16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, December 28, 1963 Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity 3 --------This Week --- 1963 - This Week 1963 Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low Sto Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low Hur Erie 62 $652 6514 65% : £ ee ey oe Husky Oil 2712 $62 614 6% ™ § Cable 1s aw a 124 may case 4 Husky wis 1622 a ee Cadamet 6574 9% 8% 9 5 Reeves 567$177 172 177° 2 Camo Chib 17845 294 278 290 10 510 phe Imp Oil 11455 $44% 43%0 44% a Camp RL 225 $13% 13% 13% --1 ve: Ris Amon 7052 Imp 'Tob 3775 $13%% 13% 1% 13 € Tungsten 23525 80 65 78 13 Rio. Rup an imp Tob pr. 406 $64" 648 C Astoria 7349 7 5¥2 2 Rix Athab 7750 Ind Accep ---9153._ $232 227% C Austral -- 24200 102 10 Rockwin 23000 34! ' ; a +6V4 1 Ac 225 pr ¢ Dyno 15785 10290 ~ Ryanor 36000 Y 4° +1 She Eneatian Prone Ind Min 2 Cc Malart 5400 44 4312 Hef pig 36898 rae Heiss: Ind Wire 100 Cc Nwest 5506. 5° 4 : --------This Week_---- 1963 Inglis 660 425 415 Candore 275746 252-21 ' San Ant 9900 i Ww --3 Stock Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low i niand Gas 1360 $5" z : , Sand Riv 41000 eee YS taar : an Erin 4650 612 Satellit 15350 1042 1 Wve ¥ Inland Gas pr 185 $19" Captain 900 7% Satellite 210 102 INDUSTRIALS nid Gas wis 2050 54 C . Sheep Cr 600 135 «135 «135 --5 \ : ariboo 2900 65 Sherritt 16805 295 266 285 + Falcon 17513 $60" 5834 0 int City 480 $734 (734 a Cassiar 1780 $10% pied pee iss) Dom Tar 15408 $17\e a 1 AA ! Bronze pr 120 $28 (28 ' Cayzor 1600 W/\4 "fee ' a et a ed) Westcoast 15203 $16% a V3 Inter Min 540 $64 62 -- Cent Pat 1575 110 sen eo eee a Cdn Brew = 13603 $97 i int Nickel 10623 $73 71% 7 Cent Porc 15000. 64 a ae eth we ce 482 1612 Alumini 12752 $2634 2575 26! 3 fat Util 1155 $242 24V0 Cheskirk W500 ha Siscos 1650 174 1" 168 ash tat Util pr 150 $4844 4824 Chester 20700 15 oe oILs 1BM 26 $5254 525% 52 Chib ay 1700-9 Stanrck 2000, 70 6S 0 8 169875 19% 16 + Iter PL 2877 $80 80 Chib M ¥900 29 Starratt 13000 6 S42 6 % 54 63000 179 164 1 Si Pipe 9391 37 350 Chimo 22800 «77 Steeloy 131000 15 Wa 15 43% 3 60420 485 415 465 5 inv. Syn 601 $56 55 Chrom 3610 105 Steep R 13490 410 385 +10 $4135 194 175 ) inv Sya A 3170 $52 51 2 ) Coch Will 1800" 395 Sturgeon 7532 6a 16 N Davies 46110 232 20! Jamaica PS 715 $9% a 5 Com Lake 1000 23 Sud Cont 6500 7% 7 Cc Mel 3201-0 Sullivan 6150 157 150 Pills aael Conieaas 12700 $2 Sunburst 15600 102 10 Croinor : Jock Con-ey 14000 € Mogul 50128 0 Jock C pr - 1a C Belek fears key Sicte 3955 20 ieee ete 9 9 C Callinan Temag 6300 85 78 Man Bar 2305 eck pr é 4 ' Con C Cad : : Territory 2520 (12 12 open nt 146 2 4 Kelly DA ) 5 é 5 C Discov 5 A Thom & 16230 45 4) ----This Week- - Abs K QUOTES 6: TORN WEEKLY STOCK Stock Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low Stock The Canadian Press Advances outnumbered declines by 341. fo 254 on the Toronto Stock Exchange this week. Issues un- changed totalled 201. Volume for the week was 10,123,752, down. from the previous week's 19,735,580. Total sales for hte year to date are 804,559,557. Quotations in cents unless marked $. Imp "Lite WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS By 4 820 205 «(160 13,1 60 Quonto Jefferson Tz Gown and Bootee Set Flannelette Sleeping Bag Kelly wis Tombill Torbrit Towag 32025 95 88 5800 (54 50 500 8 8 Dointy smocking decorates the yoke of this softly nopped flannelette gown. In a nursery Cosy. comfort for your favourite baby. This snug zipper front sleeping bog is made of Industrials Labatt Trans, Res 4000 92 9 Lares 7 5 ? Tribag 17000 134 121 134 Aas rd 20 16 80 : A s 5 1 Trni Chib 12000 11% 11 . " r5/! U_ Mining 25500 20/2 20 U Asbestos 20907 213 204 4 r 2 Un Buffad 8000 68 Lokeland 1625 46 5 " ' 00. 12h4 : d U Canso vt 511 140 125 Lakelénd pr 2 1 Nic 6 Un Keno #106 535 500 Lakeland wi 475 26 5 260 eee ' \ ) x4 Utd Macfie 32700 29° Lambton | c b\4 ambier J ¢ Jn N Fort 9400 10'2 taura Sec ' 6 16 4 2 5 2 - F Upp Can 6100 128 Lav Pir a) ! ! Urban Que 5334 16 Lav Fin x # . Vandoo 5400 tau F 6iw M 5 2 275 2 ( 280 5 4 3 : . Vauze 500 56 teland 5 Vespar tevy 1 2 ® f p . Violam levy 2 pr Wasamac ta 4 bv é tv 2 : Weedon tov ¢ 2 5 pottern - pastel shades on white - it has matching booties with knitted cuffs. One size 19 dointy printed flannelette. Cotton-knit neck- band ond cuffs: In soft postel shades on white - to fit up to 12 months, EATON Special Price, each .... 1.39 that fits up to 6 months, EATON Special Price, set ....+..5 0 60 60 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 210 PHONE 725-7373 4 e Werner re aH as rs 2 1 Al oys Line ib yr 0 4 Ws $ J) ddeipted . ; W Beaver Lob G 5 $52 62 ae pobre : d West Mines top B Dae top tne 475 ' : 4 te daering D'Aragon 1 ocenea tt Loeb M s. 224 2. De Corduroy Slacks Reg. 3.59 -- 2 tor 7.00 Deni '7 ya 4 3 lores ; V4 Fashioned of practical wide wale cordu- 025 108, 10 roy, with cotton flannel lining and half 190 ? OB a boxer waist. Two side and two hip pock- 6840 4 344 2 2 30700 24 20 +24 31 1 ets---cuffed .bottoms. In charcoal grey $3500 23 20 Oils A and B i! 8 & 8 5 20 19 20 1480 255 250 255 § 37066 5 4 44 37500 2 1S 16 10700 ? 24 24 5800 75 75 225, $23\4 23% 23 400 $25 25'%2 25% 35090 215 202 205 2500 4 2 3 or loden green, Sizes 6 to 12, End-of-line 19 clearance EATON Special osch ..... Price 2 for 5.90 Boys' Cotton Flannel Shirts Reg. 1.29 -- 2 for 2.50 Cosy cotton flannel shirts with long and button cuffs. In popular popover style with zipper neck closing, and regular sports collar, Attractive plaid patterns in shades of red and blue. Sizes 8 to 16. we Cc and D $18% 18> 18 16 158 158 485 4is 465 485 4 9 14 1 2 02 sleeves fomesid EATON Special Price eucn .... C West Pete Dev-Pal QN Ges 0 Dome Pete 2970 $1412 QN Gas 63 w 280 4? 2 2 1 0 ) 3 if 2 1 £ J 5776 9 Rapid-G 10 2 5 y obu y 8 9 Dynamic 5740 16 Revelstoke " 2forl.90 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 232 Revenue pr y 2 2 24g 204 a 7 1 os 230 0 2 » PHONE 725-7373 Revelstoke Special Once-A-Year Offer From Elizabeth Arden! HAND-AND-BODY LOTION -- REG. 4.25 SAVE 1.30! Now this widely known lotion is offered at much below usual price! If you ore a regular user--stock up! If you have never tried it, now's your opportunity to do so at a notable saving! This remarkable lotion helps to smooth, whiten and soften the skin. Easy to apply, delightful to use! cee isi : : Te In delicate. June Geranium or Blue Grass scents. Beaiele Oa te ae Be | ted Approx. 16 ozs, Quonte 21 a 1 {tet Ranger Okalta Palliser Pamoil Sarcee Spooner Stanwell Special, each . Teck Corp 4074 465 455 | 465 +10 Trans Can. 6990 95 81 95 +13 Triad Oj $4135 194 175 190 «15 Unio oil 1315 $12%4 12% Unisphere 39000 35-31 Ur Oils 450 146 1 Wstates 709 650 625 EATON'S MALL LEVEL; DEPT. 212 PHONE 723-7373 burne W Decaita Windfall FOREIGN TRADING $26'4 2644 26%4 Are You Missing ~ Parts of Conversations? Pont Inland Iniand liv. Syn z Do you often miss the point of a ser- PR Tears ; >. mon, speech or conversation because Sainte 2 Ne . you missed the essential words? ail Chances are that your hearing is im- paired. Visit EATON'S Hearing Aid Centre and have your hearing check- ed¥at no obligation. W. E. Lang, EATON'S trained hearing aid con- sultant will advise you and suggest an aid suitable for your require- ments. See the "VIKING" hearing aids covered by the EATON guar- antee "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded". EATON'S Hearing Aid Centre Offers Audiometric testing. Home consultation by appointment, at no extra charge. You may telephone for your battery requirements. Private consultation room. Your present aid checked and cleaned while you wait at no 18 charge. alas : a : ' : ae Cords-and batteries for most makes of hearing aids. EATON'S HEARING AND OPTICAL CENTRE PHONE 725-7373 Seven Arts Vanadium Bralorne 2 5 514 Can Oil N00 161 160 (16) Mi baat titte 5500 0 2 1 CS Pete 2000 470 470 470 + : ines lorie 2 18 t ets Car Erin 2500 7 7 ne 1 eee ' Nil ooh Sh ak os a W. E, LANG 3000 5 5 400 $13% #1 3600 105 105 10: 100 145 145145 200 590 590 590 +45 900.195 195 195 20 500° 20-20-20 D0 12 12 2 4000 $16 ! 16 A and B Acad Uran Accra Advocate Paymast Poe Expl Perron « 4 af fr 2 1 } ron Is ! a a5 24 UPPER LEVEL Place 27 1 2 A , 9 + Pow Rou 5 3 | I Preston Rurdex 280 , 9 . Siscoe 2000 174 3270 400 4s mae cy 'o a e. ES "Duetat | 2a tice BEBE Bk | "Goods Satisfactory Or Money Refunded" 99 4 ) Quemont 1 2 6 fs 107107 2595 $is@ l4%m 150 154 13% Buff RL Radiore Yellorex 0 Si Sia