14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Toosdey, Jenvery 14, 1705 ; . si Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 | 8 a.m. to 5'p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 ee 24--Houses' For Rent | 27--Reol Estate For Sale BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY |fipagee" "a" <SaeureSSEREEET Se rane es Bee neerimemt ; reaae aoe a en eee. eae, Mier nore Accountants Dressmaking Mortgages TV---Radio Repairs . , WHALE SHAR ' sary, or wen weed Rrasereen 17 Towers, N11 Dean fife ' i ' ' fo eto IPR, tod, ' A sereontert, 205|EXPERIENCED dressmaking, pant cuthi FIRST i parched' enortoenee, Sale iy ty Telephone' 7h Pr aad ees A %,: HE jogs i" bans Gana Lal ling and alterations, Reasonable rates, Bere . | Mra, Bidridge, 67 Montrave, 7256476, |Sivuet Gast tannic Bare arenas King GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all ail mares \ \ DISTRIBUTOR wanted: tor ey Diy La al i PRIVATE end corporation Taanlon tor allrenica, 187 bills TES47I0, Prods TUT \i\ad) fern" some eutebilened but ed, fee feenire, vite 138 HAJDU'S ? Ma aS trvck jax ea 8 TC required, Reply In to Box acbner whitey esha Tolloring ond Drevsmaking _[tmaparcanne, cragnion, Srrmon ene! T\7 TOWERS toa, Osnewe BONARD JAMES BROOKS, ii a inritt a : 4 alabama fries peer, svar tome | MORTGAGE | antenna Repair y. a aye Chinese Cook 3B CLANCY'S Accounting Service,| cocktoll, suits, coats ons 'es Good Wages fii a perigee ke . oh "gh guar LOANS TRIO \ Must speak good English RAYMOND 8, tered] onteed, Moneys rcounton We Carica, Shree NOT) corr %, SUITE 2 Sper Mergoge TELEVISION \A rN: ' ee porticulars in first us 1A) BOND ST, E., OSHAWA iets fo ALL GENERAL one PRIEOLANDER -- AND en we PHONE 728-3112 No charge for valuations 598 5] 43 "Bu wat a cn MEN, ay Wad THEIR Write Box 508, iJ roree Accountants, Licensed eae ankrupley, #4 King Street Bast -------- Mortgages and Agreements Monae manna. anoaven wironten fan |, MAAC RA 1 | Owe Times Closed Dept. |Site Private erivance: Telephone "706 ; < 9 and Supplies Moneys # PADS fo LIVE ME LORY WH AKEMS | SPAT n Oshawa, Ontario, TWO TBROON aca asm SPACE FOR LESS yp Fon airce nee | TV TOWERS 1p ) 2 | br ce leer emer "anette e oStt Say t: "neat. '% ya : 8--Male or Female feallities, Si ee oo geen WILD BIRD 2 ag ph "Arian sat Dy _ Joo muss ax noun! | Help Wanted ton Street sig Se Bn term Ei allen" Pies 4 ALoERT WOSMAR, Chartered Account | oes King St, East 5 , Osh ' SYLVIA STREGT, 019 -- Three ant, 4 Prince Street ma. ' ne vibe FEEDS | bak 30 ala Economy and ime foun tute tm Oma WGI WAVE ou, wld grat? uve, Yo, car riment unurniane, 88 month, 'ut oe URROWS, CHARTERED Wild Bird Mixture 7 Deluxe Your the) #ble three persons, After 8 pam, 721292. Accountants, 114 King, Street Bast, Wild Bird Feeders : ale rae ver sold, 199. commie: caurgueeston' hu Vaturnlehed "aporiment | vernal, DOUG ri M. ye % Fag tig funtiower Seed N A Priced to suit your budget 12--Articles Wanted 16--Female Help Wanted Clarke, 120-4358 sion Febru: re » Apply 100 Brice "Street LAS Barristers Small Cut Graina M eed [ TERMS ARRANGED SHAW TEMPORARY tovnkeuper tor ona WE HAVE full ime or part-time, Wat ile Peg Per BULLIED ' month, to care for house and Pre! come. No experience necessary, but car REALTOR MANGAN, QC, Barriater ortgage Loan AUTO WRECKING CO, ° [school ehiid. Telephone Whitby. et ial. 'Telephone 720-2983, secaniveeedineroreioroniceditae Balicttor, Mon he Rongy * won, oem van ing WATER SOFT g g OSHAWA TV Wants Cors for Wrecking, [BABYSITTER wanted for two weeks In pasa Py pe ---- 'and well culinar- pag eth, Teleptes 3 333 King St. W. 723-4391 ~. Street Gast, taba SALT Privete porty to Invest in Jat SUPPLY LIMITED Parts for sale, also scrap iron Pag 1 ar oan slat te lseea jes, medicines, tolietries, conomical| FWO ROOMS in home with 'ven er. opps AND ONAL, Barristers ond * ond metals, etc, bought, 7 monthly specials, attractive premiums:|ily in North Oshawa area, eg iireet end 2nd mortgeges. Agree 9 week, Call. 668-822), 143 per cent commission. incomes can bel 7s9.p277, " foltetiors, ste. Won 'I Ph, i ' Telephone 7292201, Crystal No, 2 Solt cos for sale, Mortgages Re Open Soturday all day, Phone $85.00 weekly. Sample Case conte $25.00 R AWARE AND RONALB.L| = _EOX Brond Pellet purchased, Low rates, Your 728-8180 725-2311--89 BLOOR E, |RES'Ashe, women to,i¥9, toc ot nl rimoutsed'Gurng ogee period,| KINO Sicee Vaan rane thu Poe MANain® ° . Ttaletors, Notaries, Common Fine Solt mortgage problems gladly dis» phone 725-9373, JIG, Dam. % 610 St. Hubert, entrance close to shopping een SWARTE, Bi Block, Me Kl cussed, No fees, no wen Well Drilling--Digging 13---Business Opportunities HOUSEKERPER reavired mmedietely --|ehildren ions "Redress freas. above REAL ESTATE LIMITED ren fanaa, 'Residences @tet Immediate service for quick |= wo ~ao--mn--lter imogern heme, "Two schecrage exit] TERIA a rem ous ions COOPER SMITH rewults, in Sothen tile, We Can You Qualify? and father, Ample tree time, live In, CAFE RNISNED room tor two qui 'viet incion ladian} 44-923: KING STREET WEST 204 tut HUMPHREYS, BOVCHYN and HILLMA CO. Street West, PO Box my Swnitey. 468-2549 ox $80, Oshawa Times, EY Caan. renpeetet He bane. Helnere we 7286286 Barristers, Solletore, 3400 King 8 , of 640-3009, > _ -- MANAGER ony. ptionel, Call after 4p. oo Oshawa. 6. kevmnerert Qe, 16 CELINA ST, 725-2539 _|wictiam eRoONTON, won deaie WANTED -- women musiciens to to mit Ys 668-8388. ry Ge) Wi, Me timate GAB) SD) if heve experience in loci precra; 7% "UEer information) = Wonted for new Department [two Targe clea furnished hovsekeepi Wi, ® idence bee Yee grape "wm | compressor work, cleanout and : cere eeERARSINE SLED ARPEEESNEES . home, kit wnitoy Year. 'riage, NWA cabs 723-2312 Ing, 40 Park Road oun, n-a8ee freezer service, We CON [eyeeRiENCEO mature ledy for grill roe = gin ve Seneardn ou vik, reraarair Nay = FOUR BEDROOM tpeee 1 l---Women's Column busines, We ath ane ine Mag g xing" 'eres te Ti » doer ing ot fala nese "he oan coer bis vier hesunu e ie ° inack Bar, King Street as own ine, . ad Love & at tute ba hag pa ick | Money To Loan TO REFINANCE YOUR PERMANENTS "Gecacdel Pose tacin| (iO (Or food.ond freener eerv. 7203075. ue aie cepted applicont will be mh eae PP elont hag hore Port, built in stove end oven Brivng } MORTGAGE? Gressinae 390 Pine "Avenue, Telephone] 1€@, The responsibility is tak-- [CAPABLE housekeeper, to live In, No| @! Ven training In our iin end many other extras, im- unde 'evelionte tor, rmortpages, YES YOU CAN TO REMODEL YOUR HOME? | yapses : en off your shoulders. ablection to married | couple, to look) methods, Good solary will AM Street West, « reer Tight] ~mediote possession, low down hcg an wi a Taine brent ret es "Dai hi / a aA os) tial ten op ats PANTY STR ES, made to measure, nur, Alve Be your own oe a teens we te 2 ee. 1. hg oh Fe gh sale tor te, brah Sourtewn Yee ive. poyment, Call Glen MacKin- . 'e. J ary, Sth CHICKEN OUT GH COST LOANS |e et ae he tom fear coat aga Slay ph cormison, |e ah ie Pheneat Bc, 72848) meen, Netiy, BA. Bete Let's discuss, without obli- Weterviews Wednesday 18th tule i speak ut" Coroeek" Gerken] Salen Wil, te poe ee taht a room, AT CRESCENT Non, your financing plans: |2--Personal 10 A.M, to 3 PM Hotel, Pe cuicn Oa Tl central, location, iin new Barrister, Solb Our 10 or 15 Year long- iii . : - ----v_,ex| Application with full partice -- [home, Parking space ee avert » Apply 20) $2,200 Ser Notary. yi, aertyge Ws . term 2nd mortogge with low /BlEe Wanten tro ARAM Gm! 11 Ontario Sti, Oshawa |irrum'cnrntaie comer ane tae) ulere cs to 098, experience, | RE. es. J awa, arriving a' ow am. ele . w w inva' ' ' cely furnished bedsifting room Pte) lng Sreet ant 72107 inrerest and amatl repayments | phone Alex 942703 : Hight general housekeeping "and. cooking.) BC: tov. be tng saad to TARGE nicely Wurnlahed 'Gedein oA room, es, 728 042-370 may ve much eosier for " y ee good Income, Apply National Employ: refrigerator, five minutes to shop THOMAS N onten, BA barcice, : bod Removal of superfiuous hair, | 14--Employment Wonted |e orice, 214 Simeoe South ing centre, ApDIY_ 440 King treet Weet.| suitable for VLA. For more y your . 7 Tine Marie Murduff will be in paren PAN DAY 20--Room and Board SY HOR pulsing WR. Sr Sire Goat, 720-4009, ; \ CORONATION Cehewe, Jon. 20th, Slet, Iseveste tam vo a0 pen. Ol eomeee bg eels gapanie, woman Maalaacas Ais BRAND Ue tos cet ferry hapten FW -- rucelanee Information coll Bob Steven Mortgage funds we'll cancel it with pi i 22nd, Phone Genosha Hotel | North. 720-2604, Live in, guts Permanent. Private quar lunches packed it dealred. Sitele beds.| Motors, Sult lady or fy Pt Tele 5 IGRIOEON pas BAAVOUS-- FOCI tion, no ehorge te e0- INVESTMENT on these dates for appoints | op aa ters, bathroom, $25, weekly, 722-4029, | elepnone /a60\99, phone, 7231300 rene Cliente, Sunes qyalladle for sonable? Yes, ond "ee dit CO. LTD ment. ransport Maulage ROOM AND AOARD pan an aR va aTauey, w= Tay aig - greet, friendly end fost, ton, ; ; ELECTROLYSIS Wanted eres TS (name cual meal ts ih beady jee =6C. MeGibbon, be aver RF, Basted, GC) Norman Come in anytime ond @ Canadian Public Company 1 south "lant. Telephone Remondeen, gbout our Guaranteed Money In Oshawa oreo cali 723-464) Man with 3¥4-ton weather. TeLATvONE, cone we rot-|s\y WEEKLY < Reem ter WoL NGO ter Fentiomet, central, CB.) Service, vets, experienced, mature lady required, . ond pve PHONE 728-731) SOT EROAKER LTO. [2---Personal prect von. Fully insured, [Remuneration by, hourly rate' and com-|Beuuvemen willing 1 share, Apo Na ATTRACTIVELY : mission, For an 0 SIMCOE: $OUMfp.3268 tae Pr, 7283370 BTS Wh crt tae | ___723-7136_ RTA cay sreevas_aalgreeton "ias"LSi"s heme] FURNISHED ROOMS 'weekend: ~svi5) Colborne Street East or telephone Available in private horne. A , Musicel Se i | Ww atin No housework, f @ --rescen Tie rvices "LEN PULLAN- 16--Female Help Wanted |p fo? nm, no nanewor, wookect| fis nt Avalable in private home. PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic organ ENGLISH TAILOR EXPERIENCED teleptions convasse Dyalting and| ROOM AND BOARD tor one gentleman repair, Wnatrumenta @P! Specialist in garment alteras |Full oF parttime, Salary. commntnaion, hovsewerk or codple 10 ie _ Lae Gay snitt preterred, Call 82 PARK RD, N FINANCE Prahee, 3 Mido, Alan tee tions, ete. Invisible mending, thew Call vanes or Tanase Ye abana wid n_ [ROOM ANB BOARD for fwe en. wilt 728-8671 and CORPORATION LIMITED Painting and Dec: Decora n {reas qlteraticns ---- Ing fo share, Close to ee General pale Vecone Me - Sananar poms . 10 PR' . ST. axranienceo sane en cs apn po ge ye ie aU anarit Sina aad 27-- Real Estate For Seale paint ngs papernangl and ' work: when you vertiae a janeou OOM pepeceenenin megane rier ry parame vem oi ko ee SE FE ms a a, Hee, Sae [Ugg oe ala NP oe SWITCHBOARD receptionist with typ Slassified Ad, Dial 7239492 to abn rt OMEY | kinson Ave. rae-o72s, . Times Claas Gentlemen, Shift workers welcome) close te schools, churches, and ortgage y 3--Pets & Livestock ing spiity required Irommedtately, PHONE aay to place your ad tn the big reader ioe A Teal nies kivenen wis ite are DODD and SOUTER SaRMAN THe HERD be pupa, bas purebred, herendlir hrone ligne ae beh belie age fo Available PAINTING AND DECORATING were, $18" Telephone = Hameton wanes - Middle-aged wome aa baby tern us 22---Oftices, Stores, Storage and screens, Pri wee below Oey wel Maen L | CONTRACTORS HW apply at S79 Albert Street, Tindall Re ow nterest Painti Paperhanging, English breeding, Reasonable Registers |SALESMEN REQUIRED, mature, amor|in Oshawa. Reasonable rent, yee jate 'BUILDING LOTS -- REGISTERED Gachshund py Tet-|Appty' 43S, Liverpost Rod South, Baylterrea" but not euseniial "Uxcelient pros-| x ana "¥OT RANT en "sinae reat On court--pre-pold, Fully serve | Located In exclusive oreo with RESIDENTIAL DAYS 668-5862 5 am Nanette, For. 'eppoint| Sours CITY AND DISTRICT NIGHTS 725-7426 COCKER SPANIEL pupnlen peril" color, new Yaak -- New careers Tein Avon) compe ielephone 780. |revepnone Tava. tige rea, N.H.A, approved--= | $55.00 © foot. Hurry by calls _ 4 months, manent shot, registered! meq) Good income, No sa Bhat CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS office re DOCTORS Close to public, separate ond ing Doug. Gower. VACANT LAND ™ commence CA hath ALL PLUMBING and heat ag te jens WORSE for sale, beautifully mark = "to -- aaa A sensing) reyes ' P a Baw Nag Engineering, 'i vn 32192. 30 King Street Best, Oshawa, Telephone Mortgage Broker's Association jvitte 6% wae 130 King Street wane oe dtionines hes. try a Soeeeee eee |@eauTiFUL > baby ea reed Fer Fully experienced, for small S443), ay ra, rates, Gatimates free, lal 721° GGHLE, brown, malar miniature, peed write able and reliable, Apply in own hentibuilding on Simcoe St. IMPROVEMENTS SECURITIES 4, Foley, with hiker." a Od, 908. Tete. Post Office Box 790 writing, stating e, uperience, after 9 wo Carnegie Avenue, ore nee terert AP [17---Male Help Wanted | isice son want, Coniraliy Toceted| ments Col! Tindall Real" stale peas yh Wall Murals ed. Diat Whitby 4403929, MIDOLE-AGED woman to act aa-a he tous men for sale division ef Canadian Poasesslon, Before § P.M, Valuations Arrenged gs BYRON sae sare a tin Se Rio. "Cut Donorten Seen. pects tor self starters and hard workers, . After 6.30 pms) iced, Some Ravine lots -- Press | oli services evoileble. Asking SUMMER PROPERTIES Plumbing and Heating --_|ureorovs. Excellent temperament, Micra We treme Telemnene Yoreeesicuinee shnsen hich ihe SS DENTISTS PHONE 725-2911 MAVONRY CONTRACTOR avaliable, Members Ontario aesarere Gast arg Wguarks MGzlot Ny paare cit Teinonone Sommer! -- BOOKKEEPER _ [ears rival Nae. and Corsent : Main floor office space, ALL TY remodel Y , i HOME SUMMERLAND [Sh Satce Sacee, Remablstineaes e menafecturiag Arm in Alex |WONT waltam waned eS Ean11200 square ft., innew| OSHAWA TIMES. PATTERNS "Carpentry work of all kinds, ences, ote, To "|Ample parking, very prone . . we ~ pees me, Sores, ors cone. LIMITED YORK PLUMBING - [srcianona say Rain. agams|__Alex, Ontario _/""" SALESMAN reasonable terms. modelling stores, offices, and 112 Simooe St. North Specializing in repairs SnRermer's Column EXPERT fee nom. veer nee Gund JOSEPH BOSCO ted Oshawa, Ontorio--725-3568 328 SIMCOE SOUTH BARMERE, Need Yirest Col "ON yor TYPIST person Apply REALTOR waterproo 728-173) Dominion Tire representative, 72548 Instruction ° evenings after 6 7257263 | Engel's Mens Wear oes - After Hours Pickering 839.1556 [GAS on the spot. Nighest prices rv For General insurance Office. 16 ie St, W. 725-0611 Telephone 728-7377 ime, a ser WARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, ter Geed ond Crippled Term stock. Dictaphone Experience -- 728-2 Tem, RAD Batiet, Resistor now. Oe Rug-Upholstery Service phone collect, Hampton RO272. Marg: 23--Wanted To Rent } , Will's Fur Farm, Licence M5043, preferred, | Cartuge Shopping Contre, 7254122, NESTERPIELOS ane vid cheire re [WATER Fon ALE = 8 oe kien tee ae | YOUNG M AN UROENTLY needed, Tireereom enki covered . v elephoneRolan Cy | hike 1 sl waeenadie rates Fully SIEMIAN MAR MARSH, D.BA. Dancing South Sa Fact Pree caritnen eet) HEM S h fiel d Ake | with reasonable "tent, Telephone 728-9535. cnor4i - r 'ished apartrnent ipped and |Seheel, Ballet, Tap Acrodatic, Character = donee -- your A rtment, = WAVE VOUR chesterfield suite weer rounds, Matteatten or North sin Westing' | Grade x of better =--€V se Tele Ss SRE : Mt Telephone 228-308 ae Instruction |Reeninga Nb af. "wmecr pncatering| serea" paane "Deommeneiiio "casunve et Limited education, age 19 to |prone sn: hee : write Box 112, Bancroft, 25 with. driver's boar gr a. Oshawa. Telephone! rT TAS-$584, atter five, CAREER SCHOOLS Ree ees] CATTLE == | __ 723-2265 | Nicene, eat ee er ar a ot OF HAIRDRESSING SeqeeeeTs wets TEE] Aywim pet's etre, | DENTAL NURSE cr Onion won wil be |S4--Hoaaas- For Raat te Wh recover Ne Ht wreeveatl Boe prompt service phone CHAIRSIDE ------ Tas" MONTHLY, Three bedroam modern Learn to be a Hairdresser in one of Canada's fore- |aiaavenii x Oshawa 728-7601, Large compony benefits, hiyare. and. water. erty revere t achools, inquire to-day for free information, ne , W. W. SIMPSON ASSISTANT Excellent opportunity for = [Bklnner, 7aeer0Q, Joseph Bose, Real: most schools, inqu day rmation, Sea. igati i isi Wite'ten lea ion young mon seeking @ career [Ajax -- Twobedroom home, gan heak obligation, Write, or visit ; ' huctio Some typing, booiseren we y with edvane 4 4 Centre ga q phone ty le ing in a company with od si hool Be Avatane Peoriery Ln an ments. x 277 VICTORIA ST., TORONTO 2 AUCTION .j = pecveoeRe tien, eed wear 8 ~ S. Reply in writing Apply in person te Seventh-day Adventist College, three bed- Em. 3-2317 Sale | CIRCULATION teen' gerepe, Wis Trent Teresnone 735 BOX NO. 533 eee Oe SN SB Classified Advertising Rates Begone tt Bein Sa) Bar', ne 'a Morn hehe et t OSHA ene saroge. = Shee tenants, ce 25 WORD MINIM! mo SON eVAN ane Fu ES sell by pudtic ouction WA Tees OSHAWA TIMES Berrer cescribes otters get taster resuite jSSREVEN ane cagA, SAT., JAN. 18th 17--Male Help Wented | i7--Mele Help Wanted Cash Cho ; 6 MME OM cis. SB an Lee ee ee oF 1120 rt, Sharp ot 42 Perk ALL OCCASIONS 3 consecutive deve 2.28 2.48 TV~--Redio Repairs Count each word, iitiel, figure or ebbreviction es one word. nd aerial sen) & place Wolnut Room ' ALICE BROOKS pli eae os eee) Khe kewwe tere (IQ = QL epartme : While every endeavour will be mode to forword replies to box -- [phone _7aeae??. Ronge, Full Size Bed com- Dress a teen model doll in numbers to the advertisers 08 200 8 possible we accept no i 3s i Gable i vores of Wan Sr damnane Wieand o> eres trecah | Service Calls plete, ress Tor, ce ; newest summer knits, All are either Faure or delay in a eee ene $2:50 | Table, Sten place Bad. Positions open for qualified men to manage the following ne he a oe BUDGET-BRIGHT HP nor pard witton / days, chorge rote applies, 9 a.m--9 p.m. Daily | jam, Antique Choirs, Rock. departments: ws ae hesayss 3: 8, * By ANNE ADAMS ' {ech osama! tre ech 3 es Se Tae he ol As $19 66 po at yo ong Aan aes just what an 21-inch teen dott! Face-flattering cloche -- weat ' small, ece chester. s oI Not eppliceble tor merchondive edvertisements.) Ow AS field, Rode, Mirrors, Uphol. | : needs to go south. Pattern 7006; it With down or up-turned brimt DEADLINES All Work Guaranteed stered Choirs, Tobdle Lomps, | MEN S AND BOYS WEAR mnitting at Sew it in gp velveteen, WORD ADS ...., ' Dominion Television | Ferrery. Cupboard, Bedding, ng directions, wool, shantung or dazsk Cords ot Thanks'. 20 BOND ST. W | ae ee LADIES' READY TO WEAR THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) Lat Gad ound 2 SANG ae A PR Seman |_Calt Now -- 728-5154 _| Stevone Auctioneer, | . sys for this pattern (no stamps, re by Raeaeeeeey AS h bs | raat wo Allee Brooks, cae ot CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Sane aor OY GEORGE WILSON| Vi--Articles For Rent | HARDWARE The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECT IC NS | GARIRE cava cau Conmuat wabiew | Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. On-/(no stamps, please) for this Spay dom T.V. SPECIAL fice = ; JEWELERY tr Print play PATTERN StF a ( tax. t ATTERN |o35 The Oshows Times will not be responsible for erron, in edvertine. Towers $42.50 up | Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses" SIZE, NAME, ADDRES ments submitted otherwise thon in whiting, not for more than Roof Antennos 22.30 up Punch Bowls FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. isTYLE ene incorrect insertion of ory advertisement. noe bevend the Rotor Lead installed |. $10, | Coffee Urns 206 HANDICRAFT HITS--! Send order 0 ANNE ADAMS, price charge for @ single insertion of the eaverineine tin which -- an vinse gd a 30 } Sitver Tee Service ' our big, big, new 1964 Needle aS The Pe Times, Sos Tienes reserves the right te Clossity edvertising Guy wires installed 9°50 | Silver Candelabra SPORTING GOODS -Joraft Cataleg, out new! See) Bo YOu KNOW | HOW TO ee ae = proper -- ie ths oc wa . For Fast Service Coll eee ' jteys, fashions, crwetwork, nein ey FR a he uses ie held responsible tor more apece than *het in which the ectusl | Oshawa 728-3334 | oi Apply in person at K-mart Department Store or National poems, | gilts, "Weseer | We = Lahn ot Soman Cian - error eecupies, The publishers endeovoer to reproduce ol adver: 112--Articles Wanted | Employment Service ATOCUANG 00 CRON, SK, SYP -jeluding COUPON to get tising matter correctly, but ossume no liability of odvertisement ; % wie hee | ; weave, embroider, ' i eny ineccureciea in ery form ere conteined therem Whitby 668 8344 \ceata. Teagnete aie -- "y ' ' Send 35 cents yoga Sem 'We. today. : te