WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gault Tel, 668-3703 'CLASSES OPEN St. John Poaceae SMASHES THROUGH WINDSHIELD-TAKEN TO HOSPITAL A 90-year-old woman and her 56-year-old son were in- jured in an accident which sent three persons 'to the hospital. A two-car collision at the corner of Center street south and St. John street yesterday afternoon will mean POLICE WARN a Christmas: in the hospita! for Mrs. Ethel McRae, 99 220 Dunlop street west Whitby Mrs. MacRae erous injurie broken left wr foreheaa thrown through the suffe st ar cut when windshi 2 i 197-592 of her son Andrew's car. MacRae's car struck a vehi- 'le driven by Lyle Hollinger, yn. at the unmarked in- ction, MacRae's daugh- li, eived a forehead Times Photo re > Jump on th Oshawa Drinking And Driving Not To Be Tolerated Persons who persist in drink ing and driving over the holiday season will find no warm ception from Whitby police Both the OPP and the town police will be out in all possible strength to apprehend any- po tential killer who foolish enough to get behind the whee of a car under the influence of alcohol Both Chief of the Whitby town polic Sgt. Charles 'Hefferon, of OPP, suggest that motorists leave the family car Rebekahs Aid Needy Folk Rankine and the George partying \ ~> By MRS. M. ANNIS BROUGHAM -- The meeting of Joy Rebekah Lodge was held in the Pickering Township Hall with a good attendance The vice-grand, Sister Louise Pilkey, conducted the opening exercises and business due to the illness of the Noble Grand Sister Shirley Knox. Sister Flor ence Ellicott, Past Noble Grand assisted as vice grand and re- ported for the sick committee The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the cording secretary t Fllicott and in SS Irene Philip gave the 'financial report re- S approve Sister Joyce Wannop reported for the membership committee while Sister Isabel Annis ed for benevolent tee, It was tabloid had to a number report the omm reported that the been ordered of shut-in se mem n at home and take a taxi to the party "T'll have ayery aval man out and everyone under while removed ely lefferon alcoho from S dealt } Speed check where the will be closels an all drinking d of the week"', driver .of the out the Sgt. added 4 WHITBY | ' PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, Norman Con- ner and her mother, Mrs. Milli- cent Mathews left today to spend the Christmas holi days with Mrs. Conner's sister Mrs. William Mr and Mrs.' L of iGreenwich, New Mr..and Mrs |Rosetown, Saska arrived at the hor uncle and aunt, Mr W.-K. Cooke, 201 Green street and will be spending the holi days with them York Mac a Shelly ug Mrs. James Ba z her fifth birth Dec. 22. For the occ party has been Monday Mrs borne Dec am Batter bers who were unable to attend t lodge Two hampers of canned foods were collected for a Christmas Cheer Box L closed regular form aft cial hour was spent s ols assisted by Sister W the piano. Sister Florence li cott conducted games A delicious by Sisters F Florence Ellicott... TI meeting will be held Dec e which a so Ison at seve lunch y served er ry 9° PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs awa had Sunday with "Mr. and English Mr in of Osh ght Boiy dinner Mr Thoma and Mrs m ristmas School on M i y att ed the E party in Leaside High Saturday Miss Yvonne Hawke ronto, visited with Mrs Johnston on the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bradshaw and family had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pascoe Mrs.' J. I. Davis spend- ing the holiday season with her family in T ) be away severa of To Grant is She wi and © next? Johnston daught iam B her v Dec. 22 A Diana Wi ig en Her Hutchiso wish her ay s of R friends hday Mrs Laura "lebr Beth Bass McQua ating h Dec. 23. Be *xpressed to Mrs her relatives and are from tby Lions Club childr tmas f i Sunda, 5 p De Band room 1 his visit and distribu to all members' Sa assist Santa here will be en tertainment and lots of goodies Whitby Counci Columbus are he nual children's Christ Sunday, Dec. 22 at St Evangelist parish children of Knights e Chairman Brot! Ploeger has indicé , Barrington Comes * Brown Chief Rankine expressed 'sim iews and added, he wonld anyone. taking the »s of people in the town, in alcohol slowed hands Motorists beware be keeping of the season stivities through a set of tolerate would with the to observe it not in spirit steel bars It would be proper through Netely more im absolute. neglect ignorance to somebody's father of sister, mother or r the price of a drink, the life in for those attending, he has assured the children that Santa Claus will be paying them a visit dur- ing the course of events. gram of events store Assisting Santa will be Bro- ther Mal Femia who will lead in sing-songs Mrs. Mabel Mitchell, Whitby resident visited home of Mr. and Mrs. Gagnon, Euclid street The many friends of Mr. Tom are sorry to iearn underwent: surgery at wa. General Hospita ish him a prompt re- former at the Robert he WHITBY BOWLING NEWS LEGION SUNDAY NITERS Head Pins hung on to first t 'tion by defeat Dan. Segriff vinners, Ed- Brush .an 1 t tossed: 200 d games A Mayall for the losers Imports. edged the Demons 3. R: Must threw the only rf the winners d John Ss for while Melvyor the losers came up full th with the addition of Mr J. Jiimmo to. the team Amateu bv. tak Bil! H and the winners. ( the § stayed in contention the WCS team' 4-2 J. Howard led Skelton was tops s for losers The Rowden duo, with a lot of from the Coulthard family the How Shearer was while Helen y tired of the came through 1elp took -asure of me Leaguers Shearer this 89 week Helen 75.87: D Dot A R Ps 95 r R7 69 h 98 us d 93 Mirowshi 91 » will he no bowling Sun 22. Legion Sunday if] ume the following l re 'Can Save Lives The need for all members of police and fire departments to have first-aid training was forcibly demonstrated recently in an Ottawa accident. A young boy who ran into the side of a car had his jaw brok- jen and two main arteries in. his lthroat severed when his head 'went through the windshield An off-duty policeman who saw the accident realized the need for immediate help and used his first-a'd training know! edge to stop the bleeding, and St. Mark's Gifts Aid Overseas Xmas Two morning services were held in the St. Mark's United Church on Sunday morning when the Sunday School united with the congregation in the annual presentation of White |Gifts. The minister was assisted by Miss Ila 'Newton, at St. Mark's, -who story entitled "If .I Come', and by the deaconess told the Had Not Sunda School Superintendent who read ; the Christmas from St Luke's Gospel story The Choir under, the dire Mrs. J. L. Beaton sang = English caro] "What Child This' Gifts presented .were cash and goods. The former wa dedicated to the Church's effort in Overseas Relief, and the jlatter was dedicated for use ir 'the mission of welfare and in Toronto An impressive The Nativity Story was | pture. drama. and the members of the Hi-( assisted' by the Intermediate Choir under the 'leader Mrs. D. Williams on evening of locally entation of pre scr s Group hip Sunday {St mom the Christmas . Services: a Mark's will include two ing services next Sunday first at nine-thirty o'clock and the latter at eleven o'clock; and a special hour of Christmas music and carols provided by the Junior Intermediate Senior Choirs. in the candle-lit -hurch next -Sunday On Chrisrmas Eve: the ment of Holy Communion be celebrated FOR 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE Call WHITBY AREA AMBULANCE SERVICE 668-8642 CHRISTMAS B WHITBY'S F SALES EVENT OF THE YEAR COMING UP WATCH THE OSHAWA TIMES THURSDAY FOR DETAILS » "A ®. | CWL-ST. JOHN BRI GADE Course Father N. Gignac, Regional! keep it stopped until an ambu- Spiritual Director. of Ontario lance arrived County -South Catholic Women's} Injury of. this kind almost al- League asked all members in ways results in death, as a vic- their work for "God and Coun- tim can bleed to death in five|try" to promote'on regional and) minutes, In fact, a similar acci- parish levels, a spirit of peace dent a few weeks previously and brotherhood in Christ. had resulted in the death of the Speaking at an_ executiv young man involyed meeting -conducted by Thanks to the prompt action|Gregory Carter, Regional Chair- of the police officer, and the|man, at the home. of Mrs. V.| knowledge he had gained from a Shannon in Ajax, Father' said St. John Ambulance first-aid 'We have come a long way course, a life was saved from the religious wars and per-) Whitby St. John Ambulance secutions of 400 years ago, to Brigade conducts regularjthe present realization that classes in first-aid that are open there is a lot of good in every- to anyone in the adjoining dis- one: trict "Thanks to the jate Pope John Information regarding time we have seen the dawn of a new and place of classes. can be ob- era. However, the recent tained from Mr, Charles Staf- assassination of a great and ford. Brock street south, good man shocked us into real- Whitby. "izing we still have a long way : = ito: 20,"" Members unanimously decided jto purchase 15 tickets for the} CWL premiere of. "The Car-) Hutchison Party dinal" and present them to the! pastors of Ontario County South : oe Proceeds from the premiere} Park Vista Ratepayers ASSO: showing will go to St. Augus iation held its children s ( hrist- tine's Seminary. Mes Paty; Det Ada a pul Miss Verda Packer was son school, The program was |" 2 pres pleased to report that 17 mem- Santa Visits rge of Mrs, Gordon Kyle, Ton of ceremonies Mr. Max SCUGOG CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery Daily PHONE 668-4341 was given sociation Kyle. Miss the pro- n by the reading of a poem, istmas carols were sung by all children Oshawa Sal rfo Pa kindergarten introduction epayers As Gordon opened Army Tim- in several were enter- rhythm ation ved ents brelist pe selection tained by C 5 aN ee Na two ballet and entertained on selections Valley girls sang two Cathy Derry, Judy Barbara Sheppette trio "Away in a John a OUR FRIENDS, WE ALWAYS TRY TO Fi AND MEND a ge attendance of 280 ahil- plus parents thoroughly en- joyed the evening To make the event more com- Santa Claus paid his visit uted gifts to alt chil plete and distr dren Prize Dudley ders Mrs. K William Ryn nner Mrs Ww were and AFTER HOURS CALL & 66 2 Priest For Understanding Praises Efforts Of Pope THE-CSHAWA---TIMES,Seturdey,--December 21,1963 B _ ee} | ST. JOHN BRIGADE | VOLUNTEERS KEPT BUSY | Volunteers of the St. John Am-| /bulance Brigade are putting in many hours of service in Whit-| by. In addition to attending at) all games at the Arena, they| trained, and a total of 35 mem- bers in the nursing division and girl cadets -- all actively train- ing, for their work of giving first-aid to' the. injured -- and saving lives. ~~ CHOOSE BEST BIRD _ .|Gregory's 'are on hand every Wednesday) LONDON (CP) -- A turkey bers from the region attended afternoon, when kindergarten|weighing 60 pounds 13 ounces the retreat for married ladies.|pupils from three schools go tO|was judged best of the year at A retreat for single and busi-/skate. These are small children,/an agricultural show here. The ness girls will be held on Jan.!just learning, and there are in-iturkey later was auctioned for 10, 11 and 12 at Queen ofjevitably lots of bumps and gogo Apostles Retreat House in Port/bruises -- and sometimes more -------- Credit. serious injuries. The public speaking contest, Volunteers also attend at the will be held on Feb. 16, at St. public skating and the need for auditorium in Osh-\their presence was demon-| awa under the convenership of ctrated last Friday night, whenll Family Monuments © Mrs. V. Shannon. | "a young boy was badly cut by a' The winter meeting to be held| skate. The Brigade Superinten-| at Rosebank on Sunday, Feb. 9,/dent gave first aid to stop the will feature a panel entitled|pieeding, and when he was un- "You were asking' Answering/able to reach a doctor, took the questions will be Mrs. A. Noble, | hoy by ambulance to the Ajax Mrs .J. J. Mathews, and Miss|hospital for treatment, and, Mary Dobell. All CWL mem: finally, to his home. On this one bers are invited. case two volunteers were in at- Bi a jtendance until 1 a.m. | | LINKS NATIONS | There are now 12 male mem- The recently inaugurated bers of the Brigade, all fully) Commonwealth Pacific cable) ey ¢ ane a an . linking Canada, Britain, Aus-| wa NDA AA AA AAV tralia and New Zealand. cost $72,000,000. Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 RAY AYA AYA AD Delicious . . . Southern FRIED CHICKEN HOME DELIVERY Old English Style Fish and Chips Terrace Restaurant 120 Brock St. N., Whitby PHONE 668-9056 vifts of be ny Lif uh Puider Blue Grass = We Cbiiinas May the miracle of the Christ Child's birth lift your heart with its joy- ous promise. OTTENBRITE MEN'S WEAR WHITBY Bive Gress Flower Mist {1 or) ond coke of Hand Soap--for @ charming memento, $2.25 Bive Gross Flower Mist (1 oz), Both Cubes ond miniature Hond YOUR WHITBY CHURCHES Soaps fora variety of perfumed delights, $2.50 EMMANUEL REFORMED REV. GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD CONCESSION WEST OFF HIGHWAY: 12 10:30 A.M. ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 P.M DUTCH SERVICE 7PM ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St Rev. W. J John ' S. McClure, B.A Minister Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Organist 9:45 AM 11:00 A.M 7:30 P.M Led by the r People's and Sunday School Christmas Service Coro! Service ing choirs or Senior Junior WHITBY BAPTIST Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister; REV. JOHN McLEOD Or@anist Summers, Blue Grass Flower Mist with De Luxe Atomizer for a fro- Gront "misty" spray. $4.00 Mrs, W. OE A.T.C.M 11 AM. Peace on Earth MORNING WORSHIP x 7 P.M GOSPEL SERVICE Candlelight Vesper Service "The Light of Christmas" Bible School meets at 9.45 a.m Bive Grass Flower Mist with Special Atomizer, end Hand with closses for all ages mEZIC ST. MARK'S with us at the hour of your CANDLE Special music by the Ju ONUS UNITED CHURGH CHRISTMAS SERVICES PRAISE and THANKSGIVING 9:30 A.M. and 11:00 A.M, Two identical services. You are invited to worship LIGHT CHORAL SERVICE 7:30 P.M. Senior Choirs CHRISTMAS EVE COMMUNION 11:30 P.M. TUESDAY, DECEMBER: 24th Lotion for pompered honds. $4.50 choice. Bive Grass Flower Mist with Special Atomizer, Both Mit, Hond Lotion, $6.00 nior, Intermediate and LARGEST Classes for Christmas Music, by 7:00 P.M.-- Rey Ww REV 307 BROCK ST. N MAXWELL WHITBY WARNER BROS. preser IG YOUNG BROCK Evening Shows Start 7 and 9 p.m. ' Saturday Matinee at 1:30 ETHEL BARRYMORE DOROTHY MALONE . CHRISTMAS GIFT: TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT THEATRE it.it'in WARNERCOLOR NOTICE 9:45 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--SUBJECT: TRUTH OR. TRIMMINGS B..Greenwodd District Superintendent of Eastern' Ontario ond Quebec Christmas Singing by Tabernacle Quartette WHITBY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Blue Gross Flower Mist, Dusting Powder, Hond Lotion and Hand Soap--scented accessories to the bath, $8.00 all ages. Tabernacle Quortette CASE, Minister ; Blue Gross Dusting Powder and Hand Soaps. Also available in WHITBY FAITH BAPTI cupant or owner. By-Law No. 1409 being @ by-law to provide for the removal of snow and ice from the side- walks and roofs of buildings in the Town of Whitby reads in part:-- Every occupant, and in case where there is no occupant, the owner of every house, shop, building, lot or parcel of land, fronting or abutting on any street.on which the sidewalks are paved or of other construction, shall within the first twelve hours after every fall of snow, or fall of hail, or rains, which shal freeze on the sidewalks, cause the snow and ice -to be removed entirely off the sidewalk opposite such house, shop, building, property or parcel of land. In case the ice or snow shall be so frozen that. it cannot be removed without injury to the sidewalks such person shall strew the same with sand, or some like suitable subtance, By-law No. 1409 also provides thot in failure to remove the snow or ice within the twelve hours the Town of Whitby hos the right to remove the snow or ice ot the expense of the oc- $. R, CORRELL, REY. DELOSS M. S$ 419 BROCK ST.N. WHITBY dune Geranium isa ST CHURCH COTT, MINISTER 9:45 A.M.--Welcome to 7:00 P.M. -- SPECIAL sound] moving oO MOLY By-law Enforcement Officer. CHRISTMAS SUNDAY 9:15 A.M.--"'Faith Tidings" Broadcast C.K.L.B, 11:00 A.M.--Christmas Worship Service "WISE MEN STILL SEEK JESUS" " % Carol Singing from the Screen % Christmas Orchestra Music % Presentation. of the Full-color _. 10:00 A.M, --- WEDNESDAY Special Christmas Day Service There is always a welcome at Faith Our Bible School CHRISTMAS SERVICE CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY [530 SIMCOE ST. S$. BKING ST.E. | PHONE 723-2245) OSHAWA | PHONE 725-3546 PLAZA - 728-4668] ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA film NIGHT" VEUVUUCUVVVEUUUEUVUEVY)