LEP ROE OS CEE FET Di Rk ae i Ss oo, Mari ii oe {SCORING LEADERS 'JQ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 23, 1963 : | | sie aoat: 2 ' | 7 : Biddy And Minor Teams Secale et a aoe | jvin, Etnas, 32; David Manser, | Olives, 26; Tom Eldridge, Hast- ings. 24: Jim Jordan, Avenues, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | i | 24; Bill Swindells, Courts, 23; AMERICAN LEAGUE u re | David Jamieson, Jackson's, 22; Eastern Division Ron Parfitt, Bantings, 15; Nick ILT FP APG | é : Ne Hi v8 Courts, 18; Steve) Boston 6 1327 257 .538 | Saturday morning at the Sim-ja 14 to 13 victory over the Ave-| All boys from the Simcoejwin over the CKLB team. J. pee Sane gg -- nb " 4 = a - leoe Hall (Simcoe street) thejnues. It was Billy Melnychuk|Street Club are asked to be at)Krasnaj led the Firefighters : nema . 4 309 | usual six games of basketball] or the Olives, who with thej/the gymnasium at 8.30 a.m. with 10, Phil Mcllveen and ' : were played with three games\game almost over, scored two| WIN FOR BOLAHOOD'S (Chas. Marlowe each with five Minor League: John Rajkovic, Western Division in the Biddy League and three|baskets, one within the final] tn the Oshawa Y's Men's|Ron McInroy, Joe Zimny. and Bolahood's, 74 points; Eddie/San Diego 11 3 0 399 255 7% in the Minor League. |seconds of play to bring. his|Clyb sponsored Minor League,|Jim Baskerville were other|Locke, Police Assoc. 44; PhiljOakland == 10 4 0 363 282 i All games were very exciting|team the win, it was the Bolahood's team out.|members of the Firefighters'|Mcliveen, ees ths At earer OW tae pate with the players developing a Other scorers were' T. Eld-|pointing the Police Association|crew. Bob Shepherd led the Chas, Marlowe, Firefighters, Yenver a 1 a |SCORING LEADERS New York 5 8 1 249 399 385 + i 'K | ¥ P need ints (38; 5 r '1K : Saturday more team play and team|tidge 7, Bill McKeen 2, and|crew 'by the score of 48-to-27. CKLB attack with 7 points,|38; Bob Shepherd, CKLB, 37; ) spirit. they were assisted by David/The hig ete of interest was that/Gord Perkins with Frank a Perkins, CKLB, 35; Joe ailekiast iy yet Lge C This of course assists in the| Manser, David Wilson and] john Rajkovic of the Bolahood's|Dalidowicz with 2 and Zig rasnaj, Firefighters, 35; Bill|Mississippi state Nol aro- ; i. playing warty Knox, The Avenues were} pent ecco §\Szezepanski with 2. Jim Clem-|Langley, Parts and Service, 33; lina State 12 development. of their playing jteam scored as many points as ant and: Andy. Cherkas: ere Bob Johnstone, Police Associa- Shrine All-Star ergs, z spake jcomprised of Randy Jackson} fe Pe gS Ao r Se eites te week at he scored 8 points, Jim Jon cane other team members. tion, 3; Jett Mcliveen, Parts South 23 North 14 ; Simcoe Hall gymnasium. dan 2, Nick Melnychuk 2, Gord py Bob Goddard Sri consists of; Referees were J. Rajkovic and Service, 28; Ray Jacula, Bluebonnet 'Bow! Braiden 1 and Jim Bak. Ref-| these nlayers. John Ra kovic|and, Greg. Milosh with time- Kinloch s, 26; Gary Edgar, Kin- Baylor 14 Louisiana State 7 | OLIVES RALLY TO WIN (erees for this game were Nick!y7 Waive Bobyk 8 John Davia. Keeping by Bill Robinson and !och's, 19; Pete Graper, Police Sunday | In Biddy League action, it)Corneal and Jim Rowden, son 4 Bill Robinson 4 Nick scorekeeping by Bill Rajkovic Association, 17; Milford Mas-)_ AmericanLeague was the Olives who overcame JACKSON'S CLICK Corneal 3. John Thiebaud 9| Next Saturday, December 28, ters, Parts and Service 17 andjKansas City 48 New York 0 ja three-quarter time score of 1l- Jn the second game of thejand Mike Wall. They scored g|the Simcoe Hall Simcoe Minor aoe gu pactnacaa: esas meng a bean 5 Ithe and scored two baskets in morning, it was Jackson's com-|for 9 in the foul shot depart-| League WO ABUL eee er nen Baber adetiad Ls, SUA LAB oh |the final minute of play to gain ing through for their first win/ment. For the Police Associa.\¥ith the following games: 10.15 REE ee en | Police Association vs. of the season to defeat the/tion, it was Bob Johnstone with|2.™.. Courts team by a score of 20-4,/12, Ed. Locke 9, Bill Rajkovic 4,|CKLB; 10.55 a m., Bolahoods SAVE ON YOUR | Court t didn't see have! D LePage 2. Ralph Bra jvs. Parts and Service and at Lady Curlers it on Saturday morn and "thisland Gibert Bvaustein, P edoan 11.85 a.m., Firefighters vs. Kin- MILK PURCHASES | locks. At h c C could be attributed to the holi-/were Mike Karas and Gord.| Os day season, David -Jamieson|Perkins. _Timekeeper Andy} BIDDY LEAGUE awa UV. scored 8 for the Jacksons with|Cherkas with scorekeeping by! WLT Pts, | a a Ken Jordan 6 and J. Jordan 6.|Walter Hubar Olives 40 Milk costs less if, you buy Win Chickens They were assisted by Mike| PARTS AND SERVICE WIN f ' * the economical half-gallon 7 y. Emer ascarella. ¢ venues Zimny, Emery Cascarella, and) In the second game, Parts A size.. Skim-Homo or Guern- sey Gold. "At the Store or At Your Door". 1 On Dec. 19th, the games com- "0. Grabowski. Jacksons were and Service downed Kinlock's Bantings 3 mittee of the ladies' section of coached by Andy Cherkas by the score of 25-to-11. Jeff Mc-|Etnas 2% The Oshawa Curling Club ar-|CoUrts' only scorer was Billliiveen led the Parts crew with/Courts 13 ranged a special Christmas Swindells, who scored all four|i1, Bill Langley with 5, Len Jacksons 14 draw, with chickens as prizes.| Points Ray Bartolziej, Kenny/Birivkowicz 4, Milford Masters)" ? Fourteen rinks participated in Embury, Jack Pearce, J ohniwith 3, Pete Dewsbury 2, and MINOR LEAGUE ithe event. cco ie Nick Feesiget they were assisted by Ken Hoar Ww 5 u/7 atid if First prizes were won. by chuck -were other members 0 and Rick Bilinski. Ray Jacula piretiohters , es " bi "Dud" Mills, Bea Soaionl. the Courts team. The Courts/jed Kinlock's attack with Fp iad ee deal Dairy Limited STICK BOY MAKES PRESENTATION Jean Conlin and Erma! Holland, al roeruae 4 by Kiwanian Don| points, Gus Milosh with 2, Dave|-- =", QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS skip, with a score of eleven. Ratkovie: eee tee. House 2, Gary Edgar with 2, Bolahood's : , tA Hugh Holt, stick boy for Keon, at Saturday night's NHL player. who best com- , ge one i patil oid el with Mike Karas as scorer and iy tae aud peal lnk Parts and Service . ; . Toronto Maple Leafs of the "Young Canada Night' hoc- bines proficiency with sports- iad ee polos 2 is ese €C"Ted Boivin as timekeeper Referees were Bob Goddard raecn : DIAL 728-6241 National Hockey League, pre-. key game, between Leafs and manship and clean play, was Snned ° ee ee ed abt BSG aeRO ESE ERR ies Aas and orn Se | Police Assoc iboats : ' i : E > |skipped Audrey Shreve, Pearl CLOSE WIN FOR ETNAS 8" Bob Babe. Scorekeeper sents The Lady Byng Trophy Detroit Red Wings. The tro- awarded to Keon for his play Stacey and Stell Sutton. The| In the final 'Biddy League John Rajkovic with Andy Cher- to sharp-shooting centre Davie phy, awarded annually to the in the 1962-63 season. __lother rink was composed of Lee|game, it was the Etnas coached|kas again handling the clock. Tresise, Jean Walker, Muriel|by Mike Karas, who eked out a FIREFIGHTERS AGAIN Magill and "Peg". Phipps, skip.|win over the Bantings, coached| The last game saw the power- bd e ; This concludes the ladies'|by Kiwanian Jim Waddell andjful Firefighters continue their aml on. e 1] t gs curling until after the New\D. Calder, by the score of 15-to-\winning streak with a 0-to-15 \Year, when the very popular/14. -- ee batons Junior-Senior competition gets) Gordon Kent led his team with indae way, 9 points, Ted Bolvin. with 2| Bus Service To e Tip Oshawa G enerals puzzles? Solve this one; the in- Cobel has, obiia. whe: has| Oshawa Ski Club and-out play of St. Catharines a ill, returned to the lineup Tr Black Hawks. They didn't re-| ut was unable to count for the lere was a good crowd at \the hill at Let us, on. this Christmas, be reminded of the journey Etnas. For the Bantings, it was Kirby 'on Saturday |semble the club that suffered a ; : , f y Ii Gal I 1e Botl } Wat ited humiliating 12-1 raion lg to|tom Eldridge with 10 points, and Sunday, and although con- of the three Wise Men to the little town of Bethlehem senerais last Tuesday, when|Denns Medwid, a relatively) ditions were not the best, most : : if they dropped a 3-2 game to en to the league, with) skiers got enough for the first ; iis cats: Like them, let us find new hope, new courage, new in- Law of averages: in hockey;erals are not successful injmidale' of the period, but Marlboros at MLG yesterday! 1 Bagge : ties hae stan saad bu the Chr ; s 3 ; spiration in the bright and. shining promise of Peace on statistics emphatically state,|claiming a playoff berth Sa tly tekare ce tcdcen| HAMMLIDON: ial, Weankes dele PE fave) oes Wee ce ime ei he ae ttl Earth, Good Will to Men. that the club possessing the) While Generals have beenjended pw them behind once fence, Hetherington, Doak,/ine scoring wa fia -- ey leareics t he ne any bus greatest number of shots on entertaining their. customers more Young ana Crashley; forwards,| +) oi, ei aioe ih nar a ipeta hie ol Ch nee vokg goal, generally emerge as the/with colorful hockey, despite SHORT NOTES... Roherts,| Pipe, Snow, DeDiana, Gotton,| wore Bob Johnstone and Ni k when. the Sk lub wi 'a | 1 Ti victor. Oshawa Generals scoff|dropping several close ones in one of the few defencemen Peters, Marsh, Lemieux, |corneal with Bill Rajkovic se Riso rciee ge a. i f 3 : May At This Time Extend To All The People of Onterle at this report! They outshot)the last 11 games, it mizht be who "hurt when he lays on|Knowles, Libett, Savage, Love-| -.orekeener ee 6 BRE pete ' Riding, « Sincere Wish That: All May Enjoy A Very Hamilton Red Wings 53-29 in an|an indication that they will ex- the body, caught Gofton with less, Mahovlich. and Campbell. INTER-CLUB VISI' at 10a mi, and leay "ee ges M Christ dA New. Y il Ith OHA Junior "A" league tilt at\perience difficulty in maiatain-jhis head down. Gofton retired) OSHAWA: goal, Gibson; de) voi co a os ISIT ei loner roalicwleg 3 rr the erry Christmas on ew, Year filled with Healt Bowmanville last night, andling their present league stand-|for the night after the lusty|fence, Roberts, Orr, Smith and/,), at Pith reg Children 18 in eee ed i ~ ond: Heppiness. still guffered a 5-4 defeat. ling, when they can't claim a smash Danny O'Shea,|Domm; _ forwards, Fletcher, |Cimode. 'peel nidae ne -- under "il oes 70 Poti ei In a typical, knock 'em down,|Victory in a clutch' outing, Billy Little, Buchanan, _Smith|O'Shea, Dubeau, Buchanan, |). League will ma . the|others $1.00 for return " ale ' 'erucial contest, played before a against their riyals for thatjand Orr produced tremendous Little, Vail, Zaine, Lane, and| > ymnasium and two teams will| Remember buses will. be ore . sell-out. crowd' of 1,500, Hamil-|Playoff spot. poi in Géneruis! cause, MIBOr. ine be taken to the Simcoe. Hal ljevery day from Dec. 23 to Jan 3 Wlchael StarrWP ton Req Wings played the roie| Hamilton showed tremendous |0'Shea came up with his most) }, yamiiton: DeDiana Boys' Club at Eastview Park}4 with exception of Christmas _ of opportunists in recording cloneuen in gaining "the|@geressive game, and exhibited] | (Mahoviich, Libett) .. . 12ifor two exhibition games, while|Day. 'valuable victory in the fight for|squeaker."" When the final bell|his ability to handle the opposi-| a. Heenition: Lecter aasitwo of the teams from the} A last reminder to all last } that coveted sixth and finaljrang, Red Wing players|tion with his fists. In one of his} 3. Sshenes OFF ; '"' ¢4s\Eastview Club will be enter-|year's members, who have not d ONTARIO RIDING playoff position in the eight-/mobbed sensational netminder infrequent : fights, O'Shea land-| 4 reuceanen tom tained at the Simcoe' Street re-joined! (team circuit Allen Frank as though another "i bhai | hard jabs to the! 5 wamilton gymnasium Dec. 31 is the deadline! The decicing goal resulted Memorial Cup had fallen on [ace of his combatant, De-| knowles, Crashiey) saat ke) e sak tanaiall toilette from one of Hamilton's frv-| tea doorstep Diana, Plt ceed cunt 1h nat Cntartorenon) 4 ou; Hatherine 'quent opportu! ca t . re. Re tet early ton (interference) 7.04, Doak (miscon DeDiana, a eT aes eiWoue wer oan cae babi this morning then departed for|duct) 7.04, DeDiana (highsticking and 'Wings, " checked datenceman|tn the hard-skating contest, opal 4 eraetting | tenn 1503 desl olin aks : +2. portion of the schedule con- SECOND PERIOD Chris Roberts at the Oshawa\were. Real Lemieux, Gatyi 6. Osh gmith (O'Shea) 1.43 "blueline and skated in, unmol-/Marsh and captain Jimmy ee return.| $ Hamilton: Peters (Campbell) 10.22 : ed ennis Gibson, who ap-| Peters ? B hey move in} 8. Oshawa: Buchanan (O'Shea) 19.50 Sees ta Ganck the ack but the Generals. were again pacea\@sainst the third place Peter- LT al tale ales puck squirted through between|by talented centre Ron Bucha- ig Petes, play Niagara terence) 4.27, Smith, (Interference) 9.4 . r zeae ; ; j s yers F AV at AT, Ht his elbow and side, for the win-/nan with a pair of goals, his hans yer ' g Friday, De at poe mp) ee Sy De, ying tally. Gibson had been pre-|23rd and 24th of the campaign,|Comber <7, and go against an! (charging) 18.18 viously. tested on three break-|with single markers from Te ee gege Sh Catherines a eae then) 1k nie Be 5 c § ay CC me 9 amilton: DeDian: eters 5 'aways, with an unblemished|fencemen Bobby Orr, No. 16, ia ne se agen 29. "penalties: Orr (hooking) §.56, and De-| record, and Bill Smith with his 7th. ts ee oe e conquering) diana (tripping) 15.34 OSTLY DEFEAT |HAD BAD START | | Hamilton's victory was tech-| Generals were forced to fight nically worth four points tojuphill right from the opening them as they narrowed. the whistle. Defencman Chris Rob Generals' margin to only four,erts smeared Hamilton forward : | : points. An Oshawa victory|John Gofton against the boards, om : : . Sa : ' oe hs would have placed them com-\and drew a five-minute major) ; : 3 Seagram's Yortably eight points up on|Penalty for boarding at the .16) oe : : % «Wings. second mark. Red Wings pro-|| @ a = e VO. Although the schedule is just|ceeded to pump in two quick- ' = CW 4 CANADIAN WHISKY 'at the midway point, last night's ies before the game was three nn 4oss will stana out like a jam-| minutes old. Oshawa recovered med thumb at the conclusion of|temporarily with counters by 'the 56-game schedule, if Gen-'Orr and Buchanan before the Heffering's Miss | Their Playoff Bid Heffering's Imperials failedin| The final standing: -- Ron 'their final bid for a playoff spot Jackson Shirts 79 points; Galco 'on the last night of the first Sheet Metal 74; Aimco Auto section of the schedule in the|Parts 63; Aprile Lanes 62, Wil- {ee 'Willowdale Men's Major five-pin|low Bowl. 58; Bill Thompson at | league. 58; Heffering's Imperials 55; - am The first game went to the The 300 Club 55; Manhatten / , : a Seagram's 'Bill Thompson: club with a nice/Trophies 54; El Macombo Tav- , s o . Extra Or '1309 team total against 1154 for ern 49; All Canadian Mutual 49; ; : | tra Urey the Heffering squad. Bad Boy Appliances 46; Erring- Gin The Heffering crew came back ton Paints 42; Dobby's Sports | Ft erst ay 'open ate ot «a. /41; British Canadian Construc- 5) 1 . Nl cane th reg bi tion 36 and Flemington Park 21. CPP Bob Gallagher's 335 that made|, George Cummings, besides Spt lore the difference in this close one.|°ing: the chief noisemaker for : rae : ithe Bill Thompson club against ct Another exciting game WAS/Hoeffering's boys; was also the b. | 'witnessed in the third and it was sil A ' Just too many head pins for the|s9? for gg: eve. Senchuk 83 Imperials when Bill Thompson) (99); 'rom' Pritchard 775; and "yy 'boys took the decision 1316 to) pin: Kir, 748 Gallagher ed A; Christmas comes to 1288. The team totals for the) yoerfering's with 226; 335 and 271 you this year, we warmly wish three games were, Bill Thomp-|for 782; Dave Reynolds 243, 256 ; inita 'a's ; te ehh por : thot t may bring a holy meaning son 3856, Heffering's Imperia's}5nq 293 for 792; Ray Mann 252, geo soot Dick 228, 804 288 for 769 and Gerry 4 ever deeper, hopes ever brighter, ond ering's were without Dick Bennett 234; 249 and 234 for 717 a j bec as ; Adams, who has withdrawn) The second section of the deyons RincniTgt Over Nene. from the league due to other'| schedule will open on Friday, broceramiorged and og i Jan. 3rd and with Lloyd Sabins ooter wi e missed, Fortun-!|and Ron Jay. -available, the ately Lioyd Sabins has agreea)Heffering threat should be more to take Dick's place for the rest| effective. Newcomer Ray Mann of 'the season and the Imp can has been bowling extremely well sure use this fellow, who is\and with a little more ex- msde one of Oshawa's hot- perience, this boy will be heard test trundiers. from. ' Even with a shut-out against' There will be no schedule oe Bill omar geen the league play at Willow Bow] this GENERAL TIRE | th fi t il] d ae S , Heffering squad would still have week. but most of the boys will! ' d b been unable to cop a playoff be headed for the big tourna OF OSHAWA on y e€ Ines Wi O...8IVe eagram s an e Sure 'spot as the Aimco Auto Parts ment at Albion Bowl where club picked up 1 points to clinch there will be $2500 in guaranteed 534 RITSON RD, S. 728-6221 the last playoff position. lcash prizey