3g THY OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 26,1963 TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton WGR-TV Channel 2--Bulfalo WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester CKVR-TV Charnel 3--Barrie CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto | WBEN-IV Channel 4--Bulfalo| CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto- THURSDAY EVE. 5:06 PLM. H--Family Theatre --Kiddo #--Superman 7--The Early Show @3--Razzie Dazzle 4--Five 'O'clock Snow 4--Hutkleberry Hound $:30 PLM. 9-$--Yog! Ber 6--Music Hop 2-The Rifleman 6100 PLM. t--Biiko é--The Observer 3--Tombstone Territory 2--Today, "1963 6:15 PLM, 4--Headline News 6:30 PLM, 11-9-8-4-3-2--News: Weather and ports J--Jungie Jay Show 4:45 PLM. W--Family Theatre #-2--Huntiey Brinkley | 8:00 A.M. | 1--Captain Andy | 4--Captain Kangaroo | 9:00 A.M. | 11---Romper Room | 9--Momemakers Health Club' Popeye's Playhouse Mika Douglas Show 0:18 AM, Miss Helen 9:30 A.M, 9--Meta Jack Lalanne Show | | | | | | | 4--You and Your Family 10:00 A.M. 11--Eddie Alien Show 9.Playdate with Bobby 8-2--Say When 7--Girl Talk 63.Count of Monte Cristo 4--Calendar 10:30 A.M, 6--Chez 4--1 Love Lucy 11:00 A.M. | 9--Hideaway--Funtime | 7--Trailmaster | 63--Quick Draw McGraw | 4--Secret Storm 2---Captain Bob 4:00 P.M. 8--The Match Game 4:30 PLM. 9--Mickey Mouse Club 6--Father Knows Best 4--Leave it 'To Beaver 3--Popeye 2--Captain Bob and Mickey Mouse Club FRIDAY EVENING $:00 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 9--Kiddo 8--Superman 7--The Early Show 6-3----Razzie Dazzle 4--Five O'clock Show 5:30 FM. 9--Sea Hunt 6--Kingfisher Cove 3--Huckleberry Hound 2The Rifleman BUZ SAWYER 6:00 P.M # Punch and Johnny 6--A La Carte oe King Fenteres Gyedioni, Das, LE, Will Highs nomad PAPA JOE, THE CHIEF? © King Features Syndicate, Inc, 1963. World rights reserved, THEN WHERE IS HIS SON? I WANT HIM TO MEET MR. SAWYER, THE AMERICAN. WHOIS GOING TO MAKE A MOVIE IN BONGOLO. NOT HERE EITHER! Z1S JOSTLED, PDENL SES HIS NCE. 1S ITAN ACCIDENT? Ba" THERE'S NOTHING YOU WANT... JUST. MY, NOTEBOOKS, SOME LIPSTICK, A COMB AND THINGS LSE pe pre ----s THAT} 7 I WILL KEEP "THESE /un WE GO NOW/ 'Dorcas Unit | Elects Officers |At Blackstock By MRS. OLGA HILL BLACKSTOCK -- The mem. bers of the Dorcas unit met at the home of Mrs, Walter Wright recently. The leader, Mrs. Hill, opened jthe meeting with a reading, |The Loom of Christmas' and |prayer, which was followed by the singing of "'O Come All Ye Faithful.' The scripture, Christ- 'mas Story, was read by Mrs. \Lloyd Wright and Christmas readings were given | They were interspersed by jthe singing of carols and a jpiano solo, A Medley of Carols, iplayed by Mrs. H. Taylor. f | Business period included re- ports from secretary-treasurer, f jvisiting and Literature leaders, It was considered a yeny worth- while year had been spent. | Officers for 1964: Leader, \Mrs. Walter Wright; secretary, |Mrs. Leith Byers; treasurer, JANE ARDEN \- ---- - |) i eaeeaa = ae \ re . . ; pane i : 3-Highway Patrol | IR. " 2 ; . » ' . Mrs. Lloyd Wright: Community 9--Sports Hot Seat 2 Se Oe | CROSSWORD er f~ ' \ "1K a "4 / Friendship and Visiting, Mrs. 7-4--News, Weather 7--Price ts Right 6:18 PLM. : a ee rs . IM = ff H. Taylor; Literature, Mrs. C. Sports oretta Young Show 4--Headiine News en Q \ of a | y x Hill; 8a! Masterson The McCoys 610 PM, 2~--Bishop Sheen 11:30 A.M, 11-9-4-3--News; Weathers Dayes. 1~-Albert J. Steed Show Sports - - . 7:30 P.M. 8.2--Missing Links Jectunola jay. Show k After the >singing of another 9--The Outer Limite ceoeee Se 6--Hollywood Story : Sake anh oe ie ------ne - : " Lm ueRCRNAIE sasaiecan caro] and a_ Benediction, the T= The Elintston 6:45 PLM, | er "i a1 hostess served junch, stewardship, recruiting and membership, Mrs, F. --Candid amera 12:00 NOON Family Theatre Noonday. Report §-2--Huntley Brinkley i . ch . M | ate "9 FN 2 First 2 Of the ea i H Wei ded | A Pal 7:00 P.M. sayiueermmewn | hMeatpie: © T-Clodn as atowe mL Ra ge AL ay TTT ba : '« <5} Nominations (ee mde Soe oh : (7 : i Entered At ZW |\' =|" Blackstock Meet Sports f ¢ 1 it. 12:18 PM Sn a 15. P take -10. Vent 32. Like Yesterday's Answer Noonday . Report : 12:30 P.M, 7:30 P.M Kiddo Cartoons p 39. and Salarnational 7 Pokes bir 4. Keep in shut case } asin Spreads marching g sto dry 2. Large body "MICKEY MOUSE LUAU TA Y 3 By MRS. OLGA HILL BLACKSTOCK --The Christ- jmas meeting of the ONO Club jwas held at the home of Mrs. 'Jean McLaughlin recently, | President Gwen Ballingal con- |ducted the business period dur- es are 8--Matir p Andy. Gritrith | é jing which Gwen Thompson gave oo Harel 'ternaen Sh 2Bob Hope. 4 4 : | the treasurer's report. Elaine 10:00 FM ; Ga the Dalandor : ; | j 5 Bailey reported on fruit and pe cic han co flowers sent out during the year, The roll call was answered with A Childhood Christmas Memory. Final plans for the New Year's Eve dance were |made. | Ruby Van Camp presented the report of the nominating committee as follows: Past president, Gwen Ballingal; pres- jident, Edith McLaughlin; 1st |vice-pres., Joan Paisley; 2nd vice-pres., Norma Van Camp; secretary, Eleanor Werry; =m treasurer, Josie Hamilton; HATEZ-VOUS DE CONSTRUIRE fruit and flowers, Alma Duff; ___ DES BARQUES ET DES CHALOUP ES" : press, Jean McLaughlin; scrap * COMMANDE MAIGOHNEWVE. : 5 '|\book, Gladys Trewin, ; = The exchange of gifst from the Christmas tree with Gwen Ballingal acting as Santa was |next on the agenda, followed by emer junch From Your PONTIAG -- BUICK -- ACADIAN -- VAUXHALL Dealer oar THE Candace Unit lig CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Ltd, |#:Becs= . Holds Social 266 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA 723-4634 ny and, OLGA Sn |. BLACKSTOCK -- The meeting of the Candace Unit took the form' of a social evening with THEYRE GOING FOR THER | \the husbands as guests and was GUNS / CUT LOOSE/ jheld at the Manse recently. PO | Mrs, Romeril extended a wel- jcome. Mrs. Dalton Dorrell gave 'a Christmas devotional. The rest of the evening was spent play- jing games ana singing carois followed by lunch. googena' h for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M 4--Perry Mason 9:30 PLM, 9 Jack Paar ""e2 Kral Theatre J--Sid Caesar 1:30 PM 9:00 P.M, t Mid-Day Matinee Jamboree 'aaa ke B aM é LA. , rede aie Ee ack Benny 37. Blemis ty, i! t V7, . ae f\ "MEME 1 TOUS LES ARBRES DE $--Thriller vies . 9:30 P.M Z } ~ g LYLE DE MONT@BAL ETAIENT CHANGES EN ROQUONS,C'EST 6--Alfred Hit 4--The Nurses TOWT LE MONDE EST 4 ANXIEUX DE S'EMBARQUER, -- (/ 4 : meh : 7) Petficoat Junction 9--Let's Sing Out ove Lucy 8---Death Valley Days @--Redigo 6-4-3---Password 7--Price Is Right 7--Buffalo Bill 2--People Will Tak 6-3--Telescope 11:00 PM, Michie ao 1.6442--N 9 The Millionaire wee ecsial 8-2--The Doctors 7--Day in Court 1i--Greatest Show On 10:30 P.M 2:00 PLM, 11---Have Gun Will Travel 9 1:18 PLM. 6-3--Scariett Hill spony 9--Melro Final 4--House Party Wothe Breakino' Paik Viewpoint 3:00° P.M. 8-2--Jack Paar 7--Fight of The, Week f } rs i 11:20 PM. 9--Here's Looking At You 4 The Nurses | J | ; W1--TV Open Line 8-2--Loretta Youn 4--Alfred Hitchcock" How a 8 oo i "+ z : a 7-4--Late Show / : 3--The Untouchables DOWN | | { ' j 11:30 P.M 4--To Tel! The Truth 11:00 P.M, | - Father |4 47 ZU} bend, 4 Feature Showcase 3:30 P.M. 11-8-7-6e4e-2--Newsy colloq. : : { Uys 9--Pierre Berton Hour Randy Dandy Weather Sports 2 Persia . ; : ie Awe St 1t'SHORDOY! Oppit 3_Naked City 9--People In Conflict | 1:18: PAA » AKO1O) ' of II NVH? FIAMMA WIALNOWIO QW YTS) IHL Wt SFM FAL TW dt IAS LES CANADIENS $-2--You Don't Say | FRIDAY | 7--Who Do You Trust 9--Metro Final 1:3 AM. | 63--Friendly Giant | 6--Viewpoint 7--Recket Ship 4--~Edge of Night ' 3-2--News and Sports BANAHNOSIVYE SONY WANT? SAOTIVHS "ZY9130 Ins SL POVBVE 0} SHON! OMY SLYOR GUND PRIM, . : t fa Tae THASS ~CHUCKLE/7-- Ad BECUZ THEY DON'T "A MERRY " DAST ADMIT THEY 4 DONT GIVEA HOOT S CHRISTMAS "== BELIEVE IN IT? roe rs TO ALLIN so 7 sp eH JEST COMES EV'R 9 OE YAR, IRREGARDLESS" Jf WERE PASSING THROUGH AND "HOLED UP IN THIS ABANPONED LINE SHACK | ANY LAW AGAINST THATP _Al FUNNY!9-TH' AIR TRAFFIC REPORT DON'T SAY PP-THAR'S A PEEKOOLYAR TYPE. O' AIRCRAFT FLYIN' ON OUR COURSE!' AS THE DRIFTERS START OUT THE LONE RANGER LI'L ABNER Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer NE LESS A Oe Po < land boys spent last . weekend b<- | ' jwith her mother, Mrs. McDoug- Oe eS. 7 G = Se r at ' Uf WPF 1) ; bela other friends at St, Ve Se , | : 2 a iy Ae 9) oN Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell and girls left recently and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner and girls jeft Saturday to spend the holi- days in Florida. | Mr. C. Turner is visiting his jdaughter at Cardinal. | Over 80 students and most jof the high school students char- tered' buses and went to the |Crest Theatre in Toronto recent- \ly. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer lare visiting their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Strang of Ot- tawa, uerituted by King Features Ryeairaia, 0K, OK, JUNIOR ! ig SHHH!,..TLL TELL ws THAT'S ENOUGH !! "EM FOR YOU... MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYBODY! MUGGS AND SKEETER DONALD DUCK | NAMES PROMOTER CHERRY HILL, N.J. (AP)-- New _ middleweight champion |Joey Giardello ruled out the NO KIDDING, INEST SUIE GRATIA =N Madison Square Garden boxing GAY SOMETHING ) PARVIS. WHICH MEANS,! |department Monday as promo- WHAT TOOK YOU Bl lye IN LATIN, ROUGHLY, DON'T KNOCK | ter of his first defence and said SO LONG, DOLL?) ie iB 4 2 / OH... HOME DARLING. THE LITTLE THINGS IN LIF& jhe plans an outdoor title bout ; : ECONOMICS y a Seer rater iNT Teae jthis summer. The opponent, ND LATIN LA : SING. SO... DARLING, a PUCKER UPR Ae date and site of his first defence 12-15 WHY ARE YOU TAK 4) YER TEMPERATURE VO NOU THINK SES k - tH PeNee? AAG b 2 V 4 as are undecided, but it will be promoted by Garden State {Sports Corp. of Teaneck, N.J., jand Lou Duva, a Paterson, N.J., |promoter. He also said he plans three or four non-title fights within the next few months. ig ISALLY'S_SALLIES | 'JULIET JONES UT Me BORROWED] [I yUST USED TT 1 SN [lf we pipn't Have Syl WOULD YOU )/|/| ie "Sy( (T FORA Ji & TOFISHA BORROWED) » ANYINKSG "~ ~ RATHER. QHY WHO'S BEE n\b FEW "4 [STRINGOUT OF \ IT, TOO, 4 |I FILLED 17 WITH )@=C WE DIDN'T are > USING MY 2 MINUTES,| |THE DRAINPIPE ) DADDY, GRAPE JUICE <4 "y /, BORROW IT "> 8G N? . ? - FOUNTAIN PE . DEAR OF MY SINK » BUT IT | AT ALL, DEAR? ' MS WAS EMPTY { | Oo, bene YEAH, I SAW NO HANDS AND ALL NICE OF HER TO GIVE GRANDMA DOIN' THAT SORTA ME THE CASH FORA TRICK RIDING ON ce F/ NEW BIKE / YOUR BICYCLE YESTERDAY! age GRANDMA but that was so long ago you'd better bring 8 Christmas pudding.