Prairie Farmer Faces --!, DTAnTS TOMORROW W 'S$ |¢ Our Merry-Merry Xmas Hit! Another Golden Year | WINNIPEG (CP) For the tum sold 1.100 tractors .and says the province's: so-so year Prairie farmer, prospects for 1,400 combines * was made worse by a fall in another golden year in 1964 de ae Rae y iog and cattle prices. Fearfu pend jargely on where he tills OPTIMISTIC FOR '64 of what effect the dry fall had the soil. Sales wete Up - 14 per cent on moisture reserves. he says pa from 1962 and Chuck McCul prospects for the 1964 crop The Saskatchewan farmer has ou " titi gh of the firm's Regina Of- are 'generally not too good ? scarcely a cloud on the horizon f in gaae 1064 Will We as goad ot generaily not £00 ad ©. ie Good 1963 rains which helped joqoe ye eda Necutaat ee i ve Old Time--Modern ae 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 24, 1963 better. He's optimistic even ALBERTA DOES WELL the province grow the bulk of U Bey pee s Aah ne bd Uiough many farmers extended In Alberta, final farm income the record 703,000,000 - bushe! , ue 5 ; their credit to the limit to buy figures are not available. but P " TILL ? in stn, wheat crop also built up SO!' machinery to harvest the 1963 Ed Nelson, president of the Al 9 atten AND 11'S SHEER BEDLAM FROM MORNING 'TIL | moisture emda Even : op crop, "and that's machinery berta Farmers' Union. says bet hidekts F comes up dry, farm experts [8- they won't need next yeat ter-than-average grain produc ure the reserves will go a long' Boh Schmidt operator of a tion in 1963 made it a good 1d Hats bd Horns Se way to producing a good Crop. yuek-car outlet in Wolseley. yeal doris day Some sections of Alberta and Sask., shares the general opt He estimates that total cas! e Balloons james garner Manitoba did not get- good sum- mism. "Sales have been rea! income is. up somewhat a mer rains and may be in fo fine. Next year should be just though it will be = distribut o Noise Makers polly bergen ° moisture problems in 1964 as good, maybe better." among more farmers aiid is a jet tame eas idan Of the three provinces, it was Manitoba's net per capila ready offset to some degree b ee Saskatchewan that really hit the farm income for 1963 is ecsti- higher machinery prices Table Accommodation move even HEU) RCTTEE FRED GLARE DO RRTTE RUB jackpot in 1963. And with farm mated at $3.000, a sharp drop Prospects should 'be brighite ever. " ailtend bins bulging with wheat, it from the big year in 1962. Even for 1984 because of a substar for 600 > rohuck ronnors seems certain to benefit mos: so, the Manitoba picture has its tia] carryover from the 196 darling me anon ROSE NBLAG 6 MARTON ME LonE from the $500:000.000 wheat dea! bright spots. Garden crops and' crop GORDON sermrm se w HAL KANTER & GK GER with the Soviet Union. It ac- sugar beets ,enerally had goed ADMISSION $6.00 per Couple ounts for more than twice the vields to ited eit disappoint OUR SINGLE TICKETS $3.50 wheat output of Manitoba and ing grain production : Alberta where farming is more And wheat holdover from 196 Christmas Present E Y M F diversified helped soften the blow of a 1965 TO YOU!! very Teer more run Nevertheless. the' whole Prai- Manitoba erop that was below | Ployers and Export For Less Money rie farm economy is basically'average in quantity and quality CIGARETTES y] 91 scund. the experts say. and this Significantly Massey F Per Carton jis borne out by farm implement guson has budgeted for only a FREE ORANGE CRUSH ale Massey-Ferguson had its slight sales increase in the prov itt 4 R BIG TREE, SMALL CAR biggest sales ever. In Saskatch- ince: in 1964 lise dit QUARTER ewan, where net income pe Herb Andresen, president o BAR B. Q. CHICKEN For Reservations Phone gn-make ca yws 'more than 1M feet tall, stands /4). j re $6.750. the the Manitoba. Farmers' Union : Higher than the: car corm, (lL A pecond 98,75), Whe tne Manitope far Harold Reddick-725-3093 he olved the yroblem he todas i cae Pere aw iA the and it's twite as:tall LORE LOOLRE CLE OL LLL ELE LOE LEE EE ERIE, CARMICHAEL'S Red Barn - 725-0022 EE et ee Merry Christmas to All! : "BARBECUE Lineups Form At __P!IDENDs , By THE CANADIAN PRESS Cuba Food Stores winnie" ™ Du Pont of Canada Lid., pfd s pe cent, 9334 cents, Jan 1964, record Dec. 31 OF 98 Br Decree ALSO PAUL NEWMAN e JOANNE WOODWARD e JACK CARSON COMING! semesinenenes ee eRC, TINGMASCOPE COLOR by DELUXE ax EE NN RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT MONE ~ TORONTO ~ 282-3989 -- wniTBy 668-n60 BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 P.M. -- INCLUDING SUNDAYS © FREE ELECTRIC IN CAR HEATERS @ ENDS TODAY "HORROR HOTEL" and "MANIAC" Wishing All A "MERRY CHRISTMAS" MANAGEMENT AND STAFF ODEON BAY RIDGES DRIVE-IN *< THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF THE BILTMORE (ODEON) THEATRE EXTENDS Pe TO ALL OSHAWA CITIZENS BEST Merry Christmas WISHES FOR A HAPPY HOLIDAY! THIS THEATRE WILL BE CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY TO ALLOW OUR EMPLOYEES TO ENJOY THE HOLIDAY WITH THEIR FAMILIES @STARTING THURSDAY e cate EME ENE Prrerarerentetereee's" Christmas Eve -- Christmas Night -- Boxing Day Your Happy Holiday Show! JAMES DARREN BOBBY VEE CINDY CAROL THE CRICKETS and Big Cast in... FREDDY CANON THE TORNADOS "GIDGET 0 the EO ME EO OE OL NE HAVANA (AP me stand im a iong ne out a nh { 4 big Havana store vation é aL: aaa waiting for their extr food for Christma tle fhe 1 Aristm ara nM WEARS DUPLICATE ead a huge sign draped f pee ie etet al Actor Ralph Bellam who a nearby roof-top Re s bla wh. s fe starred 1 Sunrise at Campo Joy, galety and arm f irt ilelide Cardi: pelio wears a ving that is a ¢ Cuban and socialist Peat é ! y of the duplicate of one worn by Frank mas We his socialist Christmas jn Pp. Roosevelt Food is short it if iY an f reg ty TOMORROW HE WONDERFUL STORY OF A BOY AND HIS GOES TO Big-Teen Musical WALT DISNEY'S 20 Minutes In AMAZING UNDERWATER FRIEND! BR Disneyland! ace ULL ' ROME" [JUST FOR|E |p anpy'| | so rouroe IN COLOR FUN" OF TROUBLE" , ' It's a Riot of Fun! st Oshowe Showing In Technicolor TONY CURTIS TREAT TE make things a bit easie Avil é nore ome Unde 4 OEE OS EM LEE TO EOS NE ME EM EME ZORA CE " y -- EXTRA over 50 rolls of car- _ BILTMOR Fa teh q 3 BIG CARTOONS | | pet on display. No E Ke 6:45 P.M 4 \esiche he Se Sots Se 4 : , ape OF matter what type of BADD Beis Dr De DTM bs hee De Deere De Deer Di Be Whe De Me Be Ded ido PDided Peterboro Gets Cities ah ~ "se 4) . peut i carpet you want, you ---- - ------ mited t less than thre will be able to see it Federal kere House Project gt a d > sub-machir OTTAWA CP Joint fe kates and. b 9 0 fusing projec f book entitled Dow 1 4 ~ 1 immin: Palmerston and Peé - tie 1 shows La Ameri "> 174 MARY ST. ; jae aye | ae ' : foe Metro Goldwyn Mayer erborough were announced jeg 5 sliked bv Havana Se as eo presents Monday by Central Mortg 1 m Chev are _dotr 728-4681 4 eae ee 4 : ea Coron Gi ate Cae sem Dy ae ag ad AY same ea \h) ele oa £1iPPe 32d te AFRICA" A Jf-umt rental housing p i 5 ect w be. built in Tima on yin ae 3 . Via : the fabulous dolphin IN COLOR ko the adsval "aneaenn {COMO CELE ELLE LE LEE EERE LOE " ie ae py. ae CHUCK CONNORS "a paying 75 per cent of the FA : ' . Aa ; Ss ; 3 y 4 and the province and the § 5% Me SPECIAL be ' R . Oe semi-detached 'unite miade up of 6 ee 7% BNA ky eee tay LUKE HALPIN "FuPPER 4 three-bedroom init fou ms CHRISTMAS DANCE he bes Sd of » hs ' : ' é 3 sage DOORS OPEN CHRISTMAS AT 3 P.M our-bedroom units and two { ig Fi me te ' ; > : es. a ; 4 TODAY ONLY: "'TARZAN'S 3 CHALLENGES' ond _-- units : oy ; WEDNESDAY, DEC. 25 'a is : 4 Wie an ae "YOUNG AND THE BRAVE almerston, a 20-us en- 3 é ' : tal housing project will he buiit | mae The LINCOLNAIRES a FT 4 16 Be a ae é ' enna nder the same fina al terms. § BY : ; % 3 4 x ricutenaat wien FR With VICKIE LANG mh Wes te : THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF nree-bedroom and fou fovr-¢ DANCING 9 p.m. till 12.30 -- TICKETS $1.50 AR a : we ee : ae AS WISH EVERYONE three-bedroom and four-bedroom units and four ; Th BES . : eee ee zz. i : : . nerhedriom. Fone, unis. 7 a A he Vig 3 : A MERRY CHRISTMAS \ additiona 327 esidenti 2 4 . '4 ' . i building lots will be. deveoped : - ' : ; ne wal ' ' NOTE: DOORS OPEN 3 P.M. CHRISTMAS DAY he Edmisor ights land a bi projet tetera | Sar A ead \ AS FOR YOUR HOLIDAY FUN! diana gplbvaptote fo: ineos: ce : é MORIA OE gee 5, a mans . BAS 'IT'S SHEER BEDLAM FROM MORNING 'TIL NIGKT,.1 Zz "a TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX PRESENTS ANNANDALE COUNTRY CLUB || Ags © \ ie Me), A Ee FORMERLY DUFFINS CREEK GOLF COURSE) * } ow H : ; polly bergen ANNUAL GALA || 4& All of us... to All of you Now Ye ans. '2 ity ta A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS EAM * _¥ A HAPPY NEW YEAR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION : Agnew Surpass Shoes Limited T, Eaton Company Limited Mall Restaurant Piano Styling of ART SNIDER Bank of Montreal : Edna Ann Hats Limited Department of Transport : : : ' Bassett's (Ontario) Limited Fairweather Company Limited Oshawa Camera Centre and his Famous Radio & Dance Orchestra Bato Shoes Limited Fox's Ladies' Wear Oshawa Shopping Centre ; Beauty Clinic Hair Stylists Fronklin-Simon Bowling Lanes with MISS MARJORIE HAMES Star of T.V.'s Country Hoedown Henry Birk and Sons (Ontario) Jack Fraser Store Limited Oshawa Shopping Centre and Featuring MISS NORMI JAMES Guest Name Vocalist Limited Harleiqh Supplies (Oshawa) Service Station Bond Clothes Shop Limited Oshawn Wood Products : Bonita Beautiful Shoes Horwich Credit Jewellers Reitman's (Ontario) Limited ge DANCING 9 P.M. to y P.M. & Bo-Peep Restaurant Joe and Pat's Barbershop Renalee Shoe Store : ne Bank of Commerce S. S. Kresge Company, Limited Seigneur's Sportswear HOT BUFFET SUPPER (Included in Admission) ' Canada Permanent Mortgage Leura Secord Candy Shops John Swan Hardware, Limited Noise Makers and Special Prizes --- Complete Bar Facilities Corporation Limited G, Tamblyn Limited Canadian Food Products Sales Lighting Unlimited Corporation United Cigar Stores Limited ® TICKETS $10.00 PER COUPLE ®@ Limited , Limited Radiant Dry Cleaning and Carlton Cleaning Carousels Litz Delicatessen Machinery Limited mitedt er.are available for non:club members) C. Cole and Company Loblaw's Groceterias Company Walker's Coles Sporting Goods Limited Limited Young Ages Limited : ip an aT nme Chuck Conners TT LIAANTER AMC IER ome PHONE 942-3210 FOR RESERVATIONS NOW. eng ae er as bs oer aca cases Oeort oa] f A L ; : CHRISTMAS DAY Interchange No. 65 at Highway 401 Dunn's Tailors Maher Shoes Stores if Zeller's Limited ssw EVADE bd § SL I ON a 10 1AROR ROSE RERUN OE OME PRCT °° move fover, darling" POD OOS ear4