Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Dec 1963, p. 5

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdcy, December 17, 1963 Riches. Fart Wright, Arny Smith, Robert Dwarfs. (Parl | Johns-Manville REPORT TO DURHAM Fawcett, Terence Braham Genry. Flynn and Lloyd Carter) Holds Annual MPs Race To Finis Before By RUSSELL C. HONEY, MP \the consideration of the OTTAWA. -- Parliament has been working overtime to finish the business before it in order to prorogue on December. 20 to conclude the session which started on May 16th, this year Hours of sitting on Thursdays and Fridays were extended about six weeks ago, and this week it was agreed that Parliaerold Mining Assistance Act, the ment will sit on Saturday, D cember 14, in order to provide a Currency Mint and Exchange are shared equally few extra hours before the tar get date of December 20 On Friday of last week. the Prime Minister set out the work which must be finished if Mem bers wish to leave on December 2) for Christmas holidays. In effect, Mr. Pearson said, "You ay leave for a holiday on December 20 but if you go vou will have to leave a clean desk." ESTIMATES NEED 0K Mr. Pearson said, "*The most urgent business is to. complete wr PICKERING TOWNSHIP 'Cedar Creek People Honor Port Perry Pair By G, KILPATRICK Children of the plant's 600 CEDAR CREEK -- Severa employees were invited. Attend--Cedar Creck people gathered ance, including some parents, With some from the Shirley dis ranged from 800 to 1.000 per- trict and Port Perry at the home sons of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Aldred Cameron Granger, of the in-,recently to honor them on their dustrial relations department,!recent marriage. Mrs, Aldred was in charge, assisted by Roy is the former Flossie Spencer Winkworth and B. Blundell and a resident of Cedar Creck The party opened with a stage until two years ago show, built around Happy Andy Mr. and Mrs a harmonica virtuoso who is married on Saturday also a clown Nov at Stouffville Three children's acts were en-,Church by the Rey. C joyed. George Hood, 12, did a jand h Yule Party PORT UNION -- The Cana- jdian Johns-Manville Co. Ltd |Port Union plant held its an nual Christmas Party starting at 1.30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 14 in the Pickering High Schoo! Pickering Yule Holiday esti- Disability Allowance Act and the mates."' In addition, the Prime Blind Persons Act follows on Minister stated Parliament'the legislation passed two |would have to deal with amend- months ago which increased old lments to the Old Age Assist-/age pensions to $75. per month, ance Act, the Disability Allow- Old age pensions is a direct lance Act and the Blind Persons payment by the federal govern Act ment Secondly RESIS gere * endments to the Emergency PROVINCES SHARE Old Age Assistance. Disability the Allowances and Blind Pensions with the Fund Act, the National Centen-Provinces and the increase in nial Act. the Aeronautics Act)these allowances had to await Z serte vellane- rec 'ederal - Provincia! ~. - ah aad eieees roe hit if weinh time the oho Sts pega aT aC> The first part of the evening Finally said Mr. Pearson,|basis for the increase of these 1a on ihe is tGousina: MEL was spent in playing euchre there must be passed a Bill to/allowances and pensions to $75 chasl and Apes Plitz, both 13 Then Mr. and Mrs. Aldred were set up the office of Representa-| per month was agreed upon sane v petarh cance. Bcooipnni: tion Commissioner so that the Amendments to these Acts pro ing tHaieclios Gr ues. TA Commissioner can get started vide that they shall be effective Ann Sam anshi 2 twirled : once on his duties respect-jon December 1, 1963. This pro bata: abconpanied by Downs ing redistribution of electoral vision makes it possible, provid Sameneid 11 on the lane districts which the government ed the Provinces are agreeable °c) 1) Giauc DN aual ts super is anxious to have completed to pay the increased pensions pi aisahution "of about 'oe before the next election and allowances for the month jo i snow White (Miss Kath The legislation amending the of December, 1963 erine Barry) and the Seven Old Age Assistance Act, the At the conclusion te Prime Minister's statement Opposition Leader Diefenbaker expressed some doubts as {o whether or not the legislation he said, there were Aldred afternoon United Bor were Smal! Business Loans Act 16 A asked to be seated al the one end of the living room. A co of the - Historical Society Elects '64 Officers BROUGHAM Officers for 1964 were elected at the annua Pickering Township Historical Society meetin gheld recently at the Township Hall in Brougham An historical film by the 'Na tional Film Board depicting the background and political life of Lord Durham was shown Robert Miller, the man behind the establishment of the Picker- ng Township Museum Brougham in 1960, was re-elect ed president of the Society. Vice- president is Donald Gibson, sec retary; Mrs, J. Moss and trea suter, Harry Spang . The Board of Directors for 1964 comprises Dr._N ¥ Tomlinson, Mrs, Cora Johnston Mrs. .K. Fallis, W. G. Lawson Willian Brown, W. G. Newman Milton Parkin, John Miltor: Mowbray, L : ston, Miss May Brown and Mrs Elsa Storry. Memberships for 1964 at $1 pr person, were received prior to and at the meeting, and an encouraging number of Picker ing Township residents interest- ed in the history of their muni cipality have enrolled. Any of the Society officers or directors will receive new members at any time. Mr, Miller told the gathering of his ambition to have the large log barn wired for elec tricity, since the light which enters it is not sufficient for the displays he hopes to create An intricate hay fork, the first. type of such fork to be used in the Township, was de monstrated by Mr, Miller, as well as an ancient circular ink well, a plumb board, .and other early artifacts Mr. Miller said that his hope was to have the barn furnished He said the church sheds, whieh have been donated by Zior United Church, .sheltering im ylements and machinery that he has acquired over the past few months should be ready for the seasona) opening in May Mrs. K. Fallis, reporting the log house and museum dis plays, said that seven new cases had been acquired, four of them donated by Fort York, one b; Mr. G. Fisher, one by the Clare mont Co-Operative, and one by her mother These case on had all heen fil could all. be completed before Christmas when he said I thank the Prime Minister for setting out the menu. All I can say on this, the 105th day of the sension, is that his contempla tion that so many other mat ters can be dealt with in a few days, while expressive of a ed Ww th relics and drew many hopeful desire, in the light of favorable comments from Visit- the experience during the yeai's ors, Mrs. Fallis related, mak- I have been in the house would ing special mention of a display |, ikoult of attainment. he: of beautiful old glass by Mrs.}, ' Chiristias Ruth Ingram, who operates an bsadiohis z antique shop'in Brougham PM TASK-MASTER Tribute was paid to the many' Mr, Pearson showed he is a people who assisted in the de-|hard task-master when he re monstrations and collected items'plied to Mr. Diefenbaker say right honorat 64 Oldsmobile. to display at History in Action ing 'The Day this year gentleman said it was his The day was reported a suc-jin the light of past pxpexrt cess, with more than $400 re-\that the items I have mention ceived at the gate. The Women's 'ed could not be passed within a Institutes were mentioned espe-'few days. That might wel! be cially for: their contribution inthe case. but there is no reason serving refreshments why and it would be the Milton Mowbray, who repre-jintention of the government to sented Council on the Board, suggest this course f they suggested acquiring many new, cannot be passed within a few members, and a better attend: days we should come back ance at meetings. He felt that afier Christmas and see that publicity for the Museum was a/they do pass, and not allow any deciding factor in its success. He desire for a holiday to inter wished it well for the future, and fere with our duty said that he was pleased to be' tn the light of this exchange appointed a director for next Veet there are not many members The surprise of the evening -- making defnite plans for an ex st least to the recipient -- was|te"Sive Christmas holiday. It the presentation by W. G. Law- <eems likely. however. that the son of a splendid volume, "The|menu will be completed by Development of Art in Canada",|December 20 and Parliament to Mrs. Elsa Storry in recogni-|Wi!l Prorogue that date to com tion of her contribution during}mence a new <session abou! the first two years of the So. February 1, 1964 ciety COLUMBIA PICTURES presents A CAROL REED prooucnom LAURENCE LEE ALAN HARVEY REMICK BATES THE RUNNING MAN Serewrciny ty JOHN MORTIMER - nenocante Praha JOE © SOME Ramen on the novel by SHELLFY Saat Proton wn Dirertes ty CAROL REFN: PANAVISION® wears COLOR Tomorrow LAST DAY "Toys in the Attic' ADULT UP TO $200.00 IN CASH NVI FORM FIRE-BREAK FAWLEY, England (CP) Sheep_are being encouraged to graze around the jgiant storage tanks at a Hampshire oil refin- ery. to form a fire-break. But the sheep are leaving patches of} unpalatable scrub and a com- pany employee has suggested goats be used instead, .on the grounds they eat anything BASIC ECONOMY Coffee, tea, sisal and pyreth- rum flowers processed for in secticides form the basis of Kenya's economy MAPLE CLEANERS $04 SIMCOE ST. S$. OSHAWA Cash & Corry -- 4 Hr. Service & Hour Service free Pick-Up and Delivery "Your Family's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 ENTER Oshawa Shopping Centre's MONTHLY NOW FXAYING FAMILY ALLOWANCE KIM NOVAK KIRK DOUGLAS "STRANGERS WHEN WE MEET" IN COLOR DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M AWARD CONTEST ONE OF THE FUNNIEST OF THE YEAR! PETER SELLERS "ONLY TWO CAN PLAY" Adult Entertainment SHOW STARTS 6:45 P.M BILTMORE 1° GIVE BOOKS OF FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE TICKETS FOR CHRISTMAS TODAY! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE sage was pinned on. Filossie's dress and a _ boutonniere 'on Alvin's shirt Then George Kilpatrick said a few words of. congratulations to the. honored couple and asked Mrs. Lorne Duff to come for- ward and read the following ad- dress ADDRESS GIVEN We. your friends and neigh bors, old and new, have gather- ed here to congratulate you on our marriage. and wish you both many years of happiness most of your old friends have known you _ for some years and some were your school chums You have always been a good neighbor,"ready to help and will- ing to do your share when your time was available. You have been a faithful daughter and sister to your fam ly and you will reap your re ward in some way We know vou have not privileged to be to amidst all as you would like to do but now we hope you have the health to do so. Your door was always open to us all, both Chureh and Women's Insti Flossie been free go } ie tule 66 Action starts the minute you turn the key in a Rocket generated by one of Olds' famed Rocket V8s. The count commences at. 245 hp--goes all the way up to 330 hp in the Rocket range--and hits.a booming 345 in the Starfire V8. Naturally, all this go doesn't just stand around flexing its muscles. It gets to- gether with oneof Olds' great transmissions (3-Speed Synchro-Mesh, sporty 4-on-the-floor, Hydra-Matic or new Jetaway automatic) in a manner that really Action--the kind. that's Alvin, we do not know you so well. but welcome you to our fommunity and hope you both will enjoy your new home: We have enjoyed having you at our euchres at the club and hope you wil! continue to come Signed on behalf of your neighbors from Cedar Creek Shirley and Purple - Hill and your new neighbors and friends in Port Perry --Miss' Mamie McLaen Mrs. Lorne Duff Miss McLaren presented them with electric door chimes from the Port Perry neighbors and Mrs, Joe Mosienko and Mrs Jim Coates presented a large vall mirror from the Cedar Creek, Shirley and Purple Hill communities They also money ' Alvin and Flossie both thank- ed ail present for the gifts 4 bountiful lunch was served bringing an enjoyable evening to a close Mr. and Mrs. Aldred also re- ceived a~platform rocker from Mrs Aldred's nieces and nephews at a party on Saturday evening which was held in the yarish hall of the Church of the Ascension, Port Perry and eceived some year -- you mobile giv pleasantly heart-to-h dealer soo |$10; A Wonderful Worker (Seu- nnua eport |gog), $20; Canadian Legion La- 'dies Aux., (for oxygen equip- 0 P jment) $100, Can. Legion LA n ort Perry }(for doll draw) $15. The highlight of the annual H Ld ] 4 meeting was the election of of- ospita 1ven ficers for 1964. It was unani- oe mously voted that Mrs. M. B, By MRS. C. H, REESOR . Dymond be elected president. PORT PERRY -- The Wom- Mrs, Dymond has held this of- yen's Auxiliary of the Commun- fice since the auxiliary was or- ty Memorial Hospital held the ganized, and wil] now start her annual eaten 2 the Muni-\twelfth year of service cipal rooms with the president,' several other members have ial B. Dymond presiding! +esumed office as follows: sec- Mrs. Bert Wannamaker pre- angered ene coy aa ee sented the minutes of the last zier: first vice-president Mrs.' meeting and also gave a report poy' Cornish: second vice-presi- on the past year's work. Mrs. dont Mrs. Storey Beare; press Donald Crozier gave the trea- ang' correspondence' secretary, surer's i and the annual J). Stanley Mumford: bootee financial statement. cae ry : The annual doll draw is plann- convener, Ms, Manns ie cous ed, this month. Mrs. Dymond spoke on the work of a modern EXERCISE FOR SKIING hospital TORONTO (CP)~--Almost af SinGe the last meeting the fol-,ski accidents are caused by a owing donations have been re- skier's poor physical condition ceived and oever-estimation of his abil- Manchester UCW, $15; Mrs. ity, says the Health League of Roy Honey, $25; Women of|Canada. Ski experts suggest 10 \Grace United Church, $25: Mrs./minutes daily of deep knee Grant Christie (Seugog) $5:|/bends. waist bends and pushups Scugog Chapter, IODE. $75;'for 12 wecks hefore the skiing Head Memorial Church, UCW!).eason CANT WAIT'KIND OF GO! witha why wait flair for value puts the show on the road. If you think all this could spoil your resolution not to buy a new car this re right! But then, where else could you discover the kind of automotive value that Olds- es; and discover, too, that it all starts at a reasonable figure (especially with the new lower-priced: Jetstar 88s)) Why not have a eart talk with your quality Oldsmobile n> He'll show you a host of good reasons why you should put yourself in a new Oldsmobile! Starfire Coupe @ SIMPLY CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUE AT THE CENTRE AND ASK FOR FREE ENTRY FORMS @ DEPOSIT ENTRY FORM INTO BALLOT BOX OLD S AT FLAG POLE IN THE MALL @ ENTRY SELECTION THIS MONTH WILL BE MADE ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1963. Oshawa shopping centre i po tin Bee way He ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 140 BOND 5T. WEST, OSHAWA, ONT PHONE: 725-6501 VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED QUALITY OLDSMOBILE DEALER 9 | | Ol ILE A WHERE THE ACTION IS! 0.264-8 HARRY DONALD LIMITED 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONT, 668-3304, 668-3905, 668-3306

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