Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Dec 1963, p. 2

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2 we OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, December 28, 1 ! GOOD EVENING -- By JACKGEARIN -- DON JACKSON REJOINS FOLLIES When Oshawa's Don. Jackson arrived Czechoslovakia, jast week, he was met at the airport by an old friend -- Karol Divan, who was runner-up to him in the World's Figure Skating Championship there irf/ 1962. Don, incidentally, played to in Prague, | capacity houses in his three performances in Prague, | Bratasiava and Brno -- in | the latter City they asked | him for a repeat perform- ance after the main show and he obliged with some of his world-renowned ice cal- esthenics. Don also spent a day in. | London, England, with Miss Sjouki Dykstra Women's Figure Skating Champion of the World (who will compete in the Olympics in Febru: ary) and her famous coach, Arnold Gerschweiler of Switz- erland Don 1984 Follies rejoined the di DON JACKSON tion of of which he is'one of the big stars -- in Philadelphia on Christ- mas Day to resume the He returned Montrea Christmas ho Ice trans-continental tour a where his brother, Bill, joined him for the ida} "ALL OSHAWA WAS HIS PARISH" So Mor Philip The numerous and ignor Patrick Coffey has gon fitting eulogies from leaders in many walks-of community deep sorrow felt at tended expressed: the the or good ex far of his own Whatever regardless JASSING beyond and. spiritual boundaries nuren wr are h irche 1 st ple ion: not only hoo to this fact, but a onal many Golf Club to the Osha Oshawa smen groups ( tion) He disturbed him mo had race barriers betwe 'diffarent want er Natio re Roard Cross ia vale ou figure t to say A yshawa THERE Sheriff to Board ¢ g suc 128 annial LITTLE NOTES FROY AND Nobody Oshawa 1 HERE arcde har Jack Real Fist fourth operationa lhe I" th vork 1° bustling até cess as it currently n it ear with Pre recent { of the members under ident Sol Hyman Ohristmas At Kh Opn an attendance of more than 25 in point most Tee a0) 4 affair He impre with thing did rr nition { happ cept for one many of the gue not e Baritone Frank timer a it the alle deserve ima Toronto art but 1 Obri MeCal ue the nt B jrarty ud unm sloyimn oard (o harman) HACK SHETIET neva ame lo. the rede men 1s itn ommend government was nd of increasin mplo ni Se ed proposed Eemploym recently the Unemployment be separa ENTER PAINMENT Mi WORLD OF win THE WONDEREUL Oehawa"s dat Andrew Hor New Yea Channel| 6 Mrs yt eons of and nik 145 | Maurice Ihe » Char fo a Pearson Us Oshawa d leston, soft ale hooking ain , oronto's lub, thanks formerly M vw Ashawa and word of the, Mra Tan from thet have heen the visit Ohptstr Missionary work Seventh Day Adye Oshawa M to POPLUTION BYTAW? WHATEVER Mied an the RECAME OF ATK Y nfint wid of \ Po { heen gis ertirena tha least fo Nobody what giiesa the Uit Mayo Rranen, Rin have 'been that the matte « of this y Hw re ernment wi tion legisiatio WAYWARD MOTORISTS Pont { ARE STILL WITH US yw) ile 4 af vio Chtistmas Da awa There preceding and a wore for the course Osha wa's of grave ¢ wee hi where mention One thing Traffic Divisvon of « eveles and two pada etnuation Wf a few by Me ax " a may hue bv * Ahieh Wo on the City's roads € Cus senseless folly Federation' May Disbar | 17 Lakefield TORONTO (CP)--Steps were taken Friday to disbar 17 teach- ers from the profession for ac- cepting positions with the "grey- listed" Lakefield. public school, nine miles: north of Peterbor- ough. The Ontario Public School Men Teachers' Federation will seek the support of the, Ontario Teachers' Federation in a move ito have the department, of edu cation withdraw the teaching certificates of the 17 persons The OPSMTF made the deci- sion at its annual Christmas meeting The federation approved the action of their executive in the dispute and intend a full-scale trial of strength that will affect teacher-schoo] board relations across the province The board of tario Teachers January BACK The Teachers in feder the On issue governors goes WOMEN yn BY ederat ASSOC 0-ope ation teachers who did not because of the Women On- of ot with paying ations the th the tario ration me is salaries of Teamster Files $240,000 Suit Against 4 Men AP)--A mem Union ha $240 taken positions KANSAS CITY Teamsters for r of the turn of va f nical the i shotgun f 1959 zrlement ong em cor nde vound 4 fired through a 'The assal window o home ant never identified | WEATHER FORECAST Teachers dispute which arose last spring. Seventeen teachers resigned from the Lakefield school when their salary demands were not met. The scale sought, with OPSMTF backing, ranged from $3,300 to $8,490 When negotiations bogged down over the pay scale for Category 1 teachers, the board was grey-listed and the teacher federations notified their mem bers not to work for. the. school board The 17 teachers fire went to work at despite the grey-listing 1963 Lauded As Year Of Few Work Stoppages (CP) New rela clearly evolving and management finister Mac- in "a New now under Lakefield # OTTAWA tionships are between labor n Canada, Labor Kachen today Year's message : He said the relationship i based on a "recognition that the oad being faced day be ved only by Closer onsultation and more ontinuing discussions -along the the industry, area anc nationa abor management onferences encouraged by nent and other bodies during West Ludwig Erhard, left Honorary Citizen presented to him by Mayor Lewis I on his arrival Chancellor holds an certificate Houston German Cutrer, rig in Houston from problems to Cai so ines of | go rnr the last Labor finding ely" plan rb le tion yeal and. management are that p eau dealers: F ) The Bet TORONTO. ( Busine Bu on- used they "must activ-),, opened i meet the human file automa change ern to risin from hnologica pre m ind | day of trick and Cy \ ers exorbili rate } ointing to the goy ' ' af st wat ee ind refusa 0 fu ruarantee promise to provide tech nance nents ; ; ontained laleassistance to comy and f unit vion eacl s been approac re ble h 4 pons by the { abot naine rement at bat Linke ita onfident] acale ame ma dined n, the deale ind naint no doubt that ny widespread bureau "contributed rhe 1. after th leade wher economic at 1963 en thous industrial re-, 04 during -- the ve inland ship rious Bu 4 f had 0) the 0 econ nic hen said. un $1 been while. pro ower p ent. years jloyment a only iction comes em and in hay ith risen. substan a hia modest in crease in prices - Snowllurries Sighted - For Southern Ontario Office Tor outh my suthwest oma and ' oth anid neree sread parts .o reouthern -- ¢ toda md Sun to n Windsor Va lam oudine onto atyle scat nowfiunese d W 1) nds Geat oma Londor th snowflurrie owl ) Record ords Canada auto fo PFORONTO (CP) and still more -re ory « lrecord lis the st ndustry iminars d ure the Auto Commerce and jn t {motive released b mobile Chamber o show more ¢ produced sold than any other year roduc Canac ion Hrucks at al 'a h and e automo m tive sit ' o ) yoin plant 1957 rulomalic basi On 'the rarter production ana rimmin oneé lian automol tota . of 532.450. pa Temperatures ; 3 High Friday inne during 1688 oo That is more U higher than the of 1962 A Observed mbly Low overnight Daw 100.000 ] ord ar Varicouver previous rec edmonton 498.710 car Re MWinnipe Lakehead White year when ue were made With truck 98.100 unit the units ous record of 508.526 e oduction up te production 630 HE pr tola for yea ' ord U compared with the prey ISKASI set in 19¢ Ka North Bay Sudbury Muskoka Windsor tor SALES ALSO RISE of domestic and estimated tov Saie 0 vehicles at more than 655.000 above RH unit we rd figure of yidon 21 last year's re 10 Km per With e to De Gene was the No 300 288 ca loronto . '4 Trenton vlovment ad 40,644 Ottaw sons Montr 2 on al Motor produce yoduction ot 4 again with ONES igland (CP) people have been Norwich's tt a THE LIVELY NORWICH, 1 Twel FOR PREFERRED ATTENTION PAUL ISTOW EALTOR e youns \ nex yannin a masked 728.9474 reworks /A\NGUS-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY | SHORGAS HEATING &. APPLIANCES Industrial and. Commercial The established, reliable Gos Dealer in your eree 31 CELINA ST. Cormwer ot Athol 728-9441 282 King W., Oshawa @ Tel, 728-9581 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum professional Rug Cleaning ERHARD | File On Used Car Shows Financing Trickery Auto Production Records Shattered ARRIVES IN HOUSTON to Austin today to start a day President Johnson at his LBJ near Johnson City -(AP West flew Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Er- President Germany. In centre is two conference with Chancellor of Johnson who received behalf ranch B hard on Lyndon Erhard Texas Wirephoto) Dealers ind the money when Jack .of bureau would turn. its books financing stopped the dealsjover to the attorney from being completed department ff an CITES COMPLAINTS Was Ornered ° Attorney The bureau' said recently dowr of refi to fulfil repair hes cars were an investigation Another FaCKets iS @XCESSI - general's investigation Gene who ra! Ca a reques into said the provincial n field complaints guar more com! inter- turned isals for use used ised ent ntees on car olice anti-racket squad ing the used car ear request came the Ontario legislature's elect committee on edit. and was made after in Davidson, sident of cent /fderation Automobile Inde pendent Retailers, told the com- mittee that unscrupulous dea € were preying on buyers Cass rejected the pay- because, he said, Mr unable to supply e estigat The from finan Ce where DI f 80 e H who. signed to try yund = themsely ustome rs urance rs out A r Davidson tted to 30 monthls facts was vho jeff dates and names Was Pn Gets $10,332 In Arrears | OTTAWA (CP) A First World War veteran recently was paid pension arrears of $10 332.50 by the Canadian pension commission, the Rdyal Cana dian Legion said Friday The case concerned Frank T Brown, 76, a veteran. of the 42nd Battalion (Black Watch) Canadian Expeditionary Force, who has been-tiving in England since 1918 and who originally was awarded a 50-per-cent dis ability pension for gunshot wounds sustained in the front ine He was unaware that he was entitled to automatic pension in- creases as he grew older until he visited:.Canada last spring and asked the Legion branch at Woodstock, Ont., to see if some- thing could be done about a pension increase, The pension commission, 'which had over ooked the case when legislation tablishing automatic increases age was passed, awarded has und ais ¢ wa hour the trial car the a had heen and he had \ bureau spokesman said almost. half of 614,497 production redit the in dustry, tota GM vith compared 49 units in the similar 1962 163 period in Ford duction vared with anked second with 170,840 units 140,856 in 1962 the increase in pro com while greatest building with 55 Similar 1962 period American Motors increased its production to 29,452 from 21,- 196 wh Studebaker turned out 7,902 cars compared with 7,948 International Harvester pro duced 91 trucks. compared vith 10,121 while Volvo, .which arted tion at i new) Dartmouth, N.S.) -plant 'during|with summer, had turned out!Mr Dec. 21 leent disability pension. DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JAMIESON DRUGS 241 KING ST. EAST 725-1169 MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 SIMCOE ST, NORTH 723-3431 TAMBLYN DRUG STORE SHOPPING CENTRE 728-5101 NEW YEAR'S DAY DINNER ROAST TURKEY ROAST BEEF GRILLED STEAKS showed vercentage 93,625 units the compared 336 in I produc ts he 1,099 cars by Special Dinner with all the trimmings TWO SITTINGS 4 P.M. & 6 P.M. FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 725-2611 HOTEL LANCASTER 27 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA consumer (+ the | request , Brown a retroactive 80-per INTERPRETING THE NEWS Turk-Greek Feud © Has Long History By ROD CURRIE Canadian Press Staff Writer sions rather than blend the twa races together in nationhood Renewed bloodshed in Cyrus Makarios claims his aim is once. again points: up the fact to break down these barriers, that the basic conflict between'tg get his people think'ng as Greek and Turkish Cypriots has Cypriots rather than as Greeks not been diluted in the three'gr Turks. But' the Turks. under- years of reasonably stable gov- standably, are wary and sus- ernment since independence pect the real aim is to whittle . fac : me feeling in ges away their safeguards is that the ter Dg 'oul in tat the bitter outbreak could" The main object of the Bri iy ay i ish Greek ¢ urkis overn: war had not Britain taken , Greek and Turkish eave the initiative and. in co-opera ments, moving with remarkable von with the Greek and Turkish speed and" cor ee rales governments, intervened to en- restore order. But the . basic die 'ause of the trouble is unsolved hat on : and what the next step will be Chr a me remains to be seen ristmas brewing months rhe: three governments have when. Archbishop Makarios, the offered their good offices to Greek Cypriot president, an- Help neg tate a new agreement nounced a 13-point proposal for!" 4 calmer atmosphere. Ona ; suggestion is that they get to- chang ng the constitution , : h. and her with Cypriot leaders in mally force the ceasefire The trouble boi during started to a week azo Greek gov London QPP Official Still Probes Coffin's Case TORONTO. (CP) Assistant tor Lucien Descent of the incial is. in nvestigating story man who confessed to the ing Which Wilbert hanged in 1956 but ated the confession executed for of three Que: ernm 0 took not of th scheme without com ment. But the Turkish govern- ment, the third co-signatory of the treaty of guarantee fo n 1961 rejected it immed a Cy 41 threat to the con granted in the guarantees sh minority ranean island the Mediter AYS 0 SUSPICION ST Both Cyp communit d Quebec eC Apred onstitutior ? , police wieldy and in need of + "d : . Toronto the a wide area and m more 4 strus and j ey Kl for er than ¢ ne Turkis m populatio 580.000 eld an inch of their power to defend t pow end 43. was e-slaying States hunters . be Gaspe. district. He pro tested innocence up to his Graal, death and the case has been re 'vived periodically since. The OPP's investigation owed charges of a miscarriage stic. contained in a recent witt by Montreal t-in Jacques Hebert The Quebec official was ompanied heré by the man whr confessed to the murders in jai Miami in 1958 and later pudiated the statement, saying he was working in Toronto at the time of the killings Descent picked the. man ur Vancouver and brought him check with employers claimed to have worked for the period in question A. E. JOHNSON 0.0, OPTOMETRIST @ EYES EXAMINED @ PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED 1412 King St. E. 723-2721 I Cyy ve-to-one nority r f 1 0 n not a Untied In ent int ba his more than a from a be hammered o1 years of terror- tutior iion during the ( of j 1 wh majority foug ht r for x book writer inion built the hegotia- the on were better Greece had man t which at they weaknesses rr accepted time grounds nothing tors the than at The t 1 initit And althoug the ruled nst Cy with aga any forbade state pait Gre it island into »k ommunities in the tioning en- in ad Turkish partition tration For instance yarliament must cons Greek and Turkish, Cypriots the proportion of seven to three with Greeks voting only for Greeks, Turks for Turks and couraged re. to min € Y the cabinet during t s of DIVISION DE The this has psychological effect been to harden the divi 'tailored to measure" SALE You are cordially invited to attend a LAST LENGTHS SALE Imported suitings custom tailored to your measurements at a substantial discount SS, Every suit sold in this sale is hand tailored and finely detailed to the Warren K. Cook high standard of quality. Choose from this wide range of (uxurious fabrics nowl Pe ARH | ae. Mi... «i EAH HY ell |

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