-- She Oshawa Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 86 King St. E., Oshawa, Ontario T. L. Wilson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1963------PAGE 6 Price Movements Hint At Environment Change One of the most interesting features of the business upswing in Canada and the United States since 1961 has been the moderate character of the advance in the general level of prices and costs, says the current monthly review of the Bank of Nova Scotia, In Can- ada, this pattern has been all the more remarkable when one con- siders the general price-raising in- fluence of the decline in the ex- change rate for the Canadian dollar. To a considerable extent, the comparative stability of prices has reflected the worldwide environment of ample supplies and keen com- petition. Since early in 1963, how- ever, there has been a decided strengthening of prices for a num- ber of primary commodities. Al- thouugh the picture is far from uniform, this has been one of the significant developments of the past year. As yet these firming tenden- cies had little discernible impact on general price indexes, but the review points out they do undoubtedly raise the question whether a change in the economic environment is now in process. Some of the pressures which have helped to hold down prices on this eontinent have clearly been dimi- nishing. Production in many cases has been moving closer to effective capacity. At the same time, the competitive position of North Amer- ica relative to Europe has probably been improving. There has probably been some absorption of higher prics by Cana- dian manufacturers, and some shift to domestic sources of supply with the improvement in the competitive position of Canadian producers. Thus the exchange-rate adjustment has been only partially reflected in the index of wholesale prices. In the wider world scene, output is press- ing capacity in only a relatively few instances, and higher productivity through improved technology tends to offset upward pressures, Euromart Farm Crisis Edgar Pisani, French minister of agriculture, stormed out of a Brus- sels meeting of the European Com- mon Market last week, and in so doing dramatized the problem of harmonizing agricultural policies -- the problem which confronts the Common Market with its most severe crisis. The meeting had been consider- ing proposals for common prices on farm products. On Wednesday the French cabinet endorsed President de Gaulle's threat to quit the Com- mon Market if member nations -- France, West Germany, Italy,' Bel- gium, Netherlands, Luxemburg -- fail to agree on a joint farm policy by Dec. 31. In -Bonn, however, Chancellor Erhard's government re- fused to accept the deadline. At one pole in the struggle is West Germany, with its high farm prices and heavy government protection. At the other end is France, with low farm prices and surplus. pro- duction which it wishes to sell to Germany. The Germans have stead- fastly refused to open their gates to a flood of low cost French agri- cultural products, Unless, that is, they.can get certain concessions, including one from France to join a common position in future tariff cutting negotiations with the United States. France is balking on these demands. The six nations have never agreed to set a specific deadline for fram- ing a common agriculture program. This is another of de Gaulle's un- reasonable and highhanded tactics for trying to get his own way. At least that is the general impression in Europe. It is hard to believe that the French leader would go so far as actually to wreck the whole movement toward Kuropean econ- omic integration and progress to win his point about agriculture. Time Wasted At Ottawa Railway President Donald Gor- don, one of the busiest man in Can- ada, went to Ottawa last week and for 50 minutes had to read to the Commons Railways Committee the text of the CNR annual report for 1962 which was printed and ready for distribution on March 14, the Ottawa Journal notes. The railway officials now are gathering information for the 1963 report they must present to Parlia- ment next year. Transport Minister Mcllraith said that the election and the crush of business which faced Parliament afterwards made it difficult to get the committee to work on the 1962 report earlier. He hoped that the 1963 report would be dealt with next Spring. The Journal comments: "It is hard to believe that mem- bers were so busy since May 16, when Parliament assembled, that the committee could not have met Mr. Gordon earlier. Let that be as it may, the fact is that members have had the annua! report avail- able to them since March and they could have read it in their ham- The Oshawa Times T, L. WILSON, Publisher C. GWYN KINSEY, Editor The Oshawa Times combining The Oshawa Times (established 1871) and the Whitby Gozette and Chronicle (established 1863) ts published daily Sundays and Stotutory holidays excepted) Members of Conadian Daily Newspaper Publish erg Association. The Canadian Press, Audit Bureau ef Circulation and the Ontario Provincial Dailies Association. The Canadian Press is exclusively entitied to the use of republication of eli news despatched in the paper credited to it or to The Associoted Press or Reuters, and also the local News published therein. All rights of special des- patches are also reserved Offices. Thomson Build 425 University Avenue, Yoronto, Ontario; 640 Cathcart Street, Montreal, P.Q. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carriers in iowa, Whitby Ajox, Pickering, Bowmanville, 8 n, Port Perry, Prince Frenchman's Ray, nbarton, Enniskillen d Ketan, Claremont, Columbus Greenwe Kinsale. Raglan. Blackstock, Mencheste: Pontypool 45c¢ per week. By mail and. Newcastle not over n Pro 10) @utside carriers delivery areos 12.00 per year, Other Previnces and Commonweolth Countries (15. 00, U.S.A. end foreign 24.00, vince ot Onta mocks during the Summer recess. Why the president of the CNR should have to read aloud every weary word, from 'Financial Re- view" down to "Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors," is more than any reasonable person can understand. "Mr. Gordon's reading came a day after President Jodoin read for an hour to the Cabinet the Canadian Labor Congress brief which had been in ministers' hands earlier. "This passion for unnecessary time-consuming reading fits ill with the pressures of the times. Members of Parliament can read for them- selves and come to. meetings with ~fheir questions ready. That would be a mark of efficiency and any marks Parliament can gain in that area are much to be prized." Other Editors' Views SHE'S TOO MUCH (Kitchener-Waterloo Record) One hopeful sign for the federal (pension) plan was the personal in- tervention of the Canadian prime minister and the obvious gagging of Miss Judy LaMarsh, the welfare minister whose handling of the subject was unskilled, to say the least. But recently Miss LaMarsh, who had. been unusually quiet for some time, has been speaking out in all her usual ireraising' style. This might be a pointer to the fact that the plan has been settled. It might, on the other hand, indicate that Miss LaMarsh is too miuch even for the prime minister. Briefly Noted People would make more progress if they weren't built so that it's so comfortable for them to sit. mM1e5 BE PRODUCED BY RUSSIANS SUMP KIN < ANOTHER CHRISTMAS LIST READERS' VIEWS CHRISTMAS SAVINGS Dear Sir: Everyone is trying to save money at all times, and around Christmas a person's income should be to make this time a joyous occasion, not to be wasted on corrective penalties as set out in the Highways Traffic Act and Criminal Code. For example an 80-cent light bulb for a licence plate has a minimum fine of $5 and the light bulb still has to be purchased; total $5.80. Number Plates -- Clean, un- damaged, not obstructed, light- ed, Sec. 10. (3); $5.00 and ar- restable. Licence and Permits -- Drive without or permit to drive with- out, Sec. 13 (1); $10. Fail to Notify Dept. of Change of Address, Carry and Produce Licence, Sec, 14 (1), $5 One head light or no tail light or trailer light, Sec. 33° (1); minimum fine $5. (Seal beam unit cost $1.95 -- your total cost $6.95). 1 No hand brake or faulty, Sec. 35 (1), $10. Windshield Wipers, Sec. 37 (1) $5 Too lazy to clean snow from YOUR HEALTH windows of the 'car? Obstructed view, Sec 41 (1), $5. Faulty muffler (fumes that cause drivers to fall asleep), Sec. 42 (1), $5 No safety chain on towed de- vice (trailer), Sec. 45 (1), $5. Unsafe vehicle, operation of Sec. 48, $5 No name on side of commer- cial vehicle, Sec. 51, $5 Speeding -- Sec. 59; usually a minimum of a dollar a mile over the posted limit; 30 mph over the limits can qualify you for a careless driving charge, minimum fine $50 Stop Signs, Red and Amber Lights, fail to come to full stop. $10 minimum -- usual area fine $20. Sec. 64 and 70 Open door into traffic, Sec. 84, $5 highway arrest- temove or deface sign, $25 minimum and able. Sec. 100 Disobey any highway sign, $5 Sec. 99 (2). Violations while Careless driving, improper turns, no signals, etc,, Sec. 60, $10 to $500, 3 months in jail, two year suspension of licence Criminal Code Charges -- Dangerous driving, criminal moving Stomach Distress Result Of Hernia MOLNER, MD By JOSEPH G Dear Dr. Molner: For many years I suffered with my stom- ach but no one couw'd find out what was wrong.. My doctor thought it might be an irritated gall bladder. Recently he took x-rays and diagnosed it as a hernia. He ad- vised me to stay on a diet. An operation is too dangerous, What should I do?--M.V. Evidently you have a hiatal hernia, which is easily mistaken for gall bladder distress, an ul- cer or the like. X-rays taken so as to make the upper gastro-in- testinal tract visible will distin- guish hiatal hernia. What happens is this: The gul- let or esophagus has to pass through the diaphragm to reach the stomach. If the opening (Hiatus) is, or becomes, a little larger than necessary, it is a hiatal hernia. The upper portion of the stom- ach can be forced up through the opening, and some digestive juices can reach areas not de- signed to get along with them peacefully. The result: Pain, gas, crampy feelings, and simi- lar stomach distress. We have learned from experi- ence that if there is doubt about the cause of stomach trouble, to suspect such a hernia and to TODAY IN HISTORY By THE CANADIAN PRESS Dec, 18, 1963... Fort. Niagara, important in the operations on the Niagara frontier in the War of 1812-14, was captured by the British from the Amer- icans 150 years ago today-- in 1813. The British took 300 prisoners. The first fort was a log structure surrounded by a palisade, built in 1687 at the mouth of the Niagara River for LaSalle. Captured by the British from the French in 1759, it had been turned over to the United States in 1796, 1889--The first CPR tel- graph junction with the At- lantic cable was made at Canso, N.8 1654--The crash of an Italian airliner at New York's Idlewild airport took 26 lives, ; . Mann _ tract take the type of x-rays which will: show it. Thé treatment is conservative, like that for ulcers: Bland diet, efforts to avoid excess tension, little or no alcohol or tobacco, no spices or other irritants. In addition, if the patient is over- weight, reducing is very impor- tant. This lessens the pressure which forces the stomach up- ward, Surgery is required in stub- born cases i I disagree with the statement that it is "'too dangerous," since it is not a particularly perilous Operation, It may, for one rea son or another, be too dangerous for you 'however, Or it may reasonably be that your doctor wants you to give the other type of treatment a fair trial first Dear Dr. Molner: At what age would you advise a mother to allow her child to sleep with a pillow?--Mirs. H, R When the child is old enough to make it known that he wants one, negligence causing death or in jury, drive while intoxicated or impaired or prohibited; all ar- restable possible 2 years jail, $500 in fines The $5 and $10 fines listed arc minimums and the magistrate can, of course, assess the maximum listed in the Highway Traffic Act. Police will charge you for these offences with a view to your education and preventing you from being involved in acci dents and resulting civil su'ts which sometimes award dam- ages in excess of $100,000 aside from the possibility. of your death or injury So ptH your money to good use -- keeping the car in safe shape by replacing and renew- ing faulty components -- I have tried to list the 'considerable savings by your acting first Hire a taxi at Chrstmas and New Year's -- his fee is nothing to the cost and inconvenience of: 1. The towing charge' when your vehicle is removed from the highway, when you are ar- rested; 2. Lawyers' fees; 3. Loss of Christmas and holi- days while you are in jail; 4. Fines and loss of income for the further period in jail after you are convicted; 5. A permanent record on file at police stations and De- partment of your conviction; 6. Loss of driving licence. These monetary savings are a Christmas gift to you -- if you take them Whitby. DR. VON SERVICE Dear Sir: The Board of Management of the Whitby Branch of the Vic- torian Order of Nurses this year made their annual appeal for funds through the mails instead of a door to door canvass. The response from the. citizens of Whitby, while not as great as when we went knocking on their doors, still has been very grati- fying, and will ensure that the excellant service given by our capable nurse, Miss Ruth Bow- ring, to all citizens of Whitby in need of nursing cane regardless of their family circumstances, wil! continue for another year. This. year the VON celebrates its 50th anniversary in Whitby, and it is the continuing support of the citizens of Whitby, that makes it possible for the service to continue, and the Board mem- bers wish to say THANK YOU The Boand also wish to thank The Times for thelr assistance aid interest in the past year MRS, KE. R. SNOW, Cotrespomling Searetary, Victorian Order of Nurses Whitby JORDAN BY-GONE DAYS 2h Due to the mild weather, work progressed favorably. on the four-lane highway between Pick ering and Oshawa J. G. Kervin was appointed organization and analysis man- ager of General Motors Prod ucts of Canada, Limited Captain and Mrs.- Churchill visited her parents, Col, and Mrs. R. §. McLaughlin, prior to their leaving for IEng- land, to make their residence there City council awarded the con for lumber to the T.'°G Gale Ltd., for an outdoor rink to be built behind the Public Utilities Commission building The ""GM-Men" hockey team tied a game with the undefeated Goodyear team of Toronto. The firste bankers' dance in Oshawa in 15 years was held by the Junior Bankers of -the e:ty and d strict In local stores butter sold for YEAHS AGO Dec, 18, 1H1% {wo pounds for 47 cents, three loaves bread 20 cents; coffee 21 cents and (ea A cents per pound and flour MM pound bag for 41 cents Mra. A. W president of terian ciety Smith was elected the Knox Presby Churoh Missionary Se eily couneil velused to take any action regarding better lighting for -dewntown area until the forthcoming mun icipal elections Oshawa Albert Street Sunday School held {ts annual Christmas con- cert. Phe new monister, Rev T. P. Perry was chairman A. Tierney was elected: presl- dent at the annual meeting of the Oshawa Branch of the Cana- dian Legion The City of Oshawa received a subsidy of $25,978.20 from the Province of Ontario with. the' understanding that the debt to the Provincial Housing Loans be paid off. _OTTAWA REPORT _ journalists Book Takes Sharp Look At Kennedys By PATRICK NICHULSON OTTAWA--The 35th president of the United States is being rhapsodized through the rosy glow of the wave of sentimental- ity evoked by his tragic end. But today's widespread wish to memorialize .John F. Kennedy may not be confirmed by the evaluation of history. A beneficial counterpoise to emotion has. been supplied by the factual review of life and Politics in the book J.F.K.:; The Man and the Myth by Victor Lasky, published by Collier- Macmillan, This thoroughly re- searched and fully documented book is currently enjoying a huge success in the U.S. as a best-seller said to be in its 13th Printing; it will deservedly be mined extensively by future his- torians. Mr. Lasky traces the early life and family background of this fourth - generation Boston- Trishman, sketching the family's Progress from '"'shanty Irish" through "'lace-curtain Irish" to its multi-millionaire status as "cut-glass Irish."' Then he takes his readers through the steps to the Wh'te House and well on in'o the thousand days of. pres- idency, from h's inauguration-- "the proclamation of a new American dynasty"--to a typi- cal White House party for 1,200 guests in the new "'jazzier" Ken- nedy era with diamond hairc'ips and elegant china plates piled with truffle-glazed ham, MENTIONS DIEF Canada is mentioned but briefly, in a short reference to the occasion in 1963 when the U.S. "brought down the govern- ment of, Prime Minister Diefen- baker.' $ The great interest in the Yainstaking study by Mr. Lasky lies in his development of the theme that the Kennedy clan, master-minded by father Joe Kennedy, 'aid deliberate s'ége to the White. House and, with the aid of family fortune and clan endeavor, captured it 'Joseph P. Kennedy had once entertained White House ambi- tions. for himesif. When they were thwarted, he groomed his eldest son Joe Jr. to carry out this driving ambition, Young Joe died during the war--a hero's death--and the father de- cided that his second-born son should go into politics." "I got Jack into politics," said the father. "I told him Joe was dead, and therefore it was his responsibility to run, . . ." Thus. a dynasty was planned. "Just as I went into politics be- cause Joe died," said Jack, "'if anything happened to me,. my brother Bobby would run. And if Bobby died, Teddy would take over." Many families might have this ambition, but few had the support of such unlimited cash. Father Joe, "one of the richest men in the country, if not in the world, is prepared to spend ns last dime to achieve that end." POWER OF WEALTH Father Joe had great faith in the power of his fortune. Ear- lier he had been a vocal isola- tionist. 'I'm willing to spend all I've got to keep us out of the war," said the then U.S, am- bassador to Britain -- 'jittery Joe" as he was called by US. when the" bombs were failitig on Britain. ' He poured his fortune without stim into the progressive ad- vance upon the White House. "According to one story, the old man claimed that with the money he was spending, he could elect his chauffeur." Mr. Lasky suggests that Pres- ident Kennedy was the first au- thentic presidentia] creation of Madison Avenue techniques. He describes him relying heavily on public opinion polls to guide his steps, reportedly paying $250,000 a year to the New York pollster, Lou Harris, the same pollster whom he "'loaned" to the Pear- son Liberals to assist in their election campaign here. This use of polls as a "propaganda device" in politics was sharply criticized by my good friend Elmo Roper, the dean of U.S. pollsters. Mr. Lasky gives full credit to Kennedy for his handling of the second Cuba crisis, in marked contrast to the Bay of Pigs debacle. But he suggests that his political leadership was not outstanding, causing "complete political disarray" in Washing- ton. He writes sympathetically of those who were defeated by the surge of the Kennedy "top commandos"; and of Vice Pres- ident. Lyndon Johnson's dream to be president, he prophetically said "fate could always inter- vene"--to which history has written the postscript. Canadian Trees Grace Yuletide In Many Lands By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canadians spending the holi- day season in the sunny south-- whether in Florida, Mexico, the West Indies or other popular tourist spots--won't be far from one reminder of home this year. Wherever they go, there's a good chance Canadian Christ- mas trees will have arrived be- fore them. While nearly all the more than 10,000,000 evergreens for export go to the United States, more than 100,000 make their way to a dozen other lands from The Bahamas to Venezuela. Puerto Rico, for example, last year took 62,101, Bermuda 18,- 458 and Trinidad 13,651. A Cross-Canada Survey by REPORT FROM U.K. Shortage Of Milk Worries Officials By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng.) Correspondent For The Oshawa Times LONDON -- A drastic drop in milk' production, bringing the flow of supplies from the farms down to the jowest level for: four years, threatens to produce a severe milk shortage during the coming winter. According to an official of the Scottish M'lk Mar- keting Board, the situation may become so serious that ration- ing of milk may have to be applied The Milk Marketing Board for England and Wales is taking some drastic steps to ensure that rationing of fluid milk for consumption as such will not be necessary. It has diverted its milk supplies. away from the manufacturers of muk products, for the avowed purpose of safe- guarding milk deliveries to homes, shops and caterers. AFFECTS CHEESE The making of ' butter and Cheddar-type cheese in factories has been stopped. At the same time, farmhouse makers of Cheddar cheese have been ask- ed to restrict their use of milk. There has been a sharp reduc- tion in the quantities of milk allowed for*manufacture of non- keeping varieties of cheese, such as caerphilly, Cheshire and Wensleydale. Normal supplies are being allowed only for high- priced milk products. such as cream The output of milk from the 110,000 dary farms in En and Wales dropped by nl 6,000,000 gallons in October, ar the November figures, when fully compiled, are expected to show a further decline of 8,000,- 000 gations Makers of cheese and butter are complaining that the sus- pension of milk supplies is caus ing them to lose customers and tending to turn housewives to foreign varieties Butter merchants forecast that the home output of butter will be down about 20,000 tons ths vear, and they claim this is one of the main reasons why the cheaper yarieties have dis- appeared, Cheese wholesalers report that stocks are running down fast, and no new supplies of British cheese are coming in to replace them WEATHER BLAMED A spokesman for the Milk Marketing Board claims that the weather is largely to blame for the decline in milk: produc- tion. He said "Supplies normally decline at this t me of, the year, but the drop in' production has. worsen ed this autumn because there have been fewer calves. There is no danger to liquid milk 'sup- plies, but we will need to apply emergency measures about the middle of December." Farmers, however, are not so optimistic that there will be an improvement in supples They cite these reasons Many dairy cattle are below par because of the bad summer. There are about 74,000 fewer cows and heifers than there were at this time last year. And most farmers are trying to economize on feeding stuffs, which also brings down milk production. William Blair, chairman of a committee representing nine breeds of dairy catue blames the government for discouraging milk production over the last few years, He claims that prof- its have dropped by about eight cents a gallon, and that 50.000 dairy farmers have given up dairying, "Unless fatmers are qiuckly given some incentive to produce milk the shortage will be worse,"' he said. QUEEN'S PARK The -Canadian Press indicates exports should be close to last year's volume of 10,369,832 Christmas trees sold abroad for $6,874,883. Of the total, 10,240,- 308 worth $6,800,000 went to the United States. Seven provinces export trees --the exceptions being New- foundland, Saskatchewan and Alberta--and of the exporters, four. figure to ship more than last year. _ Nova Scotia, feeling effects of increasing competition from On- tario's Scotch pine, New Bruns- wick, where unfavorable wea- ther hampered cutting, and Quebec, bucking competition from artificial trees, are re- signed to lower sales abroad. PINE IS POPULAR Ontario, with exports of 3,300,- 000 tnees for $2,500,000 last year, reports that Scotch pine is be- coming increasingly popwar and accounts for 23 per cent of the export market. Dr. W. W. Breslin, president of the Christmas Tree Growers' Association of Ontario, says there is a greater demand this year for good trees ang the ex port market value has 'in- creased. All big Ontario export- ers have sold out their stocks although they're still receiving orders orders. British Columbia, which sent most of its 1,779,175 erport trees to the Umited States last year, expects to find a market for 200,000 or so in Alberta again this year. Its pine and fir trees are also popular in Saskatche- wan which imports all but 10,- 000 to 12,000 of the 200,000 trees sold there, Manitoba shipped 82,000 trees to the northern United States last year for $135,000 and fig- ures export business will be somewhat higher this year. Municipal Reform _ Suggested By CMA BY DON 0'HEARN TORONTO -- The Canadfam Manufacturers Association has proposed what appears to be a very enlightened plan on muni- cipal reorganization in Ontario. The CMA would do away with all townships and all municipali- ties of 1,500 population or under. It would take these into a new strong county set-up. All organized municipalities (cities, towns and villages' of more than 1,500) would be on their own outside the county, The county. would essentially consider questions of rural areas. And the other principally urban councils would be han- dling urban matters. And finally, there would be a provision for growth, Fringe lands around urban areas would be marked as de- velopment areas, And when they reached 65 per cent urban den- stiy would be automatically an- nexed, MORE EFFICIENT A CMA Spokesman said the figure of 1,500 population was an arbitrary one and perhaps the unit should be higher. Aside from this there are very apparent benefits in the propo- sa! Perhaps' the most important one would be efficiency, Each county unit would have to be large enough to have>a full-time staff. Many of the pres- ent too - small municipalities would be done away with. It is estimated the number of local municipalities would be reduced from nearly 1,000 to about 300, This would mean the one and two man police forces, the part- time clerks and the one-room schoo! boards could be done away with. ORDERLY GROWTH The annexation proposal would mean there could be orderly growth in our dynamic develop- ment of today, instead of wran- gling and compromise. (There would be regional plan- ning. boards which would regu- late this growth.) And above ally it would mean that our elected representatives were considering and directing matters they knew about. Urban men would be handling urban questions. And rural men handling rural matters. At -present, in many areas, there is a mixed representation and the result is a great waste of time and effort. | This CMA proposal may not be perfect. But it at least seems to be a practical approach to a problem which has been caus- ing increased concern. consecutive quarterly DIVIDEND 35¢ a shore--payable January 15, 1964 to over 2,600 shareholders of record December 31, 1963 GUARANTY TRUST Company of Canada A. B. RAMSAY Vice-President & General Manager