| the late William Delong and THE GGMAWA TIMES, Thusadey, Decomber 19, 1963 s | Ladies, first, Mrs. Lena Ogden; latter's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ; N W should be considered extremely B kli Ch h! vias : 18 | lldren pe second, Mrs. Clara' Trolley: (Bob Brown in Scarboro | No women dangerous | PYOOKIIN UTCH Mrs. Lelong; = Chatise, oe ' ' Since the list was conceived lof Mr. an rs. 'ose Johnson; Glenda Jéan, daugh- consolation, Mrs. Isabel Black-| Mrs. Gordon Day and Anita in March, 1950, the names %B . Ri first, Mr.|attended the Johns-Manville| On 10 W anted |182 fugitives from justice have} aptism tes ter of Mr, and Mrs, William D ju | ' |man, Gentlemen, New Book Tells Christmas Tree {George Mutch; second, Mr.|Christmas party on Saturday. | lappeared--some for as brief 2) By MRS, R, HOLMAN poy Peiieas laden , ian' ' Mr. i | | s one day. Of these, 169) { By MRS. M. ANNIS pene, Oper: consolation, Mr.| Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mairs and) M Li t pan a oe captured and crim-|/BROOKLIN -- The Sacramenit|will be held in the church on | on es Cee ; ese + a oe how en 1S inal proceedings were dropped|of Infant Baptism was observed|the following days: three, The remainingjand the following children were} . December 22; 7.30 p.m, . About Olympics ischool children have a numbet|p-:RSONALS with Mrs. Mairs' aunts, the against So 'ce, Scotch Pine Christmas trees} Mrs. Blackman visited hew|Misses Anderson at Thornhill. WASHINGTON (AP) ~ Tenlyp stil) at large, make up the|baptized at Brooklin Unit e dj Young People's Union and Sen- 2 i lior Choir Pageant and Cantata. 4 P ~an wate \for sale. They are located On)mother, Mrs. Cook, in Clare-| \desperate men notorious f0r/current list. Church recently: ee See me ae pater con waren ow Oe age enn at = ee of} mont on Sunday afternoon ALOU IN HOSPITAL jimi sh he reg eo the paged None of the criminals on the] Jane Louise, daughter ot Me pect oe ie eS a sporting exhibition, a test ofjin which Dorando Pietri weay.|the ---- ha apt A number of Brownies with) new YORK (AP) -- Out- Federal a ee 7 | original list of March, 1950 re- ine Mes 3, 0 eres pany perm "i y skill and strength, They were ajed and sagged his way to edu kbs ett bil oon their Tawny Owl, Pat Harden,|rielder Matty Alou of San Fran-|jion 88-\mains at large. The dean of the|Gary and Dav ons ots ' symbolic renewal of the vitallhearthreaking defeat; see the|® IP [OF Te 8 8 attended the Brownie Christmas| cisco Giants entered a hospital!" : -|current list--Frederick J. Tend IVE DUUA» Mt energies of the state. King andiathlete of the century, J1m)wy MEETS |Party in Claremont on Thurs-|wednesday for an operation on) Because J. Edgar Hoover's/uto, 48--made the lst in May, ' heroes participated, together|Thorpe, performing before the! The Women's: Institute met in|44y evening. torn ps of the left knee.|investigators are convinced 1950 by dint of his escape sa with citizens from all of|Swedish king, the almost ma-lihe Pickering Township Hall] Don Gibson: won a turkey in{The 24-year-old member of the|these Poy by .their savagery,|a Perinsylvania prison oncort e . Greece, in an effort to win one|chinelike accomplishments of| with Mrs. Trolley in the chair.|the turkey bonsplel at Annan-|famous Alou baseball family of[Pose ine greatest thita: to thelwas serving Lesage soar vg _ of the highest honors that great/Paavo Nurmi, the Phant®m/phe meeting opened with the|dale Curling rink last Saturday.|the Dominican Republic injured lig pani, they have The list never has included a citizens had to give -- the laurel/Finn; the exquisite beauty of]"Opening Ode" followed by the| Mr. and Mus. Cy Wannop-and|the knee in spring training last pete rege Tag par "Ay mort -- . wreath of Olympic victory, For|Sonja Henie, who brought ballet! repeating of the Mary Stowart|tamily, also Mr. and Mrs, Chas.|March and 'was hampered for| Ponte fugitives," o PENNY FROM PENDA FREE BONUS TICKET WEVFPY BOOKI. the ancient Greeks, and to .usito the ice; the tortured running) Cojject in unison. |Killey, sper nt Sunday with the|most of the neason, a _| What links them in sinister|) The word penny is believed THE HUNTER THE HUNTED! as? 4 % as their inheritors, the worldjof Emil Zatopek, who made up ey REPGONS ------ - k " of sports represented an impor-|in heart what he lacked in form. Peorraniig Pa Ag nae aad Sad v agra is . terse caveat to a aoe om. >. reed tant aspect of human vitality) There is also Babe Didrikson) Peeps : oy Q on their wanted" flyers: Eachlof the 7t century Ang 8: : lenit | market announced that the) is "believed to be armed andidom of Merc 4 and dignity. gliding over the high hurdlesiroaacr 'Training Course on'$ is '"'believed to be armed andidom of Mercia. i ee All p Merwe is recalled by Sar-|and Jesse Owens Lia pitlet "Desserts" would be held in| \ gent Shriver, director of thejby his sprinting an road) papruary. aa deaincd | : U.S. Peace Corps in his fore-|jumping Toni Sailer flashing ogee BB ease 70 : te speller Smerter Then « Fox! | TIME 1S RUNNING OUT iy PM ase PR al itve Mathies Oise tating Bo | Februai y instead of a supper' The Undeod! Brever Then @ Lion! | FOR THE RUNNING MAW. i. TRATED HISTORY OF 'THE marks in the decathlon; and ec fh seem ¢ Cheist-l4 The Unholy! Cuter Than @ Pussy Cet! OLYMPICS" (Random House of|Cassius Clay talking and punch-| ° Hoe io Mel" inh gelata) VINCENT " Canada Lid.) by Richardling his way to a gold medal.) ScAd w ieadlie, "The Tegend PRICE MY SON | nents: tit ye a senior editor of News-|The story moves gram boxing ee the Christmas ree'. Mra eine THE HERO" H j ee s ' week who was formerly its/bicycling to weight-lifting an Be sabes : : : ; . : x : sports editor. r | water polo The whole colorful, ig lint bye oP "TWICE TOLD ee " titetime There is nothing in the world|vatied panorama of the most) °). 7 hed i ene Mts TALES" in COLOR ; ' : oe | \ { eeiwas of sport to match the Olympic|compelling spectacle in sport is| 78 OF Cn Mt ined the im COLOR BIG CAST al é e@ was Games for color and pagean-|Deautifully presented. Merv nis entertain the try, for tension and excitement,| Such a book as this. like the)" y;..° yao Mitchell favored for sheer brilliance of perform- Olympics, cannot but help en"! ith & cumber of Garola on the |] COLUMBIA PICTURES : ance. Author Schaap displays\gender good will among men.| Te ean Gate ° DOORS SHOW n | qietag ci Meee Soe ce ET ee ROUMORE TS ahi i| te MT Eyes A * on | 6:30 PM 6:45 FM. ms HARVEY: REMICK: BATES 2 pe ser The Wolfpeck | Idk Adult Entertainment jchildren mastery of a most complex sub-|highest commendation as a writ: 7" Gig Tea and cookies ject, in this timely book wither and artist. This book has Sie honiees ue were served Dv td a ~~ ~ the true meaning o' petal tious tn an te Riaind tA esti Sk more than 400 photographs captured Mrs. Troiles J. Mitchell M eight in full color. This is the|sport in a most unique and com-|\) igi i: y | fe <scacaiapisaiiiasonsunsoteaes first time the' Olympics havelpelling wa (Mrs, Burton anc | RUN imlgehpie a ol Reed really been adequately captured) This is a book to be treasured RUCHRE WINNERS All TECHNICOLOR P 4 -- " between the covers of a big,|and retained by all who love!" , winners of the monthly | ro ram: | MAN Aeovergiay by JOHN MORTIMER - tesccsue roma JO % BL handsome volume. The photo.|sports. It should be classic in| wichre party held on the second| } _ graphy alone makes the vol-jits own right and deserves the a of each month were:| how sa3 | ime worth the price. Rarely has| widest and loudest possible ac- at Rl nia ahi e) SANDRA "NO MAN 1] asd cn te nome by SHELLEY ST - Poca ud octad by CAROL REED: PANAVISION': secerioamns COLOR |) * the camera captured so precise-|claim You Will Be | - | DEE IS AN | [WARNING! CATCH "THE RUNNING MAN'..FROM THE BEGINNING!) | i} | : fire, Mgnt and pation of sports rornctme | ARRESTED 'N= * It is displayed here as more! One of the first aerial photo- a t t le a one Sonia, tabean: Fe By in| 0 ent ' hd Ld _«& Shop Ae Lete Ar han Jt mle ad Soe raph taken fom' btn] CARMICHARL'S TAMMY ISLAND i fi eae 1 ul, mind and/1§60, was _ poetically | Famous jecmickl N A. Complete Show 'Boston as the Eagle and Wil BARBEQUE CHICKE WT We'll Gladly Q EN |i] TELL M ANCIENT HISTORY Goose See It tha delice, vorrestina back. te the days of Coroeb of Elis, a cook who won the first SO SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND * recorded Olympic event in 776 Vo CHICKEN DINNERS $1.23 |) Home Mede Meat & Chitken Cc. in th avs of e sikila . B.C. in the days of Abebe Bikila Pies -- Grilled Steoke an Ethiopian who ran barefoot ' . " °° ieity to win the Marathon in Rome || MONnIe Hawkins Se n 1960 'lil PHONE 725-0907 This book is written with deep fj and the Hawks PARK RD. SOUTH AT 401 . feeling and a fine sense of| ee -- sports drama. The lively narra-| Final Canadien Appeoronce = ey Dalog sorroats the ya asif| Batre Toarag USA $300 A MONTH FOR LIFE in the history of the games.-T j d grace of . ih silanes th acti, clogs FROM AGE 65 y depicted in'these unusual pic- \ Here is a plan to provide your family if you should die, or for your ret rement tures _ =e years if you survive .. . You make regular payment to the Sun Life of Canada, KINSMEN Re then at age 65, you start receiving $300 « month for life, or if you prefer, 44.150 in cash. Both of these amounts can be increased by leaving your BRING THIS dividents on deposit. Should you not survive to age 65, a minimum of $30,000 SPECIAL "a PRICE PASS will be paid immediately to your family To the FRIDAY, DEC. 20th By completing the enquiry torm below, you can obtain details suitable to your personal situation. Plans can be arranged to provide various amounts, motur Kinsmen Super All Cash ok wae Ebie O8 -BINGO- cgericens KINGSBEER . SUN LIFE 2 AT THE PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Je Pe. OSHAWA Over $8 000 in Prizes including 4 OS ae SHOPPING CENTRE ] as * ii a ie ae ae ne ae * BIG 'GAME $2500.00 CASH $1,000 Hi-Lo Game $1.1 'thal | NAME in Big Snowball (55 nes.) $1,400 Small Snowball (52 nes. | Gzect Dete Of Birth : ne PHONE 723.2843 Bs (age Saas BOR_erowee 8 if r rane No Cherge PAVERS THEATRE Mccceaetey <4 ITS \ cere numer | r race Ml LMT a aS KINSMEN NIWSNIDI Plus $600 reguler gemes. $450 specie! gamer FREE DOOR PRIZES ROGER WOLFE Bon's forget te buy the economy pack for value and DISTRICT SUPERVISOR save money HOME BUSINESS | 25 BRAND NEW $10 BILLS AS FREE DOOR PRIZES 723-2883 725-4563 OCCUPATION | KINSMEN vee THE MOST EFFICIENT, COMPREHENSIVE and . : INGSBEER LAGER? COMPLETE FOOD SERVICE COMPANY IN ONTARIO! | . 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