+> Qg THE OSHAWA TIMES, | Wednesday, January 15, 1964 Suspect In Girl's Death Goes To Trial RARRIE (CP)--A grand wo efor ge EATON'S JANUARY FUR SALE CONTINUES! trial on a charge of capital mur- der in the death of 10-year-old Thomasina Baker, >. OUTSTANDING SAVINGS ON HIGH Count officials indicated 'the ' J ee aie' cat | é FASHIONED FUR COATS AND JACKETS "Stewart of the Ontario Supreme gf Court woud likely start Mon: a Reg. 299.00 to 2499.00 pe day, _ 'They said the trial would be a Save 84.00 to 900,00! wags one os! ner | pl a a ini ttl to keep the jury under : and key during the weekend, | é a fll eng V age pal MeDonald was charged atter) : 'a or o short jocket all in the latest styles ond Thomasina's body was found) priced ot the season tow! Nov, 13 in a shallow grave near Caledon East, about 20 miles ee nd Persien lomb, seme with m her father's Beetonarea . pon from which she disap- -- -- Persion lamb, seme with peared in August, 1962, starting Siem tavslh Poitin- Maul: ones oii one of the largest searches in salen tenn, Ontario's history, Conodion Reaver (Neturel Blended) The jury committed MeDon- ranilion River Otter oa torte a 10» year prison) es Dae term for wounding a Hamilton Sheered, f eever liceman, after a three » hour 'pearing, Tobias Forrestal, Wel- land County Crown attorney, was appointed special prosecus Goanee tank Stee Weel po I a me et Sheared, Bleached Flank Muskrat ass Thomasina was clad in a bath- bin, Ha '> EATON Special Price, ing suit when she was led from 4 eR ach the farm by a passing motorist. d : Parts of the suit were found . 00 00 ; Neil i with her decomposed remains in to : . the grave, wre - wcrc, . H | EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 248 PHONE 723-7373 ' . | Mid-Weight Combinations Indian Iray 10 ONLY! : Comfortable Ribbed Cotton! Extra Saving on Two! ™ Holds Calcutta i Well-made underwear for chilly days, Favourite style with short UnderControl || MUSKRAT FLANK (dyed) JACKETS ore CALCUTTA (AP) -- Only two Reg. 159. 00 . . . Save 50.00! EATON Special Price incidents of communal Violence} rted PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Order) -- cee nia ep city, | Available in the latest styles and offered at a each 2.59 2 for 3.00 One Moslem was stabbed to special low price! Excellent to wear now or later @eath and one building was set with your Winter and Spring fashions! ' BATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 228 3 * afire, a police source reported, a fired twice to disperse EATON Special Price, each ..... ame! army extended its contre! four more areas of the city Mondey as Hindus and Moslems Takin E | «92 ONLY! Reg. 399.00 . . . Save 100.00! FULLY LET-OUT NATURAL PASTEL MINK STOLES y g g 00 Choose one of these luxurious fur rt te Se tee Chien, Wiean end greets in Oe leteet wytron. Ervi-at-line, EATON Priee, each... ' BATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 248 EATON'S SPOTLIGHT SALE OF FABRICS CONTINUES... Thursday, Friday and Saturday, January 16th, 17th, and 18th! @ Sitka, Woollens, Reyons, Cotton and Blended Fabrics @ Over Sixty Different types of fabrics from which to choose! @ Spring 1964's new shades, new features from the fashion capitals of the World! 44" IMPORTED SIGNATURE PRINTS Fine printed combed cotton that's crease-resistant and hand washable for dresses, | louses, dusters, ete, In florals, conventionals and modem. prints in basie shades of blue, pink, yellow, greens, tan and red, EATON Spotlight Sele; yerd . .......000088 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Tnvetving Trdonesta 42" IMPORTED BAMBERG GEORGETTE Specially Low Priced! @et, Sukarno and Malaysia 8 9 As Ween achh Mandan A sheer light rayon fabric with a 'crinkly' texture for dresses, blouses and party dress- oe nace tery Y es! Colours include white, sand, navy, ice pink, ice bi t ' sgn tgned } i ice pink, ice blue, ice turquoise, ice maize, tur- Sukarno Thursday in Tokye qe. Dutch blue, teal, black, willow green, natural and powder blue. stay" collars, long sleeves and single breast pocket. Neat checks where the Indonesian leader witt TON Spotlight Sele, ye predominant shades of light blue, olive, wine, tan and dark blue, Sizes oe . ee small, medium or large; but not every colour in each size. Andrew . ASRS Made in Canada, sed Kean would @seuss wh 54" NOVELTY WOOL-AND-MOHAIR i 9 9 Sakarne the Malaysian situa Easy care cotton-and-"Armel" sport shirts styled with trim "Perma. tien a and lovely fabric for dresses, skirts, separates and jackets in Sukarne has publicty and re shades including gold-colour, blue, mauve, green, powder, turquoise, peatedly wowed bis intention te tan, pink, helio, lemon, mint and beige. crash "nce-colonialism" in Ma. EATON Spotlight Sele, yerd tish support peg ony oe Bh on EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 233 PHONE 725.7373 Last week Johasen sent Se karme a message. I is delieved, te have dealt with U.S. concera GATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 228 wrsceeaoesen ee? ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT IN... oye Snes MAKER'S ONE WEEK SPECIAL OFFER! First time offered in Canada at Sale Prices foreign aid : Johason makes q positive find. tag that 2 is im the dest inter. : ; \ ests of the United Sates j Kennedy visited Indonesia for Attractive Six-button ' The cange ic ferge . . . The Coleure Baciting! Length! EATON Special Price, Ea ARG RS Women's and Misses' For the very first time you com seve on every Homes style, shode ond size ih our S34 to 12) end Tell (934 te 1234) » & South Plain knit woollen gloves are worm end cosy . . . styled with three ttock of Rene nylons by Hones, Proportioned lengtta: Pente (834 to 10), Clomic Balere Rann, Node, Tegan, Berety Se RT Faas, Seog gee ee button trim at cuff, highlighted with silvercolour metallic thread ot aru mere et oar hn te 8 nna i ae cuff and on buttons. Black in sizes small, medium er lerge. 41S Plein Kar Drew Sheer, W638 1.35 61S Demi-Tee Drew Sheer, Node Heel 1.73 1,45 220 Swretch Drom Sheen nas 1,35 TIS "AMicreMeeh" Dress Sheen, W80 T2525 rerren "Mirena", 17S 1.45 715 Sendel Foor, 1.93 1.65 Pair 2 5 S20 Plain Kae Wetking Sheers 0.50 1,25 417 Ren-quera beat tee end te, 173 1,45 OM Hemet ee temo. gs e BATONS MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 202 PHONE 725-7373 BATONS MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 202