's) i iia, requirement for | ing a new bronch in Osh- ier Natary Public. Mortgage funds|days. Masonic Temple, 723-7253. BA ey Services | ANYONE. witnessing 2 'an automobile acci- profitable! Write P.O. Box 512 Oshawa or f 4 ng n " oey "tapy" "wavla | jike : . wa available, 36% King Street East, 723-1107. BURNS SCHOOL of Dancing. Tap. ballet dent at 11.20 p.m. Saturday, January 4,/16--Female Help Wanted [phone 720-5083, a maintenance 'oremon. | awa hos immediote. opening | ciean, bright furnishes light housekeep- Res, 728-1285. Seo conte of Columbus Hall,| PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic organ| Simcoe Street North, at Richmond Street. RespEcTABLE girl to live In and Wook|RELIABLE woman to share new home for four men. Men selected ing room or apantment on mein floor. - og ston. Knights lu 'Ituning | and repair, Instruments _ap-|Please telephone 725-1163 or 725-7628. | ae) two children. Light housekeepingland care for three chiliren while par- Appliconts should have ot will be fully trained and |72-2619 or 728-0755. base ea A hagas & FB ph acl Saar Ao Wek ne dire Bs en re NS OS TRANSPORTATION wanted by | young|dutles. Telephone 720-0463, ents work. Lots of free time off. In the| feast 10 years practical transportation is / supplied. (SINGLE LADY requires two unfurnished Building, 86 King Street East. 728-6207.|ter now for accordion lessons, Rentall Baines d Decoretin lady. Whitby. Toronto cowntown. Mornings SOOKKEEPER-TYPIST, mwal_be exper-li™ % Whitby. Write Box S28, Oshawa! maintenance work. The most promising will be [housekeeping rooms. Heavy-duty wiring. Mortgage funds available. accordions available for beginners. Dial/f GINTINg GN: se . = lenced, small office Whitby area. Reply)" a j enrolled in a 13 week man- Monday' ¥0 riday. 72-1651, ii =e 725-4706. nt | hair, stating age, qualifications, salary and ; > he ee ts McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Painting, papernanging end] Removal of superfiious halt, ltelephone number' to: Box' 643, Oshawe Stock Gir] Please reply by letra' giv. | agement training school ond | wawra -- One or twobedresm opere Solicitors. Clients' funds available for] 44 Tol repairs. Furniture finishing old and new. rie =Mmurcu Times. ing porticulers of pe | upon graduotion con expect ment for young couple with small Tor. first_mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North, |Money fo Loan Sign painting all aa H. Brown 92 Wil! Oshawa, Jan. 20th, 21st, rT ag a ; experience and education. on income of $8,400 to $10,- | Telephone 728-2400, ila a a oe eee Zid. Phone Genosha Hotel |JOUMAKSNRER Gr Tix tanmm| Apply in person . 800 per ear) 91°° lee on Tae-snbRORa es Edger Ff. Bas QC; Norman H.| 5 DODD and SOUTER on these dates for appoint- | Pleasant home, wages. Phone 728-7609, FOX 's All replies will be treated re avin 6b ter women tr aa ae JAMES A. M. DONALD, BA, LLB, = PAINTING AND DECORATING ment. PART-TIME cashier wanted. Also wall- in confidence. All successful appliconts will | mediate paesonten. Oshews - Whitby iaMes % Solicitor and Notary Pub- CONTRACTORS ELECTROLYSIS cesses for day, shit, Apply Mr. Camp- Ladies Wear receive a guoronteed income | #°##. 7254 Me: The Commerical. Building, 286 King Pointing, Paperhanging, et ee Pi ESE ENG \ of $65.00 per week with re- fest, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking Gyptex, Sull Wall Murals 723-4641 belated ser ced lle sores on 7 Simcoe St. South | BOX 518 gular increases. ponte ns cm Rent ra ' Nessee Sem, Wvallable. 7254716 or 725-4717. | RON sts, her 'works, sso small 'how OSHAWA TIMES yg Bo eng An Mag omg 107 BYRON st, 5, WHITBY aero SA cient soaes'eaea| = COLLECTOR .. | You should be energetic, neat, Commerce ing, 5 Si Street D hold duties, pulps Salah e North, osname, Mts Ie Creighion NIGHTS 725-7426 Specialist in garment altera- |§23, WEEKLY -- for wearing lovely EXPERIENCED | WANTED prove yourself but exper- OPPORTUNITY tor 'idle ged cole couple ae 'murdoch, ac, Paani; J. ¢. Victor, FUNNEL Plumbing and Heating tions, etc. Invisible mending, greases, atven you as borws. lust, show Maa ba Senile sith Denice ience is not essentiol os we jin exchange for household duties. dress_alterations train you fully if selected. |trally located. Apply Box 529, 7115. Morty and Agreements of - fri . No canvassing, investment, ex- istrict. i detoi . | a bought, mag and arranged. YOUR DEBTS ALL PLUMBING ana heating supplies. 10 PRINCE ST. Sate: Nieman EMG Amutioee fond dleivics, Cor essential. Ist Class vf ie ty phone: 728- |Tunm | Clannad LOUIS $. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Selick Telephone 723-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd. 728-5311 { Fashion Frocks, Ltd. 3425 Industrial) PHONE 728-9131 ' " } for, Notary. Suite 305, The | Times INTO ONE EASY PAYMENT Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255 Bivd., Dept. P-2502, Montreal 39, Model Makers 25--Apartments Building, 86 King Street East, 723-4943. wire a Low-coer, Simcoe Stree' jh. 3--Pets & Livestock NURSE'S AIDE required for Glencedarl|}7__ Male Help W. d 18--Male or Female Clients' funds available for mortgages. {pti tocachhocie . ALL TYPES of reperrs and t | 'ets ivestoc Nursing Home, Ltd.. Ritson Road. North. --Ma le lelp ante ONE OR TWO working iris "wanted te HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN, new and. used materials. Reasonable| COCKER SPANIEL puppies, parti color,|Call Mrs. Morton, 655-4931 or 655-4516. sia GH = i Help Wanted __ [Ria frnines, sparen aici Barristers, Solicitors, yi King Street eee, Estimates free. Dial 723-1°93.|4 months, permanent ishots, registered|~ oT aie Ga ae roe ie DUTIES | BUSINESS GIRL wanted te F wai East, Oshawa, R. 8. Humphreys, QC; SF. ° J. Foley. purebreds. Excellent temperament. 723- CLERK TYPIST Pattern Makers share E » QC; W. it Hillman, LLB?) 1739 ap bedr: apartment with same. Tele Siti Hee joes PL a So VO PLAN YORK PLUMBING BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, reedy for «Required. Experienced. Con- le 740: Wats with model makers HAIRDRESSER [phone 72-6798 i BE \ ' mortgage funds available. LOAN AND HEATING Broad. 114 "Elgin East. ene : io "yltal in purchasing Valid "drivers (idk 'Hebel; Top rates ond benefits. Experienced CHURCH STREET, 174 -- Two and a hal salioi ; ; - |room apartment, self. Bis te THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Specializing in repairs. | WHITE ; POODLE pups, miniature, reglis- t iol. partment a M fe) (e) H }tered chi ion stock. Twin Oaks Motel, but not essent Writ 328 SI COE S' UT Nis Highway, Messy Telephone Orono' 606 Beech Street rite | downtow: jentieman preferred pply Apply in person Man or Woman | above So atter 4 i Money to Street East. 723-4697, Res \2at. Whitby, 668-3348 | inn. . 728-1731 ; ee |e eoeere, MR MH, HIGGINS | INDUSTRIAL Immedioey. Telephone Tes oer Ons na. Sree! Eat i ia After Hours Pickering 839-1556 COLIRS, bie = ae n eispa - BOOKKEEPER GENOSHA HOTEL MODELS lama "8 GM plant, central, Apply in Person line Road, '4 mile south Taunton. [ment apartment, tgp ones asics ones: J. M. Greer,| Mortgages ; Ge asst Terence v. Kelly, BA, BCL, PRIVATE and Sporto, mle fl Rug-Upholstery Service ee 10 A.M. Saturday Only | Th e M aytair S al on iene site' one, or two. business. pare ; : a P.O BOX 236 7 mortgages and agreement of cHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and i c tale purchased Creighton, Orynan and re-styled. Free estimate. See our ma- English breeding. Reasonable. Register- 26--Rooms For Rent Building Trades Barristers") Hoda des timate. See our meled. Dial Whitby 668-3923. . NEW ee 'and. repairs, re-|FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. eso ings 75 Charles 'Street IN. areata red je WEOR SALE. 4 years oid, color ELEKTRIKORDS ASSISTANT SAND. P.O. 27 Celina Street LAPSe ee rity bgp jlo ie ee ee modelling, (gay Free etimates. mic and Hemice. Barriers i king CUSTOMCRAFT'S Upholstering Depert- Bred to registered quarter horse. stal- And Harness Ltd. WINDSOR. ONT. | Oshawa 728-0662 ab 3804, : SL FYPES of bollding Tepaira rooting, | Street East, 72 pel gp ely Ape ont gmt es ML lad Ajax, Ontario to a : LARGE bedroom twin beds, ras stoops : Stain Dist e777 ee ee Ff "s Col chen. Suit two gentlemen. T " --Farmers Column 725-1904. Gordon May, 728-0394. d For interview appointment. G 20--Room and Board psa lll Lae ; soem ree) 2G Mortgages gemerisies csi, asl ani.g te acta SE Fal phone Ajox 942-4910 ENERAL K-MART vam tale w aero] AY AE Hf no answer, call 723-9258. Up To $10,000 Henig re-bulll. Oshawa" Upholstery Co., ae ee Ue wae Mere: r DE PARTMENT gentlemen, willing to share, home cook} ELIRNISHED ROOMS Ad CARPENTRY, cabinets. | arborite| Available To Homeowners |10 Sov West. Dial 7250001: ATER FOR SALE -- 1000 gallons, | : i ed meals, lunches packed, parking.) Available in private home bathroom, | kit ae oor HESTERFIELDS and old chal Sane Roland ben| M N GE Thornton's Road South, 728-4469. Call batwech Send 7 Bak well ond fot OS a = INTEREST RATES FROM 1% |eovered like new. Get the best for less|7aspie7 ne NO1®® BANK TELLER ANAGER STORE iaensne' ten ae eee Ao ee N ROOFING, gated a oe dene mg TO 1%% PER MONTH at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe|------__- Soa Sal BI EXPERIENCE PREFERRED iuhabie fcr pennin, three tneale Gait K m eur specialty. Seuth Cah THEGII, Free. eatimates. FARMERS! | Need tires? ti ee ais dally Large and rail fobs. Le and H. Rooting 12% TO 15% PER AN- you Tire representative. portunity mon with i or lunches packed, parking, $18. w 728-8671 and construction, 725-6937. NUM). HAVE VOUP oe teehaee, tees 725-4811 or evenings afer & 725-726. Must be neot in appearance | 900d background in account- Positions Open for each. Telephone 987-4675. poral sesh manned nial ip iN clea Chir YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleener: CHT! Nic) BONUSES evenings 728249. Kennedy Upholstering CATTLE dnd 200 35 ose brother, Ing and general administra. | Qualified Men to Manage fs Sm; | NOBROKERAGE FEES) [Soles and Service Dehomed oe ee the Following Departments / OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS WRasGHRY CONTRACTOR --avalabe Company makes sheet metal block, RANTEED irs to all wringer| Arteries picked, no bleeding. Sri Girt onesie trea. Tarte. | PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR. [tethers and renga, ee eatinatee. C5! For orempt service shone |Bank of Commerce | att. constuction, 50 JEWELERY 728-1742 it is ; I . New du 4 PRINTED TTERN HOME THE REALTY DIVISION OF GLASS AND SCREEN ange sagt Athol and Simeéoe St. S. it acallent gen ee LADIES' PA IMPROVEMENTS S U p E R | 0) R Repairs to aluminum win- --_ - Telephone 728-5131 arin READY TO WEAR Carpentry work of all kinds, dows and door inserts -- | 6--Auction A f Hlity inel tile flooring and painting, do ice -- Bring your SEBici nh nih nds SNR Seen AR duisaebt responsibi ity include imate Grd. plombina,. re: DISCOUNT. LIMITED OY Oe ae iat cree : PART TIME accounting, purchasing store [SIO 1a ee modelling stores, offices, and 725-6541 NASH ALUMINUM Having npoatved_lemmuntions ! keeping ond office services. : iar 17 Simcoe St. N. 95 ATHOL ST. EAST wo Ww, teow. | FULL TIME Sales and manufacturing not Apply in person at All work guaranteed. - 25 Superior Offices In Ontario TELEPHONE 728-1633 will sell by public auction et TELEPHONE included. K-MART No job too big or small. Surveyors 225 Conant St., Oshawe on Cc DEPARTMENT gus contin. Mortgage Money WFLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Lana) soturday, Jon. 25 ot 1 p.m. For appointment coll ; IPE, Ontario Tard] the following: toble and 728 2061 Available Survayeres 111 Elgin Street Bast. Phone pacha leds oot Beeb CANVASSERS G. Alexander at or Cartage | | rug, floor lamp, bed complete for our advertising depart- : _Low Interest lOntario. cand aucrerer: Commercial bios electric heoter,. trunk, va- partment. We ore a natural 942-6500 NATIONAL JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, prints, 11 Ontarlo Street, 725-5632. | . radio, fh money making organization. \ Denawa,, whitey. Reasonable rates. Fully - . Nae alacarit aove, banc Ani exceptionally high income EMPLOYMENT (gqwipped and insured. 720-3661. Valuations Arranged TV--Radio Repairs saw, cement mixer, power for interesting work, You can AJAX, ONTARIO Dressmaking RESIDENTIAL LAKE VISTA TV Towers and aerial ser-, drill, sander, mony . other work from your home. Phone | SERVICE EE aon een Bae | : vice. " billie Murray Avenue. Tele! articles to numerous to men- for further information. | alter: rations. Ressorathe rates: CITY AND DISTRICT hnalinld tion. Terms cash. Between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Mis. Eldridge, 67 Montrave,, 7256076. SUMMER PROPERTIES SUARANTEED penne Re "Elec Frank Stirtevant, Auctioneer 728-7552 a shag ag epg ag VACANT LAND jronice, 187 Eliott, 7239792, Fred, DR AFTS MEN jh. 725-8562. : Members Ontori | 11--Arti les For Rent j i HAJDU'S | Mortgage Broker's accletion TV SERVICE | CHAIRS, silted sana sca church SALESLADY With Mechanical and Sturctural Experjence Tailoring ond Dressmaking rR SORE tateae Bor Modan Pharmacy Professional designer of | hd a Nec SO ORC ladies wear. Bridal, formal, SUMMERLAND [reducing 'machines, "sick room' suppiies,| Experienced in selling Drug Interesting and remunerative employment in rapidly expanding cocktail, suits, cocts, All SECUDITIES | OSHAWA [siento 1s Beatrice, 2516 Store Merchandise. This ise | field of material handling. kinds of alterations and fur | | remodeling. Fit right guor- L E | _ELECTRON ICS | Dishes id Cutlery - Glasses Mal ere een, Opportunity for advancement and permanent employment await- onteed. | IMITED ai a oe Saree Punch Bowls Reply in confidence stating ing the right man with a well established and reputable company, BASSETT BLOCK, SUITE 2 | 112 Simcoe St, North } TV TOWERS | 'Coffee Urns experience and other qualifi- located in new modern air conditioned plant. 'PHONE 728-3112 | Oshawa, Ontorio--725-3568 | AND | Silver 2 sca postales Gand pérsion plan: Cobh pectibohiHini alos Grtic Heath aa i Sil andelabra i : iti , Classified Advertising Rates | Antenna Repair | SARGEANT'S. RENTALS WRITE BOX 401 Leite Toren Apany A writ: 25 WORD MINIMUM | ; i! Better described otters get taster results, | TRIO | 725-3338 orOthowa, Ontario if ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT : recy rel ig 'T2--Articles Wanted Meal eld batlig TWO IN GINGH AM 6 consecutive days : 4. TELEVISION |WANTED -- Canadian silver dollars, aes Ore & 3 consecutive days 2.25 2.48 Matthews Conveyer Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation as one ae 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA itp sa tre) eather cicee coe, fale kK. MART Company Limited By ALICE BROOKS While every dei Il be made to forward repli box 728-5143 aoe Port H fe) endeav wi m to ar to a! jed, al f i sop Laukirs '0: the iene os on as possible soe 9 eS orig eR 7g sen oy DEPARTMENT HER ea Lies 2 ope, Ontario EASY N' FUN! Decorate liability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through Service Calls WANTED -- small canoe, in good condi- gingham-gay aprons with pro- SO SLIMMING t either failure or delay in forwarding such replies, however caused $2 50 tion. After S$ p.m., dial 668-2173. STORE GENERAL FOREMAN Pee PAI NT vincial cross-stitch, whether by negligence or otherwise. . | | AM : it hot ped within 7 days, charge rate applies. | 9 am.--9 p.m. Daily SHAW This is rtunity to become on. importont ) Make two varied aprons, one " ANNE ADAMS : rojo n'y, Sf ou men B30 | Xen 21" Pte Tae | AUTOWRECKING CO. | Positions Open for | range he was nse cone owe Banned, theses eloped, eshte eaters eared : 'ants Cars for recking. | age in th | i i i Poets peg ionn! ihe per month -- As Low As $19 66 | Parts for sale, also scrap iron Qualified Persons to Dy ee eee ee Gingham ches Coane Ce ot hairdo with flattery. (Not applicable for merchandise " advertisements.) | and: metals,' ete. bought. Manage the Following One of the main feotures of this plant is the paint installation. cross-stitch, Pattern 7185: slenderizing sheath lines with DEADLINES All Work Guaranteed 0 The paint system includes a five stage washer, drying ovens, «att * : pen Saturday all day. Phone , , , mg » |charts; directions. pocket interest, WORD rg Toke deb oso z p.m, pey Previous Dominion Television | 725-2311---89 BLOOR E. Departments -- and finish spray booths, bake ovens, and four conveyor | THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)|.Ptinted Pattern 4964: Half gs al dat lad neg Bae ey See | igOe DUNDAS ST. FE. re | Sizes 12%, 14%, 1614, 181%, 20%, In awe nd eee iss Ba Day Sravicin 'WHITBY 668-5971 |j4--Nemployinent Wanted LADIES' The successful candidate will know thoroughly all industrial jfor this pattern (no stamps,joou 'Size 1644 requires 3% oa poet psd oes a ae? TE side Day of gti ey ee a ne ee 4 Oued spray painting techniques, blending of solvents, maintenance (please) to Alice Brooks, care of|yards 39-inch fabric. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY- 9 pa Previous ay, | | READY-TO-WEAR |. of paint equipment, and operations of bake ovens, including' |The Oshawa Times, Needle-| FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS | WANTED timing for maximum efficiency of conveyor operations, He will 1 Denk Olt Onta |(no stamps, please) for this pat- 8:30 A.M. Day of Publication | JEWELERY hove the: ability to supervise effectively up to 75 men in @ lontario re sid is vie 1 : Ne tern, Ontario residents add 2c REGULATIONS | Economy and | POSITION WITH two-shift operation. le oi 8 rye me cnt sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, ig . ; aa a ; iti ax. int plainly ' The Oshowa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise Deluxe | LOCAL INDUSTRY | -- Apply iri Person at Seti Maar gs DONE ee NONE PRE SY NUMBER, N Aire "ADDRESS. NOMBER DDRESS, STYLE | | | fore pirssitnny a cael riheors bit ae adver sainenk anc whieh TERMS yi veins care of The Oshawa Times, 'Pat price charge for a' single insertion o' advertisement in which | , . ience in olf phases of auto-. | age, and present salary to: our: big, bi: % error occurs. motive. interior trim manu- | DEPARTMENT | | 7 Mee ee nee tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario, The Oshawa Times "resérves the right to clossity advertisi |: fi including Dielectrics, . | : | PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATOR jcraft Catalog, out now!' See} DO YOU KNOW HOW TO accordin3 to Its proper classification. ii OSHAWA TV | AWG Cite Cees or be 0 toys, fashions,' crewelwork,|GET A PATTERN ABSOLUTE- | Would consider supervisory ' -- In the case of display advertisements, The Times will not be | or clerical position: in related | - ; ; " +4¢ _, LY FREE? It's simple -- order held responsible for more space than that in which the actual | SUPPLY LIMITED industry. 'Male Age 47 : NATIONAL MASSEY FERGUSON LIMITED | Rertoo tne: gifts, ay a tour, Spring-Summer Catalog in- error occupies. The publishers endeaveur to reproduce ail adver- | EMPLOYMENT | NORTH AMERICAN COMBINE PLANT everything to crochet, knit,|quding FREE COUPON to gel tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement 728-8180 Phone Ajax 942-5905 P. O. BOX 400 |sew, weave, embroider, quilt./any one of 250 design ideas. it ony inaccuracies in any form are contained therein, | } SERVICE BRANTFORD, ONTARIO | smock. Send 25c. right now. ° |Send 50c today. ments submitted. otherwise than in writing, not for more thon | 13 years supetvisory exper- | K-MART Please forward complete outline of your education, experience, | 206 HANDICRAFT HITS in| Send order to ANNE ADAMS,