we, ind criti ' is been ' Erne his h at iTd ' } Inc t became Companion of Hono MIER: DNORED . lin pxande? n of maic: nd 0 in D E in rinidad and obago d membe 0 th Council ui G Hugh Cal G th B 0 d ith mighthood eI uric Ul On ' ind joi nagin cl th Birmingham i 0 of in . daily +¢ ft kitchin ho retired 0 h tion m in LPO. DOC Om mand Oi * ish Emp u cit} i 7m + *, iT ouncement said Thomson ti rded cognition D C ot th cl homson Foun iH tablished 0 0 Ono education hrough t medi underdeveloped rountries, parti ly n om 0 ealth countrie man notoriou 0 frankne: he makes no or making mo ED D ] it 0 3 Ci gu min on to b 3] SS nd my non he on id n evision Ww nin HIpel Ci VeTyYODOG ' 0 make moneys d to ith bu do mough peop n bad 0 0 0 0 homson non-smoke d on nke ppro es mo pape 0 fhusiasm although nd once dh ps mo han y er man in the world He i: owed b cirem htedne: hich o m to old pape mi 0 'h from - hit e' omson started as o 0 in i ee posit Orin On nad pe mh mis mb ; Op en he opened di tion the: h omson 0 nizatio th head ondon ho n puse, now has ' 16,00 Hig financi side om major hold vs throu ou orth m in om fn pap hailand and gand 0 PViSiOn 4 LiOnl in idad d Gibralt KE} Ess But fi pp pf this @ is d m the sophis' te ondon peek! hich ; introduced p 0 4 supplemen n inno British n pap pub h d th one 0 big reein mbition 9 own on i 4 at Dot "nS nok ove th 2 president o homson D D mited hich contro om dai nd weekly n pape nad nd ' He said he exp to u timate in Britain can't conce of busin circum ne changin o th ould not b mo n D n entuall ' 0 eng) d : ie ; homson radu h economics and from mbridg niversity Beto suming control of h h orth me 1 é h orked in th ditorial ment of th mmins Pre: h d ising department o th Repor mi managed th old Canad ot y in ondon ONDO P ' has been said th bou he only thin 5 0 inadian DOTT barons have in common th hi h : both Can he mo im on ti ole Dp 0 0 ord 5B verDroo nd Ro homso oh 0 0 d baro i D es 0 ic con BO born in 0 0 mb n verbroo bap ad W m t on 0 P b van mini om 50 barbe each ottish an d th political 0 vativ h the e d Bea broo ose to fam d 0 . y, age H wa nh nev me n of d hy D ess pap DO U e a a ang po a 9 d e of b g de nadi: me a millioc 6 W n d m into B pontics 0 smould g ctive gend omso ho on poin d trugg g to keep On 0 wspape 0 g B verbroo plo La 7b, 3 she fa boy & 5, W , " ee 2 lat i oc d ng revenu < to financ uCce n rbroc ' flambo n publicizing personality ' passion man th many p hates and he make: friend 1 nemies 0 friend nd bit nemie: 0 homson though becomin ncreasing: n) bo him p| ene quie' d un min h i proachable d p thin on nom first-nam D eaverbroo eped him el! in British pot Gurin h e homson hougnp fi once 00d n * nadian on, tends to esch politic: the m tim Beave! biroo ' en hig enemies ad mit b ourn ho nashamed es h p 0 his own propagand homson confesses he has no ourn b e] nd outls maintains th he n e eres tH PaTLO poOucIes of his edito Bet DTOO ne PSS ng-m bo 0 is m d politics, h mented hi own legend h eo 0 A ed bio phie: mem 0 nd sading pamph : man 00 n histo b m s th Pund v d homson 0 ding m udi boo H h peech ng mo 0 etaries med ondon ing ci s fo earth er-dinn oke: omson 1 d foremos He G i U GVa 0 n i mb , f ' 00k ov th TALUUALEL m Dap hai od he brightes in 0 omm 0 d d otiatin howed m s to n am B V broo elcoming h ompatrio nto h old of pub ed omso mo man d no y sonali SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Gas Decler im your eres. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of AthoD 728-9441 i d bu m huge p nnive dictato hou pected ; he disp round tro ' h cion overnm bh out b duction tin from Ew m . h stro be b he possibiliti tion ; 4 hi nted b Scot ms h 5 ' One th ommon Carr, © ate U ve P Premier out his So d e toda m ng th he overthro encio Batist ban Havan n 0 ch tille ned major p de R pegged to them 9 onom 0 increz dele nd 0 jo a stand Wednesday esid Ken o th 0 normalizatio v th befo he OV 0 m no on hen he oat o yon King e motto ep fo hi oring h French DE ' e | an nl s)ge ' ' 0 mn nterv Broad sti pan he d he q U n 0 OTH D) th th ited a belong o the ed nment to t tf ep to D no tion But ¢ o ca b onditio 0 ing our political id said our M m Cuban: n ti b ng v g d hing go m displa Rain noweve 0 ed ma y mM nom 0 CD e) ood rations d or the holida KES E " 0) B p Q : E 0 arn Wednesd nG 0 hencefo hav 9 vole in provi Vi 0 nem 110 eV g th h probab , wh ge V Cl 0 ate i Dy h ng to vaca M nd g a held b ib d ch va d 0 h nion memb 6 } @ * 0 .- , aga 5 ' + ' ae PNA ite peAaDoue argo a4 Bie OPENED ' f p Seiad , ' C ie" 5 ep ai i} ure ie i 1 vill; 4 if é wf i ney ' iFi0 b p i * n ; irshall } lute , jand } biect: ' " ~ ; [MO OC img: 0 it] h ' departm t nd CINCLE wd v ae EMO UO mit cin aed ¥ ub Committ in capabilitie nd protectio Hines th ' tors of buildings hi b ss ; pt nd U ensified in thi Y tin 4 = orid nd 0 ui Dmergen ontro s completed and compilation wre me HO ' u p " e Gin ' alu: Ge nee plannin eetings 0 adic: ind ith plannin 0 oronto ownship continull nd int meeting h n held h ating: ' nd § no t na 2 ITtO Counc 0 tablish the location con etin ih § ohn trol cent he south ea organizing bh eeting h tro to co AO 4 ordain: e OMMuUuUNnICatvion 1 iT] nin 'tage pp ey por ptin th Ontario tel . Resources Commission of Eme! enablin oncentrated 0 ] ED ' to be applied to th th oun 1 sited ownship ind displ: Oc: d in "6 7 ibe olio _ at ' 4 al 00 BY t * eTUon , ime permit: ao brid nd Oshav UCcasion pap insert: peciany iM 4 . d radio rele ditionally fi tealics dilation Detenc nS | conducted Home and Schoo ui! n : MESCIOUY i club Ro nd Cadet b produced t ined | CO iE! i x LE: nl ctron 1) n elfa) jal LA i ronducted lout protecti rton Tn ning communic 0 Duliding: ry LA ou) Pd 0 . Lal ri 0 Ci Low 45h hip 'brid nd Po! ing 2 i] ' 1s : Billetting c: bility J f dwelli 1 dis ir i sd ; ; ' b . ; in \ A centh neg ak : Hon lursing Cou cul . : ' DIT} LATION! i] ' ' ' oot ntation lecture: On e On oh been gi Orien o Hospit nd Osh en 1 Hospit: sig to them m '" EXE) EI an " a" . n . iy i 0 0 i 0] in] ' re] 7 ; e MOH and Coun = ™ ' a Ci e ponau ed Ore. ae P PH ommunication ntative, h been held and endinn #n natrel tel rm ® sormec OW Cy = BR 0 ommunication y problem 0 upphy es epee otomygecnanetc ontamination : vey © pes BR ot Comntunic: va Ol ' ' oi ', COnGUC! on Srcise to es north Our 4 to establish the be ocation|sy Communication nd or County Emergen 0 n ' S SNO AKE nd D h men de mined e join erc! ur neigh MO Q n the Go i DO countie: on commun SEATS AVAILABLE ON JET TO AMSTERDAM LEAVING IN JULY FOR 3 WES. LT CHILD UNDER 12 ADU! *386.90 193.50 Under 2 yrs. $34.70 PHONE 668-3161 *Subject to Govt. Approval : iV ' > ' f ' tt ati va & Bee , ' itt rT { a a a a ee ee agnor -- hy Open Do INING lo 6 hy n Guid 0 nicipal Plannin; Vounty Em by G0 i n x n P } 4 ec} overnment personnel, Commu nicati ns p fal ' if] : ith G % t Radi Hon Defence P . or| traffic toll 3! Billetti C Q c ied Presently w 1 th ej Hospital Plan pecially © i ' ne} Hospit: q > ch rep ' Plan due to ce n d hi Q h 0 opmen stro's plan fic h PO e Pian b Reso ces} aro i nd anot! ecid t a] LE @ himsel hi] COM! 4 t) D i hre r) ons : busin nou! 4 ih 7 ounts HG in Gio commu nication th County o one |U 'Be tations includin n p fre orth B nd Toronto wu Hamilte he HO maintain con-|Cred eciden tro! tion for coun mer-|hurttin pbit n n nd the mobile dios| hi b rard ro th ould provide coun ele-/ th if disc shone back up communication pped and ! hour capabilit main si ita fained on he Civil Pian hen his ¢: x hich Cou organization DO ompltee! D om the m Siren 'in tem . 9 th hour capabili Harold Clas ; mptvil oT on 4 ' nlc in Ci Ord uit i Order in Council/Hsion on Highway} Civil Defenc r nd yr | Md] outh Otte pasure 0 oc eric! sf ponsibil 0 Provincia! ' en iii Lobog} UNICip th nment: de or Provin 1 me} iT ° Caw 2 * > J n Ou hen : Municipalities to intein Dl prides inte < Emergen easures Organiz: he aon K dan ' ounty o Ont 0 5 o set up EMO nd 4 men th Osh UR ACK Osh 5 n EMO nd r) + Count; i Ui eel ¥ i cow { i 4 0 nm h needed hese und en to enable chan 0 grouping on mutt d cel muri cip eapabilit 0 me} en C1 ion for plannin he of EMO in Oni 0 dance from fF n nhumMmpe. i o-ord Gel au 0 Deputy Co-ordinato nd ual Ct ut ts Desp hd: C INING @ County , he Dep 0-Ordinato P ' eme en nded 0 e oul in|Counties in Ontario slate Oul y MMARY i produced b P OgTeS in u tne mae4 BG OU 'i GIaALY J ds of emergen plannin USeC &! pau » the|ronto's plannin; ouncil hin TTT 7 (j . Be » 4 = PECTA' PT RE D co . \ ' ' iG D + FOOD MARKET, ¥ Bey a