27--Real Estate tor Sole 27--Real Estate for Sale SEVEN-ROOM executive type home, neer 27--Real Estate For Sale PORT PERRY Modern 6 room ranch bun golow, attoched live ing room 14° x 18" two fire- places. Owner bins to sell, interested In a business, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Sanuary 14, 1964 3, 29---Automobiles For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sale . " [943 CHEVROLET convertible, 6 eylinder, we Mie bsaden ge pict ve nae" vertible, Vb eres eo oe ne : Sie nee Sra In very rassonate ten. ep aaa rar =e maces aie oe Satan white walls, Se eel 196 pinta ten ae Oe" Air, extematie, a 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sele eg oe eaters JOHN F. DeWITH kc Realtr Bowmanville, 14 Fronk Street, $500.00 Winter Works Bonus Phone 623-3950 Roomed brick home neer 1 Left $12,658 $390 DOWN Hope, All modern con- 6 ROOM BUNGALOW -- Asking $9,000, 3 Left 14,190 CITY. MANS DREAM, 6 $290 Down Roomed- new 6 ROOM BUNGALOW with garage 3 Left $13,540 'ate and Nie bus at door. To see call tke! Joseph Bosco, Realtor, ACREAGE, wooded, swimming peal J ngub-dividh 5 Va Ne tras Ison Restor, Eve close Stradesk! 25-650, nings lees x j kept Dungeon - Big enrest Close to! Hedwig's. Stradeski } sreninee 728-8423. ee ie, diately, ay atter 6 p.m. Whitby ~ BUILDING LOTS HILLSDALE TERRACE residential, fully serviced lots evailable in the North Eost *| section, School and bus serv- don wine ™ subdivision, List price $60.00 per foot. 'WESTDALE STATS < -- just oft Gorrard Rd. h and ena to Ba oy A. subdivision offers ag HO for restricted home baiding We offer o choice of lots on the Ravine and ap- ed for V.L.A, minimum 50h oe prices start FOUR bedroom, hae begement ore Call for Inspection, Howard ing immed te, must sell, 196 Labrador Port Perry 985+ -- BS79UL, Keith Und Realtor COMMUTER'S HOME Greenbonk, on highwey 12, " rooms, good lot, low tax. New Year's bargain $5, 000. To settle estote, = 23, Johnson, Sunderla or Toronto HU 7« 3333 Keith Ltd, Realtor, L. S. SNELGROVE Co, Ltd, Realtors 43 Park Rd. S. 723-9810 725-8761 BUNGALOW BARGAIN Ve acres: |§2000. GOWN, 465, monthly, nearly new room brick oe Fed ie aos and screens, northend, Tele phone 728-6605. NOW $499 DOWN You Save $500 With Winter Works Bonus 9 BUNGALOWS STARTED PRICED AT $12,950 PLUS WINTER WORKS BONUS 1 agg he Legh? SNACK 7... tools, Only $e500. 7 penned comfortable home with = lots, Only S000 aon OSHAWA, 6 Roomed_ brick home, all modern conven 'lences. Price 38,900. Low: down payment. PONANYILLE, 8 Roomed k home on Main. street, ol conveniences. "Only $1500 down, WHITBY, Nice clean, 3 bed- room bungelow. with mod- EXTRA LARGE 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW all homes ore detached and the balance Is one 644% N.H.A, mortgage. Included Gre storms and screens, col- ored fixtures, twin sinks, clay brick, Me electric clocks, landscaped front and rear, po sidewalks and paved roads, Carries os low os $99 monthly, interest, principal taxes if you qualify. Located in Whitby and shown by appointment only call Gerry Hil AM 7-9712 MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LIMITED wagon 'arewell Avenue, wate - ar ant @ mn aan sell Aix ont SB 0 eal Whitby mile 942 GMC halhton cab, age si" $1700, Telephone 1618, DOWN-TOWN | Pout, Ru a Ay Ee brick in | 'Drew Street, culate condition, situated one Wa 'War CHEVROLET Ad enailens 50 or * Just listed! Colonial style et. ih split level brick in beautiful BRAE-MOR GARDENS, Three Uving-dining room, u modern kitchen end maho- geny ponelied recreation phy "ei Avaliable » Call WILSON Realtor 725-6588 or your own Realtor GUIDE REALTY 723-112) em conveniences, Any reas sonable offer considered, 50 Acre farm with brick house end bom. Price only $3500, Terms, JUST LISTED--Highway pro- petty---85 acre farm. 4 bed- room brick bungolow with furnace and pressure system, in good repair, Garage, Good business potentio| with front. - on Highways No, 2 and . 401, weter supply. s miles East of Oshowo, Priced ot $40,000. NEW 2 STOREY BRICK pg te in North West Arec. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, built in buffet in dining room. 23 ft, living room has natural atone fireplace. Double at- teched gorage. Vacant, im- mediate possession. Bullder will consider o trode: WHITBY--10 room duplexed ingul brick home with garage on a lot 76 x 130 ft. Excel- lent commercial location. Priced ot $16,900. FULL PRICE $4,800, 4 room cottage, furnished sg ong a 16 ft, plywood boot. On Pig- eon Rive: close to the Govern- ment Pork ove new Trans- ATTRACTIVE SPLIT LEVEL ond is very onxious to sell, NORTH WEST wih coyeand room brick bungalow fenced yord ond patio. The thome hos 3 bedrooms, 4 pe. : , lorge kitchen and L- living. room. Located . schools and yet just minutes from the city, 6 room bungalow with BEATRICE STREET -- Brond mew 3 bedroom brick bunge- low reedy to move into now. modern kitchen with SEE THEM TODAY TELEPHONE 725-1186 Harry Bates or Bill Millar W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. HOUSES HOUSES HOUSES We have beautiful new homes being built in three convenient locations: BRAEMORE GARDENS (West off --_ s Rd. N. on Annapolis) NORTH RIDGES (Sommerville at Orchard View) GUELPH ST. (at Hoskin Ave.) 4 bedroom split levels and 2 storeys 5 bedroom split levels 3 bedroom bungalows 3 bedroom split level Cal! today for informotion regarding them: 728-8254 723-3240 723-3788 723-3770 723-7335 Loreen Kellett Chorles Smith Sid Goodfellow Phyllis Jubb John Kitchen HARRY MILLEN Real Estate 9 Bagot St. 728-1679 N.H.A, resale, just a few years old with all the extras, large family size kitchen and living room, 3 bedrooms and 4 plece bath, large recreation room, aluminum storms ond screens, see this one for value ot $12,500 with $2,- 600 down, NORTH OSHAWA Clean ond modem fomily home of 5 rooms, one bed- room and bath on main floor, 2 bedrooms up, nice lot with gorage, close to public ond seporate schools, $12,500 with $2,000 down. COLBORNE ST, E, $9,500 full price, 6 room family or income home, handy central location, appoint- ments welcome, terms orrong- BOWMANVILLE $9,000 full price for 5 room brick bungalow in nice con dition, modem kitchen, new oil furnece, central location, reasonable down payment ond easy monthly payments, VILLAGE HOME A lovely 3 bedroom with all conveniences in quiet, pleasent surroundings, lovely lawns ond garden, good gar- age, home has nearly new oil furnace, modern kitchen, good size Nving room, 3 piece both, all in spotless condition, real value ot $9,500 with $1,000 or more down, located in Hompton. WHITBY DUPLEX Snroy full price with $3,- 0 down, 2 self contoined ane good location on Dundes St. E., suitable for smal} business. 7/50 ACRE FARM Comenuting distance to Osh. owo, good land and se Buildings with. convenienc $10,500 full price with $3. * 000 down. Coll L. S. Sneigrove Co. Ltd, 723-9810 or 725-876) ROOM farm house for rent, mile east of a on Base Line. Phone 942-1079. Alex Apartwent to rent. Unturnished, heat central, Two rooms, and kitenen Seaeom facilities. Children Parking. 668-8414. SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned, promo! service on calls. Welter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, whitdy, 668-2563. BRESSMAKING -- 'Suile, costs, dresses Sreakfest and laundry optional. Ss. , adult home. Central, parking, Cail FOR RENT -- Two bedroom apartmen Ket PETERS REALTOR ~ 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST INCOME HOME -- 9 BEDROOMS Close to north G.M. good condition, brick construction, recreation room, 18 boarders at . See this moneymaker todey by calting Joe Crawford 623-3672 1S YOUR PRESENT HOME TOO SMALL FOR YOUR FAMILY? Split level with 4 bedrooms, dining room, living room and kitchen, hes becutiful manufectured ere hardwood ond tie floors, mahogany trim, otteched ga Toxes oe hany ye $260.00 per yeor, eated ong 148 Fe deep lot, Gol ing for under $18, 000.00. Don't miss this -- Call Robert pend 728-2548, MILLER STREET N.W, erea, home under construction, neor seporate ond public rig 9 Included ore clay brick, storms and screens, hood and fan, hollywood kitchen, corlon on kitchen and bathroom floors, 2 aluminum doors, chimney for fireplace in rec. room ares, valance gany trim ond a EAST END -- N.H.A, resale, prepaid services, P.I.T. $105.00 per month, 6% interest, owner token position cut of town, n+ cluded ore mahogany ponelied rec room, hollywood kitchen, vanity and ceramic tile both, 3 good bedrooms with loads of closet space, cloy brick, aluminum storms and screens, including bosemant, over 1140 0a, tt, , Call for e showing Earle Allen 725- EAST ~ LOCATION $900. magn poyment wi of the brick rane yoni $a oo possession BOWMANVALLE with otteched lore wel lnateoed rm ond oe 'This hears aver yoore eld is pag bebo w To se of these homes coll Ron Hetherington 623-3637. WESTMOUNT ST. fous forme very centrol, four large rooms on first floor In- e 4 pce, bothroom, fireplace; in living room end fell. very large room on second floor, spotiess condition, plenty of Bs oil heating approximately '$100. o yeor, lorge paved drive, gorage, patio. Should be seen. Pleose contact Mrs. Tierney 725-5207 HOUSE AND LOT Zoned M-1B mot for from downtown, Five room redecorated and gorage, plus extra lot, ew $10,500. Make an offer you ore getting on extre lot thrown in. SUBURBAN LOT --- Choice vocont located ot ot Columbus, asking only $1,500. Phone Bil! Rarelifie' 655-3917. Oshowa's Largest Firm BROTHERS BOLAHOOD John A, J, Bolohood Lloyd A. P. Bolahood F.R.I. List With Us Then Call Your Mover "GLENBRAE ST. $16,300 bungalow ous kitchen, 3 bedrooms, pe. bath with vanity, Inspect now, Ask for Mr, Yeo ot 728- $123 or 725-2217. "NORTHWEST" Price reduced. New N.H.A, 6 room brick bungalow with ettached gorage end notural stone (Bs ig Lerge lot, landscaped. Completely decor. oted. Asking only $18,500 with low ---- Lo vg . Give us on Call deeisty wt yap 5123 of 78: "$700 DOWN a ln sees oa ree yeors Henry St. Hi Senet enatewes Sed is very enxious for on offer. All de- corated end aluminum storms end screens, Coll Mr, Drumm tight now for appointment to vase ot 728-5123 or 725- "MARY STREET" Brick Bil Johnston ot 728-1066 oF 728-512 go STORE" Trade home equipment. Full price only $19,500, For more informe- tion coll Mr, Wiltiom Hosmer ot 728-5123 or 728-2236. "NORTH WEST" Six room ranch brick bunges' tow with corport. Neor Brook- side Acres. Longe spocious * kitchen, Bosement divided for recreation room. Asking price $16,300.00 ond one run til poid mortgage for the bol- Gnce. Coll Mr, Rankine ot 728-5123. Do _As Others Call The Brothers INCOME HOME WITH 27 ROOMS seit-cx Qpertment each with kitchen and bathroom, situated on « 180 x 210 f close to. schoo! and shoppin: OWNER WILL CONSIDER A TRADE. Cail Keith Pet ers 725- rie i 3 Bolahood Brothers Limited 10) Simeoe Street North Open Every Evening Free Porking CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723-1133 BROCK ST, EAST -- Older rooms up, 160 Acres with ares § streom ond river frontage, Only $8, ~ 500. Terms, Donald sheds 723-3614 pF Leblene 623-3715 M, Sandy 725-8010 Willen Smit living, dining and kitchen down, ook floors ond trim, a good ' family home. sso price $11,000 with $1,50 down, For information on this oy oor Wes Elliott ot 728- SUBSTANTIAL five room brick bugnatow all in A-! condition, beautifully decor. ated, all good size rooms, four plece bath with new shower doors, large base- ment, hot alr heoting with gos, Fi ot lot mi sonty of shrubs, handy to end Sem Asking $11°500. with reasonable down pay- ment, To see phone Henry Stinson. ot hy 1133, even- Ings 725-024 Lapse oy ~--- Five room ick bungolow with ot- toched in tip top condition, living room 12%: a bedroome end combination kitchen, @ very desirable home, on transportation, sehools shopping. Coll Wes, Bitlott about this one, priced ot ar Telephone 728- $11,500 ---- Asking $3,000 down for 14 storey brick home in east end, contains large Kving room with fire. place, good size kitchen and one bedroom on main. floor, tie large bedrooms up ond four piece bath, high base- ment, hot oir oil heating, gs og stores, iggy . To see phone Henry Stinson ot 723-1133, even- Ings 725-0243. 299 KING ST, WEST 723-1133 METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 Oe RD, W. living room with fire. iroe frye dining room ond kitchen. Situcted on a deep with privote drive from side street, Asking $13,700. TOP O' THE HILL g25F mn pila tee SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 WOODCREST AVE. 3 BEDROOM, RUG BRICK BUNGALOW. Immaculate in- side ond outside, Beoutiful large kitchen with lots of tely finish ed recreation room with bullt- in mahogony -bor. Poved driveway, Just steps owoy from all schools, List price $14,500. Why not coll us now to inspect. enw BLVD, CHARMING SEVEN ROOM LISTINGS OUR SALES ARE RUNNING HIGH AND OUR LISTINGS ARE LOW. WE NEED YOUR HOME TO-DAY FOR THIS ACTIVE MARKET, WE HAVE BUYERS FOR SMALL AND LARGE PROPERTIES, CALL US FOR ACTION you see this ¢ one. 4 rae 2 baths, spacious L.R., D.R., ond very modem kitchen, 7 rooms with corport ---- only $17,400. BRAND NEW--im- medicte possession. Give us a call to-dey For full particulors cali 723-2265 Open daily 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. Marg. Holl 723-1358 Steve Macko 8-5 868 irene Brown 723-3867 Pauline Beal 725-0239 Allon Thompson 728-2870 Margoret Lee 723-2894 Maible Boudrecu 728-2233 Reg. Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Cherlie Chaytor 723.2266 ping--ond ! p only $18,600 and large lot. Don't be le get your order In today! En- quire now at this office for full information, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Diol 728-4678 Ken Honn Joe Mage Dick Borrioge Bob Johnston Jack Osborne block off King and Simcoe ond zoned commercial, Poteri- tial unlimited for combined living quarters and business. aaa $16,500 and open to PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 728-9474 After Six Call Tom Huzor .... 728-5422 Tim Vipond .... 668-8562 t offer, Telephone 728-8 28--Real Estate Wanted with three or four -- cae wanted, within commuting hg lence of Oshawa, 100 VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL_REPAIR ond AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd, §. Oshawa mis 0921 NE Al ALL MARES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Moke Core STATH BUYING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING at OSHAWA Jue S94 Ree Pas-she 30--Automobiles Wanted B.A. SERVICE Ritson Road and KIA» 723-4733 and 723.7 LL property, pew 0, ot Pet cn be to 'or quick Ms ge McAuley Rea were 2 Prince Street, Sane Teen residence: Whitby, THREE-BEDROOM storey end « close Call Bill Johnston, Bolahood the 728-1066, to schools. Mave cash buy: Brothers KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD, 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY --- 668-5891 Cors bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quolity pakaenons a Ra -- 2. SPALL CASTS. For clean care of trucks deal up or down. Clone Ni¢ots MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST, NORTH vn from Roval Hote! 29-----Automobiles For Sale 360 King St. W. W. Schatzmann . REALTOR 114 Brock St. N., Whitby 668-3338 $8,900.00 full price only LARGE WOODED - building lots, 244 miles north of Whitby, N.H.A. epproved re- istered ond surveyed, mini. mum building requirements 1,050 sq. f. Full price per fot $2,500.00 terms avail- odie. Coll Helen Simpson et 668- 3338 of 725.7420 or Bill Schetzmonn evenings at 668-3253 QUALITY BEFORE PRICE At NICOLS In WHITBY 1961 CHEVROLET BELAIR Blue with white flesh, Shows room condition, Was $1995 1961 CORVAIR FOUR DOOR. SEDAN Just Wke new, Was $1695 1959 FORD GALAXIE TWO DOOR HARDTOP Automatic and radio, 26,000 original miles. Was $1695 NOW $1495 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA FOUR DOOR HARDTOP Fully equioved, one owner cor, Was $1595 NOW $1495, 1959 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN Stotion Wagon, 9 possenger an ideal femily cor. Was $1495 NOW $1295. 1957 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE FOUR DOOR HARDTOP Was $1795 NOW $1595. 1957 BUICK FOUR DOOR HARDTOP Fully power ageeens. two. tone brown end ton. Was $995 NOW $795 1956 CADILLAC ELDORADO 2 DOOR HARDTOP A very scorce model. Was $1395 1956 PONTIAC TWO DOOR SEDAN - This car hos to be seen to be appreciated Was $795 NOW $595 Plus Many More Automobile To choose from. MOTOR SALES LTD. 146 BROCK ST. NORTH WHITBY 668-3331 668-3331 TILDEN 0 CAR AND TRUCK Buying @ New Cor? RENTALS a alts Sea Telk "Cosh (All Makes and Models) Cor Fi may and aghVer! CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. we CAMPIN MOTORS NOW $1775 NOW $1495 SMITH SPORTS 723-4494 _ Res, 728.5874 TODAY'S 31---Automobile Repair TWO HOUS SPECIALS and SERVICE STATION TEXACO 1958 Mercury Two Door HARDTOP. | PRODUCTS be s, gee - 67 KING ST, W, 723. a. ashi 32--Articles tor Sale Reduced to $895, bi ct serview Hemnil Ste oo 1956 Plymouth FOUR DOOR SEDAN oe wow Saver V-8, looks real good, rune very good, Only $350, oe rrr CHRYSLER DODGE, VALIANT Sales and Service catora, i i 22 is oy 'il finish console, casita Ree Asking $15, "Toentone 353 KING ST. WEST | RALL CARTER, rasa (Continued en Page 26) i Open Evening TELEPHONE 728-7341 COMING EVENTS EUCHRE 8 P.M, FRIDAY SCOUT HALL Corner Beune Viste & Gibbon Prizes end Lunch 50c Sponsored by : First Oshewe Scout Group FERNHILL PARK fa GO mAs clubhouse Fernhill BI Biva. West of Gibbone 20 GAMES $6 and $10 FIVE $40 JACKPOTS Shore the wealth, door prizes, TUESDAY, JAN, 14th 7:30 ' P.M, Free Admission Door Prizes TUESDAY, Jan, 14th 20 regular games $8 and $10 Shore The Wealth Corner Bloor Street ond Edith Mathers Ausiiery BINGO Smort Business People 7:30 P.M. $100 Jackpot 56 nos. oo oe nyt gome 56 Nés. $20 consolation FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL of Oshewe Times Classified Ade NOW $1075 - LIONS BINGO WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15th JUBILEE PAVILION JACKPOT NOS, 50 and 52 $1200 CASH PRIZES FREE ADMISSION EARLY BIRD 7:45 NICOLS: Want-Ads Dont' | Cost -They Pay . WHITBY BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW CANCELLED TILL FURTHER NOTICE Due to Circumstances Beyond Our Controi OSHAWA Avio Paris and Auto Wrecker i sue anhare ale Bee Ea