|50-per-cent cut in- slmost.their:fall of a huge wheat and- flour whole tariff structure. jsale to that country, Other long-. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 26, 1765 judge Denies Bail For NEW . : Now Showing doris day james garner polly bergen. **move "ever, darling"' CINEMASCOPE @DLOR By Beatin sideration at the Jan MONTREAL (CP)--The Ca- sumption of the bond hearing nadian World Exhibition Corpor- ation plans to select a new sym- bol for the 1967 world's fair in Montreal well before the end of 1964, the deadline given it by Parliament Friday After calling it a "monstros- ity," "weird," and "sickening," the Commons threw out a sym- bol designed by Montreal artist Julien Hebert and approved by the exhibition corporation board of directors The symbol was a line with two diagorial stretching upwards to represent arms. The artist had arranged them in eight pairs in a circle to indicate the shape of the earth. "They'll likely agree on noth-|tive developments: Tce shares ert ation ©: Robert Shaw, deputy-commuis-|ing less than a clinche-ridden) 1, An unprecedented govern- Pegs iol sai aha which sioner general of the corpora-/montage picturing a beaver, ment trusteeship was placed on Capt. Henry Francis Walsh, a trade and "invisibles"' or smon- tion, told a press. conference|moose, fleur - de - lis, Mountie,/che Seafarers' International Un-/riyal union organizer beaten up Monday fair: salesmen seeking|shield and even including the!jon of Canada and four other in Owen Sound, Ont.. in 1957 exhibitors are going on the road|kitchen sink." marine unions in an effort to" 'The accused. offered no. de. fF R ll D A y . . . Ritchie Knight and the in January and must first be Cea end labor violence on the Great fence Monday at voluntary Mid-Knights 1s Table Accommodation for 600 vertical lines) "I monstrosity .would be acceptable|cial Credit MPs and sometimes | /! to Canadian politicians when it/the New Democrats or Credi-/" ! 18 | . : : Legislative Left Canada To Press For (iii Ss in'nce treme thas faded in recent months. | e 18 '@ | 1ve e overs i |'There are also signs of EEC re-|were made with Poland, Cre- : ; » |luctance on the U.S. demand--|choslovakia and Bulgaria. |strongly backed by Canada -- ' : ; : ' y © sj ltogether, the agreements es : JakRuby New E xport CHANCE|S teres ieee ten Ait ea pete itter Commons Table 2s, co TICES Be SleR Noh Sle Sa a Judge Joe Brown refused Mon-| gppawa (CP) Canad ie : : |wheat for shipment during three : we ' aiday: to' release. Jack Ruby,|. say : Canada| merchandise dealings -- notably|France, would have had wide CANADA COMMITTED to five years. By RONALD LEBEL --_|_1..The Canada Pension Plan,jernment subsidies to the CNR) Javer of accused presidential -- a maior gen pone 1963| profit and interest payments to repercussions on Canadian, Mr. Sharp said tariffs must be Mt Sharp has said Canada OTTAWA (CP) -- Substantial|introduced in the Commons Julyjand CPR. lassassin Lee Harvey Oswald, on he Decent Eee ta Pd ise uh foreign investors. conde cut if Canadian goods are to en-\CoUld be selling even more leftovers littered the table when|18, boycotted by Quebec, at- 3. A major overhaul of Can- pond. 8 f vides | There has been a stubbornly py y : ter foreign markets to the de-| Wheat if the overburdened trans- Parliament prorogued Saturday|tacked strongly by some sectors|ada's election laws. | Ha fenessad the bond hearing 4 rest of the world. . --_--_'steady deficit on invisibles of FE ead ede dater ie sired extent. portation system could get the night after nibbling on the Lib-/of the business community and! The 1964 menu also lists such|yntil Jan. 10 and ordered the surther 'me "stop toward. thadlche dace sea 00,000 in each Of bold. venture--the fon another! Canada, however, will have a| Stan 10 dockside. eral legislative program for 23/modified at a series of federal-|/items expanded mortgage and|52-year-old night club operator urther big step toward thatithe last five years. The govern- : eee °F special position in the GATT ne- i |provincial talks. |housi ovisions. changes in 8 ub operator goal, combined with the. open-|ment's goal is to offset as much *WoCPn& cuts in tariffs and| sotiations. It won't have to fol-| A wide array of touchy, cru-| 2, Far-reaching changes inline yee ips onan Gime ee ing of momentous trade negotia-lof this as possible by trade sur. Mer trade barrier among! iow other major traders in mak- ' cial issues were left over for|railway legislation, affecting the| scheme i spel labo Gode wid After Brown announced the tions aimed at a sweeping re-/pluses, 'and this year was the member nations of GATT--the ing a linear, across-the-board) NEW YE. ' the 1064 session opening in thejabandonment of Bagger bomen Indian claims commission. ps ; vig ange Gnince suction of international trading/first to show a major result. boop oe hegeaiit on Tariffs\cut in its tariffs. But it has| i ee Get 'or y, to é judge barriers. i y i : . A second week of February. These) branch lines na ergs The much-critioized - aplitting/thee he wanted a chan 8 : ce Economists now anticipate the) Beall : 2 agreed to make selective cuts issues include: lservices, freight rates a BOv-) t the Northwest Territories int | chang The negotiations will start at/Over-all balance - of - payments reliminary discussions have giving other countries trade con- jor ue NO abil ehh sabecig et venue. Geneva in May as some 50 na-(deficit for 1963 will drop to the continued since last May, lead-/cessions of equal value to those EVE had new territories also was le! We shall move for a change tions meet to consider theineighborhood of $550,000,- ing up to the formal opening|gained by Canada. . wees : of venue because it is impos-)United States proposal for broad}000 from $848,000,000 in 1962. Next May 40f GATT's "Kennedy, The last year brought or, alr ym 0 | As well, the 1964 session will|/sible to get a fair trial here in cuts of up to 50 per cent in their)That would be the largest of round"' of negotiations, na med marked change In Canada's ibe askedto approve a bilingual|Dallas because of statements tariff walls. For Canada, it will|/four successive annual declines after the late president who'trade position with the Commu- |program for the civil service,|that have been made and now| mean lowering protective tariffs|in the payments deficit from the fathered the plan. nist world. s jvarious government reomganiza-jare being made by the Dallas in order to gain new export op-|peak in 1959 of $1,504,000,000. Still uncertain is whether! Not only was a renewed long- ac e 1S tions, Criminal Code amend-|News,"' he said portunities. Hopeful forecasts call for a Some GATT members, especi-\term wheat agreement signed | ments, air transport laws and| Judge Brown said he would Canada approaches the nego- further improvement next year ally the six - nation EEC, will] with China, but crop failures in Old Ti Mod: new bankruptcy procedures. take Belli's remarks under con- tiations -- a possible turning) The 1963 trade boom is cred- agree to the U.S, proposal for a!the Soviet Union led to the wind- dhded ern Monday received a flick in the) During the first session under 10 re- point in world trade relations--jited to. three main factors: The = = = : eye from the verbal paintbrush minority Liberal management, with its own trade position| 1962 devaluation of the dollar's of a well-known Canadian artist.| controversy piled on contro-|~---- stronger than it has been for|exchange rate which gave Ca 9 P.M. TILL 7 Graphic designer Chris Yanef) o1<. over the minority govern-| many years nadian producers a competitive of Toronto said Politicians ments approach to 'economic! Banks Offers The year just ending produced|edge against the rest of the |\'shoule stick to their politick- affairs, defence, English-French the third surplus in a row on |world; huge outflows of wheat ® Hats e Horns jing and keep hands off things relations and transport merchandise trade, and perhaps|to Russia, Communist China and they don't understand." : ' : No Defence In the largest since 1948. others; and prosperity in Can-) * Balleon Said designer Yaneff: "If/ RECALL ELECTION A late-year rush of wheat ex- Oe major markets in the $s here ny 1 The animosities of the April 8 ports forced an upward revision) U.S., Britain, Europe and Japan os b is ae egal -- election campaign remained ue ec ourt in expectations. Government of-| BRITAIN SHUT OUT e Noise Makers whereby this design can be re-| alive for months and the ever- ficials now are talking of mer-| The year began with the col- instated, I emphatically -urgelpresent possibility of a snap MONTREAL (CP)--Harold C.,chandise exports exceeding im-|lapse of Britain's long and stren the fair's directors. to make the election precocupied many MPs. Banks, president of the Seafar- ports 'by $400.000 000 to $500,-uous campaign to enter the Fu greg ty ay But the Liberals survived vote) hs" Intemational Union of Can: toy emarpre earlier prediction af/and ils prosperous Common S i y a y yi .| ada , an wo-rank-and r Sharp's earlie edic : > shudder to think whatjafter vote with the help of So le SIU members. Eldon Rich.a trade surplus of $300,000,000|Market.. This step, vetoed by rdson. 38, and Paul Carsh, 37, to $400,000,000. The 1962 surplus comes to adecision on a new tistes. were formally committed to was $82,000,000 national flag ; : mn trial on conspiracy charges Canada still is in These were the main legisla- Monday its' current international °bal- ADMISSION: $6.00 per Couple You Will Be SINGLE TICKETS $3.50 ARRESTED if you try CARMICHAEL'S Famous ""MEATMASTER" BARBEQUE CHICKEN The delicious nc fic r will pamper full of savory STUFFING. @ SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND » VY, CHICKEN DINNERS $1.25 Home - Made Mest & Chicken Pies -- Grilled Steaks Orders to go" our Specialty PHONE 725-0907 PARK RD. SOUTH AT 401 the red in Every Year More Fun For Less Money RED BARN For Reservetions Phone Harold Reddick-725-3093 Red Barn - 725-0022 <4 ALSO PAUL NEWMAN @ JOANNE WOODWARD e JACK CARSON Ratty ROUND THE FiaG, Boys! i } RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT of - payments position, covers both merchandise in possession of a fair symbol MONTREAL (CP)--The ArtiLakes. statement .a pre-trial stage in The only reason the symbol stort Bromo ae +: Taxes were increased {0 ti- Quebec legal procedure at was included in the fair pigeen|e hie the decision of an ill.Dance new programs and per-|which the defence may present tion submitted a vbggrsé cor-| assembled boay 'a redécting | 3 reduce the deficits of re-|evidence in an effort to. quash that lawyers had told the cor- ' 'lcent years trial yatigy . >» sym-|through lack of knowledge and : daca nyse apeohageng Basil fl |qualified nilsson & the' Mont- 3. On the economic planning, Originally charged with con- bol would give the co Oe chin [Peal world's fair symbol front. a 28-member economic|spiracy to commit assault with more complete patent rig The alae ed Gy council and a department of in-|intent to cause bodily harm Mr, Shaw said See uh oon a ae Fr Yidustry were: established. Ajcarrying a two-year maximum : the House of Comons last FTi-| e499 999 900 municipal loan fund|penalty, the trio's charges were was created amended by Judge Emile Trot- who last week registered horror} In a statement Monday night, ; : ans tier to conspiracy to commit as- at the proposed design for the|the Art Directors' Club called); PENSIONS RAISED sault with intent to wound, 1967 world's fair in Montreal, the decisions "unjust and un-| 4. Old Age pensions to all at)maim or disfigure pshasd ada civic caste -- --|warranted ridicule and deroga-|age 70 and pensions for the 95 M b ldian design has been held up to|/needy aged 65-69, the blind and Appointed To the world." the disabled were increased by Economic Group, TORONTO ~ 282-3969 -- WHITBY 668-2692 BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 P.M. INCLUDING SUNDAYS e@ FREE ELECTRIC IN CAR HEATERS @ Party Favourites! TORONTO (CP) -- Politicians) 44Y READY TO SERVE KRAFT DIPS 8-OZ. 39° JAR KRAFT PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese Young Daredevils STAN LAUREL and OLIVER HARDY PEPE NLT OE OE UE EO soaring Over Roaring World - of the Circus! . Mes wishes everyone @... 'The universal reaction cre- $10 to $75 monthly ated by the damaging effects of . Other bills extended gold min ill-advised opinion, can seriously ing subsidies for four years and affect the success of the 1967\small business loans for three OTTAWA (CP)--The appoint- ment of 25 members of the Eco- nomic Council of Canada was announced Monday by Prime world's fair years re eee ee a "The Minister Pearson The list includes H. George De YOU'LL HAVE TO SEE deegeg Flying Young the head of the former National Productivity Council, and Ian MackKeigan of Halifax, chairman of the Atlantic eve- opment Board The government already had named Dr. John J. Deutsch, for- merly of Queen's University, as chairman of the council, and J. L. E. Couillard and Arthur J R. Smith as directors. The three posts are full-time jobs The other 25 council members) will serve on a part-time basis Nine of them were appointed] for a term of four years, seven| for three years and nine for two years The council's job is to advise} the government. how Canada| can achieve: the highest possi-| ble levels of employment and} efficient production Council members from Onta- rio are CONTINUOUS DAILY IT TO BELIEVE IT! \ METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER rena The story of a littie boy and his underwater friend! CHUCK CONNORS gfe" SECOND BIG LUKE HALPIN "Fupper COLOR HIT! WHERE THE TALKING DRUMS TELL ATALE OF TERROR! ey fF - A. R. Gibbons, secretary, na-\* tional legislative committee, In- national Railway _ Brother-| hoods; Claude Jodoin, presi-| dent, Canadian Labor Congress; LAST TIME TONITE "GIDGET GOES TO ROME" (Color) Plus -- "JUST FOR FUN" (1st Run) David L. Kirk, secretary-treas- urer, Canadian Federation of Agriculture; Stanley A. Little, national president, Cana-\2 dian Union of Public Employ- ¢ ees (CLC); Mrs. A. F. W. Plum- ptre, national president Con- sumers' Association of Canada all of Ottawa Mr. De Young, Laydman, international president, International Broth- erhood of Electrical Workers (CLC), William Mahoney, na- tional director for Canada, United Steelworkers of America (CLL),. William O..Twaits, pres-|§ ident, Imperial Oil Ltd., all of/§ Welland; W vice KIRK DOUGLAS ANTHONY QUINN "LAST TRAIN FROM oO GUN HILL" TECHNICOLOR BURT LANCASTER KIRK DOUGLAS satis 7 Nes "GUNFIGHT AT THE 0.K. CORRAL" TECHNICOLOR STARTS FRIDAY "GREAT GUNS" Fontaines' IN COLOR / Kies T 11:30 P.M, . Hear Js > Fun In Acapulco". "Bossa Nova Baby And Other Tunehil And Terrific jl Songs In RCA's i S""FUN IN ACAPLLCO™ Album. "s | HATS! HORNS! BALLOONS! AND $250.00 IN DOOR PRIZES! , ALL SEATS $1.25 @ BUY YOURS TODAY! FAMOUS PLAYFRS THEATRE BILTMORE 19.2. MONTH FOR LIFE 'FOR YOUR HOLIDAY ENJOYMENT ! ; LE Ce UE HE'S MARRIED TO HER PE EOS EEE OS OT OE rari ee ee eR ee Tee! cece! 2 5 s iy HOLIDAY PRODUCE Smooth, Juicy, thin skinned Good Size 10 ~~ 69° wisizisE Arizona's Finest GREEN ONIONS ORIGINAL BUNCHES GRAPEFRUIT PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL NEW YEAR'S EVE -- DEC. 31st voz. 37 . Giant 48-Oz. Jer GRIMSBY GHERKINS an 7 QP Sweet Mixed -- 48-Oz. Jars Supreme Pickles JAR 69* SUNSPUN ICE CREAM ion 93° GALLON Maple Leaf fully cooked skinless-shankless SMOKED HAMS SHANK PORTION LB. 7° JUST HEAT AND EAT! -- FULLY COOKED HAM SLICES THE KING OF ROASTS -- "SPECIALLY SELECTED" Standing RIB ROASTS SWIFT PREMIUM Snack TASTY MILD SEASONED POLISH CHUBS 3 for 65° SAUSAGE BUTT PORTION LB. 69° w». 79. ». 65: | Ib. 59¢ 3m 29° | NUE RUE ELE EUR BEST BUY! -- SAVE 5c! --- AYLMER TOMATO SOUP Toronto. $300 A FROM AGE 65 Here is a plan to provide your family if you should die, or for your retirement years if you survive You make regular payment to the Sun Life of Canada, then at age 65, you start receiving $300 a month for life, or if you prefer, $44,150 in cash. Both of these amounts can be increased by leaving your dividents on deposit. Should you-not survive to age 65, a minimum of $30,000 will be paid immediately to your family. By completing the enquiry form below, you can obtain details suitable to your personal situation. Plans can be arranged to provide various amounts matur- ing at age 60 or 65, SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE NAME | Exect Date Of Birth ADDRESS wy <6 Ras 1-LB. a PKGS. AND IT'S SHEER BEDLAM FROM MORNING 'TIL NIGHT! james garner polly bergen . **move ver, dariing" 6-OZ TINS ceverveome TRELAM PTTER FRED CLARK DON AMOTTS FLLVOTT OFND echuck connors smieen > AARON ROSENBERG 8 MARTIN MELCHER pemeee UHT RON Nene w: HAL KANTER 8 JACK SHER ore wy orca Vy Z: oe DOORS OPEN 1 P.M | rN '9 : SHOW STARTS 1:20. Save 20c! -- Red & White Instant Coffee 8.0Z. 99° BEST BUY! -- FRESH FROZEN BEST BUY! -- SAVE 5c! -- ROSE BRAND 10-0Z. A °°: Age MARGARINE 4 BEST BUY! -- SAVE 8c -- FANCY RED SOCKEYE LEMON JUICE He BEST BUY! -- SAVE 26c! -- ECONOMY POP-UP ' LEENEX TISSU 39 K E 4 xcs, $ RED & WHITE SETS THE PRICE! SLVEIET BUPEKV Ck CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL 948 SIMCOE STREET NORTH BROWN'S MARKETERIA MAPLE GROVE MARKET FEATURE ye genre ceric aad BROOKLIN, ONTARIO MAPLE GROVE, ONTARIO HOME BUSINESS | 723-2883 JAR 725-4563 OCCUPATION GREEN PEAS OR 2-LB. SUPREME cers: CORN ECONOMY BAG 93° TINS BEST BUY! -- SAVE 8c! -- TREESWEET SALMON CLOVER LEAF % SPROULE'S DUFFY'S MARKET