* % hes Ne Ne | THECSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, December 14,1963 § ~ Inquests Into. WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gault "WHITBY BOWLING NEWS MONDAY MIXED LEAGUE iron os pax omonner oe, Hospital Deaths Isobe]. Mo-|Helen. Bastarache 592, WHITBY PERSONALS Triples over 600 . Jo thersill 797, Harvey Roberts|don 579, Beula Sturgess 570, Tel. 668-3703 770, Chuck Gill 759. Clare Holter.| Millie Belida 563; Clara Row- Irks Judge t 748, Vi Jordan 723, Marty Be te Be! i in a Ne We Ne Me a ns WHITBY TOWN COUNCIL'S ELEVENTH HOUR Sawdon 712. Wayne Stuart 690,| Alic Geoge Childs. 682, Cyril Garrett 507 '681, Doug Rowden 666, Don Bemis 646, Clara Rowden 643.!231 © 'Beryl Watkins ° 641 > \Handscombe 639, Betty Pascoe " |Frank 625. Tom Byron 617, Bey Pat 'childs 613. Barry Denyer' 611,|207 Singles 'over 200 iwright 206, Jenny Fowler 220 |\Helen Munns 227, Gerry. Hew- {son 202. Charlie Maw 296. Mick- ley McMaster 219. Wendy Woth- ;erspoon Jovce Denver 212 204. Tom Robins 208 Richard Jor-|den 557, Penny Tostek 534, Pat dan 723, Ron Pascoe 718, Chuck| Brown 513 e Hewis 512, " 'Grant 649. Ron Adair 646, Merrjfreys 254, 353; Bruce bara Belida, 630. Clarence Moore 628. Ruth)214; Helen Bastarache, 212, ? * |Ward Bick 603, Doug Peggs 601.| Jenkins, 206; Vi Joe Wain-|Vivian Rieger, 203 Dec LADIES FLOWER LEAGUE Team standing: Asters 17, Lil- 205, Connie Denyer 204. jos 21 Don Denyer Tulips 16. Violets 7 aif aya | Scores {Sandford 211, Bill Newstead 215. pontiey 205, 233: Marion Brooks Grace Ford 508, Connie Denyer Pat Humphries, 230; Bar- chief coroner was reprimanded Ballard, 229; .Millie/for holding too many inquests 219; Beulah Sturgess. wy. Justice E. A, Richardson > said' the coroner, Dr Brown, 211; Alice Hewis,'Shulman Doris Borchuk, 207: Peggy |yised to read the Coroner's Jordon, 203;'than to be launching inquests into deaths at hospitals 17 is Chicken Roll Night tHorace Leslie Burnett, 71, who} died July 10 after a hernia op- eration at the private hospita yperated by Dr. Earle FE. Shoul- Marion dice The jury Roses 21 Pansies 17 Pom-poms 7 175 and over recommended a ma- TORONTO (CP) -- An inquest/home after spending one month|Christmas into the death of a patient at ajy and Mrs Morton| rating her would be better ad-|44y ac her many happy day the home of Mrs. Donald Warne, The inquest was held in Sep- Christmas party at the home of) St iember following the death of|past President Phyl Henwood,|Christmas concert will be held Mrs. Rene L'Heureux and her|freshments will be served. All daughter Elise of Malartic, Abi-| Welcome to attend, Whitby Guides are holding a Concert Monday, John the Evan- ibi will be returning to their isiting her sister and brother-'Dec, 16 at St ; 'Barbara Ballard 502 'private hurfia hospital herejin-law Mr, and Mrs. J @anigelist parish hall. Patrol Lead- Singles over 200: Doris Jef-/was quashed Friday in Ontario|Claude Barette, 320 Rosedalelers Caryl Allan and Sherrall Penny Tostek'Supreme court and Toronto's drive Femia are in charge of the pro- Julia Anne, daughter of Mr alicia Thomas Ware is cele-, St, Andrew's Presbyterian 10th birthday Mon-|Church Young Women's Group' 16. Her friends wishjare holding « pot luck- supper Dec returns of the|Monday, Dec. 16 at 6.30 p.m. at Ajax Kinsmen' are holding wl Fariview drive John's. Anglican Church 27 Forest road, Ajax on Sat-!Monday, Dec. 16 at 7.30 p.m urday, Dec. 14 in the Sunday School room There will be carol singing Kenneth James Culley, son of]... ste brating his fifth birthday today.|) sunday school. teachers "All 'Joan Newstead 206, Marg Jef- 455 185: Louise Jackson 219, jor overhe : For th "asi family | | : Bia (20), 185, Louise « 219, jor aul of operating prac- For the occasion a family party! a rents ur % Aiferson 200. Keith Laundry 213,)199- Doris Howes 199. 238: (tice at the basta .® has been arranged parents urged to attend fee *\Hazel Moore 202, Harold Moore! jy). ce Stubbins 186, Millie El- 4 court ord aah hep lo42 Bill Bond 211, Jean Hans-\)ot¢ 476° Eve Curtis 185, 204: 0. nanan a Leper yan "4 Mrs. and Mrs. John Beard A i i 7 . 95 ays . « 4 ques indings as servec ¥ 151 Peary . 4 nat. 'paul jcombe at helma Bemis rtd Nessie Shepherd 203. Marg Car- py Shouldice on the ground the re ied ag edd Sgr WILLING<READY r Sian Fice 227. Carl Pascoe 217.!\.) 914. Vivian Phillips 184. Tose j quest was not. conducted in' Jey OL ee your SERVICE MEN, SOU) Zp" Clem Hewitt 213 Bradley 179. Sherril!. Fairfield ondante. with the (Coroner's! ersary today. Saturday, Dec | Lucky winners: Isobel Moth-\9;5 Doris Stannet 200, Shirley : oa with the Coroner's'y,; pheiy friends wish them} ersill. Vi Jordan, Clare Holter. patton 184. Dorothy Leblanc. p es every happiness | |Our FRIENDS, WE ALWAYS Harvey pert pee 183. 221: Betty Grant 219 Bye a gs Hen i and Mik Jamer Dugan F AND MEND Ruth Fran Cyr "i woul F t I J Betty Pascoe, Jenny Fowler.' WHITBY AND DISTRICT '0 keep hospitd! death investi- and family have established Bey Childs, Bill Bonk, John MEN'S LEAGUE gations from the public 'esidence at 711 Hariett street Treffers, Thelma BBemis, Betty 'pyipies 700 and over: 1. Tut There has been all sorts of ee wish them happi- Rick. Marg Byron, Eileen Camp jon 796 (299, 268); ( Moore OPPOSILON to inquests involving Ness in their new surroundings 2 bell 743 (271); D. Craggs 741 (265) hospital deaths from he bgt Mrs. Reginald Antie is. cele i profess i rs e * ie ast ; ; : NES CIGARETTE LEAGUE J Scot 708 (273 be ae yo sine ach Drating her birthday Sunday, Whitby Town Council finis tion of Councillor Bill David ness. Front row (left to right) Des Newman Town Engin we ae can . Singles 230 'and ovet oe getting rs CH nox 15. Best wishes ate ex- ' F wh pS noant Be Deputy-Reeve George Brooks eer Bill McBride; and Coun oint. ¥ Ny Seana dk Win D Imrie 368. C. Bowler 292 w tended to Mrs: Antle from her ed their two-year: term-of- son, who was not presen Councillor Joyce Burns illor: George Bevan, Absent | Winchester a Exports B. Morrison 284,G. Edward He said that if the atlorney- many friends office, last night. with the final cause of a death in the fam- \avor Stan Martin: Reeve. were Councillor Davidson and stons 3. Black Cat : shen a '7a R. Sandford 273, A. Fillier;8e7eral's department does not : : Council meeting of 1963. A ily, the Councillors, Mayor fy Quantrill; Mr. Frost. Back Assistant Clerk and Assessor 1 anes 4. Buckingham 071 B Shearer 296. R. Chasson appeal the judge's decision. he une of William Burr are ; * nok eet { nciilore He Joc MsEwan Players alae , pit : vill He said his lawyer has al- extending their best wishes on +i] will be sworn in Martin and Clerk John Fros ow (1 to r) Councillors Har I : : pe ; movie Jef 261.'G. Childs 279, B. Walker Peat a OF cite S. 1964 With the excep finished up the year's busi- old Slichter, Paul Coath and --Oshawa 'times. Photo. Triples over 400; Do ie L. Reed 264 A Wright 269 eady been instructed to start. ihe occasion of his birthday to a : : ee ae F Hutchinson 261. R. Belmonte he celebrated Monday, Dec. 46 ee: i = ' 7 we ae *? 5 J oy ONLY WOMAN ON COUNCIL ee Mh Be ten, SIMPLE NUMBERS there willbe caro agin, euve 257. G Brewster 258. FE. 'The. earliest numerals def- Nativitiy scene and a sketch en- Shepperson 254, H. Van-Stauern mitely recorded were simple ititied "Night before Christmas" 254. R. Childs 253 gures appearing in Egypt) silver collection will be taken! er even- us eals Points won Whitby Barber 299Ul 3400 BC with proceeds to go towards the} Shop 3, Papermakers: 9. Hoffer 'Retarded Children's Fund. Re-' | . . Valley 3. Queen's Hotel 0;\Jimmo 205 and Alice Ander ranpeang te ney RECS Jo ce Burns Retires Whitby Hotel 3. Bathurst 0:\son 204 | Dunlop 3. Anderson Cartage 0 Congratulations to Alice | y Honeyockers 2, Tamblers 1: |Hewis for the very good games TOWN OF WHITBY i Joes rb S 2, Drew's 1; tur ai : . : Mis. Joyce Burns. althoughjalso the establishemnt in Whit. Joes Bar "ie hop a rew's 1; turned in today and avery Applications for Welfare Officers and Assistant f those industries whict Mitton Mach-nery 2, Legion 1; good triple. The girls are again she has retired her position onjby 0! thos eri sb! , Millwork 2, Andrews 1 reminded not to. forget the to the Town Clerk gs 1 creat e problem ' fe : t ' . A the Whitby Town Council, after|would create a. fume prod Prize winner L. Tatton. 'Christmas party on Wednesday Applications will be received until noon on Friday, December seyen and one-half years in gl-/in residential areas aortas pa on our pitt for | 20th, 1963 for the position of Welfere Officer for the Town fice. will have jittle time to Referring to discussions con LADIES 'FLOWER LEAGUE *{,. ae Bennie de The of Whitby. The applicant will be required te ect as Assistant spare cerning the future use of {hk Team standings Asters 17 ae cen fall tie ast week to the Town Clerk. j t t f ' ' <6 a5 hi wi ' \ ; She will continue to be busy historic county Court Hous®. ] ijjies 21, Pom-poms 7. Roses and although these games. will Applicants should state age, marital. stotus, educetion, exper- as a member .of the Ontario}cshe felt "it might be pul louse 9) -Tylins 16, Violets 7, Pan not moult foi sornts al individ ience and when services would be evaileble. Parks Passe ore and the Ga as a museum sie 17 ial scores the girls may use The usual fringe benefits will be provided. d ab ue ef hich she was pre Its rooms ould. easily oe Scores 175 and over: Marion their banked games as long as Salery commensurate with qualifications. : . pa oi Gea hore. rieiden to that purpose." she Bentley. 205, 233; Marion Brooks they notify the bowling alley of Applicants te reply in own hendwriting and address applice- Ml ake ae to Whitby. in bebe 185; Louise Jac ape 219. their intention at least one hour tions to the undersigned. » > sh te tk { 199 rl 9 ry tat: She has been a nrember, ie mee) See that it 192; Doris Howes 199, 238 before bowling time E.G. Quentrill, A al ginte 10st RIS Be eee YMCA WHITBY LADIES . - Chairman, of -council since 1993, taking wi ked if she would seek A te ace apne Personnel Committes, one and one-half year respit ven asked if sl | CANDY BOWLING LEAGUE w ; from public duties when, she|future re election to council Mr p F the d Alisort Government 405 Dundes St. W., Whitby. i > rie i oints for the day lsorts was out-voted by one vote in a pu eo ig that pase Net ; 0 Gumdrops 0. Humbugs 4 1958 recount depending on CIFCUMSANCEs. | | Beans 4, Life Sovers 1 d ENS an pais Mrs. Burns noted that. to date ony babe : Inspecte fur The Town Hall was built and man of the Property Committee..b nished while she Was cnat counci] for Whitby's com There was a bit of a fight in} memoration of Canada Centen COUNCILLOR JOYCE BURNS -- MAYOR STAN MARTIN deciding on ocation" Mrs.) malin 1967 Z : a 3urns recall But at no time It is to be hoped that w during my term in office was | arrange something special-some MAYOR RETIRE given into just because I was thing extra".she said. She in a woman' dicated that she 'had some Whitby Must Be First \)o0"7 =" which aesthetic problem to the town Concerned with making Stan Martin's Legacy : ideas about what should be done to be voiced at a later date." Councillor Burns -leaves the affairs of the Town of Whitby completely to the males No women sought a Council ber:h {in the last Municipal Election dustrial construction too clos She reiterated: "I was given the centre of the city, and "0 favor, nor was | disdained because |.was a woman. I was Wh attractive piace Burns supports pleasant Mrs industry would She said that she was again Lollipops 3, Maple Buds 1 and Sophie Dilling 522 anovich 513 Grace Sandford 501 no preparations had been made Peppermints 3 GRADE "A" Triples over 500: Alice Hewis 96. Betty Pascoe 683, Goldie H @) G Ss Marshall 584, Muriel McKim 566. Eileen Dalby 538, Rose Peleshok 527. Katie Loyst 524 Whole or Halt Sandra Lab Jean King 503 and lb. 37° Singles over 200: Alice Hewis 295. 258, 243: Betty Pascoe 237 BLUE BRAND 133. 213: Muriel McKim 233 B E E F Eileen Dalby 220, Rose. Pele- shok 220. Goldie Marshall 219 HINDS Ib. 59¢ Evelyn Jeppensen 217, Yvonne FRONTS Ib. 45c Worfolk Pharmacy Bloir Park Plaze - Whitby Cut, Wrapped ond Delivered Ph. 668-8621 D. J. Cawker Phone after 3 P.M Prescriptions - Cosmetics Baby Needs PHONE 668-5700 FOR FREE DELIVERY Open Doily 9 am. te 9 pm Sundeys 12 to 3 EMMANUEL REFORMED REV, GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD CONCESSION WEST OFF HIGHWAY 12 YOUR WHITBY CHURCHES ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN 10:30 AM ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2PM DUTCH SERVICE 7 PM ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) FOR 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE Call WHITBY AREA AMBULANCE SERVICE 668-8642 F i ¢ t tk { t nan F merely a Councillor william Stanie Stan' Mar-.B Mavor Martin disclosed an enlistee at the outset of the spRENGTHEN PATROLS Naturally | am. sad to be presided over his last Coun-'that he would retain Whitby War. He is a former 'Deput TORONTO (CP) Highway... re n-say nothing but et! meeting last nignt esidence and commute to t yovernor of the Kinsman Club jarrois will be increased to eaving can & : ak Lindsay job ind a member: of the Rotary »ayimum strength for the next good things about my fellow Whitby Mayor yr «the 4 *h maximum strength for the ne ouncillors. | thank this Coun ' ' Marty } ' a Counciloe and Depu lub so weeks. J »uis Needham, ur yea > Ma dae EP ved under two pre ; : yes xs 10u ; : il and past ones for making m one ylunt retireme neeve Ne serv ind ¥O { have no apologie myiOntario Provincial Police as 'anuke a happy one Pats ninlit ous mayors. Magistrate Har ou s as Mayol he stated stant. commissioner. said" It th dness and nosta He leave 0 Jermyn, and William Filliot Oh. | know we made our share}day. He said some 800. cruisers. Halas tH e. Perhaps | a 4 , gia tha retir or I th ne c 1 He Via t 9 yf mistakes, but to err is on vill be on the highways foe m4 coming. 4 : Count it Pro Con oat " shall return some day < n oso ounty- Council Prope: u 1 he - ' sage r ee When theo ot sunt SETTLE SUIT Mayor Martin: "I haven't 2\-) } h 0 wee Thin ii mitte when new unty mp d of eve l 4: aS i es ' } naar ae : 3 TORONTO (CP) Heatherjways agreed with Joyce, but 1} Whitby rst Ja was bul As. mayor €) jor that J ever served wi Be , 0 PUES, | if oe sin ooks back with pt ts tk Mae Walker. 19. of suburbanlalways appreciated | and § exatior f oks be ith pride at a-ser- and of ever ie that ever ser ; An ne "3 t P ichm EL ea site : Scarborough. Thursday settled, pected. her viewpoints much that must be done wit es of accomplishm ed under me. And that goes as co. ae . My first { 1 her damage suit a ist a the boundaries of the tow y vst a a I ) Va5 well for a of the Town Ha 1 Pena | : W on' an o ed tart beauty. salon and bleach firm : SS Bie uatie sad growth schedule hs vor $4144. She claimed that the | Family Monuments enough. Th tee 163 Cown he said. (1 at He singled out 'Town Clerkicalon's owner, Paul - Novello does not w us to ¢ t ¢ a , n co hn st stv. ha ee doe : te haat vinced that the town must grow John Fro: Frost } heen! mixed a solution of brand name are a ney Li aaah ie th coi almost-40 years. Ten time air bleach and applied it to} ie a imis a But that growtt ei haan ong I was mayor. He has\per head. It burned off part of} a fart ne as g a ial > Utat Shawl u been a tru set i sey e f Se Soe d w rust begin. steady and: controlled: Any suc oat Be ane 1©@ her ear and part. of her hair eared T6 rtgage, and wa s g ' MAT OMEG. <% 40° to the community as per ont] ning to get b youldnt' J be ger mushrooming would. ¢ vas permanently lost Individual awfully fool » take OF haos LAST MEETING Requirements ; eriye Foon ing CUGOG tem as one of his accon Joyce Burn | defeated Ma CLEANERS LTD. ' bo nent yralts lidate Paul. Coath . JMENTS We, as a Council brought snd Des Newman. His Worship & Shirt Launderers MONUMENTS arrangements of Commiltcs ea the Cou ie the ' FREE Pick-up & Delivery Daily 318 DUNDAS EAST re pi nts 1 urvey ounciu fo i] He to. date "too," he oniinuec me PHONE 668-4341 668-3552 Thes ens g ed 104 rh are now organized, mo 1 feel nostalgia and sadi - nm RELI ba ernized and extren elficie have been around the Mun d a simila step) WaS Ginal Offices jong time. It He made in the modernization of , be difficult. to leave | 1955-1956-- town offices. We set up a del ; this Council. and the one ition of off and dutic THe) or tary ad apo Excelle t Work nga ¥ i go. Excell F Works depa n 10W a sé Councillors and. excellent pec Ree 1 ate entity from the Clerk In 1960 t i sonsible to the Counc Mavor-elect' Warren Mowat) et ef M Mayor Martir 2 years old will pet the same co-operation He wa ot defeated De He married his wife Donna. 3441 am sure he wil I regret AND retired to becom i ears azo. He has a son. Bill. that he will 'not have. the se b ood: and a daughter. Betty, and ces of two voung Couneillo 1 MISE Lindsa also a grandfathe vith-an 11- who have served the town we own busine Whitby. vear-old. grandsor He earned Mr. Coath and Mr.. New Marti Auto ele it the rank of Chief Petty Officer man and Councillor Burns,| vill be ma ine b ) the RCN. which he joined a 1 hope that their (Counc ors Coath and Newman) dg : 4 . feat wil not warrant the BROCK = Whithy | wil Wie giving-up of a_ political AT And hope that Counctllo Evening Shows At Burns will decide to run again n the fulure 6:55 & 8:30 Saturday Matinee 1:30 Hear 15 bolk SONG Greats sing the Hootenanny Hits! An, © A NEW ADVENTURE |B TARZAN AND THE LOST SAFARI HAST TIME is COLOR. / st GORDON SCOTT as THE NEW'TA AN MRE AEA 7 YO ANDE 10% EN GETTA.S) AN WILFRID HYDE WHITE Deputy-Reeve George Brook Thank Mayor Martin. fo. being an-excellent mavor NET EARNINGS CANADIAN PRESS Ltd... yea $24,100,000 $18, 100.000 vou By THE Massey-Ferguson ended Oct. 31, 1963 $1.68 a share, 1962 $1.36 a Canadian Export Gas and OU hare Ltd., six months ended Oct 1963, $284,300 \no comparable figur Harding Carpets Ltd nded O 1) 19Ra SS 7 $3.36, 196 $711,926,° $260 a jshare GLECOFF' SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10.00 P.M. / Corner Byron at St. John eerie REV. JOHN. McLEGG Rev. W. J. S. McClure, BA Sisaciet Minister Kars. We & Summers, A.T.CM Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Organist.» ~ -- 1AM 9.45 AM--Sunday Schoo! Moming Worship 11:00 A.M.---Divine Wership 7PM i G SERVICE Lost - At Bethlehem'" GOSPEL SERVICE a BY.P.U. - 8:15 ursery Care and Junior Bible Schoo! meets ot 948 am Cengregation reer with classes for all ages ST, MARK'S UNITED CHURCR WHITE GIFT SERVICES 9:30 A.M. -- 11:00 A.M We invite you to worship et the hour ef yeur choice. SUNDAY SCHOOL $.15 AM --Junior Intermediate and. Senior Classes will meet in the * Assembly Hall preparatory to White Gift Service 11.900 AM.--Beginners, Kindergarten ond Primary Classes meet in their rooms preporatory to White Gift Service. THE CHRISTMAS PAGEANT 7:30 P.M The Christmas Story will be presented in drama Two idestical services narrative and music Looking for a CHRISTMAS TREAT for all the family? ORDER A RED WING GIFT PACK OF EXTRA FANCY McINTOSH AND CRISP GOLDEN DELICIOUS There's still time to ship Gift Packs for Out-of-Town Friends oom PHONE YOUR ORDER TO 668-3311 Open Mon. to Sat. --- 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. RED" WING ORCHARDS 9:45 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for all ages 11:00 AM--SUBJECT -- "WHY JESUS CAME" Mr. Reg. MacDonald of the Peterborough Bible College 7.00 PM--"THE TONY FONTAINE STORY" Color 'Film, 73 minutes in length Christmas Concert Friday, Dec 20 elegy fe) |... pm WHITBY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH REV. MAXWELL CASE, Minister 307 BROCK ST. N WHITBY FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK ST.N. WHITBY REV, DELOSS M. SCOTT, MINISTER SUNDAY SERVICES 915 AM--" Faith Tidings" Broadcast,-C KiB 9.45 AM--A Bible-Centred Bible School 11:00: A.M.--Morning Worship Service PASTOR'S SERMON Bethlehem ih Anticipation 7.00 PM --"SEEK YE THE LORD" Wednesday Evening 8..00 P.M. Prayer, Praise and Pastor's Bible Class -: OU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT FAITH