Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Dec 1963, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 18,1963 7 Coffin Execution OTTAWA (P)--Justice Min- ister Chevrier said Tuesday that departmental! records contradict recent suggestions that thn Governor-General Vincent Mas- sey held up for two days the execution order of convicted murderer Wilbert Coffin. Mr. Chevrier told the Com- mons the records show that the cabinet decided on Feb. 7, 1956, not to commute the death pen- alty against Coffin for the slay- ing of one of three American hunters found dead in the Gaspe bush. He said the order-in-council was signed the following day-- by Mr. Massey--that is, on Feb 8, and the information was com- municated to Quebec authori- ties on Feb, 9. The information was sent to the sheriff .con- -cerned at 10 a.m., Feb. 9, Cof- fin was hanged the morning of Feb, 10. Mr. Chevrier was replying to Reid Scott (NDP--Toronta Dar- forth), who asked whetter the minister had investigated alle- gations that there was a two- day interval between the time the cabinet decided not to in- terfere in the Coffin death sen- tence and the time Mr. Massey signed the order-in-council The Canadian Press in an Ot-| tawa dispatch Dec. 13 quoted a reliable source as saying there were indications Mr. Mas- sey held back for one or two days his signature and. had to be persuaded by then prime minister Louis St. Laurent to sign the order-in-council. Mr. Chevrier also repeated Tuesday his earlier statement that he had been in touch with Mr. St. Laurent, who "simply denied" the report. The justice minister said he hopes that the Commons and the; country will aecept Mr. St.| Laurent's denial Mr. Chevrier said there doesn't seem to be any reason! for a royal commission into the] ||i/| provincial aspects of the Coffin case. He said in reply to Real Ca- ouette, Creditiste leader, that his officials have completed their study of Jacques Hebert's new book on the case Mr. Chevrier said his officiais | are still investigating the de-| partmental file in regard to the} eabinet's decision not to com- mute the sentence and he hopes to make a statement on this as-| pect before the Commons Christmas adjournment Mr. Chevrier said in reply to Mr. Scott that he has rec2.ved no representations from. the Quebec government concerning the case. Last US. Model Studebaker To |] Also Available--THE FAMOUS Roll Off Friday | puTTERBALL The last Studebaker automobile TURKEYS to be produced in the United GOOD SELECTION OF WEIGHTS States will roll off the assembly Cooked Smoked ATTRACTIVELY PRICED C line in South Bend Thursday or Friday, triggering a- mammoth HAMS " " is. PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY layoff of workers President Byers A. Burlin- FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS - TIME ENJOYMENT! FROM SUNNY CALIFORNIA! LARGE CLUSTERS! HONEY SWEET! game said at a press confer- 2 igiogy 35: ence Tuesday that about 4,000 B.C.'s FINEST APPLES! EXTRA FANCY GRADE! CRISP RED BEAUTIES: workers will be dismissed as ] DELICIOUS APPLES... 6: 49: the firm ends auto production GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA! No. 1 GRADE! 35: in South Bend, transferring all 2 POUNDS 43. such work to its Hamilton, Ont., GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA! VERY FLAVOURFUL! MAKES YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER COMPLETE! BRUSSELS SPROUTS FRESH CRANBERRIES Burlingame said Studebaker's THE TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS ORANGE! TEMPTING, TANGY FLAVOURI South Bend employment, now at SEEDLESS NAVEL ORANGES I If about 6,500, will be down to IDEAL FOR THE KIDDIES' #TOCKINGS! EXTRA EXTRA FINEST SELECTION! COMPLETELY CLEANED SPECIAL! PRE-DRESSED GRADE "A" URKE OVER 18 LBS. 6 to 18 LBS. 30 49 THE FINEST QUALITY! SPECIAL! 'SWIFT PREMIUM -- PRE-DRESSED CAPONS SPECIAL! PRE-DRESSED GRADE ope ag oC Best Value In Hams! SPECIAL! FULL SKINNED -- SHANK OFF MINIMUM FAT -- WHOLE or HALF SPECIAL! PRE-DRESSED PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC. 18, 19, 20, 21 (SE COUPON FOR EXTRA STAMPS) SPECIAL! Georgia Golden Shore oe Cleaned and Peeled SPECIAL! WESTON'S SHRIMPS | CAPRI WAFERS cto BSD | sprciaus NIBLETS FANCY WHOLE AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS eres SPECIAL! FANCY HONEY POD Stokely's PEAS... SPECIAL! STUARTHOUSE SPECIAL! BRIGHT'S FANCY TOMATO juice... as BY: ALL STORES Open Mon. Dec. 23, 9 p.m. e Tues. Dec. 24, 6 p.m. ase tape' ay Bonnie Shortbread ........ 423° 33¢ SPECIAL! HOSTESS Chocolate Shortbread .... 13°. 35e AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT! LOBLAWS GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE IN $5.00 AND $10.00 CERTIFICATES 8-02, PKGS. 14-FL, OZ, V.P. TINS HOLIDAY ° STORE HOURS 18-FL, OZ, TINS DOWNTOWN STORES t 2,700 by the d of th i abou y en e Open Thurs. & Fri, 'till 9 p.m. year. Another 1,000 workers will be laid off early next year, he} added, leaving a- permanent) South Bend work force of some 1,700 Studebaker has placed adver- tisements in 300 newspapers pledging that it will stay in the automobile business. Burlingame said the firm had/| no immediate plans to move its headquarters from South Bend, although he did say mnegotia- tions are under way to sell all facilities here. SHOPPING CENTRE Open Wed. Thurs, and Fri. 'till 9 pom, LARGI SIZE Kidneys From Monkey Work -- Well -- MD NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- A 44-year-old New Orleans dock CLOSED XMAS & BOXING DAY al $%4-0Z. PKG. WITH COUPON ANO PURCHASE Any One Bottle TABLETS or MIST DRISTAR WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 10-00, Jor PRIDE OF ARABIA INSTANT COFFEE WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 14-0. Pkg. SHIRRIFF POTATO CHIPS ROSE Festive Shortbread ........ +25: 33¢ @ IMPORTED BISCUITS © IMPORTED BISCUITS AND SHORTBREADS Box PICKLES .......... 47, SPECIAL! WESTON'S FESTIVAL 2% IN ATTRACTIVE GIFT TINS! SPECIAL! SWEET MIXED 45. SPECIAL! HOSTESS Table Fingers ............-. AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF Available in All Loblaw Stores! worker received a transplant of chimpanzee kidneys six weeks ago and _now is well enough to leave the hospital, Tulane Uni- versity announced Tuesday. Tulane doctors said Jefferson Davis is 'now in good health and the transplanted kidneys are functioning well." The university said Davis is believed to be only the second pefson ever to receive kidneys from a primate and have them function--and the first to re- cover sufficiently to leave the hospital 348,510 Federal Employees Listed OTTAWA (CP) = The gov- ernment is keeping a lid on the number of its employees, though total payrolls have risen There were 348,510 employers of the federal government and its Crown 'corporations and agencies at the end of August, 1,966 fewer than on July 31, and 3.341 fewer than a year earlier the bureau of statistics report +d Tuesday, Their earnings totalled $137, 740,000 in August compared with $134,596,000 a year earlier. EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One Super Tube Stennous Flueride Teothpeste PEPSODENT YY!) Coupem Expres Dec 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE Two Green Beth Bors 'woopsurY's BEAUTY SOAP ¥20 Coupon Expres Dec 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 10-02. Pkg. PET-RITZ FROZEN PIE SHELLS ¥29 Coupon Expires Dec 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 10}-0n. Phy. CEREAL CHEERIOS al EXTRA STAMPS 29 EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE Any One Ctn, 20's of 25's BELVEDERE FILTER CIGARETTES Y12 Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 2}-b, Tia DOMESTIC SHORTENING Y21 Coupon Expres Dec 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE Two 15-08. Tins DEL MONTE FANCY CUT BLUE LAKE GREEN BEARS Y30 Coupon Expires Dec 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One B-q1. Bog NEWPORT FLUFFS ec 74.1963 STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 20 2) EXTRA STAMPS Y! Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One Reg. Bottle FOR INDIGESTION BROMO SELTZER Y4 Coupon Expires Dec, 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE Twe 11 ff. on. Bote, Lieeys CATSUP Y13 Coupon Expires Dee. 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 167. on. Jer PLAIN QUEEN AYLMER OLIVES Y22 Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One Gient Pkg. DETERGENT TIDE YI! Coupen Expires Dec. 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE Twe 6 fi. ox. Tine 'TREESWEET LEMON JUICE ¥40 Cougmn Expires Dec 24, 1963 STAMPS of EXTRA STAMPS ds EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS Y3 Coupon Expires Dec, 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE Any Volume 1-8 Golden Book Iiustrated DICTIONARY YS Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 32-02. Jer BABY KOSHER BICK'S DILLS Y14 Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 60x. Jer CARNATION COFFEE MATE ¥23 Caypon Expires Dec, 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 2j-th. Phe. KEN-L MEAL DOG FOOD Y32 Coupon Expires Dec, 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 2}-t. Phe. BETTY CROCKER BISQUICK MIX 41 Coupan Expires Dec 24, 1963 al EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS Y¥2 Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 3-tb. Pkg. SKIM MILK POWDER ¥6 Coupon Expires Dec. 24. 1943 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE Twe 12 fi. ox. Jere CRANBO WHOLE Y15 Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE Two 1-4b. Pkgs. GU COLOURED MARGARINE Y24 Coupon Expires Dec, 24, 1963 WITH COUPON ANO PURCHASE Any Two Sponges SUPER SOFT SPONGES 'Y33 Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE @rongia GOLDEN Sioa Cleswed ond Pooled SHRIMPS 'Y42 Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 of EXTRA STAMPS Ks EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 32-02. Plastic Brt, INSTANT SUDS Y? Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One Si-cx. Tie Lawry's SEASONED SALT Y16 Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE CHILI SAUCE YM Coupon Expires Dec, 24, 1963 ORANGES 'Y43 Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 al EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS dS EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 'WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 60's Phg. LOBLAWS RED LABEL TEA BAGS YB Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE 'Two 15 fl. ox, Tine DOLE TIDBITS PINEAPPLE ¥17 Coupon Expires Dee. 24, 1963 WHIT QUUPUN ANU FURLMASE Any One Pkg. Belty Grecker Brownie Wilx or Coceanut Mocarcee Mix '¥26 Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 'WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 28-0x, Sal, CLEANER LESTOIL Y3S Coupon Expires Dec, 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 34, Bog COOKING Y44 Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 of EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS dy EXTRA STAMPS li EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One Vib. Tie SWIFT'S PREMIUM 'VP Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 'WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 9 fi. on. Jer © D. SMITH PURE Strawberry Jam 1B Coupen Expires Dec. 24, 1963 SWIFT'S FROZEN DINWERS 'Y27 Coupon Expires Dee, 24, 1963 One 9j-e2, Ph CEREAL TWINKLES 'Y36 Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 'V4 Coupon Expires Dec, 24, 1963 al EXTRA STAMPS dh EXTRA STAMPS ds EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS VIO Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 One 16-02. Jer INGERSOLL CHEESE SPREAD Y19 Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE Any One Pha. BIRDS EYE FROZEN Vegetable Dishes 'Y2B Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE Two Von. Phgs. SETTY CROCKER PUDDING CAKE MIXES Y37 Coupon Expires Dee. 24, 1963 'WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE FRESH TOMATOES Y¥46 Coupon Expires Dec. 24, 1963,

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