20 THT OSHAWA TIMES, Thurndey, Becomber 19, 1963 TELEVISION LOG CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WBEN-IV Channel 4--Bulfalo CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton WGR-TV Channel 2--Bulfalo WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester CKVR-TV Charnel 3--Barrie CFTU-TV Channel 9--Toronto 7~--Who Do You Trust | 6-3--Friendiy Giant |, 4--Edge of Night | 4:00 P.M. 9--Hideaway--Funtime 8--The Match Game 7--Trailmaster 8:00 A.M. 11--Captain Andy 4--Captain Kangaroe 9:00 A.M. Romper Room 9--Homemakers Health Club THURSDAY EVE. f 5:00 P.M. | Ni--Family Theatre 9--Kiddo &--Superman VW, 7--The Early Show 63--Razzie Dazzle 4--Five O'clock Snow a--Huckieberry Hound 6:20 P.M. 9-3--Yogl Beur é--Music Hop 2--Sante Program 4:00 P.M. %--Bilko * 4--The Observer 3--Tombstone Territory 2--Today, 19463 6:18 PLM. 4--Headline News 4:30 PIM. 4--Calendar 11-9-8.43-2--News; Weather 10:30 A.M, and Sports Vi--Super Bingo 7--Jungle Jay Show 8-2---Word for Word 4:45 PLM, 7--General Hospital M--Family Theatre 6--Chez Helene 8-2--Huntiey Brinkley 4--1 Love Lucy 7:00 P.M, 11:00 A.M $--Sports Hot Seat %--Morning Magazine Fe News Weather 8-2--Concentration Sports 7--Price Is Right 9 4--Bat Masterson 6--Loretta Young Show 6 3--Dr. Kildare 4--The McCoys 3 &--Bishop Sheen 11:30 A.M. 7:30 P.M. 1--Albert J. Steed Show 9--The Outer Limits 8-2--Missing Links 7--The Flintstones 7--Seven Keys 4--Candid Camere 6--Girl Talk 4 DanaWord 4--Pete and Gladys 2--87th Precinct 12:00 NOON 9--Noonday Report on PM. #-2--Your First 11--OHA Junior "A" Impression Hockey 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford @--Harry's Girls --Donna Reed 4--News; Weather) 63--The. Lucy Show Sports : gary @ McPheeters 4--Rawhide oneymooners owe 12:15 P.M. 7-6--News, Weather, 9:30 PLM. %--Noonday Report Sports $--Te Tell The Truth 12:30 P.M. 4-Peopie Ar $-2--Dr. Kildare eK Cartoons 3--Wagon Train 63--The Serial 4-2. csi oe 2--Fractured Flickers 7--My Three Sone Consequences 7:30. .M 9:00 P.M, 7--Father Knows Best International é--Movie Matinee Showtime %-Zero One 4--Search for Tomorrow') 777 Sunset Strip 7--Jimmy Dean | 6--On The Scene $-3--Grindla 12:45 P.M. corre ent 4--Perry Mason 4--Guiding Light *:30 PM, 1:00 P.M . S108 P.M. 1--Combat t--Jack Paar 11--One--with The Sonins lavas 8-2-Haze\ 9--December Bride Pe ceiey Neeines 63--Parade | 8--Matinee " | 7---Afternoon Show 8:20 PLM. 16:00 P.M. | 4--Meet the Millers 9 -Andy Griffith 4-2--Kratt Theatre 3--Popeye 8-2--Bob Hope 7--Sid Caesar Show 2--Divorce Court 'aurke's: Law 4--Alfred Hitchcock Hour 1:20 PM 63-The Defenders 4--The Nurses 11--Mid-Day Matinee Piiandes | 9--Our House 9:00 P.M, Ue | 4-As The World Turns Kina 10:20 P.M 3--Movie $a Bian 11--Have Gun Will Travel 2:00 P.M. 9--Redigo ' 9:30 P.M. 7--Butfalo Bill 9--| Love Lucy 1--Petticoat Junction | 6-4-3--Password o-Let's Sing. Out 11:00 PLM, 2--People Will Taik &--Death Valley Days 11-9-8-7.6-4-3-2--News, 2:20 P.M, | 7--~Price Is Right Sports othe faitionaire. 6-3--Telescope ii ANane 2 11:18 PLM. 8-2--The Doctors MER AN INES alg ?--Metro Final 7--Day In Court i & Viewpoint 6-3--Scariett H 10:00 P.M. 1:90 PM 4--House Party 1 |11--Greatest Show On : ie 3:00 P.M. 11--TV Open Line Earth 9--Here's Looking At You, 9--The Breaking Point rates adleed 8-2--Loretta Young ticiack Paar 11:30 PLM. 7--Queen For A Day 7--Fight of The Week 6--Feature Showcase 6-3--Take Thirty &_Siory. Of Christmas 9--Pierre Berton Hour. 4~--To Tell The Truth 3--Naked City 4--Alfred Hitchcock Hour 7:30 P.M, FRIDAY The Untouchables --Randy Dandy | 11:00 P.M, 10 AM, %--People in Confite? | 11-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) J--Rocket Ship $-2--You Don't Say 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2--Mike Douglas Show eee --Secret Storm 915 AM. | | | 2--Captain Bob 4:30 P.M. 9--Mickey Mouse Club . Father Knows Best --Leave It To Beaver 3--Popeye y| 2--Captain Bob and Mickey Mouse Club FRIDAY EVENING | 11--eddie Allen Show 9--Playdate with Bobby | op: FM | fe wi | Pele fy When ¥ |}-Fam ly Theatre | 7--Girl Talk | 9--Kiddo 8--Superman 7--The Early Show 63--Razzie Dazzle | 4--Five O'clock Show 3:30 FM. 9~--Sea Hunt 6--Kingfisher Cove 3----Huckleberry Hound 2-Santa Program 9--Miss Helen | 9:30 A.M. | 9--Meta | 7--Jack Lalanne Show 4--You and Your Famil 10:00 A.M. | 6:00 P.M Punch and Johnny A La Carte Highway Patrol 2--Today's 1963 6:18 P.M. 4--Headline News 6:30 P.M Weathe! 7--Jungle Jay Show 6--Hollywood Story 6:45 PLM Family Theatre Mes Huntley Brinkley 7:00 PLM. | 6--Elwood Glover Funny Weather Sports | 63--Quick Draw McGraw Adventur | CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Squawfish 5.A certain e nead 9. Drench 10, Bring upon oneself 12. Ant 13, Sheeplike 14, Hastened 15. Slips 16. City 17. Wild 18. Spoke bitterly 21. Spheres 25.One gi- ganti c in er rj train pig suburbs . Tart Crescent- shaped figure 9. Abandons . Residence: Fr, abbr. 5. Turf 7. Man's nick- name Jap. man . Employed triever . Soak flax 3. Ob- stacles . Toward the heavens 26. His: Yesterday's Answer Large tub 84. Narrow Insert roadway Portion of a 35. Sheltered curved line 36. Remain Cleansing 38. Warp- agent yarn 28. 30. 22 32, states- 33. 26.To move furtively Y, ' 4 7 |e 27.A super- cilious person 28. Sacristy 29. Narrow: lets: in- geol, 31. Right Worship- ful: abbr, 32. Obliquely across 35, Largest contineny 37. Highways 42, Turk yah governors DOWN 1. To. grouse 2. Scottish philosopher "BUZ SAWYER MICKEY MOUSE LES CANADIENS WELL, I WAS THINKING WHAT PRETTY RED PODS THIS PLANT HAS, TELL ME EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED, PHIL. 6] * TOUCHED ONE AND--Per!? -- iT SoRT OF ExPLODED!* [-- THEN TY WELL, TM NOT GOING To STARTED \ THROW ITOUT UNTIL I'VE GASPING } COLLECTED ONE OF THE FOR | PODS IN APLASTIC BAG. WELL HAVE iT ANALYZED, OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS RADIATOR DEPT. | Team Standings: King Pins 15,. Kool |Ones 12, Alley Rats 12, Champs 12, Gute | tersnipes 19, Hootenannies 7, Hot Shots 6 |Shivarees 3, Jack Rabbits 2, Blowers 1. High Triples: G. Hubbard 783 (246, 262, 275); B. Waite 769 (207, 307, 255); E. Rose 742 (256, 296); A. Jamieson 737 (234, 259, 244); W. Vilia 672 (227, 232, 213); J, | Milne 662 (232, 246); A. Perry 648 (223, |246); B. Edgar 643 (208, 299); H. Boyd 613 (247); B. Kemp 605 (226, 224), High Singles: J, Bailey 259, D. Wolose- wich 258, L. Vernon 258, R. Knox 245, 200, S. Tippett 241, W. St. Louis 239, R. Steven+ Son 236, H. Titterton 229, J. Hodgson 222, J. Brockman 222, B. Maxwell 218, G. Romanuk 217, F. Locke 210, B. Coyne 209, T. Lovely 209, H. Vann 208, B. Sprackett 206, J. Jonasson 205, B, Smith 204, W. |Holyk 203, D. Martin 200, JANE ARDEN 4 OUT WELL, I RECKON f im IM GOIN' OUT + Distrttuted by King Features Syndicat | '396s Won Dickey Productions Waid Riches Beverves WELL, ARE YOU GOING Lemons: Wilf Kellar, after several |weeks of tutelage by A! Perry showed how well the lessons have sunk in by bowling a snappy 50, J. Colmer who must have been watching bowled 95. With Bud Edgar and J. Milne bowling good triples the Kool Ones made a clean sweep last night defeating the Blowers 4 to 0 and what else is new? These Blow- ers have only one point so far and the only mystery is how they picked that one up. The Alley Rats won over the Shiva- rees 3 fo 1 without much trouble while the Champs beat the Jack Rabbits by the same score. Hubbard was tops for the winners and H. Boyd had the only 600 jtriple for the losers. W. Villa @idn't get much help from the rest of the Hot Shots who were beaten 3 to 1 by the |Guttersnipes led by E. Rose. The King Pins are showing signs of strain and only managed to get 3 points from the Hooten- annies instead of their usual 4. These two teams had th e turned way up, led by the squeaky "tenor of Bob "The Voice" Dove, COF LEAGUE One bowler. hit the charmed circle -- Norm O'Reilly 738 (314, 249) and one almost, Don Robinson 692 (245, 243, 204). Other 600's were: Harvey Shewan 669 219, 233, 217); Orm Yourth 654 (242, 222); Joan McClelland 646 (264); Molly Hartshorn 632 (279); Ev Stata 625 (284); Wes. Stata 627 (219, 209); Art Peeling 612 (259, 214) and Doug Smith 611 (227, 203). Congratulations to the two who made the 300: Frances Gibbs 315 and Norm. 200 Singles were: Ray Bennett 255, Louise Richardson 229, Neil Gifford 226, Elsie Blair 212, Boyce Blair 210, John Pisani 207, Jim Nemish 203 and Dorothy Elliott 20) Four teams were blanked this. week: Colts 3, Hicks 0; Kayo's 3, Jays 0; Pips 3, Heifers 0; Oscars 3, Daks Team Standings: Colts 10, Pips 10, Oscars 7, Heifers 6, Kayo's 6, Daks 4 Hicks 4, Jays 1. Don't forget the Chicken Roll is December 20. Hope to see every- body out! Season's Greeting's to all the bowlers and also to. the staff of The Oshawa Times | | FRIDAY NIGHT INDUSTRIAL } Points Taken -- Quality Fuels 3, Homes by. Harrison 0; Westmount 3, Dairy Queen 0; Acadian 2, Gillards 1; Genosha 2, Motor City 1 High Triples -- D. Solomon (756) 254 244, 258; D. Williams (740) 301, 221, 218; H. Canfield (723) 263, 212, 248; L. Arp "3M 'A TADOUSSAC, CHAMPLAIN RECONNAIT 1.5 FRANCAIS Qut ONT SERVI DE PILOTES AUX ANGLAIS SUR LE ST-LAURENT. THEI (683) 231, 207, 245; D. Wotton (677) 225, |245, 207}. J, Bell (673) 234, 191, 248; R. |Dingman (662) 239, 207, 216; K. Roddick |(657) 179, 223, 255; F..Hayward (656) QUELQUE TEMPS PL. TARD EN EUROPE LA GUERRE ENTRE LA FRANCE ET L'ANGLETERRE PREND FIN. AVEL CE TRAITE L'ANGLETERRE REMET LE CANADA ALA FRANCE," oues aS eigpeenpabsse dt m1 bp SY Q4A075 GVH mv PA ... From vr ry * PONTIAC * BUICK * VAUXHAUL * ACADIAN 14 All Of Us To All Of You We Extend CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Ltd. CUR UE LS MENU "GEE OY OL S3WO7 QNYTING ave 32 0eva WIIMLIY BHM Seek. "AdOONS WN PALY1 IW IWOD ie: p DIM VS OL WOW) A7VE SIN? QNYTINS ALVIN SIL NB, 196, 215, 245; D. Skinner (647) 231, 219, 197; V. Claus (642) 237, 257, 148; W. Smith (641) 230, 234, 197; D. Wilson (637) 195, | 267, 175; J. Goodes (626) 200, 177, 249; A. |Legere (622) 168, 185, 267; J. Sharp (621) 189, 171, 245; J. Jefferson (617) 229, 178, 210); B. Gledhill (617) 254, 160, 203; F, Henry (615) 218, 162, 235; F. Linley (606) ae 184, 215 and 1. Weleh (605) 189, 171, 245. High Singles -- B. Fisher 227, R. Rich- ard. 231, -P. Hercia 205, 202; S. Weeks 200, A. Dionne 233, J. Dunn 239, D, Chat- tertén 232, J. Hart 202, R. Doyle. 201, J. |Gati 218, P. Tompkinson 210, J, Laverty 202, D. Moss 214, 212 and 1, Phenney 213, WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH LEAGUE Team Standings in points -- Squirts 12, Zingers 12, Sting Rays 12,' Wonders 12, |Beatnicks 10, Go-Getters 10, Odd Balls 7 jand Smilers 5 Points Taken -- Squirts 4, Wonders 4 Beatnicks 3, Go-Getters 3, Sting Rays 1, Smilers 1, Odd Balls and Zingers were blanked. High Triples--Ken Cobb 697 (323), Mar- ris Love 665 (236, 203, 226), Harry Ben- nett 653 (248, 226), Ann Naish 643 (271, 266 KING ST. WEST THE OSHAWA 723-4634 208), Bud Owen 630 (237, 208),. Annabelle Cobb 627 (208, 269), Les Barony 616 (220, 211), Joe Ward 600 (245), Another wonder -- Just made it, 200 games -- Ron Flewell 274, Clark 264, Jack Wilson 245, Lorne tin 243, Betty Love 228, Audrey White 225, Clarke Perry 214, Maurice Hughes 213, Thelma Owen 209, Joan Slater 204 and Gord Brown 203. Chicken roll next week, followed by @ pot luck supper and Christmas party at the church hall. All members leave your scores, you may be lucky. Pian to attend the party and help to make an enjoy- able evening. Bill Mar- APR MBMB ABD. LI'L ABNER HOLD IT, FOLKS/7-IT HAIN'T MERELY RUSSIA WE. AIMS TO TANGLE WIF 7 -- WE AIMS TO -sHiver'. SHUPDERIT- SHAKE Te NAB A SPECIMEN O' DOGPATCH'S tL Dantrbuted by King Foataree Syediantn b Cx Wat Di Ser Prato rid Rights Reserved ----<s6 URE HOPE MY seceer- (Comme EXE MAGIC WHISTL N RNG cones tephy! ZaAN' ' ke ZAgDe we y BROTHER! WHAT THEY WON'T: BAT/P. 12-19 Ose ite MUGGS AND SKEETER THE LONE RANGER AS THE LONE RANGER AND TONTO RIDE FORTHE ROBBED TRAIN, SUDDENLY*+* { STOPS / KNOW THAT MASKED RIDER AND TONTO! THEY ki FRIENOS/ QUICKLY, THE ENGINEER TELLS THE GUARD KILLED:++> HOW THE TRAIN WAS ROBBED AND) RETURN TO BEPROCK/ WELL SALLY'S SALLIES "Don't fuss, dear! I know you WHATS GOING ON JN THE HALL, PEE SE ORE ry mT don't like cauliflower aroma, a0 I'm serving it with gariie : sauce," RESULTS COUNT! Meals MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Consult @ Member ef the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board NOW, AST W AS, SAYIN JULIET JONES GRANDMA r vate HAVE TO LEAVE Now, Ine. 1963. World rights reserved. BUT TLL BE BACK, THAT IS.. IF YOU WANT ME BACK, BILLY 2 Wy GRANDMA,r | GOT RID OF MY HEADACHE... eos +. BY EATIN' SOMETHING / THAD 6A HALF A PIE AND A DISH OF LEFTOVER HASH / pli NOW I'VE GOTA STOMACH ACHES D King eee Symone, ons 1903, Workd rights memerrok. a STAMPS Bought & Sold 165 Simcoe St. S, Oshawa seavict CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS OSHAWA - PORT HOPE WHITBY - COBOURG BOWMANVILLE - scARBORO Curtains, Oropes, Blankets, Rug: OSHAWA'S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 $0 MILL