oy € & DRAVARAVARAAAADRARIRDR IDV V VV VW WZ € & & &, 4 Kd a a rd a a Kd Kd Ka oe KA a a a Kd a a a Kd a rd a a Ed a KA Kd ae a wz a e a Kd cA ey am aw Kd Kod ee Cd KA ed a € EATON'S After-Christmas Ends-of-Lines Clearance of Budget Fashions! '2 PRICE! PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) SLIMS BLOUSES Reg. 3.98 to 8.98! Reg. 1.98 to 4.98! Solid colours, bright and muted, in cotton-and- Mostly short-sleeved styles in cotton... both fest- rayon blends with "stretch"' slims and a few wool re er nts and Pa og) a a few."Tery- ski pants included. Sizes 10 to 18 lene' in the group, Sizes 10 to EATON After-Christmas Clearance, each EATON After-Christmas Clearance, each 1.99 to 4.49 MISSES' SKIRTS Reg. 3.98 to 9.98! Pleated and sheath styles in wool or rayon-and- wool mixtures, with a few "knee-skimmers cluded. Sizes 10 to 18 EATON After-Christmas Clearance, each 1.99 +o 4.99 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPTS. 345 and 545 j k ¥, to 2 OFF! 99 to 2.49 MISSES' AND WOMEN'S DRESSES Reg. 5.98 to 19.98! f tailored daytime styles, as for evening in wool, crepes, zes 14% to 24%. Also ortment tweeds, rayon Misses' Junior sizes 9. to 15 EATON After-Christmas Clearance, each 2.99 to 9.99 BUDGET FASHIONS * Misses' Sportswear Reg. 2.99 to 25.00! PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) Choose from a wide variety of colours, fabrics and styles... included in the group are slims, skirts, blouses, sweaters, dresses and skiing apparel! Sizes 12 to 20 in the lot. Ends-of-lines. EATON After-Christmas Clearance, each 1.49 to 12.50 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 246 --- SPORTSWEAR <-- as 1/3to 2 OFF! Girls' and Teens' Wear Girls':' Reg. 2.98 to 16.98! Teens': Reg. 3.98 to 19.98! PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) Ends-of-lines clearance! Big savings on a wide assortment of girls' and teen's wear! Dresses in cotton, wool and novelty weaves styles and colours to suit every taste Suits of wool, wool blends or double knits -- two piece charmers Separates all the favourite styles in slims, sweaters and skirts. Wools and blends in plains and tweeds, Coats synthetic fur fabrics, wools, blends -- some fur trimmed = Housecoats prints and plains in a variety of fabrics Tights stretch tights --- some with cotton THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, December 26,1963 27 YOUNG OSHAWA | SHOP CLEARANCE! ¢ COATS e SUITS @ DRESSES @ SPORTSWEAR Reg. 4.99 to 69.98! PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) Big Savings in the Young Oshawa Shop! @ Coats in styles and colours galore! Synthetic fur fabrics, wools and blends -- even some fur collars! Suits 2-and 3-piece in fuzzy mohair blends, wools and double knits. Dresses of: wool and novelty weaves many styles! - skirts, sweaters and slims, Wools and tweeds, synthetics and blends Colour range includes cranberry, teal, .char- coal grey, black, olive and a host of others. terry lining A host of colours in the group and sizes that range from 7 to'14. But shop early for the best selection! EATON After-Christmas Clearance: Girls' wear, each Cees Teen's wear, tach ] mae 1.49.. 11.82 1.99. 18.32 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 211 e e e @ Sportswear e e Sizes 7 to 15 and 8 to 16 in the group! EATON After-Christmas Clearance, each 2.49 to 46.66 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, YOUNG OSHAWA SHOP DEPT, 311 Y2 PRICE CLEARANCE! Children's and Infants' Wear! PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) LITTLE BOYS' WEAR Reg. 1.49 to 9.98! @ End-of-line clearance! @ Jeans, sweaters, T-shirts, jackets. Wools, cottons and blends @ Wide range of colours. Sizes 2 to 6x in the group EATON After-Christmas Clearance, each 14 .. 4.99 SNOWSUITS and JACKET LITTLE GIRLS' DRESSES Reg. 2.98 to 16.98! @ Broken size range -- 2 to 6x in the group. @ Cottons and nylons -- good choice of styles and pretty colours, EATON After-Christmas Clearance, each 1.49 .. 8.49 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 210 3 I SPECIAL PURCHASE! GIRLS' SPORTSWEAR Reg. 1.69 to 5.50! @ End-of-line clearance that includes slims, sweaters, T- shirts and some suits. Wools cottons, synthetics = and blends, @ Wide choice of colours -- group includes sizes 2 to EATON After-Christmas Clearance, each 84. 2.15 INFANTS' WEAR Reg. .98 to 11.98! @ End-of-line, clearance of sapperalls, T-shirts, diaper sets, baby. ponts, etc. For boys and girls. e Wide colour range -- cot- tons ond synthetics in the group. Sizes 6 mos. to 2 yrs. included in the group. EATON After-Christmas Clearance, each AQ .. 5.99 Reg. 6.44 to 37.95. cock 4,29 .. 29.80 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 210 i> 5 VCVVVBB | SSSR REC RERERERERERE LH > hed Sa um ey Ue Sp a ui > AR 4 ote 2f, ey > » 5 uy > ERR Re: DR: ee 5 > AH Ado ee 3 > EVER w > Se Re Ne A> $ > SRR, 3 > i ty Sy ; & 3 > ® RRR > ay > \ | Special Purchase! Winter and Holiday Millinery PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (PI , No Teleph Mail O y] 5 % to 50 % 1 rr ! Ends-of-Lines A wide selection of jaunty toppers for your nines lie a 5 _ a .00 Clearance! Coats and Suits nice to give as gifts! Tailored and dressy styles . . . satin,. velours, PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) 4 simulated fur, velvets and Panne! All the bright: colours plus black, | Y2 PRICE! Reg. 10.98 to 89.95 | a | a us '4 brown, beige and white. EATON After-Christmas Clearance, each EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 204 VEBVE uy > Reg. 39.95 to 239.00! Broken size and colour ranges in Winter styles -- fur-trimmed and untrimmed! Wools, wool-and-mo- hairs and tweeds, some trimmed with mink, Nor- wegian fox, beaver and lynx! Good assortment of Reg. 39.95 to 115.00! Ends-of-lines in our leading silhouettes --- classic types and fashionable dressy styles! Many suits with fur. trimming, but not at all prices! Wool worsted Clearance of Fashion Dresses! - PERSONAL/ SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) Exceptional values offered in this extensive clearance in four of our dress sections. In the @ Sheaths, full skirts, pleats and gores. dramatic designs for after-six. aS 5 > tweeds and boucles in a wide range of colours. Misses' and women's sizes available, group you'll find: @ One-, two- and three-piece styles. @ Wool and cotton knits, "Arnel jerseys', silk surahs, rayon crepes and a variety. of novelty textured fabrics. colours in Junior Misses', Misses', Women's and Women's half-sizes. @ Casual and tailored daytime styles, SIZES: Junior Misses', 7 to 15; Misses', 10 to 20; Specialized, 122 to 242; Women's 32 to 44, 5.49 to 44-97 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPTS. 241, 341, 441, 541 5 > RRA RRR DDD DDD DDD DD DDD DDD EATON After-Christmas Clearance, each 19.95 t 76.00 =< EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPTS. 244.644 EATON After-Christmas Clearance, each 19.95 t 179.00 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPTS. 244-644 ARAN AFAR ARAN RNA AO A A A AG A AN A AN A A A A AA A A RS A RN A A A NAN AN NSA ANN AN ANA A ANNAN AAA AA LEVEE VE VERE EVEN E EUR, € £ g AAAS a > EATON After-Christmas Clearance, each 5 > € Vee es DAV