at ee ie mete ee cane, RR ae am EERE PIE ES GICES ES! AER Sateen SE SIE eR Ae i ee Oe ee wom mcntnareel: -- Ay gy 00.500. { . . { i 2: i ; ' : 2, TAA te ee ee A a i | "Imagine . , . Dominion's exciting game that Is so much fun te Ne ey ya iia) RTE ay y is beck again! There's the same big cash prizes, tee! MN : ; wie you were not among the thousands of winners In the last ' Vg Coad "". "éin-arow of 4-of-a-kind" game ,,. this is another hphyn } Ma ails On. 0 apportunity for you to win $100, $500, --- or even $1,000! , Every time you visit DOMINION you'll receive a Free card. These valuable cards come in four different colours -- RED, GREEN, " BLUE and BLACK, Take your card home and dip in water. One of the following numbers OR letters will appear in twe Canadas Most fascinating fun-Came : / 2 "A gi peeerasied-en COLLECT 4-IN-A-ROW-- Collect any four in a row (as ebove) from 2-3-4-5 up to 10-J-Q-K, all cards printed in $100 i eae: ad ecpaperertee Collect J-Q-K-A, all cards printed In the $500 same colour, and win COLLECT 4-OF-A-KIND-- Collect four of the same NUMBER, eact oe card printed in a different colour (red, green, 1 1] blue and black) and win Collect four of the same LETTER, each card : printed in a different colour (red, green, 5 blue and black) and win BONUS! epee i-0 - agoee ch. éate KI Ni D; if rhe word BONUS appears you win $2.00 and another GRAND PRIZE! = See back of card for information with the Same Big Cash Prizes ! [ ie re ' ee a MAINLY BECAUSE bei, og ay aaa OF THE MEAT Cts fe 3; Me 2 > . . " HABITANT "SAVE 9e + FRESH EASY TO CARVE PORK 28-0Z, di cAI 7 SUUP § 4x 69 'SHOULDER = PRUNES == "39 iROAST ECONOMY PKG BAKE Bam = 2-2 owt wis SPAGHETTI 2 37° | BUTT PORK CHOPS »49 TINS <AIE ' LYNN VALLEY STANDARD L: Be lee GREEN 4 TENDER DELICIOUS BUY BY THE PIECE FRESH SLICED : SLICED AND SAVE = BEANS 7 =| | Seen Bacon "ta 1} » PEAS wGarRoTs ¢ **: 79: »49-@ »89-@ HONEY POD PEAS) SAVE 9¢ [ GREEN BEANS CORN STOKLEY & q 1997 'Ty Wasi rr re Um yen rs ger nore , | ' cual ASHED el 2% 33" THUR. 6 @ SPM SPERIAL «= _YAuS merece ar F ELERY ST ALKS c ce OSHAWA WHITBY PORK "29 BOWMANVILLE LIVER «. aie tern eT a TE A ee ' DOMINION STORE LTD,