4 We cata TIMES, Tueadey, December 17, 1963 . ' | | Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 6 4 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY] "J se et tlie tlt ne cow four-bedroom home, 3 miles|WHITBY -- ore bongs STUDIO oye chal Fi iu 01 Ye lion tron Lilie Bri. lecneey, f) ileiieee, ee a ang" Sead eke Whitby 668-8042 » Bolshood Bros, gone? nnishing tools, Aj ay 102 joulevard. 'Basement apartment). 72% por. Nursing Services |3--Pets & Livestock LYNTONMURST MANOR Nursing Home|COCKER SPANIEL puppies, 000 ig $65. month, evenings ly Crulkenenks, 79 THs FIVE ROOM bungelow Includes stove, Centre district. Available im M E T c A [ F IMMEDIATE possession fiveroom ranch +. Telephone 668-5447, bungalow, four ragreare old, with recrem 'esident! excel! has licensed accommodation for bed or, quality and temperment, parti-eolor. CK lup-patients. Registered nurse in atiend- shbts, will hold until Christ lephone 723-1739, refrigerator end freezer, located Oshawa REAL ESTATE LIMITED |cst "ool %.' ns ca i. oo ae WASSAU STREET, a ted registered; ance at gil times. Reasonable rates, Tele|mas. Tel phone Orone 1308 neste 40 King St. East eee heated epsriments'retrieérater 'sna, srovel W FRANK | BEAGLE pups, four weeks old by Christ- |Painting and escosinn a ied. Adults only. ree plus hydro, Dial 8-4678 | . LJ Tse, ; For only $7, 4 pod con buy B |iODERN tour-room Re ere LIMITED mas. W. Appleby, RR es 655-3082 Church Street, A LOVELY present for | KITCHENS, bedrooms, cupboards, halls, joffices peinted end decoreted.- Brighten 'apartment, iy 4 room 1 ey home duplex, private entrances, 7 Coanslal aren oo on King room and kitchen stove and refrigera- : E, This could be o B pile German - Shepherd Pups, purebred, ! $20. After 623-. 3393 7,30 p.m, Bowmanville 263-2433, ithings for Chrisimas. Speedy service. |Magic Painting and Maintenance. me, ment. pio sent Sead 00d sida FOR LEASE | 725-2198, tor, Parking, $1 Available Jan, 1, 7 5 goes ala PUREBRED Siamese kitjon, rales nine PROPE! Store on Main Street DODD and SOUTER FOR RENT: Seif contained two bedroom weeks, exceptionally good $25 $39, 900 with em income Lorge enviaal Bu mo vin Poumon! le, Call PAINTING AND DECORATING apartment, ground ficor, Oshawa. Immy- , [diate possession. Cali afier 1 p.m. + 1728-4525, each. Dial Whitby 668-5916. Ww. SIAMESE KITTENS for sole, Male, Seal- r Frank Real Estote Limited, pared 623-3393, CONTRACTORS Painting, poperhanging, Gyptex, Full Woll Murals KEITH PETERS Wiil hold for Chirstmas. Whitby 666-0179 after 6 p.m, es Column Spray Painting {CASH the spot. Highest prices peld 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY |tor deed' and crippled farm stock. Jew i Realtor --~ 728-7328 DAYS 668-5862 103 Ki East NIGHTS 725-7426 ng: Street {Dominion Tire per esentetlve, 725-465) 7 LARGE ROOMS --. lit \Personal Service level, brick and stone Reo beautiful mahogany trim, \Phone collect, Hampton , 263-2721, | evenings efter 6, 725-7263 |Rickey's Lunch Bar, 608 Simcoe Sireet ' hardwood and tile floors |will's Fur Farm, Licence 245-C-63. COOPER SMITH \South, Open from 8.30 a.m, fill $ p.m {ut --Articles For Rent Monufactured cupboords, 16 CELINA ST : \Meals, hot dogs, hamburgs and sand-! FOR HIRE 1963 Yeton pickup trucks, 723 23 1 2 wiches, Take out orders. lopen or closed in. Hourly, dally er week- a ieee; " ly rates. With or without drivers, Tele el g and Heating |phone 728-3901 or 728-6026, \ALt TYPES @ repairs and remodelling, | CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church new and used materials. R abie/aisie runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Mortgage funds available. IMARVEY 'DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, rates. Estimates free. Dial 723-1195, Simcoe Street North 7 tet, High i JOSEPH C. VICTOR, BA, LLB. Barris |'2P RAD Ballet, Highland. Register J. Foley |MODERN brake drum lathe, rents $25.| ter, Solicitor and Notery Public, 5 Sim-|"0W- 424 King Street West; 725-6122, og tae North 723-3446. Residence 985-7115. |LILLIAN MAE MARSH, Gardening and Supplies WILD BIRD FEEDS Wild Biro Mixture Wild Bird Feeders Sunflower Seed Millets Small Cut Grains WATER SOFT SALT Crystal No. 2 Sait Rex Brand Pellet Common Fine Salt Accountants 1TH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and , Chartered Accountants, 728-7527, 135) Street North, Oshawa; Alex) 9 |, Whitby 668-4131. LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered Accountant, 'Suite 203, Oshawe Shopping "Contre, 726-9953, ALBERT HOSMAR, chartered account: ey 214 Colburne Street, Whitby, 668-5429. MON! PROSSER, Chartered petlinw es : te ne Street North, Whitby. 'Telephone 668-5447 BOB CLANCY' Accounting i i A service. 184 Bond West, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. "MOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. Char- tt pti RR ag King Street Exst, .Oshewe, Ontario. 725-3509. pd &, FRIGOLAMOEE €0., Trus- ered Sosoumnenrs- fees in Bonner 4 xine Street East 728-737" REGENCY "TO TOWERS, 34 Mariand-- two-bedroom apartment, all con- elevator, ae halis, range, retr igerator, locker taun- ary facilites, parking, S115, month, Tele. phone 7: MAPLE Giove and Highway 401 - two- pecroom apartment, modern, heated, 'ossession December 15, $75. monthly. | Phone 725-3445, THREE-ROOM unfurnished spartment. Self-contained. $60 monthly. Available December 20. Parking space. Apply 517 Drew Street. THREE-ROOM apariment, heavy duly wiring, private bath, TV antenna; garage if needed. For turther information apply 214 Arthur Street, |PORT PERRY -- fiveroom ground floor w J | apartment, shed Poor yd i ee ons] garage, garden, Available immediately. (v7 Male Help ponte: Children ' $60, monthly. Brooklin |PAPT-TIME custodian for Harmony Unit-| 655-4659 ed Church and Christian Educati onal) Two bedrooms, spacious Hall. Please write Box 432 OshawaiNear South General Motors. Times, |Phone 725-6924. SERVICE STATION altendant required, | TWO: BEDROOM apariment, available also tow truck operator with experience.| January 15. Stove and refrigerator. Baby/ Appiy 925 mcoe North. Al: Preston's|welcome. Apply 589 Lansdowne Drive.| Sunoco Se €, 725-4 PICKERING, 106, Kingston Road Wes EXPERIENCED Service Station atiend-|FICKERING, 106 Kingston Road West Immediate possession. ! $1,500 Large lot 82' x 260° this is @ good bldg, i call us todey os these ore in high demond, ROSSLAND MANOR pis, 609 less $500.00 winter Split levels ond bun- polos all with gorages, split levels have 2 cor gorages for more information call this office. Jack Osborne Bob Johnston Dick Barrigge Joe Mage _Ken Hann JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR Bowmanville, 14 Frank St Phone 623-3950 40 Acre farm, Good house and barn. Pond. On paved rood. Price $11,000. Terms, 20 Acres with complete broil- er barn; Roomed home, modern conveniences. . Large stream. Only 10 min: drive to Oshowa, 10 Acres with 7 roomed home, modern 'conveniences, born, drive shed, hen house, Orly 10: min. drive to Osh- owa, HAMPTON, income home, 2 seporate oportments. All modem conveniences in each pt. Only $1500 down, BOWMANVILLE, Excellent investment property. Brick house, 1] rooms. Estate sole, BOWMANVILLE, 8 Roomed brick home, Modem conven- iences. Only $1500 down, AJAX, 5 Roomed bungolow with gorage. Nicé clean home. Price ond terms or- ronged. WHITBY, Nice clean bunge- low with gorage. Asking $12,500, Only $3,000 down OSHAWA, Lovely 6 roomed brick bungalow with carport. Twin windows all around, Colifornia redwood cabinets. Lovely patio. Asking $15,- 900, 'Terms. BOWMANVILLE, 7 Roomed home, 'all modern conveni- ences. To be sold with 6 ex- tra lots. Asking $14,500, Terms. BETHANY, 5 'Roomed bun- galow. Price $3,000. Estate | sale f Donald Mountjoy, 623-3614 Guy LeBlone 623-3715 idso Wiersme, Orono 1649 John Sondy 725-8010 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN FA Need fires? Cail "Bll" ip 4 ¥ INSTRUMENTAL IN MAKING B KENYA WOMEN oF EAST WILSON AND fuRnowe CHARTERED Accountants, 114 Ki Street East, age Roneld F, , Edmond Burrows, CA, 728- Barristers THOMAS M. GREER, BA, Barrister| Solicitor, Notary, Suite 303, The Times) Building, 86 King Strest East, 728-6209.) ecg nice light fixtures, attached goroge, storms and screens, F.A.0. . heating, large lot 124'6 x 120'6, 5 minutes from downtown, Call Bill Rotcliffe 655-3917, LOOK! $6500.00 FULL PRICE - Lot size 150 ft. x 601 ft, with 3 room cottage on paved road. Located north f Nicols garage in Courtice, close to public and high schools. Robert Johnson 728- 2548, 17--Male Help Wanted MAN REQUIRED Instruction living oom, One child. ALL PLUMBING and "heating supplies.| monthly. Write Andrew Doyle, 70A Corby! Dencing| Telephone 723-3521, Harold H. Stark, ic | School, Ballet, Tap. Acrobat Ltd., nt, Brampton. Phone 451-306? eve! pp aeahta ~ -- Character, | Piumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255)! é | HUMPHREYS, 5, BOYCHYN and HILUMAR, Pre-School, Kinderdance. Fridays, Satur-|simcoe Street South I Dich Cutl Gl : Berrioters, Solicitors." aéva King Site (days. Mesonic Temple, 722-7284, |, Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses | To glaze and install win- 65. Boychyn, QC) W. A. Hillmen, LLB.|WOULD you like to improve your "oes |Rug-Upholstery Service Punch vies - | dow glass in general Office: 725-1177, Residence 728-4326, cational ogy ve Je sola fn your own hom HAVE YOUR 'cheslerfield suite factory Coffee rms ant i 2761, 725-4604. NHA and other) your own leisur 'f so call 72% oo stertie . ' i Whitby - 660-276) Silver Tea Service Apply to cat mortgage funds avaliable. J, Murphy, representative Great Books of fe-duilt. Low prices. Telephone 728-328) : ilver Candelabra MR. A. BIRO ' | TAXI DRIVERS | | } Apply in person only. 97 King Street/75~ fn ----|Call 725-4509. . \96--Reomn For Rent |eCean EOROOM, close to Gen- feral Motors. Gentleman preferred, Tele- jphone 723- 7917. ELGIN Street East, furnished room Fe gentiemen, housekeeping privileges. |Close to downtown after 4 p.m. 723-7814. inice furnished separate single room _..|with use of kitchen in quiet home. Very |central. Parking facility, 2 Nassau |Strest. Phone 728-9632, | BED- SITTING room, light housekeeping, jclose to North General Motors and hos- ital, Suitable for young lady. Phone | 725-608) ATTRACTIVELY | FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | '27--Real Estate For Sale | BUILDING LOY, Brooklin, 300 #7. by 34 iff, level tand, bargain with $500 down. McGill Rea! Estete Broker, Oshawa, | 720-42t 4265. FOUR-ROOM modern bungalow, very clean with full basement and garage, nicely landscaped, centrally located. ideal for retired couple. Asking price $9/200. For Information call Ike ata 725-0203. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377 FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow "with base ment apartment on large ict, close to .| dus, school and shopping. Asking $12,950.| monthly Ire down payment. Carries for Hal \the Western World. Lor $. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Solici- {Cimited. ae eens gy gg ME a SARGEANT'S RENTALS | Millwork & Building | 725-3338 "i Preferably between 25-40 Supplies Ltd. Top earnings.. Apply Buileing. 66 King Street Eest, 723-49 (Mortgages: | CHESTERFIELDS Sana old chairs re) 12---Articles Wanted 1279 SIMCOE NORTH ' MERCURY TAXI wnnnernmnmerinmerecememnes (Covered like new. Get the best for less Cllents funds: a bie for mortgages. [PRIVATE end -orporation monies fo at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe WANTED TO BUY -- Books, National| OSHAWA Geographic, old magazines, maps. Mar-| 4 " 725- 477 MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD L,|loan on ali types of mortgages; mort| south. Call 728-645). Free est mates. querite. Self. Telephone 728-5707. Quclity Control SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notar and agreements of sale purchased. AW SUPERVISOR Money to loan. Henry Block, 2/2 K and) Murdoch, (See|CHESTERFIELDS SH AUTO WRECKING CO. High School. Graduate | ATHABASKA ST. New Year special, 4 year old bunga low, owner transferred to Toronto. This is beautiful in every detail, 3 bedrooms. See this By calling Ronoid Hetherington 623-3637, W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 177 Church Street, Bowmanville 623-3393 Estate Sale - 188 ocre forrn. 2600 foot frontoge on Lake Ontorio near Bowmanville, 75 acre apple orchard. Brick house, stee} barn also second frame house. Excellent ine vestment at only $55,,000 - terms. 120 acre doiry form neor Brooklin. Good brick house, born has automatic -- stable cleaner, Toronto milk con- tract. Pond. 38 head of Holstein cattle included ot $50,000, Excellent terms. 100 cere stock form near Tyrone, 10 room home with city conveniences, Large barn Spring. 1 mile road frontage, $27,000 ~ Terms. 25 acre form near Hampton. bern Seven room house, $12,900 ~ trems: 623-3393 After 9 p.m. Jock Ricord 623-3154 Pot Yeo 623-3077 Joe Barnoski .. 2202 Clarke re-upholstered - an ot eading See. our mate a! for .recovering. Dalton Uphoiste. 124-4029. __|FIRST AND SECOND" mortonges. jes. Bale ing, 78 Charles Street, 723-7212 NI a licl-jagreements purchas and sol " Eg hy +) RELSY Berrie seer th ond Hennick, Barritterae 3% King | CHESTRRE ip rebuilt, re-covered " 723-2078. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer,| Street East, 725-7232. like new. gd ' ay POs re is Hopes & 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL,|-----~ " <---~--=---rneeme |r@asonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. hat-| 28-5832. fresses re-built, Oshawa Uphoistery Co. MORTGAGE [esses re-bult, Oshawa, Up | LOANS 'Soles and yer |GUARANTEED repairs on all "gmail! Moneys for first mortgages Interest ot 79% j sppliiances. Telephone Whitby 668 5247 o )pen Mortgoae $ GRAPHIC ARTS VACANCY EXISTS For applicant with Grade XI or Xl Printing Plant operations on | | | anata V. MACKEY, BA Barrister Soi citer, Notary Public, Mortgage funds av-/ bie, 36¥a King Street East, 723-1107.) 1285. | Parts for sole, also scrap iron and metals, ie Reg ER Open Saturday a | 725-231 89 'BLOOR E. |14---Employment Wanted | - AN DAY W if Surveyors : PETER PAN DAY ay es i. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Lend] North, 728-2604, Surveyors, 11] Elgin Street East. Phone WANTED part time employment in tele 725-6881. vision and radio repair shop. Telephone |DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, On- | 263-246! ferlo Land Surveyor. Comm 1 blue edi 11 Ontario Street, 7 16--Female Help Wanted | ' ; |HOUSEWr hris [TV--Radio Repairs |HOUSEWIVES earn Christmas apse Bee VISTA TV towers and aerial ser-|ing JOSEPH F. MANGAN, OC, Barrister, : - Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14/4 King| education, to leam Street East, Oshawa, 728-6232. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers,| Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North,| 728-7336. Cheries €. McGibbon, @QC;/ Soger F. Bastedo, QC. H Edmondson. CREIGHTON, ORYNAN AND MURDOCH, Berristers, Solicitors, Notary Public Bank of Commerce Buliding, § Simcoe! Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, 4467} 1. K. Creighton, QC.. Residences: G Orynen, QC, 728-8554; G. L. Murdoch} 723-4768; J. C. Victor, 9857115. Mortgages! and agreements of sale bought end sold. JAMES A. M. DONALD, BA, LLB," Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub} |GUARANTEED repoirs to wringer wash-| jers and ranges. Free estimates, Tele-| «Street East, 723-4697. Residence, isi Barrister.) jre-styled. Free estimate, Wants Cors for Wrecking. | pene eee preferred. Apply Person- renticeship basis. Pleasaht Ma ths Be for vauotions oP nel Department Mortgages and Agreements purchased. Moneys for second mortgages Fast service M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario working conditions, All com- | ere pony benefits ond promising | GOODYEAR future Tire and Rubber Bowmanville Norman TELEPHONE 723-2233 For appointment PART-TIME | COLLECTOR |CLEANING lady required two afternoons An ¢ per week, 24 miles west of Brooklin,! requires a bial current s hee vor eer tai aoe' «= TECHNICAL ASSISTANT n t costs nothing to fing out detalls. Telephone 728-5883 or write , Oshawa. Familier with drofting ond | surveying for municipo! en- gineering work. Telephone canvassing. One hour per even- 723 4697 Top commissions, Mr. Black 728-4258) Gadd jvice, 480 Phillip Murray Avenue. 'Tele-|0r 728-5604 phone 728-6879 EXPERIENCED help needed for Variety ii i 2 GUARANTEED | | Store and Coffee Bar. Call 728-9763, le, The Commercial Building. 286 King TV, radio, car © /GLENCEDAR NURSING HOME requires West, Oshawa, Ontario. add PeRNa; NEED MONEY' | tronics, _187_ Elliott voman to do cleaning and part-time ilable. 725-47 725-4717 | - pbheche wccsedtbiccindendteabtdint | king. Should have own transportation. | DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers TO REFINANCE YOUR 7 V. SERVICE _ Bor 655-4516, Solicitors, etc, 69 King Street gare MORTGAGE? Day or Evening Telephone 723-2201. TO REMODEL YOUR HOME? 728-5286 Building Trades TO BUY A COTTAGE OR CAR? EAVESTROUGHING, : ea: TO REPAY HIGH COST LOANS | Oshawa Electronics" TV TOWERS mates, Call 728-3334. AND ROOFING, concrete floors, fia) Taras' snd tral Tobe" and Hs. Antenna Repair ' TRIO INVESTMENT TELEVISION and construction, 725-6937. PLASTERING and = repairs, COs LTD 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA H ¢ Canadian Public Company i 728-678] class workmanship. Telephone 728-2482 In Oshawa area call "and East | No selling | monthly including taxes, 5 per cent NHA be married, mortgage. a. appointment, call Ossie! Martin, 728-9714 or to see, Joseph Bosco, | good | Realtor, 728-73 | evenings | Fk ERO Oshawo"s we ne | BOLAHOOD BROTHERS the monager your phone John A. J. Bolahood Lioyd A, P. Bolahood, F List With Us Then Call Your Mover EAST END Id,' brick rer \w with attached gor- lovely in and out, must be sold ot once. Only $16,- 500.00 with reasonably low down poyment..- Coll Mr. Jack Appleby. 728-5123 or 723-3398 now to inspect ATTACHED GARAGE Six room ranch brick bung- alow. Fireploce in living room and -roughed in fireploce for rec. room, Large well lond- scoped lot 73' x 150'. Priced to sell with $3,500.00. down Call Mr. Irwin Cruikshanks ot 728-5205. DO AS OTHERS CALL THE BROTHERS BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OPEN EVERY EVENING PAUL RISTOW REALTOR ATHABASCA STREET Long and low, built with meticulous care by builder owner. Centre hall plon os pleasing and spacious inside as its soft brown brick and Kingston stone exterior in- dicotes. A quality home, worth every penny of $19,- 800 with N.H.A, financing. HORTOP AVENUE 1f it's bedroom space you're loaking for, orrange to in- spect this well proportioned brick bungolow with two main floor bedrooms and oversize bedroom above at- tached garage. Corries for $97 per month including taxes. : CEDAR STREET $1,500 down, storey and « half brick with lorge garage, new furnace and new wiring. Full price $8,500 with low monthly poyments. HOSPITAL AREA INCOME HQME Ground floor, owner's two bedroom apartment, second floor furnished three room apartment ond third floor . furnished bachelor apartment, A solidly buil,t well maintain- ed brick home equipped with washer, dryer, paved drive and garoge in populor rent- ing area, Taxes only $236 and avoiloble at $3,000 down. orgest Firm Let's. discuss, without obli- Lorgest Fi gat our financing plone: ae Our to or 15 Year 'long- | | ! | po rok, Please |WANTED AT ONCE -- Experienced = | clerk-cashier for Groceteria in Oshawa. jst have pleasing personality, neat a on, i ee pert write us of r to P.Q. BOX 86 Terminal Station "N'"' pearance, S-day week. PSI, Blue Cross, holiday pay etc. Please write Box 342, | Oshawa Times. JABLE term 2nd mortgage with low interest and small repoyments may much eosier' for you CORONATION prove aa nt woman to care for fwol home. Residents of King| Streets preterred, or per-) vith Ww transportation. Evenings | ne 778-8726. { 4-1. CARPENTRY, cabinets, arborite, budget bathroom and kitchen remodeiling, ing, wall and floor files. G. 728-3836. YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner, Chi in| meys built ard repaired, gas linings In-/ stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free es? mates. 723-2997 ALL TYPES of buiiding repairs, roofing,| chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops.| Gordon May, 778-0394 | HOME IMPROVEMENTS 360 King St. West surs, 728-3376) Recti h $2.50 Proficient in Shorthand ond oo ng, eavestroughing, 173.9945 (ater ho ' " We ane painting, cupboards, floor Miche ~ - i ---------- | 9a.m--9 pm Daily Electric Typewrite tiling { ' New 21" Picture Tubes General repairs of all kinds. | Mortgage Money No job too big or small. All work guaranteed. ; Available Low Financing at bank rates. Call giuet us anytime. RESIDENTIAL P. Nellis Telephone: 728-2061 CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES Cartage VACANT LAND Appii icants should be able to lay out work ndeper during . construction jently | Salory commensurote with ability ond experience Toronto 14, Ontario SECRETARY | - EXPERIENCED Service Calls | | | Application forms moy be mae obt from the engineer- Secsarnand Brock Road EXPEDITER Ing For p South or by mail by phoning 839-1137 extension 51 P. H, POULSSON, P. Eng _ Township Engineer, department Brougham, Ont Grade 12 SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, irchasing and follow up Minimum" - of ience in Contractors or e i O "4 education: with ot Engineers Office preferred As Low As $19.66 | j egst 2 yeors previous ex- Company include hospital, me- All. Work Guaranteed Ti isic | errr 1G. &. emi Call Now -- 728. 5154 ; and Associates ae TOWERS 304 Dundas St: West Economy and Whitby 1 668-3336 Deluxe Priced to sult your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North |: Ontario--725-3568 | 728-8180 |Well Drilling--Digging | WILLIAM KROONTJE, well ¢ agir onic "organ, | presso fr work, clean-out nts ap 468 Park Road Sou' 18-3 r_Alax 942-1664. |WELL DIGGING by machine specializing! iessons| in 30-inch file, W. Ward, 204 Chestnut! Sup) Street eee PO Box 329, Whitby," 668-2563 or 668-38 perience required. benefits Production | Superintendent Required by ean cua of Sheet BOX 436 Building materials. Products are semi-stand- , OSHAWA TIMES ard," custom.Made for | | size and finish. Respon- |20--Room and Board sible for efficiency, qual- "seem-anp poaro, ity of production. 25 man Fone cohen: asia h shop. Interest s A ion i 'pens rangec Please write in contidence JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE,, Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable oe Fully) equipped and insured. 728-366 stoting oge, qualifications, and experience to Dressmaking EXPERIENCED dressmaking, pant cuff-| ing and siterations. Reasonabie rates.| Mrs, Eldridge, 67 Montrave, 725-6476 | Members Ontar Mortgege | r's Associot SUMMERLAND _ SECURITIES IMITED on 17--Male (Help Wanted MECHANIC LICENCED Age 25-40, Good 'working conditions, Gardening and Supplies Loam and Gravel Washed Stone, Fill Excavating, lots leveled, Loaders, Trucks for hire BEATTY HAULAGE 725-2156 cor a green thumb? Then be. sure to Musical Services check classification BD Gardenog and Aoi reed Guppiies, "Seeds, Plants" for the wird, 44 te ants, shrubs and ga pt and gardening aids to LOWREY ORGANS, give you @ truly tovely yard. Do tt with each purchase, today. _Dlies, 453 Simeoe South, 725-1501 |j--Wemen's Column PERMANENTS on special. Page Halr- dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone 725-5363. a Ae 'wit one or two lunches packed, 76 Nassav Street. ROOM and" board for two boys willing lto share large room, Three meals a day. Batol 728-3350, 22--Offices, Stores, Storage |TWP, 40 ft. x £0 1 offices, close to centre of Oshawa. Can be made Into one large office, Heated. Avaliable January 11964, Telephone 728-1658. | RITSON "ROAD AT KING. Small " store| 'for rent. Formerly used as dry Cleaning) outlet, Apply Ritson. Drugs, 264 King {Street East FOR RENT Medical or Dental office. Approximately 700 square feet. Close to downtown area. Parking available, Electric heated. For information call 725-5132 TRIPLE (CG? DANCE HALL Fully equipped for Weddings, Bonquets, Dances up to 300 persons. Piano and coter- ing available. Parking facill- ties. C. Dentinger, Hampton 263-2039 |23--Wanted To Rent RESPONSIBLE | working. c couple. No chil- dren, requires two-bedroom home or large apartment, Hospital. | Phone Mr, Booth, 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. Oshowa, Reply to P.O. BOX $12 PORT PERRY, ONT. | Male Luncheonette Manager i | Write stating qualifications | and experience to ROWE BROS. CO. of (CANADA) LTD. AJAX, ONTARIO om, ing oe five free Alto Musi¢ 7162 KNIT DOWNWARD By ALICE BROOKS It has everything -- cable trim, raglan sleeves, smart look a-top skirts, slacks, New, easy! Cozy jacket is knitted neck down -- sleeves worked right in. Marvelous method. you'll love. Pattern 7162: sizes 32-34; 36-38. Thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Ontario residents add 1 cent sales tax.) Print plainly PATTERN NUM- BER, NAME, ADDRESS: 206 HANDICRAFT HITS in our big, big, new 1964 Needle- craft Catalog, out now! See toys, fashions, crewelwork, heir-| Classified Advertising Rates 9 9S WORD MINIMUM otters get foster results Cash 37> 2:20 figure or abbreviation as Rerter bed POSITION WITH A FUTURE Whether you are an experienced sales person or have a keen desire to learn selling you will like our ap- proach to your New Selling Career. © This is a permanent posi- tion in the savings invest. ment field. -Previous invest- ment or selling experience is not necessary. Complete sales training at our expense. 41 2.48 One word. Chatge | 6 consecutive doys } 3 consecutive dovs i word Count eocth drinking YY, OF call 663-30 pelts Aids bind Ai WOULD anyone who witnessed an acc dent at Bond and Simcoe Streets at 7:30) a.m., Saturday, December 14, please telephone 728-3137 before noon LEN PULLAN ~ ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist in garment altera- tions, etc. Invisible mending, dress alterations 10 PRINCE ST. 728-5311 perfluous hair, Marie Murduft will be in Oshowa, Dec. 16th, 17th, 18th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment, Ei ELECTROLYSIS 723-464] 3--Pets & Livestock BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, training, talking strain. Apply | Broad, 114 Elgin East. j|ARE YOU interest breed? Be differen initial 4 rice While every endeavour will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies, however caused whether by negligence or otherwise 't not paid within 7 days, charge rate Protessional listings only, 3 lines per month Each additional line per month (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements.) ee SIZES 10-16 TWO FOR TEENS By ANNE ADAMS Match up the scooped blouse and side-pleat skirt -- or swap them about with other separ- ates, Choose interesting tex- tures, paintbox-bright colors. Printed Pattern 4504: .Teen Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16.. Size 12 blouse 1% yards 39-inch fab- ric; skirt takes 1%. yards. FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in coins (no stamps, please) for | this pattern. Ontario residents add 2 cents sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME,. AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER, Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa ern Pat- tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont A . its |. PATTERN F ! Mail cou- gifts, bazaar hit loon inside new Fall-Winter Pate everything to crochet, knit,| jtern Catalog, ready now! Over Experienced age 25-35, Cap- able of cooking, menu plon- ning and supply buying. Must be able to supervise in new up fo date Luncheonette applies. 8.50 160 We will provide training in our methods of operation. In addition to a salary which will be in line. with -qualifi- cations and experience, we provide excellent company benefits. Health ond Life In- surance, Pension Plan, Profit Sharing.: Opportunity also ex- Generous advance and com- ' z * MISSIONS, ists for advancement se more Our consistent outstanding responsible positions in the success and rapid expansion company has: created on attractive opening for a new managers position, For confidential interview TELEPHONE MR. HOLT 5 p.m. Day Previous p.m. Day Previous * 5 p.m. Day Previous s 8:30 a.m. 'Day of Publication Births and Deaths ... 8:30 4 mt Day of Publication |\CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .. m. Previous Day CANCELLATIONS AND correct 1ONS 8:30 A.M, Day of Publication REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible tor errors, in advertise- ments: sugmitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement. nor beyond the price charge fora single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising occordin; to its proper. classification. in the case of display adivertisements, The Times will 'not be held responsible for more space than that in which the actual WORD ADS oes Cards of Thanks . In Mernoriums Lost and Found near General 668-3361, ONE or two bedroom apartment, prefer- jably with refrigerator and 'stove, wanted |by January 1}. Telephone 725 8442. |GARAGE WANTED for one car, in vicin- lity. of Fisherteria, 231 King Street West. Telephone 725-5522. TWO-BEDROOM apartment or house, un furnished. Betore December 30, telephone Tze-ce21. ready tor Mrs in confidence. Write Box 315 Please CALL 728-9474 or evenings Tom Huzar ot 728-5422 Tim Vipond ot 668-8562 reply "in Brook: alter 5.30 WANTED apartment or house 'lin area. Telephone 655-368 pm GROUND floor, two bedroom apartment] fed. in owning e "rare Beautiful male pup. pies. Individually registered. Permanent shots. Karin Knnels, 725-6772 looms error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all adver- tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement if ony inoccurocies in omy form ere contained therein. REGISTERED Dachshound puppies. Ex- cellent Christmes gift after $ o.m. Bow-| manville, 623-3430, OSHAWA TIMES 487-3691 or small two-bedroom. house wanted im-| jmediately. One pre-school child. Telephone} 1728-3982 Financial Trade Bidg 187 King St. E sew, weave, embroider, quilt,)399 design ideas, all sizes. Send smock. Send 25 cents right now.|50 cents for Catalog.