@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 16, 1963 "5 | _.|WHITBY And DISTRICT UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES Legion Ladies Elect New Officers For 64 Ladies Auxiliary Royal Cand-|tion sale, Mrs. Gerald Cox, San Marg Gartshore. The winner gion held their Christmas meet-jenthusiastic auctioneer) kept} was Kinette Wilma Heron. oe ing and dinner Tuesday, Dec.|the bidding money ata lively Christmas carols were me 10 with Mrs. Earl Ormiston pre-|pace. The bidders were wel!|by the group accompanie at siding rewarded on opening their gaily the piano by Lila mas h pei Application for membership wrapped purchases pi a played with wid rien was accepted from Mrs. Gwen A delightful lunch was served| w nners of pr zes: Jean 'epee Whiteside. Preparations for the|buffet style from a table bedeck-|Shirley J olly more, D ate Auxiliary Birthday dinner which/ed with lovely Christmas de-! Souter, Betty Silver, orothy will be held Tuesday, Jan. 28)corations. : Munns, Sheila Gordon were made. New officers and) Tea hostesses were Mrs Santa Claus made his appear- executive will be installed at Allan Hewis, Mrs R Marshall, ance and presided over the ex- that time. Mrs. Howard Elliott and Mrs change of gifts The next meet- All members were in favor of William Hay : ing will be held Wednesday, Jan purchasing a wheel chair for The next meeting will be held 8, 1964 the Branch for the ose of anyjJan. 13, 2065 | HELEN MARSHALL AUX. foetal ST. MARK'S UCW No. 5 The last 1963 meeting of the A Christmas card jabs apa - Mark's United ChurchiHelen Marshall Auxiliary, St. = se sy oso gf her Women Unit No. 5 held its|Andrew's Presbyterian Church, ious: eens 20m) ~ Christmas meeting Monday|was held Dec. 10 in the Church officers, : evening in the church arlor|hall with Mrs. Walter Porter j A "thank-you" letter received with Miss Mildred Price con-| presiding in the absence of Mrs.| |from Mrs, Albert Lear was ducting the meeting John Robson, president read, Mrs. Lear is much better Miss Price was in charge of The Christmas serv'ce of wor after her illness, Mrs, William the worship service of which ship followed that of the glad oo at ues hr the theme was: 'The Birth of/|tiding in which Mrs. G. C. Da Belwell Wishts. yim BO: ot Christ' with appropriate musi-\gleish, Mss B, Wilson and Mrs her. cal background Donald Wilson took part A draw was won by Mrs. Al- Oa Florence Heard read a Reports were read and ap- bert Carr and Mrs. Keith King. Christmas story and also the|proved. Considerable bus'ness Nomination and electrion fol- story of the hymn, "O Littlelwas discussed and settied. It lowed, Mrs. Vernon Moore pre- awn of Bethlehem" a Hecided SKE AGMA Aone Biggs 5 thio ? @*5 | siding _ Mrs. Doug Maundrell and|Gollan of Nigeria Mission Fields si -- "|Sergeant- At - Arms, Mrs. Mrs. Ralph McKendry als 0\be asked to be guest speaker at SERVICE FOR CRASH VICTIMS wanes Kirk, | by acclamation; | ave Christmas readings. Elec-|Spring Thankoffering Service, dic paseongr ies erent" of officers was held cng April 2 ae biec tepad y rvic ficti : ' ! that: /Stancare-pesrer, test VT S\\er Miss Price was returned to) Mrs. W. J. S. McClure closed| Two unidentified women memorial service for victims pieces of shattered plane dent, Mrs .Alvin Foster by ac-| re, as-was Secretary Missithe meeting with prayer and a look down jumbled wreckage at crash site near Elkton, were gathered together by |jamation; second vice-presi-|Rromell, treasurer, Mrs. M./friendship hour around the tea of jet airliner that carried 810 yyq_ Sunday. Wreckage in rescue workers dent, Mrs, Albert Carr; trea-|tj,gerwood, press -secretary|table convened by' Miss Mar- persons to death near Elkton, ae --(AP -Wirephoto) |Surer, Mrs. Walter Norris, DY! vrs Ralph McKendry and pro-|ouerite Ross followed Md., as crowd gathered for foreground is some of arger / } acclamation; secetary, Mrs. ram convener Miss L. Saun-| Next year's meeting will be Daniel Segriff by acclamation; |G... held in the hall Jan. 14. bd resident, Mrs, Vernon Moore : : See ; by acclamation; past president, The closing prayer was zy pbs ALMONDS UCW anda 1ans Uu e Mrs. Earl Ormiston jby Miss oe four Almonds United . Church " Executiv a e: rs.| Which a ristmas $00 J held their Christmas ee was enjoyed when members sat Women' he bb . Keith King, Mrs. William Brown, pore ray|meeting Wednesday evening, Mrs, James Sturgess, Mrs. Wil-|at a table laden with an aITaYines 12 with the afternoon and e e a lef food provided by members.|7 8 o. ini t- liam Parkinson, Mrs, Mabel® : evening groups for a joint mee Enraged Tin Miners Lindley, Mrs. Lloyd Robertson.| The next meeting. will be held jing Chaplain, Mrs. James Ela! kame Jan. 13 A supper was held in the Sun- . Mrs. Mabe] Lindley - UNITE *HURCH dav i bers LA PAZ. Bolivia (AP)--Plans!union leaders Irineo Pimental|story to him later, said Mr. Cox, pianist, Mrs } ST. MARK' UNITED CHURCH day school hall with 40 mem cea pag ape eee ig at cearctl er hay in nine oh wee ete Stanlick, Mrs. Frank Barton.) was the theme: of the second'sumptuous repast, President agin dl igh i a Paz The government also postin because the miners be.|Mrs. William Ashton, Mrs. Wil-| sermon in an Advent series in/Mrs. F. J. Reed called the meet- by striking tin miners high in'La Pag thAbaw "beanie At Oaie BiAaoA: ap jiliam Cassady. St, Mark's United Church onjing to order and conducted 'the the Andes for nine days agreed to withdraw troops itj)came enraged at the arrest by|"< , h : : : Z . ' jude Y i i were, however, had sent to the mine areas after|the govenrment of two leaders) The meeting closed with the| Sunday morning. The flowers in|business session. All reports cag mec ight hnibe freed|the hostages were taken of their Communist-led union, Singing of the "Queen". Mem~'the Memorial Vases were plac-|were read and approved that the men mig aH econ hd. NONeee Were alread Alcs = bers then exchanged gifts andi,q to the memory of Mr. David) Resumes of the year's activ- before this morning and sent on he hostage € § Falardeaux told how a-num-|~. i a beautifully decors, J a to La Paz after the government arrested|her of armed miners came to sat SON mat SR gee Fallow ities were given, Mrs. Elmer The hostages, including four Pimental and Escobar in Oruro! the staff house about 9 p.m. and "oe a ear thee. On Sunday 'evening leaders Harris for the afternoon group Americans, were being held inon a variety of charges, includ- asked the woman proprietor x by nvHliach ze aot aati and and members of the CGIT and Mrs. Gibson for the evening the mining region of Catavi,/ing manslaughter in connection 'Where are the Canadians" ae scar etanllGk ' paritcipated _ in their annual group some 180 miles southeast 1 with the slaying of a union Of-'She told them the Canadians" " : o Christmas Vesper and Candle-| Mrs. Norman Wood presented Paz. President Victor Paz Es-/ficial. had left and the miners went lh gg faa Angeiol Lighting ceremony. a an wn the slate of officers for the 1964 tenssoro sent his military chief,| sone away. moved & nearty ¥ S\garet Hare, Patricia Price, Eliz-\term as follows: President, Mrs Gen. Alfredo Ovando, to Oruro,|! 'TORONTO (CP) -- Two Cana ni they returned in a more|!?. the convener and her com- abeth Winter and Mrs. L. Web- fF J. Reed: vice - presiderits 30 miles north of Catavi, to pick dians reported to have beenii csi. mood about 11 p.m. The mittee ._|ster led the congregation in/Mrs. John Newton and Mrs up the hostages. taken hostage by rebellious tin). jman met them while the Ca-| There will be no meetings .orchin. Misses Beverley Bas-jOrval Atkinson: recording sec: Leftist Vice - president Juan) miners at Siglo Veinte, Bolivia,| wadians hid beneath a bed. The|UNtil Tuesday, Jan. 14, 19 sett, Shannon. Law and Valerie /retary, Miss Marie Divine; cor- Lechin, arch-foe of the presi-jactually eluded the miners with| ,inors entered and flashed a ORDER 'OF EASTERN STAR McCoy conducted the candle- responding secretary, Mrs. Nor- dent and head of the tin miners|the aid of the woman proprietOr|iiune shout the darkened sdomns Siena Piece No. 248 Order|lighting ceremony. Music _was|man. Wood; treasurer, Mrs union, flew to Oruro later in thejof their staff house, it wWasinit-tert without making a thor-\o¢ the Eastern Star held its|Provided by the Junior Choir/Klmer Harris; supplies, Mrs day. Lechin was accompanied! learned here Sunday. 'ough search. 2 the ce steht Tp day, Dec.|Which sang "Come Softly, Come/Hall; pianist, Miss Maude Cam- by U.S. Ambassador Douglas; The story of their escape was regular meeting Tuesday, ¢ and: Worship" and "What Childleron: assistant. pianist. Mrs rchhishon| broug 'ans by srbert| About 3 a.m. the miners, now|10 in the Masonic Hali with the) od! tig Pisce baba PN a st, Mrs. Heoderson and the Archbishop/brought to Canada by: Her per! drunk and enraged, returned to|w 'thy Matron Sister Margaret|'s This?" and by Miss Carol\Somers; community friendship, of La Paz, Msgr. Abel Ante-|H. Cox of Toronto, vice-presi- |, Wate Ac ap kat ioe th |Wor y J nese : tated py/Smith whose solo was entitled Mrs. George Bowcott: social gana, who has been acting as dent of Prospection Limited, aj'?¢. 5 nouse, shouting for the) Mustard presiding, assisted by . 3 , : Z ites "Birthday of a King" and property, Mrs. Loyal mediator. \firm that has been doing geo-| ' anadians. At the woman's 'in Brother James Martin. ? an in 1b bel Pore yp wohid tie bare logical and mining survey work|Structions Falardeaux and Minutes of: the last meeting) White Gift Services will be)' ogue, catering, | M ae WANTED LECHIN ne Ballets Pada Aes ' Brousseau hid in a small attic. wore read by Sister Juliajheld next Sunday at 9.30 a.m.|kinson; press, Miss Maude Cam- The miners were reported re- The two men, Raymond. Armed with rifles and dyna-/Thomas. A warm welcome was |and 11 a.m. ee eron, luctant to release the hostages Brousseau, 28, of Cobalt and mite, the miners forced their\given by the Worthy Matron toj will attend at the hour of th ; Mrs. Orval Atkinson, on behalf without Lechin being present Aurele Falardeaux, 34, of Ville|way into the staff house anq\the Past Matrons and Past Pa- choice and present their gifts o of members, presented a Christ- The hostages were seized Dec.| Marie, Que., were employed as|__. rhea att tea : 'trons and to the members of|money and Sell 'on mas gift to Rev. and Mrs .Reed 6 in retaliation for the govern-laiamond drillers. by: one. of Searched it Dut did not go up Whitby Chapter Relief and Canadian elfar Mrs. Percy Pascoe opened the ment's arrest of two Communist' progpection's sub - contractors,|to the attic. Falardeaux later A speedy recovery was ex- Pumposes worship period with a Christ- union leaders. Heath and Sherwood Limited of|told Mr. Cox he believed the tended to those who were sick, Next Sunday evening the\mas prayer. Scripture followed Lechin said he had received Kirkland Lake miners were frustrated enough\and sympathy expressed to|Christmas Pageant will be pre-lon the theme. "Love Came a radio message from eight un- Mr. Cox: said Brousseau and at that point to use their guns.'those bereaved of loved ones.|sented in the Assembly Hall by/Down at Christmas". Passages fon officials in Catayi that the Falardeaux managed to elude After their experience in the) After the close of business,|members of the Hi-C Group as-iwere read by Mrs. John New-; terms for the release of the|the tin miners for six days after/staff house the two Canadians/the annual Christmas party was)sisted by -- the Intermediate'ton, Mrs. Loyal Pogue, Miss hostages had been accepted by/their initial escape in the Staff} stayed hidden in three different held and a-very enjoyable time!Choir Marie Divine, Mrs. Somers, the miners. house, where the miners three|places during the next six days|was had by all. Refreshments 2 ae + Mrs, Cecil Pascoe, Mrs, Tran Lechin agreed to order the re- times sought them during the while making their way to La|were served by Sister Margaret WHITBY KINETTES and-Mrs. Hall lease of the hostages if the gov-inight of Dec. 6-7 Paz, Bolivia's capital, They ar-'Barnes and her committee. Whitby Kinettes held their an- SRA Cala kk Loe vi ED ti peel pe Papas isd cc On ; Christmas: dinner meeting Christmas hymns were sung. ernment would release on bond _As Falardeaux related the rived 'there Thursday night Therewill be no meeting Dec Vege et Villa Hotel. President;Mrs. Pogue read a_ beautiful wil Candee Sheila Gordon welcomed all/P0em and Mrs. David Lee sang present and extended Season's We fine solos accompanied by ' 1° WwW tie Miss L. Foster. Miss Catherine ST. MARK'S UCW greetings, saree eo Charges Of Farm Act St. Mark's United Church; Following the dinner, sand betebay a. a story st Women Unit No. 7 held its/dent Sheila chaired the business|' The Baby Everybody Wanted. | Christmas meeting Monday| meeting. All reports were read) A short but impressive candle evening at the Church 'house and approved. service was presented. Each | Leader Mrs. T. R. Farndale! As in previous years, Kinettes;candle as lit was designated as al } om ad] | TO is opened the meeting with a) will be distributing a basket to)follows: thought for the day. Worship | a needy family, Christmas cake}. Joy, Mrs. John Newton: service was conducted by Mrs. lis now on se at ag ht rg oak feo Tripp Pigly OTTAWA (CP) The Com-|mailed dated March 27 and 28.\was fired because sac hele" Minter, Mrs G. E Juby | Drug Store. resident onelaage, Mrs. ADs ruskwi;. Grace mons privileges committee Three months after the Apriljing given aeons iy ee and Mrs. B. Jorgenson. All re-|will officiate at the draw to be|/Mrs, Glenn Martin; Love, Mrs. fairs of the, Prairie Farm As als replaced the. Progressive Statement ahd wate eres a, Members were eminded that! 'Kinette Jean Hawes thanked George Bowcoit pistancs "Ack, whose chiet. ad-iConservatives in office, he rec. charike goat Woes ta the next geneal meeting of/everyone for the good wist ig _Miss Maude Cameron spoke of ministrator says were subjected ommended dismissal of Mr support of his Gontenton Mr. UCW would be in Sie form | received es Shes : Ne nanbed Christmas in picture, poetry and to political interference and Wa ker Walker wasn't doing his work pot luck poroagaeat Jan. 7 at 6.30) ette Evelyn ye nies e sng [PLose Mrs. Pascoe closed the I Sere ip : ' p.m. at the Church Assembly|the group for the baby gift sent lmeeting with prayer. made the vehicle of paying po He denied that there was any satisfactorily Hall Monthly winners of the draw sibly $500,000 to farmers just be- connection between Mr. McIn- Mr, McIntosh has refused to More articles were turned in|were: Kinettes Betty Silver and) WHITBY SENIOR CITIZENS fore last April's federal elec- tosh's\ activities with regard to accept Mr. Hays withdrawal for the Children's Aid Christ-\Lila Hatch, Judges for the pre-| In spite of snowy weather tion PFAA and his recommendation and maintained at committee mas Box. Any further articles|sentation of Christmas-decor-|Whitby Senior Citizens Socia') Howard Riddell, PAA direc- that led to the firing of Mr 'hearings that Mr. Walker was|should be sent to Mrs. Farn-jated hats were Kinettes Anita|Club held its Christmas party! ports were read and approved.|held Dec, 20. Carl Pascoe; Peace, Mrs Scrutineers were: Mrs. Arthur) «phe word and The World' land friends present, After a ish hall. |Dec. 10, for their Christmas| Thu The group enjoyed Christmas| meeting. carols with Mr. J. W. Rainnie} Mrs. Thomas Brandon, Unit! accompanying at the piano. Aj}Leader, presided over the busi-| very fine solo was rendered by|ness portion'of the meeting. It Mrs. Dorothy Tanner. Mr. Sam|was announced that Jan. 7. the Brett and Mrs. Tanner sang a|UCW general meeting would be 'duet entitled 'The Lord Is My|in the form of a pot luck supper. Shepherd"'. Mrs. Games were enjoyed and de- licious refreshments were Chu day taki Mrs. W. R. Scott would be the/in c |All Saints' Anglican 'Church par-|Church parlor Tuesday evening/The next meeting will be held rsday, Jan. 16. ST. MARE'S UCW NO, 2 The Aristmas meeting of Unit No. 2 St. Mark's United rch Women was held Thurs: noon in the Assembly Hall in conjunction with Unit No, 3 ng the form of a pot luck Brandon annouced that/luncheon with Mrs. R. H. Smith harge. = i After the singing of a Christ- served. Santa Claus made his)"¢W Unit 6 Leader for the 1964 , appearance and gifts were dis-\term. Also will members notice|™@S hymn Mrs. Ross Hall gave tributed to all present. the change of date for future|@ Very interesting story based There will be no meetings|meetings. They will now be held ale during . the Christrnas season,|the third. Thursday of each|!"s The next social afternoon wil]; month. and be held Friday, Jan. 10. Mrs, William Winter gave a gifts, Any Sen'or Citizen wishing to , ; A spend an enjoyable afternoon is Christinek Teaming and led te 4 most welcome to do so. Those|8roup in prayer. Mrs, Roy Mol-| 08. afterrioons are sponsored by|lon accompanied at the piano} 'The First Christmas" mak- particular mention of the "inn keeper," the shepherds the 'Wise Men" with their special treat was the show- of colored slides by Mrs. rles Broughton taken last summer while on a_ three Whitby Red Cross and held in'for Christmas 'carol singing. months' trip abroad with her ees gee ne poe Church par-| Games were played under the husband and friends. ish he om 2 to 4 p.m direction of Mrs. Gordon White) The Units separated in order These social gatherings are/and Mrs. S. Spencer. A Christ-|that the business of each may for al! denominations. If trans-lmas auction sale of articles portation is needed please con-| made by the group, with Mrs. C.|:he tact Mrs. J. Nixon, |Lintner as auctioneer, was held.| ST. JOHN'S WA Delicious lunch was _ served) will be disposed of before the end of year. ; ext meeting of Unit No. 2 be held Jan. 9 in the Church St. John's Anglican Church,and a social half hour followed.iparlors at usual time. WA held its regular monthly de-|~_ votional and business meeting Wednesday afternoon in_ the! 7 as wast s s 'Poclgen Sire kimest vam ~~» Need holiday money? opened the meeting with prayer and Bible Reading. It was re- ported that 11 members of WA! ' Get an HFC attended Corporate Communion Service ' : Shopper's Loan Mrs. Charles Bottomley then gave a splendid financial report Shop now for the best - on the bazaar recently held. One BS" buys on seasonal needs. hundred Church calendars have Pay cash. Repay sensibly. been sold. Nominating 'committee _ pre- Borrow confidently from sented the slate of officers for | the company backed by the 1964 term, as follows: Presi- dent, Mrs. Martin Gouldburn; 85 years' experience. vice-president, Mrs Ernest : Northam: secretary, Miss . '20h aot ea Eunice Kemp (also press cor- Neg: LOAN respondent); treasurer, Mrs. 9 Charles Bottomley; extra-cent-a- day, Mrs. Arthur Gower; Dor- cas secretary, Mrs. Ernest Val- lant; flower fund secretary, MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN 36 | 30 | 20 months | months | months . | $6.12 32:86 94.11 95.12 | 107.52 | 147.05 Mrs. Daniel Birbeck; ,United Life insurance available 'Above payments include principal and inter Thankoffering secretary, Miss based on Olive Goldring; living message at low group rate Me insurance: prompt repayment, but de not inclogs te secretary; Mrs. Seymour White- ney; correspondence secretary,| and light refreshments were served by Mrs. Whiteney and! Miss Emma Goldring INANC Meeting closed with prayer) HOU Miss Emma Goldring as The next meeting will be held 64 King Street East. 3 <= Wednesday, Jan. 15, | Oshawa Shopping Centre. . ; . | St. Mark's United © Church + 2 « Telephone 725-1139 ST. MARK'S UCW NO. 6 OSHAWA ;Women Unit No. 6 met in the BEST GIFTS OF ALL .. - Give A Livi 3.00 in We Wie Bh. Be Be Be Bx Cc yeer oa Azalea Christmas Plants and Flowers! i Wi i Nt te i a i Me Traditional POINSETTIAS POINSETTIA PANS POINSETTIAS Potted 3.50 -- 15.00 POTTED MUMS 3:00 -- 7.50 (a PR Ria, a a Se ie RR RAS there are no Christmes Azeleas this ng Gift of the -- 6:00 YCLAMEN 3.00 -- 7.50 te te te ta he te te te te tt te is the importetion of Belgien s is now prohibited. Beautiful Christmas Gi Pompoms, Holly and 6.00 - 7.50, 10.00 ft Arrangements Christmas Bow up to 15.00 CHRISTMAS COAT C HOLLY AND MIST : FLORISTS LTD. 10% King W. (Downtown) -- Drive-in Flower C Telephone 725-1131-2 @ 725-2512 "Over 50 Years Growing Plants and Flowers in CENTREPIECES AND MINIATURE TREES CHRISTMAS WREATHS AND DOOR SWAGS Bh he R. B. REED & SONS ORSAGES LETOE entre, 163 Bloor W. Oshawa" tor, testified before the com. Walker. the innocent victim of dispute dale within the next week {Hampson, Dorothy Munns, andjwith a very good attendance at! mittee last Fri and Satur The committee may hear Lib-\between himself and Mr. Rid- A delightful social hour fol-) --------- 8 a aes Pere aan day that inst tions from' Ot- eral Agriculture Minister Hays! de}! lowed in the form of an auc- tawa overruled his: desire. to in resumed hearings on state- ene PSNR ite duct an investigation of infor- ments by Mr. Hays in the Com- : Vvvvwy, He, accused Jack McIntosh - suppltes bv - mons about Mr. McIntosh d fa e e ' pet elnaes et Ni oe ee why not drink something you'll really like? (PC -- Swift Current - Maple . . Creek) of blocking his efforts t P HS tring sniete ih I ng at onti ets vectors into the Swift Current area to conduct the investigation For Pag Plo plesrael si ie ee Xmas Schedule ALL CARS 95 | caused the Swift ( VATICAN CITY (Reuters) -- ALIGNMENT oe - OMaraca Rum A teducegg supervisor, Georg: P 19| Pope Paul will broadcast a | é pores WA make an immediate check him-*Christmas message to the on MOST CARS aes E eae cAA 5 Saaaieae self world, receive cardinals, | cele- | loos fo) mala : He said he had doubt. Drate three masses, and give his JOHN BEAN PHONE j | | aoe» aoe "whether it was-right to pay th 'ssing to Rome and the world | ws . ee mn re sut ntosh ¢ é onsive : 23-2 ays: : 7] \ claims. But Mr. ,McIntosh to an intensi by Dec. 23-25 Visualiner 728-6221 him he wasn't to hold the in. ©DtiStmas program vestigation at that time "| The details im Dec. 23, 2 p.m .EST--He SPECIAL for SUPPORTED BY MINISTER _ broadcasts his Obristmas mes- . the new light taste in ru And. thigh "ainoorten tb Spalted? The light, smooth flavour of Maraca Rum has | jomdeses ve stand by former agriculture Dec, '24--He feceives cardin- : will tell you it is one of the world's finest. a | (antaday minister Alvin Hamilton, .the di-jals ican prelates. who ex- -_a Sun-mellow, distinctively dry, Maraca rector was instructed by thejpr their Christmas wishes to | . 4 ; '$ hg Pahniehe SERRE Gactetane ieee : GENERAL ENERAL TIRE | setting the fashion in rum drinks Roy Baibish : to make the pai At midnight? (6 p.m. EST(-- | ments ami the ing of/H celebrates midnight mass in TIRE OF OSHAWA Now you can choose from three superb varieties of m CNa LIGHT, and Golden Mellow is vot Sndink formula Foose take al Dark, with peas traditional MA-RA-GA. the Exotic net-covered bottle PFAA in future would be dis-|the sistine chapel of the Vati- Light and smooth as tropical rhythm ot tropeal rhytnm. marks the finer light rum' cussed at a eting can palace for the diplomatic i The investigation -was noi corps accredited to the aid 534 RITSON RD. S. 728-6221 made and the cheques were'See. rum flavour