11:08 A.M. +3--Musie From { &-4--Comine Of Christ Lae THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 20,1963 9 OW, HELLO! REMEMBER FRANGI PANI? T'VE OSHAWA SHARPEN IY APPETITEFOR BREAREAST AM [\ SHOW QU SOW EAoLOvs aeetoomes, | BOWLING NEWS LADIES' MAJOR "A" LEAGUE Points Scugog Cleaners 4, Hayden Macdonaids 0; Hambly"s Beverages. 2, Nu-Way Rug 2; Horwich 3, Acadian {Cleaners 1; Young Moderns 3, Modern | Upholstery 1; Strouds 4, Lakes Coffee Shop 6. | 800 Joyce Bell came through with @ nice 802 to win 'herself a turkey 700 Shirley Smart 749, Janet Peel | 759, Mavis Taylor 740, Nancy McKay 728 | (314), Al Hill 726, Isabelle King 718, Marion Hutchins 715, Joan Rogers 704 and Josie Westlake 701 Ev. Redpath 495, Ev Campbell Helen Pinch 691, Loretto McLean Ev Harding '685, Edna Ward 677, Joan Jackson 657, Del Siblock 653, Bevi Gutsell 648, Chris. Collins 647, Georgie Nesbitt 637, Kay Manilla 634, 'Grace Wil- son 620, Joyce Porter 620, Alice Westley 618, Dorothy Sykes 616, Merle Porch 614, Barb Sagar 611 and June Simpson 610. 9--Mete Presents "CBs aeLassie 1 ; 4--This Is The Life TELEVISION LOG feist |Sen ons 4--Chureh Service Special Movi tata de 5 2-Frontiers of Faith | 2 Art Football on neal" WITH THAT PLANT THAT CHOKES PEOPLE AND : mee : . a , erento M 4-2--Disney't World of THE POISONED FRUIT, 1 DON'T THINK THE CHCH-TV Channel Li--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toro Risley eee Pa RIGHT PEOPLE HAVE FALLEN FOR OUR WGR-TV Channel 2--Bullalo | WBEN-I'V Channel 4--Buffalo The Bibie Today | 41963 Album 64- Flashback MOVIE-MAGNATE ROUTINE, Sacred Heart Program as 4--My Favorite Martian WKBW-TV Channel 7--Bulfalo WROC-TV Channe) 8--Rochester En France 3:00 P.M. KNOW WHAT, BUZ? AFTER OUR EXPERIENCE cee) BUZ SAWYER an y ¢ we KVR.) arnet 2--Barrie| '5 sous : é bia A 643--Ed Sullivan CFTOU-TV Channel 9--Toronto CKVR-TV Charnel 5--B. i Od awk pee | t A Arrest and Trial FRIDAY EVENING 8:30 AM SATURDAY EVE, t r 17 nt 3_-Crindle Farrand Home Hour 0:00 PLM, | Educated Guess 4:00 P.M ce sah Religious Series 3---Sports International 9:00 PM. th--Femily Theatre 4Santa Claus Series we 8422 Bonanza 9. Kidde * 2---Three Stooges 5 r 12:15 PLM. 5:00 PLM. &--Superman 4 . e Armind The World Famuy tneatre 4--Judy Garland Show 7-The Early. Show 7:00 A.M, $ Congress 9:30 PM 6-3-Rarria Dazzie H--Storytime with Te Weestliny 11--The Rill Dana Show ck \ rene A s 12:38 PM 3 a-Pive O'tio snow B awrence eae one . 10:00 P.M. Father Meeha Wild Kingdom * 1. Rawhide oSea Hunt 9:30 A.M, Mougias Fairbanks 9--The Hourglass 4_Kingfisher Cove A Song For Yo ore 5 . igs 8-2. Dupant Show of the F vp onn ° 4._Huckieberry Hound Eariban: Capea Rowling Championships ha Re eek 2--Santa Program j . core 2--Family Playhouse seat _ 7-Lauahs For Sale 10:00 A.M = 43--Horizon eM: 1.00 P.M rniect Opportun + cinde Com The ten lucky winners of the turkey Ss. uhh and Johony 11Huckleherry Hound News; Weatt tas cies Bral Meberts Take a Chance ; roll were: Janel Peel, Joyce Bell, Isa- eA Laccaris Meta Present Sports > Ail Star. Theatre ine 10:30 P.M. eh ee i belie Kino, Ev, Campbell, Shirley Smart, ' 2 om theot ; i tHe : y vard, i, Ev "g Highway Patrol j 7 7:00 PM Rowling walt Disney 7--Ba' Line | 4 4 LA Meds a a! ae sings Dor. 2--Today's 1963 hiek Or McG Heritage Ria Show of Week 63--Question Mark f y Sykes, an joyce Porter. f Reveriy Hilipilies Mister, €d 4--What's My Line | ' 4:15 PM UR Round Table Panel 1:30 PLM, He Tusa lieth Contry ONE a és pm } . STOREY PARK LEAGUE ragnet The Twi n Cent , - We had very gond scores this week ti Ne " matiight n } 3:2. . 4--Headiine News apt. Andy Show : Sontligh . Route 66 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) with the last week of the section and the 6:30 PM, 9Cartoons 7:30 P.M. Beth cnik Hohe s-A-Polka 1:20 PM turkey roll al the same time. The $im- Issues and Answers 6 PM, 1}. Traveller's Preview coes won the section with 4! points and Fitrr rm 9--Metro Fina the Cromwells and Johnstons the two Iry Calendar tmas Show 7-4--Late Show winners of pintall a hree Sons 2--Award Theatre The lucky turkey winners were John A--Jackie Gleason 2:00 P.M 4-Mister Ed Sawdon, Oscar Morrison, Jean Whitmee, 4:45 PA Zero One Rec es 11:30 PLM, Art French, Charlie Nash, Sandra Wilson, 11-Family Theatre OHA Jr A Hockey 7:00 P.M. | 9--Plerre Berton Hour Bud raat Aifred Morris, Olive Mor- e untiey: Grinkle 2 J Bick . + thanbe 6--No Hiding Place rison, Pearl Locke, May Knipe, Jessie ee Nuney y ' 8:00 P.M §-Playhouse Killingbeck. Ken Willsher and Ruby Par- 7:00 PM H b Eleven Dar son have won a chicken but we have ties ¢---Jamie McPheeters Rin Party tor fhe other two and they will be de rere ee : ton nM CROSSWORD 1-6----News, Weather, ; nig : : cided this week Helen Scott and Vince Craddock won Sports the hidden triple scores. Don't forget the 4--Peopie Are Funny 9--Aftican Halrot f Neik St 5 p< : vA, 4 Christmas party, Saturday night, after Treir ? 1-NH t d owing ; Psy ron "Pickers 4 yer The Defender wis aes i High Triples john Sawdon 792 (27% - 2-Fury 8. Close, as 22.8 THIVEE 299, 219), Art Sargant 707 (291, 283), 7:30 P.M. ' 1a\ 8 e} 23. Anchor DOWUISIE Kt RE a HE seo eet Oscar Morrison 707 (235, 308), Lou Locke Mov ' anver ne <] | 4 667 (214, 258), Jim Scott Jr. 650 (202, ' ternational Follow 2 ack] t J LE lal ine fiiaad cabal esta . {o)P It aR: 291), Art French 646 (202, 240, 4), BIN! 1--77 Sunset Strip fe i ive bey oe ee ee | Short Jr. 625 (277), Alex Anderson 623 On The Scene Paid: : Nrest oplar ke et, (223, 215), Charlie Nash 623 (240, 223), yh Grant Advent K }--Jerry N " : : ea A j A > Colin Wilson 621 (218, 210), Jean Whitmee New Phil Silvers Show Seat cage seal sino i = rm 613 (224, 207), Olive Morrison 608 (24), 4:00 PLM. 12:30 M4, ( é t lectior all : TO MAKES ; : ] 220), Ziggie Benkowski 606 (246), Vince 1ccCembet Bradshaw 3.To 1 Black 1 | t rf CANDLES FITA ve Craddock 604 (224, 227 See cl A Word Nish You W t alte F "di ah AT ITT | ' CANDLEHOLDER om Lay " Over 200 Joan Taylor 269, Peart 3--Country Hoedown §-2--B Gun ear } i 2 : f a oN Locke 262, Esme Kornylo 262, Theresa woken : vA <--~y { Z Casciato 254, Marg Williams 248, Alfred 6:30 PLM, p bs iss R : : A i Morris , Lois Short 233, Douglas Men- Andy 'Griffith art jyliett type wor a = sierndayis Anew : zie 227, Jack Johnson 226, Bud French eit § Hope $e rev! 1 ' z me e + - f° \ 225, 'Helen Powlenchuk 222, Sandra Wil- 7--Burke's Law 10:30 P.M 5, Lampr Like a wing i $6. List of - son 21)" May. Knipe $19, Bob. Arney. 21%; gd_The Defenders by N Blockbuster Man's nick Bristle. Man' "ae ¥ ¢ A\ . Walt Morris 212, 206, James Scott Sr, 211, a=Roule yr : } part ie $ i + g zs 3 210, Frank Relbin 211, Ozzie Whitmee 209, T 11:00 P.M. ' Pa ie sitet Kg z . <2 Eva Arkwright 209, Marshall Knipe 20% 9:00 P.M, 2 ty Be 4 9-8. 7-6-4-3-2---Newss : aradise iv an \ Helen Scott 208, Ken Willsher 208, 20%, Jamboree TMy F é ck Weather; Sports & 's 16. Emmet 2 Snack er ox 9 ; ak Butch Atkinson ] Thater 207%) Jack Benny 9 18 PM emshnsi 19. Conjunce ters 41. Spottled , nyieoe Saree ie an oo 9:30 PLM s ees tior 35 a 43, Youth > \ PO Standings imeoes 41, Cromwelis 38, Petticoa! J Satu Nigh ak 20, Cheaters 4 44, Minera] * "ly Albanys 36, Cuberts 32, Hilisides 30, Ox- iets sine ¢ he Députy T r 31, Male sheep state spring | - 3 Me - y fords 29, Johnstons 27, Hibberts 26, Mille "Baath Valley 0 ia ee A Metr 24.7 ke \ f ae * 26, Colleges 21, Burtons 18, Centres 17, "Pr F 2 3 y | ; Tresanes 14 and Montraves 9. HA inior B - ao ? 3 14 eB {9 10 Hockey "© King Foataree Syaiticnts, Ine, 1068, World rights comerwed $30 FM 4---Educational Series ypeye Show ee Firenall xls 1) --Polka Part ee eenewey . Waters eckie and Jecki@ 9---Guns Sports "| 4-Mighty Mouse Jungle Jay 6--Holiywood S$ Hootenanny 2. The Lieutenant 8 JANE ARDEN | DOWNTOWN INDUSTRIAL LEAGUES Nizard - The turkey roll is all over for another Top Star Bowling St shen year. We had some real lucky people. A d of Sport -- so ---- a - ~-~ - -- _ - big thanks has to go out to our hard-work- 11:30 PLM apital | ng entertainment chairman, Greatest Show On 2:30 P.M. AAI oS : 3 ing. enterte Hy h chaicmen Hap Apple- arth Movie sida Wasi Side 82. Fez The following are the winners -- High . nee 7 = : -- : triple, C 747; high triple, whe Pa oak. ign ttt AM dy : aes : 4 LES JESMITES ONT CHANGE L'ATMOSPHERE { a ad HS hella de Brae ia : ; 7 y 2 at -- y DE LA COLONIE" OBSERVE CHAMPLAIN, / aa Red , 333 and 2, 335. > : tf These were for turkeys, hidden seores-- Bob Souch 220, F, Schneider 200, J. Osiar 200, J. Klapo 200, J. Lucas 210, J. Steffin 28, J. Irving: 195, $. Schwartz 232, &. Bob Pool 210, Paul Versiue Arn Greene 219 the cheer -- R. Tonkin Bailey 145, R 60, Lioyd Scot 3, D. Stade 182 McLeod 175, R. McCart- Kalinsky 182 Team standings to date White Stars j 119, Dunn's Tailors. 19, Spruce Villa 17, Vine Pi : $:00 P.M t 7 - - : |McLaughlin Fuel 17, Allen's BA 12, Rose 9--Edgar Wallace Mystery 1) Suriside Six 48. ir 4 |*BRAVO! MONSIEUR ' x ; |Bow! 7, People's 7, Richmond Tire 7, Hour 9--H/-Time r 3 bs yet : hag x n j Southend BP 7, Bernies 6, Motor City 4--Premiere Theatre 8--Divorce Court ae My : ; | DE CHAMPLAIN Nous REVIENT!" S'ECRIENT LES | | 8 - , DE LA GUER@E, : & and. Georges TV" 2 3--Movie 4--Forest. Rangers , <* | Ou! N¢ PES TES A 1 3 4 ~ Don't forget there Is bowling both sis UkEAY rae poh leat hii ' has ELQUES COLONS PESTES A QUEBEC, 2 c ~ e: COMMANDE-TAL, CIS the Monday before Christmas and alse panos Sass ) AM, , DAGIND MI OATES SNM OMIM SH ILLS Ma "HIV UAV 53413580 ,, ANOTO? 4M 30 "SENET IN, BIA 30 SSO HNO BL BINT $131, |New Voar's. So let's make i full attend. . ( 9 en or 4 4 ance these weeks 43---Popeye's Playhouse 63--Cartoons iper Car | Dexterous 12-20 BAAD 4) Sh OL AIVS IW) SY NIVIAWYH 30 "BW | OMID 4 BEINASOWLY IHL OFINWHD SAVH SUNSIT Sethe ih. bie, tle Mery Corina) and 2--Fellx the Cat 2--Querterback Club C Happy New Year te all from your execue , tive for 1963-64, eaturama 6 Story of 4Alfred Hitchenck 3--The Untouc esting CS euburier mack: Club SUNDAY 8:30 AM 11:00 PM +00 P.M #--The Christophers Randy Dandy Show Nahin 9:00 A.M Weather Sports Pigee Abel 1)--Cathedra 118 PLM. hy tag Hit aie Show 4--Popeye's Playh $--Matro. Fina Pooguastigie € Your Church tn 6---Virwpoint i 3--News and Sports 4:30 P.M, ps has 1-6_World of Sport 11:20 PLM, oe eee 11-7-4--Late Show 2--Captain Gallant 11-8 Jobe dd 2-- News God LES CANADIENS TEE ae a Py pontiac , , vies SALLY'S SALLIES + BUICK up A vauxaau, WIP METIT CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Ltd. * ACADIAN ad a / 266 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA 723-4634 ITSOUR BOOTY! BUT, THEM WE IS GONNA USE:'EM ON Rov : SOON FOLKS, THe MAIL TRAIN RETURNED! [7 WAS ROBBED/ THworpera ) -- |/ GUNS vor, QURSELFS, INCASE WES : si ganme terran, | Ma sone Menounos LAA got F-SypDER!-SuAKe- WreLeeny. : > AGINTH' il i al a é ! et > "UNIQUE PRODUCT? PAVILION /7 Mm (oo oe 's Pog Poem rn om le ge 22) "Fach day I ask her what she learned in school. She's ote! eating me all over again." S UL ABNER RESULTS COUNT! Mays _-- | MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE fy, a fA Ue Consult @ Member ef the oy *| | Oshawa & District ! Real Estate Board THE LONE RANGE MUGGS AND SKEETER DONALD DUCK stawce CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS OSHAWA ~ PORT HOPE WHITBY ~ COBOURG cia ie & BOWMANVILLE - scARBORO DON'T FRET, SURE HE'LL CALL, ' 5 ¥ Curtains, Drapes, Blankets, R PATSY, HE'LL BUT WILL IT BE 3 ce Tex |i OSHAWA'S ONLY : . UNIONIZED SHOP ee | ce Shs 723-4631 NO, THAT WAS ® +3 : : , ; = ey THE Kr ; ie ; ee C C caleba é f a i 2 | ° "IVE « HOCKEY HEADQUARTERS % Matched Skating Sets *% Hockey Equi JULIET JONES OoPs, I'VE I HEAR THE GOTTA GO BACK MOVIE WE'RE FOR AN EXTRA SEEIN' TODAY... HANKIE... mc. 190) Wadd rghow meeroed mtwrte Symone GRANDMA 88 KING WEST 725-4543 OPEN FRI, TILL 9 P.M,