Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Dec 1963, p. 18

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} - -- US. Flat-top TENDER NOTICE | Will Patrol ALTERATIONS AND | : Indian Ocean ADDITION TO CENTRAL | ee COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE | ADULT : SCUBA | NEW DELHI (Reuters)--Gen, DIVING CLASSES | 5 $40 jackpot |Maxwell. Taylor, chairman of | 12 fowl given as door prizes. OSHAWA, ONTARIO te sealed tenders on the _|the joint chiefs of staff, said| START Sora ia Wet, | robe edotaiced Thursday, United States plans) Thursday, Dec. 19th |_7:45 P.M. Friday, Dec. 20. ---- pabaael work, Higa, : ft : : Plumbing and rainage, ) Station an aircrat Canties) 4 . }with two or three destroyers) Boy 5 Club Pool CHRISTMAS BINGO Heating and Ventilating and and an oiler in the Indian} Aqua Lungs and Air Supplied. | HOLY CROSS HALL Electrical Trades, addressed to the Oshawa Board of Ed- /Ocean | Prime Minister Nehru had| 10 Weeks Course $25 | Application forms available FRIDAY, DEC. 20th 8 PM 18 HE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, December 20, 1963 COMING EVENTS [novse, 'Nonguon Road, seturday, 'Decem-| St JOHN'S PARISH ' (Continued from Page 17) "3i--Automobile Repair Change Ahead In '64 Britain-Europe Ties By ALAN HARVEY LONDON (CP) -- A year of change in political relationships is forecast for Britain and Eu- rope. The ending of the Adenauer jera in the federal republic of Germany, the uneasy groping toward a centre-left coalition in Italy and the appointment of Sir Alec Douglas-Home as Brit- ain's new prime minister all point to a realignment of poli- cies in the coming months. | Of the former European Big Road, Saturday, Decem- i 50¢. admission. wae CHRISTMAS BINGO Corner Bloor and Simcoe Sts. 20 games at $8 ond $12 |31--Automobile Repair |ber 21, at 8 p.m. 'prizes. After Kennedy's death, therejand some close observers of the was some speculation in London|German scene feel that Erhard that Prime Minister Douglas-|might prove one of the big sur- Home might become a leading/|prises of the new year. figure on the Western side in ef-| Erhard was said to. have forts to.keep in being the pre-| shown unexpected firmness in carious balance that seemed 'M/his meetings with de Gaulle in have been established between/Paris in November. Kennedy. and Russia's Nikita! In economic affairs, the fu- Khrushchev jture of the Common Market ap- It was noted that de Gaulle|pears to depend on early-1964 had remained outside the recent|negotiations involving a conflict East - West negotiations, while|between France's desire for low Ludwig Erhard, stepping into|European agricultural _ tariffs the German chancellorship|favoring -- -- and in\filled for so long by Konrad}Germany's wish for high pro- Three--Chancellor Adenauer in AdeHaHce site soltiing into|tectionist barriers shielding in- VOLKSWAGEN PICKERING CAR CENTRE Station Road off Highway 2 ot Moodies Restouront Watch for our sign on Highway Brond mew, modern shop. Fully trained and experienced stoff. Genuine Volkswagen Parts and Accessories All Work Guaranteed. Free Estimates n 8 A.M, until 9 P.M -~ Monday Through Saturday ucation will be receivéd by jsaid India would not object to| CRANFIELD the Business Administrator Lwarships of the Pacific-based| MOTOR SALES 'ond Secretary Treasurer; Mr. J. R. Backus, 555 Ross- | u rasp y |American 7th Fleet cruising in} jthe Indian Ocean 331 PARK RD. S. 723-2284 land Road West, Oshawa, Ontorio, or the Architects, until 4:00 p.m Taylor made his statement to, |neporters just before he left for}. TUESDAY, \Pakistan after a three-day visit JANUARY 21, 1964 |here to discuss Indian defence BATHE PARK jneeds in the face of possible; CHRISTMAS SUNDAY DEC. 22 2to 4PM for the construction of cafe- teria, kitchen, shops, science 'jaggression from Communist /China. Members children only. 8 yeors ond under Free turkeys for door prizes. CHRISTMAS | Courtesy Cars Available TELEPHONE AJAX 942-1030 32--Articles For Sale ,32--Articles for Sale BAUER skates, hockey equipment, GE|SNOW plow attachment for garden trac-| _eppliances, toys, guns, bikes, hunting)tor, like new, $25. Telephone 723-7020. e radios, 100ls)iTHIS is the end of our 1963 carriage camping supplies, auto accessories. Easy models, 15 only. L@rge reductions. Hurry budget terms, no outside financing.| for these cleared bargains from $19. ~Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West, Wisons Furniture, 20 Church Street ~ Oshawa. ae a" : RECLINER chairs with pillow back, liary areas ond alterations to existing classrooms and office area rooms, art, music and dauxi- | Taylor said his overriding im- {pression was that India wanted {to have a good defence and at| |the same time preserve its eco-| fnomic program. He added there} lwas "no tendency" toward a|/ |runaway military buildup. The general said there was jno need for the U.S. to seek janyone's approval to send naval| forces into the Indian Ocean} and no port facilities were re- quired in any case. But he said he had informed Nehru of the American proposal although a!l the details were not yet worked out The Times of India said about ja. dozen nations in the Indian lOcean anea were informed in) tthe last three days of the Amer- ican plan. It said the force would start cruising in the In- dian Ocean in February or March and carry out a series of manoeuvres with or without the co-operation of regional na- tions Plans, specifications, instruc- tioris to bidders and forms of tender may be obtained 'by General Contractors, Plumb- ing and Drainage Sub-Con- tractors, Heating and Venti- lating Sub-Controctors and Electrical Sub-Contractors af- ter 3:00 p.m THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1963 from the office of John B Parkin Associates, Architects and Engineers, 1500 Don Mills Road, Don Mills, On torio. A certified cheque in the amount of $50.00 is re- quired as a deposit on each set of plans tob Santa Claus in Person DANCING Every Saturday 8PM TRIPLE-C Twin Mark Valley Boys Orchestre 'Y Milles Northeast Hampton, Ont "TYPEWRITER portable like new. Also|stuffed with foam, all. vinyl, Hurry for| one standard. Electric adding machine, /this! $64.88, Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church also, one hand model, terms. Priced! street very reasonably, 723-4434. TYPEWRITERS, adders, --------|SKATES -- New and used, exchange. cashiers, dupli-/For a fair deal, try Sportsman's Corner, cators, chequewriters, comptometers,|Whitby, one block west of Four Corners, Tree hundred new and used. We buy, Large selection, all sizes sell, rent, service. Hamilton Office Equip- SCOTCH Pine Christmas trees from our ment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. __|own nursery; also truckloads of turkeys, stl , ty|geese, ducks, chickens and capons. Order arrent pap tdt ed a Tek Ae a Y/ now for Christmas. Open daily till 10 p.m. dante deli da Dial 725-3445 "PRONTALINI accordion, 80 bass key, ex-) -------- --- -------- "cellent. condition, complete with case and paiffieid oh Ses ene furniture and ' t. Tel appli emptor 260-2733, caer clephone | curniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271 ¥ TT es ion, 21", new pic-/SKATES, new and used. Sold and ex- vrei dbbatel Lapbia 78-174" |changed. Largest selection In town. Open wt -- evenings, Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond East. ' n, 21", Ver = Asi Bc ahostieldad sd puedeh hela Pcs agin Miller Avenoe.|TELEVISION tower special, 404f, struc 725-7488. ture; Including all channel antenna, in- es - F stalled and guaranteed by experts with BLACK. Persian fabric Jacket, size 18, 10 years experience, $50. Trio Television, perfect condition, very reasonable. ' arian Be-/ Telephone 728-6781 een telephone 44 ---- ------ semonetion ---- | pd colt Bh oll ac buy, sell and exchange used furni- equipment, ---- WE BEAUTY salon aryers:/ture or anything you have. The Clty chairs, shampoo basins, dresserettes,|rraging Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street @tc. Reasonable price. Telephone Whitby south and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671 saa B. F. GOODRICH STORES -- Tires, Bat- JIG SAW 18" throat, quarter horsepower |teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, _ tele- electric motor; ei aba ad paint! vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543 Jephon -3296 : s = pacha kM eM aah = WINCHESTER RIFLE (OLD) "KINDERGARTEN sets for Christmas SKNtKO "¢rom $8.88. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church "street." Plans will be on view at the Tonronto Construction As sociation ond Builders' Ex- changes in Hamilton and Oshawa "Next to Cedar Pork Turk Sunnyside Park | CLUB CAMELOT FORMELY VARCOES PAVILION MONSTER BINGO FRIDAY, DEC. 20 $1,200 IN PRIZES $250 JACKPOTS NO. 56 AND NO. 58 | EARLY BIRD GAMES | 7:45 P.M. The owner reserves the right to reject any or all tenders. freely HUNTING ACCIDENTS Chr From. 1951: to 1960 in North America, 53 per cent of the total hunting -accidents were due to accidental discharge of fire- arms 36--Legal NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD BY THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA FOR APPROVAL OF A BY-LAW TO REGULATE LAND THE OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION G. K. Drynon, Chairman J. R. Backus Business Administrator & Secretary - Treasurer Telephone Oshawa -- 725-8183 olisc) RARE NREN onan EI ANY make, sewing machine and vacuum «LOWREY organs, new and used, 3dayY|cjeaner, repair and service, by your Eina -free trial. Alto Music Supplies, 453 Simcoe/ang Filter Queen' dealer, 329. Simcoe South, 725-1501. South, 728-2391 TV. TOWERS special, 40 ft. tower ae RECONDITIONED _ televisions, stareos ture with all channel antenna, Insta led name brands. Electrohome, GE, etc $50. Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons! nugget terms. Discounts for cash. Hon- Sree. TS est Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191 BUYING or selling furniture or spp RANGETTE, heavy duty with built-in ances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 oF -iocy) $40, cash. Phone 728-9372 263-2695. eee HONEST CAL"S Furniture and Appll- TEEN clothing, sizes 10 at lal|ances. Name brands at biggest discounts] "gnen's coats, 38 to 40. Doll pram. Tele). here. We carry Restonic and Bever- phone 725-8814. ly mattress furniture lines. Your author- Germany, Harold Macmillan in|'* oc Britain a President de Gaulle|his new job. efficient German farmers. TREAT jin France--only the towering son aber in a state of lfigure of de Gaulle holds the/suspended animation. Efforts to P Ld BOY'S CLUB istage. And the new relation-|form a centre-left coalition gov-- F OLICE@ WUar |ships in Europe are bound to be|ernment of Christian Democrats| 9-11 AM affected by the uncertainty injand Socialists have been con-} « Will take ploce in the the United States following the|stantly imperilled by a tendency] Malaysia PM Club Room ot the New assassination of John F. Ken-|of left-wing Socialists to insist Sonta will have treats for off nedy, an event that caused ajon policies that in turn alien- Children 12 yeors ond under {profound reaction in Britain,|ate right-wing supporters among After Threats SATURDAY DEC. 2] France and Germany the Christian Democrats ga ai Taso eters ea Sneaanersond ba , aN A key figure in the changing) KUALA LUMPUR Oshawa Tennis Club EDR DOM 18 OPEN {Europe of 1964 will be Erhard,|(AP) -- Police cantar ee Kennedy's blend of courageline so-called "Rubber Lion" of| Minister Tunku Abdul. Rahman NEW YEAR 'S EVE and restraint had made him the|German polities whom some ac-] ~4 other high officials Th tacitly accepted leader of the cused of indecision and weak-|qa we "8 t hurs- Western world. With his succes-|jacg pecayse of his long-suffer-\.. y as © S0vermnem continued BALL sor Lyndon B. Johnson untried ing docility. while AUSARUEP ET ee, up persons suspected DANCING TO THE in foreign affairs, a larger role heir-apnarent i involvement in an alleged In- seems in the offing for Sir Alec & lonesian plot to sabotage vital SKYLINERS whose experience Britain's DOUBTS ABOUT ERHARD Ma ea in Malaysia. 9-3AM foreign secretary equipped him) . x i he prune minister Wednes- : 'or a share in thé cold - wari. supporter of European polit-iday accused Indonesia of send- For table reservations phone diatogue with the Soviet Union Hes bengal eine " ey io ing saboteurs to blow up water 728-1625 723-3046 Former premier Macmillan ida tae mee . 1 at oats Tailroads and power sta- *10 PER COUPLE had joined with Kennedy injPOS€ Ge Sraule's ¢ 04'\tions in an effort to shatter Ma- pressing the Sov'et Union.to ac-|°f 4 loosely Iinked ope led)jaysia's economy. ca CREE cept the nuclear test-ban treaty, |2 pranee New peat wonder} A government source said ey Buffet--Hats, Horns, ao ae j|/ whether Erhard, shorn of pres-|hundreds of persons have been signed es late dusatwe! aM jident Kennedy's' support, will picked up for questioning and R hailed as a welcome first st€P| stand firm against de Gaulle. | agich 8 EFRESHER in an easier new relationship|>" aes |the backbone of the plot has between the Communist and! Others speculate that been broken, COURSE capitalist powers Erhard's an Democrats| Security measures throughout FOR Sir Alec was in Moscow for|will likely be toppled in the 1965|Malaysia have been redoubled ' the signing of the treaty and inlelections by Willy Brandt's So-/The prime minister, Malaysia's GRADUATE several speeches as foreign sec-|cial Democrats. But Erhard .a: king and queen and senior cab- jretary developed the thesis that/economics boss had proved one inet members were under close NURSES Russia may be developing alof the federal republic's mos' guard. 3 .momings weekly durir pec Raglan hs ata gg it aN gate egies Hani nila cones Gamat ge jrelations wi Jes' | u is ifica ackbone, | N€Sia 5 Malay: ig lg! Aaa sig Febr- = ations: witu the : pads . ie - ----|formed last Sept. 15 to prolong Pik si ald be of- | . |British rule in Southeast Asia Hospital if there is a suffi. | . jand encircle Indonesia. The 'ed. DOOR PRIZES cient number of applicants. | ee 1sease jeration bigs sc a Singa- ADMISSION 50 Ali Phi gl alae cate | fseideretcscnadicsmcay . VN VC rector of Nursing Data Promised MONSTER BINGO Stock Market * BUZZ saw with two 30 inch, blades, 18 ized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on "inch McCullough chain saw, Ford tractor|424 King Street West, our new. home, for- ». pulley. Telephone 728-2637 merly Avalon Dance Hall. Telephone LIONEL electric train, large jayout, with| 728-919) "fable for mounting, many pieces of extra/ GIRLS' winter coats, size 9'- 14, brown "equipment. Telephone Whitby, 668-5400. [tweed $8, brown plaid $12; nylon party SNOW tires, rguar oxisidresses, red, blue, $6 each; child's Shoo- ee Atneat" dangle td sahil Fly Rocker, $2. Telephone 723-3573 668-2806 BABY carriage, Gendron, gray and PIANO. vuorioht, in| white, converts to car bed, excellent con- ienpge ad right, net and pad. $20. Telephone 4- y p. m., te TELEVISION, 21" Crosiey floor Wil] demonstrate if necessary 52. Inches t $2 dition high, with white a ion, er Pewee" Fexaoit CAS model,| DESKS! Desks! Desks! See our large se Phone lection of finished and unpainted desks from $13.88. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church -- ae . BUREKA vacuum cleaner, triangle mod-| Ciains tor Christmas! Hostess chairs, ot, $125. new, will take $75, or best offer, CHAIRS for Christmas! Hostess chars sdb ccc chairs. with walnut arms, from '$18.88 [UM cl ail _makes.|Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. VACUUM cleaner repairs, LE Msi Fi estimates, parts, attachments, Srushes, hoses. Guaranteed rebuilt ma- 33--Market Basket chines. Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Service. Uschi iter as i Call anytime 728-059) TURNIPS, carrots and cabbage at $1.25 r si ing" machine;|bushel. Apples priced according to grade lady's cloth-|Can supply for household, restaurant and Phone|other Institutions. Evenings dial Brooklin 655-4688. APARTMENT size washi man's gold pocket wafch; Yes we cut and wrap Beef, Pork, Veal for e. 725-7001 USE PASSED PURSUANT TO SECTION 30 OF-THE PLANNING ACT TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to upply to The Ontario Municipal Board pur- suant to the provisions of Section 30 of The Planning Act for approval of By-law 4315 passed on the 18th day of November, 1963. An explanation of the Purpose ond Effect of the by-law is set out hereunder Any person -interested may, within: fourteen (14) days cfter the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the clerk of the City of Oshawa notice of his objection to approval of the said by-law together with a statement of the grounds of such objection The Onterio Municipal Board may approve of the scid by-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any Objection to the by-law wi!! be considered. Notice of any hear ing that may be held. will.be ¢iven to persons who have' 'filed on objection The last day for filing objections will' be December 30, 1963 DATED at the City of Oshawa this 13th day of December, 1963 EXPLANATION OF THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF Over $500 in Prizes SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21st AT 8:00 P.M ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS Includes tickets on 20 turkeys to be drawn on Dec. 21et All prizes doubled on edmission ticket Christmas Danc Sponsored by the | OSHAWA ANGLERS AND HUNTERS CONSERVATION CLUB --|United States. | shi e| H |that scrapie is not highly con-| jease. Flocks OTTAWA (CP) -- Agriculture, Minister Hays promised in the Commons Thursday to give a| complete report on the sheep} disease called scrapie. | However, he told Stanley Kor-| chinski (PC -- Mackenzie) that| his personal opinion is that the} d'sease i¢ "'not that serious" in} Western Canada although he was aware that it was "pei in the United Kingdom and the} Mr. Korchinski said fariners| should be protected by making available to them details of| areas affected by scrapie } Mr. Hays said it's believed tagious and is an inherited dis-| , where a case of| lscrapie has been detected, are| put into quarantine. Earlier, the agriculture min- Mr, Hays said the U.S. will be reviewing its similar pro- gram early in the new year and Canada will sit in. Mr. Olson said Britain doesn't pay any compensation and in fact doubts exists whether the nervous-sys- tem disease is inherited or even contagious. FREE MILK PROGRAM Mr. Hays, speaking as study of his department's spending es- timates resumed, also said that cial ministers of agriculture Wednesday about the proposed school milk program. Such a program of free milk was a Liberal party election pledge. © Mr. Hays said difficulties ex- ist because education ig a pro- vincial matter and there are problems of distribution. Prices Climb TORONTO (CP) -- Stock market prices edged ahead dur ing the afternoon on the stock market Thursday. On the industrial board, Can- ada Cement and Price Brothers both gained %, Canada Steam- ship Lines and CPR % each and Alberta Gas %,. Among losers, Canadian West inghouse fell one point to 30, Royal Bank 5g, Bank of Nova Scotia % and Aluminium 4. Interprovincial Pipe Line closed even at 801% on 6,818 shares including a special size transaction of 6,140 shares at 80% a share. Huron and Erie |was of % to 65% shares on /1,960 shares including a special size transaction of 1,600 shares at 65% a share. Labrador Mining gained 1% to 34% im senior base metals size 15; also train case your freezer ing, 725-4414. Senne : "FHREE rooms of furniture, only $298.50. Work Expertly done! Lowest Market Prices! No down payment. Discounts. for cash "Honest Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191 WHOLE FRONT CHOICE BEEF (cut and wrap- 'WANTED TO BUY -- Books, National HIPS OF BEEF, ROUND Geographic, old magazines, maps. Mar- Doan salt Telephone 728-5707. STEAKS, ROASTS etc. (the whole hip) (cut ond wrap- Ib ped 59c ister said that Canada and the : [United States are going to re-|_ He also agreed with former |view their slaughter-and-com-|Conservative agriculwre minis- |pensation policy for scrapie ter Alvin Hamilton that he willltg | wak ioolvi 'o}.|make available the list of pure- ng to H. A. Ol- 135.39, golds .46 to 126.02, base lon' (SC_-Medicine. Hat) Bo bred sheep. breeders who get/metals 11 to 57.73 and western said the program in effect. is/C°mPensation for scrapie losses.|oj1s 27 to 81.01. Volume for the |destroying the purebred sheep| M. Hays earlier 'had said he/day was 2,886,000 shares com- jindustry in Canada. would prefer to withold the/Pared with 3,491,000 Wednesday. | As in some other livestock/names and he said he did go |diseases, the 'federal govern-|pecayse contact in any way {ment makes slaughter manda-| ith i | ltory for infected animals and|With scrapie put a stigma on |their offspring too, compensat-/@ breeder's herd and he lost jing the affected farmers. business. LANE (SA Goquetel | "Coquetel Abricot... Cerise... Goiitez avec | _...quil moi !"" tantalise!" 9 |\McIntyre was up % in senior jgolds. The exchange index rose .19 126.55, industrials .19 to SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21st FLEETWOOD ROOM GENOSHA HOTEL Top Toronto Orchestra CITY OF OSHAWA BY-LAW 4315 City of Oshawa by-law 4315 amends the existing City of Oshawe Zoning by-law as follows MAN'S navy bive overcoat, like new, size 38, $25 or best offer. Telephone 726-189 GUITAR, Martin model Di, five months| old. Will sell for $250. Case, strap Includ- @d. After 6.f.m., call 728-7008 1, Under the 'existing zoning by-laws, apartment buildings may be erected in Commercial C-1 and C-2 use districts provid- ed they comply with the same front yard and side yard re quirements as apply to commercial buildings constructed in such use districts. By-low number 431.5 amends the existing by-law so as to require apartment buildings which are to be erected in Commercial C-1 and C-2 use districts to comply side .-yord, rear yard, area and FIRST frontage requirements as apply to apartment buildings In Serving Oshawa Continuously i for over 35 years. Residential R-5 use districts PROCEEDS FOR RETARDED CHILDREN 174 RITSON RD S APPLICATION: This change will oftect ali land zoned os | In the Heart of Oshawa C-1 ond C-2 in the City of Oshawo. ot Open. Daily Till 10 P.M 34--Lost and Found LOST -- Rhinestone brooch at the Osh awa Flying Club on Saturday, December 14, Dial 728-5776. 36--Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF JOHN PATTERSON REID All persons having claims against the Estote of John Patterson Reid, late of the City of Oshawa in the Coun- ty of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of September, 1963, ore hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or be- fore the 18th day of January 1964 full particulors of their claims, after which dote the Estate will be distributed having regard only to claims of which . the undersigned shall then have notice DATED at Oshawa this 18th day of December, 1963 HUMPHREYS BOYCHYN & HILLMAN What's My Line? Buying or selling used fur- niture and appliances. For your needs phone. " Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% 'Bond W Southminster Men's Club CHRISTMAS TREES | CEDAR STREET SAT. DEC. 21st 10 AM till 4 P.M "728-8894 TYPEWRITERS New ond used $20 ond up Guaronteed. Jenkins Business Machine Service 728-7783 IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR EVERYONE Folding Collapsible ROCKING CHAIRS finished beautifully in three sizes and colors CALL 723-9686 WHITBY CLASSIFIED HELPFUL HINT Christmas trees shouldn't be brought inside until a day or two before Christmas or left inside for more than 10 days. Why pay more! Try GLECOFF'S Dancing from 9 'til Midnight -- Tickets at the Door $1.50 PER COUPLE REFRESHMENTS with the same front yard | By-law 4315 adds non-obnoxious manufacturing ond In- dustrial establishments os permitted uses in all Industrial MIX, MIA, MIB, or M2 use districts in addition to the speci- tic industrial uses already permitted in such use districts. The by-law specifies such non-obnoxious industries as those which do not entail unsightly: storage or the emission of odours, fumes, vibrations or other offensive emissions APPLICATION: This change will affect all land zoned os MIX, MIA, MIB, or M2 in the City of Oshawa | DO YOU HAVE A ROOM... APARTMENT . . . COTTAGE... pte Soe TO RENT... ? You Will Get Fast "Coquetel Cacao?" Ce oe ae oui ou non?" By-low 4315 amends the existing zoning by-law #0 os to permit the open storage of goods in the rear yard of lots in Industrial .MIX use districts provided such storage is accessory to an use carried on inside a building om such lot and such storage is not within 30 feet of a street and covers on area not greater than 30% of the lot area or the floor area of the buildings located on the lot whichever is the lesser. By-low 4315 also prohibits the incineration of waste products in MIX use districts APPLICATION: This change will affect all land zoned os MIX inthe City of Oshawa 1 would like you to taste COQUETEL ABRICOT with me. If you sip it once apres le diner, taste its true apricot fruit flavor, you will agree with me: C'est superb. Ecoutez: there are trois COQUETELS, all sont délicieux, Price: modest in the NOTE: The full text of by-law 4315/is available for inspection ot the office of the City Clerk, 3rd Floor, City Hall, 50 Centre Street, Oshawa, and may be examined by ony person ot any time during regular business hours it is true, mon ami. The sweet heady Cherry flavor of Brights COQUETEL CERISE is in truth, tar ing. As you sip this exceflent COQUETEL apres le diner, you will say: Merveilleux! The answer it will be instantly: Oui! When you taste it, you will say: Whee! It is of such bvious tangy chocolate flavor for apres le diner sipping you will not be able to resist it, You ask about the price? SPECIAL NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS IN -THE TOWNSHIPS OF DARLINGTON, EAST WHITBY . BEPTIC tanks cleaned, Prompt service «on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street + West, Whitby, 668-2563. ORESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses,| alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a| specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372 is CHRISTMAS Special, 1964. Outboard motors, 7Va hp, $219. Other models at 20 per cent discount. A few 1963 models at Clearance prices. Wilde. Renta! Service, 141§ Dundas East, Whitby. 668-3226. SCOTCH Pine, first grade, colored. Wilde Rental Service, das East, Whitby. ANDY'S NURSERY GROWN Spruce and Scotch Pine Christmas trees for Saie.| Apply 814 Byron Street North, Whitby. POR SALE -- Christmas trees, $1. John's Anglican Men's Club. Choice trees. Cor- fer of Victoria and Brock Street South POR RENT -- Furnished, room with housekeeping facilities Telephone 4468-5149. POR RENT -- Twobedroom de. luxe partment. Avaliable January 1. Apply at 211 Reedaire Court. Telephone 668-8560 GHRISTMAS trees for sale. $1.00. 704) Green Street, Whitby. i 36a King Street East Oshawa, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator, JAMES PATTERSON REID CLASSIFIED ADS May be small, but they ore giants, powerful too, when It comes to getting things done. Let one of them sell your no longer need household items. See for yourself. Telephone Now 723-3492 plain and 1415 Dun-| AND WHITBY ABUTTING THE CITY OF OSHAWA TAKE NOTICE that by-law 4315 referred to in the immediately preceding notice applies totland in the Gity of Oshawa abutting the Townships of Darlington, East Whitby and Whitby AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any person may, within fourteen days after the date of 'this notice, file 'with the clerk of the City of Oshawa notice of his objection to approval of the said by-law together with a statement of the grounds of such objection The Ontario. Municipal Board may approve of the said by-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objections to the by-law will be considered DATED AT OSHAWA THIS 13TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1963 tL. R. Baorrand, 50 Centre Street, Oshawa, Ontario, City Clerk, CLASSIFIED ADS Folks who read The Oshawe Times ore looking for places te live. Since September 1962, property offered to Oshawa Times Readers has been renting faster than ever. before. There are tew known vacancies and many of the people seeking @ place to live ore newcomers to this erea . . . And on la table this wine & looks so distingué in its decanter, and its price is so faisonable, Why do you nat try COQUETEL CERISE shortly? highest degree. The container: a decanter, tres handsome pour la table. : " Essayez-le one time, and you will say to yourself: This man, he is very right. | will buy a set of all the COQUETELS, shortly, tt is of such modesty, you will be pleased. If you will see the handsome decanter bottle you will be doubly pleased, je suis certain. So will you try COQUETEL CACAO, bientdt, peut-étre? ine CAnacIAR wince seme emt CAMADIAD mca wm Brights Wines | Brights Wines 'f you have @ Room, Apartment, Cottage or House For Rent tell it to the would-be reliable tenants who 'want to live in Osh- ewo and District through Times For Rent Ad Telephone 723-3492 NOW | et Camactas aince we Brights Wines

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