729--Automobiles For 'Sale 29--Automobiles For Sale 29--AutomobilesFer Sele :29-- Automobiles For Sale 30--Automobiles Wanted |32--Articles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesd: December 18, 1963 SUR: mre ae YING oF selling furniture or appt na ali : r 1963 FORD Galaxie XL500, two-door 1954 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, four-door LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want ¢ Uv i caaheal chal hap eae at Led hardtop, loaded with extras, four-speed. cooq condition, $156 Phone 7258001. Yor -wrecking:-- Highest. prices paid 20.8 Bie cel Eiaee, Hemepto OE FES. ctric heat, Ik-out s : sgn vince egy aa plo | will také older car, open to offers. Ajax oO Wentworth East, 725-118) Zea sol on ravine lot, overlooking ty r a) i | 942:0675 ------------$ -- - -- = al@ possession. Private. Must sei fiends KELLY DISN EY OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto | Wreckers, COAT "deep pile mutation, mink striped,| u ge rgues igains ze 16-20. Large or, col 27--Real Estate for Sale Srador, Drive, f 1957 SUBURBAN station wagon, private Au fait loner . ( A 5 Neilson Street, want cars for wreck-)full leng Singaiow, four, years. old, win recren fe Sealilione THedone: New dlres. autornetiel USED CARS LTD ng. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245 lar, like new, $100. Teephone 72 re bungalow, four years old, with recrea | | 3 condition, two-tone, new tires, automatic 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST rhe lcs Soak giecrnic Hur ake ee ton room arid bar. Good residential area ransmission, excellent body, no rust, é 3 r wi jek shers. | ITBY - -5891 A ed pasenger, with automatic Saunier custom Hilson cweriane ae wee 668 $ LL CAS $ and heavy duty transformer, track mount ai! Douglas. J. M. Bullied Realto iF ' f 95, T ior-spocteman' oc: (amily eal. sere. 418 | For clean cors or trucks We ed on board, $60 train like new, for $25 Se | 728-7377. oF 4 . , FOUR 'suite apartment in: centre of Bow. [roe file ~ 5 = see va ee aes d off a deal up or down. Liens poid {Call after & p.m, 728-9516 : mn ' \ 92 + 1 » 4door hardtop, V-8 auto Liens paid o t oa ~ 3 . 'H eMaKENZIE a Z ; f manvilie on "large 4041 by 12 () () 4 a eC S ee AL BIR: Seer hatatogs Vee able aos af SLAT steel "spring 9", 881 bed teas By ARCH cMaKENZIE decisions affecting game laws,' aw ond pine tees Large spacty Between 5-7 p.m. telephone' 72 Always top quality NICOLS MOTORS LTD, Theoret OTTAWA (CP) -- The umque ™2!Tiage customs and even, ; Phan incane Se Ga ti Meld So 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Asc Pianide child adoption good repai nt in ee . Rank, Rar Gains Wit: oe0. downs Low SPOT CASH VOLVO Srose ron Reval Hetal RANGE Viking Electric, 30 inch sfour/Case of a judge testifying before °" monthiy payments. on balance. P.O. Box months old, must sell, $125. Apply after 6 4 Commons committee occurred' Some of these are headed for 200, Oshawa PAID FOR | SALES AND SERVICE Whitby 668- 3331 jeunes ad ee pee ¥ Tuesday as a group of MPs testing before the Supreme BUILDING LOT, Brookiin, 200.41. by és Good clean cars Trade 100 Sar 5 - 100°CARS WANTED Tene ete Ww Dat prom' 'ree, pondered the merits of dividing|Court of Canada. evel. Jad. Carga. Wi ud Liens p A phone 725-8814 the Northwest Territories 'into Real Estat Broker Oshawa " ? ' A Sg : a DODD MOTOR. SALES GENERAL REPAIR and Buying a New Car KODAK 8 mm dingie lens, movie camera. two administrative sectors. ay (old | the Commons com: brick bungalow 4 PAR K- RO OUTH AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE Sell your used cor to "Ted" with case and light: bar, $25; also 2 Pointing witha halk mittee on mines, forests and tobe daa ed | 942) AAD Ri Talk 'Cash' to the New calibre Covey Repeater rifle, $15; bolt : g ; narwhal-lusk waters that plans to split the Ei racainage ye | Oshawo 728. 5 Cor Dacler end "SAVE! ke new. After 5 call 725-1690 mgs soe H heen territories should be rejected: | Li fad fi BED CHESTERFIELD, Kroehler, green. of the 'Territorial Court, who'4 'government administration = 11 L D E BUYING OR TED CAMPIN MOTORS Mattress included, $75. Wilton rug 6' ® travels about 25,000 air miles should' be. established with a x 9 floral, $25.°Call 69 evenings, 725-0868 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 annually in his circuit calls over © BABY carriage (Thistle) also two party \lieutenant-governor, an exect CAR AND TRUCK TED CAMPIN 31---Automobile Repeir dresses, size 11, Telephone 723-3991, the huge area, added his voice/tiye council and an elected leg- Rar abneinieneat 16 ali George - oornneet, 723-2859, Joséph Bosco, Rea AND R to opposition against the split. | tor, 728-737 < NTA a nnn en PROJECTOR, small Argus slide; screer p islative assembly of 16-18 mem- : | E LS | MOTORS HOUSTON'S GARAGE beaded glass) tripod; enlarger, | Federa He called for a system of gov-|bers. (All Aakes 7 INy 7 ike ne rr reasonable rew . °§ | Makes and Models) 607 KING ST.---OSHAWA and SERVICE STATION street Telephone 728-8435 ernment in northern Canada' 44, Fustica Giaabun cuted tor AVAILABLE CALL 6553 Just East of Wilson Road) : . ;: 1s based on that evolved in th ; oe eee zz s i nch blades, 18 n the, Ha ; - » 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 TEXACO nen Metullough chain saw, Ford tractor old Northwest Territories before|2 Rew treaty with the Mackenzie; IMMEDIATELY O eC i pulley. Telephone 728-2637 Saskatchewan and Alberta were District Indians and a treaty PRODUCTS REFRIGERATOR, Frigidaire, apariment (.. 2 tie _ |with the Eskimos--who never ed 0 , . 5 | : size, in good condition. Apply 136 Col. Cal d oui as provinces in 1905 have had one. An Eskimo Act 67 KING ST. WEST borne Street East But lawyer John Turner, par-!should also be drafted FULLY DECORATED | | HRE vi BEDROOM F 723-7822 LIONEL electric train, large layout, wit liamentary secretary to the \| - Yeble for mounting. many Pieces of Sxirei minister of northerm ..altairs e | |32--Articles For Sale equipment. Telephone Whitby, 668-5400 eid he cuuilan't Pests ain the on BRING OWN HEAT ° = ee SNOW tires, Atlas Weatherquards, 590x) BUNGA LOWS BAUER skates, hockey equipment, GE tubeless, Almost new. $25 pair. Dia. portunity to cross-examine a CIRENCESTER, England appliances, toys, guns bikes, hunting' g6g.2806 judge and suggested that th ps . oh val $1,100 DOWN 1963 CHEVROLET PONTIAC - BUICK LTD. camping supplies, site accencoies, Eany PIANO, upright, 52 inches Nan. wi cited legislation would be a ret. (CP) People attending the pars $500. DOWN, three-bedroom brick bunga-| ow with nu rms and Screen and schoo! EDA budget terms, no outside financing, Stool, excellent condition, $250. Betwee roprade step. ish church in Gloucester: Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West, 6 ~ 8 P.m., telephone 725-700 | Oshawa oe ass shire town are urged to bring TYPEWRITER portable like new. Also ANTIQU ES Is NATIVE CHAMPION hot water bottles with them. The : : one standard. Electric adding machine Judge Sissons, a former Lib- he; ; +h rec y é : | | b cg 4 : reating system, which recently also, one hand model, terms. Priced H E » I thy te $800 C) & e \W | ery reasonably. 723-443 AT ASHBURN A! hauls - - Dest -- cost £1,000 to repair, has broken . Bae . Irst ortnwes erritormes judg TV AT KINDERGARTEN © sets for Christmas Frames and painting st $2429 from $8.88. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Churct seneral Antique in 1955, has been a champion down for gq second time in a F ; ° Street ; se : Telephone 725-1186 MARION SANDIGON of Indian and Eskimo rights in year Wits Lomnsen 1963 CHEVY Il LISED C ARS vaya, Ale Mose upbes 4 see 655-4616 ee TYPEWRITERS diecast bl Nae okee Basket COMING EVENTS d iy x ' sen ee hundr: ed new and used We buy - ' he _M, FRANK dpe, tally strat ni rent ari. Hemi Dice equi BOHLIN Fr, ave otek, lr Ine oem h 95 A\ 5 nent, 137 B $ it ven, 60 1.00 each. Can ver le GO, Bathe Park uialie Avenue EAL ESTATE LIMITEL , NN ' OL ( rv 1 Wa iad "3 iy. + phone Brooklin 655-4752 Thursday, 2 p.m. Euchre Saturday, § pv NOVEL BINGO Ms CUVEE special, t. fower struc re P Alas BS yo ; - aie t i installed MCINTOSH apples, $2.50 per bushel, Spys THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 $2250 1963 Pontiac. Parisienne Convertible oe eee enenne) Antenna: installed sa Greening $1.75. Delivered. Hampers re i ar ST. GEORGE'S ALI 4 M77 hurch Street 2 ' A : j eat seat : treet Tea pe turned. J. H. Pascoe, 728-0458 B | N G O Albert and Jackson Sts somey 1963 CORVAIR | fully equip THIS is the end of our 1963 "carriage 34_ Lost and Found Game $6, $12, $20 if se Nag 1 ceman CMAN CT nodels. 15 only @rge reductio Hur, . 623-3393 DELUXE S$ ; yN e | for these cleared bargains from $19. LOST: Black and white, male, Chihuahus Bathe Park Clubhouse May be doubled or tripled ilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. name "Poncho", on Monday, vicinity Me EULALIE AVE $180 IN JACKPOTS i RA MO moria! Park. Reward 728-0403 or 728-538 962 ) ar " Ms 5 TRAILER two wheel, * ton, with stee 1963 Pontiac: Parisienne Sedan TRAILER wo wheel, #< ton, with st Ta ME "OSA Wed 'Doc. ipeh nd a black and ta fe , $600 A at p ' 9, power brake odio, posit or, awa walker hound, ar sad $2063 aie ' RECLINER chairs with pillow back ne Vicinity of Mosport, Telephone. .728 NO BINGO EUCHRE PARTY ne . with foam, all vinyl. Hurry 4 ' His! wilsents SuraHDtG; 30 chures LOST .". Rhinestone brooch atthe 0: Dec. 25 and Jan. Ist WOODVIEW t m t awa Flying Club on Saturday, Decembe é 2 ne y Other Demonstrators 196] Pc Pp S an ewan Used an A Dial 778-5776 Nest Haga | Si COMMUNITY CENTRE 761 Pontiac Parisienne "a ' invertible 7 kosrteman's corner ra shigesirtietdl death ER By CADILLAC AVENUE NORTH or a fair deal, try Sportsman's Corner,, GLASSES, lady's, lost vicinity of Wa To Choose from at Equal Savings eee 3 : en ; a VR * at of r Corners. A n Frid vening. Telephone | eerir week ee 1 8 arge detections sil" Agesn Four Corner Avenue ° ay @ 9 1 ADULT SCUBA WEDNESDAY, Dec 18; : . siorauny, Hane: See | Somers eget = OG oi toe |. DIVING CLASSES BPM. SHARP Y f AR END ( Lf ARANC | ar $119.00, clearing $89.50. Sportsman's at th course on Alexandra Stree ee unch Prizes Admission 50c 1961 € hevrolet Bel Air Sedan se etic cial dull 27 USED ( ARS : ee HAIR ORYERS, electric, famous mani Thursday, Dec. 19th CHRISTMAS facturer's motor complete with hood m te RR > Bully. guaranteed, Compare ef $24.95 Boy's Club Pool dere are only « few examples of the exceptional 4} Uarinteaa. ce : 9049 Os ig savings offered d iring this Year End Sel! Out ¢ " ¢ ean NB Slay acl petamiai's Rabe NOTICE TAWA BINGO : 1961) Pontiac Laurentian Sedan Whitby, one block west ef Four Corne oe Acie Gnd Air Capaled 2 USED CAR WARRANTY PLANS AVAILABLI e; With automatic, new white wall tires, very" low enter nah et on eee CET THES 10. Milnes, Cours A825 hf OM GROSS toh Alchest Requia 2 0 earing $18.9 1--50/50 30 Day General Motors Approved es portsman's: ( Whitby: one. block IN THE €STATE OF | CRANDIELD FRIDAY, DEC. 20th est of Four Co Worranty HOCKEY GLOVES -- Full s a JOHN J. GILLEN, 8 PM One full year GW. Warranty---backed by Ihe 1961 Pontiac strato Coach rather, made in Canada Regular $15.95 DECEASED MOTOR SALES ; r $5.97 r $ 1 ; 1 ee 5 > ae wee ' Automobile Dealers' Association cee : ke de eka Se IKiBG. con CIE ereel # <, PARK RD 723.2284 Free turkeys for di prizes Ricord 3-315 bong orners m ° 23-3077 a - RCA Victor television, 17' sole, good inst ¢ t 1 3M ¢ | Ye 0 1963. BUICK 1962 CHEVROLE condition, $45. Telephone 728.9995... LEN: lola of the Civ BE CORINTHIAN CLUBS «18th ANNUAL oe Bornoski 2202 Clarke '. ahs y si SEDAN ONVERTIB SCOTCH Pine Christmas trees trom our Oshawa, in the County of Or 29--Automobiles For Sale Automatic transmission, radie, ean as a pir tomatic 1961) Vauxhall Station Wagon aye tacts se frees oe vCarS teria, deceased, who died on NEW YEARS BALL ug v r ran transmissior adic. Wiiy Ww t ni ari e i 1. Ex ailemek: Pile teionety. sn Sevanat Bary | In exceptional condition Dial esas must file tale cioion withthe AT O.C.V.1. AUDITORIUM 8 p.n Door prize $15 After 9 pry 1963 SUNBEAM Alpine sports | ow for Christmas. Open daily till 10 pr ed with extras, 8.000 mile: low, mileage: Fully warranty til Spring? Buy it now! ine "PONTIAC ips aia ced Dales ecu Ge aria Wan day of Caceruber, 1960; ata TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31-9 till ? 1960 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, Laurentian | n° Cc 5 wart Cobh eg ELE, rapped. Ps p. ; cw mileage. immaculate condition, Ca Now $2895. Now $2295. veo SHewrotet Bel Air Sedan End Tue ieettv alts ite mek aver) len cate: (he Gasele of JACK SHEARER AND HIS BAND after 6 p.m., 723-7961 ; : age, cut and wrapped, per ib. 59c. Glecoft, the Etate will be distributed 1959 DODGE Mayfair four-door V8 auto; 1962 VOLKSWAGEN 1962 CORVAIR jer with matic and 1adio ited, 174 Ritson Rosd South. Open' having regard only to matic transmission; radio, $795. Tele 5 > . daily til! 10 p.m so filed none 728-9124 TW. R MONZA WAGON Jt 10 : 3 : : ; i WO POO MONE Se BUY and sell, good used furniture and Tickets saie ot, Doted t Ath day of Decem Maurice Winter, 83: LoSelle: Ave 725-4609 1959 GALAXY 500, four-door, power steer- .|f you want to save gosoie omotic tranmis t ' } n fe gp ofbat C c oi en 2 i es. One location only. Pretty's @ and brakes excellent condition, $1,250 save it on this one ; : MiKGe 4 i 1959-Vauxhall Victor Sedan é 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. ber, 1963 : ewiord: Phair Ave i . 723-1377 Telephone -evenings Whitby , 668-5647 Hate . ; Was $1245 eer Harold ¢ 1 pryere 5000" mil Re A eas ie SKATES, new and used an Lee ee ee is hanged. Largest selection in town. ger THOMAS H. GREER, BA, Sam Rotish Men's Wear, 7 King. St. E.. «725-2433 maui aaa Now $1095. Wes $2245 ~ , pied Juicadal Eda hekt ahi 86 King Street, Eost $7.PER COUPLE 1952 BUICK, radio, s hits an f 9° en aioe raven ces Boe Wneels Now $ 1895 TELEVISION to: al; str Oshawa. Ontaric 20d condition. Telephone 725-332 re, including all channel antenna, : é 05 OLOEMOBILE bear and mekrevec| 1961 VAUXHALL ae 1958 GMC. Pickup 'alied "and. quaranieed "by experts. Solicitor for the HAWA JAY Te lephone 728-6334 : v suld Be better ie is UXE ouPt elephone 726 la mea ace Sbieaaie BUICK station wager automatic," Morhe eid the children ce = St goer - WE buy, sell and exchange used furn ate Be Acne OF Chee eee ! utomati¢ adic. S ture or anything you have, The City IN THE MATTER OF THE A coe Metin Gk re ee ee wo $775 Woe Shi 1957 Chevrolet Station Wagon puth and 31 Band Sr sateen Feta ESTATE OF ROBERT Monster BINGO Thursday, Dec. 9th al Waverly. .725-5337 : OW J $1495 Reon iannn ars VACUUM cleaner repairs, ail makes. COLLISON DECEASED 20.GAMES AT $20 -- 5 GAMES AT $30 Now $1495 ce estimates, paris, attachments | $150 JACKPOT $900 for 195% Crevrolet, Biscayne stan ¢, two-door Perfect condition Tele. g OY ' { brushes, hi Gu nieed rebuilt ma 3 2 i phone 7a : -- 1961 PON | nines." Renals, Wallace Vacuum Se NOTICE $20 PER LINE PLUS $50 PER FULL CARD 1963 CHEVY 1H sedan "automatic ratle, Ar, ideal secor sWUME 19! 56 G. M A.C Cab and Chassis ebsBNICH stokes : 2 --- $250 JACKPOTS skin $200 Apply 00 "Brew. fasthte| 4) Ae ideal second on LUXE, SEDAN reusing: La tpn ie me 1k) CREDITS JACKPOT NOS. 53 ond 57 1950 GMC '>-ton truck good mechanics! fey ~ < , : p ] e , 2 ion. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543 AND oT HE RS eid: BER LINE PLU $200 PER FULL CARD. IN 64 sR cloitms Table Service, Hats, Noise Mokers, Refreshments ondition. "A 955 Buick car . is Was $1 295 : 27,0 VW at = veeday Nacsa e le Mh sedis Now $995. fr) 8 : WINCHESTER RIFLE (OLO) NUMBERS THIS WEEK PLUS $25 CONSOLATION PRIZE 1959 CHEVROLET, | If rd Now > : Telephone Oshawa 725-818 Craditere and oiher aving 50 TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO GAMES ¢ ian" Mest "reasonable" of deg litap ies 1963 ANY make, sewing machine and vacjom' claims against the -Estote of EARLY BIRD GAME -- FREE TURKEYS AS DOOR PRIZES ADMISSION condition, Most easonable offer. 7 somes ' * - p) . condition" Most "reasonaole| 9 sie Sank inch cea 1960 ENVOY 3 Pontiac Parisienne -rltane repair and service by your Bina ROBERT COLLISON late. of DOOR PRIZES pen BARN OSHAWA: 4° 1959 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, top mechani... This yellow bird n top con EDA d ardt : steering, power' brakes, radio, aufe ange yes aad paler, 329 Simcoe the City of Oshawa, in the EXTRA BUSES RE 2 $1.00 ai condition. No rust. Full of pep. "A neil ab y and Province of On tron throughout erm hor for natic, 37 ir r -ount cream ti r, 725-37. ' . BICYCLES reconditioned: Large 1 ' - in P MAU cde Was $1585 "hristmas 28; medium' girl's, 322.50; junior 'boys, . fori. are required send 1%60 CORVAIR 4-door, one owner, Ztone 'i k soe ae Will taceuahe AretinOant i 7aea960 full particulars and . details itera ett eh Now. $1395, Was $875 | tne Wi acm sagen gaan A shape $975. elephone 728-2659 ig ~ , televisions, s* rf 203.) i' on Now $695 1962 Pontiacs Parisienne Sedan EONEU TIGNES NOOR SAO Ot erwice, to' the underiGn SAE MCE, iat bel. eee thet 1860 AUSTIN : Fully equipped, bar condinen Twa te hoses trom Budget terms. Discounts for cash. Hen. ed, Solicitor for the Executor WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 1 8th matic, beautiful 2-tone. 725-4453 Beire 1959 CHEVROLET est Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191. OA Sr bEIGEe Wha 15th dow at C , fon truck, reconditionea ial Dg GUITAR, Martin model Di8, five months January, 1964 in as much as bas Sirtee satb- ae 2 inet a Eae ror the young ot hea EDA? old. Will sell for $250. Case, strap includ fter that dote th ts of a $550 or be offe, Tele gite that dote e asse one after 5 p.m., 728-8390 Was $895 im. tod Valu 96 ] Chevrolet Bel Air Sedan ad. After 6 p.m., call 728-7008 shic! extata sill be: distibated JUBILEE PAVILION (sik Ween AA. ciunseod Weanuniinas Nae €1425 HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appl h reodrdonl to th . ; " earn wares Now $550 ey 2 : pe ances, Name brands st biggest discounts, | roving segordl only ' JACKPOT NOS. 57 and 50 back-up lights. windshield washers, $69 - t th standard transmission, radio, very claims that have. been re eiephone 728-8049 Now $ 1145: anywhere: We carry Restonic and Beaver) eee tt esioned : 1955 omc pe Dee Tike me 1959 CHEVROLET fed OE aaslst. Contec oneal Calle oF DATED. at Oshowe thie 2nd $1200 CASH PRIZES motor and tires, $695. Te' ne 728-80 ae }05 / " oe ing Str est, ; " she ea 4 CELpGAL BEOAIE: YO DOOR 1959 VOLKSWAGEN 7G) Pontiac Laurentian Station Wagon merly. "Aveion Dance "Hall" 'Telephone, day of December, 1963 FREE ADMISSION > tomat ran sion, ra TON ( 28-919) S t fo 5 ' ylinde with stomatic Dower steerin ' rakes, 10. i JAME MA NALD, MaRS AND S es ri pou family A real work horse fF OW : Lei tle tion SE TRS O08. aIe ae BOSTON rocker, antique; wash stand gale 2 set EARLY BIRD 7:45 aan Sevice Woe 398 ri a eee fie aa | Sa We, > n r V/ 2 d inter coats, Si. ' STATHAM Now $1095. as Y ¢ 1961 Pontiac Parisienne Sedan tweed $8 brown plaid $12 nylon party; OSHAWA, Ontario : , elas Bo Now $450. dresses, red, blue, $6 each: child's Shoo Solicitor NEW YEAR S EVE DANCE 7A. SE VICE 1958 EDSEL ix cylinder, automatic, radio, hike new y Rocker, elephone 723-3573 MB" REED, Bueciter ef the r o _ BABY carriage, Gendron, gray and Estate of ROBERT OLLISON 929 a 999 9919 p 1957. PONTIA wn st ? , : ' i - 4 and 723-7712 a JARO TOF / ON ba nite, pesaal iy Side tank, Teeehons ' BUFFET DINNER' 3! rn cade. Ch res dele FH 1960 Pontiac Parisienne bn Z ee : : ' ced @ home now. heap care goed car be Besos Scns is poem aa: eel a ianhel tat unncliiel ance NOTICE CLUB CAMELOT te Was $1045 Was $895 : ; Y F f om $13.88. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Churct - /ARCOES | radi fa TO CREDITORS Praga piece CLASSIFIED Now $595. Now $695 CHAIAE Tier Chain panies hain Kx KING ST., EAST OF CITY LIMITS ecliners, rockers; all vinyl occasional! « hairs wit walnut arms, from $18.88 AND OTHERS Reservatians Available SEPTIC 3. pranipl 1957 FORD 1956 PONTIAC | | 1959 Pontiac Strato Chief - liven' Force: 26 Churshosirmeh | «Waller Ward, 20 Chestrut ac Stra ee IN THE ESTATE OF . WALTON'S RESTAURANT S. MACKIE 8-2 SEDAS HARDTOP COUPE x cylinder with avftomatic and radio in exceptional condition pune atte ee ae price hae pure DRESSMAKING: 9uits, coats, dresses, 2000 Condition. One of Henrys Nith adic, ve ea \Wiihy ie Ce ee age € pha 728-0231 725-1392 alteration p covers, dr tin pecia boy wants a car? Here it | = ; rr ecease pecially. M m - Was $655 Nas $895 Mate obi very F bat sqhan $30; a shee' CHRISTMAS Spe utboar fea : : es Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan street East, Faxt te Hie Hlecreatet fae All persons "having claims TICKETS $10 00 PER COUPLE Note 2.8: OS ya ; Now PO95. Now $695. 'di ii BurSroHe ond reais Built against the Estate of JOSEPH . : Nite Renal © f ss a if MAN'S navy blue overcoat, like new, size' C. WARD, late of the'City of FREE ADMISSION 8, $25 or best offer. Telephone 728-18° Oshowa, in the County of 3 WAYS TO BUY | Soyer ere pee a eno CASH 2 AOWCGST CMA INANCING | 1958 GMC One Ton Stake Stare iin ie Sor swt sen- WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO AE i eae yi eae engines Wil wll a Ys erice:-Telephans| fie fo send porticulars of | Club Bayview, Byron South, Whitby Mony Atk Burs see Our Courteous Salesmen for any of these or othe Nhitby, 668-4764 same' to the undersigned at ie me are |. good buys Open until 9 p.m. or Saturday 9 n REMPEL spring horse, hard rubber, ike. No. 253 Bay Street, Toronto, hole grb NTS th ia a ~ until 6pm : - . o/ Fonmiac Hardtop biudi sce Ae Sid Be Bri ee Delores ie: Ai Gay oF TODAY, DECEMBER 18th RANGETTE, heavy duty with built-in) January, 1964, after which equipped, finished in blac th whi res ock, $40. cash. Phone 728-9372 date. the Estate: will be dis - <2 APARTMENT 'size washing machine!| tributed with regard only to | carly Bird Game 7:45, 50/50 Share The Wealth | an's gold pocket watch; lady's clott Fe iD é tis 2 vo C Nt) fa [ | © 1956 Old bil 98 Sed 9, size 15; also train case... Phone ws ea ey et per $150.00. Special --- Must .Go > smo f e e an 25-4414 e ersigne s ' yen nave $75 i JLL CARD FOR RENT -- wo bedroom apartment.| THREE rooms of furniture, only $298.50, "Otive, and the undersigned $15 At ' Sebel Lin ane Yoom: A pewata Gathroent Fully power equipped, an exceptional car at @ low car price io down payment. Discounts for cash.| shall mot be liable to any ' 15.00 each Horizontal Line $85 monthly Ava able January |}. One Honest ) Cal's, 4 424 4 King West, 728-9191. 5 person of whose claims they 4 100 JACKPOT SUR MUST GO lsh bb Sethe, Maa } hall not 'then hove notic ' : reerein os Mot [ . Where My Ling? | OT 20 GAMES $20 -- 5 GAMES $30 pred edied re : All Cars Are Priced Competitivel os sling deed fur Dated this 3rd doy 2 JACKPOT GAMES $250.00 THREE oor apartment futur ppliances. For | ember, | NOS. 52 and 56 fanar 408 ary phone ab 140 BOND STREET WEST, OSHAWA 1006 Brock Street South CANADA EERMANEN Chi'dren under 16 will not be admitted, FOR RENT Two-bedroom de luxe ; ioe 3 ae Valley Creek Furniture FRUST COMPANY apartment. Available January Apply TELEPHONE 725-650 / i Whitby GS-49 11 oF 668-5846 728-4401 or call at the store .| Executor, by Louis §. Hyman, F REE ADMISSION ef 211 Reedsire Court. Teleph 560| y 4 rt. Telephone 668-8 A 16% Bond W, ' QC., its Solicitof herein,