Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Dec 1963, p. 8

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id ' B THE OSHAWA ae Wednesdey, Decembar 18, oc ee poe PERSONALS | Westmount Junior Choir d From DUNN'S Connaught Park .Ladies' Aux-| D li h Eld | Ci M iliary met recently for a Christ- e 1g ts er, y itizens | ! : mas party at the home of the | Oe president, Mrs. John McQuade,| The residents of Hillsdale;mas Alphabet" and Beth Love, | , F Fifteen members were present,,Manor were entertained recent-|Jr. "O Holy Night', : |The treasurer's report was give ly by Westmount United Church! 'These raise | R } n I young people by Mrs. George Waite and card Junior Choir. From 'the first)money to buy their own gowns report by Mrs. Peter Grice,ringing tones of O Canada t0land music. Once a year, in the showing seven get-well cards|the quiet, sustained harmony of|jate spring, they put on a con-| and one sympathy card send out|/Drummer Boy, this delightful/cert, They will also' accept do-| and one thank-you card re-/group of boys and girls held)nations when they perform out-| ceived. One member contributed their audience captive. , Side their own church, They are at to the birthday box. At the next About three years ago, their|also becoming a welcome addi-| eB es : |meeting, January 9, there will director, Mrs. Beth Love, began|tion to Sunday morning ser-|| ee with the Sale. The lucky 'Taining a small group of boys|vices, replacing the senior choir|| j H i Kis ; ype a Fenny -'and girls between the ages of|at l t l bide Be ce uxuriou draw was donated by Mrs. we : ' at regular intervals. % # a A \George Waite and won by Mrs alah lula ur Bape Panag It is a long time since Osh-} ; ' i 4 $s Julius Macevicius. Later Court thelr Barents that today with a awa has had a junior choir of. es J By 'whist was enjoyed. The lucky crore Aver 40 there is this calibre. winners were Mrs. John Me-\y jitin ict, : ; Assisting Mrs. Love with the Quade, Mrs. John Peaker, Mrs.| Wika maiority AL ihe erous are children at each practice and} Roy Morphy, Mrs. Herbert) 3 'ae ot ha : vith Performance and acting as sec- Braiden. After an exchange of Mes I nd olde: bee Pits vil) retary-treasurer for the group, Christmas gifts a buffet supper Mrs. Love's capable direction,)i. yi. Bp Owen, da served by Mrs. John Mc they have become proficient in : ee Giade 40 George Waite and tree and even four part har- Accompanist and indispensable ie we aal Be of a mony. Mrs. Love's enthusiasm addition to the success of the |Mrs. Garn cLaughhn. : has been transferred to her Performance is Mrs Carl Mor Mr. Gary Beatty arrived Mon- Choir and as one listens, ore 8" who has also been with the Sas ant ' 4 i nels the children's ven group since its origin. day night from the Royal Roads feels the children's own keen|5" § Military Academy, Esquimalt,|enjoyment in their perform- British Columbia, to spend the ance, | FORMED GUILD holiday season with his parents,| Included in their repertoire, _The Women's Co-operative pis ' 4 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. F. Beatty besides the lovely tunes of fam- Guild was established in Brit- : ae. A 3 Laminate is especially luxurious, Lominate hes Vimy avenue. He will return to iliar Christmas carols, were ain in 1883. : : i : the Academy, January 4. Seventy-six Trombones, /Teddy| : the kind of lustre and spirit thet adds a lift te Bears' Picnic and many other} | 6 TAUR FOclO § every man's appearance. We have fine imported It. Colonel and Mrs. J. R., well-known songs. A double trio 2 ' Laminates tna" tech. chamyaellend eae Warnica, Tweedsmuir avenue, of girls sang "Gay as a Rose". % ' a y-fatlore: ° will have as their guests at the Members of the trio are: Judy i F Ontario Regiment Christmas Owen, Janice Owen, -Jennifer 0: ki yours in solid tones or discreet checks, Beceuse party in the Officers' Mess, M1.;Young, Janet Young, Cathleen ; S A of advanced planning the price remains the some ay : 's. David A. Moore, Miss Cobb and Carolyn Middlet ; Re S MARRIED RECENTLY AT COURTICE war hg e potatoe agit arial 2 i ; a ) a j f os last year. Come in and select your Laminate Warm, yet most comfortable in weight, it is Moore, The Reverend John Romeri! las Paul Snider, Oshawa, in her bridegroom is the son of Mr. Robert Buck, Toronto, and|ter member of the choir, and cs ig By i coct, now. officiated at the candle-light Courtice United Church, re- Mr, and Mirs. Guy M. Snider, Dr. and Mrs. Sydney Bateson ite has rp ence on . 4 s service when Ellen Alberteen cently. The bride is the daugh- : Oshawa he was eight, sng e Solos as tae ' ' ' Goodmurphy, Sowerby, was -ter of Mr: and Mrs. A. C Oshawa, also were sung by Patty Dicken- } ne OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TILL 9 united in marriage to Doug- Goodmurphy, Sowerby, and --Photo by Hornsby | The Couples Club of Centre)son: 'The Good Ship Lollipop". ; ~ ---- rhe Christ) WIFE PRESERVER ; EXCEPT SATURDAY - Street United Church with their|Larry Dickenson, TREE FIRST AID famines RAE.) a Dobe Your card-table top can be . fe i Sune av. Sc 1 Late Members Wives Honored Bark wounds and broken Sar i vn, me een Lege two sets of grandparents, Mr renovated easily by cutting a $ Hall Jast Saturday evening. San- ang Mrs, Gordon Brent, Tyrone remnant of linole D branches on storm damaged ta Claus arrived and distributed and Mr. and Mrs. John Badour. ti 0 sage to fit, and B 4 hi L d 61 IOOF trees should have immediate gifts to all. A program of skits Oshawa: Miss Christine Brent, eal laa Place with lins- uh y orint lan 0 ge r] attention say horticulturists,a"d games completed the even-Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Ross hoki i ing's entertainment Pooley and Mrs. C. E, Knight, ! with the Ontario Department of Cori a odge 61; IOOF,,Brinning, Mrs. arr 7 ea- Os a orinthian Lodge 61; IOOF, Brinnir Irs. Harrison Pea Agriculture, Broken stubs) Mr. 'and Mrs, Donald Badour. Yshawa MAPLE GLEANERS held its al Christmas ban-|cock, Mrs. .A. T. Hilts, Mrs i ee a ih dh coed asi Ms ~ "teach should -be cut back, and the|/RR 1, Bowmanville, entertained) Mrs, lan Higgs of Karachi 504 SIMCOE ST. S$. OSHAWA || ' TWO LOCATIONS uét recently for the widows of | Rex Harper, Mrs. : ni lodge members, The turkey| Weeks, Mrs engi Shaw, Mrs. bark trimmed with a sharp)at dinner last Sunday in honor Pakistan, has arrived in Osh- Com 6 A ses dain Service || : USE YOUR '; Pp o dinner was prepared and served|Sydney Drinkle, Mrs, Stanley Knife, forming a boat shaped oftheir daughter, Tracy Lynn's|awa to attend the golden wed- Free Pick-Up and Delivery 36 King St. East -- "Downtown Oshawa by 'members of Sunshine Re-|Holcombe. Mrs. W alte r/wound. Coat the bark and cam-/first birthday, Among the guests ding celebration of her parents 'Your Family's Friend" CREDIT bekah Lodge under the direction| Mathews, Mrs. Robinson Simp-| bium with asphalt wound dress-'were her great-grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. W..R. Brown PHONE 725-0643 | of Mrs. Orville Magee son. Mrs. Arnold Taylor. Mrs.|i"8 or grafting compound. Mrs. L. D. Sykes, Tyrone; her King street east, on Sunday | Brother' Donald Keeler intro-|Robert Gilson, Mrs. Leonard!» duced the soloist for the eve-)Stoneburg, Mrs, William Leavit, ¥ ning, Mrs. Marion Kingsland,|and Mrs. Irwin McLean. ¥ who sang several selections with, Mrs, Disney thanked the lodge Mr. Norman Williams accom-)on behalf of the guests and ex- panying her. Brother Donald' tended Season's greetings Keeler also sang and told DDGM Geer and DDGW Free- stories man both spoke a few words Brother Howard Hutchinson and extended greetings from introduced the head table guests the District, and welcomed everyone on be- NG Brother Crawford thanked half of the Lodge. At the head A <4 x t bers Suns a lable wate DDGM Broihe Bart he members of Sunshine Re wor " : ' , _ q Ragast 4 vain Apes ae ae bekali wh served the meal and . F ; ae Grand Pps te extended best wishes to they ' f REED'S FLORISTS I H. Attwood: NG Brother N.;Women who attended on behalf We. : @ rom ® of the Lodge. 5 ae, Crawford; secretary Brother. W. After supper a sing song was Harmer The committee in. bay, 2 charge of arrangements was !¢4 by, Brother W. Payne, ac- and Oshawa Shopping Centre SUS SSS Hutchinson, chairman; P-others Our Wonderful Selection of Gifts" Honored guests. attending) By the end of 1941 military A LOVELY BOX OF ASSORTED o ROSES @ CARNATIONS i oe ll 8 ' "Gome In Today and See Our Tradition For Holiday Times! Christmas Flowers! W. Payne, A. Phillips a Or- / ville ne oe : WOMEN SERVED 4 tava Danes, ln Vaiamloeing appied sen eal wrcie mC 1] WS KY FRESH FLOWERS & GREENS! e GLADIOLUS e IRIS Wallets Selection of meee CARNATIONS . "A : SPECIAL Quality , i Our Tradition for Holiday 4 Times, a lovely box. of as- sorted fresh flowers and Chocolates Bet min sae e ne fan tions or ro: +. any WIN . Wide 394 y MUMS, ROSES,| «. pom POMS @ MUMS hese can be combined 3 box for a gracious gift our special Holiday Price UP TO $200.00 EVENING IN PARIS . For The Movie Fan | Childrens' Assorted IFT SET -- ss _-- we be BUBBLE 5 # 4 1 Z IN CASH ae eee 3 SAP) RED POINSETTIA a 4 ip BF} {| ohstmas DECORATIONS and GIFTS ~* Ape ENTER Es (i Trees on amps Modern or to tite." iy ! : ; 1 69 s v : . see Messi pa i 4,95 1 7.50 aes: 'A 3.50 to 15.00 Oshawa Shopping Centre's ) i mn 3 Af Na MONTHLY ELECTRIC | wants Sets Way A for that someone FAMILY ALLOWANCE ' RAZORS bay A R +B. Lodies' & Men's all : Paper Mate | ELECTRIC ¥ Sy \ * Be BOWL of WARS CONTEST. ron ot mae | 1.85 CAPRI | TOOTH Somes POM POMS POLLY-GAZ: | SHULTON PENS BRUSHES Neqecse PS ihe All new Butane GIFT ETS \ By Broxodent with : < Vy so " HOLLY and Cigarette Colognes, Rer % 2.49 Value up & down action. y_ LIGHTERS | yes, Tole. bom 9 22.95 value | Shy ' . A, RED BOW 6.95 2%, 1.99 | 19.75 || ROME DL oon or 59, ROYAL STAG $10.00 for men after Shave Lotion e CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. ® Shave Cream Boxed Set ELEN OL te es ee MEMES SEE OUR | Christmas | WIDE Packaged SELECTION | Yardley's Ser ay 8 poy Christmas Special!! KL PKS UL SOTO AT HS PME TC "Send The Someone You Love.a Christmas Plant -- Decorate Your Home Now with -- a Christmas Plant! DESERT FLOWER "BACHELOR" CYCLAMEN $2.50 to $7.50 POTTED MUMS $3.00 to $7.50 "Spray Cologne and Purse Perfume" AFTER SHAVE LOTION Regular 4.00 Velue OUR 9 BB| sarsnave toni, POINSETTIAS$3.50 to $15.00 Flowering Plants $3.00 to $6.00 SPECIAL 3.00 : PRICE . $1.25 volue. Special ... - 98° PEST ESOS SEND FLOWERS BY WIRE FOR CHRISTMAS! R. B. REED&S FLORISTS LTD. "Over 50 Years Growing Plants and Flowers in Oshawa" 10'/2 King St. W. (Downtown) -f@@S) Drive-In Flower Centre 163. Bloor W. PHONE 725-1131-2 RI ZDN Y PHONE 725-2512. SIMPLY CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUE AT THE CENTRE AND ASK FOR FREE ENTRY FORMS : PRESCRIPTION rexaee CHEMISTS DEPOSIT ENTRY FORM INTO BALLOT BOX CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY =e] AT FLAG POLE IN THE MALL ' @KING ST.E. | [530 SIMCOE ST. S. IONE. OSHAWA | ENTRY SELECTION THIS MONTH WILL BE MADE ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1963. PHONE 723-2245 PHONE 725-3546 _ 28-4668 eee sie Se Soe fe So So Se SM SRS GPS NEUE NSC HS te ete ete SABRE "eeretc we

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