Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Dec 1963, p. 4

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jt oa : =? ] Ne rT F eee igures include various products; eggs; frults;----vege=|$3;200;000,000 compared with 3; 2 Sudbury Mother To Spend et arm |federal grain payments and sub: tables, rapeseed and soybeans. 080,000,000 in 1962, itself a rec- j \sidies paid on other crops. But; Returns from cattle and ord. ve ash Income no allowance, is made for farm- calves, hogs, rye and flax were) ers' production costs. lower, Christmas With Children 'Up 46 Percent |. Contributing to the increase) Nine-month provincial totals, 39 DAYS OVERSEAS \were higher wheat deliveries on with the corresponding 1962 fig-| (OCT. Ist -- MAR. tot) SUDBURY (CP)--Mrs. Marie]. The Hamernyk children, rang-| gprawa (CP)' -- Canadian 'he Prairies and higher returns|ure brackeved included Ontario) AW! -- C lan Os 2 t $743,670 ($698,735). $312.00 ROUND TRIP AT 0 for coarse grains, poultry, and,at $ 70 ($69 ) FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL Hamernyk, who gaye up her|ng in age from six months unm cash income in ¢he first ' ; .|seven years. are living together). det ' ~|larger government advances on} Total cash farm income for| | Yhildren's } ' rd ine ' s| : m w four children to the Children's ne months of th's year WaS|tarm-stored grain, There also|1963 has been officially. but ten- shone teen ; in a home just a few blocks'4¢ ..-. € hinher 'nd r : Aid Society Monday, will be re-|away from their mother. * ne aes aie of 16s. the were gains in potatoes, dairy/tatively estimated at a record' united with her family for' Mrs Hamernyk said she will bureau of statistics said Thurs- Christmas. continued to fight to get her! gay. | W. J. P. Thompson, director cash Allowance reinstated and jt placed this year's January- of the Sudbury and. District to have her children back. September figure at $2,319.400,- Children's Aid Society, said) Mr. Hamernyk is serving a+000 against $2,218,100,000 a year Thursday the children are al-|J3!! ten) 'i {EARNED Ri ners ready in a foster home and ar- rangements will be made for 2 un" them to spend Christmas with "Gifts for Aor dtoma their mother. Mrs. Hamernyk surrendered the children because she could not support them. She said the city welfare department would only give her a $45 food voucher and she needed money for cloth- ALL-WOOL BLANKETS ing and other necessities. Family Court Judge W. F. Woodliffe placed the children in temporary custody Thursday before adjourning a Children's Aid Society application to have the children declared neglected. The hearing will resume Jan. 9, with the city paying the bill for lthe children while in the fos- SOVIET FAMILY HOLIDAYS IN US. ter home James C. McKenzie, centre, ational Airport. McKenzie merce. Left to right, are: te an Hawerne of Portsmouth, Ohio, talks family will host the Russian ie age peeing page of han been omered a job as house- with Victor Pozdneev of Mos- family, which has been in- peg oe mag ripe keeper in Walkerton, 40 miles cow and his family as they vited to the U.S. for the pozdneey. 6: McKenzic: Mrs, South of Owen Sound, and a arrive from Russia Thursday Christmas holidays by the -- Pozdneev and her husband ees cis e ee he vai at John F. Kennedy Inter- Portsmouth Chamber of Com- --AP Wirephoto 'ate broker to reunite the fam- ° r ; ily has reached $150 Mrs. Hamernyk 'said the c:ty REPORT FROM PARLIAMENT welfare department stopped giv- We don't know of a wormer way to express your good ing her cash because she pur- 'i " 9 ' wishes th th lonket with the "Label of Prestige'. lchased a refrigerator on credit ishes thon with a blonket wi oe 9 | Patterson, city Drop in and let us show you. Yre've postel boby blan- | Mrs. Simone OoveTI l I I 1@] ] l lr! | S OW]! l welfare administrator, said the kets, the loveliest of flower shades for adults and checks city's concern was that the fam- for den or camp. «wv had good, shelter and fuel hd id : aia re amoernvk - $40 Million Wheat Order iit es) gaosnot | . CRIB---Jr, Size 6,.50.11.50 not for articles bought on credit TEXTILE Double 12,98 By MICHAEL STARR, MP_ began to move. Red China turn- order to balance our trade RAMCREST Twin Bed .... 13.95 OTTAWA -- Wheat, on the ed the trend, when -- she deficit Prairies, has always' presented BE PRORTCD AOR Bhd Pur) ks Use a a: Hine Ot Le ar e ay renee ie aa : . medi 'ouble oe : chased a tremendous amount of year, the Government has been a problem. Its disposal was be- oyr surplus wheat receiving submissions from the FASHION TONE Double +. 19.95 coming more and more diffi- The elevators began to empty ious national groups. The Ca = FLORAL TINTS Double 22.50 cult. Sales to our traditional Russia, experiencing a severe ian Labour Congress, -- the l e ate buyers 'were not sufficient to drought, placed another largé Railway: Brotherhoods, the Ca- take care of yearly crops. As a order, A situation such as this nadian Chamber of Commerce, "CROCHETTE" BEDSPREADS result, the grain elevators were taxes all of our transportation and others, have stated P overflowing and spilled over in resources to the limit views in printed form, for the or ater Reminiscent of the hand crochet heirloom the Colonial the fields of the farms in West- It is a situation such as this consideration of 'the Govern- perion thik sett ed spread. c mes ichly, (inaed 15, 8 ern Canada that requires organization. This ment ORONO -- There will be no cae conta te 4 frellow with use, since In the past few years Iron has been: lacking in the. past EXPRESS VIEWS waterworks in Orono -- unless it is: completely moat Curtain countries have been ex- weeks and the result was that ~~ os A aded there is an increase in the pro Double Size 18 98 . RS nt eal ar pat ricaet hans on ¥ s vese org? ati pres ° b . : periencing droughts and failures Canada turned down a forty mil- nizations "EXPFeSS Hoced residential consumer rate 94" x 110" eee onmsonaiinsy 2 ai cover igh {a5 in their crops. They turned to lion dollar order from Red thei Views on matters, from As a result ofthis advice r \ * Canada for their requirements China ie Canadian economic scene to ; OL UMS BOVICE. Ter n vhat Ceived from the Ontario Munici- ii / Ahie al ne ' the world situatior m se of wheat. Arrangements were This should not have happen- . ation, and ¥ : i B ortable made on term basis. Our wheatied, as Canada needs sales 'in they consider should be the part pal Board, trustees of the police HANDMADE TABLE SETS seat wi ' a ats _ * ne the Canadian Government Vilage asked Monday's meeting : : 1 eee x NLawiea aaah 'i A gift of beauty that will pleosure eors colour. x should play of Clarke Township council to eaten BA In aietey AG NAlInae IM Giemuer Wark TV govdes, OS N rt pass a resolution increasing the 'ap ms cH Astior titching. Most ore on er avaiable Ww t hand works = ene nied eee APTING ise, chat Gries Turaue! ours. oe ae aay the ew of cs cellent rien® Ds otc Upon receiving these presenta- e e Council To Revive tions the Government usually Proposed $15 a year household 9" pee Did! gives consideration to the sug- "ate to $28 a year eee gestions, It may eventually The OMB turned down. the 54" x $4" adopt some of them and ignore lower figure because it felt too, 7-pee. set wack © ' This Session of Parliament is the mill rate. 72" x 90" '3 ORONO -- The Newtonvillejhall, should their request be nearing its conclusion.: Another 13 Pee. Set P ee 9 00 Park may be re-established. _| granted. Session will start after a recess WG nil se, dee 39: woos 4 arms: Clark3 Township council, MAKE WAY FOR GRANTS of. a few weeks. The Members ae 2 RS Se) meeting Monday, received a re- Under the Community Centres / 27° 8°ing home to spend Christ LACE TABLE CLOTHS 4 R RaW CHAIRS paced " with Alispic quest from the board of New-| , ° = : mas and New Year's w ae tonville Community Hall, re- pg psig of 25 pte of up Fagin ar's with their i i Ss ' ee * vaca . 0 $20, are availabie A lovely eomr ent to ony toble ore these Seotch-Made lace questing that council deed the ike acina e I wish to take this opportunity 'sloth 6 d aid Be HAtone SerG: SABRE property to the board, establish-- Other council business includ: of axtending to the people: of . or glistening te firmly woven for long wear and ing by bylaw, under the .Com-ed the recommendation to the Ontario R ding rie vale hast Quality easy launderir choose the size best suited to yourN\table munity Centres Act. © Jan. 7 inaugural. meeting . Of wichos for this Yuletide eit o . At the November meeting of,council that T. M. C. Ross be i.q-health happines aie abige This seal is the hallmark 50" x 50" -- White or Ecru 98 - 3.98 no iggpeDlgheliga eaten ee daerpe role Shr Sed te perity durin * the ii FY ta of quality in the Rug 50" x 70" -- White or Ecru park, once popular, but 'unused superintendent. He will replace Mis SNS YORe: 180 Cleaning. Field. As: ¢ 58" « 78 ---- White or Ecru for many years, could be taken Charles Stapleton whose resigna member of NIRC, Nu- 70! «90! <a White or Boru over and supported by a com-|tion takes effect Dec, 31 : Way Rug Co, Ltd. .have 70" x 106" == White or Ecru munity group, if council would) Gordon V. Wright, Counties seea eons the knowledge and equip- offer it for sale Emergency Measures Organiza- Led Minne digg Ae ment to di + 2 ' phe dte of dedettale Beautify Your Home lo. a thorough, % ed SkiB Included in the Newtonville tion co-ordinator, met with with professional rug el Sats %, cushion® ocad- ' 4 ' i ] ig cleanin ' m AY request, was the community|council, asking that public meet- CUSTOM AND job 6 OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. EACH DAY , PILLOW deer 1, Alispice hall and. the land on which it is ings be held to inform residents READY MADE CLOSE SATURDAY 6 P.M. 7 of ert oft yinelle- located. Council agreed to meet of the purpose of EMO. Council DRAPES NU-WAY. with the board to determine the agreed to endorse and co-oper- action the board will take re- ate in any action taken by the RUG co ¥ garding renovation of park and organization. M, & C. Dry Goods 174 peeren -- : ~ " An increase in possible grants & Dra eries } . -- from 50 to 60 per cent, will P 728-4681 Santa Claus jbe available on all roadwork pen soe Say yy Quetiticg Sens |duly approved. by the depart- Oshowa T nici id : ment of highways in 1964, ac- eh a tesla 31 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 725-1151 Fined $9 In cording to'a notice received by An a he hr council from the minister = 1 ll P k 65 others which they feel are im- much of the waterworks system S45 72" able nid oe sure tO V ; ' a Yi sone ii be pric Newton 1 e ar < practicable cost would be supported through 7-pcee. set " oe RM ROCKERS siete and everroneue qrieze 1 % packs: PLA feats 8 ' oF pack = 'Avoca p il Coun. Robert G, Chater was owmanvl e appointed 'to the Central Lake Ontario Development Associa- BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- tion. Santa Claus made. an appear- - | . an yitl . fraie's Court Tuesday, | THAT'S SHOW BIZ | John Franklin Barnum, alias) STATELINE, Calif. (AP) --| Santa Claus, 63, of Agnes street, Frank Sinatra Jr., his singing Oshawa, was convicted of im- Career interrupted by kidnap- paired driving: by. Magistrate pers Dec. '8 returned to. the R. B. Ba ., fined $50, Stage Thursday night with a and costs or seven days rendition of Too Close for Com- 3arnum, the court was told, fort. The song title summed up had been observed travelling the 19-year-old singer's ordeal west on Highway 2 on Decem- Which ended in Los Angeles ber 14 nine days ago with payments of At first i § thought that $240,000 ransom. Ste ee ee ; : bi Vi SHOP LATE TONIGHT Let's Have a Party f AND EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK had forced the other car off the road Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, Barnum in his own defence Silver Candelabra is 4 i said that' he was returning from i he y a H the Canadian 'esi party in| putas e . Special Clearance § where he ha COFFEE URNS ' 9 played a Claus 25, 30, 44, 55, 75 Cup Sizes. WwW: 9 x 12 Room Size Ru $ UE think fom Yow on 1 am hcl ee 7 Good food deserves Chateau-Gai Wine : . Barnum quipped as sentence Phone 725-3336 How can you tell the best wines in the house? Easy! Look for these classic 5 going to stick to children," Sargeant a Rentals Terrific value! Your choice of nylon, wool, acrilan, orlon, propy- ponk SeUytt lene in a wide range of colours, at one low price. was passed = = new labels that say Chateau-Gai. Here's a family of Canadian unnes that iy have continued their long tradition of superb quality--a quality made to ' Ski Weeks at MUSKOKA SANDS 'compliment good food and the Canadian taste. Enjoy a Chateau-Gai Wine 3-lb. Christmas Cake GR In Attractive Metal Tin With the purchase of 39.95 or more, from any of our big depart- offer you everything soon. You don't need a special occasion --Chatean-Gai makes it special. ments, we will include for 88c a tasty 3-lb, Christmas Cake in a most attractive tin. f @ Accommodations and Meals @ Ski Lessons @ T-Bar @ Indoor Heated Pool : G f | : @ Evening Entertainment @ Specially Chetan' Chateau Da Reduced Ski Lift Rates at Hidden Valle wi and Rainbow Ridge. : Chateaw Ger = All-inclusive for § or 7 days from $55.50 Pea (oy IIE 2s aera a" || Canadian Write or Phone « E ha : 'ANADIAN PORT ae Claret * # ; % ' EM "cue, A ne tt © herney's My a rnes ! is Xs j g uskoka Sands Inn | || i woos ony CANADIAN SHERRY | ' : Lake Muskoka, Gravenhurst, Ont, --_ AUR Canada's Wines of Distinction Mock a FUORNITURE WORLD Telephone 705-687-2233 | = P . te MAURICE A. EAST, Monaging Director

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