THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, January 16,1964 19 32--aArticies for Saie 29---Automobiles For =o 1958 FORD 2-<door station wagon. vet |29----Automobiles For Saie ani biack finish, Guaranteed, 3823: 200 Dundas . West, : 1959 METEOR, 4-door station wagon.|WRECKING | 1956 i Merairy _ convertible ch dark. mitotic Green finish, 6 [Paris for~sale, motor, dion cylinder, automatic. transmission, excel. | Mission. rear Sn (01 0 S00. aOR lent mechanical condition, $1045. Seaway) Telephone 728-441) Ltd., 200 Dundas West, Whitby,/ TV To! is -- Special, a He tower ture with all. chennet $50, Oshawa TV Street. aoe 28--Real Estate Wanted |29--Automobiles For Sale PAPM wanted. within conor dis- Medal snow tires Rd od Dominion tance of Osnewa, 100 or tens ire Store, 4 : Good house, brick or stone preferred, Ltd. wilh hres or four bedrooms. Telephone! 1962 GMC half-ton deluxe nM Low mile- Whitby, 668-5893, é age $1700, «Telephone 723-161 ZEPH 1902 CHEVY IN, two-door, oa cm iA tah le balls Behe fend ttleh retaie cole ace tD Pere cate. ics, Senwey "'Maters wooded, idea! right, can be sold, For quick sale call earn, Pe gab ot MBE |W, cna Car hee' 'aeh Nanette Se_Ounane Woo, lephone| 1958 Ned maneuay Zdoor hardtop, spotiess way, close to Oshawa ire an Heaton, vin Terince Be ha Strades! aki 725-650, Wilson Realtor, Eve- Oana Ths-2sits residence: Fe Br iy age A cal a came snd la black Cutten nings 8423, he m., 723-3632, + push y THREE-BEDROOM storey and a halt}. Svtemnatic. "Fun BEAUTIFUL and very clean, three-bed-/nome, close to schools. Have cash buy-|1987 Fico leh gran oonyp a A} fennel fae real beauty, $795. Seaway Motors Ld® room bungalow with split-level entrance,| er. cai! Bill Johnston, Bolahood Brothers ou to bel 200 Dundas West, Whitby, 668-589: paved drive, note septate and gis tha. 728-1066. appreciated, Eng aw iar 0 school with bus at door, To see ca int, very low mil Hi Fac rtin Tete: aonenn Boxco, Reater'9q Automobiles For Sale |fermi. 'cai sam te § pm. Sommer : 12, Ta iss) BUICK convertible, power brakes,\Ville 6 19 PONTIAC Laurentian station wagon ey ee sitcring, whitewalla, radio, Bought|i#éi FORD Fairlane sedan, soft med-|6 cylinder automatic, two ; new. Must be sold to settle estate. In-inight rose ver we All power equipped,|/and white, Radio, whitewalls. Good condi-| 'wo structed to take \best offer over $1,200.) A-1 he Hag Seaway Motors Ltd,,/ton. Phone 725-6057, Call Whitoy 668-8031, 200 Dundas Westy Whitey. 64-003, issn JEEP Ws ton truck, Gwheel arive, : ea ee on We OF, Tee, rebuilt motor and snow plough. Apply 216 $495,» worth much = more. Kalil ie 1958 CHEVROLET station wegen USED CARS Wat CHEVROLET Wi Veton plek up 1961 CORVAIR 700 deluxe sedan, Guards- 1963 DODGE 1955 CHEN tr miles, Box enclos: ew condition, i man blue finish, automatic transmission, finance. Pickering was, 'ad! old away seat, -- Mes Cc LET, tiac, automatic shit. SACRIFICE, 1956 Buick aes. . Custom tires, fair bo Two door, V-8 automatic, +3071 =o + ee ery Gleaming block finish. r, $1,345, Sea' call |_Hampton 263- Hr : sa 1962 CHEVROLET West, Whitby. 'tas 1959 AUSTIN, five ar pod finance. ¥ navROLeT. " i power steer pred 1963 MERCURY incre! six-way seat, 6 cylinder, 4 door, stondord : tronsmission, White with red Bn | Op trade. $495 Dest. offer. W957 FORD," six, tudor, trane-| Telephon Soak OT atter 8 ame 720-6341. radio, eenutitul two-tone, $2100, Phone/full power, 9,000 m $3,200, Trade 725-4453, orf finance, 205 Bay Drive, Whitby. trim, very low mileage. One owner, mission, Excellent mechanical cond ie PLYMOU r hard 1959 PLYMOUTH 27---Real Estate for Sale $12,400, NEW three-bedroom bungalow, close we earns: a Yeo at 728-5123. Boia- VE RCOM Bigs vicinity Wilson South, Mr, Rankine, Ltd.,. 728-5123, ACREAGE, creek, 27--Real Estate For Sale FSUR-SEDROCOM home in lovely ecandi- tion, featuring ~ panelled wae reom,| ¢ large dining room on halt-acre lot, just northeast of city. Just what you have i . Asking only Lb in been looking payments © only $63.50 monthly. Call appointment to Pall cgi Martin, 728+ '7, Joseph Bosco, R PRIVATE: -- - + loa new three bedroom alow with garage, com: plete, In von igh area, close to dhe teignd lic and. high s $1) irae, Phone e 725-2914 evenings 728 72-7162, IMMEDIATE possession, three-bedroom brick ranch bungalow, good residential area, Dougias J.-M, Bullied Realtor, 723 4391, 1 (00 with $1500, 'Five-bedroom hj brek a ao oval excellent condition. Centrally _lo-/ $2000. DOWN, in monthly, jaeeriy ew cated. Douglas J. M, Bullled, Reali. 723-4391 GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 ' MUST BE SOLD -- fot jst bungalow on a large ust north of Oshawa, possession. Make an offer. MOHAWK AVENUE---7 room split level home custom built for the present owner just 5 years ago. 4 bedrooms, sepor- ate dining room with door leading to patio and ae landscaped back yard, bathrooms, recreation room and attached gorage ore just a few of the many feotures in this family home. Owner is leaving the city end you may heave an appointment to in- spect by calling tonight. 27--Real Estate ad Sale {27--Real Estate for Sale : rs nice three : and of cy all jmount Street, Threebedroem brick vere Mae ard then| eer bungalow, decorated and landscaped, asked. i Mr. Skinner,| partial rec-room, fenced yard, treed Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. fot. Ceramic tiled bathroom, with colored HIVECROOM home, ans" heat, $2500| "tures. Asking $14/200, $3,500. down pay- aah, take, over on beiance of of 0 6 per cent mortgage. sfotoo Inierest Monty payin pitt fly tarps cat Mon vy . further information, passder atter 5 pin, $13,200. ALL property, new + old, If the price Is ment required 728-1576, =| S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 KING STREET WEST 728-6286 SPLIT-LEVEL Consisting of four bedrooms, attached garage, colored bothroom fixtures, two rough- ed in fireplaces, exceptional quolity at a reasonable price, call Bob Stevenson, FIVE BEDROOMS Nine room home located with- in walking distonce of hos- pitol, oil heating, garage and modern kitchen, for more in- formation call Les Hall; NEW BUNGALOWS Nine different models to choose from, some with built in stove and oven, located in "Kingsmere Gordens", over- looking city of Oshawa, coll Doug Gower. FOUR ACRES yg had installed Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons 1958 PONTIAC two-door, woe green, interior, radio, white walls, Good condition, caen, buy, eo) used ture or am jing you have. The Ci t Stores, 446 new) 188 io ig 3 panel truck, Trading Pos! Simeoe Ma] mat new Mas Ret sell <<. cipag Berd [ows South, 723-1671. ' eteor, in good condition. Tele-sxaTes -- Used, $1.97 pair: phone 723-9920. trade-in. in's Corner, One bieck 'ont ¢F Rev Corners: jal VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes. Free estimates, parts, leg og hoses, rebuilt chines, Rentals, Wallace Vacuum tervien, SOMe!Caill anytime 728-0591, to 1a. Telephone. 735" SKATES, new and used. Sodan Oy tri lp big woe ee oe po gt pot pach ar Torayice trea ay Bond East, ' camp cots, four CHAIN saw McCull 163 TV fe. Tete, Stool) Quebec heater; quentity of BABY canton high om bs odd other. smait pen, etc. All new condition. Reasonable. Apply 142 Celina Street, CHESTERFIELO 'and chair, dining room suite, single bed, two Danger ona mo minster rug, three piece eee new), Telephone ri trace arden png Immediate possession. Ask' 1955 PONTIAC é-cylinder a 500, Easy monthly terms. McGill Real motor and tires .New condition, Apply 534 Easle Broker, 728-4265, Drew Street. hui -1 NES, On FIVE-ROOM pha Toatygeeel ane nay frigerator, Fr MS enatie. wnener. ond Weert all ava boned downpayment. Whitby yy 668-8740. gl OnEMEE, 100 oad pe hunt Telephone 799! we en eGn executive type home, near OCVI, Large family room on main floor, and Lhd cg ede very only wn 'joseph id tae BUICK four-door, ig cre wotewee. dition, PERSIAN lamb coat, black, full ban Neng sia Suits, coats, dresses, Some Bg A ate ete, Size 11 radio, Excellent con- thr num storms By Geen northend, ig phone 728-6605. BUILDING LOTS On court -- pre-paia, Fully serviced, Some Ravine lots --~ Prestige oreo, N.H.A. op- proved --- Close to public, seporote ond high school, PHONE 725-2911 975 FOUR-ROOM, epart- ment, one bedroom, new stove and re. frigerator, close to February 1. 308-4869. 4 pts' CHEVROLET station wagon, fair T 723-9708, spacious, two $14,900. Call Mr. wert, Bosca, Realtor, 728-7377 METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E, Dial 728-4678 ROSSLAND RD. pal Three bedroom home large living room with oe plese, | dining room and itehen, Situated on a deep corner fot, well landscoped with privete drive from side street, Asking $13,700. ROSSLAND MANOR Lerge modern WA gutnde home and bungalows located Oshowa"s Lorgest Firm BOLAHOOD BROTHERS JOHN A, J, BOLAHOOD LLOYD A. P, BOLAHOOD F.R.I, List With Us Then Call Your Mover "RIDGEWAY: AVE." rd) 1958 For particulars, 8/1963 RAMBLER Ambassador 990 black with white top, automatic, bucket seats, push button radio with reer speaker, powe: steering and brakes. Low mile age. Excellent Sonat, After 1 pm, telephone 728-6098. -| 1961 CHEVROLET Bel Air, automatic, In) CuesreRe new moog oe miles, Best offer, |; Telephone 7: 1959 PONTIAC, excellent condition, one owner, sacrifice, private. 725-0532, Mr, "| Rosen, after 7 p.m. 728-5623, 195) FORD custom, 2door, immaculate,|1962 PLYMOUTH 4-door station light green finish, 6 cylinder, standard, b aged white finish with green leather: radio, A-1 mechanical condition, finish, Completely equipped, $1995. BUYING or selling fu ae Call Elmer, Kempen 28: CHESTERFIELD th Tiree piece, 94 $65, match | ing drapes, 84" x 196 radio and record yer all 'in good com dition Telephone 1963 EVINRUDE wed about 50 hours, new best offer, 723-4317, TV TOWERS special, ture with se) channel ani $50. Oshawa TH sedan, standard, six. 1960 CHEVROLET Bei Air 2-door hard Will trade for etl ton with long bar or|top, spotless, Oshawa' bive finish, four one-ton. 728-6436 " new white wall tires. Like new. $1,395. West, i058 METEOR slation' wagon, eutomatic, Wie. F. Duneas Pr $275, or trade on car, washer or dryer worth up to $100, 723-9861, 1963 CHEVROLET Impala 2-soor hard- V8, automatic, radio, whitewalis, shi Beautiful saddie tan, like new. Will accept trade, 723-7970, Seaway Motors Whitby, 668-5893, eo eae Installed Supply tha? 1 Gibbons MMR a = ng NE in the last close-in prestige development left in: this choice north end, Starting ot $18,600. 2STOREY - 4 BEDROOMS Beautiful and New, French Provincial Home, situated on o large deep 130 foot ravine lot,, many extras, floor to ceiling fireplace, bath up- stairs and down, 'stove hood ond. fon, Completely decor- oted ond vacont now awoit- ing your errival! Hurry! Im- mediate possession is a very scoree occurrence in this | rapidly growing city. APT, BUILDING We have a complete and voried range of Apt. build- ings, from Duplexes to 12 suite, Investigate this grow- ing and lucrotive investment field. OPEN EVENINGS, TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Bob Johnston Jack Osborne Ken Hann Joe Mage Dick Borriage W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 177 Church Street Bowmanville, Ontario 623-3393 NEWCASTLE JOHN F, DeWITH Located on Ritson Road North within city limits, zon- ed for private homes, for more particulors call Howard McCabe. RAVINE LOTS Six new homes under con- struction in the north end, oll featuring built in stoves and ovens ond walkout base- ments, call Glen MacKinnon, FULL PRICE $12,900 -- 5 room brick bungalow with lorge living room and Holly- wood kitchen, Close to bus and schools, Located in the populer north west orea of Oshawa. DEAN AVENUE--Extra large lot with 4 room house and tool shed on property. Full price $6,500, BUSINESS LOCATION -- on Ritson Rd. South--2 = store and 3 apartments on separ- ote meters, Attractive brick building only 11] years old. Suitable for any type of busi- ness, Vendor will take back the mortgage. CENTRAL PARK BLVD, SOUTH--6 room brick bun- galow with paved drive and 3 good sized bedrooms. -Sepor- ate dining room and sunny kitchen. Finished office in basement. Near new .Boys Club. Priced at $13,000. TAUNTON RD, EAST -- 3 bedroom bungalow on one acre of land. Lerge kitchen with built in cupboards, full basement with forced air oil heating. Aluminum storms and screens throughout. Toxes less than $100. Priced at $8,000. TRESANE STREET--6 room brick and stone 2. storey home, 3 bedrooms and 4 pc. both upstairs. Beoutiful ponel- ling in living room and din- ing room. Give us a coll to REALTOR Bowmanville, 14 Frank St. Phone 623-3950 107: Acres without buildings, nice stream, bush, Only $1,- 700 down. 160 Acres with bam, streom,' river frontage. ing $8,500. Terms. 9 Acres with house and barn. Commuting distance to Osh- awo. Price $11,000. Terms. 85 Acres lend, facing 401 Highway ond Baseline, locat- ed east of Newcastle, Price $9,000 with $1,000 down. 40 Acres with house ond born, paved rood. Asking $11,000. Terms. 50 Acres with small house and bom. Asking $3,500. Terms. 10 Acres with good house ond born, drive shed, Commuting lorge Ask- well located Nice! 500 with $2,500 down, INCOME HOME - OSHAWA) $2,500 Down --- seven room brick home in spotless condi- | tion: Four piece beth, double -- Basement oport- "TBOWMANVILLE 3 unit aportment build Silver Street. $16,500, « Terms. BOWMANVILLE Liberty and Sit oangg he area, Two bedroom home, natural lg "4 piece both, oil furnace. $14,- 300 with $5,300 down. BOWMANVILLE Queen Street, Older, attroc- tive 2-storey 4 bedroom brick home with gorage. Close to shopping ond schools. Asking $17,000 ~ $2,000 down, SCENIC FARM 115 acres with lorge streom, house ond born. Must be sold due to ill health. $16,000- terms, HAMPTON $500 down, 5 room bunga- low, 4 piece both. Garage. Price $7,800. GENERAL FARM 96) Acres neor Oshawo, 4 bedroom house. e barn, stream. Asking $35,000 : $10,000 down or will trade for duplex or tri-plex in Osh- awe. DAIRY FARM 198 acre doiry form | mile from a City limits. 1 'mile poved road frontage. - 'Good stone ond brick house. Large painted barn. Stream. ideal for golf course or sub- dividing. Must be sold to gong =~ $3 on $145,- 5,009 down, Qpen 'for offe 623-3393 After 9 p.m. Jack Ricerd 623-3154 Pot Yeo. 623-3077 Joe Bornoski 2202 Newtonville WHITBY CLASSIFIED DRESSMAKING: Formal dresses 8 spe Datterne en hand, Call caasas WANTED -- --_ Anertroegt oF or flat with pri vate entrance, for one-year-old child. Write to 31) Francis Street, Whitby. FIVE-ROOM farm house for rent, qmile east of Ajax on Base Line. Alax 942-1019. | APARTMENT to rent. Unfurnished, yen ed, central. Two reoms, 'pathroom -- Children rwoeome. Parking. 668-84 SEPTIC TANKS cieaned, prompt service on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. FOR RENT -- Two bedroom apartment, living room, kitchen, private bathroom. One child welcome. Telephone 660-5958. WitLine to look after children in my nile mother works. Phone 403707. : 198) Ford pickup, conditioned TV's $35 up; chrome table and chairs, S and ?-plece sets; unpainted dressers and desks. Wilt buy. sell and trade good used furniture and appliances. Goold's Furniture. 218 Dundes Street East, Whitby, 668-5481, inspect this home. distance to Oshawa, Price and terms orranged. 100 Acre form with good buildings. Asking $15,000. Anxious to sell, 100 Acre farm with good set of buildings. Close to a high- woy. SE rae. $16,500 with $5,000 down. 45 Acres with lorge stream, bush. Price $3,000. Terms. 90 Acre HIGHWAY FARM with excellent set of build- ings. Streom. No reasonable offer refused. Donald Mountjoy 623-3614 Guy LeBlonc 623-3715 Idso Wiersmo Orono 1649 John M. Sandy 725-8010 WHITBY PROPERTIES 73,568 sq. ft. of industrial land in Whitby. Call Audrey' Moore for further information NORTH WEST AREA--Split level home with 3 large bed- rooms locoted on a street of beautiful homes. 2 bath- rooms, hollywood kitchen with _ built in cupboards, stove and 2 ovens. Attached garage. Many extras included in the' price of $19,500. For full porticuiors coll 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Dick Young Lucos Peacock Leon Manitius. Steve Zurba Roy Flintoff John Hutchuk Tony Siblock Steve Englert Lieyd Corson Jean Peacock GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. 8. Dovedole ~-- 2: storey semi-detached house, osking price $12,000 with $1,200 down ond carries for $83.00: monthly. Beech St. immaculate 3 bedroom bungalow with corport. Full price $13,900. Due to illness owner will teke @ low down pay- » ment. Francis St. large ranch bungalow, all forge bedrooms, 10 x 10° dining-room, fireplece and built-in bookcases in the living room, gorage, lot size 84' x 145' -- Ask for Pauline Hobbs. Warden Wilson -- 3 bedroom bungalow with hollywood kitchen, oil heating, built on o large lot. Cal the office for oppointments, Evenings coll Audrey Moore 668-4088 or Pauline Hobbs 728-5886 Phyitis McRobbie Bowmanville 623-7159 OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY. 668-5853 NOW $499 DOWN You Save $500 With Winter Works Bonus 9 BUNGALOWS STARTED PRICED AT $12,950 PLUS WINTER WORKS BONUS SEE THEM TODAY TELEPHONE 725-1186 Harry Bates or Bill Millar W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. Choice location close to schools. and shopping. Spa- cious 5 room bungalow with attached garage. Fireplace in living room, 3 bedrooms, oil heat, priced to sell at only $14,700.00, Hurry for this one. Ask for Mr, Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217, "CENTRAL PARK BLVD. $12,200 FULL PRICE Brick bungalow with gorage. Extra 2 piece bath and two finished rooms in basement. Call Mr. Bill Johnston now ot 728-5123 or 728-1066. "BEAU VALLEY" One yeor old split level brick home with attached gorage. Fireploce, family room, extra bath. Very nicely decorated end landscaped. Substontial down payment. Cali Mr. Bill ee ot 728-1066 or 728- $123, "DOWN: $1500 DOWN Lerge 3 bedroom brick home only 3 yeors old, completely equipped ond hos a lovely family room, immediate pos- sesion. For more informa- tion coll Mr. William Horner ot 728-5123 or 728-2236. "BUNGALOW $1,000.00 DOWN" 3 bedroom brick, only 5 yeors old, hollywood kitchen, oll decorated, aluminum storms ond. screens, mony other: extras. Asking only $11,900.00. Coll Mr. Ed Drumm ot 728-5123 or 725- 9345, DO 'AS OTHERS CALL THE BROTHERS |BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED | 101 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OPEN EVERY EVENING: CARL OLSEN REALTOR -- 723-1133 NORTH END -- New split level in area of fine homes. Contains seven lorge well de- corated rooms featuring o family room on the main floor plus an extra washroom, fom- ily size kitchen, lorge living room and dining room, second floor features extra large bath and vonity with double basins, this opens into master bedroom, two more bedrooms with extra lorge closet space, oN beautiful decoroted, large basement space for rec. room, extra flue in for fireplace, complete with attached gar- oge. Priced to sell asking $5,700 down, bolance one mortgage. To see 'phone Henry Stinson at 723-1133, evenings 725-0243, _ BROOKLIN--This is on old one but cheap, six rooms, imsul rock - sided, recently damaged by fire, now being renovated ond possession can be easily arranged. This has on extra fine lot 66 x 166, real low taxes $100. in good section. Asking price $5,300 with $1,500 down. Call Wes Efiiott at 728-0581. 6--THREE ROOM APART. MENTS--brick building, hot water heating, present owner has hod @ steady income for the past eight years, extra return on investment and priced to sell ot $19,800 asking $6,500 down. Phone Henry Stinson at 723-1133, 'evenings 725-0243. - APPLE HILL DISTRICT--Ex- ceptionally better then aver- oge five rooms brick bunge- low, especially well built ond equipped with stone fireplace in living ond recreation room, three bedrooms, lorge com- bination kitchen ond dining @reo, with exceptional cup- board spoce, Armstrong lino, built-in stove and oven, rec. foom finished with extra bed- etc. For information on this 'ane coll Wes. Elliott ot 728- 058) 299 King St. W. 723-1133 | Tell it to the World with WANT ADS | SELL-RENT BUY-HIRE BELVEDERE, 6 cylinder, 4 door sedan. Smart two tone Rust and Beige. 1958 PLYMOUTH V-8 four door sedan, shift. Red ond white. 1958 PLYMOUTH V-8 four door sedan, automa- tic tronsmission, Radio, Green and White two tone. 1956 PLYMOUTH 6 cylinder, 2 door hardtop, eutomatic. New two tone Green ond White sport-tone. 1954 PLYMOUTH 6 cylinder, 2 door, standard transmission, stick Also @ good selection of NEW | 1964 PLYMOUTH DODGE and VALIANT | PALMER _ MOTOR SALES 20 KING EAST BOWMANVILLE 623-5487 K.0. USED CARS 1963 Chevrolet BEL AIR SEDAN 6 ¢ylinder, automatic, seat belts, woshers, etc. A sharp automobile in red with white top. 1962 Meteor SEDAN 6 cylinder, stondord trons- mission, whitewoll tires, woshers, etc, This white beouty is in new cor condi- tion, 1961 Austin CAMBRIDGE SEDAN 4 cylinder, standord trons- mission in iful condi- tion throughout. Black with red leather trim. 1961 Chevrolet SEDAN 6 cylinder, automatic trons- rission, -- whitewall __ tires, washers, ond seat . covers 17,000 original miles, im- moculote, 1959 Biscayne Coach, stenderd, 6 cylinder green and white two tone. 1957 Pontiac 6 standard transmission runs good $495. | Corvairs . . . Corvairs CORVAIRS We hove 5 fine cors in stock, from 1960 automatic to 1963 Monza Coupe with big motor, 4 speed and loaded with options. Come in end leok our stock over ot the Courtice lot. ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice - 728-6206 | Bowmanville - 623-3671 | matic, |e 050. Telephone 7 | 1963. "CHEVROLET convertibie, 6 "cylinder, automatic transmission, seat belts, re Telephone 728-1085 } VROLET tide, long box, "Veton truck, 5,000 miles, |quoise, like new, Best offer, 728-5179, | 1958 OLDSMOBILE hardtop, 4-door, auto- radlo, power ered aerial, after 6." white with red call 728-1703. Street. T i961 CHEV, convertible, te steering, 09, radio, interior, In very good con. dition. Selling at reasonable Yorlee. will pd enl consider trade on older car. After § p.m. 1959 PONTIAC convertible, V-8, standard set shift, power equipped. Full- price |$1,500. or best offer, Must sell imme- Slately, Call atter ¢ p.m. Whitby 668-8255. 1957 DODGE Regent sedan, automatic, Best offer. Apply Lf Nga 497 Albert 728-33: _ Fleet-| crystal tur- , Ve "automatic, $9. Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whit: by, 668-5893, ly refinished Fei maroon and white, 6 cyl Inder engin automatic radio, A cauty. $845. Seaway Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas West, Whitby, -- 668-5893. sale, Will sell separate p.m, telephone Whitby 668-8640. 1940 FORD two-door "automatic, ax evn. der; Like new, reasonable, 723-1378, 10 a.m. + 5 p.m, KELLY DISNEY _ USED CARS LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down hardtop, ivet CHEVROLET Saki excellent condition, radio, white wall tires, $2,200. Telephone Whitby 668-4080. two - door new Always top quality 1958 FORD custom 300, 'door, complete- transmission, 1956 CHEVROLET, dismantied, parts for items. After 5 elephone Jae, PRIVATE -- Just bought new Chrysler.) i) Can't afford two cars. Meteor, original owner, 6-cylinder stick 1962 VOLKSWAGEN, "deluxe tw two. door, mileage, Increase in family forces sale, by, 668-4728 condition, New nylon tires, au! radio, $695, Telephone 668-8052, 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, custom model, radio and seat belts. In excellent condition. 668-4705 after & p.m. Senay Motors, 200 Dundes West, Whitby 668-5893, Must sell 1960 | shift, radio, Excellent, $1000, Call Whitby 668-5031 radio, white walls, wheel discs, and many other deluxe options, medium bive, low Will consider trade, $1,375 or offer, Whit- STATION wagon, 1957 Buick, excellent tomatic, | inet, $76, After 6 p.m. telephone 725-8573. Street. ae 8100. sage nih radio, = wave, five 30 meg. Telephone ress. TYPEWRITERS cashi cators, cressenriiers: ters, compter wheter, three hundred new and Pris wet by. +|sell, rent, service. Hamilton Office Equ' ment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. en crt ale ate oe teeth, Reward. Telephone 728-9: TELEVISION, Fairer Marsa Wale wa! {inieh. cpnesley, G9. Radio recare: lover combination, Marconi, 32-inch wainut cab- must sell, chestertield s suite, 12 cubic refrigerator, six eee old, Moffat eves 4 burners, all stove, Apply 369 Athol East, atier 5. TILDEN spotiess, will 1963 PONTIAC station wagon accept trade. V8, red, Telephone 723-7521 or 188 Farewell Avenue. CAR AND TRUCK JAK Osh VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE E and BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd, S. jowo 728-0921 RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 * 14 Albert St. Excellent Buys In Late Model SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good cleon cars. aL up PART! B. _723-47 GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS 'S$ AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars ATHA A, opal Ritson Road an 33 and 793. TA or down, Liens DODD MOT R SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 * CARS 1963 Chevrolet BEL AIR BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS | | WHITBY At In QUALITY BEFORE PRICE NICOLS WHITBY 1961 CHEVROLET BELAIR Biue with white flesh, Show- room condition, Was $1995 NOW $1775 1961 CORVAIR FOUR wae DOOR SEDAN ist like new, Was $1695 NOW $1495 1959 FORD GALAXIE TWO DOOR HARDTOP Automatic end radio, 26,00 0 original miles. Was $1695 NOW $1495 1959 CHEVROLET MPALA FOUR DOOR HARDTOP Fully equipped, one owner cor, Was $1595 NOW $1495, 1959 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN Station Wagon, 9 passenger fan ideal fomily car, Was $1495 NOW $1295. 1957 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE FOUR DOOR HARDTOP No down payment with reasonable credit. Was $1795 1957 B NOW $1595. UICK FOUR DOOR HARDTOP Fully power bo pg two. tone brown and ton Was $995 NOW $795 1956 CADILLAC ELDORADO 2 DOOR HARDTOP A very scorce model. Was $13 95 NOW $1075 1956 PONTIAC TWO DOOR SEDAN This car has to be seen to be appreciated. Was $795 NOW $595 Plus Many More Automobile NICOLS MOTOR SALES LTD. 146 BROCK ST. NORTH 668-3331 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725- 5574 NORTHGATE MOTORS 512 Brock St. North Whitby 668-4666 . A fine selection of used cors to choose from ot reasonoble prices. 1957 FORD 6, automotic. $795. 1957 MONARCH HARDTOP $795. 1956 METEOR All power equipment $395. 1954 DODGE 1956 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4 door, 6 cylinder. $595. 1955 PONTIAC 1957 CHEVROLET 6 cylinder, stondard $795. 1957 STUDEBAKER V-8 stick shift. A real bomb. $395. "GOOD BUY" 1954 PONTIAC HARDTOP 1955 SEDAN DELIVERY New motor, body needs point. 179. 1955 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4 door, & cylinder, A' borgain. $295. $10 DOWN Terms to suit your budgét. Open daily to 9 p.m. " Seturdeys to 6 p.m. NORTHGATE MOTORS 512 Brock St. North | Whitby 668-4666 Two, Four door Sedans, Automati¢ ond radio, Both new car condition. 1963. Chevrolet BISCAYNE STATION WAGON Six cylinder, stonderd trons- mission, mileage one. owner, 1962 Ford FAIRLANE 500 Two door, stick shift, V-8, radio and white walls. Mar- oon with matching interior, 1961 Chevrolet BISCAYNE Twe door, six cylinder oute- metic, radio, new white wall tires. 1961 Corvair MONZAS Four door with automatic, ond two door with high-per- 1960 Pontiac PARISIENNE Four door Hardtop V-8, aute- matic transmission, power brakes, radio, white walls and discs. 1960 Pontiac LAURENTIAN FOUR DOOR HARDTOP Gleaming white finish, Auto- motic, six cylinder, radio end white walls. Our Friendly Salesman Are: Ken Morgan Ron Gambell Jack Morgan Len Burton Harry Donald LTD. 300 Dundas East Whitby 668-3304 '30--Automobiles Wanted OSHAWA 'Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, |}175 Nelson Strowh al cars for | Ing. Telephone 725-21 | SaneeoRs Auto ales want | for Highest prices paid. | Went Wentrerth East. 725-1181, $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars or trucks we deal up or down, Liens poid fF. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST... NORTH Across from Rovel Hotel Whitby 668-3331 PIANO, Heintzman, square yg size, walnut cabinet, could be i entlover ere ipaelaatg $125, Telephone Castleton 8. * may for this big sale. Ladies' dresses 2 for $5; also 2 for $7. We carry all sizes up te 62. Towne senen 14a Bond Street East, one floor up. SEWING machine. Automa' inet style. does stitches, makes button holes and blind --. Hag 4 ped aennenets of $7.10 per or $55 cash, Desier wee. Box he Sannin Times. DRUMS by Ludwig, professional show ki?, cee a Sh cvmeon: bene, Wome accept $400.. Also, Srainer with echo were peices re. Rosy stand, Almost? FaLiviaton ae "aoa |, 40-ft, struc ture, Including all channel antennt, M4 staled. and guaranteed by ex 10 years' a $50, 'rele. iensen, telephone 2 HP el overhauled, $80. 7743. motors, 110, 220 v, just Telephone . 728-7535 ~ PORTABLE dishwasher, i pinche ge | be MOTOROLA television, Big good T 42. "9 ENCYCLOPEDIA, an 7 Volumen, plus 10 volume Junior Classics, latest edi- Loan ag very little. Save $60. Telephone FILTER QUEEN vacuum cleaner, pg te ee rey ee lady's size bade aun Semis oe Includ! fou. vis Bee ithaaoy black pear! fin! jetween 4 and 7 p.m. Dial 323, aaGaen apartment size Heintzman "up right grand" piano, new condition. Ap ply 214 Kendall Avenue. MOVIE camera, Kodak yf ae 30 fully Lot one year old, $50. bharecanted RECONDITIONED televisions, $25 jew televisions, $198 cash or $8 month! bs Y Henest Cal Vs Discount Furniture Appliances, 424 King West. 728-9191. THREE-PIECE chesterfield suite, green chesterfield and chair, one chair, $100. Like new. . ES ae Norge, eight years old, large size, good condition ~ $50; alse sult recrea- ite, tion room, $35. Whitby 668-3963 after 6. ADMIRAL television, 21", Cree in very good condition. Telephone 728-17. 8. F. GOODRICH STORES -- --. ig teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. DY. -ond OW), ghed used Sunes Oe lances. location only. Pretty's Furniture, 444 imcoe South, 723-3271. A BEAUTIFUL Zig Zag eg Rey | truly outstand? rend cabinet for repossessed balance at $309) or take up payments. ef month, Binds, hems, makes puttonholen, plus hundreds of heerek ait stitches, etc., all without 'our old accepted-as down Payment Dealer. Write Box 542 Oshawa T dark red |BLACK fur fabric jacket, size 16, lable electric Singer sewing machine. Tele- | phone 728-0075. |HONEST CALS | Furniture 'and Appil- Ge Contact 'on ane King S aireat West, our new |formerly Avalon Dance Hall, Telephone | 720-9191. | USED snow tires, 560 .- 590 x 13, Good condition. Please call 725-0615. What's My Line? Buying or selling used fur- niture and appliances, For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. If You Want Quality Merchandise Excellent Services Low Prices New Appliances Used Trade-Ins Come ond See ROGER APPLIANCES Telephone 7283181 33--Market Basket BUY your potatom by the 75 bas lis. save. Telepnone evenings. Broeklin CAPONS, dressed, oven ready, its. ind up, $2.50 each "Qelivered. 'Teleohons 725-8304, 100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Toik "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 |31---Automobile Repair | HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION Do | PRODUCTS 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 '34--Lost and Found and tan, | Lost: le hound, black jmale, name "Music", since Saturday, |January 4, vicinity corner Gerrard and Taunton Road. Tattoo No, R.G.W.3R lef? -- RR 3, Oshawa, Ron Greer, telephone Lost -- Box containing lady's new red between downtown Oshawa and Wnty Lp Liberal reward. Tele Phone 728-1009. /LOST: Lady's bracelet, ritinestones and | yellow gold; vicinity of Eaton's, prorng [Centre and Regent Theatre. Reward. | 725-2304 or 723-3021. . Sing along with the happy | tolks who have discovered what. a Want Ad can do,