WED IN TORONTO LI United Church, setting re- marriage of Woodgreen Toronto, was' the cently for the Miriam Adriana Kosten, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Peter Kosten, Toronto, to Wal- Xmas Plants, Heavy Drinkers That Bloom Bes Play it cool with Christmas plants and they'll bloom long past the season Nearly all Christmas plants require a, cool, moist atmo- sphere for maximum bloom, al- though the opposite usually pree vails in modern homes and apartments. But some expert tricks of the trade can- help persuade plants to last longer and sometimes to bloom again next year One of the touchiest of win- ter plants is the colorful. poin- settia, says a Canadian plant authority. This native flower of Mexico must be moist at all times but never have wet feet, according to Harry D. Dale of The Dale Estate Limited Brampton, Ont., world's largest grower of cut flowers and plants. Keep the plant in bright light, away from drafts, and pour off excess moisture after watering, Mr. Dale advises. As poinsettia leaves turn yel- low, remove them. After the bloom has dropped, the plant and the fern used as fill will make an attractive green nouse- plant for several more weeks.! And if you're brave enough to| try for another round of blooms, dry out the poinsettia the basement for a few : after blooming, repot it in med- ium rich soil in' spring, keep it moist and in bright light, and watch for blooms. DELICATE CYCLAMEN Another Christmas favorite, the cyclamen, requires much the same care, It should be al- ways moist, without wet feet and if possible, it. should be re- moved to a cool place at night For a second round of blooms, follow the rules for poinsettias, Mr. Dale advises, but don't be disappointed if you're unsuccess- ful Azalea fanciers are in for a surprise this year. The vivid winter plants, traditionally im- ported from Belgium, were this vear procured from the U.S and Holland, because of an em- bargo due to a dangerous para- site found. in Belgian soil; the golden nematode For any beginner in needle- craft. here is a guest towel made wich a huck weaving stitch. This form of embroi- dery is amazingly easy to do and the pattern can be ap- plied to a variety of articles It is quite useful in initiating the younger ones to the plea- sures of a creative hobby. If you would like the instru: tions send a stamped, self- MAPLE CLEANERS 504 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Cosh & Corry,-- 4 Hr. Service 8 Hour Service Free Pick-Up and. Delivery "Your Fomily's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 | Guild Group Meets! For Turkey Dinner ' The December meeting of the) Mary Parker Group of St.) George's Guild was held at the, home of Mrs. E. E. Hoare, Ros-| mere street. A turkey dinner! with all the trimmings was}| served, each member con-| tributing to the menu. | A short business meeting was conducted by Mrs. 0, C. Rich- lardson, Christmas music was enjoy- led throughout and afterwards isome pictures taken this sum- lmer by Mr. and. Mrs. Eric Green on a trip to the west) coast. were shown. t | Mrs. Richardson thanked the) hostesses, Mrs. Hoare and Mis. Eileen Parkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Green for showing their) pictures. A | Mrs, F..G. Ongley invited the group to have its January meet-| ing at the rectory. t BAKING HINT When substituting sour milk for sweet milk, add some bak- ing soda to replace some of the baking powder. Use 14 tsp. of baking soda plus one cup of months} - VING IN OSHAWA' Beach, son of Mr. and Beach, | Beach are re- | | ter H Mrs, Walter Mr... and Mrs siding in Oshawa at 516 Col- | borne street east Oshawa. t When Loaded This year's azaleas are:a dif-|~ vivid single and variety, -- still and_ reds, © but blooms on shorter stems smaller daintier plants THIRSTY PLANT Azaleas need be not only moist but soaked. "'It's the only plant that's safe with wet feet," said Harry Dale. 'Water it twice a day and if by chance it dries out, steep it overnight n the bathtub with water right over the pot. It's a very thirsty plant.' After blooms have dropped, keep the plant moist and in spring, plant it under a shady tree in the garden for more glorious blooms in autumn. Begonias require the coolest spot in the house, medium mois- tre and no drafts -- otherwise they'll systematically drop every blossom, After blooming, pinch back the remaining points and the plant will burst into flower again. After. the second round, repot the begonia, keep it moist and be ready for blooms again' next fall The vivid kalanchoe is the Christmas plant best suited to the dry, warm atmosphere of modern homes, says Mr. Dale. It should never be allowed to dry out, however. If the plant is pinched back and repotted after blooming, it will bloom jagain NO FERTILIZER NEEDED During their first season, fowering Christmas plants will not require fertilizer, since ey ferent pinks in are fully grown in the. green- house. | What they do need is humid-} ity in any form. A humidifier in the house solves that probiem but failing that, lukewarm water sprayed from a perfume atom- izer directly on leaves and blooms daily will help. Another trick is to place the flower pots} in a tray of sand and gravel which is. kept moist HOUSEHOLD HINT A rubber pad in the seat of baby's high chair will keep the restless little one from slipping out. i GUEST TOWEL addressed envelope and. 10 ten cents for handling to the Needlework Department, The | Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair, Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshewe et the Genosha Hotel, Dec, 30, 31 PHONE 723-4641 For appointment on these dates sour milk to equal 1% tsp. of the double acting or 2 tsp. of t'e regular baking powder H H LIGHT AND FLUFFY, LEMON DELIGHT CAKE Wemen Jo Aldwinckie, Women' : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 30,1963 7) \Try Lemon Delight for New Lemon Flavor Pleases the Palate As Climax to a Hearty Dinner or until cake springs back when touched lightly. Remove from oven, invert pan and cool about 1 hour. Loosen sides of cake with spatula and remove from pan. Cut cooled cake into four l-inch layers. Spread layer and top with lemon filling. Spread sides of cake with whipped cream, if desired, Chill until Lemon Delight Cake is the perfect dessert for yuletide en- tertaining. It's light, fluffy, lem- ony: and easy to make if you use bottled lemon juice, which eliminates the time consuming chore of cutting and squeezing lemons. s Editor Dial 723-3474 Yéar's Day dessert or special a Knox Presbyterian Church was the setting recently for an evening ceremony when Karen Lynn, daughter of Mr and Mrs. W, J. Donald became the bride of John Atwood TRAVELLING GYM NEWCASTLE, England (CP) The YMCA here plans to equip a truck as a mobile gymnasium. The truck will travel to isolated areas for the benefit of school children 4 7 \the first week of May, the last/tivities: between now and late ean? October, s. also play an important role in| Oshawa Times, Oshawa, On- tario, requesting Leaflet _ No. E.,-8285 How's the Time to Beautify Your Home with CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 : A RECENT EVENING WEDDING ready to serve. LEMON FILLING cup sugar teaspoons egg yolks cups scalded milk family dinner.-It calls for a really special occasion. LEMON DELIGHT CAKE 24% cups sifted cake flour 1% cups sugar tsps. baking powder tsp. salt g cup salad oil 1 egg yolks 1 2 cup water 4 4 cup bottled 1 egg whites | 4 tsp. cream of tartar | Sift flour, sugar, baking pow- cornstarch cup water - cup bottled lemon juice egg whites 4, teaspoon cream of tartar % cup sugar Combine sugar, lemon juice cornstarch der and salt into a large mixing and egg yolks in top of double} bowl. Make a well-in centre of|boiler; add hot milk, Cook over flour mixtre and add in order hot water, llisted, salad oil, egg yolks,|until' mixture thickens. Soften lwater and bottled lemon juice.|gelatin in %4 cup water; add to 'Beat until smooth. Beat egg)hot mixture and stir until dis: whites and cream of tartar until solved. Cool and add jemon very stiff. Fold into first mix-/juice.. Beat egg whites with ture until just blended., Pour|cream of tartar until 'fluffy; batter into an ungreased 10- gradually add % cup sugar and inch tube pan. Bake in 325 deg.|/continue to beat until stiff. Fold joven for 1 hour and 10 minutes into first mixture. 'African Violets Glow With Special Handling | | By ELEANOR. ROSS of all, the plant. should get | African. violets) have been|enough light and should be kept basking in the spotlight of holi-}in a fairly warm (65 to 75 de- |day popularity. Our florist tells}grees) room. us that this. pretty plant, for) In winter, they enjoy the |some unaccountable.reason, has/morning sun--about three hours been selling well throughout thelof it. In summer, they prefer holiday season. We received|sun filtered through a window three. lovely plants, just glowing/screen or a light net curtain with colorful blossoms and wellf your African violets have lush Mountain, son of Mr. and Mrs. want to keep them that way. |dark green foliage but no blos- Reginald Mountain, all of | The African violet is a chal-|soms, they are getting too much Oshawa. The Reverend Gordon | lenge, even to folks with a green light. W. Brett. officiated. |thumb, so we have been gather-| Try moving them a foot or Ghote by. Hormaby (ue advice from experts, two from the windows so they ae a Pa a We were told that the African|won't have quite so much sun. violet is easy to grow--if you}A good idea is to experiment a THE STARS SAY know how! Like all plants, they|little by putting your African vi- By ESTRELLITA have. certain preferences. First olets in various places around |--_----- ---- the house until: you find just the right spot. Another African violet "must" is adequate humidity. The air in heated rooms is usually quite dry, but this can be handled in several ways, It helps to set each African violet plant in its clay pot on a_ pebble - filled saucer. FOR TOMORROW Teenage Dance | Planetary aspects now call for| Is a Success conservatism on all fronts, Be especially careful in spending,| . gn? Ses ee do be tactful in family and} Storie Park held a successful social circles. Don't. go over-|Christmas teenage dance _re-| board over a new "romance.'"|cently 96 attended. Mr. and Mrs It could prove to be a tempor-| Peter Muzik were in attendance lary infatuation. The teenagers danced to a band) Pour enough water into the : lof five boys called the Dell| saucer to cover the pebbles and FOR THE BIRTHDAY Essex, Special prizes were won|to have the water level reach If tomorrow is your birthday,;/by Bob Cameron, a wallet; |just below the base of the clay your horoscope indicates that,|Linda Grant, writing paper and|pot, As the water evaporates, as of now, 'it would be advis-|pen set; for the spot dance,|it adds moisture to the air, im- able to take the initiative in ad-|Ricky Lewis and Ken Kornic!/proving conditions for the plant vancing your interests since the|long-playing records for mem-|--and for you, too, When the aspects are fine for achieve-|bership draw; Carolyn Morris./soil is damp, moisture will ex- ment. These influences--except| Barbara Saxby, Jim Parson gift}ude from the sides of a clay for brief periods in early March,| certificate for door prizes. Win-|not, too, so the porous container July and August--will prevail on|nes for the Limbo were George) does its share in keeping your and off through the next year,|Muzik and Barbara Taylor, gift) plant collection healthy. stirring constantly,| envelope unflavored gelatin @ ~ This little lad with the wide grin is eight month old Jef- | frey Winston Richard Best- wick, son of: Mr, and Mrs. Winston Bestwick, Orillia, for- merly of Oshawa, Jeffrey is 'Storie Park's Party --) Thrills Youngsters" Storie Park Neighborhood As- sociation held a_ children's Christmas party and two hun- dred children received a gift, a candy cane and a chocolate bar from. Santa Claus, children whose parents had no member. ship received a candy cane and ja chocolate bar. | Winners of the turkeys were |Ralph Haines; 106 Oshawa Blvd.; Mrs. John MacDonald, 5_° Cubert street; Mr. E. Sweet, 208 Centre street. The club house has been re- decorated and_ kitchen boards finished. Election of offi- cers will be held at the Febru-| Quality This seal is the hallmark of quality in the Rug Cleaning Field. As @ member of NIRC, Nu- Way Rug Co, Ltd. have the knowledge and equip- ment to do a thorough, professional rug cleaning job. NU-WAY RUG CO, LTD. 174 MARY ST, 728-4681 "All work done in Oshowe by Qualified Oshawa Technicians" and you should see a notable|certficates. Mr, and Mrs. improvement in both job and|Muzik thanked them all , for finaneial affairs by the timejtheir Christmas cards, your next birthday has rolled) } around. Look for especially 200d period between eanly May and trends between now and mid-| mid-August could bring new ro- January, the first half of Feb-\mance and-or marriage. Best ruary, mid - March, mid - Apri', periods for travel and. social ac- |half of June, September and| January, March, mid - June |through Septemb rne, xt No- Personal relationships w 1.1) vember. A child born on this day will your life during the next 12)be endowed with fine powers of months, so it would be advisable perception and will have ex- for you to enlarge your circle|tremely high standards; will of acquaintances. If singl, the|never sttle for the mediocre. "SAVE ON YOUR MILK PURCHASES Milk costs less if you buy the economical half-gallon size. Skim-Homo or Guern- sey Gold. "At the Store or At Your Door". SHOP SAVE! AT LECOFF' SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH Lose Weight! Ideal Dairy Limit QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10. 00 P.M. DIAL 728-6241 ANN LANDERS \. year-old girl who lives at dinitee a shell. with my parents, | Please tell me what you think Last night a very nice fellow,about me moving out of the I had dated only once before|house? A girl I work with has: came to the house to pick mejbeen asking me to share an up. My father was in the living|apartment with her and I could room 'so 1 brought the young|Manage it financially with no man in to invroduce him, I think|trouble -- DAUGHTER OF A I should tell you, Ann, that my|NUT father has a very odd sense of| Dear Daughter: A 25-year-old humor and not many people un-/girl who is self-supporting does derstand him, pogengee an neg wed to move out "The first thing my father| ©" Parents home. said to the fellow was, "What) YoUr dad may have an odd is your zip code number?" The se"se of humor, but that sink poor guy looked startled and re-\WhO. "went into his. shell plied, "I don't know." --, -- of a sense of My dad turned to me and) Dear Ann Landers: My hus- said, "I don't think you ought/hand never smoked. I was @ to go out with a fellow who is) too lazy to memorize his rip TePVy anther since We oe Ny \17, Three months ago my hus. code number," _ lband bet me $100 I could not I was so humiliated I wanted quit smoking. I took his bet, in to die. I hauled the guy out of|the presence of two witnesses. the house immediately, We had|He wrote out the check and I Dear Ann Landers: I am a 25-|start. The fellow seemed to go cup: ia lousy time because the even- ling fot off to such a poor, cashed it the next day, Everything was fine until last week, when my mother tele- phoned from Montreal. Dad had a severe heart attack and she asked me to get on the next plane. I was so upset that when the man next on the plane offered a cigarette I took it .I have been smoking heavily ever ever since, I leave for home tomorrow and I'm going to stop smoking the minute I hit Buffalo. Do I owe my husband $100? Techni- eically I did quit. Please advise. --FINE LINE Dear Fine: Maybe you did quit technically; but you also *\started smoking again -- tech- 4 nically. In my book this means *\you owe your husband $100, A HAPPY, LITTLE SPRITE the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bestwick, Sunset)! drive, Oshawa and of Mr, and | Mrs. T. Syciuk of Winnipeg, | Manitoba. --Photo by Hornsby tary meeting. The next general a will be January 6 at 8 "clock. @ SIGHTS FIRES | PORT ARTHUR, Ont. (CP)-- Return the $100 and ask him to put it back on the line for a second bet. But this time agree on a time limit--like eight months. Dear Ann Landers: Please wire collect immediatety the name of the woman who wrote and said she had E § P and was able to tell in advance what was going to happen. I will gladly pay her ex- penses to Chicago and will per- sonally escort her to the Board of Trade. From there we will go to Las Vegas, then on to Monte Carlo.. After the travelling I will happily set her up on Park Avenue in New York and buy her a seat on the New York Stock Exchange, -- LOOKING AHEAD Dear Looking: Sorry, Bub. If the woman could do what you think she can do why would she need you? |For the last five years, the for-| jest ranger operating the fire! tower at Waboose, 190 miles jnortheast of Port Arthur, Ont., |has been a woman, Mrs. Ther- esa Linard of Nipigon, Ont. Re- cently transferred and pro- moted, she had to fly more than| 70 miles and hike 2% miles) through the bush to get to work at Waboose. Groceries were dropped by plane. | Let's Have a Party Dishes, Cutlery, Glosses, Silver Candelebra, Silver Tea Service, Punch Bowls. COFFEE URNS 25, 30, 44, 55, 75 Cup Sizes. Sargeant's Rentals 463 RITSON ROAD SOUTH Phone 725-3338 | | S WINES OF SISTING TION