Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jan 1964, p. 4

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, January 9, 1964 FIREFIGHTERS RISK LIVES DURING CORNWALL BLAZE Two firemen stare death in the face early Wednesday as they shower water on bulk tanks of highly explosive raw solvents to keep them from blowing up. A fire less than 75 feet away from the tanks levelled a chemical warehouse in Cornwall, Ont, Firemen battled the blaze for two hours before bringing it under control, Company officials AT SUNDERLAND said explosion of the nine bulk tanks containing 50,000 gallons of solvent would have caused a '"'major disaster". Trade Surplus Nearly Evens Debt With U:S. OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada's trade surplus with Britain has ballooned so big, eo quickly, that it now almost covers this country's traditional huge def- fcit with the United States. Figures released today for the first 11 months of 1963 show a Canadian deficit with the U.S. $500,900,000. All but $15,200, the $485,- With Canada also earning larger surpluses in other over- seas markets, the over-all ex- cess of exports over imports in b=) ¢t 11 months was $319,- i times bigger than the $21,300,000 surplus for the same period of 1962, This sharp improvement was due partly to a continuing sur, : "s ove accelerating late in ith large shipments to the Soviet bloc. Exports in the 11 months were 8.3 per cent Three Lancs Heading For Scrapyard ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) Progress has broken @ senti- mental link with the Second War for Newfoundland and the RCAF. Three Lanoastt. bombers are heading for the scrapyard to make way for more médefn North Star airoraft for search and rescue missions from the RGAF base at nearby Torbay. Two Lanes have already been flown to Trenton, Ont., where the serviceable parts will be used to keep the air force's last three Lanoasters -- used by a photographic unit at Ottawa's Rockcliff base--in service. The third -was to follow. Two of three North Stars have arrived at Torbay. higher than a year earlier. In November alone the -gain was 14 per cent. IMPORTS RISING Meanwhile, imports also were rising quickly to meet the higher consumer demand at home. Though the cumulative ll-month figures show 1963 im- ports ahead by only 3.2 per cent, hg increased 11.7 per cent in November and imports from the U.S, that month were 9.6-per-cent higher. Trade Minister Sharp, who forecast recently a '"'quite sub- stantial increase" in Canada's exports in 1964, also cautioned that mounting domestic demand also could bring a resurgence of imports--straining the bal- ance of payments--unless the export position is even further improved. It was largely on the strength of the higher commodity trade surplus this year that Finance Minister Gordon predicted Mon day that end -of~-1963 figures would give Canada a balance of payments deficit of $500,000,- 000 compared with $848,000,000 for 1962. bubbles were converted to com- nts for search spotters, v flown nearly 15,000 hours in hundreds of search missions during the last nine years, The Nortth Stars, also propel- ler-driven four + engine planes, are doing the same work al- they anen't as naturally fitted for it. The Lancs' belly bomb doors were useful for making accurate drops of blood plasma and supplies from the ait. The North Stars are trans- port planes and drops must be made through side doors. The January-November fig- ures on commodity trade, with figures in millions of dollars: 1963 1962 939.4 840.7 361.8 306.5 3,587.1 3,465.7 1,438.7 1,228.7 6,326.6 5,841.6 Exports United Kingdom Other C'm'nw'lth United States Other Total Imports United Kingdom Other C'm'nw'lth United States Other 1,069.1 992.1 Total 6,007.0 5,820.3 Figures may not add due to rounding. One of the most remarkable gains was in the export surplus with Britain. ONCE HAD DEFICIT Rising steadily for the last few years--Canada once had a deficit with the U.K.--the sur- plus reached $485,700,000 for the first 11 months of 1963, an in- crease of $178,100,000 over the corresponding 1962 surplus of $312,000,000. The Dominion Bureau of Sta- tistics figures released today show that Canadian exports to Britain increased by nearly $100,000,000 in the first 11 months of 1963 compared with a year earlier, while imports fm Britain fell off by $47,400,- 480.7 528.1 369.1 207.5 4,088.0 4,002.6 Meanwhile, there was a fur- ther slight improvement in Can- ada's imbal of merchandi. trade with the U.S. The deficit in that market was narrowed by $36,000,000 to $500,900,000. Exports to the U.S. in the 11 months rose 3.5 per cent to $3,587,100,000. Imports from the U.S. rose more slowly, by 2.1 per cent to $4,088,000,000. EMO Head To Attend Town Council Meet BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Emergency Measures Co-ordin- ator for Durham-Northumber- land will be invited to attend a council meeting in Bomanville in the near future. Gordon V. Wright, had writ- ten a letter to the council ex- pressing his wish to attend a council meeting to make ar- rangements as to how the gen- eral public could learn more about the Emergency Measures County Ag. UXBRIDGE -- Lioyd Wilson, Ashburn RR 1, was elected resident of Ontario County 'ederation of Agriculture at the regular directors' meeting held recently at Sunderland Town- ship Hall. Elected as Ist vice- al ned was Keith Rynard, Si deria Bdgee junderiand , ¥ Claremont; Tom Harrison, Bea- verton RR 2; Claremont RR 2; and Gordon Hepditch, Whitby (advisor), Resolutions -- Reg Hoskins, Ashburn Man Heads Group oe 1; Keith Rynard, Ralph Jones, _|Committee establish a program for approaching' aii commodity groups in the county nding membership the Federation Agriculture, of Plans for the W on Assessment and Taxation were heard, This Workshop is sched- uled for three consecutive Wed- nesday afternoons, Jan, 29, Feb. 5 and Feb, 12, at the Depart- ment of Agriculture, Uxb 4 2,000,100 Pounds Of Tobacco Sold Ward NO NO TORONTO (Coyne Ontarie" Municipal Board has } that high-rise striata ee not be built in districts noise is a factor, The re- jected an application to build a 2-storey apartment dwe in suburban North York because of the nearness of an automobile repair shop. WOMEN ENGINEERS HALIFAX (CP)--Bagincering students at Dalhousie [Univer- sity here include two attractive freshettes entered in the tradi- tionally male field. Helen C. MacPhail of Marble Mountain, N.S., wants to be a civil en neer, while Patricia A, Fi ald of Halifax is studying trical engineering, There Are Speciol Benefits For All BUSINESS EXECUTIVES AND SALESMEN Claremont RR 2; Mrs. Norman INBURG (CP)--A total when @ PONTIAC underland RR 1, and Norman Lehman, Clarement RR 2, was elected 2nd vice-president. Mrs, Leslie Meyers, Goodwood, was re-appointed secretary-treasurer Smith, Uxbridge RR 8; Morri- son Colville, Sunderland RR 2. Women's Committee -- Mrs. Stiver, Uxbridge RR 2; Mrs. | Sy. oe fe @ ACADIAN Othe youre enews: @ BUICK Praag ReTehingasy, om sete ear tse owes Rhonm or same TILLSO! 2,006,100 pounds of tobacco were auctioned at Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers' Marketing board exchanges Wednesday, Jewell, Sunderland RR 1. Rural Development -- Les Meyers, Goodwood; Gordon Cor- ner, Oshawa RR 1; Tom Har- 'vison, Beaverton RR as. Healy, Orillia RR 6; George Davidson, Blackwater RR 2. At this meeting it was decided to accept the membership of FAME into the Ontario County Federation of Agriculture and their appointment in the person of George Davidson, Blackwater RR 2, to represent them on the Board of Directors. It was \lso agreed to have the 'Finance REGISTRATIONS WINTER TERM OSHAWA. BUSINESS COLLEGE will be 90 up te After thie date registrations will be siege until Eoster, RESERVATIONS FOR THE GASTER er Rn itt A * 26, 1964, sHoure at aabe NOW! Due to @ very limited enrolment, only a few + will be available. FREE" "LITERATURE ON ALL COURSES and SERVICES is available Upon request. Make your reservation and be @s- sured of @ desk when you are ready to. start! CLIP AND MAIL COUPON FOR GOMPLETE DETAILS and Les Meyers, Goodwood, was re-appointed as fieldman for the organization. The following committees were set up with committee chairmen to be named at the first meeting of the committees. Finance--Anson Gerrow, Port Perry, RR 8; Laurence Dobie, Uxbridge RR 3; Lorne Tindall, Goodwood; Morrison. Colville, Sunderland RR 2; and Wallace MacLean, Udney. Insurance -- Donald Hadden, Blackwater RR 2; Anson Ger- row, Port Perry RR 3; Gordon Ward, Uxbridge RR 3; Earl Windatt, Beaverton RR 3; Lorne Tindall, Goodwood; Gary Her- rema, Uxbridge RR 2; Ralph Jones, Claremont RR 2. Education and Publicity -- Mrs. Ross Shier, Sunderland RR 1; Mrs. Edgar Evans, Clare- mont RR 2; Norman Smith, Uxbridge RR 8; Norman Leh- man, Claremont RR 2; Don Sanderson, Ashburn; Gary Her- rema, Uxbridge RR 2; Earl Windatt, Beaverton RR 3, plus someone to be appointed by the Junior Farmers. Land Acquisition and Assess- ment -- Allan Crosier, Black- water, RR 2; Russell Morrison, Beaverton RR 2; Ray Ingleton, Brooklin RR 1; Ches Oldham, Zephyr; August Giesberger, Oshawa RR 2; Clarence Werry, Oshawa RR 2; Norman Hogg, Uxbridge RR 2; Chas, Healy, Organization, Councillor Hughes made the motion that Mr. Wright be in- vited toa meeting and was seconded by Reeve Little. The folowing is the text of Mr. Wright's letter. "The Emergency Measures Co-ordinator has been instruct- ed by the Committee of Coun- cil, to write inquiring of all municipal clerks as to the date and time it would be conven- fent for the Councils to advise the undersigned when he may attend a Council meeting. The purpose of this meet- ing would be to discuss the de tails of a public meeting in your municipality, to further extend the intention and _pur- pose of the Emergency Mea- sures Organization as well as to explain the educational fa- cilities of EMO, Some months ago, a letter from the Coun- ties Clerk was sent to each mu- nicipality asking that the co- ordinator be invited to oma the aim and purpose of. EMO and in many instances this was done, however, it is felt now, that the ptiblic should be en- couraged to learn as much of the organization as possible, and the local municipal Council would be the most likely body to advise as to how this might take place." The Lanes, originally put to- gether to " for only 18 months or 80, are bing retired because of lack of spare parts. Before departing, the two Lan- casters flew in line-ahead form- ation with the North Stars over The Laneasters, whose gun St. John's in a farewell gesture. rs wn ry ' LAST TIME, «_ TONIGHT! "IRMA. La ; "THE MOUSE THAT ROARED" 4 CLIFF RICHARD LAURI PETERS "SUMMER HOLIDAY" iN COLOR WITH THE SHADOWS DOUCHE" TOMORROW! Otte Plus -- The Med Merry... BOWERY BOYS "CRAZY OVER SHOW COLOR! ©, FR BILTMORE 19 A D AND SPaUTAOULAR THR! we Based toe! TECH Walt Disney's ot unlikely companions face an unknown world of adventure ine « « on Sheila Burton's international best-selling NICOLOR® | "BLUE MEN | OF MOROCCO" went oF | FEATURE TODAY 1:30 | 3:40.5:45-7:55-10:05 armors Yurn's the word... WELCOM ADULT ENTERTAINMENT . Now PLAZA Playing E TO Screenplay by LAWRENOE ROMAN ana DAVID SWIFT + Biased cn the tinge plny by LAWRENCE ROMAN frevonet eos oy see expr / Dect by. AID SWIFT -Prea by FREDERIO BRISOM FEATURE TIMES 12:40; 3,35; 8:30; 7:39 9:35, Lest Complete thew 9:28. fetching an. average $2.66 cen @ pound, To date, 64,565407 pounds THE MILLS AUTO LEASE st ya oR a neg of 51.42] PHONE 723-4634 LTD, 266 KING ST, West | $300 A MONTH FOR LIFE FROM. AGE 65 ' Here is a plan to provide your family if you should die, or for your retirement years if you survive... You make regular payment to the Sun Life of Canada, then at age 65, you start receiving $300 « month for life, or if you prefer, $44,150 in cash. Both of these amounts can be increased by leaving your dividents on deposit. Should you not survive to age 65, a minimum of $30,000 will be paid. immediately to your family. By completing the enquiry form below, you can obtain details suitable to your personal situation. Plans can be arranged to provide various amounts matur- SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Exact Date Of Birth ..... ee deeeeereee Ce eeeeeeneneeees ROGER WOLFE DISTRICT SUPERVISOR HOME BUSINESS 723-2883 © 725-4563 STS SS OCCUPATION COOP o eee ee eres e se eousaee ee ee em ee en saploee = -- ASHW RAN axe "VEED" MAHOGANY PLYWOOD PANELLING oes TOP QUALITY DOM $ 69 PER SHEET in crate lots of approx. $2 or 40 pieces Large Stocks of 4' x 8' Natural Mahogany 4' x 7' and 4' x 8' Prefinished Mahogany, iBrch and Maple plywoods. Also Teak, Walnut and Other Woodgrains on Hand able Prices. KEEP WARM! Less then erate lote or broken crates add s20¢ or $2.89 per sheet. at Very Reason- BEAUTIFULLY MILLED AJAX YARD ON ROWE STREET SOUTH OFF HIGHWAY NO. 401 AT INTERCHANGE 66 PHONE 942-1221 BROOKLIN YARD CORNER HIGHWAYS No. 7 and No. 12 PHONE 655-3313 MILL SURPLUS FIRST GRADE ARBORITE FORMICA 5 Good Colors -- Vinylflex VINYL ASBESTOS 2 S 99.97 .:.. "PICKWICK" PATTERN Knotty Pine Panelling at less than .14c a board foot! your choice of 7' or 8' lengths packed 6 pieces to a bundle INSULATE NOW!! ROCKWOOL INSULATION BATTS in lots of 20 or more 7 90 SQUARE FEET PER CARTON 4 60 SQUARE FEET PER CARTON 3 1x6--7' Tx 6--8' 1x8--7' 1x 8--8' $2.92 3.34 89 45 NOT 3" -- NOT PRIMED FULL 1%" WASHABLE ------ DOUBLECOAT WHITE per bundle per bundle per bundle per bundle smaller lots add .20¢ carton 4-7' pruce 39¢ eny quantity STRICTLY FIRST GRADE MAHOGANY INTERIOR Né, 1 Solid Core Chipboatd FLOOR és low as BIFOLD DOORS| CEILING 26c per squere foot TILE 3/¢ In Lote of § FINE QUALITY INTERIOR Latex Base Paint $3.85 cartons or more FIRST quauity t 2'0" x 6'6" 2'6" 3'0", $10.65; 40", $15.75; Aromatic Cedar Closet Lining V6" $3.78 V8" $3.96 1°10" $4.15 Zz 0" x 6' 6" $4.37 ea. 272" $4.56 24" $4.77 2' 6" x 6'6" $4.94 ea. 2°8" $5.13 2°10" $5.35 7.88 $'0", $17.75 60", $21.35 TILE 3/4 Each in tarton lots 64 pieces to the carton 20 FOOT CARTONS 4.90 »

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