14 TYTE OSMAWA reves, monssy, 1, 'vee Call "The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 ~ 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 |20--Room and Board 27--R 1 Estate for Sale )|27--Real Estate for we. | SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK ° By R J. SCOTT ne moh See 8) LOOK! LOOK! BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY |" @ esc 2| LOOK! LOOK! | METCALF | Fae 'ese, rte NEW HOME Real Estate Limited -------- | C ROOM ard board for two boys williny i fo share large room. Three. meals » day, Dial 728-4678 : _. Telephone 778-3350 Near Shopping Centre, i , tants Gardening and Supplies Mortgages 2--Personal | é - ping 40 King St, East monet wonTaIT RIEHL, and) ee reas FIRST AND SECOND. mortgages a4 ; Inome cooked meals, Parking space, low mul pecoesina....Invivad- : fi 7 Hr S "Box 233, Whitby, or call 668-3034 = to south General Motors. Telephone| iQte possession. One NEW 2 STOREY sala IF YOU have a drinking problem, write { : fn ead 'home cooked meals, parking space, close satan nta 4-75 agreements purchased id. Hen re dine ells atta = } tet North, Oshewe; Af 8x WILD BIRD rick ans Henice Barriers 3) Ki!) ERAT DULLAN, Os | 723-2746 614% N.H. A. mort- | This beautiful old colonial HOSMAR hartered account- Small Cut Groins down or your home in trade. 668-4 Street East, 723-7232 Ait le h ARD JAMES' BROOKS, Cha 4 FEEDS | N F * ENG LI SH TAILOR : MALE wee ee berms. 22--Offices, Stores, Storage) gage. ay le. ot - ee e | ee f garment: qitera- FOR A WALK BY CARRYING HER HEATED porementy, 351: Brock Geum, Ror lntoainen lot in the new ond excitingly Wild Bira Mixture ns, etc: Invisible mending, ; BE(WEEN HIS. EHORMOUS PINCERS. ho ad Nea Gl Rs RE dp soottrayy different Downsview Park. @ Street, Whitby, 668-5429. Wild Bird Feeders sca ba a - | dress alteratior jentrance. Toronto RU 1-1962 Four large bedrooms, floor to ROSSER eee Sunflower Seed 10 ) PRINCE CT | ' SCRAPS. TWP, 4 {t. x 20 ft. offices, close fo| ceiling natural fireplace, bath ec aiveah Nae Millets ata party to in P 728-5311 f a " centre of Oshawa. Can, be made into one | 728-5075 : upstairs and down, stove ' 44 eee party : t - ' Ao Ale aa January hood and fan etc Completely tee oe y rortgages. es Eapetane ay tice lei ata sey decorated, vacant and avail- Bond ments. for sa 199 sperriuous hair, f 3H RITSON ROAD AT KING. Small store ¢ Res. 72376 WATER SOFT | m hased. Low rates. Your | Marie Murduff will be in | | SkOES [or ren, Fermery used as ory cleaning Terrace Park ae oe ae 3 rere | t able = 3wa Sex 6th, 7th, | 4 outlet. Apply Ritson Drugs, 264 King : 2 2 niente 187 king. Street Endl SALT | | Sere scape : 8th, Phone Genosha Hotel m Sireet_ East Construction Ltd. | Asking $19,995 with $5,000 ' es immediate service for quick these dates for appoint- ° i | FOR RENT EDLANDER AND CO." Crystal No. 2 Solt tacit ¢ FOR BREAKING wus , | = Se ant sed True} Rox Brand Pellet ECT : A4RAIL OR NEN) EO | Medical or. Dental office: ' NORTH WEST sae -- Common Fine Solt | Call Ed. Wilson EL ECT ROLYSIS oe CROSSING eer een ia ene | Approximately 700 square | Oshowa's Lorgest Firm New 3 bedroom split level ne ee : | | 723 464] WIPE ve KE GREAT feet. Close to downtown area | homes being completed in iP ere eee CORE SANIT HS | 725-2539 or 723-3211 nominee | Porking available. electric |ROQO.LA HO QOD | this choice oreo of our ro- 3 4D £ Li k R : | MERALLY. heated. For information call | pidly expanding city, Mony, CO $ tvestoc us . FRESH CABBAGE. | GE wee 4 Mony extras, such os bulit- mea TE EL INICE Musical Services Mae LL Are hole eid pec aea all : 00H. 725-5132 B R @) T H F R S | in double garage, stone front 16 CELINA ST. ie ae a : foe anak in, pee i 5 % ey TRIP nom SE | au a, ore 723 23 ] 9 tuning and rer t E ap- DACHSHUND pups, ~males and females Le 'g | lon Ac ek aN Tey sed $18 600 ce Turing ane Tera eee, DANCE HALL | | he tick: | ke Ee ee jj LOWREY ORGANS, five. tre ne BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for 17--Male Rta bidet 17-----Male Help Wanted Fully equipped fer Wedd | Lloyd A. P. Bolahood F.R.1, ition price $18,100 a se : i vith ea hase. . Allo: M p- training, talking strain... Ap Mr ly equipped for ngs, i y BA, iis, Barris, Instruction he Ga are ' Eig ' j , Banquets, Dances up to 300 List With Us $2,900 down. HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, REGIST t cohehone fn Bluse os F set persor F and cater Then Call Your Mover ' . : Tap, RAD Ballel, Highland, Register Nursing Services elle tmas gift. After Ww Tir o MECHANIC ) available. Parking focili DOWNTOWN APT. SITE OYCHYN and WILLMAN, now, 424 King Street West, 725-6122 i 2) tie $9,500 Six room home on this vol : LYNTONHURST MANOR ! * PEDIGR ' ¢.. IF YOU ARE ambitious, you ca k LICENCED D : : : Table 71! 132' | n I L 1AN MAE MARSH, 2 E.A., Dancing Bhkad" meta medhiibA 4 i DIGRE E Siamese ns, -holise good with a f h b e Yer 1¢ tampton 263-2039 North-West Aree, 6 rooms, Horie : x 3 bia sai Ballet, Ta robat Aaracter,' inpatients. Registerac = r as g ®& awa and Durt € e AS 7 aaah a t ly by sently, renting, parking for ee Bridave Satur , No uae : ; ald 3e 7 pee uble garage,. family homes e. Friday e aR SE cl icine sata Ice : ar : piece ae 23---Wanted To Rent in good repair Only $1400 25 cars. Zoned R-4 oe dicen Magnes ' Miont : ONE- OR TWO-BEDROOM apartment! down. 612% mortgage for EAST END ae eam aa Oaks asian cata ® Whit 48-39 'Wy 7 er te ed. Close to Shoppin entre. Tel " u" Loan . Wanted Painting and Decorating Mita SERVICE STATION attends phone 728-4739, . pees esas 44) AN Immaculate "3 bedroom buns ERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, thr $0 fwo truck operat wit orner at 7 21435 O1 . 4 haw E ness Man A-! KITCHENS, bedroorr pboard 4 PRE Ald tered Serrenreas : $0, Apply mcoe Nort Preston's P.O. BOX 5] 2 r two-bedroom apartment wanted 2236 : galow with beautiful rec. d at Hices T Sunoco' Service t quiet couple. Private entrance Saba room with bar, wall to woll ANE RONALD L oF : 0 WW $4 500 ! f ionri : E eed ce aewiga7 steel san é jet PORT PERRY, ONT. Sie Simcoe preferred Telephone BUSINESS broadloom, paved drive, fe ag 9 4 , aaiaine ossession 30 doys 98 RESPONSIBLE working couple. No chil-| Going concern, 2 trucks, bot- baad cite oy Ls n 8 first mortgage on Com- males oie sve is al : : LE 14,900.00 na nterest rate we pa 2D and SOUTE sage on DE DROR S80 keOe MECHANIC Rear Wp Rea, d aran Abatinehi: negr er eat ier tery, generator and uphol- osking $14, 0 1 A ¢ A RE YOL a €] I-A) 8 Ue ee Phone Mr. Booth, 668-3361, 9 am. to 5| stery Pe si only ROS AR ) ir 4 7 a rare c . PF i p A f itera t O§s - 7A. Licence | income for partnership, Only Three bedroom home with "WRI TE BOX 408 : , Beat ¢ pup: l K ONE or two bedroom apartment, prefer-| $6,000.00 to handle. Com- | jorge living room, with fire- ' yerhanc i e CLER ably (with refrigerator and stove, wanted). plete. See Mr. Jimmy Love. | - piace, large dining room ord SPO ROM ae mI -irculation Department 'ae o Pepi ea Coll 728-5123 kitchen, situated on a deep eae . COCKER SPANIEL Puppies cellent GARAGE WANTED for one car 7 Mortgages 107 BYRON y and ferment, parti-colo or, KC| modern equipment. | on pe ee ty. of Flaherterlay 231. King: atraet: Weer Do As Others corner lot, well londscoped eg d t r shaw ime T h 5 5 j ) PRIVATE an or poratio' A é 8 4 : employment. Ar 1W | 5 elephone 72 2 Coll The Brothers with privote drive from side HOUSE wanted preferably with three bed street, osking $13,700. nt terms desired a Be : rooms. Situated in Oshawa area. immed Bolahood Brothers Limited P Bow 6 | ate possession. Telephone 728-5554 | Joe Mage Ken Hann E Bs ~ ; . ' ' s O! Si Personal Service ee ee JOUG HART SWORNOROOM GhEOGCE oe faine ah 101 Simcoe Street North Jack Osborne Bob Johnston { Dick Barriage RICKEY'S Y treet 5--Farmer's Column CER MA shed. Before December 30, telephone Open Every Evening MORTGAGE fe aS sane ang, SRYICE MANAGE ne :natateaaes i wiche e out é : ia : ' HS Hes ni n area. Telephone 655-36 ter | $11,500.00 3 Bed Brick B 4 Featu Hollywood LOANS ee a ear A eer are reer sg tac NORTI S| DE Soe dye el we Kitchen, Carport, Oi Heating, urgclow, Foti Lot, ys r'lumbing and "Heating " ne ¢ crippled farm stock. 'Tele Ch rysler D \dge TWO-BEDROOM spa iment, avaliable Poyirent only $1,500.00. Call Phyllis McRobbie for further in ALL TYPES of rs and / 7 ] HE Marg (Whitby) Ltd welcome. Apply 589 Lansdown Drive. a aeal ! : deie senna i ( itby a yesait Foley 8--Huntin MAN TWO BEDROOMS spacious living room ; WHY PAY RENT g : 9 k St, N. Whit oss Neér South General Motors. One child North West Area: Attractive Brick Bungalow, storms ond screens ALL. PLUMBING {he 3 supplies. TAXIDERMIST . t Gaus REQU | RED Phone 725-6924 | Gorage, Fully Decorated, Landscaped, Carries for $82.00 month- : SU Conte: Richard FINKG LE RR Ie : 4 | ly PLT. 5% N.H.A. Mortgage, Futl price $12,800.00 Call : : : ; vith ---Houses For Rent Audrey Moore for appointment to inspect this property ! "Ze anc insta win nce eno oe ae -- | J COUNTRY four-bedroom home, 30 miles| Rug-Upholstery Service 11--Articles For Rent - dow glass in general from, Oshawa, 3/2 miles from Little Brit OWNER TRANSFERRED n, $6 enings Whitby 668-8042) 3 Bedroom brick home with split level entrance, Fenced Yard, HAVE YOUR che ta BOR RS PA TOY Oe eae PART-TIME f OLD HOUSE ent_with or without! Landscoped, Kitchen Renge, Oil Heating, Call Audrey Moore. 5 King : DRG cunlGas ae i greenhouses on. 10: acre lot. Close to rk F 45 8-24 v Abd SA GM south plant. trimediate occupancy 6/2 King St. Eo . ag " eas sss local ocapney OSHAWA HARES Caras oar Wubigs" shen LL Millwork & Building appointment pt oronto at-25562 7 Room Income Home Four Large Rooms for the Owner, ling Trades 123.4697 seabed RFIELDS ana- ners. é Rentals, 412 ; HOUSE, five-roorn storey and one-half,| Plus 4 one bedroom apartment including Stowe and Fridge, Rent- supplies Ltd. Reference ed, $85. monthly. Imme-| ed for $55.00 monthly, Asking $14,700.00 Call Pauline Hobbs. athe, rents $25 knoe ser diate possession, . Telephone 725-8938 £ CHRSTERFIELOS ve eae : Anan oye OA Bony r OSHAWA | LOT 80' x 150' North West Aree of Whitby, Call Audrey Moore. fines f eaivied. rhe estimele. «Si natete ' é , nepeee 25--Apartments | F al ft e-covering t 1 NASSAU STREET, 27) -- Three-room,| CLAREMONT arie et [ Cutler Glasses f te Voved ' Quality Control heated apartment, refrigerator and stove) 8714 Acre Farm, Lorge Solid Eick 9 Room House with fire CHESTERFIELDS ret ec Punch Bowls . an sat ay Adults only, - $75. plus hydro. place, Good Building, Creek. Call 668-5893 for further in- £ stg ree ne, m . ~ formation PORN a r > tistactior r e Urn Sy PERVISOR MODERN 'four-room apariment, Upper ie 5 il phoist ver Teo Service Pleo t r 0 be duplex, private entrances, -- tiled bath-| 7E O R ) nd West sifie pa x nee | room and kitchen stove and retrigera- OST LOANS ver Candelabra my Con iat oe ~ tor. Parking, $110. month, couples only iah umber School. Graduate (avaiiabie Jan. 1. Telephone 723-7202 Sales and Service SARGEANT'S RENTALS r a t Li eh . ane MEI stb lene | sreferred. Apply Person. | MONTHLY. frist, tay tebe! 218 Dundas St. E, Whitby Phone 668-5853 psi laserid ade Pedal ee i Lone p 0. BOX 86 | Pr r ' 'com, five-room heated apartment, sepa- + i ' Races es rate entrance. mmediate possession EVENING CALL GUARANTEED irs to wringer' w 12----Art Ww. | nel' Department Maple. Grove at Highway 401. Phone . ers and ranges. Free estimales, Tele sin Te | 725-3448 : Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 Bowmanville phone 728-1742 cl , rry pi: . or ntcir HAW : AR FOR RENT: Seif contained two bedroom) Pauline Hobbs, 728-5886 Oshawa Surveyors \UTO WRECKING CO. Toronto 14, Ontar GOODYE dle COULICITON Call ater oat Audrey Moore 668-4088, Whitby Se tte ORT ENT Pera sinha): Gara foe. Wenekine: Tire and Rubber 728-4525 CORONATION aggre tH Fuesiai Eel"rte para tor tele, ito rap ten |" BOSTON eutencily et re eee INVESTMENT mre and i 4 a ater a 125,.23 89 nes WITH A Contract aaeancy TOWERS, 349 . Marland-- OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS New two-bedroom apartment, all con: ~~ see me TV--Radio Repairs 13--Business Opportunities FUTURE ; DRIVER ane. relrueraier, lnenee ouhce, ed PRINTED PATTERN' REGISTERED Dachshound puppies. Ex 80} Viale] tat budget locker CAKE VISTA TV towers and aerial ser- WanreD experienced couple 7 arate r 1. month. Tele-| vice. 480. Phillip Murra ele 4 couple Ye operate! Whether you are an | Required phone phone 728-6879 é e 6 ol . } MAPLE GROVE and Highway 401 -- two- GUARANTEED repairs ak es ----e experienced sales | For Distribution bedroom ment, modern, heated rad a » Elec' 14---Employment Wanted person or have a keen $75. monthly ORK WANTED ~ off Oshawa Times wo \ ED, aintin and office " ! | ' ai 9 n ili and: mainte desire to fear selling Within City of Oshawa TWO four ) heated apartments with CE : sfopltiga valesbln ' ; electrical' appliances, in apartment block Mort e Mon "T, V. SERVICE eitee 2 you will like our ap- | : nfant welcome. One avaliable immedi, r¢ EXPERIENCED man would Ilke stead 1 | PP tel other nuary 165 Verd : gag oney Day or Evening york. Hotel preferred. Telephone) proach to your New : : A all alain ga testancd Available : Selling Caree Circulation FURNISHED, one-bedroom basement ry PEFER PAN DAY NURSERY qualified) ri!!! !\ ' apartment, $65. monthly. Single 'people /2 28- 52 86 :: to p.m. S81 Simcoe nis is ao p r Manager preferred, Telephone 725-4154 Low Interest ; : tior the } vest ' THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment. Oshawa E lectronics WILL CARE two or three children Ir ment 4 ' t Oshawa Times Self-contained. $60 monthly, Available : by day or week. Apply 30 ment <perience a December 20. Parking space.. Apply 517 : ~ Rosec Drive, Whitb 468-8230 rew Street sth TV TOWERS a ee oe Sa E EN sales troir ot xpens: ND DISTRICT ' 16--Female Help Wantes. | Greco 6 ee | GRAPHIC ARTS 26--Rooms For Rent pp | SE RSsa NED barr m n missior ROOM FOR RENT in new home. Suit Antenna Repair 9. One hour per even-| oe es Nee elrigs th. cee etl eechi Tees / Perel af : is ecéek ced "ronid exoanglo VACANCY EXISTS CLEAN BEDROOM, close to North Gen- WAITRESS lor dining. > : sa LOS ait tiv eral Motors Gentleman preferred. Tele- nel ges ARS Re denehitable: ies Be ea ° t with Grade XI phone 723-791 N t we Apply Hotel Lancaster arhiies see : ss tes leans CHURCH Street, 174, two furnished rooms t ri self contained, gentlemen preferred. Cen- oluations Arranged tral. Apply above ele tag 728-678 ] GLENCEDAR NURSING haa Ug MR HOLT opr esnip Dass owed for : "ly mn a Pralag pam bbs 1a) Wie\s | mo k c] 4 have own transportatior a = VERE: SRLS eparate single room wire Service Calls sea 487-3691 ny bevels ard promising [a gurantee $2.50 BABYSITTE R to re a sbi ren A eet. Phone 728-9632 ah 9 a.m 7 pm. Dai ' etal icbiotbhntid : ATTRACTIVELY t a wees 'lek weit of Brooelln, Male } TELEPHONE FURNISHED ROOMS fic r As ae As $19 66 = ' : i Mal EA wn fe Available in private home. ] a 4 Kates NEW YEAR s career, loin Avor 793.9933 Lil bebvean Sond 7 Bal, All Work anteed ' xciting b ess of selling' cos Dominion Televison ates pe aereee -Luncneonatte ese "82 PARK RD. N. vane) epee rene. . ee 728-8671 QUICK-KNIT HITS APPLICANTS Manager 27--Real Estate For Sele | | oe noone BUNGALOW, three-bedrooms, large kit WAIST Production ee eae ane ere Oey i Practical, gay, easy -- knit 24-32" TV TOWERS Oe Fe Coo iron fey 25-35: Cor "|pussycat slipper socks for ail { Experienced age 2 Economy anc the youngsters you know. Deu CLERICAL | Gee ee ee | Superiniondant | KEIM PETERD foe SMART SKIRT ons, All com- ning and supp The cat's meow -- cozy, snug- ' month i ; < bude POSITIONS be able to sur r | Realtor 728-7328 fitting slippers keep little feet By ANNE ADAMS : : | up to 'date Luncheonett Required by 103 King Street East --[warm. One flat piece plus cuff.| Two versions of 1964's favor- andise odvartisements Manufacturer of Sheet | -'$6500 FULL PRICE [Pattern 7321: directions sizesjit# ekirt -- with and. without Al hank aes gli , bh eked ' oes was ' side pleats, Sew one or both inj OSHAWA TV : ' eta wx methods ot t r Steel, Building materials speed aor. Suet 2 4-6; 7-9; 10-12 included flannel, tweed, faille for town-| c. ee Ae 2 8 avmarer dditian too Products. ore semicstonds | bin) a. vei se ae Thirty-five cents (coins) -for}campus activities. t SUPPLY LIMITED q i t essent qualif poe oe Kae fay ' : this pattern (no stamps, please)| Printed Pattern 4553: Misses" 728 8180. ' bs ti 4 experie Ce He Oy ; to Alice Brooks, care of The| Waist Sizes 24, 25, 26, 28; 30, 0-01 0U ae F ex pany sizeé.and tint Bale waddle i at Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Heber i agg pleat) 1% yards made mit Dept, Oshawa, Ont, Ontario! Fiery CENTS (50 cents) itm - : BOX 440 suro fit yrodu on. £2) man 7 seas Ferd ast residents add 1 cent sales tax. coins (no stamps, please) for ressor Wo ' eek Merete ring. Of ex shop 5 2 it Print planiy PATTERN NUM-|this pattern. Ontario resident¢ pes x Roe Uses YSHAWA TIMES ts for ad t . | : BER, NAME, ADDRESS. pat 2 we oe te as tbh Ehe F t Mie nlit eis tO R ainly S ees ' : , -206 HANDICRAFT HITS in|pRESS, STYLE NUMBER. | ib eee lp W. af expetier t Sell cor r trade, im- . "i a Rasa eee eas) Mole Bole Wanted rroculot ; nie our big, big, new 1964 Needle-| Send order to ANNE ADAMS) SaaS D T ( ay Pas ie A én, shining hardwood and jcraft Catalog, out now! Seejcare of The Oshawa Times, Pate ee eamnanenrs pape TAXI DRIVERS ROWE. BROS. CO. o e { 4 piece meth, alu- |tgys fashions. crewelwork. heir.|tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont : tae a a eee Write Box 31! (CANADA) LTD. large lot with fruit frees, #00ms, gifts, bazaar. hits --| PATTERN FREE! Mail cout hare endeoviur to reproduce a ei SuOr Ge eS a ad pY as URY TAX! Reda ei ; Ree gara nd tool shed. 728- /everything to crochet, knit, sew, ee Catalog, ready: nowt * Ovell orrectiy, but assume no liability of advertisement fied "Section--"Miscetianeous for: Sale MERCU | bat NAS f. ne AJAX, ONTARIO Z weave, embroider, quilt, smock.|399 design ideas, all sizes. Send acies in eny form are contained therein today. It'e loaded with wonde : A77\ | : - Suburbar 500.00 down. iSend 25 cents right now. 50 cents for Catalog. arge rate applies sible f off