16 THE CSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 16, 1963 Todays Stock Market | | BIRTHS | IN MEMORIAM | beta igh 11:00 A.M. STOCKS s 11:00 Net 11G00 Nef | he Canadian Press ] Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge! Stock Seles High Low a.m. Ch'ge Teronte Stock Exchange--Dec. 16 | Vvansdi 1% 65 65 65 | Migrim 1300 2m SELLIVEAU -- Romeo and Berbers sre) HERD -- In ving memory of ovF! -- Quotations in cents unless marked $.| Walk 1747 $62 61% 6 4 | Monete 00 8) 8! ll happy to annourice the birth of their|tether, Alexander St. George Herd: who) , Tint 'vg -exdividend, xr--Ex-| Wes 75 $215 2% Ws | Mult! MA 2 seughter, Judy Leigh Bicsbothe 6 ibs.|passed awey December 15, 1955 rights, xw--Exewerrants. Net change Is) West P 220 $15 (15 Nealon W ars, Wednesday, December 1 | God took hurr home, from previous board-lot closing sale. or 100 Ve 16% 16%%- Nello 1 1 3 f, Shanks to Dr. R Ak oy, ath h 0 800 +10] New Bid 4 . Vie oor staff Al ; ariel by winter har INDUSTRIALS Vood J i 1% e+ Wl N Goldvue - Ma Z --~hiways remem ¥ Gbug 8 New Hosco shariene and 20, George 11:00 Net ay Weare 4 h tock Seles High Low a.m. Ch'ge | {nee Tagger * heppy fo announce the) s ; Newlund sefe errival of their daughter, Lorie Ann,| LANGMAID -- in ioving memory we 1814 $1744 12% 12% on Friday, D ber 1963, weighing|dear husband end father, Gordon Leng: 10 $110v% 110¥6 1 o 900. BYa a-- Vs } 3400 (21 yy | e Ibs., at the va General Hospital.|maid, who passed away December 16, 9 Cen 73 34 1 +] P 4 ' ' Beaten Bel RE Baar AE a eB Oe Tl ie amt ee ie Te intial s Coming to Town TWF . j p 6 Si% 5 alley pr. 234 23% 23 | AC ii ' bE y 5) grandchild for) 5. W. MENDERSON ~- yn and Ae. and MA thanks to Or. ith floor staff WARDEN -- Geor i if ' nee : 0 $704 70's 7012 4 Ex Gas 1200 0 100 Northea! 00 ew "es a e ® e : r Gibson) are happy to announce the sa' ' 2 pi Paid : " ie sa foe 62 2! Northgate 200 ; % Raed , ' PE way wm omer fhe Sheet Ge ees eae EA | ee is Slei illed wi : ' Kidear father, George Sugden, who: dled . OM 515 $2 7 »| 4 OS Aa ph bbiad ") 02 a Sg 1963, ral Hospital. Yecember 16, 1943 ea oe 9% ote + ; . : Sotttddigg 1 18 ; Ww Ever remembered end sadly missed by 3 h seth Oo 0 60 +10 1h 4 ADVERTISE pl J "l € uc us $72 4 10 1 st wwe v . a ¥ arn Notices 1 © Pack A 5 $62 4 ' MI '2 & * 2 7 pew ge bed * o "1 o'clock . SO $49\2 7 0% ! mnder 22 22 2 s . . 2 Rio A } i i lication, and ¢ Brew A pr {tor the Monday editions. L w will be pleased to assist you my sore Theresse Saturday, Decemper 14, Hutchinson, beloved wite priate oh Barnard. Loving moth-|to. the Classified Counter, or telephone np & 2 6 E 6900 160 1 Ay , Wa 4s . é : " ven rite ¢ ; : : 3 ni 7 les Htawa and Francis 3492, Wf It nore convenient, w . 2 ' r | A § N i pe Meanie n g7th\ ¥ n Memoriam and mail it to The 0 36 6 65 tt 2 3 2 Se 2500 | : oe ' 2 e ake rm sified Advertising Department, Os . 345 $36% 36% 36% 00 YA o 3 ; > i r = Ss awa mes s E a ae in Memoriam and in selecting eppro verses for these notices. Core In 700 fee) INMEMORY ote ome |e RS SER Christmas Gift Selector PO es UR aS at Christmas THUR RR eR Me Dee MRR Rte EGER REL LER UR mR S| RR GM A Trees and Trim G Gifts for the Family Gifts for the Home Piinuneeenorens | Dement A RERUN RU | vena aemguneenneney KATZER, Adelaide 874 Christmas FOREIGN TRADING CHRISTMAS TREES. Beautiful ass TOYS, GAMES, us monstra-| SON (HOLE "gua oe BABY BUDGIES 'farpe assortment of CHRISTMAS TREES § pine prun-|/ POODLES, sliver t ' rtment of furniture ar id app ances $1. » "igs whi airspace Bld Lhe egg Uy A fa pecies and colors ll hold any item till French Group °*":.._ ie MRS. T. BROAD hristmos EASY TERMS, p PRUNED Scotch F ristmas tree Gi mn 7 Hi LS ar te ara ee ; i E 3.9767 - ifts re im serine ae and LEE NS UE UE CE THE "SOUND Ty 7h o4se | Urges Federal S28: 3.29 -- ace eee '-» Education Plan : ri cosa | AT CHRISTMAS Gifts for Her MACDONALD, Anns Alberta : Fr 7 TY vu TO Doe L FM UEVE NS LS PG 1 EUS NN QUEBEC (CP) v1 =CHRISTM TILT 12.95 Lowre ey Organs CHRISTMAS nent OF jepart: 6 3 ILLWORK and te Three Day Home Trial | DERMAANENT nt of «2 ns ot the store enter bp . hi valle é BI it YIN Ur FL é 2 Free Less " BONAT and REALISTIC ciation of: French t s cc Bh = eg. $ olue 20 veationists Saturday as a m oe ni caepgaea mre A LTO For $12.50 Hoe Mllt Belch 0 PCE EN : LIN gt OEE Pope nia Be se sean HRISTMAS TREES F AD. SON 30Y Music Supplies Regal Hairst RIMA R Wa dell A dete a iss x t ; i Gaston S { a h ENE OFF ida } iN . TH Aanaged t a MEMORIALS rs se 38y Fe a .|Cathot © schc ard, made|? ee ALL above $ MONUMENT! , Sete ite it nt 204) a fee E ton attended by £1 pron F FOW! ER FORESTRIES| 24 on on | SPORTING GOODS Vs meg se an, devt to ; Bee Stow ms n ope Lda GREATLY REDUCEL nd biculturalism;, brought to-| ff : ift Certificates | ; ner some 20, eatin royo suis shoes | DYETT'S é dy : FIRESIDE CORNER BOND ST. WEST lonvenient WORST DISEASE Rheumatic fever is the most Cemetery common cause of death in chil-| T°n*, ; : ect cine SR AES BRE y nO pects! OSHAWA --m dren between the ages of five) FremMn, fine. 'he et |. Neca" dip "an BB 1"/mission will Investigate most as- | GARDEN CENTRE | wir toel Box and Basic Tools |_OPEN EVERY EVENING _ BERNADETTE'S ince. Street South ans Sberertarsuch and: Robert! "asic C nee Btls ehite ante te ; | At His Own Game! | PHONE 723- 9471 H Gifts 'for "Anyone FOR THE FAMILY GIFT OF BEAUTY FRANK HAMILTON 15 guandohiidren' end thresison (Ant of i oenivaian aan isk inicle om --schsdiapadinsaerel a sheen mance <= lel i aed ad ol | A GIFT QF BEAU o or Mr. Frank|great-grandch ldre (Ol nost anything ly don't Wels Teen ines ieee pecaer xl = T CERTIFICATES : ERE Seater Richmond street The memorial service w t t \ Tatter ed. Saturday, Dec. held are Armstrong he sitet Amie be ApieTe 2 wa Genera |Hospital,| Home, Tuesday, Dec. 17, at duie LOCKE'S FLORISTS He had deg onhelside le health p.m, Fred VanHor ovah'jaiso leaves six sons, George H Funeral = orrar $ stains ae a » his| Witness, will officiate a i rry, Percy, Walter, Fred and : RE | wi oie quirements f ae ee "|ment will be ' of Os a RISTA > ey a occasions bachelor | Cemetery. I rothers 5 te tl ~ a a ee | : | mr - ORDER EARLY OSHAWA SHOPPING |and li h his sister Mrs.) MORLEY E, NANCERIVELL eo Hieiee Maar Nell DEATHS $2 SIFTS FOR TH i f TRI Sar] Hogle (Alma). A son' of the t i ' 3 J : : mis ik -HRISTMAS 1 hn j.|_ coe, Geath of, Morle ns By THE CANADIAN PRES iOBBY IST ID WHITBY -- 668-30 > ive)] of 64 Quee y S iy seph's Miss weshuslees 'a ' iL | 6.304) F p Q Forestville, Que Rodrig w to 9 Ab eae atomebile, A ' R BOARD FOPS Pn ih cheba uel : 5 « Bos The Bigges G PONG 7 P L HER WITH ' NG "9798 LOVELY FRAGRANCES 20M $7.95 J G rTRAGKANCES Bie Comeau = 1.25 10 | ee a OWN' nderson|™2! Jos le : heats 33 Sim sa JMBER SUPPL Knowlton, Que > N.Y one lish? y né ey. 5 v of gh sas Mita tae Maa ad Es) Moki Luge | /OF og) See gems | POWELL'S eri-jed in Wek gut Wes hots o eoraen rye fia . fe Ae) ee auch CAR COAT MRS. AGNES MILROY long. resident vas held an with the 1% Fir ; se ae é : et PRU aaa ocd riment at the tim $ Polson. who d nC eA ne chigeeipeh tare . We é : ATES 2 pure "ide i for the Home A é aly ) b ~r egy URE EES CT ME UL Palm fts fo TRIBUTE Demetery, + |" He is survived by three eae IT Re Moigy Hdectleng art ube a, creer $49.50. A enait ieee EAR A GAY CORSAGE rs ibroy survived .by|%? f Wella A \ ee if reit, n er .0 ay ' foie oe ' Gi fts for 'Him or Her PATIL i four sons, Pet and e} ij.| Marvin of Brook \ é x. Presbyteriz ot peo Me . ° ; x Leeigecixtetgy paar | " ath on the door 1 F i Mil- : , "Aeon gbabaniel : S wae anceied uyl NOW York--Mr Mol} ie si ae by YOUR CREDIT HONEST CAL'S | Colorful outdoor wreaths Detro \ James) * Ms to, h zan 1 i 8 SET PE = JNT formerly. Avalon Dance Christmas Door Knockers nion he la ebra M tl N PAYMENT pavilion R REED j ; é 3 BETTER CHRISTMAS Kine oon Se P ROGRAMMES Sar Straek Was j GQ gly $5 0 35-207 OSHAWA TV 725-1131 or 725-2512 t CCE a UN RC a A agape ' S - 4 per = i 6% ; c ' SUPPLY LTD ONI e in the wo arch " G. A. Mur rOkiN | travelied Chee. ha OTTAWA (CP) ey foe es ' oa SUBSCRIPTION pict MRS. JOHN MUIR nd daugl -] AC On Muashes TepOrted |e : ' ve of Mrs. Jot Mute GEORGI HENRY TAYLOR onald showed sof s i ay [ : ; : rO THE DAYS stree oc-| nee e Henry)" lay but died of sabies coon uid geht 4 ~C 1 General Hos|T#¥2" occurred this" morning|atiack_ toda AS Sane acum top ek ae pace OSHAWA. TIMES UNTIL 15, following 00k pit : ¢ BR un l oH r Minto Car ar 77 - it in \the month to 400,648 from 3 / RANK HOAG s €ar-round gift a 3 daily reminder of good- CHRIS STM AS ;| 991 a year earlie J RC V will for your friends and re ives who are away CHRISTMAS over Gow abe was saugiter|@2teland, in dune, I882he mar Ms Matcoln' MacQuarie 4), THs OWE the number oY DIAL 725.6 2m hom . i i 4 walt ke {permits in the, { r Bee ; 1 . 5s val ' mea a: aa sit e time to fi Montreal -- Flin-|68, 'promi H James nessman CAPON issued i i oe epir : *f " mae ' y|montt hs of the to 7,209,991 b ho >TION R/ I ' : ' Gow and was born in ange- ! 1 im 1907, {life \ nember . select gifts to please VE EDI if ION mouth. Scotland Mrs Muir w I ) decea t Y mat se * , ft Bat a : tee Ww ae rrie i Oshawa an trict everyone on y Christ t 1 r r .hu nd a Westy] the same. peric » 1962 ' : f . sieegt Bryone © y ; 5 P pin More p vere i in|3 ' borat \ >23. --- 6 Months § J : m ) l he Gift wears 1k : ~_ |Nover i ~elect: n your Oshawa r « nti] us tire ) 1 r 10% « i y jyea vio in regions y ' ~ ' i me plea- Isha rs alc 1955 f T+! Month's : ' ' IRY ) C ' "s : eee enern en was ajment 25 year 5 ed b s0 Malcolm 1; apg t sig they jah ies - ' neha : bg cog ea mie ' you what int r . ex spow her figure n- bracket / Othe rovince t 5 ns $ 8.00 | uy. ¥ whom - the N.S.; Clifford Wai New oundiand id va O- 5 " RT ST 1s yr y 5 months $12.00 jifts a litable, and is irviv ad Stellarton, N.S Ar CBUS GET r "18 2 : r morialjand Edy Oshawa, She also|" : ich fagnell d Bowman-|Anglica h -_ M; K |} 29,5389 (27,399), -¢ t Cr EIGI x : A- A e th : Mrs. W. (Pat) Patterson, r 'aylor, a veter: the inchard (Edna) Dachur ts oe tario 287,71 § >it IGH_ RIDN NG THE & IRCULA | ION DEPARTMENT (Nora), Oshawa Mrs... Jack{First World \ ove $., ar M 4 ? 244 : PARTIES é f (Doreen), Oshawa and/seas-: with th 1 : , e), Westville and t ro-| Saskatchewe a serve | TE LE PHONE MI Stan Hodgs« ad ),|He was wounded twice and the rence anc irra erta 1,410 (1,291 i 16 "1 KARC 0 F p . e Oshawa ard two sons, Ian andithe army 1919, He was a/Westville nbia | 29,222 : ind the " = z FZ 3.3492 ort awa me er of t Ro al C : < M 4 nale ttt uko1 3 1) ; el if 125-2737 TE EPH( INE SO ) y y are one sister.) Levior ; : Joan McNab, Scotland: one) He vin , riville. Higt requ uiem: mass h 1 - mf ther, Robert Gow, Scotland; |daughte: : ergu-lsthg-in Holy Name Chars = WATCH THE TIMES KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA GIFT SELECT we