Fish Wasted Meeting Told OTTAWA (CP) ~ Canadian} - ne oe fishermen throw sho tid Pope Pal V7 a lange proportion of their on yon year, a ee bio- Getoben ins Saran ie ak wk Wa rie liee a group of wildlife up his per-/Pope responded warmly to Pa 'ae in the y Pent 48' suggestion. ine letter to the was gry, ees to concentrate Onidelivered at Naz hd Sar-iversity of British wf Pi es in his speeches, | pent yo Bary! of the U.S./stitute of fisheries told a ee standards of liv: Pana moeting of the Fen need oh the tele Prankée ennedy,of W: ite and Fish Biolog the The president's Interest Jn lists and. the sales' ean personal meeting with the Pope/tee AB on finhenion NS Me sed in a handwritten pork that "a } "pare of ot Se jeter cakes Deiat the fie hoa Tn Bo wee tents eround|anes' ees Rots ious taay wore 00k ootionet He aa'd North Ame Shriver is touring the Middle/ wore ah mer East delivering personal sages|ahout the type mh fish they ne from Johnson to heads of state.|than were people in t }:/effeet He told a press in}mates, wher moat flah caught Jerusalem that after he had de-|were completely wtiiived. livered the letter, and the Pope} A method of keepitg fresh: had begun reading it, the pon- ede nat dea' ter wae tiff stopped e questing ayers las Season's aT 0. D. H. dence of a shift in last year's! rsonai work and that of strong anti - government swing lthe. 8. government for peace, THURSDAY! WATCH WED. AD "Ultra Feminine" Cream by Helena Rubinstein -- Ordinarily 7.50! Save 3.001 Helps keep. skin youthful by replenishing natural" hormones -- estrogen. and progesterone -- which work together from within the skin to provide mois- tured ot hag an se supple ened i 237 by voters. The Pope looked up and A decision on polling iniquickly expressed not only his March would have to be taken/|willingness to pray for such i in mid-February, probably onjrequest but his appreciation at Douglas - Home's return from/being asked. his Washington talks with Pres- -- was mentioned about ident Johnson. a specific time for a_ meeting If the prime minister feels|between the Pope and President the risk of a March poll is still| Johnson, 's|too high, then June is the fa-| The Pope responded warmly vored month as the prime min-|to the idea and stated he would ister is thought to be -- be happy to have such a meet- running the full constitutionaljing at e future time or term until October. place. E TCA wB-OAC i: SLASH AIR FAR TO BRITAIN & EUROPE SAVE 1. 208 Dramatic reductions In air fares® to Britain and Europe are announced by Trans-Canada Air Lines \and British Overseas Airways Corporation to become effective April ist, 1964. The new fares are the result of a lengthy period of hard bargaining at the international air conferences. Read now tn detail what this breakthrough in Atlantic travel can mean to you in 1964, For Younger-Looking Hands, Try Estrogenic Hormone Hand | Lotion -- \Ordinarily 4.00! Seve 2.05! SMART WOMEN ,.. nay ha DURACLEAN 728-8518 Helps make-hands 'ocianae softer... . retains mois- ture to prevent vere Special, 8-ox. bottle ...\..,. GATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 212 Men's "BIRKDALE" Fireside Slippers Only ot EATON'S! -- - Opera: style of smooth kip leather, Padded leather soles..and heels. Quilted 'rayon lining. Brown or wine in full sizes 6 to 12, Eand EEE widths, anmineaiail _ EATON Price, pair (5.95) NEW LOW THRIFT NEW ist CLASS FARES 'AATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 237 NEW 21-DAY ECONOMY JET EXCURSION FARES SAVE:208 compared to 1963 jet economy return fares. Excursion fares are py primey inthe history of sched- uled Atiantic jet travel -- represent savings of more than two hundred dollars from most cities in Canada to Britain and Europe! To earn maximum savings, travel to Britain or end Mondays through Thursdays in the following periods: April ist to June 11th; duly 13th to Aug. 6th; Aug. 31st to Nov. 5th; (and in 4 Feb, 15th to March 31st. You can enjoy up to 27 full days in exciting Europe--or stay as little as 14 me and still qualify for these new savings! You can Fly Now--Pay Later for as little as 10% down, with up to 24 months to pay the balance. NEVER BEFORE $0 LITTLE TO PAY FOR SCHEDULED JET TRAVEL TO BRITAIN AND EUROPE IN 1964 SEASON ECONOMY FARES SAVE:108 id to 1963 jet From April ist, during the new low thrift season, Economy Fares are re- duced by as much as $108. To earn this saving, arrange your trip this way: Fly to Europe anytime except during the period May 22nd to August 3rd; return from Europe anytime except during the period July 17th to September 28th. Even during the summer travel season you'll find that flying to Britain and Europe will cost you /ess than you would pay at today's economy jet fares! SELECT YOUR SAVINGS: CHECK THESE TYPICAL ECONOMY FARES TO LONDON Rew Low Thrift Season Economy TORONTO-LONDON $438.50 return New Summer Season Economy TORONTO-LONDON $531.09 return ATTRACTIVELY LOWER SAVE: 205 compared to current First Class return fares. From April ist, First Class fares are dramatically reduced. Canada's busi- ness leaders, international executives and those who appreciate the finest in alr travel--can now enjoy the bene- fits of jet speed and quietness, with in-flight service of the highest order at the lowest cost in the history of First Class jet service. The well-respected amenities and the calibre of the superb and. attentive cabin service will be fully maintained. Enjoy the finest at these new fares: TORONTO-LONDON $797.60 TORONTO-PARIS $842.80 ' EATON'S AUTOMOT IVE ACCESSORIES "Bulldog" Battery Chargers One-amp. rating . set reneshariatoaiaae tt C.S.A. approved . . . heavy-duty cli cables, For 110-115 volt, 5.95 60 cycles. EATON Price, each . ceo eee ee eaweeeseeenrevevew say 'VISOR-PAK' Reg. 4.95 . . . Save 1.20! Good quolity leather construction with strong metal clips for attaching to sun visor. It's convenient for carrying -im- portant papers, sun glosses; comb, mirror, pad and pencil or rood maps. Attractive ton colour with zipper closing. Boxed. End-of-line. Approx. 14 x 5%", 3.76 eeeeeseseree Specially Low Priced! iF a hates Sturdy plastic edver with soft filling is properly w help relax your -bock while driving. So convenient for the cor or to use while watching outdoor "-- events. Approx. 14 x 14", EATON Specie! Prign, cook Viebodedpenedsesceus *Note: All fares quoted and d in this ad are eff April 1st, 1964, subject to Government approval. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 763 pucnts 925-772 WHY STAY AT HOME IN 1964? Ke - SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT NOW...SEE BRITAIN AND EUROPE é ath pes : "i | my eae ; EATON'S Watch Repair Service ; " + ~~ TORONTO-LONDON $339.50 TORONTO-PARIS $386.90 BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES (&) AIR CANADA DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN FAST AND EFFICIENT! a Bring your watch to EATON'S where it will be examined-garefully and an estimate of the necessary repairs will be phoned to you. Prompt and careful service is assured. Regular checking and conditioning by experienced hands ensures good time-keeping and long life. for your watch. EATON'S watch. repairs are guaranteed for one year excluding damage by hae treatment or accident. after repair, EATOW'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 615 -- ad MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE IMCOE ST. SOUTH * PHONE 723-9441 EATON'S TELEPHONE ORDER pica OPEN DAILY 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 + Sng <p ner TIE eet seers anche: ae rows ip eee A TE eo RT, 4 ase ey loa SRT pee tamape eae Sach pe ht = PAV ID 8S Aeogl Tes a gf ois. ae 3 a wae: tht a $5 BLISS