Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jan 1964, p. 7

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'auxhall Victor For A 00 Total SEE DETAILS Price of B "" With every purchase of a new or used car during the month of January you are entitled to a Lucky Draw Ticket on this sharp little 1960 VAUXHALL VICTOR , . . the perfect 'second car", For the Price of 1,00, the fortunate winner will be able to hand over the keys of this cosy little compact to his wife for her "around, town' shopping and visiting jaunts. Chief Constable Geo, Rankine will make the draw on Friday, January 31, 1964 et 9 p.m GUARANTEED FOR 30 DAYS ini better thon excellent shape . heady for im. now's the time to move up . SAVE BIG PLUS the added opportunity of We guorantee in writing that this is a mechanically perfect auto mediote around-town travel. If you've been dreaming about « better car . DOLLARS on the finest selection of reconditioned cors"during our January Clearonce , . . winning @ 'second cor", VISIT US SOON! and... what's more... you'll save BIG DOLLARS during our JANUARY CLEARANCE 4 I 63 Falcon 158 Ferd FUTURA CONVERTIBLE she Beautiful soft Glacier Legend Blue finish with' shar -- STATION WAGON Gare vive leather am b 35 Newly painted in a Re- sen, edie, white walls, dient Black finish, Motor full NTIAC tranamission end reer 1959 FORD exie in excellent condi« tien Li Sther extras. Warranted CUSTOM 2 DR, " R. HA eet ulicnn windshield washers for 16.018 miles, uncone Immaculate light green finish. 6 cylinder standard Two tone blue with blue febric interior, Thie ee $825 visors, Power top .and wheel discs back-up ditional transmission. Be sure to see this beauty before shorp little car, Be sure to toke it for @ test drive lights, padded sash and {2695 sane 595 63 Galaxie 4-DR, SEDAN Outstanding 2 tone ox- ford blue and white fin- ish, 352 cu. inch V8 engine with Cruise-o- matic transmission, white wall tires, full wheel cov- ers, padded dash, power brakes and steering, ra- die and other extras, This car is absolutely in show reom condition. Warranted for 16,298 miles, unconditional, $2845 62 Plymouth 4 OR STATION WAGON Spatiess white -- tinish with green leatherette firah, qutometic trans: mission, Radio and other extras. Nearly a new cor for this outstanding wholesale price 31995 4 OR COUNTRY SEDAN Sharp sandstene§ white finish with red- interior VR Engine, automatic transmissior Radio, Full Wheel Discs, ete. Fully guaranteed 31995 62 Studebaker GRAN TURISMO HAWK The sharpest 2 dr. hard top on the lot, finished mM @ spotiess white with beautiful red leather in- terior with bucket seats. equipped with power brakes and steering, Re- dio and many other ex- tras. S945 1958 FORD CUSTOM 300 4 DR. Completely refinished in maroon and white. 6 cylinder engine, automatic transmission, Radio, Be lieve it or not, this is a school teacher's car, '845 1957 PONTIAC COACH Finished. in a shorp yellow and black, 46 cylinder engine, automatic transmission, radio, white walls, washers, etc, Be sure to see this Nttie gem, {545 1956 METEOR 4 DR. 9 PASSENGER CITY SEDAN 2 Tone Blue ond White, V-8 engine, Power Brakes and steering and other extras, $395 FAIRLANE 2 DR. HARDTOP Sharp tutone Blue ond White finish al match ing interior, Economical 6 cylinder aute- matic transmission, Power: Steering, sek ond mony other extras, This is @ one owner cor and hos had exceptional cere. 5595 1957 DODGE 2 DR. MAYFAIR Spotiess 2 tone Moroan end Ton, V-8 engine, push button automatic, redio. This is a one owner cor ond is very sharp 1961 FORD FAIRLANE SEDAN dright rose finish, Radio, Power Brokes, Window washers, White wall tires, V-8 engine, This automobile nm Al condition, owners nome on request $1445 1962 G.M.C. PICK-UP TRUCK This truck fevered») 6 eatin bie Gee 51S premiere mechanical condition. Equipped with e od A reo! buy 1960 CHEV. BEL AIR 2 DR. HARDTOP Spotiess Oshawe Blue finish, 4 new white wail tires, Test drive this car end judge for yourself, 31395 4 60 Zephyr SEDAN Twe tone red and white with matehed red inter- lor, 6: cylinder engine, Thin car is the cream of the English Ford Cers, 7 Peppy end econom- $745 "68 Mercury 2 BR. WARD Tor Spotiess two tone red end bleck finish with : matching interior, push butten eutemetic, pow- @r steering and brokes, redie end meny other extras, This cor @ @ teal beauty $795 89 Meteor 4 . STATION WAGON Sharp dark metallic green finish, 6 cylinder engine, cutematic trans mission, Redie, ete, Ab- sclutety in excellent me ehenical condition. 31045 "61 Corvair 700 DELUXE SEDAN Sharp Oshewe Blue fine ish, Gutematic trensmis+ sion, radio, feld owey seat, white walls, ete, truly « beautiful cer, s1345 $1995 | Many Other Good Used Cars On The Lot To Choose From WARRANTY POLICY All 1961 - 1962 - 1963 Automobiles are UNCONDITIONALLY WAR- RANTED for @ period of 30 days. All others are warranted for a period of 3 months with @ discount on parts, labor and accessories. No Monthly Payments Until March Bown peyments renge from, ne down payment te 25%, up te 36 months te pay, Our finence plen gives you ---- life insurance, health end eecident insurance, towing end reed service, travel emerg- ency cred# and many other benefits. 200 DUNDAS ST. WEST WHITBY PHONE 668-5893

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