20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Becomber 21, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 18--Mole or Female 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale W. FR ANK ~~ | FOUR-BEDROOM, new bungslow, fire: Help : Wanted IS THIS YOU? || ae | place electric heat, walk-out basement on ravine lot, overlooking city. Immed- NORWEGIAN Wouse- late possession. Private. Must sell. 136 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants WONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and Co., Chartered. Accountants, cage 135 ax Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; 942-0890, Whitby 668-4131 RAYMOND 8. PROSSER, Chartered) North, | Accountant, 906 Centre Street Whitby, Telephone 668-5447 CLANCY'S Street West, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. WOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO. Licensed Trus- fees in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East. Chartered Accountants. 72B- Street Wilson, 728-7554. King i>) CA, Accountants, 114 Oshawa; Ronald F. G ond Burrows, Bi Accounting _ Service.| Complete bookkeeping service. 184. Bond! ~ Char- fered Accountants 187 King Street East, WILSON AND BURROWS, CHARTERED) ast, CA; \Gardening ond Supplies WILD BIRD FEEDS Wild Bira Mixture Wild Bird Feeders Sunflower Seed Millets Small Cut Grains WATER SOFT SALT Crystal No. 2 Salt Rox Brond Pellet Common Fine Salt NARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered Le Accountant. Suite 203, Centre, 725-9953 ALBERT HOSMAR, chartered ant, 214 Colborne Street, Whitby, LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, chartered Oshawa Shopping accountant, Suite 205, Centre. 725-9953 Barristers THOMAS H. GREER, BA, Solicitor, Notary, Suite 303, Building, 86 King Street East Mortgage "funds available. "JOSEPH C. VICTOR, BA, CLB., Barris-, Solicitor and Notary Public, 5 Sim- coe North 723-3446. Residence 985-7115. BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA Barrister Soli- citor, Notary Public. Mortgage funds av- 723-1107. Yer, allabie, 362 King Street East, Res. 728-1285. JOSEPH F. MANGAN, QC, Oshawa Shopping Barrister The Times 728-6209. Barrister, co. 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312 | COOPER SMITH |Plumbing and Heating [ALL TYPES of repairs and remodeling, used materials. free. Dial new 'and jrates. Estimates J. Foley. ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies.eight weeks old, Telephone 723-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd.,,stered. Phone Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255 ONLY ONE | Simcoe Street South. Reasonable 723-1193, | 668-5743. 3--Pets & Livestock. COLLIE male pups, eight ideal Christmas presents, eks $1 ol Whitby [MINIATURE pinscher puppies male, |Rug-Upholstery Service | CHESTERFIELDS |re-styled. Free estimate: rial' for recovering. jing, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. purebred CKC 25-7203 after 5 p.m. left, weeks old, very reasonable. Phone after. 5 six miniature. 942-3673. registered, male poodle, Small p.m. Ajax reuphoistered and\TWO WHITE male miniature poodles, See our mate-|seven weeks old. Priced reasonably. Dalton Uphoister- | 655-4834. Dial regl- [NORWEGIAN Elkwood puppies, males, | registered, \CHESTERFIELDS re-built, re-cover { \like new. Why pay more? Our rates are|World famous blood lines. Silver, grey. |reasonable, Satisfaction guaranteed. Mat-|Approximately 50 Ib. at materity. 725-| tresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery Co.,/ 8772. 10 Bond West. Dial 725-0311. CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe pooDLEs, small, black, miniature pup-| excel HAVE YOUR chesierfield suite factory|lent temperament, Canadian Kennel. Club) Telephone 728-3281.) member, $100. up. Telephone 725-5294. South. Call 728-6451. Free estimates. re-built. Low price tatooed, permanent shots, | CHIHUAHUA pups, males, biack, seven re-| weeks old, small type. Reasonable. Pick- covered like new. Get the best for less/ering 942-1645. pies registered champion stock, Evenings 728-2439. Kennedy Upholstering toy Fox Terrier puppy, female. Tele Limited phone 728-8038 for further information. 'Sales and Service FULLER Brush, Whitby district, Telephone 655-4809. Instruction ap, RAD Ballet, Highland now. 424 King Street West, 725-6122. Pre-School, Kinderdance days. Masonic Temple, 723-7253. your own leisure, If so call the Western World HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, _ Baton, T Register LILLIAN MAE MARSH, D.E.A., Dancing School, Ballet, Tap Acrobatic, Character, OONEVAN Fridays, Satur- tario Land Surveyor. WOULD you like to improve: your edu cational background in your own home at |Surveyors Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. 725-688). Commercial prints. 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land FARMER Phone Dominion and FLEISCHMANN, On blue TV--Radio Repairs vice. 480 Phillip Murray Avenue. 728-6850.|CAKE VISTA TV towers and aerial ser- J. Murphy, representative Great Books of 5--Farmer's Column and Oshawa CasH on the spot. Highest pric id for dead and crippled farm stock. Tele- phone collect, Hampton 263-2721 will's Fur Farm, Licence 245-C-63 $! Need fires? Call "Bill" evenings after 6, 725-7263 11--Articles For Rent aisle runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, Simcoe Street North Punch Bowls your Tire representative. 725-6511 or care for two 42 pore ADY™ HouEL, A ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP, WAS THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE @F SANTO DOMINGO. he hee WIVES ROLL OUT A Feld" MOWMHS SUPPLY OF BREAD At OnE TIME, AFTER THE BREAD Dissatisfied with present job? No chance for ad- vancement, age 19 to 35, able to handle crew, own car, wishing to earn not less than. $500. monthly? If you are this person, we would like to interview you. Men or women. Call 633-6109, Downsview Evenings Only. 20--Room and Board PILED fo THE CEILING IN THE CORHER OF A STOREHOUSE. fo share large room. Three meals a day. Telephone -728-3350, THe sth \$ OME OF ANE RAREST oF WORTH AMERICAN AMIMALS AND 15 FOUND ONLY IN AME MOST REMOTE near McLaughlin School, for boy while mother away. Phone 725-2765. 22--Offices, Stores, Storage WANTED TO RENT -- garage in Buck- ingham + Simcoe area. Dial 723-7460, --- FOR RENT YES~ BY Consing Fut. BRISTLE ENDS WITH THINNED SHELLAC, Medical or Dental office. Approximately 700 square feet. Close to downtown area. Maro 16---Female Help Wanted GIRL or woman to live in or part time, PART-TIME caretaker required for West- one school ag children, Light housekeeping. 725-5494 MATURE couple wanted to share modern WANTED AT ONCE and willing = Tele- used CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church! phone 728-5650 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. must be pleasant and courteous. Five-day required. Apply McCallum = Trans- Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses port, 25 Ritson Road North home in south Oshawa care for two children, 4 and 6. PART-TIME watchmen Personnel department, TO BE AVAILABLE after to Christmas! 2%t- Apply. in person only. 97 King Street Parking available, Electric heated. For information call __ 725-5132 TALE DANCE HALL Fully equipped for Weddirigs, Banquets, Dances up to 300 persons. Piano and cater- ing available. Parking facili- ties. Dentinger, Hampton 263-2039 |17--Male Help Wanted mount United Church. Write to Box 445, ss Oshawa Times. in Oshawa exper counter man, one self-serve meats, jenced butcher and to service and week. Benefits, holiday pay etc., please send full information to Box 539 Times. EXPERIENCED Service Station attend ast ROOM and board for two boys willing| | | | | | | | | 21--Room & Board Wanted THREE weeks: Room and board, quiet, teen-age | REAL ESTATE. LIMITED 177 Church Street, Bowmanville, 623-3393 FOR LEASE Large Store on: Main Street in' Bowmonville. Calf 'W. Frank Reoi Estate Limited, 623-3393. | GUIDE REALTY 723-112) CAESAREA ----- Service Sto- tion on the Main Street with 5 room bungalow included in the price of $8,500. Home has 3 bedrooms, base- ment and bathroom. This is real money so don't delay. FULL PRICE $6,900. -- 6 room 2 storey insul brick home in the south east sec- tion. All large rooms, taxes only $123.00. NORTH WEST AREA -- 6 room tiye year old bunga- low with spacious living room and dining L. Large kitchen with eating area. Three love- ly bedrooms ond 4 pc. both. Fenced ond attractively land- scaped yord . with hedged patio. Price reduced to $14,900, FULL PRICE $9,000. -- 6 room bungalow on a large lot with good garden in South East Section of city, 3 bed- Labrador Drive PRIVATE -- From bulider, beautiful split level, three bedrooms, modern con vertible den, huge living room with wall to wall broadioom, sliding patio doors, 1¥e-bathroom, walk-in garage, stone front, apple trees, services paid for. Low down Payment. Immediate occupancy in prese tige area, 72 ¥ FOUR. low taxes. Telephone now, evenings 728-7162 v, tire place, new electric heat, walk-out basement on ravine lot, overlooking city. Immed- jate possession Private. Must sell, 136 Labrador Drive. | Rossland Rd. E. and Gorevale Close to Simcoe. Two new three bedroom corner bun. golows, three piece bathroom in large and bright base- ment. Attached garage, To Inspect Call 725-8823 Open weekends 2-5 p.m. Oshawa's Largest Firm BOLAHOOD BROTHERS JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LLOYD A. P. BOLAHOOD F.R.1. THEN CALL YOUR MOVER LIST WITH US Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14a King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for) first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North,| 728-7336. Charles C. McGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. Norman H Edmondson CREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND MURDOCH,) Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public,! Bank of Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, 723-3446; T.K. Creighton, QC. Residences: G. K. Drynan, C, 728-8554; G. L. Murdoch, housekeeper for gentleman in lovely mod- ern home, north end of city, sleep in, good wages. For interview call 725-1575. LADIES! have you ever thought about Silver Candelabra selling Avon? It costs nothing to find out the details. Telephone 728-5883 or write SARGEANT'S RENTALS [fe conn Oshawa 725-3338 i g Tite uemeseersss| GRADUATE NURSE good condition. Telephone 723-2261. KNITTING machine wanted. Must be In very good condition. Telephone 725-9414, | to assist laboratory staff in procuring blood speci- mens for bio- chemicals SHAW | and other determinations, phone 728-6879 UARANTEED repairs to all makes TV, radio, car radios. Thompson' Eiec- tronics, 157 Elliott," 723-9792. Fred. T.V. SERVICE | Newest Oshowa Branch PHONE 728-088) | oY oF Evening | 728-5286 Oshawa Electronics Service Calls $2.50 9 am.--9 p-m. Daily | New 21" Picture Tubes --| As Low As $19.66 All Work Guaranteed | Dominion Television 20 BOND ST. W Call Now -- 728-5154 TV TOWERS BRUCE ST. Industrial --- 8 rooms, gar- age, very large lot, vacant. Sacrifice $10,000, - $1,000 down. Call now Mr, Jack Ap- pleby 728-5123 -or 723- 3398 to inspect DO AS OTHERS CALL. THE BROTHERS BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening MERRY CHRISTMAS roms. Large living room. Ful basement with forced air oil heating. Coffee Urns Silver Tea Service 23--Wanted To Rent WANTED apartment or house in Brook- lin area. Telephone 655-3685 after 5.30) Bm | PRIVATE RETREAT -- 66 acres of wooded area only a few miles from Oshawa close to a paved road. Excellent trout pond 'with stream cross- ing entire property. Large 9 room house in good repair suitable for a private .club, Full price $26,500, APPLE HILL -- Lorge mo- dern bungolow in a good lo- cation neor schools ond bus E.Z.E. METHOD DRIVING SCHOOL LAY-OUT MAN For engineering de- GROUND floor, two bedroom apartment or small two-bedroom: house wanted im-| mediately. One pre-school child. Telephone 728-3982 NEED three-bedroom house near South partment, to work General Motors and Corpus Christi with ,paper patterns and stencils, SOME School; will furnish references. Telephone drafting experience |----~ | required. Grade 12 |29--Apartments minimum education. MODERN four-room apartment, upper duplex. private entrance, tiled bathroom! Write -- stating and kitchen, stove and refrigerator. Park- ing, $105. monthly. Couple only, Available! eehite, 3. bedtionk wih qualifications experience to January 1, Telephone 723-7202 . ' PORT PERRY -- five-room ground floor| pity a et gee phx BOX 442 OSHAWA TIMES apartment, three bedrooms, basement, garage, garden. Available immediately.| modern kitchen and dining orea, Recreation room: facili- Learn A Trade While Being Paid Children welcome. $60. monthly. Brooklin ties. Well landscaped lot. Through The C, Mortgages | 723-4768; J. C. Victor, 985-7115. Mortgages BRIVATE and corporation monies to and agreements of sale bought and Sold-!ioan on all types of mortgages; mort- JAMES A. M. DONALD, BA, LLB,|gages and agreements of sale purchased Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-|Creighton, Drynan and Murdoch. (See lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King|heading "Barrister."') West, Oshawa, Ontario, Ciient parking eiRST. AND SECOND mortgages. Sale peda . 725-46 oF 725-4717 _____ jagreements purchased and sold. Hen- DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers andinick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Solicitors, etc, 69 King Street East.| Street East, 723-7232 Telephone 723-2201 oe ee es MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD | AUTO WRECKING CO. | Wants Cars for Wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought Open Saturday al! day. Phone 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. 14--Employment Wanted PETER PAN DAY NURSERY qualified day care, 7 a.m. to 5.30-p.m. 581 Simcoe North, 728-2604 WANTED part time employment in tele vision and radio repair shop. Telephone 263-2461 EXPERIENCED truck driver desires steady employment, nine years with. last employer. Good references. Write Box 444, Oshawa Times. |16--Female Help Wanted | age, and -- $500 WINTER WORKS BONUS 90 DOWN TO ONE 614% N.H.A. MTGE. NEW NHA Bungclows -- stone fronts, clay brick (no semis) hood and . electric clock -- sodded. front and rear large lots, storms and screens--carries $99. month- ly interest, principal and tax- es. $190 down -- 3 bedroom $13,390, $290 down--3 bedroom end gorage, $14,690, $1090 down -- 4 bedroom, split 1% boths. $14,940. Located in Whitby--All ser- vices in and. pokd for by builder--Models for viewing in West Hill. Only a few available at the prices, Call Gerry Hill AM 7-9712, Manderhill Real Estate Ltd, OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN N" MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest ot 7% Open Mortgages No bonus No charge for vauations AND Mortgages and Agreements purchased | Antenna Repair Moneys for second mortgages | TRIO LADY to look after two children. Live In./ Fost service TELEVISION Phone between 1-5 p.m. 728-6907. M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East 17) BOND! STE, OSHAWA «| genera eae Experienced 728-6781 y, neat ap Oshawa, Ontario 1 clerk-cashier for Groceteria TV TOWERS 723-4697 : Must have pleasing personality, neat ap- Economy and pearance, 5-day week. PSI, Blue Cross, Deluxe holiday pay etc. Please write Box 342, Priced to suit your budget Oshawa Times TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV children in our home. Residents. of King and Grandview Streets preferred, or per- SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 son with own transportation. Evenings Well Drilling--Digging telephone 728-8726 CHRISTIAN WOMAN needed Full orquires students either to commence WILLIAM KROONTJE, well digaing, com- Prassor work,.clean-out and deepening part-time, Iifetime security. Experience|course (Grade 13 standing | required) of meld a i istered In Ist, -2nd and 3rd year of Sunday School, ministry helpful. Earn) redis icae 3d. Company, Z No competition.|course. Britnell, oore an company, write Seba rain ae 2 West Madison 130 King Street East, Oshawa. Telephone Street, Chicago 2, Ill 725-6451 468 Park Road South, 728-3864 WELL DIGGING by machine specializing in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, PO Box 329, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809 SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Money to loan, Henry Block, 26'2 Street East. 723-4697. Residence, 723-4029 HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN, Barristers, Qolicitors, 362 King Street East, Oshawa. R. B. Humphreys, QC,/| G. B. Boychen, QC; W. H. Hillman, LLB;/ Oftice: 725-1177. Residence 728-4326.! Whitby 648-2761, 725-4604. NHA and other mortgage funds available LOUIS S. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Solici for, Notary, Suite 305, The Times Building, 86 King Street East, 723-4943 Clients' funds available for mortgages. | GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici fors, etc, 114 King Street East. Dial 723-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, 3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, King} 655-4659 dial : 5%2% N.H.A. 'mortgage. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, available January 15. Stove and refrigerator. Baby welcome. Apply 589 Lansdowne Drive. seo 2" COUNTRY _ ATMOSPHERE -- yet just minutes from the city. 6 room bungalow with 725-4183. 26--Rooms For Rent attached garage located on Elizabeth Crescent. Cathedral ~ FURNISHED. room, large, double bed, suit. two working gentlemen, willing to share. Central, parking, $7 weekly. Tele-| ceiling living room and dining chen phone 728-6697 NASSAU Street, single furnished room be gentleman. Telephone after 5 p.m.) vanity and 3 generous bed- 728-9348, | i a _.| rooms. High bosmeent with FRONT STREET, $48 -- One furnished nad fo an {or t room, sult gentleman or lady. Telephone) 9 Cue ee eee 728-7848, room, FURNISHED double room for light house keeping for two ladies or gentlemen. 25 Division Street. | CENTRAL, nicely furnished bedroom.| clean, quiet home, near bus stop. Park-| ing. Suit refined gentleman. Breakfast optional. Call 725-3879 FURNISHED -- housekeeping room and| garage, suit one person. Apply 34 San- dra Street East |ROOM for rent In new home. Suit two| girls, $8 per week each, Telephone 7728- 0260 THREE-BEDROOM apartment. Newly decorated. Thickson's Road South, $50.00 per month, 725-4040. FOR RENT Three rooms unfurnished apartment, hardwood fooors throughout. Adults only. Business couple preferred Phone 668-3129 or apply 406 Walnut Street.; a" epeezunt | ATTRACTIVELY -- | | FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867) 27--Real Estate For Sale FOUR suite apartment in centre of Bow- manville on large 140-ft by 192-ff treed lot. Circulat drive through beauifu! lawn "and pine trees. Large. apartments in good repair. Rent income $295 per month. For sale with $3000 down. Low monthly payments on balance. P.O. Box 220, Oshawa PRIVATE, three-bedFoom brick, north- west area, paved drive. Possession Janu- ary. Telephone 728-0724. on a part time basis, Pre- vious experience in intra- venious work preferable but since further training will be given. Should have good essential | For full particulars | not ial room. Hollywood kit- 4 pe. tiled both with command of English. Please apply to Qc 728: Director of Personnel Oshawa General Hospital Royal Canadian Air Force IF YOU ore 17 to 29 years old Call 723-1121 Building Trades c OR ROOFIN wur spe ty. Large and small jobs. L and construction, 725-6937 PLASTERING and repairs, fire class workmanship. Telephone 728-2482. 4-1 CARPENTRY, cabinets, arborite, bathroom and kitchen remodelling, ceil- ing, wall and floor tiles. G. Lehmann, 728-3836. "concrete" floors, flat roofing ty. New work and repairs and H. Rooting Mortgage Money Available Low Interest 728-0569 725-4330 725-8068 723-9266 725-4362 725-3454 728-5581 723-2537 723-7183 725-4330 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. South "Your Guide To Better Living" Steve Zurba Jean Peocock Leon Manitius John Hutchuk Tony Siblock Roy. Flintoff Steve Englert Lloyd Corson Dick' Young Lucas Peacock 17--Male Help Wanted CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS?' office re Valuations Arranged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND OISTRICT MMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim meys built and repaired, gas linings in stalled, furnaces vacuumed... Free est mates. 723-2997 ALL TYPES of building repairs, roofing,' chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks,, stoops Gordon May, 728-0394 = OMe IMPROVEMENTS Roofing, eavestroughing, Pointing, cupboards, floor tiling. General repairs of oll kinds. 'No job too big or | smajl. All qudranteed Financing at bonk rates. Call us onytime P. Nellis Telephone: 728-2061 Cartage JOHN'S MOVING AND CART Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates eauipped and insured. 728-3661 have Grade 8 eduaction or higher. FULL TIME and part-time men. Apply Auto Magic Car Wash, 116 Bond West TRUCK drivers wanted for route work in Oshawa area. $100 weekly. Write Box 1428 Oshawa Times WELDERS for part-time work, highest rates for right men. Please state hours available and experience, etc., foePO Box Oshawa St S\ (at Stevenson Rd.) No Phone Calls. Please CASHIER Full Time 5 Day Week ore physically fit ond single Members Ontario Mortgage Broker's Association | SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED ore a Canadian citizen or British subject. Apply to Manager | SHELL - HANDY ANDY | Preferably between 25-40 $180 o month while training | ONE STOP igi | AUTO SERVICE. | MERCURY TAXI | CENTRE LTD. 725-4771 520 KING WEST CENTRAL DICTATING work in electronics, mechanical, North 725-3568 112 Simcoe St administra Oshawa, Ontario communication o tion or many other fields free medical and dentol core Musical Services 1--Women's Column PIANO, reed pipe and electronic organ, PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair tuning. and repair, instruments ap-dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, Telephone Praised. J. Hiddunk, Alax 942-1664 725-5363 LOWREY ORGANS, five free lessons with each purchase. Alto Music Sup es, 453 Simcoe South, Q - -- ue Simcoe South, -725-1501 IF YOU have a drinking problem, write EIGHT-PIECE band for hire. Available Box 333, Whitby, or call 668-3034. free uniforms We Are Looking | free sports facilities For A Salaried Salesman GE, Fully 2--Personal @ very generous pension plan Dressmaking opportunity for wide travel EXPERIENCED dressmaking, pant cult- rates ing Mrs and alterations, Reasonable Eldridge, 67 Montrave, 725-6476. New Year's Eve. Glen Miller: tunes, Call after 5 p.m. 725-8729. etc Gardening and Supplies Loam and Gravel . Washed Stone, Fill Excavating, lots leveled, Leaders, Trucks for hire BEATTY. HAULAGE Painting and Decorating KITCHENS, bedrooms, cupboards, halls, Brighten service offices painted and decorated things for Christmas. Speedy Magic Painting and Maintena 725-2198 DODD and SOUTER nce. PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, paperhanging, | LEN PULLAN | ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist in garment altera- tions, etc, Invisible mending, dress alterations 10: PRINCE ST. 728-5311 Removal of superfluous hair, Morie Murduff will be in Oshowo, Dec. 30th and 31st Phone Genosha Hotel on these | STENOGRAPHER Experienced dictaphone ond a.good typist. Required for hospitai laboratory, know- ledge of medical terminology an asset. Good salary, hours of work and benefits. Permo- nent position. Please apply to Director of personnel. Oshawa General Hospital in | In Oshawa This position offers an attrac- tive opoprtunity 'for a man who is wiling to learn obout insurance and who likes to spend time at evening meet- ings ond interviews. ~ 1A is an Ontario casualty company owned and controll- ed by credit union, co-opera- tive ond farm organizations. 4 weeks' onnual holidoy with poy visit discuss Why not us to possible technician in the RCAF. 723-2265 your future os a | | WHY RENT? -- This three | bedroom brick bungalow just | reduced to only $9,700. Yet. | it has attached gorage, olu- storms, screens ond Immediate posses- Address is The Oshawa Armouries minum doors etc, SCHOFIELD-AKER 725-2156 Want Ads hold the key to Extra Cash Gyptex, Full Wall Murals Spray Painting | 107 BYRON ST.S., WHITBY | DAYS 668-5862 | NIGHTS 725-7426 son. SIMCOE SOUTH--Most at- tractive modern bungalow of- fered at only $17,900. Three roomy bedrooms; inviting liv- ing room; nice dining room; attached garage. Basement apartment rented, Early pos- session. MUST BE SOLD NORTH EAST AREA. 6 yr. old brick 2 storey Colonial four bedroom dwelling (1600 sq. ft.) 542% N.H.A. mort- goge $88.00 Principal, Inter- est ond Taxes situated on lorge landscaped, lot (75 x 150) in North. Oshawa just outside city limits, stone fire- place, 2 bathrooms, water dates for appointment TOWNSHIP OF . i ; | NO OBLIGATION ELECTROLYSIS =| WHITBY, BROOKLIN | District" Manager | Date of Mobile Visit is: | | District Manoger 723-4641 od REQUIRES Wednesday, Jan. 22, 1964 3--Pets & Livestock FULL TIME between noon and 6 p.m. BEAGLE puppies, three months old, well By marked, paper trained. Ideal Jast minute OFFICE Christmas gift. Cail Whitby 662.5994 BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for Knowledge of typing bookkeeping essential training, talking strain. Apply Mrs./ Salary $2,400 per yeor. Broad, 114 Elgin East. REGISTERED Dachshound puppies. Ex- Applications received until December 31st by. cellent Christmas gift after 5 p.m. Bow- manville. 623-3430 ALEX C. CRAIGIE TREASURER P.O. BOX 160 quality. and temperment, parti-color. CKC BROOKLIN, ONT, Personal Service RICKEY'S Lunch Bar, 808 Simcoe Street South. Open from 8.30 a.m. till 5 p.m Meals, hot dogs, hamburgs and sand- ake out orders Co-operators Insurance Association | 286 King St. West | | | Sing along with the happy | | Classified Advertising Rates folks who have discovered 25 WORD MINIMUM Better described offers get taster results, Cash ond Oshawa what a Want Ad can do. Charge 6 consecutive days 3.75 4.13 3 consecutive doys 220 2.48 Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation as one word Box number : 15¢ While. every endeavour will be mode to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no Niability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through either foilure or delay in forwarding such replies, however caused whether by negligence or otherwise BLUEBIRDS By ALICE BROOKS Bluebirds -- emblem of happi- ness. They will add this to your kitchen with gay colors. Do birds in blue and the lazy- daisy flowers in contrasting col- ors. Pattern 7056: transfer of », 7 motifs 5% x 6 inches; di-jinos that make you look delight. jrections. fully narrower. Choose faille, | Thirty-five cents (coins) for| linen, wool. this pattern (no stamps, please) Be cba Fever 4914: Halt : i Sizes 1414, 1644, 18%, 20%, 22%, to Alice Brooks, care of The 2444, Size 16% requires. 4% |Oshawo Times, Needlecra f tlyards 39-inch fabric. |Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Ontario! FIFTY CENTS (50 cents): in registered; shots, will hold until Christ mas. Telephone 723-1739 A LOVELY present for youl German Shepherd Pups, purebred, $15, $20. After 7.20 p.m, Bowmanville 263-2433. PUREBRED Siamese kitten, weeks, exceptionally good each. Dial Whitby 668-5916 GERMAN Shepherd, months' old 728-9893, LOST: Dog, white Samoyed Husky, Whit by area. Answers to Nicky. Telephone 728-2592. BEAGLE PUPPIES, males, five months old, Dam registered, partly housebroken, ideal pets for children, $15. and $18. Teie- phone 725-8478 SIAMESE KITTENS for sale. Male, Seal point, 'ideal for Christmas gifts, $25. each Will hold for Chirstmas. Whitby 668-8179 after 6 p.m. PEKINGESE Puppies, charming pets, English breeding. Reasonable, Register. ed. Dial Whitby 668-3923 GERMAN Shepherd puppies, 3 months old, registered, purebred, $50. Dial Whit by 668-5623 | CHIHUAHUA, puppies, male and male, pocket size. Call Whitby (seuss G. R. HEFFERNAN PUPPIES | FOR CHRISTMAS and -Associates 304 Dundas St. West Purebred Cocker Spaniels | Whitby 668-3336 _ Attention High School Students | THE ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY EACH YEAR MAKES AVAILABLE A LIMITED NUMBER OF NAVAL OFFICER CADETSHIPS TO CAN- | "i® 'wer down pavment. ADIAN HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: a i ae brond new ultra modern 6 Applications ar ; ; - room ranch bungalow with 2 . . being accepted now from senior car garage, 20' living room, and junior matriculation students desiring to enter Hollywood kitchen, 3 extra EXPERIENCED the Navy as officer cadets under the terms of the | ccd Size bedrooms, 4 pe. | - § ' i ath complete wi vanity, (Tri-Service) Regular Officer Training Plan or the colored fixtures, tiled walls, Short Service Officers Plan, etc. Location: Beau Valley, down payment $5200.00 bal- FOR FULL INFORMATION ON COMMISSIONS ance N.H.A. mortgage. ee ae IN THE ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY, WRITE, PHONE OR VISIT: (residents add 1 cent pales tax.|coine (nd stamps, pivase) or spar Open 9 to 9--Sat. 9 to 5. 'Print plainly Pattern Number, this pattern, Ontario residents THE RCN RECRUITING OFFICE 728-5868 Name, Address plainly" SIZE, NAME' Ape 27 ST. CLAIR EAST, TORONTO 7, ONT Y eae . - Tomorrow's Naval Officer 433 987, | 206, HANDICRAFT HITS in\DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Could Be You! SIZES 14-24% FOR HALF SIZES By ANNE ADAMS The cape -- a collar of high Shion importance above sleek he softener, wooden storms and screens. Also open to offers male, coloring nine $25 female, Registered with seven Papers It not paid within 7? days, charge rate applies. Professional listings only, 3 lines per month Each additional line per month : 5 (Not applicable tor merchandise advertisements.) DEADLINES 8.50 1.60 WORD ADS ayer Cards of Thanks .. In Memoriums Lost ond Found Births and Deaths Day. Previous 5 p.m. Day Previous 5 p.m. Day Previous 8:30 a.m. Day of Publication > 8:30 a.m. Day of Publication CLASSIFIED. DISPLAY j 3 p.m. Previous Day CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 8:30 A.M, Day of Publication REGULATIONS ' The Oshowa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement. nor beyond the price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising occording to its proper classification. in the case of display advertisements, The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that in which the octual error occupies. The publishers endeoveur to reproduce all adver- tising motter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement | if ony inaccuracies in ony form ere contained therein, Proficient in Shorthand and Electric Typewriter Experience. in Contractors or Engineers Office preferred. Steve Macko Pauline Beal Margaret Lee Allan Thompson . Charlie Chaytor Marg. Hall Maible Boudreau 728-2870 jour big, big, new 1964 Needle-) Sond order to ANNE ADAMS, eee ace leraft Catalog, out now! (See|care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- cahatse toys, fashions, crewelwork, heir-|tetn Dept., ( shawa, Ont. i | . 'Pain Reg. Aker 725-0201 .|looms, gifts, bazaar hits | FATTERN FREE! Malt cow Pr tcl eeters 725-1726 everything to crochet, knit, ew, tern Catalog, ready 'onl bie! 360 King St. W, weave, embroider, quilt, smock./300 design ideas, all sizes, Send Free Parking Send 25 cents right now, -- '50 cents for Catalog. Verngndale Cockers registered Brock Road Just North of Highway. 2 Pickering 942-6427