undreds THOUGHT FOR TODAY Well, we haven't heard of office machines that can get up a bowling team. Ghe Os ay Inbute To M WEATHER REPORT Variable cloudiness and tered snowflurries today and Sunday. Continuing cold. scat- hawa Cimes Price Not Over 10 Cents per Copy VOL. 92--NO. 304 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1963 Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cash. SIXTEEN PAGES -Pearson Shakes Up Cabinet OTTAWA. (CP) The first) practices. Mr. Chevrier was cri- shuffle in the Pearson cabinet/|ticized for his handling of var- ward Cyprus to terrorize the G ypriot population, But, |fi telephoned him at 5 p.m. } ted, the Turkish gov-|EST Friday, informing him that ordered the vessels to|RAF planes had spotted the Mr. Chevrier entered the Rossides said his foreign of- |\Commons in 1935 and the Mac- kenzie King. cabinet in 1945 as transport minister. He planned ' In Lake Erie NEW GLASGOW, Ont. (CP)-- mment Police Chief C. M. Lancaster of the construction of the St. Law-/change course after he asked Turkish ships--five submarines, nearby Rodney, Ont., said tO-| rence Seaway and served as for the. emergency Security /four destroyers and three troop- day it has not been determined | ¢j,<4 president -of the .Seaway|Cocunil session carriers or auxiliaries--25 miles whether there are bodies in the Authority in 1954-57 : Adnan Kural, Turkish chief north of Cyprus wreckage of a light plane found He returned to politics just be-'delegate, said his government) But; he said, less than an by divers in Lake Erie Friday. fore the 1957 election and acted had no intentions 'of invading hour after he requested : the ides uae? found three-quar-|,. Libera] house leader in oppo- the small Mediterranean island|council's emergency session ters of a mile off shore, is be- sition where be-| We got.information that those Laurier has been a Lib- burnin animosity eral stronghold since it was es-\tween the Greek and Turkish |Siips were not speeding toward tablished in the 1933 redistribu- Cypr erupted into violence|Cyprus--they were changed to tion. last Saturday and resulted in|another direction CLAIMS VIOLATION lieved to be a four-seater Piper Commanche lost Noy. 2 while carrying three Detroit men on a trip. to Buffalo 2 The body of one of the three men, William Nazaaro, 31, was e e e He also charged Turkish washed ashore Noy. 22. Wil- V fighter planes with violating liam Flashenberg, 52, William Leukemia ictim jCypriot air space. Early today Mouser, 32, and. Mr. Nazza severan planes, not immediately were en route to a bridge tour. e e identified as Turkish, flew over nament in Buffalo when thei! Cyprus plane went down Given First Shot \ .Britisn spokesman said, New Glasgow is about 4 however, his delegation had told council miles southwest of London, Ont.' AJACCIO, -Corsica (Reuters);supervise the treatment. was|Rossides and other EN carats A four-year-old English boy suf-|flown here from Bastia by heli-| members that bie RAF had . fering from leukemia slept copter sighted the warships moving Fire Put Out On soundly in a' clinic here Friday MARCHERS 'PROTEST away from Cyprus. He said that . night after receiving his first) Thursday night more than at no time did the RAF report American Vessel injection of a serum developed|3,000 demonstrators in Bastia them speedin gtoward Cyprus by a Corsican healer, - marched to the home of the |! do not believe there is go- YOKOHOMA, Japan (AP) 1e boy, Edward Burke of local chief administrative offi-ing to be an invasion tonight," A fire aboard the American Blackpool, arrived in Corsica cer in protest against the fail-/Rossides said Friday, 'but I do freighter President Madison wa: Sunday with his mother to seek put out early today without in-|the..help of. the healer, Gaston juries to passengers or crew 0: |Maessens, whose serum damage to the 7,924-ton ship. 'claimed to have helped in such ure of doctors -to authorize the Ot know whether there will be hope" treatment an invasion tomorrow." demonstrators "last is The --_ presented a petition saying the people of A cargo*of manila hemp ir cases Bastia were deeply moved by OAS Suspect the No.4 hatch caught fire 99 Maessens is an independent the plight of the boy minutes after the freighter ' biologist without a medical de- The treatment expected to "4 4 i Yokohoma 'for California Fri- gree and cannot treat patients last 40 days, consists of daily Still Silent ' day night, the Japanese Mari except under the supervision of injections : time Safety Board said. The a physician Maessen claimed his first suc- In ' freighter returned to port, an Edward, who had to wait un- cessful leukemia healing with ourt f firemen battled the blaze for til Friday when Ajaccio doctor serum four years ago and: has CP from Reuters-AP PARIS -- Lawyers for former Col. Antoine Argoud, on trial |for alleged Secret Army Organ- ization activities against France jtold the court Friday the OAS jleader was kidnapped b: an act of international piracy i Munich, West Germany They demanded again that Ar- goud he sent back to Germany. The former French Army col-| more than six hours Henri' Santonacci offered to claimed several successes since Greece Starts Probe Into Lakonia Sinking =) ATHENS AP) -- Greece's; At the airport the tired and The rescue ships just picked|onel, who played a leading role| merchant marine industry'\drawn Zarbis agafn defended up survivors from the sea but|in the 'generals' putsh" in Al- opened a preliminary inquiry the predominantly Greek crew they kept away from the Lak-|8ieTs. in 1961, faces charges of ; today into the burning of the from the criticism of some pas- onia, possibly because they Plotting ainst the state. and j Greek cruise liner Lakonia sengers thought there was nobody else Partic'pating in an insurrection ; i Ss suM- my crey spite ¢ at was a ae 5 y ' . moned before the investigator written sr said. behaved. faut) DECISION TOO EARLY? geria after the unsuccessful * shortly after his arrival by. airllessiy." he said R. J. Atkins, passenger direc-|1961 putsch ¢ from Madrid. Other ers and . tor of the Ormos Shipping Com For the second straight day i crew members: also were ques-'64 STILL MISSING pany, the Greek Line's London|Argoud, who was delivered to tioned a figures' show 91 per- agent, commented s police in February trussed! lhe inquiry is élosed to 'the;sons died and 64 are missing in I think the lowering: of thejup in a truck, remained silent} publi After the investigation|the disaster that occurred 180/(jife) boats and the decision to throughout the day's hearing. ° ' iles yy be sent tot min-| mile north of Madeira tlabandon ship came six to-seven Divisiona police superintend- of fustice } loa; Sunday night. A. total of hours too ear At the time thejent Maurice Bouvier said that r 'the enge and Ow ew t busily engaged!on Feb. 26 he was told in an to of W aboard tt ipitrying to put the fire out anc /anonymous telephone call hat! ' , ne urther|for the holiday .cruise which! people who were not trained for|Argoud. was in a truck near po. embarked from Southampton the job were handling the life-/lice headquarters The British ministry of trans-|boats." } "I thought the call was a port plans its. own investigation.. six more survivors arrived in|hoax, since it was Mardi: Gras The Greek Line issued aipritain by plane from Madridjtime," he said. But he acted on CITY EMERGENCY statement thanking all ships|/Friday. night but this time!the tip anyway PHONE NUMBERS participating in the rescue for'there' were no stories about. Argoud's first words when th in nvalu me services , panic or hip ; brought into: the superintend-; POLICE 725-1133 "th me eget S.aniey Rose, 25, a lawyer ént's office were: "Look what Id fb iiGay ne thought more per- who-was on his honéyimoon. was the police have done to a'French FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 ms might have been saved i:\asked'if there was panic. "No," officer.' some of the rescue ships hadihe replied, "but 1 would say|. He had a black eye, a' cut} HOSPITAL 723-2211 ieome closer to the blazing liner.| confusion." Inose and a bruised cheek. 1 jclimbing down from the jail roof FLY OVER NICOSIA began Friday with the resigna-'ious criminal cases, 'particu-| tions from the Commons of Jus-|larly prosecutions against some } tice Minister Lionel Chevrier officers of the Seafarers' Inter- | and Postmaster - General Azel-'national Union of Canada oe E aes | lus Denis Mr. Pearson said the resigna- e he Prime Minister Pearson told tions were being announced Fri- P l d B an ys Trives a press conference he hopes to day to ensure that the two Mont- 1es uUuZZ e Vy | complete the shuffle as soon as real ridings will have new rep- | possible in January. "There will/resentatives in the Commons as e I bf be consequential changes and soon as possible after the 1964 | Fal Troop 1p perhaps one or two others.' session opens in mid-February, W. Berlin Protest Byelections were called for 'The further cabinet changes | , " : Sale wheal os me Monday, Feb. 10, in the adjoin- will not involve more resigna- BERLIN (AP)--Thousands of! There was fear in Allied quar- a FE 7 ga Moneri caer gy HO jg Pooper van ln meg ng Montreal constituencies of tions from the Commons, he West Berliners continued tOlters in the Communist - sur- i patrol wag Hoa a today as eration aired Wa yma I Laurier and St. Denis, held un-/added. 'I'd like to get' it all visit East Berlin today while ounded city that the West Ber- " violence flared up again on this|to keep order between the two til Friday by Mr. Chevrier and'cleared up as soon as I can ithe Western allies puzzled over lin' protest. move could be used Mediterranean island which has|Cypriot communities, Mr. Denis, respectively It is expected that two new an unprecedented protest madeipy the Communists to promote] been torn by fighting between) Meanwhile, a military spokes- Mr, Pearson said both will re- faces will be brought into the by the city government to the/their theory that Germans on} Greeks and Turks for the last}man at the three-power .ruce 4 main in the cabinet until the cabinet and that one or two of Communists both sides of the Iron Curtain week headquarters. said three Turkish y other ministerial changes are the present ministers will move More than 11,000 West Ber-/should deal directly with each| A British Army spokesman jet fighters flew over Ni¢osia made next month. Mr. Denis,/to new portfolios CYPRUS AMBASSADOR GESTURES AT UN _|liners had streamed through the! other said the patrol came under at-|this morning following a tense 56; will be shifted to the Senate FAVREAU. IN RUNNING da eres since sls i ergssing points by 8 a.m. Paul Schultz, 18, an appren- tack near the Kyrerlia gate injnight filled with rumors of an and Mr. Chevrier, 60, is ex redline ational es The West Berliners are visit-|tice electrician, was shot in the Nicosia but did not return the|imminent Turkish invasion. pected to' take up a diplomatic F satay ol spiro = ng relatives in the Communist|hack as he scrambled over the fire. No one was injured. The low-level buzzing was the post in Paris or London doh an " a serindlicn zone uhder. an arrangementiporder wall into West. Berlin At the same time the British|third such incident in the last The prime. minister said, only paren' ae deh - aca a: . ears arge worked out by the East German He died in' hospital DUNCAN. SANDYS wife of a serviceman was re-jfour days and followed a nerve- that his "'senior colleague," Mr.| "yet iS Mite y te oe Gee. Communists and the West Ber-|-- re - ----_-- |ported wounded in the. leg by|wracking night during which Chevrier, would be named to "a ie Se ok os : - ge e in city government, Only West jgunfire from Turkish Cypriots|Turkish warships were reported high office in the public sery- Deisuaat pe ioe bo he |Berliners. are' allowed to cross ° in the Neapolis quarter of theloff the northern Cyprus coast iat prestigious justice portfolio may Vy yprus nvoy junder the agreement, which nswers 10t jcity s The buzzing brought renewed WERE CONTROVERSIAL go to a more experienced min- began Dec. 20 and will last until ial IBritish ght oe age on the erarkish ge Roy = Mr Denis and Mr. Chevrier, ister UNITED NATIONS (AP). -- sporadic clashes that lasted wn- = - a xs ' é tary Duncan Sandys arrived|"showing the flag" in an at both members of the Liberal) There has been speculation Cyprus charged Turkey at an/til Friday igieaatety Tr iz y when the With tl rotest ee ee i et ie ale ae party "'old guard," were among|that Mr. Chevrier will be named). sency United .Nat Se. BETWEEN PORTS ee en Sandys left Britain: unexpect-|Cypriot community in Nicosia. | the most controversial ministers | either ambassador to France or °° 8©Ney -- me elaine Kural said Turkish warships West Berlin city governme nt The invasion rumors roused if in the eight months since the high commissioner in London. CUrity Council meeting early to- |. just passing between Turk- protested directly, to the East) Soria (Reuters)--The United|can intelligence spent thousands acting British High 'Chm f 26-member Liberal cabinet took|Both posts will become vacant 4aY with jeopardizing a cease-'ih ports. Turkey's southern| @¢™™man regime over the Christ- crates today awaited the re-jof dollars on the upkeep of his| Place Greek Navy sioner Denis Cleary and US | office. in January with the retirements 'ite on the Mediterranean island! (Oj. 49 miles from Cyprus,|™@s day 'slaying of a refugee cuits of a "strong protest' | mistresses | | mbassador Frazer Wilkins \ The 'postmaster-general drew/of Pierre Dupuy and George With "gunboat diplomacy." Tur- "Gn. 'Turkey and Greece|0n the Berlin wall. , made to Bulgaria over a dem-| Georgiev, 56, accused of spy-| On 4-Hour Alert lfrom their beds. They hurried teady of sition fire in the Drew denied the charge Biss ty See aaa oo Ai sy», The Western allies with the ig t e er-line for LS seven vears ; : $ s PPo: -. leach assured the council they ' Berlin | ouStration in front of the Amer-jing for the U.S. for seven years, | to the presidential palace for an Commons for alleged patronage) wr penis was the dean of the he 11 - nation council ad-|want to preserve a cease-fire backing of the West fe se ican legation Friday during said American intelligence flew) ATHENS (Reuters) -- The|emergency conference with a ~~. {Commons along with External Journed at 1:02 a.m. without act-/ negotiated' on Christmas eve by|80vernment, eye aa which windows were broken and/one mistress from Paris to} Greek Navy has been placed on|Archbishop Makarios, president '* o Affairs Minister Martin. A law- i2g on the "ypriot charge or set-|Gneek and Turkish Cypriot lead- maintained that, they ee ae official cars overturned Washington three times to sat-'g four-hour alert in connection | of Cyprus and leader of the Drivers Find yer, he won handily in nine elec-/Un¥ a date for a further meet-| ops her on The demonstrators protested|isfy his "'caprice" during the|with the crisis in Cyprus, re-|Greek Cypriot community. i tions dating back to 1935. St. Ins The council meeting convened ?°T!" against. alleged American intel-| period. liable sources reported here to-| WAR OF NERVES | . |Denis constituency was held by Zenon Rossides, Cypriot chief at 11:35 p.m. EST Friday, six)pig THREE PROTEST ligence avtivity revealed in a} Georgiev pleaded guilty to day. | Cyprus Foreign Minister Spy- Light Plane his brother, .°..4. Dentr, for 3' delcmte, yoeewsed 'Turkey ofjhours after Cyprus requested! In earlier protests to the-Com-|current «py trial here of Ivan-lthe charges on the first day of| Defence chiefs met at the for-lroc' Kyprianou accused. the \years before that. speeding a dozen warships to-|the session. munists the Big Three -- the/Assen Georgiev, former Bul-|the trial, eign ministry this*morning and/yorks of waging-a war of nerves He also claimed the Ameri-|were reported to have decided) cans spent $30,000 to fly another|to check on the readiness of the} mistress from Israel to the Greek forces to face any emer-| United States gency. garian diplomat to the United Nations United States, Britain and France have complaincd directly to the Soviets who are; Richard Johnson, acting still considered to bear the solejchange d'affaires, made the pro- responsibility for their sector of|test when he called on Deputy} | Berlin Foreign Minister Lubomir An- A few hours after the West|celoy about damage to the leg- against his country with the ships and plane movements. But he told reporters after a seven- jhour cabinet meeting the Turk- lish ships had not violated Oyp- rus territorial waters. Many Cypriots kept their Johnson-Erhard Berliners filed the complaint,|ation building, a U.S. official radios on through the night the Americans lodged a protest! caiq waiting for a promised govern- over the shooting with the So- ment announcement. But the viet Ambassador in East Berlin. | HURL STONES announcement did not come, The East German news| The Bulgarians pelted the on er t al 1c At an emergency session of agency ADN reported today the/building with stones and other the United Nations Security \Council in New York, Cyprus jaccused Turkey of -warlike be- Russians rejected the American missiles smashing many win- protest because it involved an)dows and overturning four Am- AUSTIN, Tex..(AP) -- Presi-|two-day meeting will be the dent Johnson and West German|business of Johnson and Erhard issue that did not fall within thejerican diplomatic cars , jhavior in sending a: fleet . of jurisdiction of the Russians.| Splinters of glass littered 'car- Chancellor Ludwig Erhard __|learning to know each other aeatiins Posicte the island. The Soviet Union has always|pets and desks inside. Stones two: new leaders 'in 'the East-|274 taking each other's meas-|rirken denied the charges, tests be handled by da SO ane an and /each other out today on how tc|CONFER AT RANCH ported approaching Cyprus in cemmané mi) a an evant ener were' deal with the Soviet Union The president meets his guest/two flotillas, one from the rill pedi aion mg bid Bila oy "There is nothing more im-jthis morning at Berstrom Rowe bron and the other from id 4 4 : gar norte an East - W rela-|F\ S Austin, then|the northeast. The reports said ; PUTS ins es ,|portant' than East - West rela-|Force Base near Au | F Dp | Prisoners Gain lang Jater left in a bus sent by tions," Johnson said Friday as|they fly by helicopter to th« [they came close to the Cyprus | the foreign American | ors ministry --. |he declared the issue will be|Johngon ranch, jcoast, then turned and _ sailed j . eee said ee oe Ne "the most important part' o!] U.S, officials believe the Am-jaway. : ree om la ene WAS injured : his weekend conference with|erican-German meeting should). Despite the overflight, actual The building was guarded to-/ "wwe are going down the road| answer the question of whether|fighting between Greek and day by 15 policemen TALKS OF LOVERS ferhard. that will lead to peace,' John- The: self-confessed spy whose |son told a press conference in testimony sparked the demon-|a barbecue grove of the LBJ stration said on the second day/Ranch of his trial Friday that Ameri-! Another important part of the the new Bonn leadership is less| Turkish Cypriots died down un- antagonistic toward a new round|der the watchful eye of British of talks with Moscow than for-| patrols |mer chancellor Konrad Aden-| The Greek Cypriot commun- auer was. ify plans a public funeral] to- Assisted by Christian A. Her-|day: for 50 Greeks they claim ter, his chief trade negotiator, |Were killed during the last Johnson also is reported to be| Week a inter - communal fight- ready to raise a number of eco-|i98. The ceremony could cause nomic 'and trade questions. -- incidents, They include U.S, dissatisfac-| tion with what the administra-| : Army Beefed By e © : e forse pre he mom Mrlift Capacity [ines same) arm and suffered internal injur-; Common Market--of which West) € OTTAWA (CP) The gov-| This is expected to be the,Germany is a leader--and the) At that, they almost got away/ernment plans to provide lim-/main theme of the government|Prospects of tariff a with it, thanks to kind-hearted|ited airlift capability to the 50,- 1:4, mane on defence wine resulting from the forthcoming police who found them moaning 000-man Canadian Army so that ils 4 trade negotiations in Geneva. will be issued early in 1964, Knotted Socks ALLESANDRIA, Italy (AP)-- Five prisoners climbed down a 40-foot rope of knotted socks and laundry Friday night from} the roof of the town jail. But only three got away. One pair of old socks broke and the last two prisoners plunged to the ground. Delio 1€s and crawling down the street.it can make a more effective erie Widnats The two said they had heen|contribution to the North Atlan-|PT yably in February. : ae | run down by a_ hit-and-runjtic Alliance and the United Na-| Canada has already had dis- | us ees driver, Police, unaware of the|tions, responsible authorities in-|Cussions with the Scandinavian} jailbreak, took them to a hospi-|dicated Friday. countries and The Netherlands . on co-ordination of units and) S$ rerio 3ut one of the doctors there|two. purposes: To nee? ea ted k 5 | said the injuries were not the | supply system for the Canadian JN peace-keeping missions. | P . kind that an auto incident would|Infantry Brigade in Europe; SMALL-SCALE FORCE | eace TO. Ing cause and advised police to|and to provide some planes for! Sources "said Canada would "heck . IN peace-keepi orat s : i TAS . Ap . oe, check further UN peace-keeping operation not be expected to provide the| WASHINGTON (CP - AP) entire airlift for a UN force as| State Secretary Dean Rusk pre-| the Middle East, But it could) «g period of probing for the pos: contribute some planes. sibilities of peace." | It is understood that between But Rusk expressed concern 20 and 30 transport planes will), tigi ; 10,000 Persons Lose Homes In Flood be purchased in. the United| bout the "vigorous and hostile) w volu- ALGIERS (Reuters) -- Torrential rains over two or pusieutaind : ha Sahara.oases during the last 48 hours washed away |that thet S. places defence or-}tion by Communist China and he h f bet 9.000 and 10,000 people, the |¢"s in Canada of roughlyjsaid the world will have to con- the homes of between:.9,000 an ; people, jequivalent value. The planes areltinue dealing with some "ver | Algerian news agency reported llikely to be the Lockheed C-130B|iarge and dangerous questions,"| (Hercules and, later, the Lock-/pBerlin, 'Germany, Cuba anc| tal for treatment, This airlift will have at least various tasks connected with large as that in The Congo orjdicted today that 1964 will be| LATE NEWS FLASHES States ---on the understanding|Promotion of . . . turbo-prop Starlifter South Viet Nam particularly Red China Premier To Visit Guinea 5 : The government has no inten-| Nevertheless, Rusk in an in CONAKRY; Guinea (AP) -- The government- jtion of creating an airborne|terview recorded: for. broadcast operated radio announced today that Chinese Prem- brigade as such for eitherlin Japan and released by. the | NATO or UN service. The bri-|state department today, -- de- jgade in Europe will remain as|scribed his outlook as one of ja ground formation though it|"modest optimism." Z \w M get helicopters for battle- "My impression is that there| field' supply. is a certain' soberness in the! The Yukon, the RCAF's pres-|attitude of the principal govern ent long-range transport, is re-;ments of the world: that there} rarded 'little more than .alis a recognition that crises such} passenger plane which wasn't)as the missile crisis in Cuba' in} jdésignéd to 'move 'cargo "andyOcteber, 1962, must be aveided| Itroops to rudimentary airfields. lif possible." ' ier Chou En-lai will make an eight-day visit to Guinea beginning Jan. 21. PRESIDENT IN SADDL Some presidents golf, others fish, but President Lyndon B. Johnson is best known as a horseman. He demonstrates his ability riding around the Johnson City LBJ. Ranch aboard a'.Tenessee Walker named Lady B, --AP Wirephote Meredith To Enter Nigeria College WASHINGTON, (AP) James Meredith, first Negro graduate of, the University of Mississippi, plans to leave next April for.a trip through Europe, the Middle East' and Africa, 'then énrol 'at Nigeria's University. of Ibadan next fall for graduate studies. as THREE TURK JETS" a tase, ar hy : { | ; t |