TR THE OSHAWA TIMES, "Wednesday, Jonuery 18, 1964 Boston Bruins Have Their Eye A , On Bobby Orr \\ cn it centres around 15-yea! de- fenceman Bobby Orr Boston, the parent 'club for 'the --, call Orr the ar Se a are ae CASH aelie2 egatasts DAY OF THE WEEK! for the Bruins recently when he said he chose them over three other clubs because "they're a team of the future." sunntet' Bostonte confidence in] ) a Ee re ee ee him Tuesday night when he reg: istered his 20th goal of the sea- son 'in Oshawa's 10-2 drubbing CHUN 2Mcer tins e of Kitchener Rangers in Bow- mena about cori at's stran; out scoring' "wat gaeoceccl | CREST TOOTHPASTE BQ Orr is a defenceman and the : goal left him just five short of, VEGETABLE the one-season goalscoring rec: H A OR PEA 28-Aox tins ¢ OOO ERE REE RS OE OEE OER OE OED 8 Oe ORO OO ee ord for defencomen set two years ago by Jacques Laper- SEE") | GAY LIQUID DETERGENTE:269% | cuecK ppogion ap ae nadiens in the NHL, Plastic BN, c F : Aare SAVING E! | ie caving PER paver POUND PRICE POUND ---- ho action Mont- BRIGHT'S e rel Suni SE son 3 APPLE JUICE er ; 3 oem 89: Rib Portion 3 to Slarib Tenderloin Portion $ te S:lb SA Hawks, and Peterborough Petes M AZO A OIL 100% PURE core B 5 ; PORK LOINS tb 392 20. PORK LOINS rh 20 fox downed Hamilton Red Wi ay ings VEGETABLE OL Rib Half Tenderloin Half hater | COEEN BEANS S22" -- Quine | PORK LOINS 49% | PORK LOINS +5916 and now have 57, Peterborough SEASONED Meaty Boneless, Solid Meat ta" followed. by "Niagara Fal SAVE SAVE Poona a seater] MAARGARINE «= SS Aine OOe PORK BUTT ROAST +3920. | PORK BUTT ROAST +53: 12 ARTERS 3M, Oshawa, 28, Hamilton, 17, Qu Lean, Meaty, Shankleas Roast Cholee Quality "terceceeerel! | CALADATEABAGS 2 oe || PORK SHOULDERS +33: te | PORK HOCKS +23: Oshawa's victory to raise his to- tal for the season to 32, Shielaie Rie sence! | QXO CUBES =n ZB || PORK CHOPS +49.°0" | BACK BACON = 55x a. George Vail, Bill Little, Ron Zaine, Bob Kilger and Terry By the Piece Contre Cute or Slices is wet, ta" || VEGETABLE SOUP *" = Qiomm27e | SIDE PORK 3%" | SIDE PORK 4% 14 Rangers, nee' Freeh, Whole or Half Blieed cam" 2.e ution ool || WASCO RAISINS ™" -- u 5 5 ROASTING HAMS +491 | PORK LIVER +29% rng circuit's scoring leader, counted SSromehenseee) f BEIT SDAGHETTI "22° 9 csa.3 Se caste comowa my ST Fi give the Canadiens the tie, It " SAVE ua ne, SA m2 nine now ood | TOMATO SOUP "Goorin. Se BLADE ROAST +47: «. SHOULDER ROAST +43: «. the night, Bob Charlebois, Rene Drolet! Super Right, Vac Pae Qwift's Premium @moked Save and Leisemer accounted for DUNCAN HINES DELUXE, DEVIL'S SAVE Montreal's other goals, Ken FOOD, MARBLE, SPICE, WHITE , COOKED HAM 6-0 pkg 49. 10 WIENERS Wb cello pkg 49. pik Hodge supplied the Hawks with OR DEEP CHOCOLATE pkg c a pair while singles went to Sehneider'a, Pure Country Style Cooked and Breaded eacraa == 1 CLARK'S STEWS "Sc" 3s:--1.00 | PORK SAUSAGE 53:6 | COD PORTIONS +45: ic. One line paced the attack for Aligoed -- Smoked, Stieed, Rindles Snowbird Brand geaeentonrerss! | DELUXE CHEESE "St un 3B]e SIDE BACON ».99% SOLE FILLETS 049: "6. George Godson and Mickey Red-| mond one each. sinemiaeeienianinens Bob Berry got Petes' other SSS goal while Jim Mair and Real iM} oe Sere pF = |||} YOU JUST CAN'T BEAT THIS COMBINATION -- FRESH, JUICY a || APPLES AND A MELTSIN-VYOUR-MOUTH CRUST, TRY ONE TODAY! re Sees Fi, eee na WHITE OR COLOURED Reg, Price & pkgs Sfe--BAVE Pe Reg. pkg Be--8A oer wt et CAKE DONUTS 9 «#e23: KLEENEX wx rem Q: BALLET, WHITE OR COLOURED Reg, Price pke 48e--8AVE be HOCKEY SCORES i] : ~ JANE PARKER Reg. Price pkg Me--SAVE de STANDINGS APPLE PIE -2sSo7, CHEESE ROLLS «2.5: TOILET TISSUE «439: rs ] LARGE M02 PIE we & ll Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS ! j JANE PARKER MOLASSES, SUGAR OR COCOANUT SPECIAL! ee ages eaten eee gs Ontario Junior Hi j woe eee 39: PT J ||| COOKIES ow rasiwoned --rraninnad3e ||| KLEENEX TOWELS +245: ij each -- Bacmenecems Montreal 2220 3182117 47 GOLD RIBBON, . SPECIALI Riga Wk tat "savete" ||| FROZEN FOOD FEATURES CAT or DOG FOOD = 3 u~-- 2% Niagara Falls 1612 4121 9536 Oshawa 11.19 6 197 181 28 7 pec a eR PENNYWISE CHOPPED BEEF OR Rep. Priced Bte-SAVE te =| || CLARK'S CREAM OF SPECIAL Ritchener $33.8. T7 IL 3 "| SPANISH BAR CAKE wi MX i VEAL STEAKETTES vos S3e ||| TOMATO SOUP A vrerin 5: : Tutsday's Results H Kitchener 2 Oshawa 10 JANE PARKER Reg. Price leat 27e--SAVE te i AQP FROZEN QPECiAL! CLARK'S Reg, Price & tine BPe---BAVE te Monee $5 tae # | WTALIAN BREAD suc x.u:2%e | ORANGE JUICE ZermBQe | VEGETABLE SOUP -- 4rrumA 5: Tonight's Game ii Niagara Falls vs Toronto (at || JANE PARKER Reg. Price pkg Me--SAVE 4e A&P FROZEN, CRINKLE CUT QPECIALI CHRIOTING, PLAIN OR SALTED Reg, Price phe e---SAVE do gg ae \ CINNAMON WHIRLS "Jt POTATOES FRENCH FRIED hin Qe PREMIUM SODAS ote 3 Ze WLT FAM Eastern Division Quebec 22:18 0145 138 4 ie 3 ae Hershey 2017 1116 1296 41 sep -- . Raltimore 1823 3117 139.9 Providence 16M .HTIVS ca AQP CHOICE QUALITY Reg. Price & tine Whe---BAVE tle Springfield 13 93.:-1:114.142.27 Cleveland ia ie 3 182 1008 S PEC! AL . a Pittsburgh 2215 1 ie 105 45 . S.A, VALENCIA, FULL OF JUICE, NO. 1 GRADE ' 20.14 0130 9940 Buffalo. 12.14 9924238 OR ; NGES THIS WEEK Tuesday's Results Buffalo 5 Baltimore 5 Peas. * Providence 2 Quebec $ ss &S \ Taternational League . Reet Huron 4 Windsor at ee EIGHT Oatarie Senier , » Gait'? Wondnock 8 + Sth colle bag C O'CLOCK CASE OF 24 TINS $5.96 -- SAVE Oe Manitoba Junior LIBBY', DEEP BROWNED IN TOMATO SAUCE OPECIALt 5 egg - |] ONTARIO GROWN, FINEST FOR EATING OR COOKING, FANCY GRADE COFFEE BEANS with PORK 42x12 BOY Rangers | ; MILD @ MELLOW CASE OF 24 TING G36 Greensbore ? Philadelphia 3 AP PLE S$ NORTHERN SPIES = 3-th calle bag 3 9. 2 pene PURITAN Teg. Prive tin Se--RAVE Th Clinton 4 Chariotte ie = Ontario Jun a Grade. (with GRAVY) Wer mene t Gee Gea © C.. Large, Fancy Size 90, Idea! fer Lunches California, Fresh, Firm, Green, Ne. 1 Grade Mb 5 a MEAT BALLS 3 mf .00 Ottawa-St, Lawrence Senior ANJOU PEARS 549 BRUSSELS SPROUTS »19¢ CASE OF 2 TING $200 -- SAVE $2.30 Lancaster 4 Ottawa 10 Catit y ai Kingston 2 Morrisburg 3 ; i Se ee , Good Size, Celle Wrapped, -- Sew Senn, Orla Buneh, Tender, pemeonr Wawtesbury samorer's | CAULIFLOWER - wh 29 CARROTS -- 2m 25 SAVE 4 DESSERT PEARS Ave BY Hall § Buckingham 2 { ey r _ CASE oF ™ TINS GAM Western League California Pascal, Jumbo Size, Criap, Tender, Texas, Curty Leaf, Crinp and Tender, : : Portland 3 San Francisce 5 No. 1 Grade Washed & Trimmed * WENLEY, CHOICE QUALITY os OF 2 TINS rey Se es | SRY Status, S25, SPUR cos cut emt "1.23 FRUIT COCKTAIL --4----89. be Oe United States 5 Lugano, Switzer. and Petished land 4 Ly Bi Rcucyiols te SRSA A & ONIONS NO. 1 GRADE 3b collo bag 25< Nueea Coloured SPECIAL! MARGARINE 2 tie pigs SS AYLMER | BEETS SRortin Ble WORKED AS QUEEN =, THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIC TEA COMMANY [7D SPECIAL! NEW -- Jane Parken, Cocoanut Marermation: MONTREAL (CP)--New York ALL PRICES IN THIS AD ' pate Daag SE on queer Sad Decengestant Reg Price bt! $1.28---SAVE 2t0 Ann Page, Creamy = niture shows and housing devel- : sP MEANS DEPENDABILITY SATURDAY, JAN. 38th, 1964 DRISTAN TABLETS bil of 24 OQ PEANUT BUTTER Wer ier BSc epments, "In New York, you 20° : paid for that sort of thing and a : : = - = Es -------- ~ Secneetaneamanenatetemrrenanees being a queen kept me going." F lL actress Lesley Stewart, here re- cently in a musical, said she FOOD STORES GUARANTEED THROUGH AJAX CLEANSER 2 rweortins 3c ANGEL Food BAR CAKE each § Sc