Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jan 1964, p. 26

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eS 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wedneedey, Jenwery 15, 1964 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 © «© © 8 a.m. to 5 p.m, Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12 V¥--Male Help Wanted --|24----Houses For Rent A7--nReal Estete For Sale BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY oe Sooo ee | Se naps, verre ee Accountente (Gardening end Supplies _|Mertgages TV--Radio Repairs ra Wt te areas wage = ho GUIDE REALTY 208 et ND A an meets x : Ea es HEE) WILD BIRD Eatin tinh te) TV TOWERS \ "ate se ee alae Se 'Ue gine Sk pr FEEDS Mortgage Money Antenna Repair \, HY ix] he Ne wren Be, he bar ee \ cooler Fr Wild Bird Mixture ; +s Want we A wanted: SF to 30 Years a \Wild Bird Feeders Availabl TRIO ' a mit vrati ena oon oe Seed vaio TELEVISION « Woo MES, y Boe ce, Ses Small Cut Graine Low Interest MAL Paice 01a, Wa Bond 1 Ey i) HIVOR none 7a ica bungetow with roe ESSE ES waree Sort | meme |" Fassnis" | Pay A\"rogemgees | 8 AMBTIOUS GR) Sees Centre. Street North, RESIDENTIAL Well Dilliinnwlnie é PR ele SALT CITY AND DISTRICT e Let i '¢ PAA). HAND OVER HAND, rentane f ANWR A SAILOR Going ' ; Telia ehi Wele@ne, By Bi y : UPA ROPE, en t, PO Box m4 Whitby, 668: YALe, a ral MOLANOER AND oN Crystal No. 2 Salt SUMMER PROPERTIES we Previous experience selling = [i Seee Barkvooney a King sivent esl Rox Brond Pellet VACANT LAND Wr deineh th Ay y brushes, vacuums, books, @lus eras 2 anteaiialana ee Seren Cire sak Members Ontario tai WReeNte wal r"aaake Ws minum, ete, Highest com partinend un ire 0, monte suit bese wea aan tt? red She fan COOPER S MITH Mortgage Broker's Association Gompressor work, clean-ou 7 Genie: Lh oe missions paid weekly, ve , SDI PENI, Sines Gere ra Be 0 Toil fad for Aetna If reliatble will train for |cmraemaen funy avin sonia tiie reg are tat burte 4 osnaw. SUMMERLAND i--Women's Column wat Manager of Branch Office jbeween sh" APY 6 Bruce Propet in good we 16 CELINA ST, SECURITIES pa a eee "et Hair. GE Aiken CAD ita: QuenRe "ith W--="--Weahat| rertal eren, GaN vooay. fer WILSON AND st CHARTERED 723-2312 U wea seen Pit Douglass sear Say ey Eo full details, Accountants, 114 King Street Gast, MIT: Panty aia € » Ronald P.O. Wilson CA: L gD ROLE, made Fe Fn Ale. SELHCONTAINED rah - x MN tt pT other garments and one . co Y 1ON Bamana Burrow CA, i07884 Instruction 112 Simeee St, North Suaraniend te tie Tawemhane:PaSaN¢R 16--Female Help Wanted ha ed --_ ~eatet Oshawa Times Box 412 omy a" ek sr i we storey brik we alt Wwe " Barristers HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, baton Oshawa, Ontario---725-3568 SEP ERIGRERD . Heennet canvaere | BARVAIY vo wont hax' woes be Sill Cleseified' Avertiet Contral 68 rah VAS FARNNTY, AR atainers 18 ween rooms, New garage me Jose NOAN, @C, Rarrister| Teh RAD Batiet, Regist Jplvs baque. chalee Heating MC ha Scar Aidala dialaiala sitesi 26--Rooms For For Rent He) PR MANOAN, " "4 a Pe ps 541 "IM i ' Se i RIDE WANTED from Alex to downtown) ik 48 eur' Call Geese), Oshowe Times 4 at $12,500, Property Solicitor, Maney te loan, Otflee 14¥4 King) new, Genewa thepping Contre, 724122 usical Services Qahawa, arriving at @ oF Od am, Tele) Mee Call TABS or FRI, ied lrwrmediatel BURNISHED room, AU lady OF geal) clear and vendor will take Sree Sees noes LILLIAN MAR MARIN, GBA, Dancing] PIANO, reed pipe ana electronic organ] ON@ne AlaX M4hI203, [WANTED = Middle-aged woman Os baby lite meeune tome, we, eat-nge hit | | NEED. HELP Iman Private Bath. Telapnone" MAINS ; i sole AND DONALD, Bagelelore and] School, Ballet, Tap Acrobatic, Character |tuning and repair, --inatrumenta ap Yo "WOU have a drinking problem, welle! pier and te do light housework, After gren and father, Amol ee Hanes tive tn! L wees eLe ia with j ¢ lieltors, ete, € King Street Bast./Preschool, Kinderdance, Rridaya, datum) pralved, J, Wiad Alex M14 Ox 38, Whitby, or call 46b3034 5.90, apply at 78 Albert Street: Box $30, Ganawa T | OAA'S Osha Supervisor tery by OLE ropes ic home ay) yours ee joel tase beau Painti d Decoreti Removal of superfluous hair, Saat ceninel aw sthteelahed proares:eXPERIENCED "asters "Way WF lll Needs one or ; fall. or Rerritore, Salter Notaries, | Money To Loan Rees Mann Rea si | Marie Murduft will be in ./hamen regu x iran War King arent Eei Yorsiine| partstime men to help \Rine tien "ele watuehea™ wa pends Bleck [ GENERAL paint papernanging and) Oshawa, Jan, 20th, 2Ist, [denefits, excellent " a e Pp a nO M4 Y, ayia pe vere! Money te. loan, Hen s 68 ep Ih of a car, References Fr t t the d d Sireet Baste Pasar Residence, ale 0 | eee, Ruretture Nntaning et One Rew) §=--2and, Phone Genosha Hotel SV) Vi0 Of 0 car, Retarences § hey "housekeeper, to live in We) Him _mee MANE lcnitdren welsome, Apel, Sedresn aneve electric heating, patio 729-4029, * | Rinton Ave '7aeanas Brown #2 Wib) on these dates for appoint. | Rhy sete Gahanee MONG, "leayeetion veal re wee Wo, eek for Ontario Automobile jer eal er ater ¢ back, attached e end HUMPHREYS DAVONT 27 IMA mn} ment, | 7 he want te Association Membershi FURNISHED room fer two quiet ladies) reerea. Rarritrns Slt lore, rest MM. BODD and SOUTER ELECTROLYSIS nee santana Son po mete so ine fe apanrne Wa Pleasant, dignified, good SP oe oT Ned MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD 1. Raat, "tompivers PAINTING ANO DECORATING co replace) . broad» a * ae) WAH Rilinan, ULB) CONTR 723-464) ee lwel, "hon Wi Compoel hoaael paying work. Ne exper beautiful ) a ACTORS Ori ae idence . TEENS DS Bon. A RR So % lean iahed eaninal wy "aga -- Fong twat . LEN PULLAN "|yelte, BS" nae hha ouhewa er eleonane HOUSEKEEPER. COMPANION, Wi) ence necessary but a ree BN vate" ham bane Reiecon ne . i » * . ENGLISH TAILOR mri cemervulg wera Ge Sash car is, For full informe: |e Nueniwon' Soh Two's Be "isa be Serey e w eKLY "Yree ward tient al 'and cooking) Saat a Mig 4 % Sa The Times 10? BYRON. Ae . Wrirey Specialist in garment altera- by 3 oo ys show Faun ane geod, nae Kone age teal Ernpey:) Mo contact OAA Super |Wani clean " tor yourselt Quire, oki King Street ote eee DAYS 668.5862 tions, ete, lnvisible mending, Visor, very agar wn'e a The - DOWNTOWN --= On perience H | lable tor s_NIGHTS 725.7426 dress alterations. ni henartaeh Fashion [TELEPNANE, conan, cx "gl ane | PHONE OSHAWA Street mm bi OMe nee ane Wear tas "BS = OFF [Plumbing and Heating VO PRINCE ST, | as"\nauneaveds Btn, Pe" Montreal ce "aganance mature aah amr 725.8402 eg sees Set mercial tor 48 x-137 H, wath ¥ 'ere Kerner fallen BY. NOUnty. Fae. aN coRT| downtown, brick: building, Full price Ger tasaseas erence ey Bh eeu TO SCOTIA PLAN! | jake Re PLUMAS and neat wupalien:| 728.5311 |WOMAN, reliable, "to care tor Wein ' pa ¥ 343.000" ing. TRS822, Harold MH. Stark, Ltd! children, 4 P and & write mother! 7202 ale , R j THE LOW.COsT, LIFRINGURED phage Heating and Engineering, 23) |S---Pets & Livestock Sarnas Walter bus "sevice" convener) | waciANCls "WARY AUTEN Fag SR [Vo--be Ww ® or Fomene /KAnee neha a bedaitng "room APPLE HILL -- 9 -- i) ted nee bedroon BRUCE V, MACKEY, BA, Barrister sat WAY TO GRY 4 LOAN? Simeoe Voreanene_ Wintey_ tie, 9 AeHert, weekends Foor retrigerater, five minutes te eltor ie a Public. Mortgage | funds jae" Wee i reealra ond T rapeualina soe ene Wy mare Veormnen |e aahlor-cleek Wer ove frees Apply Pt King aireet_ East WAVE vou sold Sirectt Have Vou & Ding 'eantre Apely 48 King. ree! won| avellene. 34\4 King Street Gast, noite used terials, Reasonable! 2632433, AiRG PaFitime Wark, 40 Tyres | NOUNRKEERER fer babysitting and! Mave you tried other selling pos and WORTH -- _ ial See raies "Eanes "raw bial Mote US BERINGESE bi hare jweite at ence ta: Box 419, oshavea Tirwes er coupe te live Im country getting aiacouragad? We hei yeu: We Lgl fy 1 ly sh mat Guat eae oe Leader An isa et STE, Maa ane oo TUMRORARY Neen aol, mre ety MN LR aN eae he eat oF BOTA. | wi x care Bulling, O¢ King Siveet ant, ei | LORN YORK "PLUMBING -- niantanee tence ~--~aze |qehaal hile, Telephone Whitby GHRAre4, | ) [MARY STREETS ST Ua woe Sorat Teens Bvt AND HEATING [ath asm vom HS) BOOKKEEPER |r Male Mele Wanted _ ite Wiha! tas. Gen tmnt ome a on Sy Sa BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA jatter $ am, r a WeCeRar Barriaters,, : ® AEE Driving experiene No exper ' ' Specializing in repairs \goenen TANIEC hone pa x) Roly experienced, fer eet sony te na te apraving, ote, ere oh Ti penal Torehone. PA, we wi non | CPR aaue™ weg Som Re: SIMCOE ly NORT % 328 SIMCOE SOUTH 4 ee eet «menufecturing firm Wy Alex 'ang ny Rtas 'wey, ier | CAFETERIA | pea ysis Convnercia wm . beams. 728-173) nN PS WORGE ter sale, benvltiul Lene ks -------- oe eer, r set "ae iowa wt uae > PRIVATE and corparntion manien tor aj arrerneeours Pickering 29.1556. fea" Th, "veare ae = Post Office Box 790 hinese Cook MANAGER an bi oe : The Commerical Building. th King) ertoagen: mertgagen and agreement ot/Rug-Upholetery Service en Ajax, Ontario | Wanted for new: Department [SIviNISIT BRAC ae" Seno oe pea ih Sige of BS] eed BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready fe Woah, GahewerOnterin, Client purchased, Creighton, Orynan and] CieSTERRIELOS Chala retraining, talking atrain, A M OME | Good Wages Store some k en PEN Wer cana, Gwerts, | GM rennin Mateos |SRESTRERETECEN" "ane Gh chairs Sites ee poly Mrs BIG WER INCOME | . ' a om prere aearehnwiegee of igen, igen oe Wetenhane ah RONTON, | DRYNAN AND MURDOCH pe LS A Up Ree Nea "Simeee Ponte. sorter male, wines, rad borneay une ton. | Must speak good Eng | ing of help necessary, Ac: 'orate fo Se ae re bon wee. | N A mavevouK a rer by a aah ai al EN experience needed. We | Give full particulars im first | cepted applicant will be [Yay FS AtRa cae' ch Rattan, Sener ut rw &. C redbull, Low price, Telephone 228-928), letter ; Sven training in eur at ny \ am, OF after @ Am, x Rea: 0. K Tense tS 78-2409, Kennedy Upholatering BARNaNUND, Bain females, Kis meant) train You, Unusual opportune | methods, Goad salary will /sbaain 1, Murdoch. Be. ea Tea 2S. Victen | ee 2. | ity \, Guaranteed , Lienited. fand 14 months, Dial hampton -- Rs ity, must trave | Write Box 508 b da 4 Mort Loan 1¥@ WEAD cpen Wolisin hellers, top qual) salary and comm, Phone Mrs | be pel ring traiming, gage 0 CHERTERPIECOS" recenaist pe LI) dairy =" by unt sires! Winnifred Sweeney on Wed: | Oshawa Times Classified Dept | oa pee Commision On : ia ter ences Batten Upratarer /enene Crone 2 | nesdey and Thuradey in Tor Oshawa, Ontario. , Private party to invest in Ist {ina 25 Charles Sreet NX - | WANES Rrra, male, purebred.) onto at Empire 85166 woe ee pletion of trai ATTRACTIVELY -- be paid on com | FURNISHED ROOMS x and 2nd mortgages. Agrees eustomeRART' " Usholitering Banari) VO weeks, $25, Dial 66306. Application with full partie. ESM erent Sa BTN ments for sale, Mort; * : | ules @8 tO age, experience, eee ' purchased, Low rates. a | Sxrvene sguait, 8'aoeclaity" wren oat meus wfeaka ths. elepnany none OFFICE YOUNG MAN | | we should be odidrensed bd 82 PARK RD. N ree full particulars cal 723.0180 jame girth, Grade 3) siudent ha ee Ate deme ah Me mortgage problems gladly dis. [mates Diet Merri hd ox 306 Oshawa Times, a cabingine arearita| Oinoea SUNK reser 728-867) wall end Nicer tne ee at) ee et yg Ey ES BALMAIN soe Wee «= SECRETARY Grade x or better '20--Reom aan bhaed Qpen daily Fem. tePam | results, se Wanien tanae Gel coe } Reauired by supervising education, age 19 to |i; "weewy -- a, tem, ont ane 27--Reol Estate For Sate MORE end pal a |S--Fermer's Columa | see oA ee Genre. | 25 with driver's |Reaincnas sitet he taaatet | , fea roe eR ee = peg aa 725-2539 Sales and Service foo Bag a aie Monday twough. Fri licence. [ROOM AND BORE for Fava Gt see Wom bre rte a ~ | SUARANTERG Teptiea" ea wringes jeveningn after & 125700, dey. | experience with Boy Scouts [gate oy ane cate cant oa, Rot ae BUSY NteRSecrion MORTGAGE -- teen a Se cae ne a ee ee [~ yg A peal aye Aw | a Organization work will be ROOM ANS BOARS" me Sey seyret oe A tae wy EE ges GUIDE welt See LOANS GLASS 7 AND SCREEN a es at ELT | enews, wee Sines | Repairs to wits [WATER FOR SALE -- 100 galls, Wi) } Fite, somaya | Seder teg y (BuRAGess.ret DENTAL NURSE | tsnsrezcet SS Sates! OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS | ae ees Se, Wet | hai ' packed, No | [HUNTERS = eet Pe) Bev CHAIRSIDE young mon seeking @ coreer Ne chrge fr valuatiny | NASH ALUMINUM Sant tncaere to aah x semen | ime company with edvence: |2T=---Reom & Board Wanted i | acres, NRETAY i or I | ren oe Agreenienta | went TAS, write Bax. 112, "Bancrat ments, AND BOARD wonted A oe Moneys = second mortgages. | Some typing, beokkeeping | han [Surveyors CATTLE 22--Oifices, Stores, Sterege vw © SWARTZ Wein Awe y TROLLORE. Galerie Cire Deherned experience preferred, Hour CIRCULATION srene V8 NENT oe eee 26% King St. East maa Elgin ant beste Arteries picked, no bleeding. + 3. Reply m writing, MANAGER Se Se. nae ORIN Afar 6 ew Oshawa, Onta | " raat sain oe 723-4697 _ rio ES es Fer sre raat | BOX NO. 533 OSHAWA TIMES fs oes re | 2nd. Mortga ages 'TV--Redie Sepere OSHAWA T To RENT x. "583 Up To gag sae a ee ae ee sasilhdiionen V6--Female Help Wanted [Noor nah olan Yebeonane Cortege | Available To Homeowners CitY WW" Teeen, taleanan, Si Waka Sirens Street -- SECRETARIAL ASSISTANT [23---Weated Te Rent Ganowe, Wrote' Reesenabin ielee None] INTEREST RATES FROM '~ |SSxnnwtwees wae nasciee Wal maral Dishes ~ > Cutlery = Glasses "| arene tare re hae Seah = equipped and inured, Peal, TO 14% PER MONTH |TV, radio. car_redian, Thomason 'Bler Punch Bowls SALARY OPEN | Be TO 158% PER AN. j Wrenten, USP Eitiont, 223-0782, Fred. Coffee Urns fe . rae . TV SERVICE Silver Tea Service Qne af our maior industrial ctients in the Oshowe area on 8 rt DAY OR EVENING i Silver Candelabra | lemediate opening fer en aggressive, emmbitions girl te ect ea NO BROKERAGE FEES 728-5286 lant aia secretary and echministrative eaistent in @ weal, busy effice | PAYMANTS To SUT YOUR OSHAWA She should have good typing and enough general knowledge of hoy eh ay * ee Trek sheen 12---Articles Wanted : : ¥ = THE REALTY DIVISION OF ELECTRONICS | RASS Se oe eS A ee = departments. when required Accounting beckground on asset, SUPERIOR | 'S#ryceColls [ae come ors STE tre w wes Mn Ort 9228270 Teen fr pene ' DISCOUNT LIMITED 6 once | anterview, remadating, Fit right quer. 725.6541 am pm, Daily SHAW MOHONE SERIE? | ag lZ Smee St |As Low AS $1966 | femrcer cette | MV, CHAPMAN & ASSOCIATES LTD. - nS Saserin Ofows tm Orvario_| "All Work Guarantend | POs, fot 30%, ota serge ren EXECUTIVE PLACEMENT CONSULTANTS eg Ry Classified Advertising Rates Dominion Television | _Qpen sarurdey ot day. Phone 1491 YONGE ST., TORONTO 7, ONT. = Se ATi FRR SS Better-descrided offers get tester results, | att New = bak > 728.5 s1s4 | 725-2311---89 BLOOR E, = le Help Wented Mel Help Wi Wented Brn ant ~ Ta--Employment Wented | VALUE-22 MOTIFS | Count each =a ee figure or shcuie o one 'word. GEORGE WILSON relly y BM yey = a Se even rcat ra | TY, SPEC Sk mart Department Shore} er Tumbers to the advertisers @3 soon o8 possible we accept no Nobility im respect of loss or damage alleged to through j me jteams! Tra Beers te show either tee in Forwarding auch rep ply Bie yen | Transport Haulage inline ae quolitied men to manage the following | pieCeE WHER @agyY stitehery, SMARTLY CASUAL weaer Raence er otherwi i ' xs od open fake! Uniquely fh designs, ANNE ABAMS . Man Pegi Sol dep art ts: ia vakveine Me Cy alan searts,' Pia tage a Simla, we sseak Wak Was heen. lekeths, cases, Pattern THI: waned coma mig the matte For Fast Service Call oa ve ' iwranster of 22 metits 2 x 3 te Rxtreeay te LINES ae) sl aes paeasea | 723-7136 MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR so yeg Peott wae 16--Fema Wented PE CENTS (cada) PRARES Patt "3 fm Bg tees | Whitby 668-8344 | eewcee anor LADIES' READY TO WEAR Rangghitestytg dino Ne Be gS 8:30 em Day of Publication nn EI RN <n please) te Adice Brook elieca nae #:20'ein, Day f Rabtcten TV TOWERS | EXPERT HARDWARE The Onhawe Tomes, Newdhereft| FIFTY CONTS (te) im covers CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS (Dept. Oshawa, Qntarie, Qa. (ae stamps, pase) fer 8:30 A.M. Day of Publ bead : h ~ : REGULATIONS Economy and | TYPIST JEWELERY agg gen seneunel see Soni The Oshowe Times will not be responsible tor errors, in advertive. | Deluxe | Bor General Insurance Office, S@B. NAMB, ADDRESS, submitted otherwise then in Dic AER. NAME, ADORE. STYLE NUMBBR ear ve. we, Rew 1904 Needies Onda ere Ng TERMS ARRANGED Phone for eppountment te SPORTING GOODS crak Cataeg, OK Rew! Seel"DO YOU ENO! BOW TO ABSOLUTE OSHAWA TV Schofield-Aker toys, fashions, crewelwerk, bon GET A PATTERN : its ~-- LY FREE? It's _ SUPPLY LIMITED Limited Apply in person at K-mart Department Store or National -- ~ >a Seg sonnet ome Employment Service. sate gg . ng r . 728-8180 723-2265 [Weare, CUMRRORMEN, Qui, SMROTR aRE ORE i 'Sead 23 cents TN Rew, (Send We, tedar.

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